16 November 2014

A Fairtrade Faith Community
Fisher Street
West Wollongong
16th November 2014
9:15 am Morning Worship
6:00 pm Evening Worship
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just
as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
A warm welcome to all at Keiraview today.
Morning Worship will be led by Pastor Sione Hau. Join in
morning tea in the hall after worship.
Evening Worship today will include David & Jenny Rowe,
Wycliffe Bible Translators, sharing their experiences in Mali
ministering to the French Speaking African communities by
developing leaders and expanding access to computer software.
Come & listen to their encouraging stories. Keiraview Music
Makers will meet for a practice prior to the service and play
during the service.
BOB COUDREY passed away at Figtree Private Hospital last
Sun. 9th Nov. We feel sadness on his passing but gratitude for his
friendship and faithful life for Jesus. His funeral will be at
Keiraview next Wed. 19th Nov at 11:30am with a luncheon to
follow in the hall. Donations to the Gideons welcome, in lieu of
MEGAROSTER for the 3 months Dec. to Feb.. Please check
draft roster at back of church and let Ian know of any problems.
Mighty Moosh at 5pm at Keiraview.
Tues 18th Coffee and Chat 9:30am – 11am at Keiraview Hall.
Christmas meeting with our guest Rev. Annette
Hawken. All Welcome. Enq: P Waller (4229 1096)
Wed 19th Advent studies commence: 10am at Farmborough
Grove Admin. Centre (enq: Fae 4271 3762) or
7:30pm at the Manse, 29 Northview Tce, Figtree
(enq: Net 4229 2303)
Thurs.20th Pastoral Care Co-ordinators 4pm
Fri. 21st
Parents' Group - 10am at Keiraview. Baking fun!
Kids' Club 4:15 - 5:15pm Afternoon tea and carol
singing at Farmborough Grove Village. Parents and
all Keiraview people are welcome. Enter village from
Rickard Rd. and follow the village road to the left to
the area between units 121 and 112. (Park in Rickard
Rd., or just inside the entrance; it's only a short walk
from there). Bring a seat or picnic rug to sit on.
The Good Samarateens (the new youth group for yr
5 Primary and up) 7.30pm at the Manse. Enq.: Rev
Annette Hawken. (This group will meet fortnightly.)
Sat. 22nd
Couples and Friends AGM Luncheon at the hall
12.30pm for a 1pm start. Salad & cold meat platter.
Cost $5.00 per head. Committee will supply all food.
All members to help clear up & wash up. Rev.
Annette Hawken will chair the meeting and be our
guest for lunch. Ross Johnson will be our speaker.
To assist with catering please RSVP to Freda
Broadhead (4229 8577) or Robin Kirwood (4224
2169) if you plan to attend.
The final Keiraview prayer group for 2014 will meet before the
morning service next Sun. 23rd Nov. at 8am in the Meeting
Room in the Church Hall. All welcome to attend. Contact Colin
or Carolyn Gold 4271 7185 with prayer requests.
AGM of the CONGREGATION will be held next Sun., 23rd Nov., at
10:30 am. Includes election of officers, viz, Chairperson and
Secretary of the Congregation and elders to Church Council.
Elders - Pat Waller, Donna Drain, Craig Arthur & Annette Arthur
have indicated their willingness to stand. Continuing members:
Michael Allen, Alan Bradley, Scott Morrison & Gavin Whitten.
Other agenda items and Annual Reports from group leaders to
Bev by today please.
Advent Studies: For those interested in the Tuesday group at
the Morrison's, 5 Therry St., at 7:45pm please contact Scott
Morrison direct for dates. (ph: 4228 9574 or email:
smozkezbenemily@gmail.com )
Options for Aged Care – presented by UnitingCare Ageing
Purpose – to inform of services provided by UnitingCare Ageing
1. Community Care – services to help people age in their
own home.
2. Independent Living – information about self-care units.
3. Residential Care – availability and changes since 1st July.
Where? – Farmborough Grove Administration Hall (66 Waples
Rd Unanderra)
When? – 2pm to 3.30pm Monday 1st December 2014
More Information? – Clive Arthur 42714414
Illawarra Choral society “Sing Gloria” Sat. 6th Dec. 2pm
Wollongong Town Hall. Tickets: IPAC, Box Office 10-4 M-F ph:
4224 5999 email: wollongongtownhall.com.au
for Norma Coudrey and family following Bob's passing.
God of all who wander in the wilderness, you go before us as
beacon and guide. Lead us through all danger, sustain us through
all desolation, & bring us home to the land you have prepared for
us. Amen.
Minister of the Word: Rev. Annette Hawken
ph: 4229 2303 email: minister@keiraview.org
Church Council Secretary: Annette Arthur
ph: 4271 4414 email: secretary@keiraview.org
Pastor: Sione Hau
ph: 0416 305 575
Children’s, Youth & Family Pastor: Emma Williams
ph: 0407 407 696 email: emma@keiraview.org
Postal Address: PO Box 330 Figtree 2525
Web Site:
Please send notices for this news sheet to: notices@keiraview.org
or phone Ross Bryceson on 4228 6336, by noon on Wednesday.
Megaroster for Sunday, 23rd November
PC / Slide Show
Bible Reader
Joan Hush
Lurline Butler
Clive Arthur
Colin Gold
Norma Coudrey
Pat Waller
Annette Arthur
Fae McGregor
Audio System
Pat Waller
Rod Doyle
Jenny Almond
Robyn Johnson
Morning Tea
Keith Smyth
Thelma Smyth
Sandy Brisbane
Pat Robinson
Clive Arthur
Offering Counting
Garth Banner