3359 Louisville Road - P. O. Box 37 Louisville, TN 37777 Pastor - Rev. Becky Smithey Church (865) 977-6128 Parsonage (865) 982-3905 Fax (865) 977-6154 www.saintmarkschurch.net Save the Date! WOMEN’S RETREAT Nov. 14-16 Café Chocolat is a relaxing chocolate-themed retreat the women of our church are doing together. It includes worship, Bible study, and time for laughter as well as time for quiet reflection. And while the name of our gathering sounds indulgent, we’ll actually be using chocolate as a metaphor for God’s extravagant grace. We’ll begin with dinner at 6:00 on the evening of Friday, Nov. 14, 2014, and will finish by Noon on the afternoon of Nov. 16th. Our retreat will be held at Country Pines Lodge in Sevierville, and the cost is only $100 per person! Scholarships are available. This covers supper Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday; fun activities (including shopping!); and lodging for two nights. Handicap accessible rooms are available. Bring comfy clothes and a Bible. Retreat team includes Becky Smithey, Tracy Gormley, Cathy Kudich and Jean Shutt. Register by calling the church office at 865-9776128 or turning in a registration form to a team member. At least $50 is due at the time of registration with the rest due before we leave for the retreat. Take time to relax, to make new friends, to worship, and to draw closer to God. We hope you’ll join us at Café Chocolat & bring a friend! The Nuts are coming in November! The nuts we can order include: Large Pecan Halves, Pecan Pieces, Praline Pecans, Chocolate Covered Pecans, (Yum Yum), Whole Almonds, Slivered Almonds, English Walnuts, Black Walnuts, Pistachios, Cashews, and Mixed Nuts. We will place an order for popular nuts like the Pecans Halves and Pieces well above what you request. However if you want some of the others listed above the best way to get them is to order in advance. In order to get exactly what you want please email your order to jdanddonna@msn.com or give your handwritten order to JD Wolford or Bill Hogan as soon as possible. The Nuts should arrive in early to mid November but definitely before Thanksgiving. Thanks for your help. Sell them to your friends and neighbors. ALL profits go to missions and ministries within ST. Mark's and the community. Thanks for your help and God Bless... JD Wolford for the UMM 1 Dear Friends, As we end October and move into November, we are faced with some very special days ahead. We all know that October 31 is Halloween. But did you know that November 1 is All Saint’s Day? All Saint’s Day is a day set aside to remember and honor loved ones (saints) who had died. Halloween was originally called “All Hallow’s Eve” and was the night before All Saint’s Day. It was created as a time to again, honor and remember the loved ones who had died by dressing up like your beloved saint. It was actually a day that began in the early church as they celebrated their loved ones who had joined the Church Triumphant. On November 2, we will celebrate, honor and remember those saints who have died over the past year. Those who were members of St. Mark’s and who have now joined the Church Triumphant. If you have lost a loved one over the past year, I invite you to come and be present as we honor your loved one(s). Invite your friends and your family to come with you as well. I found this prayer that is very fitting for this day. Enjoy as you remember the saints of your life! A Prayer Meditation for All Saints Day by Safiyah Fosua We give you thanks, O God, for all the saints who ever worshiped you Whether in brush arbors or cathedrals, Weathered wooden churches or crumbling cement meeting houses Where your name was lifted and adored. We give you thanks, O God, for hands lifted in praise: Manicured hands and hands stained with grease or soil, Strong hands and those gnarled with age Holy hands Used as wave offerings across the land. We thank you, God, for hardworking saints; Whether hard-hatted or steel-booted, Head ragged or aproned, Blue-collared or three-piece-suited They left their mark on the earth for you, for us, for our children to come. Thank you, God, for the tremendous sacrifices made by those who have gone before us. Bless the memories of your saints, God. May we learn how to walk wisely from their examples of faith, dedication, worship, and love. Blessings, Becky Worship Preparations for November Following are the themes for worship each Sunday. You are invited to read, study and pray over each text as we each prepare to worship together. November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 Matthew 5:1-12 “Discovering What We Were Meant To Be” Honoring our Saints Matthew 25:1-13 “Be Vigilant” Service of Holy Communion Guest Speaker Matthew 25:31-46 “Sheep or Goats” Be watching for our Advent brochure as we prepare for the birth of the King! 2 St. Mark’s United Methodist Church Sun 2014 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Habitat for Humanity Fall Festival 2 3 4 6:00 Scouts 4:00 Children’s Choir Practice ALL SAINTS DAY 6:30 Bible Study 5 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 10:00 UMW 5-6:00 Wed. Evening Meal 6:00 Youth 9 10 11 12 6:00 Scouts 5-6:00 Wed. Evening Meal 6:30 Bible Study 4:00 Children’s Choir Practice 17 18 19 6:00 Scouts 5-6:00 Wed. Evening Meal 6:30 Bible Study 4:00 Children’s Choir Practice 24 25 26 6:00 Scouts 6:30 Bible Study 4:00 Children’s Choir Practice COMMUNION 5:00 Church Council 6:00 Youth Shoeboxes Due 16 23 6:00 Youth No Meal No Youth After Church Office Closed 30 3 LCAC News As you do your regular shopping, you are invited to pick up an item or two for the Louisville Christian Assistance Center and say a prayer for the folks who will receive it! November Wish List: Oatmeal Deodorant Grocery Bags Fall Festival for Habitat for Humanity November 1st 3:00-7:00 p.m. at Blount Christian Church 323 Partnership Parkway Off Hwy 321 toward Lenoir City Activities for everyone in the family: •Dinner •Bake Sale •Cake Walk •Games •Face Painting •Horseback Riding •Hayrides •Trunk & Treat area - kids may dress in costumes! We need 6 cakes donated and volunteers to help work the events. Please see Alisha if you can help. Simple Idea… Many of us travel for work or vacation. As you stay in a motel/hotel, you are invited to pick up the complimentary hygiene items and bring them back for the LCAC. It’s time to register for Rez Kids. It is the weekend we go to Resurrection and you can make family reservations through Alisha, or go to www.rezkidz.com. Constant Needs at the LCAC: Contributions—Donations can be made through the church. Just write LCAC in the memo line. Volunteers—Most needed times are Mondays and Fridays from 9a.m.1p.m. You can come and work part of that time or all. Baby Clothes Hygiene Items—Shampoo, Women’s Deodorant, bars of soap CHILDREN’S CHOIR The Children’s Choir will be singing in the Sunday service, Nov. 2nd, for All Saints’ Day. We would love to have you join us we practice Tuesdays 4-5:00pm! Please see Cathy Kudich if interested. Middlesettlements Elementary School Needs: MES needs volunteers to come and read with students, aid the teachers, do office work, open milk cartons at lunch, etc. Would you consider giving an hour a week to help the children of our community? Please see Gloria Bickers or Katie Morgan to volunteer. Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 17 Nov. 22 Nov. 26 Nov. 28 Nov. 29 Susan Larsen Bob Gormley Logan Brabson Brenda Hatcher Coy Hearon Mildred Smith Debbie Tracy Gene Branson Jackie Bumgarner Emily Easterling Barbara Bailey Once again this year the Compassionate Care Committee will be preparing Thanksgiving baskets for families in need through Middlesettlements school. Items needed are: 10 lb. Bags of potatoes Jelly Boxed stuffing Cookies Peanut Butter Boxed Jello Chicken Broth Cans of Soup Cranberry Sauce Crackers Macaroni & Cheese Fruit Cocktail Canned vegetables: Green Beans, Corn, Peas, Sweet Potatoes. Monetary donations will also be accepted to purchase hams and fresh fruit. If your birthday is not on our list, please call the church office at 977-6128 to be added. SHOES FOR HAITI We are currently collecting gently used shoes for Haiti. If the shoes have strings, please tie them together. If they have no strings, please rubber band them together. Deadline: December 1st. With thanks and blessings, The Compassionate Care Ministry Team 4
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