PATER NOSTER CATHOLIC PARISH OF MYAREE Presbytery: 460 Marmion St. Myaree 6154 Tel: 9330 3584 Fax: 9330 7806 Email: Parish Priest: Fr Joseph Lee Mob: 0402 598 686 Indonesian Chaplain: Father Yosep Remigius Asnabun (Father Remi) Mob: 0423728407. Pastoral Assistant: Rev Deacon John Kiely Tel: 9331 1623 Mob: 0408 952 194 Parish Web Pages: Care Group Coordinator: T.B.A. LITURGICAL TIMES IN OUR PARISH Weekend Masses: Saturday (vigil): 6:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 & 9:30 am Korean: 11.30 am Indonesian Mass: 5.00pm Weekday Masses: Monday Communion Service: 9.00am Indonesian Cenacle & Mass: 1st & 3rd Wednesday 7.00pm Tuesday: 5.30 pm Wednesday 9.00 am Thursday 5 .30pm Friday 9.00am Rosary: Recited after 9.00 am Mass on Wednesdays and Fridays except 1st Wednesdays and 1st Fridays of the month Reconciliation: Saturday 5.30pm to 5.50pm and 20 minutes before or after all other Masses Anointing of Sick: 1st Friday at Mass and on request Novena: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal: Tuesday 6.00pm 16 November 2014 33rd Ordinary Sunday Year A #1699 Acolytes: Sat: 6.00pm: P Ng Sun: 7.30am: S Woods 9.30am: R Anandappa Readers: Sat: 6.00pm: P-Massie-Taylor, P Van Helden Sun: 7.30am: M Canestrini, D Brayshaw 9.30am: Family Mass Ministers: Sat: 6.00pm: P Horsfall, J. O’Connor Sun: 7.30am: R Walsh 9.30am: K Trawinski Altar Sat: 6.00pm: T Subarti, C Shanahan, A Amador Servers: Sun: 7.30am: R Jones, K Jones 9.30am: L Vasta, L Wittwer, J Farrugia Greeters: Sat: 6.00pm: J Fry Sun: 7.30am: D Brayshaw 9.30am: Family Mass Children’s Liturgy Sat: C Massimi Sun: P Rebelo Pilgrim Statue 16 to 23 Nov: V King Flower Group: 22 November: M Della-Maddalena 23 November 2014 Christ the King Year A #1700 Acolytes: Sat: 6.00pm: A Kuswandi Sun: 7.30am: K Taylor 9.30am: P Chiappini Readers: Sat: 6.00pm: H Mehan, T D’Cruz Sun: 7.30am: P Robertson, B Bracewell 9.30am: L Stock, T Brockman Ministers: Sat: 6.00pm: C Melvin Sun: 7.30am: J Winthrop 9.30am: A King Altar Sat: 6.00pm: C O’Connor, C O’Connor, T O’Connor Servers: Sun: 7.30am: A Taylor, S Taylor, J Taylor 9.30am: J Strydom, G Murphy, T Cattalini Greeters: Sat: 6.00pm: L Davies Sun: 7.30am: G Simadibrata 9.30am: A Bridger Children’s Liturgy Sat: A Cotter Sun: M Finlay-Collins Pilgrim Statue 23 to 30 Nov: P & M Horsfall Flower Group 29 November: J Winthrop SECOND COLLECTION: Last week’s 2nd Collection was $2074 (84.3% of the parish target). Your support is very much appreciated . MEN ALIVE CHOIR from Bateman Parish We are fortunate to have Men Alive choir singing for us at the Sat 22nd November, 6pm mass! Everyone most welcome to pray and enjoy their angelic voices! Thanks and God bless, Fr. Roy E-RECORD NEWSLETTER UPDATE Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations is now being distributed weekly by the Archdiocese via the new e-Record newsletter. Parishioners can individually subscribe to the e-Record by sending their details to: For those parishioners who don’t have, or don’t use email, a limited number of hard copies will be available in the foyer. COLUMBAN CALENDAR AND CHRISTMAS CARDS The 2015 Columban Art Calendar is available for purchase each weekend (before every Mass) except for the weekend of 6/7 December when there is a cake and craft stall. Christmas Cards can also be purchased for $2.50 a packet FATHER JOSEPH ON LEAVE Father Joseph is on holidays for the month of November. Father Roy (0417 936 449) and Father Remi are sharing his sacramental duties whilst he is away. CHRISTMAS HAMPER RAFFLE We are planning to hold our Christmas Hamper Raffle again this year and are asking parishioners for donations of non-perishable items suitable for the Christmas Hamper. All items would be greatly appreciated. Please leave donations in the box in the foyer or contact: Margaret Cabassi Tel: 93303848 or email: THE ARCHBISHOP’S CHRISTMAS APPEAL FOR LIFELINK Is being held throughout the Archdiocese this weekend . If you did not collect Archbishop Costelloe’s personal letter at Mass last weekend, please collect one as you leave and read his message , or, use one of the special giving envelopes which have been provided on the pews for you today. We urge you to give generous support to help the work of our Archdiocesan social service agencies and help people in need. YOU CAN MAIL YOUR GIFT IN THE REPLY PAID ENVELOPE PROVIDED OR RETURN YOUR ENVELOPE & DONATION TO THE PARISH ANYTIME IN THE COMING WEEKS. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS The new Parish Council met for the first time this week and elected the following office bearers:Harry Dumbell – Chairperson Joy Winthrop – Deputy Chairperson Shoshanna Beins – Secretary CHRISTMAS COMMUNITY SINGING This popular event at St Mary’s Cathedral takes place on Sunday, 30 November between 2-4pm. Registration: $15/ $10 concession at Evangelii Gaudium “He needs to be able to link the message of a biblical text to a human situation, to an experience which cries out for the light of God’s word. This interest has nothing to do with shrewdness or calculation; it is profoundly religious and pastoral. Fundamentally it is a ‘spiritual sensitivity for reading God’s message in events,121 and this is much more than simply finding something interesting to say. What we are looking for is ‘what the Lord has to say in this or that particular circumstance.’ Par 154 from Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis, Nov. 24, 2013 Your Bible Questions Answered “Where in the Bible does it say we have to go to Mass on Sundays?” For the answer, to submit your own Bible question, or for the November issue of “At Home With Your Bible,” visit EMBRACE THE GRACE 2014- "LET US BE LIGHTS OF HOPE". The largest Catholic Youth Conference in WA. What is hope? lf our hope is indeed in a living God, why does God appear to be silent in our world today amidst war, terrorism, disasters and our own personal struggles? What is the light of hope? Come engage with life's biggest questions with dynamic speakers, music, sports, drama, prayer and more.3-7 December 2O14 in New Norcia, for young people aged 16-30. Cost $325.00 with sponsorship available. Registration at http// Contact 94227912 for more info. For those young people from the Parish who would like to attend, the Parish Youth Group may be able to assist with funds. Please contact Deacon John in the first instance. PATER NOSTER BANK ACCOUNT Details for parishioners wishing to make a bank transfer in place of using the envelopes for the second collection: Account: BSB: 086-006 No: 508212450 Name: Pater Noster Myaree Parish Enter brief description In the space provided, eg 2nd collect. A QUESTION BOX is located in the church foyer. Any comments or suggestions - please feel free to use this facility. NEWSLETTER ITEMS Rosters: Ring Laurie on 9337 7189 or email: News: Ring Grant on 0412309860 or email:
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