Bikini Bottom Genetics Nanre Incomplete Dominance SpongeBob loves growing flowers for his pal Sandy! f{er favorite {Iowers, poofkins, are found in red, blue, and purpte. Use the information provided and your knowledge of iracornplete dominance to complete each section trelow. l ' write the correcl genotype for each color if R represents Red-- Blue- a red gene aLnd B represents a blue gene. Purple Z what would happen ilspongeBob crcssed a Fooikin ri,ith recl t-lor.r'ers n.ira a poolkin u,ith blue complete the Punnett square to deterniine thr chance s of each flolver color. flo,,.n,q:!--r (a) Give the genotypes and phenot.voes for the ofttpring, (b) F{ow' many of the prlants woulcl have red flov,,ers.l q (c) Hor.v many cf the piants would have purpl,: I,lowcrs.l (cl) Horv many of the olants rvould frave blue 7c flor,vers.l cii 3' what would hiippen il spongeBotl crossed t,.i'o Poof'[:ins with pui'pie f]swers., Compicl; square to shorv the probabrlitv tbr each florver c:oioi-. i-i:,:: irr;irrri:rl (a) Cir,e the genot.ipes anri phenoryices fbr-th,: offsprine. tb) llov, mitil) rl:f the p,la:ri:, ri,oulci har,e red llolvers.l 9i (c.) Hc,r.i'nrary rtf thie piarrts voould have pLrrple flou,e,.:_r.) (d) Hori' riany of the plantr; rvould have blue llo,,l,ers., {7/t - _'t' 4 what u'ould happct, if SpongeBob ci'ossed a l)ootkin nith purple flov,ers,,ritlr a poofkin,.ri;,lr irluc flowers? Cornplete the Punttett squarc to shorv the pi-obatrility tbr plants rvith r:ach fjcrvcr coi.r-. (ii) Cive tl"ler geno{r,pes irnrl phenot_t,r:es lo: the ol'isprinl: (b) tf',SpongeBob planted l0(l seecls f-rom this cross- hor,, nranv rhr:Lrld expecI ta, have ol eiicii ;ok;r'.) PLrrpl: flolrers \iiirk.shtet t.-reured bu- l-. Tt Blue flon,ers - i,,,'i lt t: 2 ()( ) -t ht tp : //.s r.. ic n <' e .-'-_ sp o t. t t c Recl florr,cr:, t/ !-.,,"r
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