Conference on National Systems of Entrepreneurship Mannheim 20-21, November 2014 Conference Venue: Conference Programme ZEW 68161 Mannheim L7,1 Thursday, November 20 09:00-09:45 Registration 09:45-10:00 Welcome Room Luxemburg Georg Licht (ZEW & MaCCI, Mannheim, DE) 10:00-11:00 PLENARY SESSION A Chair: Georg Licht (ZEW & MaCCI, Mannheim, DE) Room Luxemburg Title will be announced later Maryann Feldma Scott Stern (MIT Sloan School, Boston, US) 11:00-11:15 Coffee Break 11:15-13:15 PARALLEL SESSIONS I (see below for details) 13:15-14:15 Lunch Break 14:15-16.15 PARALLEL SESSIONS II (see below for details) 16.15-16:40 Coffee Break 16:40-17:40 PLENARY SESSION B Chair: N.N Title will be announced later Maryann Feldma David Audretsch (Indiana University, Bloomington, US) 18.45 Meeting at ZEW Entrance Hall 19:00 19:15 Walking to Conference Dinner at Rheinterassen, Mannheim Conference Dinner at Rheinterassen, Mannheim Room Luxemburg Friday, November 21 09:00-11.00 PARALLEL SESSIONS III (see below for details) 11:00-11:30 Coffee Break 11:30-12:30 PLENARY SESSION C Chair: N.N Room Luxemburg Title will be announced later Philip McCann (University of Gronigen, Groningen, NL) 12:30-13:30 Lunch Break 13:30-14:50 PARALLEL SESSIONS IV (see below for details) 14.50-15:10 Coffee Break 15:10-16:10 PLENARY SESSION D Chair: N.N Room Luxemburg Looking for Growth in all the Wrong Places: The Continued Search for the Solow Residual Zoltan Acs (George Mason University, Fairfax/Virginia, US) 16:10-16:25 Closing Remarks Georg Licht (ZEW & MaCCI, Mannheim, DE) 16:25 FAREWELL DRINKS AND PRETZELS Optional: Evening trip to Heidelberg Room Luxemburg PARALLEL SESSIONS PARALLEL SESSIONS I 11:15-13.15 Room 1 Thursday, 20.11.2014 Room 2 Session I A: Dynamics Session I B: Framework Conditions Chair: N.N Chair: N.N The Dynamics of Employment Growth. Evidence from 18 Countries Chiara Criscuolo (OECD, Paris, FR), Peter N. Gal (OECD, Paris, FR) and Carlo Menon (OECD, Paris, FR) Public-Sector Entrepreneurship and the Creation of a Sustainable Innovative Economy Dennis Leyden (The University of North Carolina, Greensboro, US), Discussant: N.N Discussant: N.N Entry and Exit, productivity Growth and Severe Recessions: What can be learned from 2008 Portuguese Financial Crisis? Carlos Carreira (University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PT) and Paulino Teixeira (University of Coimbra, Coimbra, PT& IZA, DE) Discussant: N.N Judicial Delay and Firms’ Defaults Greta Falavigna (CNR – Ceris, Torino, IT), Roberto Ippoliti (Italian National School of Public Administration and Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Rome, IT), Alessandro Melcarne (IEL, Univeristy of Torino, Torino, IT) and Giovanni B. Ramello (University of Eastern Piedmont, POLIS, Alessandria, IT) Discussant: N.N Evidence of Entrepreneurship Systems Dynamics: A Multi-Country Study Sandra Schillo (Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, CA), Ajax Persaud (Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, CA) and Meng Jin (Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, CA) SME Participation and Success in Public Procurement Johan Stake (Södertörn University, Stockholm, SE) Discussant: N.N Discussant: N.N Coffee Break PARALLEL SESSIONS II 14:15-16.15 Room 1 Thursday, 20.11.2014 Room 2 Session II A: Entrepreneurial Opportunities Session II B: Entrepreneurial Opportunities Chair: N.N Chair: N.N Entrepreneurship and Country Level Innovation: Investigating the Role of Entrepreneurial Opportunities Matthias Mrozewski (Technical University, Berlin, DE) and Jan Kratzer (Technical University, Berlin DE) You Can Lead a Firm to R&D but Can You Make it Innovate? UK Evidence from SMEs Marc Cowling (Brighton Business School, Brighton, UK) Discussant: N.N Discussant: N.N Freedom and Entrepreneurship. A Panel and Country Analysis Erik Lehmann (University of Augsburg, DE) Nicolaus Seitz (University of Augsburg, DE) Discussant: N.N Does Local Human Capital Boost the Exploitation of University Knowledge Spillovers by Prospective Entrepreneurs? The Case of the Creation of Innovative Companies in Italy Niccolo Ghio (Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan, IT), Massimiliano Guerini (University of Pisa, Pisa, IT) and Cristina Rossi-Lamastra (Polytechnic University of Milan, Milan, IT) Discussant: N.N Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Old Wine in New Bottles? Erik Stam (Utrecht University School of Economics, NL) and Peter Vogel (Institute of Technology Management, University of St. Gallen, CH) Young Innovative Companies: High Performers Also in the Transition Economies? Evidence from Vietnam Enrico Santarelli (University of Bologna, Bologna, IT) and Hien Thu Tran (University of Bologna, Bologna, IT) Discussant: N.N Discussant: N.N Coffee Break PARALLEL SESSIONS III 9:00-11:00 Room 1 Friday, 21.11.2014 Room 2 Session III A: Financing Session III B: Spatial Aspects Chair: N.N Chair: N.N Information Cascades among Investors in Equity Crowdfunding Silvio Vismara (University of Bergamo, Bergamo, IT) Is Job Creation dependent on the Local Context? An Analysis of French Industrial Establishments over the Period 2004-2010 Nadine Levratto (EconomiX, University of Paris Ouest & Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi (CEE), Noisy-le-Grand &Kedge Business School, Talence, FR) and Aziza Garsaa (EconomiX, University of Paris Ouest& University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, Fr) Discussant: N.N Discussant: N.N Public Seed-Funding for Academic Spin-offs: Impact Analysis with entropy balancing Mark Ayoub (Johannes Kepler University, Linz , AT) and Sandra Gottschalk (ZEW, Mannheim, DE) Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Cities- Establishing the Framework Conditions David B. Audretsch (Indiana University, Bloomington, US) and Maksim Belitski (Henley Business School, University of Reading, Reading, UK) Discussant: N.N Discussant: N.N Entrepreneurship Policy and Firm Performance Chile´s CORFO Seed Capital Program Lucas Navarro (Inter-American Development Bank, Washington D.C., US & ILADESUniversidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, CL) Exploring the Spatial Heterogeneity of Entrepreneurship in Chinese Manufacturing Industries Xibao Li (Tsinghua University, Beijing, CN) Discussant: N.N Discussant: N.N Coffee Break PARALLEL SESSIONS IV 13:30-14:50 Room 1 Friday, 21.11.2014 Room 2 Session IV A: Migration Session IV B: Entrepreneurship Chair: N.N Chair: N.N Immigration, Business Ownership and Job Creation in Canada David Green (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA), Huju Liu (Statistics Canada, Ottawa, CA), Yuri Ostrovsky (Statistics Canada, Ottawa, CA) and Garnett Picot (Statistics Canada, Ottawa & Citizenship and Immigration, Toronto, CA) Hart Facts or Soft Insights? Fact-Based and Participative Approaches to Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Policy Analysis of Management Erkko Autio (Imperial College Business School, London, UK) and Jonathan Levie (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK) Discussant: N.N Discussant: N.N Entrepreneurship and Immigration: Evidence from GEM Luxembourg Chiara Peroni (STATEC, Luxembourg, LU) Cesare Riillo (STATEC, Luxembourg, LU) and Francesco Sarracino (STATEC, Luxembourg, LU & LCSR, Moscow, Russia & GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Mannheim/Cologne, DE) A Framework for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Policy Discussant: N.N Discussant: N.N Pontus Braunerhjelm (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SE) and Magnus Henrekson (Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm, SE) Coffee Break *Presenting authors in bold
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