We wish you a very, merry Christmas! May your holiday be filled with peace, love, good health and happiness! DECEMBER 24, 2014 Circulation audit by (314) 966-7711 HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM Hunt County Shopper “The weekly paper that’s read daily” Reaching More People For Less Cost! Home Owned & Home Operated SINCE 1965! Delivered by U.S. mail & contracted carriers to OVER “like” us on Facebook 30,000 homes & post office boxes in greenville, commerce, wolfe city, celeste, leonard, quinlan, caddo mills, lone oak, ladonia, point, royse city, cumby, farmersville, campbell, josephine, nevada, clinton, blue ridge & emory with over 62,000 PAGE 1 SECTION 1 readers. FREE TAKE ONE! PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID GREENVILLE, TX 75401 3617 WESLEY • P.O. BOX 906 • GREENVILLE, TEXAS 75403 • VOL. 50, NO. 2627 • December 24, 2014 • 903-455-5254 • 903-455-HOPE LARGEST SELECTION! BEST PRICES! The Christmas Story According to Luke 2 FULL LINE BLACK C OF PRODUC AT TS! !! T 1S Y R A U N OPEN NOW - JA NELSON’S FIREWORKS OUTLET, INC. FM 1903 & I-30 • CADDO MILLS 903-527-1122 I-30 NEXT TO SIGEL’S • ROCKWALL - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - Snappers FREE! Box of 50 - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - Black Cat Ammo Clip $ Limit 1 Per Customer 6 Pack 5 95 NO LIMIT! Nelson’s fireworks Outlets Expires Midnight january 1st, 2015 Nelson’s fireworks Outlets Expires Midnight january 1st, 2015 - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - 48 Shot Color Pearl $ 1 NO LIMIT! Nelson’s fireworks Outlets Expires Midnight january 1st, 2015 - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - Black Cat Color Concerto $ 17 95 NO LIMIT! Nelson’s fireworks Outlets Expires Midnight january 1st, 2015 In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to be registered, each to his own town. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child. And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - Lightening Bugs 1 $ 50 NO LIMIT! Box of 2 Nelson’s fireworks Outlets While Supplies Last, Hurry! - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - Black Cat Tasmanian Devil 50¢ $ NO LIMIT! Nelson’s fireworks Outlets Expires Midnight january 1st, 2015 - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - Black Cat Utter Chaos Pkg of 6 NO LIMIT! $ 250 Nelson’s fireworks Outlets Expires Midnight january 1st, 2015 Black Cat iPhone5 Case for the first 100 customers! Nelson’s fireworks Outlets Expires Midnight january 1st, 2015 Black Cat firecrackers 50 count FREE! - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - Pkg of 4 Black Cat Missiles Base 25 Shot 2 1 50 $ 25 NO LIMIT! Nelson’s fireworks Outlets Expires Midnight january 1st, 2015 - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - Black Cat Sky Spider 1 $ 25 each NO LIMIT! Nelson’s fireworks Outlets Expires Midnight january 1st, 2015 NO LIMIT! Nelson’s fireworks Outlets Expires Midnight january 1st, 2015 - - - - - - - COUPON - - - - - - - Black Cat Super Soldier $ 2 50 each NO LIMIT! Nelson’s fireworks Outlets Expires Midnight january 1st, 2015 PAGE 2 SECTION 1 HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM MON-FRI 9 TO 5 • CLOSED SAT & SUN Solicito cocinero(a) para restaurante de comida china. Telefono: 972-784-9004, 972-693-8811. Direccion: 701 S State Hwy 78, Suite E, Farmersville, TX. CL/1231 P.O. Box 906 • Greenville, Tx 75403 903-455-5254 • 903-455-hope 903-455-3297 (fax) • Refrigerators and Washer/Dryers NEGOTIATE YOUR OWN PRICE!! EVERYTHING* IN STORE IS ON SALE Sale Ends December 31 st MAYTAG LG DINETTE SETS The Shopper Classified Rate is $5 for 20 words or less. 25¢ for each additional word. This rate applies to individuals who wish to buy, sell, rent, hire help, etc. Please place your classified ads by Friday at 5pm due to a heavy work schedule on Monday. FINAL DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT 12:00 PM ADS THAT REQUIRE A PROOF MUST BE TURNED IN BY FRIDAY. THE ADVERTISER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROOFING THEIR AD FOR ACCURACY/CHANGES AND TURNING THOSE IN BY MONDAY AT 10:00 AM. WE BUY All kinds of MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS CNC Programmers & Cam Programmers Positions Double Barrel Shotguns Open In Your Area. Call Kelly Engineering 972-378-2103 x235 JB/1224 S/S or O/U 903-455-1220 DRIVERS: OWNER Ops A T T E N T I O N : DRIVERS: $5,000.00 or 903-454-0469 PK/TF & Company. Excellent L I V E S T O C K / H o r s e Orientation Completion Money & Benefits. Home Owners: Lost an animal? Bonus! $5,000.00 Driver every week. Great Monthly We can help. Dead or Referral Bonus! Great Pay Bonus Program. New dying. 903-348-4989. (New hires min 800.00/wk Round Trip Dedicated Keep this number, regu- guarantee)! CDL-A OTR Lanes Available Now! 855- lations are changing! Exp. Req. 1-888-993-0972 971-8527 AA/1231 MJ/1231 AA/1231 MAYTAG Lets Make a deal! FRIGIDAIRE SHOPPER CLASSIFIED ADS 3617 Wesley • Greenville, Tx 75401 Please check your ad. Hunt County Shopper is WANT ADS only responsible for ONE incorrect insertion. Hunt County Shopper is not responsible for, nor do we endorse content placed by our advertisers. Any statements in our publication solely reflect the opinions of our advertisers. Please research all ads carefully before making decisions based upon them. We reserve the right to refuse service. DECEMBER 24, 2014 Wishing for something better? Do you desire... • Financial Security? • A Flexible Lifestyle? • A Creative Outlet? • 877-553-3159 2015’s curriculum is all new, innovative and stream-lined technology! These classes will include Makeup Training in Theatrical, Scarring, Bruising, Bridal etc. ALSO OFFERING (By Popular Demand) Men’s Cutting Classes! Crawford-Smith, Inc 877-553-3159 (Town South Shopping Ctr next to Hastings) INQUIRE ABOUT OUR We’d like to give a big thanks to all of our customers and we want everyone to know we are proud of our students! HAVE A SAFE HOLIDAY! 2210 Lee St • Greenville, Tx 75401 • 903-455-1220 *DOES NOT INCLUDE TIRES The Salvation Army is in need of volunteers: RECEPTIONIST: Duties include answering phone lines, greeting clients, filing charts and various other duties. PANTRY: Stocking shelves with donations, distributing food for clients, keeping pantry organized. THRIFT STORE: Sort, stock donations in warehouse and in store. Go on the donation truck when needed, sweep, mop and dust floors, wash and clean donations, various other duties. Must be able to withstand hot and cold temperatures. Call 903-455-1875 or visit 4601 King St; Greenville, Tx. 50% OFF Evening Services on Wednesday & Thursday! 20% OFF ALL Holiday Gift Sets While Supplies Last Hunt County Crime Stoppers Fugitive of the Week Up to $1000.00 for each fugitive Contact Crime Stoppers at 903-457-2929 ESTHETICIAN PROGRAM ~ Salon Services ~ Happy Holidays! LIVING ROOM SETS BEDROOM SET Wanted:Childcare attendant for exercise studio in Greenville Mornings Only, Mon and Wed at 9am, Fri at 8:30am $9/hour. Call, Leave message, Thanks Michelle 214-406-7600 CX/1224 BE A LICENSED ESTHETICIAN! DARE TO BE DIFFERENT! MAKE YOUR CAREER WORK FOR YOU! Wed - Sat: 8:30 am - 2:30 pm Tue - Thurs: 6 pm - 8 pm 5015 A Wesley • Greenville, Tx Call Cliff! • Virus Removal Guaranteed • Data Transfer • Screen Replacement • Power Jack Repair • Computer Clean-up • Data Backup & Security $ 70 Complete Virus Removal and Tune-up Financial Assistance Available! • Call TODAY to find out if you qualify! 5015 A Wesley • Greenville • Town South Shopping Ctr next to Hastings No Chemical Service after 1:00 pm Computer Troubles? 903-268-0882 Cosmetology Career Institute is offering, for the first time ever in 2015, Makeup Classes! RECLINERS USED 2-3/8” oil field tubing, 31’ length $35 per joint. 2-7/8” pipe: $50 per joint. Sucker rod: 7/8” $11. 5/8” $6.50. ¾” $9. 903-450-5236 Delivery Available MC/1231 FREE Flat Iron or Curling Service w/purchase of chemical service. Expires 12-31-14 Matthew Christopher Kane DOB 4/18/1995 White Male 6’0” 150 lbs. Warrant# 29,928 Original Charge: Failure to Register as Sex Offender **Wanted as of 12/17/2014** Go Tell It On The Mountain compiled by John Wesley Work II While shepherds kept their watching Over silent flocks by night, Behold throughout the heavens, There shone a holy light: The shepherds feared and trembled When lo! above the earth Rang out the angel chorus That hailed our Saviour’s birth: Down in a lowly manger Our humble Christ was born And God send us salvation, That blessed Christmas morn: When I am a seeker, I seek both night and day; I seek the Lord to help me, And He shows me the way: He made me a watchman Upon the city wall, And if I am a Christian, I am the least of all. Go, Tell It On The Mountain, Over the hills and everywhere; Go, Tell It On The Mountain That Jesus Christ is born. DECEMBER 24, 2014 ATTENTIOn CUSTOMERS! The Hunt County Shoppper office will be closed Wednesday, December 24th and we will re-open Monday, December 29th at 9:00 am You may place ads up to Mon. Dec. 29th at 4pm for the Wed. Dec. 31st edition. Please, feel free to leave us a voicemail, utilize our dropslot, email us, use our form at or even fax us your ad! Thank you for your business & We wish you & yours a very, merry Christmas! SCHOOL OF Free Grace Theology. Revelation/End Times Study Tuesdays at 7pm by Mike Mullins. For more info, call: 903-2747032 WBC/TF Needed: Machine Operators HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM WE BUY, SELL or trade tractors & equipment, including salvage tractors. 903-455-1220 or 903-4540469; ask for Keith PK/TF SHOP THE SHOPPER! Looking for a new career? Job Placement Assistance A major shortage of qualified drivers exists in the overthe-road trucking industry. Click through our program and see how we at ATDS can get you started in the exciting, profitable world of long distance trucking. • Top Pay • Excellent Benefits • job Security • Training May Be Available At No Cost! • PTDI Certified - 4 Week 10 Hour Course 1301 S. Bowen #320 • Arlington, Tx Call 1-888-848-4503 Visit Our Website @ WANTED TRACTORS, trailers, farm equipment, gates, panels, chutes, anything farm & ranchrelated. Buying or hauling cattle & livestock. 903217-4342 SJ/TF DO YOU NEED cash? I buy old misc. items, collectibles, signs, advertisements, jewelry, old vehicles, old tractor/ parts, musical instruments, and anything interesting. Call: 903-450-3877 TNT/TF Gun Collector will identify, clean, preserve or buy your old guns. 903-450-5456 Drivers: Owner Ops/Company. Offering $10,000 Team Bonus! Excellent Money & Benefits. Dedicated Lanes Available. Great Miles Weekly. CDL-A w/ Hazmat. 855-493-9921 AA/1231 CASA OF Hunt County always needs volunteers! Call 903-450-4410 for info HCS/TF SECTION 1 PAGE 3 & Forklift Operators Machine Operators – Working knowledge of manufacturing equipment and the ability to work flexible shifts, a minimum of 2 years manufacturing experience preferred. H.R. Generalist - with strong people skills. (Greenville Area) Various Manufacturing Positions Available Requirements: -H.S. Diploma or GED -Clear Background -Drug Test -Flexible to work any shift -Reliable transportation APPLY IN PERSON Onin Staffing 2824 Terrell Rd #405 Greenville, Tx 75402 • EOE PAGE 4 SECTION 1 HUNT COUNTY SHOPPER • 903-455-5254 • SHOPHUNTCOUNTY.COM No. 17627 IN THE ESTATE Of § IN COUNTY COURT AT LAW ALBERT PORTLAN WHITLEY, jR § NO. 2 DECEASED § HUNT COUNTY, TEXAS MCKINNEY PLANT IS EXPANDING! GREAT JOBS FOR GREAT PEOPLE! • ELECTRICIANS/ELECTRONIC TECH-$20-$30 • FORKLIFT OPERATORS-$11.25+ • WELDERS-$17 • PARTS-$10.25 • MACHINE OPERATORS-$10.25 • SUPERVISORS-DOE • LEAD OPERATORS-DOE MUST BE ABLE TO PASS A CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK. MUST HAVE A GED OR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA. ALL POSITIONS ARE TEMP TO PERM Call or apply at Employee Solutions 1411 Millwood Rd. McKinney, TX 972-562-9473 ext 488 or 487 K & L CONSTRUCTION: serving this area for over 20 years. All your home construction needs – start to finish. New additions, new homes, roofs, painting, concrete work, decks, fencing, flooring, drywall, electrical, plumbing, etc. Commercial & residential. Insured. Free estimates! 903-243-0168 or 903-945-5171 KL/TF PICKER’S PARADISE AND CREATIONS 2703 Lee St. • Across from The Texan Tue - Sat 9-6 • 903-455-0041 Antiques, Shabby Chic, Vintage, Christmas NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Administration with Will Annexed for the Estate of Albert Portlan Whitley, Jr., Deceased, were issued on December 11, 2014, in Cause No. 17627, pending in the County Court at Law No. 2, Hunt County, Texas, to: Lois Marie Whitley. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o: faires & Garrett, Attorneys at Law 1109 Main Street Commerce, Texas 75428 DATED the 16th day of December, 2014. Edgar J. Garrett, Jr. • Attorney ffor Lois Marie Whitley State Bar No.: 07701500 • 1109 Main St. • Commerce, Texas 75428 Telephone: (903) 886 3146 • Facsimile: (903) 886 1830 GENTLY USED EvenFlo playpen $20 and Graco highchair $25. Three ride on Plasma cars for kids. Will hold up to 150 lbs. Have red, pink and blue cars $20 each. All items clean and in great shape. Phone 903-456-1124 MB/1224 Lafon's Fireworks SPECIAL GROUP DISCOUNTS! Call Alvin for Prices 972-736-3316 NEW HOME Sewing machine in light oak cabinet (includes attachment) $200. Kenmore 3.3 cu. ft. refrigerator/freezer (used 3 weeks) $75. Electric power lift chair, light blue $200. Electric scooter powerlift for back of vehicle (never used) $500. 5’10” Coke-a-Cola display ice chest (like new) $100. Call 903-454-9550 or 903-450-3864 FJ/1224 FREE ESTIMATES Payment Options HAPPY MARRIAGES Always Cheaper begin when we marry the 903-456-9956 ALL ones weon love, and they blossom when we love YOU SAY: I can’t figure it out but God says I will direct the ones we marry. - Tom JUST FOR TODAY your steps. Proverbs 3:5-6 Mullen (NA) needs members & sponsors. 2805 Lee St., Our driver’s avg 2800 miles 7 days a week. 12-1 and 8-9pm. For more info, call: a week with Great Pay 903-268-6180 HCS/TF and excellent benefits. New Year ’s resolution oney? to make more m right then! Start your year out Requirements: • Minimum age requirement 25 yrs old • 2 years OTR experience • No preventable DOT reportable accidents within the past three (3) years • No convictions for DWI for the past five (5) years • No positive results for a controlled substance • No convictions for use, sale, or possession of any controlled substance We have 85% drop and hook! Teams start out at .50 cpm with PERFORMANCE BONUS of .02cpm! Solo drivers start out .36cpm to .38cpm! For quick approval call 903-213-4239 or USED APPLIANCES 90 day warranty Appliance 903-455-5050 Depot 2211 Stonewall Senior Center Resources and Public Transit Serving Hunt County since 1976 SCRPT IS SEEKING to hire part-time BUS DRIVERS 20-30 hours, must possess a CDL or be willing to acquire one. Pre-Employment drug testing is mandatory, must be 21+ to apply. Applications may be picked up at 4912 Lee • Greenville For more info, contact SCRPT, 903-454-1444 Equal Opportunity Employer NEW HANDMADE quilts, will make nice Christmas presents $125 - $175. 903-438-9124 RB/1224 HAY FOR SALE 2 Minimum 903-303-9316 TV - JVC HD-52G886 ~ 52” DLP 1080i HD Television, New Phillips lamp 9/30/14 ($87) + older lamp. Excellent condition with original remote and manuals. $200. Call: 903450-6345 QC/TF HIRING FLATBED DRIVERS! $50,000+ Per Year. Late Model Equipment. Regional Runs 95% OK & TX. Home 1-2 times/wk. Weekends OFF!! $1500 Sign-On! Family Medical! Paid Vacation & Holidays! 1yr driving exp, Class A CDL Required. Some Flatbed preferred, but will train! Call Jon: 877– 317– 3223 OAK SPLIT Firewood 16’x4’ - Cord: $175. 8’x4’ - Rick $90. 903-441-2981 or 903-513-8322. Delivery Available KM/0107 HAY FOR Sale. Round coastal in barn, never been rained on except for growing $70. 972-6362685 YL/TF Gober Post Frame Buildings Shops • Garages • Houses • Agriculture • Commercial 405-595-0770 30x40x10...... $11,500 30x40x12...... $12,700 30x50x10...... $13,800 30x50x12...... $14,900 with 4” Concrete, Fully Insulated 1 - Commercial Overhead Door 1 - Entry Door, #1 29Ga. 40yr. Painted Metal Built on Your Level Site, Additional Sizes Available Mileage or Higher Concrete Prices May Apply Protect Your Home & Property!!! Make Sure Your Contractor is following the Law Ask for General Liability & Worker’s Comp Insurance Big Show Auction 816 Houston St. Wills Point, TX 75169 Terry Watson (903)802-6296 (903)873-5427 Open Every Saturday 6:00 pm Tx Lic #15932 10% Buyers Premium Be “In the Know” - Because what you don’t know CAN hurt you! Get Involved! DrugFree Greenville www. You may also want to learn about the MethWatch Program, a national initiative aimed at curbing the spread of methamphetamines. HCS/TF BUSINESS & SERVICE Directory ADVERTISE HERE for as little as $5 per week! You get a free heading for your ad or you can be listed under an existing heading. Saturating Greenville and a 20 mile radius with over 30,000 papers delivered weekly. NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE for your ad to appear at www, We are the only local paper audited by the Circulation Verification Council. Call 903-455-5254 to find out more, TODAY!! DRYWALL FOUNDATION REPAIR CONT AIR CONDITIONING CHUCK RENFRO Air Con- BURDEN DRYWALL since MONROE FOUNDATION ditioning & Heating. Repair, 1983. Stress cracks, patch repair serving Hunt and Replacement, New Con- work, custom homes etc. surrounding counties since struction. 903-883-3192 Free Estimates. 903-461- 1980. Free Estimates 903450-3950 Cell 903-408-7525 TACL- 1499 BB/TF B12508C RC/TF DRYWALL AND PAINTING GUTTERS R E PA I R S H E E T R O C K TRI STAR Services – gutCOMPUTER REPAIR cracks, holes, water damage, ters, carports, metal haul COMPUTER SICK? Free and texture matching: interi- off, patio covers, car hauler. computer check-up. Same or, exterior, painting, staining, Free Estimates. 903-355day & weekend service pressure washing, and fence 3004 TSS/TF available. Harditech 2404 makeover. Residential and Lee St., Greenville. 972HOME EXTERIORS commercial. 10% discount 480-1974 HT/TF for churches and senior cit- SIDING SMITHS: Siding, izens. Free Estimates. Call Roofing, Windows, Gutters. CONCRETE Free Estimates. Payment CONCRETE MASTERS or Text Terry McAdams at Options. Voted #1 Contrac972-742-2434 MT/TF capable of meeting all your tor! 903-456-9956 www. concrete needs with proELECTRICAL WORK SS/TF fessional and affordable J&J ELECTRIC - Service service. Free Estimates! & Repair, Residential/Com- Today I close the door to Benny Mullis 903-703-9177 mercial electrical services. the past, open the door to the future, take a deep or 903-408-0893 MB/TF TECL21830. Call 214-793- breath, step on through JACK’S CONCRETE Work: 0537 or 972-636-7447 JJ/TF and start a new chapter in Sidewalks, patios, founmy life. - Zig Ziglar FOUNDATION REPAIR dations, driveways, etc. HOME REPAIR Complete concrete service. CARROLL FOUNDATION Repair, Slabs, Pier-N- STEPHENS REMODEL 903-449-1865 EJ/TF JERRY TURNER does Beam, Block. Seamless Home Repairs, Interior/Exconcrete work! Concrete Guttering, French Drains, terior, Painting, Carpentry, driveway, patio, sidewalk. Drainage Control Analysis. Doors, Windows, Wood FREE estimates. Metal Since 1971. 903-456-0562 Decks. Carports, Sheetrock, Repairs, Textures, building foundations & bush Member BBB FC/TF hog work 903-356-4039 or Life isn’t tied with a bow, Sprays. FREE ESTIMATE but it’s still a gift.” 903-883-3108 SR/TF 903-408-7389 TJ/TF DARYL THOMASON TRUCKING Rye Grass & Fert. Coastal Round Bales Voted #1 • Siding ROOFING • Roofing CONTRACTOR • Windows in Hunt County Readers’ Choice Awards • Gutters DECEMBER 24, 2014 LAWNCARE Upcoming fall Service Specials Starting at $35: Leaf Clean Up, Gutter Cleaning, Planting of Trees & Shrubs, Landscaping Maintenance Big & Small Starting at $32: Lawn Mowing, Hedge Trimming, Landscaping, Bed Maintenance. fREE ESTIMATES Hunt County, Caddo Mills, Royse City, quinlan (972) 754-1526 LAWNCARE CONT LAWNCARE TRIMMING & Etc. Garden tilling, trimming, fencing, small household jobs. Charles or Gordon 903-454-2811 CELL 903-413-5409; 903-7762446; 903-456-4919 CM/TF MASONRY CURRY MASONRY: specializing in stone, brick repair, retaining walls, block, flagstone, tile work & outdoor kitchens & fireplaces. Free estimates. Insured. 903-438-8794 or 903-3480271 CMS/TF MOBILE HOMES WE BUY used mobile homes (903)332-0845 or (903)3553878 rbi-36185 TOH/TF SHOP THE SHOPPER REMODELING TOTAL HOME Improvement. Residential and Commercial Contracting, 35 years experience, excellent references, insured, VA Certified # 5015, Insurance Claims Experts. Professional, dependable, courteous, quality craftsmanship. We do it all: painting, roofing, water/fire damage, kitchen/bathroom renovation, sheetrock/texture, additions, carports, fencing, decks/porches, leveling, all concrete work, stairs, windows, metal buildings. Electrical, plumbing, and A/C services available through us. Please call 903-422-9090 or 214-725-1201 THI/TF PAINTING CONT REMODELING CONT MOVING JERRY MANLEY Painting: JACK’S SHEETROCK rePORTABLE BUILDING Moving Company, any dis- Interior/Exterior, tape/bed, pairs, painting & complete tance! We also buy used texture. 39 years experience. remodeling. New Kitchens buildings and move home Retired fireman 903-408- & bathrooms, etc. All work contents. 903-439-7666 9694 or 903-455-8064 MJ/TF guaranteed. 903-449-1865 EJ/TF CS/TF PLUMBING ADVERTISE HERE for as MOORE PLUMBING Ser- SEPTIC TANK CLEANING little as $5 per week! You vices. Reliable, full service MCGEE SEPTIC Services get a free heading for your plumbing. Residential/com- SEPTIC Tank Cleaning ad or you can be listed mercial. Free estimates, Conventional & Aerobic under an existing heading. reasonable rates, senior Systems 903-456-0989 Saturating Greenville and discounts 903-447-0000. MSS/TF a 20 mile radius with over Master License M-36753 • SHOPPING 30,000 papers delivered Insured MP/TF weekly. NO ADDITIONAL QUINLAN MARKET Place. ROOFING Open 6 days a week. VenCHARGE for your ad to appear at www,ShopHunt- CHARLIE ALLEN Roofing, dors Wanted. Call 903-455- hail damage Specialist, 2279 QMP/TF 5254 to find out more, TO- 35 yrs experience, roofing TREE SERVICE shingles, flat roofing repairs. DAY!! Greenville area. Call 903- KELLY & Burt’s Tree MOWING 883-2962 or 903-413-1620 Service: Dependable & STOVER LAWN Mainte- CA/TF fair prices. Tree removal, nance. Mow, weed eat, MIKE WATTS Roofing, res- beautify, tree trimming blow-off, edge, Gutters idential & Commercial. In- around and over structures. Cleaned. Will haul off limbs. surance Claims Welcome. Full service & clean-up. Home: 903-447-4550 or All Work Guaranteed! 903- Insured. 903-447-2377 or cell: 903-268-5967 SW/TF 455-0422 WM/TF 903-456-8423 EK/1119 $AVE DEAL Direct with the WELLS PAINTING Roofer, 30 years experi- WADE WATER Well SerGEORGE HIBDON Painting. ence. Call for Free - Low- vice. Water well driller, All aspects, 35 years experiest Price Estimate! Rickey pump service & sales. Melence. Many local references. Casey 903-356-5001. Cell vin Wade 903/527-3547, “We still take Pride”. 903903-850-0463 CR/TF Joe Landrith 883/3703 or 453-7451. Call anytime, BUY • SELL • TRADE 883-2900 MW/TF Free Estimates. GH/TF
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