NOVEMBER 19, 2014 HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM Keener dozer Service dOZER & TRACKhOE SERvICE BIG dOZER, SmALL pRICE! 50 yds x 30 yds 10 ft deep...$2950 pools • ponds • Tanks Semper Fidelis 214-325-3300 Call Robert Keener! 50 mile Radius free delivery & pickup QUINLAN CHRISTMAS Parade - December 13th Theme is Santa’s Workshop - register your floats on our website SF/1210 Quinlan First Assembly Vibrant • Loving People • Bible Based • Christ Centered JESUS IS LORD! WANT TO buy or lease: Small strip (one acre or less) of land north of, but close to, Greenville city limits to park a few disabled cars. Need not be frontage, but must have road access. 903456-0827 TM/1119 BRUMMET CONCRETE. Foundations, driveways, patios. Quality work, at reasonable rates. Call: 903-461-2200 BC/TF PAGE 9 y g! p p a H ksgivin n a h T LAWN MOWING, weed eating, blowing, bush trimming, flower beds, fencing, clean-ups! Edgar 903-422-0665 cell LE/1231 Favor quinlan family Dentistry 903-356-3017 ites fax: 903-356-3029 COME AND VISIT US and enjoy the ministry of Dr. Don Paul and donna gray. We believe you will be blesed, lifted and encouraged on your journey of faith PROfESSIONAL DENTURE SYSTEMS Dr. Don Has Pastoral Family Counseling Available by Appointment -MINISTRY SCHEDULESundays: Bible Classes 9:30 am Worship/preaching 10:30 am Wednesdays: Ministry for kids, youth & adults 7-8:10 pm 728 E. Quinlan Pkwy • Quinlan • 903-356-6000 Everything God ever asks you to do, even if it’s difficult, He asks because He has something great in mind for you. - Joyce Meyer PRISTINE MOTORS Greenville, TX 75404 903-450-9810 $ 0 0 5 , 7 4 06’ Georgie Boy Pursuit 35’ Motor home 2 slides, Only 11k miles New stabilizers, 2 A/C’s • Excellent condition Abuelita 19 Oz. Tablets Mezcla para Preparar Chocolate DENTURES $ 995 fROM /SET • New Patients Welcome • Lab on Premises • Relines • Soft-Lined Dentures • Repairs While You Wait • Oral Surgery • Sedation • General and Cosmetic Dentistry PROUDLY SERVING HUNT COUNTY SINCE 1998! California Navel Oranges Snack Size Naranjas 8 97 ¢ For 1 $ 47 Abuelita Instant Cocoa 8 Oz. Chocolate en Polvo Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Nescafé Classico Coffee 7 Oz. Café 12 97¢ 1 $ 87 forr Limit 12. with $10 Additional Purchase Lb. Limit 2. with $10 Additional Purchase La Lechera Sweet Condensed Milk 14 Oz., Leche Beef Sirloin For Fajitas Tomatillo 47¢ 4 $ 77 Lb. Limit 6 Lbs. with $10 Additional Purchase 47 Lb. Limit 2. with $10 Additional Purchase 8 Oz. Crema 2 ¢ $ 47 Ea. Cons-mate Bouillon 8 Count Tabs Consumé Limit 2. with $10 Additional Purchase ¡El Gallo tiene ahorros buenos! Maggi Chicken Bouillon 15.9 Oz. Consumé LouAnna Vegetable Oil Coca-Cola 12 Pack Refrescos 1. Tell us why you or a friend deserves a New Furnace 2. Winner receives a Free Furnace and installation 3. Enter at & Click “Giveaway” 35 OFF 1/2 OFF new high $ efficiency system Coupon required. Cannot combine with other offers. One coupon per customer. Expires 2-12-15. Wright’s Air Conditioning 903.455.5662 • Coupon required. Cannot combine with other offers. One coupon per customer. Expires 2-12-15. “Go Green for Less” 39 $ 97 48 Oz. Aceite Vegetal 1 Limit 3. with $10 Additional Purchase Del Monte Vegetables Limit 2. with $10 Additional Purchase 14-15 Oz. Corn, Mixed Vegetables, Green 10.3-11.3 Oz. Beans or Peas Café Vegetales 2 97 for Limit 6. with $10 Additional Purchase 1 $ 87 Limit 2. with $10 Additional Purchase 4.4 Lb. Maiz Instantanea de Maiz 2 $ 47 Nesquik Chocolate or Strawberry 14.1 Oz. Leche 2 Bush’s Best White Hominy Tampico $ 97 Limit 2. with $10 Additional Purchase Gallon Ponchés 1 $ 27 Limit 2. with $10 Additional Purchase 15.8 Oz. Squeeze Leche Prices Effective November, 2014 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 OPEN REGULAR HOURS p.m. 7a.m.TOtoSERVE10 YOU 2 $ 79 2 $ 99 108 Oz. Maiz para Pozole 2 $ 97 Limit 2. with $10 Additional Purchase Nestlé Coffee-mate Original, 35.3 Oz. Crema Visit us at SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2 $ 49 Limit 2. with $10 Additional Purchase La Lechera Folgers Coffee ¢ 4 Lb. Azúcar 69¢ Maseca Corn Four Imperial Sugar $ 97 for 1 $ 49 10 Oz. Queso Limit 2 with $10 Additional Purchase The Rooster has good savings! Nestlé Media Crema Cacique Queso Fresco Celery Apio 1 $ 89 Family Pack Fajitas de Res Tomatillo STRUGGLING with grief and/or loss? Bereavement? Divorce? Disability? Loss of a beloved pet? Job Layoff? FREE Grief Support Group: Mon 6pm. Greenville Public Library Conference Room. 903-454-3959 for info. HCS/TF 5 $ 99 Family Pack Pechuga de Pollo Sin Hueso Limones *Prices may vary with additional or different techniques used, or individual needs of patient. 1 $ 99 Lb. Limit 2 with $10 Additional Purchase Mexican Limes 9011 Hwy 34 S., Suite A quinlan, Tx 75474 Enter Our “Good Neighbor Give Away” Pork Butt Roast Carnitas de Puerco Limit 16 with $10 Additional Purchase FREE Furnace Service Call 2 $ 99 4 $ 59 WE ACCEPT MANUFACTURERS COUPONS 1050 S. Beltline Road • Dallas, Texas 75253 • 972-557-2063 2601 King Street • Greenville, TX 75401 • 903-454-3337 Limited Rights Reserved. Not liable for typographical or pictoral errors. PAGE 10 HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE LET’S GO CAMPING! 09 Challenger 2 baths • 3 slides $21,900 financing & Delivery Available! 07 fun finder 20’ • $6,995 TRAVEL TRAILERS • 5TH WHEELS A1 RV’s 06 Wildcat 31’ • 2 Slides • 972-722-5600 • Fax: 903-527-4054 Rear Living • $10,200 We accept: Cash, Check, Mastercard, Visa, Discover & American Express CASH BACK ON ALL eMAX MODELS WITH BACKHOE & IMPLEMENT PACKAGES Offer good on all Mahindra eMax Tractors Shown: eMax 22 HUGE DOWNSIZING Sale: Lots of stuff including piano, clothes, toys, electronics, holiday decor, home decor, and SO much more. 2014 and 2015 Creekview Dr. Commerce. Friday, Nov. 21 and Saturday, Nov 22.; 8 am to 5 pm. Rain or Shine DB/1119 LOST DOG. Anatolian/ Pyrenees mix, large male, long hair & light beige, dark ears & nose, white mark on nose. Last seen 10-31-14, CR 1096/36. Child misses dog. Any info 469-812-7019 WE/1126 WE HANDLE WARRANTY WORk & INSURANCE CLAIMS DEARBORN & other heater sales, repairs & parts. Brands Heater Shop. 903-455-4989 & 1000 GAL. Propane Tank 903-456-4866. BP/0225 For Sale. Good condition OAK FIREWOOD and asking $600. 817-917- Mixed Woods for sale 8330 or 903-356-9966 NEED A Vacation? GJ/1126 469-438-9290 SC/1119 Specialty Boarding for small pets. 214-215-6052 MINISTRIES THRIFT GrandCentralPetStation. Store: Huge Sale! 50% Off com DS/1119 Sale Thursday, Friday & SEASONED FIREWOOD, Saturday. 3009 Lee Street; round bales of hay, lake to Greenville, Tx. SE/1119 buy, used farm equipment 5x6 HAY Rolls Johnson Grass mix in Wolfe City. Call Tony at 214-385-7867 after 4 pm. AK/1203 Holiday Villages Resort Communities COMPOUND 10” in Quinlan area. 903-453Craftsman Radial Arm 5495 HS/0107 Saw on Rigid Folding/ Mobile Base 903-496PAPERSHELL 2526 BF/1126 YARD SALE: Friday, November 21st Only. 3109 Chaparral in Greenville. All kinds of stuff! Antiques & more! MF/1119 fOR SALE OAk fIREWOOD 903-268-3880 PECANS FOR SALE $ 3 /lb 903-455-0427 BARGAIN! PANASONIC 42” Plasma Television, model TC-42PX14. Low hours and in excellent condition; $195. Located at 6301 Chapman Dr.; Greenville. RH/1119 QUINLAN CHRISTMAS Tree Lighting - December 12th at 6:15pm In front of the QISD Technology building on Main Street. SF/1210 Hwy 154 • Lake Fork • Quitman, Tx 75783 Owner Financed Land “Guaranteed Financing” Central Water & Sewer Paved Roads • Picnic & Fishing Areas Lake Front Lots • Boat Ramp Fishing Pier “Ready to Use” • RV Hook-Ups CONDO’S • POOL • MINIATURE GOLF BE A LAND OWNER TODAY! Call TODAY for your appointment. 903-878-7263 Small Business Saturday is on November 29. Everyone is encouraged to shop for the holidays at local small businesses to keep our economy strong! GREENVILLE TRADITIONS (an AA group) meets at 5928 Interstate 30 at Noon SF/1126 every day plus other times, call 903-455-8648 for more information . HCS/0129 Let Chili’s do the cooking while we support Gift of Joy Project at the same time. With each flyer presented on Tuesday, November 18th, 2014 Chili’s will donate 10% of the event day sales back to this great organization. The Gift of Joy Project Give Back Event is: November 18, 2014 from 10:45 am - 10 pm only at: Chili’s Greenville 7099 I-30; Greenville, TX 75402-7117 Thank you 903-454-1480 to all of our friends & (Flyer required with each customers. check to receive credit for the sale. Hunt County We appreciate Shopper 3617 Wesley your business in Greenville or Gift of Joy 903-259-7256 can & the opportunity provide you with a flyer to work with you. upon request. Sale cannot be included in donation amount without flyer. Offer only valid on the date and location stated above. 6305 Wesley • Ste 106 • Greenville • 903-454-6171 Donations will not be given on sales made prior to or ¡Se Habla Español! • Apply Online at past this date.) T N A T INS ! CAS4H Low Monthly Payments TH ANNIVERS ARY RED GREAT SELECTION of 5th Wheel & Bumper Pull Family Owned & Operated • Mon. - Sat. 9am-5pm 1000 RIBBON NO jOB TOO SMALL OR LARGE 08 Cruiser 3 slides • 32’ $11,900 We Do All Types of Service & Repairs 4910 I-30 • Caddo Mills, Texas 75135 GET UP TO 20 READY fOR fUN! SALES & SERVICE 10X CONSTRUCTION since 1991. Serving Hunt, Rockwall, Rains, Collin Counties Remodeling, doors, windows, siding, add on’s, Roofing, metal, shingle , sheet rock repair, interior painting, new trim....etc.. Call for free estimates. A+ Angie’s list rating 903-268-6798 or 214-215-6818 WJ/1119 $ NOVEMBER 19, 2014 3774 N. Central Expry, Mckinney, TX 972-548-9590 H O L I DA Y 4 Car Title Loans 4 Signature Loans 4 Credit-Starter Loans SALE 4 Fast, Easy Approval! * With approved credit. Program restrictions may apply. See dealer for details. † All offers expire January 31, 2015. Toledo Finance Corp. Targeted. Audited. Proven. every age., every tax bracket. everybody in hunt county. Hunt County Shopper 3617 Wesley • Greenville, Tx 75401 or P.O. Box 906 • Greenville, Tx 75403 • • 903-455-5254 roll down the street on parade night. Representatives from Home Depot, Chase Bank and Greenville High School PALS will be on hand to NOVEMBER 2014 as the float passes gather food and19, donations by. FISHCounty hopes toShared start withMinistries an empty float and Hunt Gets have one brimming with food at the end of the Ready for a Busy Holiday Season! parade route. continued from the front the page Hunt County Shared Ministries (FISH)Tour has On Sunday, December 7th, Altrusa lots of activities planned this holiday season of Homes will benefit the Hunt County Shared and residents are invited to participate in helpMinistries M.A.R.K. program. This event ofing most during Thanksgiving fers those glimpses intoin 4need or 5 beautifully decorated and Christmas. homes in the Greenville area. There is also a Help iswhere needed to assemble Thanksgiving reception refreshments are served and food the workAllwill take place rafflebaskets items areand displayed. proceeds fromover the three nights: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurstour and reception go to M.A.R.K. The initials day, beginning 5:30 standNovember for Meals 18thfor At 20th, Risk Kids, whichat idenpm. location the back loading area tifiesThe K-6th gradeischildren who mightdock not have of the GEUS building at 2810 enough food toadministration eat at home over the weekend Wesley St. (directly behind the FISH offiproces during the school year. These students are on King St.). Expect three evenings fun with and vided a backpack every Friday that isoffilled joyous work.easy Church groups,meals businesses, high 7 nutritious, to prepare and snacks. school students needing community service Research shows that children who are chronihours-all aredo welcome. a fewashours cally hungry not do asCome well infor school their one nightcounterparts. or every evening and be part brains of this well-fed Young children’s memorable giving. To nourishment volunteer, call and bodies time need ofcontinuous in Lorie Roberts @ 903-455-0545 or email: lroborder to develop properly. A hungry child can’t erts@hcsmfi A child wondering focus on a math 6thSaturday (a new night whatOn he Saturday, will eat forDecember breakfast on can’t this year), the Greenville Christmas focus on reading. Teachers report thatParade chronwill take placechildren and all spectators invited to ically hungry often haveare issues with help “Fill as thewell. Float.” Home in Depot employees discipline M.A.R.K., partnership with have built a seeks float that is emptythe and ready of to the schools, to alleviate problem roll down the street on parade night. Reprechronic hunger in children. The program is cursentatives from Home Chase Banksupand rently in 7 area schoolDepot, districts and FISH Greenville High PALS will be on hand to plies the food forSchool all of them. gather food andfood donations the floatwill passes Christmas basket as assembly take by. FISH to start with empty oat and place on hopes December 16th – an 18th (the flTuesday have one brimming with at the endChristof the – Thursday in the last fullfood week before parade route. mas), beginning each night at 5:30 pm. Just December 7th, the Altrusa like On theSunday, Thanksgiving baskets, the workTour will of Homes benefi t the loading Hunt County take place will on the GEUS docks Shared and all Ministries M.A.R.K. program. This event ofare welcome to participate. fers Donations glimpses into or 5 beautifullyfood, decorated of 4 non-perishable basic homes the Greenville area. There is also a suppliesinand cash are welcome at any time reception where refreshments and through the holiday season andare anyserved other time raffl e items proceeds fromMinthe of the year. are Lastdisplayed. year HuntAll County Shared tour and reception go 50,000 to M.A.R.K. The initials istries served nearly individuals, with stand for Meals for At being Risk Kids, over 14,000 families part which of that.idenThe tifi es K-6th grade children who might need is great and continues to grownot in have Hunt enough to eat at home over the County. food “At the holiday season, it’sweekend easy to during the school These students are proremember those year. who hungry,” said Wally Jefvided a backpack every Friday that is fi lled fers, executive director of FISH. “But we with see 7 nutritious, easy to prepare meals and we snacks. the need every day at our offi ces. And also Research shows thatofchildren who areofchronisee the generosity the residents Hunt cally hungry do not doAt asawell school their County all year long. timeinwhen weascount well-fed counterparts. Young children’s brains our blessings, I am thankful for the support we and bodies need continuous in receive in our ministry to helpnourishment those most in order need.”to develop properly. A hungry child can’t focus on information, a math lesson. A child For more contact Wallywondering Jeffers or what will eat903-455-0545 for breakfast on Saturday can’t Lorie he Roberts: focus on reading. Teachers report that chronWe Strive to Meet Our Customers’ Goals!have issues with ically hungry children often discipline as well. M.A.R.K., in partnership with the schools, seeks to alleviate the problem of chronic hunger in children. The program is curproviding afterdistricts season and FISH suprently in Comfort, 7 areaseason school Specializing In These Fields: Vinyl Windows • Vinyl plies the food for all of them. Siding • Exterior Doors • Patio Covers • Roofing Christmas assembly will take A family-Owned free food basket place on December 16th – 18th (the Tuesday Business Estimates! – Thursday in the last full week before ChristBusiness: 903-455-1455 • Cell: 903-333-8968 mas), beginning each night at 5:30 pm. Just like the Thanksgiving baskets, the work will take place on the GEUS loading docks and all are welcome to participate. Donations of non-perishable food, basic School Jacket Patches supplies and cash are welcome at any time Custom Fitting through holiday season and any other time Repair &the Patches of the year. Last year Hunt County Shared MinOpen Tserved - F 10-6 nearly 50,000 individuals, with istries Sat. by appointment over 14,000 families being part of that. The need is great to grow in Hunt 9115 Wesley St. and Suite continues 3 903-454-4243 County. “At the holiday season, it’s easy to Greenville, TX 75402 remember those who hungry,” said Wally Jeffers, executive director of FISH. “But we see jackson the need every day Anthony at our offi ces. And we also see the generosity of the residents of Hunt RD 838 County all year long.24086 At afMtime when we count Overton, TXfor 75684 our blessings, I am thankful the support we receive in our ministry to help those most in 903-859-2933 need.” AJ AUTO SALES For more information, contact Wally Jeffers or financing & Warranty Available Lorie Roberts: 903-455-0545 Shelia’s Alterations Taking Care of Business Is Our Business! HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM AAA INDUSTRIAL Park Storage: Reduced Rates & Move-In Specials!! 6015 Industrial Dr., Greenville, Tx. 903-450-4141 AAA/TF LOST DOG. Anatolian/ Pyrenees mix, large male, long hair & light beige, dark ears & nose, white mark on nose. Last seen 10-31-14, CR 1096/36. Out of the abundance Child misses dog. Any info of the heart the mouth 469-812-7019 WE/1126 speaks. Matthew 12:34 PAGE 11 SEASONAL FIREWOOD TOM’S TRACTOR: 2 DRAWER METAL legal For Sale! Call for more info Work on JD, Ford, Case, size file cabinet - $40, at 903-274-9252 RR/1210 Any equipment, Free Antique oil lamp - $30, Estimates. Service Calls. Ryobi R1801M router WEE READERS Story 30 years Experience. Hunt $40, C-pap machine series Time, Wed. 10:30am- County Area. 817-219- sleep style 600 - $100. 11am at the Quinlan 6885 NT/1231 DS/1126 Library. 903-356-1229 COURTESY COSTS NOTHING! QL/1029 Thank you to all of our friends and customers, for your support, consideration and business this year. We are thankful for the opportunity to serve our community. Have a safe & enjoyable Thanksgiving from our family to yours! “When you are grateful - when you can see what you have - you unlock blessings to flow in your life.” Over 62,000 readers just read this space & missed your Ad Here!! Place Your Ad here for less than $70 per week! Call Today! 903-455-5254 PAGE 12 HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM 3 BEDROOM 1 bath house for rent at 3005 Maple in Greenville TX. Large backyard, great WE BUY used mobile location $800 a month. home. 903-885-7054 972-754-9959 SD/1119 RI-203. HMH/1119 BUY • SELL • TRADE REAL ESTATE 2 & 3 Bedrooms! • 3 bedroom/2 bath Available • 2 bedroom/2 bath Available • Washer/Dryer Connections • Handicap Available • Section 8 Welcome • fitness Room • Sparkling Pool • Playground • Cable-Ready • Great Closet Space • Income Restriction Applies Beautiful, affordable townhomes for families like yours, with the quality amenities you deserve! 150 Maple St. Commerce 903-886-1555 I BUY HOMELY HOUSES! don’t bother with costly repairs! Call me now for same day offer. quick Closing! Gary Cole: 903-217-3724 GOOD USED single only 5,999. 3/2 single only 9,500. RBI 36579 Call: 903-524-2050 CMH/1126 3/2 ON 3 acres in Celeste, Hunt County. 1-10 acres in Collin County. Owner Finance, small down. Call to see agent: 214-794REDUCED ALL new single 8497 DL/1210 wides in stock. 2 & 3 beds available Call for details 903-885-7054 RI-203 HMH/1119 BRAND NEW 3/2 Only 34,900. 5/3 only 49,900 RBI 36579. Call: (903) 524-2050. CMH/1126 COURTYARD APARTMENTS in Greenville ,TX. 2 and 3 bedrooms available starting at $495. NO DEPOSIT OR APP FEES. No credit check but must prove stable income. 903-268-1829 manager / 818-306-7680 owner AC $ 350 A MONTH ALL BILLS PAID!!! Unfurnished Efficiencies for Senior 50 & over or disable individuals Laundromat On-Site Located in Greenville. Call for more info 903-461-0900 Guess Who? An actor born on November 4, 1969, I appeared in various commercials and attended the University of Texas before breaking into movies. I recently won the Academy Award for Best Actor for my work in “Dallas Buyer’s Club.” Answer on page 15. Fun By The Numbers! Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! NOVEMBER 19, 2014 USDA GOVERNMENT Loans New 3/2 as low as 279 mnth, 0%down 240mnts. RBI 36579. Call: 903-524-2050 CMH/1126 Rooms for Rent Semi Furnished • Home & Land Deals • • Repos • • New & Used Homes • • Modular Homes • 380/month $ COUNTRY CORNER Hwy 69 • Point, TX 903-598-2067 We buy used mobile homes LIVE • LAUGH • LOVE Fall Specials! Ask about our Deposit Specials! For Lease: Duplex in Commerce 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 1-Car Garage, Range, Dishwasher, Microwave, Refrigerator, Tile Floors, Berber Carpet, Blinds Lawn Maintenance Included! Section 8 Accepted 972-636-3113 HOPE CENTER Fundraiser. Chik-fil-A will donate $2.00 on the last week of every month when you buy a gallon of ice tea or lemonade or 6 count cookies. Just drop your receipt in the bucket at the Greenville store. SF/TF Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the below classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada. Autos Wanted TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any Car/ Truck, Running or Not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800-454-6951 Education You can be career-ready in as little as 3 months for a rewarding new career in the growing healthcare, technology, or administration industries. The U.S. Department of Labor expects millions of new jobs in these fields! Get started today: Health & Fitness VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 50 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 1-866-312-6061 Help Wanted PAID IN ADVANCE! $1000 WEEKLY Mailing Brochures At Home! No Experience Required. Start Now! Insurance Obamacare Health Insurance Open Enrollment Call 1-888-968-5392 or apply online Miscellaneous AVIATION MANUFACTURING CAREERS - Get started by training as FAA certified Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204 Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Wanted to Buy Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call Wants to purchase minerals and other NOW: 1-888-909-9905 18+. oil and gas interests. Send details to DISH TV Starting at $19.99/month P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price PAIDup to $25/ $32.99 Ask About FREE SAME CASH for unexpired, sealed DAY Installation! CALL Now! Box DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. 877-477-9659 1-DAYPAYMENT.1-800-371-1136 CASH FOR CARS, Any Make or Model! Free Towing. Sell it TODAY. ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in Instant offer: 1-800-864-5784 over 140 community newspapers, DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/ with circulation totaling over 10 month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed million homes. Contact Independent Internet starting at $14.95/month Free Papers of America IFPA at (where available.) SAVE! Ask About or visit SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! our website for more information. 1-800-615-4064 The Hunt County Shopper 3617 Wesley • P.O. Box 906 • Greenville, Tx 75403 • 903-455-5254 fax: 903-455-fAXS (3297) • • Deadline for advertising is Monday at 12:00 pm for Wednesday’s distribution. The cost for a classified is $5 per week for 20 words or less (25¢ for each additional word). Name: ________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________ Address: __________________________________________ City/State: ____________________ Credit Card #: ____________________________________Exp:__________ CVV2#: __________ Please run my ad for ____ weeks and place in the folllowing section: Employment _____ Garage Sales ______ Misc. _____ Real Estate _____ Automotive _____ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Please call for additional ad sizes, rates and discounts. 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