TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK 621 Getzville Road • Buffalo, NY 14226 • (716) 838-3232 November 2014 DANIEL ASIA TO VISIT ON NOVEMBER 5 Western New York will have a special opportunity on Wednesday, November 5th at 7:30 pm to hear celebrated American composer Daniel Asia present a program entitled “Breath in a Ram’s Horn: The Jewish Spirit in Classical Music.” Daniel Asia is one of a few composers who function in both the performance and academic worlds. His five symphonies, piano and cello concerti, and chamber and solo compositions (more than 85 published compositions) have been internationally recorded on more than a dozen CDs and his compositions have been performed by more than twenty orchestras in the US and abroad in venues including Carnegie Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall (South Bank) in London and throughout Europe and Asia. He was Composer-in-Residence of the Phoenix Symphony and is currently Professor of Composition and head of the Composition Department at the School of Music at the University of Arizona. He received his BA from Hampshire College and his MM from the Yale School of Music and was a recipient of a UK Fulbright award, a Guggenheim Fellowship and numerous other prizes and awards. Daniel Asia is believed to be the only classical composer in America who is an active and identified Jew. He says: “People ask me, ‘Is your music Jewish?’ Of course it is, I grew up Jewish. ‘Is it American?’ Of course! I grew up American.” Described as a composer of what might be considered an oxymoronic genre - modern classical music - Asia calls himself a "neo-romantic," whose work reflects a love of the classical tradition as well as his early time as a jazz musician. For many years, his music has explored Jewish texts and themes. His album Of Songs and Psalms: Symphony No. 5, was commissioned for Israel's 60th birthday and used religious texts and translations of the renown Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai. Cheshvan ~ Kislev 5775 Prof. Asia’s program “Breath in a Ram’s Horn: The Jewish Spirit in Classical Music” examines the influences of biblical sources like the music of the Temple service, the psalms and Torah cantillation on classical music. He writes that, “while Judaism is many things, including a peoplehood and a culture, it is most importantly, a religion, a belief system. At the center of this belief system is the desire to approach the one God. Living with God is achieved through many avenues, first in belief, in the following of the mitzvot, in the study of Torah in its largest sense, and certainly in praise of God. Like Judaism, it seems to me that classical music is another system that allows us to approach and praise God; perhaps it is one of the most important pathways to God.” “Music and prayer are really both metaphors then for understanding and experiencing our lives in relationship to the mystery of the universe, and our relationship to the Creator” says Asia. Professor Asia describes the ability of classical music to tell a story over time as musically "sacred" moments are preceded by "profane" moments. He explains that instead of getting the quick "high" of a musical hook, you must first invest energy in paying close attention to what's happening in the musical world around you. Then, when the sacred moments arrive, they are that much more profound. Gesher students shake the lulav Andy Symons leads Gesher students in song Judaism and Sexuality Hear the Shofar! We all look to The Shofar, our monthly Temple Beth Tzedek newsletter for information about current issues and happenings in our TBT community—The Shofar helps to keep us well-informed and connected. In addition to the traditional paper and ink printed as well as the environmentally friendly on-line versions of our monthly newsletter, Temple Beth Tzedek continues to make available audio-recordings of The Shofar, for any member upon request. It must be acknowledged with great appreciation that Rachel Anderson has been the voice of The Shofar during the summer of 2014. She recorded the June, July and August editions of The Shofar with her distinguished British accent. Todah Rabah! Yasher Koach! Please let us know if you too would like to participate in making audio-recordings of the newsletter. New volunteers are always welcome and your participation would be appreciated. Contact the TBT office (716-838-3232) or Sharla Bleichfeld (716-688-5296) to volunteer to make recordings or to request an audio-recording of The Shofar for yourself or for someone that you know would want one. 2 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar Please join us at Temple Beth Tzedek on Sunday evening, November 9, at 7:30 pm for an exciting and dynamic discussion on Judaism and Sexuality. One of the main topics will be same sex marriage within the Conservative Movement. Rabbi Netter has written a moving, thoughtful and ground-breaking Teshuvah on this crucial issue. He examines Leviticus as well as other sections of the Torah and Talmud to bring us new and fresh insights and clarification. We are extremely excited and proud to address this topic as Temple Beth Tzedek has always been in the forefront of welcoming and including all Jews. This is just one more example of our dedication to embracing our entire community. There will be a question and answer period and light refreshments will be served. This program is free and open to the community. For further information contact the Temple office at 838-3232 or Lynne Birnholz, Program Chair at 689-6837. From the . . . Cholent A look backwards; a look forward. One of my highlights at the end of the long day of Yom Kippur is the final blast of the Shofar at the end of Neilah. The cacophony of blasts coming from a variety of shofarot some very high pitched, some very low pitched, and everything in between; some blown by children, some blown by seniors, and everything in between – is a great moment of religious theatre. Hearing the long blast of the final tekiyah gedolah wash over us is a profound moment of wordless prayer. Even more fun is the annual contest to see who can hold the tekiyah gedolah the longest. Normally, I would not allow this display of bravado for the blowing of the shofar. Truth be told, there are strict rules for blowing the shofar. There is only supposed to be one shofar blower, so that there is no possibility of confusion in hearing the blasts. The length of each of the blasts is determined by the tekiyah. The uninterrupted blast of the tekiyah, which lasts about 3 or 4 seconds, is followed by the three notes of the shevarim, or broken blasts, which last the length of a tekiyah, which in turn is followed by the 9 or 13 staccato blasts of the teruah, which also lasts the length of a tekiyah. The tekiyah gedolah is supposed to be only the length of three tekiyot. A tekiyah gedolah is not supposed to be an opportunity for the shofar blower to demonstrate how long he or she can hold the breath under water. But for Neilah, at the end of the 25 hours of Yom Kippur, I think it is very powerful to have a choir of shofarot on the bimah - some large shofarot, some small shofarot, and everything in between; some high pitched, some low pitched, and everything in between; some blown by children, some blown by seniors, and everything in between. For the past few years, Erin Lippa has been the reigning champion of the longest tekiyah gedolah. This year, Erin and I – who have had a mean rivalry over the past few years – ended our tekiyot at exactly the same moment. I declared a tie, and was very happy and proud of both of us. But then someone pointed out to me something that escaped me in the moment: after I called for the tekiyah gedolah, I took a deep breath and began to blow. Erin, on the other hand, had already filled her bottomless lungs as I was calling for the tekiyah gedolah, and therefore began to blow before I did. Which means… ERIN LIPPA RETAINS HER TEKIYAH GEDOLAH CROWN! She beat me by a few seconds. Mazal tov, Erin. Enjoy your year as the continuing reigning champion. But beware of next year. I’m coming after you. POT Speaking of this coming year, I want to try once again to inspire, cajole, perhaps guilt, a large cadre of people who would like to learn how to give a d’var Torah on either Friday night or Shabbat morning. One of my Talmud professors maintained that one never knows anything as well as when you have to teach it. You will never understand a piece of Torah as well as when you have to use it as the basis for a drash. Therefore, I want to invite you to join me on Wednesday night, November 12th, at 7:30 pm for a synagogue skills workshop. I’m calling it: How to be a Gabbai; How to Write a Drash. I will be revealing a lot of trade secrets that night. If you come to the workshop, you will be able to step up your game and participate in our synagogue services on a much deeper level. Will I see you on the 12th? I know I will see you in shul. Perry Netter, Rabbi USY Fall Kallah November 21-23 At Temple Beth Tzedek Join USY for a weekend of “Tzafon Meets World,” filled with the amazing fun and friendships of USY. Services will be led by USYers from Utica to Albany to Syracuse to Rochester to Buffalo and everywhere in between. Programming will be led by USY and the youth advisors. This convention is themed after the TV show Boy Meets World. USY will sleep at the synagogue on Friday night and we will need help housing the attendees on Saturday night, with each home housing a minimum of two USYers. Please email Sharyn Weinfurtner at sharyn01@roadrunner.com. We look forward to sharing the weekend with you!!!!! SAVE THE DATE! With Chanukah in mind, Temple Beth Tzedek Kesher Outstretched Arm will be hosting a festive event on Sunday morning, December 14, 2014. Think—Latkes, Music, Dreidles, Friends & Fun! People of all ages and abilities are encouraged to participate. Volunteers will be needed to help with preparations. For more information contact: Lynne Birnholz ~ 689-6837 or Sharla Bleichfeld ~ 688-5296. Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 3 This is that time of year again. What time is that did you ask? Time when trees have lost their leaves, changes in outdoor temperature, wondering when we will have the first snowfall but most of all it is RUMMAGE time. Our sale will begin on Monday, November 10 and run until Wednesday, November 12. There is a small admission fee on Monday, no charge on Tuesday and Wednesday is BAG DAY – all you can fit into a bag for $2.00. Designer Room items are priced separately. A tour of the basement will take you through books for adults and children, electrical appliances – all in working order dvds, cds, vcr and cassette tapes, a toy room (child must be accompanied by an adult), jewelry, Judaica, men’s wear, ladies clothing, children’s wear, housewares, linens, coats, accessories and the famous Designer Room. We have some of everything and what is not purchased during the sale is DONATED to City Mission. They in turn distribute items to their clients at City Mission and Haven House. Everyone involved in the rummage sale is performing a mitzvah. A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone and a Yasher Koach to CAROLYN KERSHANBAUM, rummage chairperson ably assisted by Elaine Brothman. The list of volunteers is too long to list here – without forgetting someone - so to everyone involved this is for you – THANK YOU- THANK YOU- THANK YOU. WOMEN’S HEALTHCARE SYMPOSIUM Lisa Benson MD Board Certified Internal Medicine and Medical Acupuncture Presents “The Body Mind Connection” Dr. Benson will explore the concept of the Mind- Body connection as it pertains to the experiences of pain, anxiety and activities of daily life through her knowledge of both Eastern and Western medical practice. December brings us to our Chanukah meeting which always includes homemade latkes by our sisterhood ladies. Our program will be announced shortly and save the date – Tuesday, December 16, 11:30 – 2:00. Temple Beth Tzedek, 621 Getzville, NY 14226 Plan on joining us as we travel to Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas, DeWitt, NY near Syracuse for our Regional Spring Conference. It will be held on Sunday, April 26 – Monday, April 27. The conference is open to all sisterhood members. We are excited to announce that Rita Wertlieb, Immediate Past President of WLCJ will be our consultant. We are also looking forward to a presentation by Rabbi Lilly Kaufman, Director of Torah Fund. Of Blessed Memory Our sisterhood is part of the International Northeast Region of WL. We have sisterhoods in Ontario (not just Toronto) and Montreal as well as central and western NY. We have 18 sisterhoods in our region and are proud to have Linda Steinhorn as the Region President. We also have Ilene Scheib, Carolyn Kershanbaum and Rusty Zackheim on our region board. Thank you to everyone who participated in our October program on Women’s Health, especially to the members of the Social Action Committee who shared this program with us. We look forward to the next joint program on December 7, continuing Women’s Health issues. Shalom, Rusty Zackheim, President 4 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar Dedicated to Dr. Linda Brodsky Jointly Sponsored by Social Action and Sisterhood Bagel Brunch Advance Ticket $10.00 At the Door $12.00 Sunday, Dec 7th 10 – 12 Reservations by: Nov 26th Open to the Community SOCIAL ACTION The second Ezrat Nashim program was held on Sunday October 12th at 7:30 pm. As the evening was fairly chilly we decided to move the program indoors to the Minyan Café. Close to 40 people attended the program and we were very pleased to welcome 6 men to our women’s court. Ellen Lippa opened with a very interesting and informative Torah study on the Festival of Sukkot. It’s amazing how often you The Honorable Lisa Bloch Rodwin can study a subject and still learn something new. Thank you, Ellen. The next item on our agenda was The Honorable Lisa Bloch Rodwin presenting “Behind the scenes in Family Court – What really goes on behind the courtroom doors!” Judge Rodwin gave a truly interesting and inspiring talk on the many challenges that are faced in Family Court every day. She shared with us the different agencies available to help abused children, spousal, sexual, drug, and elder abuse. Incidentally, elder abuse is the more challenging to help as elderly people are extremely reluctant to talk about their circumstances for fear that they will lose their independence. We were told that every one of us in the room at some time knew of someone in crisis. We were urged to reach out in a nonjudgmental way and support that person. Judge Rodwin gave us examples of nonjudgmental things we can say to a person in crisis to open a dialogue with them and offer help. Something as simple as offering to listen or to offer to mind the children to give the person time for themselves and to just be a friend. In closing Judge Rodwin gave us information on three agencies that in her opinion are invaluable, and due to recent Government cutbacks are more reliant on volunteers than ever before. If you are interested in volunteering at one of these agencies, or would like to make a donation please contact Rachel Anderson at: rachela_444@hotmail.com for more information, or pick up a brochure from the temple office. Social Action is also engaged in organizing a community wide drive with a twist, and the twist is: A competition between all religious organizations in Amherst who sign up to create a construction from donated canned items and package goods. The construction does not have to be a building. Social Action has invited the Pre USY group to be in charge of the construction for TBT and they have accepted the challenge. Way to go Pre USY! There are only a few rules and regulations. I am grateful to my committee member Pam Cohen for bringing this idea to the table. It will be fun to watch our construction grow. It is a nice way to bring multiple faiths together in one project with a friendly competition. We expect to get good publicity from it and we hope to find an impartial local dignitary to judge the exhibits. To me it sounds like a win – win – win. Ezrat Nashim attendees listening intently to the powerful presentation by Family Court Judge the Honorable Lisa Bloch Rodwin and the informative D’var Torah delivered by Ellen Lippa Another major program in collaboration with Sisterhood, is commencing in October and running through May. A program on Women’s Health with support from local doctors. The program is being dedicated to Dr. Linda Brodsky, of blessed memory. Watch for the first flyer. In late spring, Social Action would like to hold a Community Day offering: paper shredding, car wash (by USY), unused medicine drop off, small appliance drop off.… We are considering opening this to the community. If you have further suggestions in this area please drop us a line at: Rachela_444@ Hotmail.com. Thank you Linda Boxer for the suggestion and for committing your membership committee to collaborate with Social Action. We welcome any other committee to join us. Social Action is a dynamic group of people making a difference to the lives of so many. In recent months we have increased our teams that work with the Friends of the Night people from 3 teams to five. In the New Year we need to find a replacement for one of our teams for the Food Pantry. If you can commit to one evening every other month please contact me. This week we were able to take a generous donation of home grown organic apples from Eva Blum’s garden. Thank you, Eva. Last week I made a donation of fruits and vegetables. If you would like to make a hands on difference to our community, why not come and join us. We meet most months. If you are not attending too many meetings but would like to participate in one of our many programs, give us a holler. We’ll be glad to put you to work and we’d appreciate your ideas as well. Social Action is open to all members of Temple Beth Tzedek. Respectfully submitted by: Rachel Anderson, Social Action Chair Allentown Award Winning Artist David Manny Professional Graphic Design & Fine Art Commercial & Residential placement OVER 30 Years Experience By Appt: 716.471.1764 www.BUFFALOTREASURES.com Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 5 6 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar Confirmation Bottle Return Fundraiser This year the Confirmation class is trying to give back to the Temple funds that have helped us to go on our Jewish Toronto trip and our upcoming Jewish New York trip. We are having a Bottle Return Fundraiser in order to achieve this. All returnable bottles are acceptable (plastic bottles, glass bottles, and pop cans). Please bring the bottles in a plastic bag to temple and place a label that can be found in the main office or the school office on the bag and place the bag in the back hall near the kitchen in the designated box or you can drop the bottles off at one of the recycle centers listed below. Help save the planet one can at a time and help us achieve our goal. Millersport Recycling Grover Cleveland Plaza 803 Millersport Hwy Buffalo, NY 14226 ( 716) 222-2833 Hours: M-F 9:00 - 5:00 OR Integrity Container Recycling Sheridan Parkhurst Plaza 2790 Sheridan Drive Tonawanda NY 14150 716-949-2458 Hours: M-F 10:00 – 6:00 GESHER It sure is the season for giving thanks...and at Gesher we have a lot for which to be thankful. First, I want to thank our teaching staff: Lori Morrison for Mishpacha, Talia Berkowitz and Ilana Spector for K-2, Orna McNamara for grades 3-4, Fern Bernstein and Alyssa Strang for grades 5-7, Brittany Morrison for resource, and Miriam Silkes for special needs. These teachers are truly gifted and dedicated. Thank you to Rabbi Netter, Cantor Spindler, Executive Director Joseph Enis, School Administrator Lori Morrison,the Youth Education Committee, and parent volunteers. Each, within their own realm, ensures the smooth running of the school. I am thankful for our music teacher, Andy Symons – my hubby! -- who really brings ruach to our school and has been instrumental in the success of the holiday programs put on by Gesher and Outstretched Arm. Also, I thank Lital Liberty for her energy and enthusiasm in her Hebrew 'chug' on Tuesdays. Please consider joining the Gesher school on November 14th for a Friday night service led by the students. Einav Symons WELCOME Temple Beth Tzedek is pleased to welcome new members to our congregational family! Miriam & Samuel Abramovich, Zelda & Oz Ellen & Alan Bernstein Barbara & Mark Chazen, Zachariah Edward Cohen Nancy Cohen Kristen Curtis, Paul Marcia & Dennis Gutfeld Jordana Halpern, Jered & Benjamin Gail Jagoda Renee and John Kennelly Susan Kleiman Maya & Michael Landberg Jeffrey Lapides Ellen Lettman Michal & Shai Lewis, Sarah & Talia Katharine Morrison Iris & Reuven Moser, Eli & Victoria Natalie Kokotow & Aaron Shagar, Ethan & Lily Alyssa & Colin Strang Robin & Thomas Weed, Emily & Charles David Burstein, O.D. • Comprehensive eye exams • Specially trained in treating eye disease • Contact lens specialist • Fashion eyewear QUALITY CARE AT A PERSONAL LEVEL Amherst 224 Plaza Drive Hopkins near Klein 668-8127 Kenmore 924 Kenmore Avenue 876-2020 Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 7 TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK YAHRZEITS Contributions are gratefully acknowledged for the following: Rose Abraham Morris Altman Sally Bader Lois Bagel Gertrude Baron George Benson Lillian Benson Blanche Bernstein Roza Beyder Marci Birzon Ruth Block Morris Brooks Sam Brotz Harry Bruck Benjamin Cantor Herb Cantor Hilda Capell Siegfried Capell Frances Chertoff Edith Cohen Jack Cohen Samuel Cohen Stanley Cohen Evelyn Davis Sareve Dukat Sara Eisen Milton Engel Jeanette Erenstoft Edith Fenston Stephen Feig Meyer Fish Libby Friedland Michel Gebelev Morris Gendler Irving Gorsky Cantor Charles Gudovitz Tillie Gudovitz Arthur Guterman Irene Hoffman 8 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar Pearl Hoffman Stephen Hoffman William Hoffman Tolic Jankielowicz Louis Judelsohn Gary Kahn Samuel Katz Zinaida Kazhdan Samuel Kershanbaum Thomas Knipfing William Kolkowicz Barbara Kramer Abraham Kurland Hilda Kurland Bryant Kurtzman Beatrice Levine Sara Lifshits Rose Lipman Lillian Lipsitz Larry Macoff Sheila Macoff Sarah Mann Tyrus McLanahan Bernard Meizlik Meyer Mesch Morris Mesch Albert Miller Ruth Miller Vivian Miller Warren Mitofsky Philip Niles William Norman Ruth Oshlag Joseph Paul Beatrice Pincus Minnie Platt Abraham Polak Ida Polak Jennie Presser Harry Rachlin Milton Reingold Pauline Reingold Maurice Rickler Miriam Brotz Rosenberg Herbert Ross Judy Schatz Fannette Schwartz Jack Segal Matthew Segarnick Joseph Serure Fred Shalwitz, M.D. Harry Shalwitz Lena Shalwitz Janie Shumaker Sharon Silbiger Bertha Silverberg Atta Rae Sitrin Gabriel M. Sitrin Benjamin Smith Mollie Smith Sanford Snapp Edward Sorotsky David Sultz James Thayer Gloria Vlosky Kenneth Wagner Renee Wahrman Dorothy Wallach Joyce Weiner Baruch Weisbrot Sidney Williams Ethel Wilson Bernard Winer Daniel R. Winer Joan Wolfgang Bernard Yachnin Charlotte Zeckleman Bernard Zeldner Lillian Ziff WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS THE FOLLOWING TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CONTRIBUTIONS Charles and Molly Amsterdam Memorial Fund In Honor of: Rachel Anderson's Extraordinary Leadership of Social Action Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Charles and Molly Amsterdam Memorial Fund In Memory of: Mindy Gewurz Ludwig Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Anne & Harry Barney Fund In Memory of: Gertrude Weissman Suzanne Barney Joseph Bengart Library Endowment Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Joseph Bengart Steven Bengart Anne Bernstein Memorial Fund In Honor of: Dr. Joel Bernstein's Shabbat Shuvah D'var Torah Ellen & Alan Bernstein Leon Komm's Successful Temple Presidency Ellen & Alan Bernstein Anne Bernstein Memorial Fund In Memory of: Allen Lebowitz Ellen & Alan Bernstein Isabelle Mankoff Joel & Sheila Bernstein Irwin Davis Memorial Fund In Honor of: Carol Davis Being Named Kallah B'reishit Eric & Judy Davis In Appreciation of Kesher Bags Lilly Pleskow Carol Davis Being Named Kallah B'reishit Ilene Levine In Appreciation of Outstretched Arm Dr. & Mrs. Richard Laub Carol Davis Receiving an Honor Gert Bacol & Bernie Engel Oustretched Arm Sukkot Program Daniel & Ida Serure Freddie & Beverly Isenberg's 50th Anniversary Eric & Judy Davis Speedy Recovery of Myra Werbow Lynne & Alan Birnholz Helen Ablove Full & Speedy Recovery of Phyllis Ehrlich Eric & Judy Davis In Appreciation of the Holidays Myrna & Howard Levine Irwin Davis Memorial Fund In Memory of: Allen Lebowitz Ilene Scheib Dvorah Joseph Carol Davis Ilene Levine Lisa Bloch Rodwin Education Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Dr. Noel Simmons Bobbie Simmons and Family Leon Fields Roz & Harvey Podolsky Sandi Ida Miesik Glickstein Kesher Fund In Memory of : Frank Zeplowitz Arlene Rossen, Ellen & Sandy Insabelle Mankoff & In Appreciation of the Steinhorn Family Pam, Steve, Scott, Marc Cohen & Howard, Donna, Robert, Shelby, Leigh Mankoff Isabelle Mankoff Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus Rachel Anderson Mark L. Josephson Torah Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Max Brownstein Esther Brownstein Kassirer Family Minyan Room Fund In Honor of: In Gratitude of Michael & Susan Hyman Arlene Rossen, Ellen & Sandy Leon Fields Ellen & Alan Bernstein Mindy Gewurz Ludwig Fern & Steve Bernstein Sharon & Ariel Kostiner Armand & Lori Morrison Building Fund - In Observance of the Yahrzeit of: Will Norman Ruth Norman Muriel Goodman's Sister Roz & Harvey Podolsky Kassirer Family Minyan Room Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Birthday and Yahrzeit of Joe Snitzer Tinka Lendner Floral Fund In Memory of: Pauline Rosokoff Roz & Herb Weiss Richard S. Kulick Memorial Fund In Honor of: Happy New Year to Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Kulick Diana Becker Sandi Ida Miesik Glickstein Kesher Fund In Honor of: Appreciation of Beautiful and Sweet New Year Package from Kesher Ben Hirsh Richard S. Kulick Memorial Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Phyllis Goldman Peggy and Deborah Kulick & Jennifer Rosenbaum Herbert Ross Edith & Mendy Fine Edith & Joel Cohen Memorial Fund In Memory of: Gloria Atlas Phyllis Sigel Sylvia & Louis Cooper Fund In Memory of: Gertrude Weissman Karen & Allan Cooper Miriam Hoffman Karen & Allan Cooper Appreciation of Kesher Ilene Levine Edie Teibel's Birthday Lillian Gerstman & Jen Klein � Amdur Library Fund In Honor of: Carol Davis Being Named Kallah B'reishit Stu & Jane Fischman Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 9 WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS THE FOLLOWING TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CONTRIBUTIONS Harry Sperer's 105th Birthday Sandy Perlmuter Harvey & Nancy Schiller's 65th Anniversary Stu & Jane Fischman Mel Brothman Being Named Chatan Torah Stu & Jane Fischman Klein - Amdur Library Fund In Memory of: Allen Lebowitz Stu & Jane Fischman Dvorah Joseph Stu & Jane Fischman Ilene Scheib Gloria Atlas Edna Kielar Harlan Abbey Jerome & Judith Carrel In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Harry Bachman Lillian Hirschfeld Isabelle Mankoff Jerry & Judy Carrel Pauline Rosokoff Dr. Kenneth & Barbara Kushner Max & Rose Linsky Memorial Fund In Memory of: Franklin Zepowitz The Linsky Family Henrietta Steinberg Music Fund In Honor of: Freddie & Beverly Isenberg's 50th Anniversary Betty R. Miller Henrietta Steinberg Music Fund In Memory of: Isabelle Mankoff & In Appreciation of Cantor Spindler Pam, Steve, Scott, Marc Cohen & Howard, Donna, Robert, Shelby, Leigh Mankoff Ritual Fund In Honor of: Adam Traister Becoming a Bar Mitzvah Ilene Levine Freddie & Beverly Isenberg's 50th Anniversary Sandy & Joe Scheff 10 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund In Memory of: Dvorah Joseph The Lustig Family Pearl and Nathan Sterman Memorial Fund In Honor of: Bob Saffer's Special Birthday James Sterman & Gina Rose Sterman Bruce S. Rein Memorial Fund In Memory of: Allen Lebowitz Edna Kielar Temple Fund In Honor of: Appreciation of Steinhorn Sukkah Party Lou Babb Frank Zeplowitz Edna Kielar Bob Saffer's Special Birthday Len Schrutt In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Anna Chertoff Lorraine Dweck Freddie & Beverly Isenberg's 50th Anniversary David & Karen Norman Melvin Balsom Henry Peita Hag Sameach to Ellen & Steve Lippa and Family Eileen & Jerry Markzon Synagogue Renovation Fund In Memory of: Allen Lebowitz Cookie & Larry Levin Hag Sameach to the Steinhorn Family Eileen & Jerry Markzon Pauline Rosokoff Cookie & Larry Levin Rosella Sabshin Cookie & Larry Levin Ritual Fund - In Honor of: In Appreciation Sandy Perlmuter Martin Sanders Memorial Fund In Honor of: Speedy Recovery of Laurie Werbow Ina Sanders Speedy Recovery of Myra Werbow Ina Sanders In Appreciation of Aliyah Lou Babb In Appreciation of Rosh Hashannah Ark Honor Irving & Marilyn Sultz Lee Silverberg's Special Birthday Harriett & Stuart Lerman Marilyn & Irving Sultz Marvin & Marcia Frankel Jane Leve & Leila Kahn Mazel Tov to Gert Schwab on Her New Home Carolyn Kershanbaum, Elaine Brothman & Rusty Zackheim Receiving an Aliyah Lou Babb Martin Sanders Memorial Fund In Memory of: Allen Lebowitz Ina Sanders Serving on the Bimah on Rosh Hashannah Alan Camhi Dvorah Joseph Ina Sanders Speedy & Full Recovery of Ed Reich Laurence & Linda Boxer Isabelle Mankoff Ina Sanders Temple Fund In Memory of: Allen Lebowitz Roz & Herb Weiss and Family Maxine & Steven Awner and Family Norm & Marcia Weiss Michael & Nancy Bloom Marlene J. Simms Memorial Fund In Memory of: In Observance of the Yahrzeit of Mark J. Greenberg Joyce Greenberg, Marlene & Michael Lamancuso, Marlee Greenberg and Sandra Greenberg Dr. Franklin Zeplowitz Lou Babb WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS THE FOLLOWING TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CONTRIBUTIONS Dvorah Joseph Jane Leve Elaine & Jerry Schweitzer THE FOLLOWING WERE SPONSORS OF THE LOVELY 2014 SIMHAT TORAH KIDDUSH PREPARED BY TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK CATERING ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17: Helen Ablove Mona & Fred Lewis Daniel & Carol Amsterdam Sondra & Marshall Lipman Rachel Anderson Steve & Ellen Lippa Bruce & Sharla Bleichfeld Larry & Shirley Magil Jeff & Leah Blum Jerry & Eileen Markzon Larry & Linda Boxer Irv & Ruth Merlin June & Alan Feuerstein TBT Brotherhood Joe & Rena Merrick Maxine & Steven Awner Mel & Elaine Brothman Rabbi Perry & Safi Netter Helen Ablove Franklin Zepowitz Annette & Sanford Rosenberg Gertrude Weissman Doris & Richard Usen Harlan Abbey Mindy Gewurz Ludwig Sam & Joan Weissman Susan Adelman Pauline Rosokoff Annette & Sanford Rosenberg Robert Case Roz & Herb Weiss Shirley & Cyrus Trossman Museum Fund In Memory of: Allen Lebowitz Tinka Lendner Joel & Judy Brownstein Ed & Carin Case Allan & Karen Cooper Jonathan & Marcy Dandes Kirsten Moysich & Iris Danziger David & Lisa Davidson Carol Davis Ed & Evelyn Drozen Jonathan & Judith Epstein Alexander & Ayala Farkash The Werbow Family Fund Mendy & Edith Fine In Honor of: Stuart & Jane Fischman Speedy Recovery of Myra Werbow Jane Leve Sandy Perlmuter Glenn Pincus & Janet Gunner Michele & Lance Pozarny Jan Presser Arthur & Elizabeth Pressman Elinda & Ed Reich Harvey & Helaine Sanders Ina Sanders Herb & Ina Scheer Harvey & Nancy Schiller Irv & Doris Sellers Daniel & Ida Serure Ken & Amy Shuman Marshall & Roberta Freedman Barbara & Michael Sitrin Harold & Janice Gelfand Alan Sisselman& Roberta Levine Alan & Charlotte Gendler TBT Sisterhood Alan & Marcia Goldstein Cantor Mark & Leona Spindler Steve & Sharon Jacobs Jim & Linda Steinhorn Rick Jacobson Bobbie & Jack Vishner Beth Kassirer George & Lisa Wallenfels Leon & Cindy Komm Allan & Myra Werbow Larry & Cookie Levin Joe & Rusty Zackheim Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 11 TEMPLE BETH TZEDEK Non-Profit Org. U. S. POSTAGE PAID Buffalo, N. Y. Permit No. 2434 Amherst, New York TEMPLE OFFICE SCHOOL OFFICE 838-3232 836-2660 Perry Netter Mark Spindler Gerald DeBruin Joseph Enis Allan Werbow Einav Symons Janet Gunner Leon Komm Jonathan Dandes Lisa Davidson Judith Davis Lisa Wallenfels Edward Case Alan Goldstein Rabbi Cantor Cantor Emeritus Executive Director Executive Director Emeritus Education Director Chairman of the Board President Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Mailing Address 621 Getzville Road Buffalo, NY 14226 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED SERVICE SCHEDULE Sunday Shaharit Service 8:30 am Weekday Shaharit Service 7:30 am Friday Evening Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 6 pm Saturday Shabbat Service 9 am Daily Ma'ariv Sunday through Friday 6 pm Saturday Minha followed by S’eudah Shlisheet, Ma’ariv & Havdalah PUBLICATION NOTE: The Shofar is published monthly by Temple Beth Tzedek in Amherst, N.Y. All articles and other materials submitted to the Shofar are the property of the Shofar and the Shofar Editorial Board, which is responsible for and oversees the publication. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit all materials submitted for publication in the Shofar, in accordance with the highest standards of professional publishing and consistent with Temple Beth Tzedek’s Mission. All decisions about inclusion and layout of materials submitted for publication in the Shofar shall be made by the Editorial Board alone. The Shofar Editorial Board consists of: Lisa Davidson, Barbara Sitrin, Joe and Rusty Zackheim, and Joseph Enis. November 1 – 5:30 pm November 8 – 4:30 pm November 15 – 4:15 pm November 22 – 4:15 pm November 29 – 4:15 pm NOVEMBER 2014 SUNDAY S 5 12 19 26 OCTOBER 2014 M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 2 9 Cheshvan MONDAY 16 Cheshvan Gesher in Session Mishpacha Judaism & Sexuality Program TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 3 10 Cheshvan 4 11 Cheshvan Rabbi’s Class 10 am Gesher in Session Ritual Committee 7:30 pm 5 12 Cheshvan Talmud Class 1:30 pm Daniel Asia Program 7:30 pm 1017 Cheshvan 1118 Cheshvan 1219 Cheshvan Rummage Sale Publicity Committee 9:45 am Talmud Class 9:30 am Gesher in Session Weinberg Mincha 3:30 pm 1 Kislev Rummage Sale Gesher in Session Sisterhood Board Meeting 10 am Gesher in Session 24 2 Kislev USY convention Gesher in Session 30 FRIDAY 8 Kislev No Gesher 12 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar SATURDAY 1 8 Cheshvan 8 15 Cheshvan Bat Mitzvot of Lisa Davidson & Chris Stromberg Jr. Congregation Tot Shabbat End of Shabbat 6:51 pm Rummage Sale Weinberg Session 1:30 pm 1623 Cheshvan 1724 Cheshvan 1825 Cheshvan 19 23 THURSDAY DECEMBER 2014 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Talmud Class 9:30 am Gesher in Session 9 CHESHVAN ~ KISLEV 5775 25 3 Kislev Rabbi’s Class 10 am Gesher in Session Officers Meeting 7:30 pm 26 Cheshvan Noon Lunch & Learn Talmud Class 1:30 pm Adult education Program 7:30 pm 26 4 Kislev 6 13 Cheshvan Refaenu 7:30 pm 7 14 Cheshvan Candle Lighting 4:41 pm 1320 Cheshvan 1421 Cheshvan Finance Committee 7:30 pm 2027 Cheshvan Adult Education Committee 7:30 pm 27 5 Kislev Thanksgiving Gesher Shabbat Candle Lighting 4:34 pm Bar Mitzvah Alex Shuman Jr. Congregation End of Shabbat 5:44 pm 1522 Cheshvan Jr. Congregation End of Shabbat 5:37 pm 2128 Cheshvan 22 29 Cheshvan USY convention Candle Lighting 4:28 pm 28 6 Kislev Candle Lighting 4:24 pm USY convention End of Shabbat 5:32 pm 29 7 Kislev Bar Mitzvah Jeremy Werbow End of Shabbat 5:29 pm
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