Tobias Friedrich Karl Böhmelt Department of Government, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom Professur f. Internationale Beziehungen, ETH Zurich, Haldeneggsteig 4, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT 09/2013 – Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Department of Government, University of Essex, Colchester, UK (awarded permanency/tenure in 12/2014) 09/2013 – Research Associate, Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS), and the Institute for Environmental Decisions (IED), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, CH 02/2010 – 08/2013 Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS), and the Institute for Environmental Decisions (IED), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, CH 10/2007 – 05/2009 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Government, University of Essex, Colchester, UK EDUCATION 02/2010 – 08/2013 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, CH Habilitation and Venia Legendi in Political Science 10/2007 – 07/2010 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations 10/2006 – 09/2007 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Master of Arts in International Relations 04/2006 – 09/2006 Otto–Suhr Institute, Free University, Berlin, GER Graduate Study of Political Science and Public Law 08/2005 – 12/2005 American University, Washington DC, USA Undergraduate Study of International Politics and Foreign Relations 10/2003 – 08/2005 Otto–Friedrich University, Bamberg, GER Undergraduate Study of Political Science, Public Law, and Statistics 1 ADDITIONAL ACADEMIC TRAINING 11/2013 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 08/2010 University of Essex, Colchester, UK 43rd Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection Courses: Hierarchical Models and Spatial Econometrics 08/2009 – 12/2009 Emory University, Atlanta, USA Visiting Researcher in the Department of Political Science 07/2009 – 08/2009 University of Essex, Colchester, UK 42nd Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection Courses: Duration Models and Social Network Analysis: Theory and Applications 07/2008 – 08/2008 University of Essex, Colchester, UK 41st Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection Courses: Mathematics for Social Scientists and Maximum Likelihood and Limited Dependent Variable Models 06/2008 – 07/2008 Duke University, Durham, USA 7th Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM) Summer Institute PROFESSIONAL NON–ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE AND EMPLOYMENT 06/2007 – 08/2007 German Embassy, Paris, FRA Internship with the Centre d’Information et Documéntation 02/2006 – 03/2006 Leadership Development and Civic Education Center, Koblenz, GER Internship with the Political Education Section 09/2005 – 12/2005 Hanns–Seidel Foundation, Washington Office, USA Internship with the Director 04/2003 – 09/2006 German Federal Armed Forces Officer Training of Reserve (Final Rank: Lieutenant) 07/2002 – 03/2003 Mountain Troops Battalion 232, Bischofswiesen, GER Compulsory Military Service 2 SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS, AND AWARDS 02/2015 ISA Travel Grant ($300) 03/2014 – 07/2014 Department of Government, University of Essex “Departmental Support Fund” ($2,060): Environmental Interest Groups Database (Principal Investigator) 10/2013 – 09/2017 Swiss National Science Foundation “NCCR Democracy” – Third Phase ($261,797): Democratic Quality and Legitimacy in International Environmental Governance (Co–Applicant with Thomas Bernauer and Vally Koubi) 04/2013 ISA Travel Grant ($400) 03/2013 Article (co–authored with Thomas Bernauer and Vally Koubi) selected by the editors of Environmental Research Letters for inclusion in the “Exclusive Highlights of 2012 Collection” 10/2012 – 09/2014 Swiss Network for International Studies Research Grant ($230,000): Environmental Change and Migration (Co–Coordinator with Vally Koubi (Coordinator) and Gabriele Spilker (Co–Coordinator)) 04/2012 ISA Travel Grant ($350) 01/2012 – 12/2013 Folke Bernadotte Academy Research Grant ($20,000): The Political Economy of International Mediation – Demand and Supply from a Social Network Perspective (Principal Investigator) 03/2011 ISA Travel Grant ($400) 09/2010 APSA Travel Grant ($350) 02/2010 ISA Travel Grant ($400) 08/2009 Emory University Scholarship ($16,400) 07/2009 Joint Winner of the Best PhD Research Achievement Prize (Essex) 02/2009 ISA Travel Grant ($350) 07/2008 Joint Winner of the Best MA Student Achievement Award (Essex) 06/2008 National Science Foundation (NSF) EITM Grant ($2,000) 02/2008 BISA Conference Bursary ($200) 10/2007 – 09/2010 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) PhD Award ($30,000) 10/2007 – 09/2008 Essex Political Science Departmental Scholarship ($1,500) 10/2006 – 09/2007 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship ($2,000) 3 RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS Quantitative Analysis of Conflict and Cooperation in International Relations; Environmental Politics; International Mediation; Military Effectiveness; Social Network Analysis PUBLICATIONS Monographs 2014. Essays on State Actors, Civil Society Groups, and International Institutions in Global Environmental Governance. ETH Zürich: Habilitation Dissertation. Available at (DOI): 2011. International Mediation Interaction: Synergy, Conflict, Effectiveness. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Articles in Peer–Reviewed Journals ND. “The Impact of Child Soldiers on Rebel Groups’ Fighting Capacities.” Co–authored with Roos van der Haer. Conflict Management and Peace Science: Forthcoming. ND. “Barriers to Coordination? Examining the Impact of Culture on International Mediation Occurrence and Effectiveness.” Co–authored with Zorzeta Bakaki and Vincenzo Bove. Political Studies: Forthcoming. ND. “The Differentiation of Security Forces and the Onset of Genocidal Violence.” Co– authored with Ulrich Pilster and Atsushi Tago. Armed Forces & Society: Forthcoming. ND. “The Spatial Contagion of International Mediation.” Conflict Management and Peace Science: Forthcoming. ND. “One Effect to Rule Them All? A Comment on Quantifying the Influence of Climate on Human Conflict.” Co–authored with Halvard Buhaug, Jonas Nordkvelle, Thomas Bernauer, Michael Brzoska, Joshua W. Busby, Antonio Ciccone, Hanne Fjelde, Erik Gartzke, Nils Petter Gleditsch, Jack A. Goldstone, Håvard Hegre, Helge Holtermann, Vally Koubi, Jasmin S. A. Link, Peter M. Link, Päivi Lujala, John O’Loughlin, Clionadh Raleigh, Jürgen Scheffran, Jan–Peter Schilling, Todd G. Smith, Ole Magnus Theisen, Richard S. J. Tol, Henrik Urdal, and Nina von Uexkull. Climatic Change: Forthcoming. ND. “The Impact of Institutional Coup–Proofing on Coup Attempts and Coup Outcomes.” Co–authored with Ulrich Pilster. International Interactions: Forthcoming. 4 ND. “The Interaction of International Institutions from a Social Network Perspective.” Co– authored with Gabriele Spilker. International Environmental Agreements: Forthcoming. ND. “Environmental Interest Groups and Authoritarian Regime Diversity.” Voluntas: Forthcoming. ND. “Demand, Supply, and Restraint: Determinants of Domestic Water Conflict and Cooperation.” Co–authored with Thomas Bernauer, Halvard Buhaug, Nils Petter Gleditsch, Theresa Tribaldos, and Gerdis Wischnath. Global Environmental Change: Forthcoming. ND. “The Marginal Impact of ENGOs in Different Types of Democratic Systems.” Co– authored with Thomas Bernauer and Vally Koubi. European Political Science Review: Forthcoming. ND. “Information Flows and Social Capital through Linkages: The Effectiveness of the CLRTAP Network.” Co–authored with Jürg Vollenweider. International Environmental Agreements: Forthcoming. 2015. “Diffusion of Compliance in the ‘Race towards Brussels?’ A Spatial Approach to EU Accession Conditionality.” Co–authored with Tina Freyburg. West European Politics 38: Forthcoming. 2015. “Political Leadership Changes and the Withdrawal from Military Coalition Operations, 1946–2001.” Co–authored with Ulrich Pilster and Atsushi Tago. International Studies Perspectives 16 (4): Forthcoming. 2014. “Political Opportunity Structures in Dictatorships? Explaining ENGO Existence in Autocratic Regimes.” Journal of Environment & Development 23 (4): 446–471. 2014. “Basins at Risk: Predicting International River Basin Conflict and Cooperation.” Co– authored with Thomas Bernauer. Global Environmental Politics 14 (4): 116–138. 2014. “Predicting the Duration of the Syrian Insurgency.” Co–authored with Ulrich Pilster. Research & Politics 1 (2): 1–10. 2014. “Implications of Hydro–Political Dependency for International Water Cooperation and Conflict: Insights from New Data.” Co–authored with Lucas Beck, Thomas Bernauer, and Tobias Siegfried. Political Geography 42 (1): 23–33. 2014. “Forecasting Military Expenditure.” Co–authored with Vincenzo Bove. Research & Politics 1 (1): 1–8. 5 2014. “Do Natural Resources Matter for Inter– and Intrastate Armed Conflict?” Co–authored with Vally Koubi, Gabriele Spilker, and Thomas Bernauer. Journal of Peace Research 51 (2): 227–243. 2014. “Civil Society Participation in Global Governance: Insights from Climate Politics.” Co–authored with Vally Koubi and Thomas Bernauer. European Journal of Political Research 53 (1): 18–36. 2014. “Grievances, Economic Wealth, and Civil Conflict.” Co–authored with Vally Koubi. Journal of Peace Research 51 (1): 19–33. 2013. “Are Economically ‘Kinder, Gentler Societies’ also Greener?” Co–authored with Thomas Bernauer. Environmental Science & Technology 47 (21): 11993–12001. 2013. “Civil Society Lobbying and Countries’ Climate Change Policies – A Matching Approach.” Climate Policy 13 (6): 698–717. 2013. “The Impact of Preferential Trade Agreements on Governmental Repression Revisited.” Co–authored with Gabriele Spilker. Review of International Organizations 8 (3): 343–361. 2013. “Failing to Succeed? The Cumulative Impact of International Mediation Revisited.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 30 (3): 199–219. 2013. “The Temporal Dimension of the Credibility of EU Conditionality and Candidate States’ Compliance with the acquis communautaire, 1998–2009.” Co–authored with Tina Freyburg. European Union Politics 14 (2): 250–272. 2013. “The Impact of Environmental Interest Groups in International Environmental Negotiations: Do ENGOs Induce Stronger Environmental Commitments?” Co– authored with Carola Betzold. International Environmental Agreements 13 (2): 127– 151. 2013. “A Closer Look at the Information Provision Rationale: Civil Society Participation in States’ Delegations at the UNFCCC.” Review of International Organizations 8 (1): 55–80. 2013. “Is There a Democracy–Civil Society Paradox in Global Environmental Governance?” Co–authored with Thomas Bernauer and Vally Koubi. Global Environmental Politics 13 (1): 88–107. 2013. “National Climate Policies in International Comparison: The Climate Change Cooperation Index.” Co–authored with Thomas Bernauer. Environmental Science & Policy 25 (1): 196–206. 6 2012. “Do Democracies Engage Less in Coup–Proofing? On the Relationship between Regime Type and Civil–Military Relations.” Co–authored with Ulrich Pilster. Foreign Policy Analysis 8 (4): 355–372. 2012. “Why Many Cooks If They Can Spoil the Broth? The Determinants of Multiparty Mediation.” Journal of Peace Research 49 (5): 701–715. 2012. “Water–Related Intrastate Conflict and Cooperation (WARICC): A New Event Dataset.” Co–authored with Thomas Bernauer, Halvard Buhaug, Nils Petter Gleditsch, Theresa Tribaldos, Eivind Berg Weibust, and Gerdis Wischnath. International Interactions 38 (4): 529–545. 2012. “Environmental Changes and Violent Conflict.” Co–authored with Thomas Bernauer and Vally Koubi. Environmental Research Letters 7 (1): 015601 (1–8). 2011. “Zur Problematik kollektiven Handelns – Eine quantitative Studie internationaler Umweltregime.” [On Problems of Collective Action – A Quantitative Study of International Environmental Regimes]. Co–authored with Ulrich Pilster. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 18 (2): 63–90. 2011. “Disaggregating Mediations: The Impact of Multiparty Mediation.” British Journal of Political Science 41 (4): 859–881. 2011. “Coup–Proofing and Military Effectiveness in Interstate Wars, 1967–99.” Co– authored with Ulrich Pilster. Conflict Management and Peace Science 28 (4): 331– 350. 2010. “The Impact of Trade on International Mediation.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 54 (4): 566–592. 2010. “International Environmental Regimes – Legalisation, Flexibility and Effectiveness.” Co–authored with Ulrich Pilster. Australian Journal of Political Science 45 (2): 245– 260. 2010. “The Effectiveness of Tracks of Diplomacy Strategies in Third–Party Interventions.” Journal of Peace Research 47 (2): 167–178. 2009. “International Mediation and Social Networks: The Importance of Indirect Ties.” International Interactions 35 (3): 298–319. WORKING PAPERS “Systemic Deliberation, Environmental Policies, and Environmental Outcomes.” Co–authored with Marit Böker and Hugh Ward (revise and resubmit). 7 “Counterbalancing, Spatial Dependence, and Peer–Group Effects.” Co–authored with Andrea Ruggeri and Ulrich Pilster (revise and resubmit). “Diasporas and External Military Intervention in Civil Wars.” Co–authored with Vincenzo Bove (under review). “Party Policy Diffusion.” Co–authored with Lawrence Ezrow, Ron Lehrer, and Hugh Ward (under review). “Domestic and International Determinants of International Mediation: The Importance of Conflict Characteristics” (work in progress). “Spatial Dependencies and International Mediation” (work in progress). “Child Soldiers as Time Bombs? Adolescents’ Participation in Rebel Groups and the Recurrence of Armed Conflict.” Co–authored with Roos van der Haer (work in progress). “Climate and Conflict: Whence the Weather?” Co–authored with Erik Gartzke (work in progress). “Do Leadership Turnover and Elections Affect International Treaty Ratification?” (work in progress). “What Drives CO2 Emissions? In–Sample Predictions, Out–of–Sample Predictions, and Bayesian Model Averaging” (work in progress). “Economic Globalization and the Environment.” Co–authored with Thomas Bernauer and Vally Koubi (work in progress). “International Mediation Onset, Effectiveness, and Actors’ Linkages: Studying Mediation from a Social Network Perspective” (book manuscript – work in progress). TEACHING 07/2015 University of Essex, Colchester, UK 48th Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection Instructor for Models for Categorical Data 10/2014 – 05/2015 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Lecturer GV103: Introduction to International Relations Lecturer GV110: Scientific Reasoning for the Social Sciences Lecturer GV212: International Organizations Lecturer GV517: International Security Studies 07/2014 – 08/2014 University of Essex, Colchester, UK 47th Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection Instructor for Discrete Choice Models in the Social Sciences 8 10/2013 – 05/2014 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Lecturer GV517: International Security Studies 02/2013 – 06/2013 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, CH Lecturer (together with Vally Koubi) 857–0004–00L: Political Economy Lecturer (together with Vally Koubi) 857–0052–00L: Comparative and International Political Economy Lecturer 853–0312–00L: Political Methodology II 09/2012 – 12/2012 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, CH Lecturer 851–0597–04L: Political Decision–Making and Behavior Lecturer 853–0205–00L: Political Methodology I 02/2012 – 06/2012 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, CH Lecturer 853–0312–00L: Political Methodology II 09/2011 – 12/2011 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, CH Lecturer 851–0597–02L: International Organizations Lecturer 853–0205–00L: Political Methodology I 07/2011 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ES 2nd Erasmus Summer School on Environmental Conflicts and Justice Lecturer for Quantitative Methods in Political Science 09/2010 – 12/2010 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, CH Lecturer 851–0597–02L: International Organizations 07/2010 – 08/2010 University of Essex, Colchester, UK 43rd Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection Graduate Teaching Assistant for Logit and Probit Models 07/2009 University of Essex, Colchester, UK 42nd Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection Graduate Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Regression and Logit and Probit Models 12/2008 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Instructor for a Postgraduate Introductory Course to Stata 10/2008 – 05/2009 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Graduate Teaching Assistant GV241: Latin American Politics 07/2008 – 08/2008 University of Essex, Colchester, UK 41st Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection Graduate Teaching Assistant for Logit and Probit Models 9 10/2007 – 05/2009 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Graduate Teaching Assistant GV214: International Relations Graduate Demonstrator GV900: Political Explanation 04/2006 – 07/2006 Otto–Suhr–Institute, Free University, Berlin, GER Student Teaching Assistant for an Undergraduate Introductory Course to Political Science ORIGINAL DATA COLLECTION 02/2013 – 04/2013 WTO Disputes and Panel Establishments, 1996–2012 (with Gabriele Spilker) 02/2012 – 04/2012 States’ Linkages within the LRTAP Convention, 1980–2008 (with Jürg Vollenweider) 10/2011 – 12/2011 Human Rights Law Obligations in Preferential Trade Agreements, 1976–2009 (with Gabriele Spilker) 10/2011 – 12/2011 States’ Compliance with EU Laws, 1998–2009 (with Tina Freyburg) 10/2010 – 07/2011 Countries’ Compliance with the UNFCCC Regime, 1995–2010 07/2010 – 05/2014 Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations Data According to the Membership in the International Union for Conservation of Nature 03/2010 – 12/2011 Composition of State Delegations in the UNFCCC Regime, 1995–2011 02/2010 – 08/2011 Event Data on Water Conflicts and Cooperation, 1997–2009 (Principal Investigator in Collaborative Project) 08/2009 – 12/2009 Emory University, Atlanta, USA Research Assistant for a Project on UN Resolutions 09/2009 – 12/2009 Size and Composition of Peacekeeping Troops, 1948–2000 (with Nils W. Metternich, Ulrich Pilster, and Andrea Ruggeri) 04/2009 – 07/2014 Military Organizations, Coup–Proofing, and Battle Outcomes, 1975– 2014 (with Ulrich Pilster) 04/2009 – 08/2009 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Research Assistant for a Project on the Disaggregation of Trade Flows CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND INVITED TALKS “The Spatial Contagion of International Mediation.” To be presented at the 56th ISA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 18th – 21st February 2015. 10 “Diffusion of Compliance in the ‘Race towards Brussels?’ A Spatial Approach to EU Accession Conditionality.” With Tina Freyburg, to be presented at the 56th ISA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 18th – 21st February 2015. “Implications of Hydro–Political Dependency for International Water Cooperation and Conflict: Insights from New Data.” With Lucas Beck, Thomas Bernauer, and Tobias Siegfried, to be presented at the 56th ISA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 18th – 21st February 2015. “Diffusion of Compliance in the ‘Race towards Brussels?’ A Spatial Approach to EU Accession Conditionality.” With Tina Freyburg, to be presented at the 8th Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO VIII), Berlin, GER, 12th – 14th February 2015. “Domestic and International Determinants of International Mediation: The Importance of Conflict Characteristics.” Presented at the Workshop “Networked International Politics: Complex Interdependence and the Diffusion of Conflict and Peace,” University of St. Gallen, CH, 20th – 22nd November 2014. “Climate and Conflict: Whence the Weather?” Invited Talk given at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, CH, 22nd September 2014. “Party Policy Diffusion.” Invited Talk given at the University of St. Gallen, CH, 17th September 2014. “Demand, Supply, and Restraint: Determinants of Domestic Water Conflict and Cooperation.” With Thomas Bernauer, Halvard Buhaug, Nils Petter Gleditsch, Theresa Tribaldos, and Gerdis Wischnath, presented at the Norwich Conference on Earth System Governance, Norwich, UK, 1st – 3rd July 2014. “Are Economically ‘Kinder, Gentler Societies’ also Greener?” With Thomas Bernauer, presented at the Norwich Conference on Earth System Governance, Norwich, UK, 1st – 3rd July 2014. “The Spatial Contagion of International Mediation.” Presented at the 2014 Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, The Hague, NL, 23rd – 25th June 2014. “Bullet–Proof? Coup–Proofing, Spatial Dependencies, and Peer–Group Effects.” With Andrea Ruggeri and Ulrich Pilster, presented at the KUBEC International Relations Research Seminar 2014 “Advancing the Scientific Study of Conflict and Cooperation: Alternative Perspectives from the UK and Japan,” Brussels, BE, 22nd – 23rd June 2014. “The Spatial Contagion of International Mediation.” Invited Talk given at the University of Geneva, CH, 10th June 2014. 11 “Bullet–Proof? Coup–Proofing, Spatial Dependencies, and Peer–Group Effects.” With Andrea Ruggeri and Ulrich Pilster, presented at the 55th ISA Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA, 26th – 29th March 2014. “Treaty Ratification and Political Leadership (Change): Does It Make a Difference?” Presented at the 55th ISA Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA, 26th – 29th March 2014. “Environmental Interest Groups and Authoritarian Regime Diversity.” Presented at the 2014 Environmental Politics Section Meeting of the German Political Science Association, Berlin, GER, 10th – 11th February 2014. “The Spatial and Temporal Clustering of International Mediation.” Presented at the 2013 Conflict Research Society Peace and Conflict Anniversary Conference, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 17th – 19th September 2013. “The Impact of Institutional Coup–Proofing on Coup Attempts: An Empirical Analysis.” With Ulrich Pilster, presented at the 2013 Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, Milan, IT, 24th – 26th June 2013. “Military Force Structures, Counterinsurgency, and the Onset of State–Sponsored Mass Killings, 1971–2001.” With Ulrich Pilster and Atsushi Tago, presented at the Kobe Sakura Meeting “Advancing the Scientific Study of Conflict and Cooperation: Alternative Perspectives from the UK and Japan,” Kobe University, Kobe, JP, 15th – 17th April 2013. “Civil Society Lobbying and Countries’ Climate Change Policies – A Matching Approach.” Invited Talk given at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, AT, 10th April 2013. “Civil Society Inclusion in Global Governance: Insights from Climate Politics.” With Vally Koubi and Thomas Bernauer, presented at the 54th ISA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 3rd – 6th April 2013. “Failing to Succeed? The Cumulative Impact of International Mediation Revisited.” Presented at the 54th ISA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 3rd – 6th April 2013. “The Interaction of International Institutions from a Social Network Perspective.” With Gabriele Spilker, presented at the 41st ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Mainz, GER, 11th – 16th March 2013. “The Interaction of International Institutions from a Social Network Perspective.” With Gabriele Spilker, presented at the 6th Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO VI), Mannheim and Heidelberg, GER, 7th – 9th February 2013. “The Interaction of International Institutions from a Social Network Perspective.” With Gabriele Spilker, presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Political Science Association, Zurich, CH, 31st January – 1st February 2013. 12 “Demand, Supply, and Restraint: Determinants of Domestic Water Conflict and Cooperation.” With Thomas Bernauer, Halvard Buhaug, Nils Petter Gleditsch, and Theresa Tribaldos, presented at the Climate Change, Hydro–Conflicts, and Human Security Conference, Nicosia, CY, 10th – 11th December 2012. “Is There a Democracy–Civil Society Paradox in Global Environmental Governance?” Invited Talk given at the Otto–Friedrich University, Bamberg, GER, 30th November 2012. “Demand, Supply, and Restraint: Determinants of Domestic Water Conflict and Cooperation.” With Thomas Bernauer, Halvard Buhaug, Nils Petter Gleditsch, and Theresa Tribaldos. Invited Talk given at a Workshop on “Climate and Conflict: Past Evidence and Research Gaps,” PRIO, Oslo, NO, 11th – 12th September 2012. “Civil Society Inclusion in Global Governance: Insights from Climate Politics.” With Thomas Bernauer and Vally Koubi, presented at the 9th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis, Zurich, CH, 4th – 7th September 2012. “Information Flows and Social Capital through Linkages: The Effectiveness of the CLRTAP Network.” With Jürg Vollenweider, presented at the 9th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis, Zurich, CH, 4th – 7th September 2012. “Failing to Succeed? The Cumulative Impact of International Mediation Revisited.” Presented at the 2012 Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, Berlin, GER, 25th – 27th June 2012. “Political Leadership Changes and the Withdrawal from Military Coalition Operations, 1946– 2001.” With Ulrich Pilster and Atsushi Tago, presented at the 53rd ISA Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 1st – 4th April 2012. “The Influence of Civil Society Lobbying on Countries’ Cooperation in Climate Change Policy – A Matching Approach.” Presented at the 53rd ISA Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 1st – 4th April 2012. “Military Force Structure and the Onset of Genocidal Violence.” With Ulrich Pilster and Atsushi Tago, presented at the Conference “Advancing the Scientific Study of Conflict and Cooperation: Alternative Perspectives from the UK and Japan,” University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 20th – 21st March 2012. “The Effectiveness of Accession Conditionality and States’ Compliance Before and After EU Enlargement: A New Theoretical Perspective and Empirical Analysis.” With Tina Freyburg, presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Political Science Association, Lucerne, CH, 2nd – 3rd February 2012. 13 “Introduction to Panel Data.” Invited Talk given at the University of Konstanz, GER, 19th January 2012. “Political Leadership Changes and the Withdrawal from Military Coalition Operations, 1946– 2001.” With Ulrich Pilster and Atsushi Tago, presented at the CIS Colloquium, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, CH, 8th December 2011. “Is There a Democracy–Civil Society Paradox in Global Environmental Governance?” Invited Talk given at the University of Siegen, GER, 28th November 2011. “Why Many Cooks If They Can Spoil the Broth? The Determinants of Multiparty Mediation.” Invited Talk given at the “Conference on Quantitative Peace Research,” University of Greifswald, GER, 21st – 22nd October 2011. “Intrastate Water–Related Conflict and Cooperation: A New Event Dataset.” With Thomas Bernauer, Halvard Buhaug, Nils Petter Gleditsch, Theresa Tribaldos, Eivind Berg Weibust, and Gerdis Wischnath, presented at the 45th Peace Science Society Annual North American Meeting, Los Angeles, USA, 14th – 15th October 2011. “Storm Troopers Draining the Swamps? On the Relationship between Conventional and Unconventional Military Effectiveness.” With Ulrich Pilster, presented at the 106th APSA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, USA, 1st – 4th September 2011. “Storm Troopers Draining the Swamps? On the Relationship between Conventional and Unconventional Military Effectiveness.” With Ulrich Pilster, presented at the 2011 Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, Amsterdam, NL, 27th – 29th June 2011. “An Emerging Civil Society? The Conditions of Civil Society Participation in International Negotiation Delegations.” Presented at the 52nd ISA Annual Meeting, Montréal, CA, 16th – 19th March 2011. “Storm Troopers Draining the Swamps? On the Relationship between Conventional and Unconventional Military Effectiveness.” With Ulrich Pilster, presented at the 52nd ISA Annual Meeting, Montréal, CA, 16th – 19th March 2011. “Intrastate Water–Related Conflict and Cooperation: A New Event Dataset.” With Thomas Bernauer, Halvard Buhaug, Nils Petter Gleditsch, Theresa Tribaldos, Eivind Berg Weibust, and Gerdis Wischnath, presented at the 52nd ISA Annual Meeting, Montréal, CA, 16th – 19th March 2011. “Reviewing Scientific Journal Articles.” Invited Talk given at PoliNet Peer Group, Zurich, CH, 2 March 2011. 14 “Why Many Cooks If They Can Spoil the Broth? The Determinants of Multiparty Mediation.” Invited Talk given at the Folke Bernadotte Academy’s Operational Conflict Prevention Workshop, New York, USA, 21st – 22nd January 2011. “An Emerging Civil Society? The Conditions of Civil Society Participation in International Negotiation Delegations.” Presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Austrian, German, and Swiss Political Science Associations, Basel, CH, 13th – 14th January 2011. “The Impact of NGOs in International Environmental Negotiations: Do NGOs Induce Stronger Environmental Commitments?” With Carola Betzold, presented at the Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Berlin, GER, 8th – 9th October 2010. “Why Many Cooks If They Can Spoil the Broth? The Determinants of Multiparty Mediation.” Presented at the 2010 Political Economy Section Meeting of the German Political Science Association, Zurich, CH, 10th – 11th September 2010. “An Emerging Civil Society – When Do NGOs Participate as Delegation Members in Environmental Negotiations?” Presented at the 105th APSA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Washington DC, USA, 2nd – 5th September 2010. “Why Many Cooks If They Can Spoil the Broth? The Determinants of Multiparty Mediation.” Presented at the 105th APSA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Washington DC, USA, 2nd – 5th September 2010. “Why Many Cooks If They Can Spoil the Broth? The Determinants of Multiparty Mediation.” Presented at the 2010 Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, Amsterdam, NL, 28th – 30th June 2010. “The Impact of Multiparty Mediation in International Interventions: Synergy, Conflict, Effectiveness.“ Presented at the 68th MPSA Annual National Conference, Chicago, USA, 22nd – 25th April 2010. “The Impact of Multiparty Mediation in International Interventions: Synergy, Conflict, Effectiveness.” Presented at the 51st ISA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 17th – 20th February 2010. “The Effectiveness of Peacekeeping Missions in Civil Wars: Disaggregating Interventions, 1948–2000.” With Nils W. Metternich, Ulrich Pilster, and Andrea Ruggeri, presented at the “Localized Effects of and Impacts on Peacekeeping in Civil War Conference,” University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 11th – 12th December 2009. “The Impact of Trade on International Mediation.” Presented at the Political Science Departmental Seminar, Emory University, Atlanta, USA, 19th November 2009. 15 “The Impact of Trade on International Mediation – A Social Network Approach.” Presented at the 2009 Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, Amsterdam, NL, 29th June – 1st July 2009. “International Environmental Regimes – Legalization, Flexibility, and Effectiveness.” With Ulrich Pilster, presented at the 50th ISA Annual Meeting, New York, USA, 15th – 18th February 2009. “Autocratic Regime Type and Military Effectiveness.” With Ulrich Pilster, presented at the 42nd Peace Science Society Annual North American Meeting, Claremont, USA, 24th – 25th October 2008. “The Social Interaction of Belligerents and Its Effects on International Mediation.” Presented at the 42nd Peace Science Society Annual North American Meeting, Claremont, USA, 24th – 25th October 2008. “International Environmental Regimes – Problem Structure and Performance.” With Ulrich Pilster, presented at the 1st British–German International Relations Conference, Arnoldshain, GER, 16th – 18th May 2008. “The Effectiveness of Tracks of Diplomacy Strategies in Third–Party Interventions.” Presented at the 1st British–German International Relations Conference, Arnoldshain, GER, 16th – 18th May 2008. “When Do Groups Underprovide Public Goods? A Quantitative Analysis of International Environmental Regimes.” With Ulrich Pilster, presented at the 11th CANE Postgraduate Conference in Politics, York, UK, 17th November 2007. “Collective Security Systems – A Corner Mark of Germany’s Defense Policy.” Invited Talk given at the Leadership Development and Civic Education Center, Koblenz, GER, 21st April 2006. SERVICE ACTIVITIES 02/2015 Discussant at the 56th ISA Annual Meeting 09/2014 – 11/2014 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Member of the International Relations/Transnational Politics Search Committee, Department of Government 08/2014 – University of Essex, Colchester, UK Recruitment Officer Postgraduate Teaching (PGT) Member of the Research Committee 06/2014 Panel Chair at the 2014 Jan Tinbergen NEPS Conference 16 03/2014 Discussant at the 55th ISA Annual Meeting 01/2014 – Editorial Board, International Interactions 12/2013 Guest Editor for the “Proceedings of the 13th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference” in Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 19 (3) 09/2013 Panel Chair at the 2013 Conflict Research Society Peace and Conflict Anniversary Conference 06/2013 Panel Chair at the 2013 Jan Tinbergen NEPS Conference 04/2013 Discussant at the 54th ISA Annual Meeting 03/2013 Discussant at the 41st ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops 02/2013 Discussant at the 6th PEIO Conference 02/2013 Discussant at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Political Science Association 09/2012 Discussant at the 9th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis 06/2012 Panel Chair at the 2012 Jan Tinbergen NEPS Conference 04/2012 Discussant at the 53rd ISA Annual Meeting 02/2012 Panel Chair and Discussant at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Political Science Association 03/2011 Panel Chair and Discussant at the 52nd ISA Annual Meeting 01/2011 Discussant at the Joint 2011 Annual Meeting of the Austrian, German, and Swiss Political Science Associations 04/2010 Discussant at the 68th MPSA Annual National Conference 02/2010 Panel Chair and Discussant at the 51st ISA Annual Meeting 10/2008 – 08/2009 University of Essex, Colchester, UK Representative of the Graduate Teaching Assistants, Extenuating Circumstances and Teaching Quality Review Committee 17 Journal Manuscript Reviewer for the American Journal of Political Science, the American Political Science Review, the British Journal of Political Science, Civil Wars, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Climate Policy, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Environmental Research Letters, the European Journal of Political Economy, the European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, Global Environmental Change, International Environmental Agreements, International Interactions, International Negotiation, the International Political Science Review, International Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Conflict Resolution, the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, the Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, the Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, the Journal of Peace Research, the Journal of Politics, the Journal of Public Policy, Oxford Development Studies, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, Research & Politics, the Review of International Organizations, the Swiss Political Science Review, and the Zeitschrift für Friedens– und Konfliktforschung Proposal Reviewer for the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), the Newton International Fellowship, and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Co–supervisor of two PhD students in the Department of Government at the University of Essex (2013–); member of three PhD boards in the Department of Government at the University of Essex (2014–); external examiner and co–supervisor of one PhD student in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz (2014–); supervisor of six MA dissertations in the Department of Government at the University of Essex (all in 2014); (co–) supervisor of two BA theses and three MA dissertations at the ETH Zurich (2010–2013) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Political Science Association, Conflict Prevention Working Group (Folke Bernadotte Academy), European Political Science Association, German Political Science Association, International Studies Association, Midwest Political Science Association, Network of European Peace Scientists, the Peace Science Society (International), and the WIRE Workshop Series on “Networks in Global Environmental Governance” 18 SKILLS Statistical Software Packages: LIMDEP, R, SPSS, Stata Languages: German (Native), English (Fluent – C2), French (Sufficient – B1), Mandarin (Basic – A1), Spanish (Basic – A1), Latin (Latin Proficiency Certificate) REFERENCES Professional and academic references available on request Colchester, November 2014 19
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