N 23 , 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe ST. GEORGE CATHOLIC CHURCH 4980 Heege Road Affton, MO 63123 314-352-3544 At the height of church power in the Middle Ages, popes lived like princes ruling vast earthly domains. That changed in modern times with the rise of secular nations. After Italy united and claimed Rome as its capital in 1870, popes considered themselves “prisoners in the Vatican.” In response to the loss of temporal power, the Feast of Christ the King was instituted to assert Christ’s sovereignty. But Jesus made it clear his Kingdom is not of this world. In our own day, Pope Francis says he longs for a church that is poor. This is the kind of church presided over by Christ the King. Join his realm. T ’ : Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28; Matthew 25:31-46 (160). “Whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” LITURGICAL SERVICES Sunday Masses: Anticipated on Satur days at 4:00pm Sunday mornings: 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00am Holy Day of Obligation: As announced Weekday Masses: 6:00am Wednesday 8:00am Monday thru Saturday Except Thursday this week 9:00 am instead Communion Services: 6:00am Monday, Tuesday, and Friday PARISH STAFF Fr. Thomas Robertson, Pastor Deacon Robert S. Penberthy Deacon Leonard Sisul Mrs. Karen Lebb, Parish Bookkeeper Mr. Ed Haessig, Parish Office Monica Johnson, Parish School of Religion, 352-3544 ext 97 Michael Nigh, Music Director, 498-5150 S R Saturday; 3:00-3:45pm PARISH INFORMATION Rectory Office: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 3:30pm Rectory Phone: (314) 352-3544 Rectory Fax: (314) 832-6916 Website: www.saintgeorgeaffton.com St. Vincent de Paul Help Line: 352-3544 ext. 6 Affton Christian Food Pantry: 352-3544 ext. 5 Adoration Chapel: 352-3544 ext. 7 B D : Articles need to be at the rectory by noon on Monday to be considered. All requests are subject to available space. Bulletin articles may be sent by e-mail to ehaessig@sbcglobal.net H S The front pews - Holy Communion will be distributed at the pew. Contact priest before Mass. W heelchair is available. D Tuesday: Our Lady of the Mir aculous Medal Novena after 8:00am Mass Mass Intentions for the Week Sunday, November 23, 2014 7:00am Parishioners 9:00am Dorothy Dunn 11:00am James Baumann Monday, November 24, 2014 8:00am Harriette Barker Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:00pm Julie Isaak (healing) Wednesday, November 26, 2014 6:00am Cathy Reben 8:00am Mitchell Ganin Thursday, November 27, 2014 9:00am William (dec) & Theresa (liv) Kuturovac Friday, November 28, 2014 8:00am Suffering Souls Saturday, November 29, 2014 8:00am Joseph Mace 4:00pm Vincent & James Winkelman Sunday, November 30, 2014 7:00am Parishioners 9:00am Thomas Turin 11:00am Special Intention Next Sunday’s Readings Ministers of the Liturgy November 29 & 30 Saturday, November 29, 2014 - 4:00pm Servers: Natalie Pistone & Raphael Tomas Lectors: Jan Arbutti Greeters: Dawn Govreau Sunday, November 30, 2014 - 7:00am Servers: Steve Willey Lectors: Ken Gebken Greeters: Carol Blessing Sunday, November 30, 2014 - 9:00am Servers: Ashlyn Finn Lectors: Sandy Brady Greeters: Don & Joan Harbough Sunday, November 30, 2014 - 11:00am Servers: Chandler Young Lectors: Jeanette Mreen Greeters: Cathy Byer Schedule of Events Sunday, November 23, 2014 Parish School of Religion 9:30-10:45am Monday, November 24, 2014 Food Pantry Noon—2:30pm RCIA 7pm Priest house mtg. rm. Parish Council 7pm Parish Ctr. “small room” Tuesday, November 25, 2014 Bible Study 8:30am Priest house mtg. rm. Food Pantry 4-6:30pm Men’s club 7pm Rm #1 November 30, 2014 Thursday, November 28, 2014 Thanksgiving 9:00am Mass First Sunday of Advent, Cycle B Friday, November 28, 2014 Church cleaning after 8 am Mass Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 After faithless wandering, God’s people seek a return to their heritage. Saturday, November 29, 2014 Food Pantry 9:30am-12pm (noon ) Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 God plants the wandering vine, confident that it will turn again. Sunday, November 30, 2014 Parish School of Religion 9:30-10:45am 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 God is faithful, and those who live in grace will enjoy divine fellowship. Mark 13:33-37 Stay alert! An absence is not the same as indifference. 2 Welcome to Saint George Church Contributions shown are for 11/16/2014 Envelopes………………………….....$2464.80 Loose…………………………....…..…$822.00 Maintenance…………………............…$50.00 Envelopes used……………..…………...93 JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Today’s Scriptures We tend to judge ourselves and others using the criteria of comparison, or objective laws. The activity of judging is itself a road best not taken, because God alone has the right to judge. If we want to know the criteria by which we will be judged, the corporal works of mercy hold the key. A broad understanding of the works of mercy will unite us to the compassion of God. We tend to judge ourselves and others using the criteria of comparison, or objective laws. The inner word: What’s in your heart? The corporal works of mercy serve as the basis for many a social ministry program, but it’s not easy day in and out to keep the vision alive. The gospel serves to refresh the memory and the energy, but when your energy flags, look around the room for support. No one can carry the load alone. If you’ve been doing so, get some help! Compassion is the measure by Alice Camille The church year always ends on a downbeat: Judgment! Those aware of the three-year lectionary cycle know that three gospels are used sequentially to illustrate the idea of Christ the King, and all involve the idea of choices freely made, and judgment swiftly rendered. The first is the one we hear today: the straightforward matter of the sheep and the goats. Christ is literally described as the king who sits in judgment over his subjects. A lifetime of compassion is rewarded with compassion from the king. A lifetime of indifference and rejection? Alas, the same! The second gospel for this day is the showdown between Jesus and Pilate in the Jerusalem courts. Is Jesus really a king and if so, does he claim more authority than Pilate, who represents Caesar? Pilate is forced to make a choice about ultimate authority in this world, and so are we. Finally, we have the gospel story about three men being crucified on the same day. One hangs under the accusation: King of the Jews. A second man jeers at the idea of a crucified king, even as he is dying next to him. The third man, also dying, looks at Jesus and recognizes that he really is a king. This story is a third way to describe Judgment Day, the hour when we have to ante up for the game we’ve playing, to show all our cards and declare our position once and for all. (continued in next column) 3 (continued from previous column). Judgment is a good way to end the church year. It’s the way everything ends. At the close a satisfying day, don’t we say: “Wow, that was just perfect, wasn’t it?” At the finish of a difficult day, we also decree: “Glad that’s over! I don’t ever want to go through that again!” We judge movies we see, books we read, leaders leaving office, our employment years at the time of retirement. When sporting events conclude, the real parsing of every aspect of the game just played begins. As wars wind down, libraries fill with military analysis and critique of all players and maneuvers. And what is an obituary or an epitaph but the last word pronounced on the subject of us, the measure of our lives, the ultimate evaluation of our performance? Judgment is how things end. It’s how we end. It’s how the church year comes to its conclusion. If it seems like a downbeat, we might reconsider it as a pre-assessment before the boss comes into town and evaluates each performance in real time. Each church year is a dress rehearsal for eternity. How are we doing in 2014? Better or worse than in 2013? What does that progress or regress tell us about what’s needed for 2015? Christ, King of the Universe, has pronounced mercy the standard by which we’ll prove our loyalty. —Alice Camille Parish Council Monday, November 24, is the last parish council meeting for this parish council. The members have served for three years. The council meets four times a year, unless a special meeting is needed. A new Council is needed. The next meeting of the parish council is scheduled on January 26, 2015. If you would like to serve on the new parish Council, call Fr. Robertson at 352-3544, ext. #1. Bull_tin ^_[^lin_s ov_r th_ Holi^[ys Bulletin for the week starting Information due by 12/21/14 12/10/14 12/28/14 12/16/14 1/4/15 12/22 Sorry for any inconvenience. Printers’ deadlines are pushed up during the holidays. NOVEMBER 23, JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Questions Catholics Ask Did King David compose the psalms? The short answer: certainly not all of them. The iden ty of the composers of the en re Psalter is complex and possibly unknowable. Some 73 of the 150 psalms claim David’s authorship; a few of them are more likely to be by the historical king than others, in the view of most scholars. The Book of Psalms we have today is a compila on reflec ng genera ons of liturgical songwri ng—much like the centuries-long contribu ons to the hymnals we use at Mass today. The Bible tells us David was a shepherd, soldier, lover, and skilled player of stringed instruments. Not every musician writes their own music but in the cycle of stories about David he does chant a few songs: an elegy on the deaths of troubled King Saul and friend Jonathan and another for his general Abner. Psalm 18 is also inserted into the text of 2 Samuel and a ributed as “sung” by David. We also know David danced freely and showed great interest in liturgical ma ers like the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and building a suitable Temple for the Lord. It’s conceivable that a man of his talents and interests might have wri en hymns for ritual use or at least commissioned some to be wri en. David’s patronage may have been enough to render him the godfather of the Book of Psalms. –Alice L. Camille 4 Welcome to Saint George Church Sign and Sacrament What if . . . ? The quote from today’s gospel that begins “just as you did it to one of the least of these . . .” is surely one of the most recognized in scripture. It’s also one of the most misunderstood. If we really understood what Jesus was saying—that Christ is in every single person, including ourselves—and acted accordingly, then our world would be a very different place, to understate the obvious. Instead, we read this passage and mentally nod our heads. But we don’t really believe it, and we certainly don’t act on it with any regularity. What if every person who reads these words spent the next 24 hours behaving as if this were true: that Christ dwells within everyone, no excepons. What might happen? LITURGICAL CALENDAR Next Sunday, we begin the Season of Advent and a New Liturgical Year. Here are some important dates to note. 2014 November 30: December 8: First Sunday of Advent. Begin the Mark Year (cycle B) The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Patronal Feastday of The United States of America) Holy Day of Obligation The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas) Holy Day of Obligation December 25: December 28: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 2015 January 1: January January January January 4: 11: 12: 22: The Octave Day of the Nativity of Our Lord; Solemnity of Mary, Holy Day off Obligation February February March March March March March April April April April April April May May August 18: 22: 8: 15: 19: 22: 29: 2: 3: 4: 5: 12: 19: 17: 24: 15: The Epiphany of Our Lord The Baptism of Our Lord First Week in Ordinary Time Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn Children Day of Penance for the violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion, and of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right of life. The Mass “Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life” Ash Wednesday Catholics (14+) are to abstain from meat, and Catholics (18-59) are to fast. Rite of Election (Enrollment of Names) celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica First Scrutiny of the Elect Second Scrutiny of the Elect Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Solemnity) Third Scrutiny of the Elect Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper (7pm) Friday of the Passion of the Lord (3pm) The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night begins thirty minutes after sundown (7:54 pm ) Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Second Sunday of Easter (or Sunday of Divine Mercy) First Communion P.S.R. (11am Mass) The Ascension of the Lord Sunday Observance Pentecost Sunday Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Solemnity) not a Holy Day of Obligation this year August November November November November 25: 1: 2: 22: 26 Saint Louis of France, patron saint of the Archdiocese of St. Louis All Saints Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe Thanksgiving Day 2016 November December December 5 29 8 25 First Sunday of Advent The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Holy Day of Obligation Holy Day of Obligation The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) NOVEMBER 23, JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Marriage Encounter 2014-2015 Annual Give the gift that keeps on giving for the rest of your life as a happily married couple! The holidays are a perfect time to consider making a gift of a Marriage Encounter weekend to each other. National Night of Prayer for Life Uniting the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with the Feast of St. Juan Diego 9PM Dec. 8th (Monday) to 1AM Dec. 9th (Tuesday) The National Night of Prayer for Life bridges these two feasts to honor Our Blessed Mother and to pray for the sanctity of all human life. A vigil will start at 9PM in our Church with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, 20 decades of the Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, prayer to St. Michael and meditation. Confession will start at 10PM. The vigil will conclude with Benediction followed by midnight Holy Mass. Those who cannot attend a vigil in Church are encouraged to pray at home sometimes during the vigil hours. Every person praying in unity is important. Advent Day of Recollection Retreats provide the soul with renewed graces, certainly needed in today’s world, to keep us faithful and striving for sanctity. This year, treat yourself to a day away from the hustle and bustle and prepare for the God who waits for you. Join Archbishop Robert Carlson and the clergy and parishioners of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis for an Advent Day of Recollection on Saturday, December 6, 2014. The day begins at 10:00 a.m., and includes two spiritual conferences led by Archbishop Carlson. Each conference will be followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The day will end with evening vespers at 4:30 p.m. and the celebration of Mass at 5:00 p.m. All conferences and prayer will be held in the Cathedral Basilica, with a hot lunch provided for all in Boland Hall. This special gathering is free (good will offerings to help offset the cost of lunch will be gratefully accepted). Though a free event, organizers request advance registration to properly prepare worship materials and set up for lunch. To register or for additional information, please contact Laura Welcome to Saint George Church 6Voegelie at 314-373-8208. Call 314.469.7317 or visit www.stl -wwme.org to register for the December 5-7, 2014 or February 6-8, 2015 weekend. Regina Caeli Academy is currently accepting applications for the 2015-16 academic year for our potential resource center in St. Louis. Please visit our website at www.rcahybrid.org and choose the Apply link to begin your family application. Our program serves Prek-3 12th grade students. Students attend university style classes taught using the Socratic method two days per week and are home schooled the remaining days. RCA provides a highly structured environment to support the values of the Catholic faith taught in the home. We use the Mother Of Divine Grace Classical Curriculum. Our mission is family-centered, grounded in the Magisterium, and devoted to excellence in classical education. Tours are available Monday and Thursday by appointment. For more information please contact Nikki Hand at 678-294-6321. St. Matthias Catholic Church November 29 Craft Fair 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Raffles - Concession Stand - Baked Goods - Free Gift Wrapping Country Style Dinner 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Choice of Chicken & Dumplings or Polish Sausage & Sauerkraut Two sides, rolls, drinks $8 adults; $4 ages 6-12 Carry outs available Call the Parish Office 314-892-5109 for Dinner information Free Electronic Recycling 8:00 - 11:00 am All electronics and accessories are accepted. Limit one old tube type TV per vehicle. Call the Parish Office 314-892-5109 for Recycling information Juanita Fernandez Paula Fischer Kathy Gallagher Caroline Garcia Thomas George Duke Ajemian Betty Graceffa Al Anthony Margaret Antonic Donna Gratza Larry Griffin, Sr. June Baraba Jane Grote Dolores Bazzetta Janette Haller Joe Benz Pam Hardebeck Sug Beier James Harris Katie Bloss Jesse Harris Michael Boehm Mary Ellen Bown John Hivner Betty Holjevic Ruth Brown Arline HollenJoan Buchmann baugh Cathy Byer Rose Hook Colin Byington Donovan Byington Toni Horst Eileen Immken Laura Camp Ruth Intagliata Marie Cassani Julie Isaak Mrs. Castellano Bonnie Chapman Marge Johnson Cynthia Kahn Joshua Cilufo George Knapstein Dottie Coleman Ann Koch Jerome Coleman Pat Lake John Coleman Art Lampe Mason Cook Evelyn Lampe Bob Counts Evelyn Lassa Joseph Curran Sandy Lebbing Julie Devlin Al Leifeld Mary Dillon Betty LeMatty John Dirkers Eileen Linder Jim Doerr Joe Lonero Lilia Doerr Janet Lydon Mary Dougherty Ron Macke Helen Eiserle Rose Macher Suzanne Elder Mary Beth Ericson Marie Ann Mayer Anne McGowan Shirley Melber Barbara Mena Marie Merlotti Jennifer Murphy Lucille Neri Thao Nguyen John Nieman Emma O’Brien Eleanor O’Kelly Wilhelimina Ortmann Donna Payne Sophia Piotrowski Kathleen Politte Tom Pollard Sr. Agnes Pratt Lawrence Puffer Edward Richter Dennis F. Robertson Nancy Rolfes Shirley Rosso Helen Rueffer Georgia Saffa John Schifko Sharon Schmidt Russel Smith Kathryn Sonderman Joan Torretta Ken Toretta Anne Vigil Evelyn Weilbaecher Chorlisha West Melba White Theresa Winkeler Alan Young Bradley Young St. Louis Lifeteen Attention all highschoolers! There will be NO Saint Louis Life Teen meeting this Wednesday, November 26th because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Enjoy the time with your families, and we will look forward to seeing you on December 3rd from 7-9pm at Bishop DuBourg High School for a youth mass & social! Check out saintlouislifeteen.org for more details or contact Lauren at 314.288.8873 or lauren@saintlouislifeteen.org with any questions. 7 St. Vincent De Paul Society Thanksgiving Day Collection: Once again, the Society will be collecting food after the Thanks Giving Day Mass ..... Please bring your items to the front of Church for the celebration. Free-will cash donations will also be accepted during the Offertory collection to support the St. Vincent DePaul Society efforts. Saint George/Saint Vincent De Paul Giving Tree Program: The Society will be hanging ornaments on the tree in the back ves bule for those who would like to parcipate star ng this weekend of November 22. We have iden fied over 30 families in need this year. Items should be new and wrapped for the holidays. We would like all offerings returned by noon on December 14th. For ques ons or more details please call the hot line at 352-3544 ext. 43. Thank you for your generosity. Girl Scout Fundraiser "The High School Girl Scouts of St. Dominic Savio will be participating in their annual Nuts and Candy Fundraiser this weekend, November 22 and 23, after the 4:00, 9:00, and 11:00 Masses. The girls will be in the breezeway and would love your support! Some packages of nuts or candy start at as little as $5." LAST WEEK BIRTHRIGHT CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR SALE This is the last weekend to purchase Birthright Christmas Cards after all masses in the breezeway. When existing resources cannot adequately address the expectant mother's needs, Birthright does provide financial assistance, legal advice and medical care. The Adoration Chapel of St. George needs more committed adorers. There are currently 11 open hours that must be filled, Sunday 1am, 12pm, Monday, 12am, 1am, 2am, 3am; Friday, 12am, 9am & 1pm; Saturday 12am & 10pm Call Kay Brillhart at 631.3679 or Olga Leonard at 351.3853 if you can commit to these or any other hour. NOVEMBER 23, JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE “A COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR” UNION & WEBER AUTOCARE 645 Union Road Free Delivery With this Ad Southern Floral Shop Electronic Tune-ups - Alignment, Tires, Brakes and Batteries JAN ARBUTTI, Parishioner 353-7400 Owner: Mark Milles HTTP://WWW.SOUTHERNFLORAL.COM/ (314) 631-8947 SALES & SERVICE Vince Graye Slate & Tile Roofing Co. Inc. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Heating & Cooling Service 314-487-1819 Since 1904 vincegrayeroofing.com HEATING • COOLING auto home health life Robert Seay business Senior Medicare Specialist long term 9700 Mackenzie, Suite 101, Saint Louis, Missouri 63123 care FUNERAL HOME 2906 GRAVOIS 772-3000 10151 GRAVOIS 842-4458 5255 LEMAY FERRY 894-4500 Phone: 314-752-2500 • Cell 314-707-1913 Sherbrooke Village and The Lodge • Skilled Nursing Center Located at • Residential & Assisted Living Apartments Ripa and Union in • Outpatient & Short Term Inpatient Rehab south St. Louis County • Alzheimer’s Care & Hospice • Wellness Club for area Seniors 544-1111 We make a difficult choice easier. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP HAPPY PRO HANDYMAN Plumbing • Electrical Drywall • Painting Tile • Flooring General Handyman Work Friendly, Fast and Guaranteed! ASK FOR PARISHIONER DISCOUNT ........... ........... 636-529-8200 www.happyprohandyman.com TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months • Free Delivery • Flu Shots • Family Owned Dane Huxel 314-638-3535 Auto • Home Life • Health By Fortel’s in Affton! 9907 Gravois Rd. SUNDAY St. Louis, MO 63123 BUFFET (1 Mile East of Grant’s Farm) 9-2 314-631-1800 8025 Mackenzie @ Heege www.AskDane.net 752-4601 For Non State Farm Customers, get a quote and mention this ad, Dane will donate $10.00 to St. George Covenant Network 1460 AM Supporter $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB For further information, please call the Parish Office. Personal Counseling and Psychiatry Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling 9200 Watson Rd., G-101 St. Louis, MO 63126 314-544-3800 / www.cfsstl.org THE FAULSTICH LAW FIRM St. George parishioners serving all of your legal needs for 25 years, including wills and other estate planning documents Contact us about FREE casket afaulstich@stlfamilylawattorney.com 7027 Gravois Avenue 4830 Lemay Ferry Road 314.260.7823 St. Louis, Missouri 63116 St. Louis Missouri, 63129 ROGER RICHIE PRESIDENT/OWNER (314) 352-2600 314-894-8444 www.JLZfuneralhome.com 7777 Bonhomme #1600 St. Louis, MO 63105 ADVERTISING He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers. Advertising here helps your parish www.jspaluch.com & your business. SINAK PLUMBING CO. NEW - REPAIR - REMODEL email: bradyd@jspaluch.com Call Dan Brady 1300 SOUTH LACLEDE STATION RD. (314) 968-1340 Est. 1929 251400 St George Catholic Church 800.945.6629 Lic. #p8960 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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