www.alamedasun.com Alameda Sun Nov. 13, 2014 5 Local Happenings Thursday, Nov. 13 10 to 11:30 a.m. Alzheimer’s Support Group: Meeting sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association for families and caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s and related disorders. Mastick Senior Center, 1155 Santa Clara Ave. (Info: 482-8700) 10 a.m. to noon: Dental Consultation: Free consultation, by appointment, with Dr. Alfred Chong. Generally, offered every third Thursday of the month. Mastick Senior Center, 1155 Santa Clara Ave. (Info, reservations: 747-7506) 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Trinity Seniors: Alameda Poet Laureate Julia Park Tracey will read old favorite poems and her own poems at 11. Lunch served at noon for a $5 donation. Trinity Lutheran Church, 1323 Central Ave. 10:30 a.m. New Member Orientation: Take a tour and learn about the center and the schedule of activities. Mastick Senior Center, 1155 Santa Clara Ave. (Preregistration required: 747-7506) 1 p.m. Mastick Movie Matinee: Chef. Free for seniors. Mastick Senior Center, 1155 Santa Clara Ave. (Info: 747-7506) 2:30 p.m. Drumming Circle: Improve circulation in your hands and body, loosen stiff joints and stimulate the mind with a musical experience featuring the Mercy Retirement Community Drumming Circle. Free for seniors. Mastick Senior Center, 1155 Santa Clara Ave. (Info: 747-7506) 3 to 5 p.m. Satellite Office Hours: Meet with staff members of the League of Women Voters of Alameda. Free to the public. Main Branch of the Alameda Free Library, 1550 Oak St. (Info: 289-1268 or Events@LWVAlameda.org) Dennis Evanosky Joanne Robinson (left) and Karen Kenney, directors at Girls Inc., set up a display at Alameda Museum in anticipation of “Greenleaf House, Dr. Edith Meyers, and 50 Years of Girls, Inc.” a presentation with historian Woody Minor taking place tonight at 7 p.m. Congresswoman Barbara Lee. Free to the public. Administrative Conference Room, Main Branch of the Alameda Free Library, 1550 Oak St. 3:30 p.m. Thursday Craft Day: Crafts for children ages 5 to 12. Dress to get messy. Free. West End Branch Library, 788 Santa Clara Ave. (Info: 747-7767) 6:30 to 9 p.m. Single Sailors Association: Dinner meeting for single people interested in sailing. Ballena Bay Yacht Club, 1150 Ballena Blvd., Suite 151. (Info: 3329380 or www.singlesailors.org) 7 p.m. “Greenleaf House, Dr. Edith Meyers, and 50 Years of Girls, Inc.”: Local author-historian Woody Minor and volunteer archivist Janet Thoma will speak; presented as part of the Alameda Museum lecture series. Museum members, free; nonmembers, $10. Alameda Museum, 2324 Alameda Ave. (Info: 748-0796 or www.alamedamuseum.org) 7 to 9 p.m. Alameda Poetry Writers: Hosted by Vince Sorti and friends. Free-write exercises with prompts. Read your work or just listen. Admission is free; donations appreciated. Frank Bette Center for the Arts, 1601 Paru St. (Info: www. frankbettecenter.org or 523-6957) 7 to 9 p.m. “‘The Next Big One’ – Is Alameda Prepared?”: Community forum presented by Friday, Nov. 14 2 to 3:30 p.m. HIV and Hep C Testing: Free and confidential testing and support referrals. For information and location, call Alameda Family Services, 629-6300. 6 to 9 p.m. Artist Reception: Celebrate the opening of Mini Masterpieces, an exhibit of small works created by Rhythmix Art Jam artists. Free for all ages. Rhythmix Cultural Works, 2513 Blanding Ave. (Info: 865-5060 or www.rhythmix.org) 7 to 9 p.m. Meet the Artists: Celebrate the opening of Semana Santa: Cultural Traditions in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, a collection of photos by Fred Fago and paintings by Margaret Fago. Refreshments. Free to the public; donations appreciated. Frank Bette Center for the Arts, 1601 Paru St. (Info: www.frank bettecenter.org or 523-6957) 8 p.m. Concert: Featuring On Ensemble and Maize Daiko. Tickets: $20, in advance; $25 at the door. Rhythmix Cultural Works, 2513 Blanding Ave. (Info: 865-5060 or www.rhythmix.org) Saturday, Nov. 15 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. “The Roots of Suffering: Greed, Hatred and Delusion”: Meditation daylong with three teachers. Sitting and walking meditation alternating with dharma talks; question and answer period. Bring a bag lunch to eat in silence. Open to all levels of meditation experience. Offered on a donation basis. Buena Vista United Methodist Church, 2311 Buena Vista Ave. (Registration, info: http://sites.google.com/site/ alamedasangha/home) 10 a.m. to noon: “The Interview Drill”: Practice for job interviews. Bring three copies of your resume and three job description that interest you. Free for seniors. Mastick Senior Center, 1155 Santa Clara Ave. (Registration: send an email to theinterviewdrill@gmail.com) 10:30 a.m. Cuentos y Canciones: Stories, songs and more for the whole family. Final event for 2014. West End Branch of the Alameda Free Library, 788 Santa Clara Ave. (Info: 747-7767) 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Guatemalan Craft Mercado: Sale of textile crafts directly from the village artisans of Guatemala. Fundraiser for FBCA. Frank Bette Center for the Arts, 1601 Paru St. (Info: 523-6957 or www.frankbettecenter.org) 2 to 3 p.m. Family Nature Fun Hour: “Reptiles.”: Have some scaly, slithery fun, then discover what’s new in the Visitors Center. Crab Cove, 1252 McKay Ave. (Info: 544-3187) 2 to 4 p.m. East Bay Bariatric WLS Support Group: Peer support group for people how are considering or who have had weight loss or bariatric surgery. Pre-op and newcomers invited for the 2 p.m. Q&A. Free. Conference Room C, Alameda Hospital, 2070 Clinton Ave. (Info: info@eastbaybariatric.org) 3 to 3:30 p.m. Fish Feeding Time: Five aquariums with more than 20 bay species will be fed while you learn who is eating what and how aquarium environments are kept healthy. Free for all ages. Crab Cove, 1252 McKay Ave. (Info: 544-3187) 4 to 6 p.m. Taiko Workshop: Featuring a focus on how On Ensemble approaches groove and structured improvisation. Tickets: $25, in advance; $30 at the door, if space is available. Rhythmix Cultural Works, 2513 Blanding Ave. (Info: 8655060 or www.rhythmix.org) 8 p.m. Concert: Featuring On Ensemble and Maize Daiko. Tickets: $20, in advance; $25 at the door. Rhythmix Cultural Works, 2513 Blanding Ave. (Info: 865-5060 or www.rhythmix.org) 8 p.m. Live @ the Library: Last in a series of three concerts; featuring “Guitar Summit: Terrence Brewer, Steve, Esquiaga and Calvin Keys. Reception at 7. Tickets: $35; series of three, $90. Regina K. Stafford Rooms, Main Branch of the Alameda Free Library, 1550 Oak St. (Tix: www.brownpapertickets.com) Sunday, Nov. 16 11 to 11:30 a.m. Storytime and Nature Fun: Parents and kids will meet the characters at “the Cove”; listen to stories; make a nature craft; watch nature films; and more. Crab Cove, 1252 McKay Ave. (Info: 544-3187) Noon to 1 p.m. Interfaith Circle of Alameda: Music, spiritual teachings, sacred text readings and artifacts representing various faith traditions from around the world. EVENTS: Page 10 PARK STREET SHOPPING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE C Lost City Antiques — Discover Treasures from the Good Ol’ Days ongratulations to Lost City Antiques for celebrating their grand opening Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 5:30 p.m.! You’re invited to join them in celebrating this exciting event! Lost City Antiques is located at 1519 Park St. and run by owner David George along with more than 20 dealers/vendors. Some of the vendors are well-established and have been there for more than 15 years. The stately brick building that houses Lost City Antiques has been used as an antique store under several different ownerships for the past 30 years (including Park Street Antiques). But the building itself is much older than that — it was built in 1897, most likely as a mercantile. Today, the immense building showcases three levels packed with an amazing assortment of antiques, collectibles, and vintage clothing: The Main Floor contains a large number of glass display cases that hold every collector’s favorites, from an extensive assortment of vintage jewelry and pocket watches to a collection of ephemera and other bric-a-brac. You can stroll down the aisles and open spaces throughout the floor to find antique lighting and furniture from the Victorian, Art Deco, Mid-Century, and Arts & Crafts eras. There are a number of rooms and alcoves that also feature assortments of old tools, classic bikes, vintage clocks and much more. In addition, you might find Italian and French collectibles alongside an assortment of other collections — from tea cups, vintage magazines, and kitchenware, to kitsch and tiki items from the 50s onward. Lost City even has a book room! The Upper Floor is where you will find a huge selection of clothes and accessories, including vintage and contemporary styles. Whether you are looking for est. 2013 Mention this ad for a 10% Discount! ALAMEDA ORTHOPEDIC FOOT CARE CENTER 2322 Santa Clara Ave 510 523-4316 Jane Watson Financial Advisor Conservatorships Family Law Elder Law & Medi-Cal Planning Tax Planning Mediation Business & Real Property Jane Watson Jane Watson Financial Advisor Financial Advisor . .1430 Everett St Ste A Alameda, CA 94501 1430 Everett St Ste A 510-522-1721 Alameda, CA 94501 510-522-1721 522-6900 / Fax: 523-9516 2500 Santa Clara Ave. • Alameda $10 OFF WE DO SHOE REPAIR Happy Holidays You talk. We talk. We listen. InYou person. listen. In person. Working Together 1430 Everett St Ste A Alameda, CA 94501 for Your510-522-1721 Financial Future. SALE! We Make Custom Foot Orthotics LR . Come Browse Our Wide Selection of Men’s and Women’s Walking Shoes & Slippers Any Shoes in Stock something from the Victorian vintage books, magazines, in our historic downtown to ask about any specials era, the roaring ‘20s, World and records on this level. district by going to www. offered on the day of your War II, or a piece of Hawaiian But these are not the ShopParkStreet.com. visit! clothing for your next party, only treasures to be found. Lost City Antiques, 1519 you will be sure to find it on It’s worth another meander Park St., 523-0895. the upper floor. around each of the floors (Note: Are you a collecAlong with the wide inside Lost City Antiques tor who would like to give variety of clothing, you will to find rugs, table decoraantique sales a try? Or maybe find a variety of shoes, hats tions, Asian antiques, and you’ve come upon a large and accessories to accent glassware. You will also see estate that you would like to 2414 Central Ave STE A any outfit you have in mind. an amazing collection of liquidate. Lost City Antiques Zumba, Yoga, FitQuick There is even a collection of artworks from all styles and has space for rent and also Group Classes vintage clothing for children! periods throughout the shop. accepts consignments -- so starting at $30/mo But if that’s not enough, you David George likes to jok- give them a call or stop by if unlimited classes, no contract will also find more antiques ingly tell folks that admission you would like to rent, con(or we will match your existing gym membership) and collectibles with one side to the antique store is free. sign, or need help with an of the floor devoted to highHe also avows that your estate sale.) 1-on-1 Personal Training from $16/session end furniture from all range visit is guaranteed to bring The Park Street Business of eras. back many fond memories District offers great food and 510.712.0093 www.edwardjones.com The Lower Level, with its of the “good old days” or drink establishments, charmalamedapersonaltraining.com great exposed architectural the grandparents’ house. ing shops, friendly services, alamedaptkellen@gmail.com supports, features lots of You might even be surprised and fun things to do! Learn display cases with a countupon finding that lost item more about what’s happening less variety of vintage toys, you have been seeking to cameras, papers, Disney reclaim for many years. The Law Offices of collectibles, and Native Here’s a special treat for American items. This level you… Bring a copy of this W. Lance Russum also includes an extensive article to Lost City Antiques We care about you! assortment of furniture. In and get 10 percent off any PLEASE VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE another area you will also item over $25 (as long as it find old pottery and glass is not marked “firm” or is not www.russumlaw.com Diana Redding bottles, patio furniture,During door this already on sale.) oneofor To learn about our full suite of legal services holiday season and Also, every day JD, MBA, LLM hardware, and kitchen the items. of the vendors available to you, including: year, wemore wish you all the best. might You will also find even more be having a sale, so be sure Wills & Trusts Probate Litigation Member SIPC www.edwardjones.com ALAMEDA THEATRE & CINEPLEX Member SIPC www.edwardjones.com 2537 Santa Clara Ave. Alameda, California 94501 510-749-1055 Tuesday – Saturday 11AM to 6PM Alameda’s Holistic Health Resource MKT-1919-A ❃ A c u p u n c t u r e & H e r b s ❃ STEP BACK IN TIME TO EXPLORE A VINTAGE EXPERIENCE IN STATE-OF-THE-ART SIGHT & SOUND Member SIPC Serving Real Butter At Our Concession Stand! Learn more at www.facebook.com/goods.alameda MAGGIE CHOW,CPACPA MAGGIE E.E.CHOW, 2424 Blanding Ave., Suite 102 523-6600 Statement Preparation HUNGER GAMES: MOCKING JAY PT 1 CLASSIC FILM: ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST Tues & Wed 2:50 7:00 (510) 299-0057 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt MAGGIE E. CHOW, CPA Looking for the right financial A Professional Former IRS Corporation Agent IRS and State Agencies Audit Representations. CHOW, CPA Former E. IRS Agent Former IRS Agent EvaluateMAGGIE Negotiate Offer to Compromise, Former IRS Agent A and Professional Corporation Agreement andState StateInstallment Agencies Audit Former Agent IRSIRS and Agencies AuditRepresentations. Representations. IRS and StateIRSAgencies Audit Representations. Evaluate and Negotiate Offer to Compromise, IRS and State Agencies Audit Representations. Income Tax Planning & Preparation: Evaluate and Negotiate Offer to Compromise, Evaluate and Offer to Compromise, Evaluate andNegotiate Negotiate Offer to Compromise, Installment Agreement Individual, Corporation, Partnerships, Installment Agreement Installment Agreement Installment Agreement Income Tax & Preparation: LLC Tax andPlanning Multi-State Taxation Income Planning Preparation: Individual, Corporation, Partnerships, & Preparation: Income Tax &Planning LLCTax and Multi-State Taxation Individual, Corporation, Income Planning &Partnerships, Preparation: Accounting Consulting on New Businesses, Partnerships, Individual, Corporation, Accounting Consulting on New Businesses, LLC and Multi-State Taxation Individual, Corporation, Partnerships, Entity Structure Selection LLC and Multi-State Taxation Entity Structure Selection Financial Statement LLC and Multi-State Taxation Accounting Consulting onPreparation New Businesses, Financial Statement Preparation Accounting Consulting on New Businesses, Entity Structure Selection Entityon Structure Selection Accounting Consulting New Businesses, www.chowcpa.com 2411 Santa Clara Ave., Ste. 18 510 Financial Statement Preparation Maggie@chowcpa.com 523-6600 523-6600 Entity Structure Selection PreparationAlameda, CA 94501 Financial Statement Historic Theatre Presents BIG HERO 6 2D (PG) (Fri - Mon) 11:50 am 2:25 5:00 INTERSTELLAR (PG-13) (Fri - Mon) 8:00 NIGHTCRAWLER (R) (Tues & Wed) 11:15 am 10:30 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt Alameda, CA 94501 A Professional Corporation A Professional CorporationCorporation A Professional Program Schedule 11/14 - 11/20 (PG-13) Thurs 11/20 8:00 Gifts you’d love to get. MAGGIE E. CHOW, CPA www.chowcpa.com Financial Maggie@chowcpa.com W. Lance Russum, JD Since 1966 www.tracyzollinger.com Looking for the right financial advisor? Know who to call when your advisor? bonds are called. 2411 Santa Clara Ave., Ste. 18 Alameda, CA 94501 HUNGER GAMES MOCKINGJAY PT1 BOOK OF LIFE 2D (R) BEYOND THE LIGHTS 2D (Fri - Mon & Thur) 4:10 6:45 7:25 9:20 (Tues & Wed) 11:50 am 2:25 4:10 5:00 6:45 7:25 9:20 3D 11:45 3D 1:45 Tix are $22! (PG-13) 11:20 1:55 4:35 7:10 9:45 DUMB & DUMBER TO (PG-13) 11:15 am 1:50 4:30 7:00 7:30 10:00 Financial Advisor Financial Advisor . NIGHTCRAWLER (R) (Fri - Mon) 11:45 2:20 4:45 7:40 10:15 (Thur) 11:25 (PG-13) 9:00 Deb Knowles, AAMS® Deb Knowles, AAMS® .1336 Alameda Cineplex Presents HUNGER GAMES MARATHON (PG-13) 2:00 BIRDMAN (R) Park Street Suite D 11:25 am 2:00 4:40 7:15 9:50 Alameda,Park CA 94501 1336 Street Suite D 510-749-0403 Alameda, CA 94501 www.edwardjones.com 510-749-0403 www.edwardjones.com GONE GIRL (R) 9:50 11:30 am BIG HERO 6 (PG) INTERSTELLAR (PG-13) (Fri - Mon & Thur ) 11:30 1 :35 3:20 4:00 9:30 (Tues & Wed) 111:30 12:35 3:20 4:00 8:00 9:30 ALAMEDA’S GOT TALENT With host Dave May Fri. & Sat. evening pre-show in the Historic Theatre MOMMY & ME MONDAYS BEYOND THE LIGHTS 11:20 am DUMB AND DUMBER 11:15 am All showtimes and locations subject to change without notice. Visit website below for latest details. Member SIPC 2317 CENTRAL AVE. 510.769.FILM (3456) WWW.ALAMEDATHEATRES.COM Member SIPC
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