Conference Programme Thursday, January 22, 2015 09:00 - 10:00 Registration 10:00 Opening in Conference Hall – Plenary Session PLENARY SESSION Chair: Michiel S. de Vries 10:00 Welcome Addresses Jiří Špalek Head, Department of Public Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University 10:15 Geert Bouckaert: Trust and the Public Administration - presentation President of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, Belgium Juraj Nemec, Michiel S. de Vries: Roundtable and discussion about the presented topic 12:30-13:30 LUNCH SESSION I - SESSION II - POSTER SESSION 13:30–15:15 SESSION I and SESSION II 15:30-17:15 SESSION I and SESSION II 17:30–18:30 POSTER SESSION 17:30-18:00 Meeting of the Association of Public Economics 18:30-24:00 CONFERENCE RECEPTION, SOCIAL EVENING Friday, January 23, 2015 SESSION III – SESSION IV 09:00-11:30 SESSION III and SESSION IV 11:30 LUNCH Thursday, January 22, 2015 SESSION I – Public administration Chairs: David Špaček, Katarína Staroňová 13:30 Staroňová, K.: Senior Civil Service in Slovakia Discussant: Provazníková Staňová, L.: All roads lead to Rome: How informal staffing finds its way through unrelated formal institutions Discussant: Sičáková-Beblavá Sičáková-Beblavá, E.: Civil Service Education: Basic Concepts, Typology and the Example of the Slovak Practice Discussant: Špaček Curtiss J., Škarabelová S.: Rural Non-profit Organizations and their Functions in Communities and Local Governance: Survey Results from Vysočina and South Moravia Regions Discussant: Staroňová 15:15-15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 Ochrana, F., Stehlík P.: The Effect of Transparency in Public Procurement in Terms of Traceability of the Beneficial Owner Discussant: Jurčík Jurčík, R.: New trends in the evaluation of public contracts. The lowest tender price or economic advantageousness of the tender? Discussant: Stehlík Mandys, J., Křupka, J., Provazníková, R.: Use of the Quality of Life concept for decision-making processes in public administration. Discussant: Komárková Štemberková, R. a kol.: Evaluation of R&D results in German-speaking countries Discussant: Kubák 17:15 Coffee Break Thursday, January 22, 2015 SESSION II The Changing Face of Migration: Determinants, Successes and Failures Chair: Martin Guzi 13:30 Mariola Pytliková, Alicia Adsera, John Palmer: Border controls, benefits, and rights: How states shape migration patterns in a world of multiple origins and destinations Discussant: Martin Guzi Štěpán Mikula, Martin Guzi: Destination choice of migrants and happiness Discussant: Peter Huber Aki Harima, Maria Elo, Jörg Freiling : What does success mean to the Diaspora originating from developed countries? Discussant:Wadim Strielkowski Hanna Niczyporuk, Miguel Figallo: Immigration in a time of crisis: Impact of immigration on employment rates in Spain Discussant: Miloslav Bahna Michele Tuccio, Jackline Wahba: May I leave the house? Return migration and the transfer of gender norms Discussant: Michal Vašečka 15:15-15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 Michal Vašečka: Paradigmal change of migration flows in 21st century and its impact on measuring of integration policies of migrants Discussant: İbrahim Sirkeci Peter Huber: What labour market and migration policy institutions help migrants integrate? Discussant: Mariola Pytliková İbrahim Sirkeci, Necla Acik: Eastern European transnational mobile workers in the UK Discussant: Michele Tuccio Miloslav Bahna: Ten years after the post accession migration wave from EU 8 to the UK: What can we learn from the largest intra-EU migration experiment? Discussant: Aki Harima Wadim Strielkowski, Gordon Rausser, Matthew Sanderson: Labour migration and structural channels: A case of Ukrainian working migrants in the Czech Republic Discussant: Miguel Figallo 17:15 Coffee Break Thursday, January 22, 2015 POSTER SESSION 17:30-18:30 Bakoš, Soukopová, Šelešovský Local Government in Czechoslovakia 1918 - 1938 and its Impact on Economy of municipalities in the Czech and Slovak Republics Berná, Špalek Factors Influencing Compliance Behavior in a Tax Laboratory Experiment Fónadová, Hyánek How to measure the Effect of Public Income on the Structure of Resources and Production of Non-Profit Organizations Godarová, Pavlík Fundraising of major Czech political parties Halásková, M. Halásková, R. Quality and Availability Assessment of Public Services Using the Example of Social and Health Services Hedija Gender Wage Differences in Czech Public Healthcare: Results from Selected Hospital Hladká Why Do People Give: Motives for Charitable Giving in the Czech Republic Komárková, Evaluation of spatial distribution of criminality in the Czech Jonášová, Franková Republic Kubák, Bosáková, Fišar, Timurová, Hajduová Dependence of Unemployment Change on Selected Economic Factors: Panel Data Evidence Kuchařová Student Satisfaction with Higher Education Service Quality: Dimensions and Antecedents. Lněnička, Máchová, Komárková Cloud E-Government Index as a New Benchmarking Framework for the Public Sector Malý Are fiscal illusions real or are they just an illusion? A review of contemporary state of art Marešová, Kacetl, Štemberková, Kuča Care for Czech Republic's Ageing Population Matějová, Ochrana, Plaček, Půček, Křápek Political Business Cycle in Local Government. Case Study of Czech Municipalities Měrtlová Significance of Intellectual Capital in Public Administration Mužik Shortening Waiting Times in Slovakia for total hip replacement and cataract surgery: Development of waiting times in 5 years Navrátil, Vaceková Determinants of the success of NGOs´ accession to EU funds in the Czech Republic. Pavlík, Špaček Sport grants and their transparency - the case of information available on web pages of Czech regions Plaček Benchmarking in Higher Education Thursday, January 22, 2015 Prouzová, Soukopová, Vaceková Public Funding of Czech Agricultural NGOs in Times of Financial and Economic Crisis Rosenberg Aging, Public Pensions and Productivity of Labour: A Simulation of What the Czech Republic Can Afford Sedmihradská Evaluation of draft budgets: A view of local politicians Semerád, David Identification and Comparison of the Risks in the Administration of the Indirect Taxes on Mineral Oils Slabá Stakeholders and Corporate Social Responsibility in Tertiary Education – the University’s Perspective Soukopová, Ficek The Municipal Choice of Waste Collection Companies Šagát, Nemec, Klimovský What Kind of Control is Delivered by Regional Selfgovernment in Slovakia? Tóthová, Pařil Assessment of Population Air Pollution Burden in the Surroundings of D1 Motorway Valenčík, Wawrosz How to design human capital contracts and where they can be used Vaňková, Vrabková Modeling of Territorial Availability of Acute Bed Care in Terms of the Czech Republic Vyskočil, Pejcal Publicly funded social innovations Wildmannová Day Care – What to Do with This Tool of Elderly Care? Zimmermannová, Čermák The Comparison of Particular Characteristics of the Environmental Taxation and the Emission Tradable Allowances in the Czech Republic Wifi: UC1_AP Password: ucslap01 Friday, January 23, 2015 SESSION III – Public finance Chairs: Robert Jahoda, Lucie Sedmihradská 9:00 Fischer, J., Lipovská, H.: Government Debt to Net Wealth of Households: A One-off Wealth Tax as the Government Debt Indicator Discussant: Jahoda Jirava, P. a kol.: Modeling of Municipal Debt in the Pardubice Region Discussant: David Tepperová, J., Zídková, H.: Potential Revenues from Inclusion of Migrants from the Third Countries into Czech Public Health Insurance System Discussant: Mužik Vostatek, J.: Czech pension system and ways of its rationalization Discussant: Rosenberg Cséfalvaiová, K.: Ageing in the countries of the Visegrad Group after 1960 Discussant: Zimmermannová 11:30 Kuncová, M.Bíza Bisová, S., Mulač, P.: Public Universities in the Czech Republic – Analysis of Efficiency Discussant: Sedmihradská LUNCH SESSION IV – Public services and non profit organizations Chairs: Vladimír Hyánek, Vladislav Valentinov 9:00 Valentinov, V.: The nature of the nonprofit sector : a systems theory perspective Discussant: Vaceková Fónadová, L, Katrňák, T.: Empirical evidence on the unequal chances to education in the Czech Republic Discussant: Navrátil Nemec, J., Mikušová Meričková, B., Svidroňová, M..: Social innovations in public services: co-creation in Slovakia Discussant: Mertl Mertl, J.: The transformation of Czech public health insurance to earmarked health tax Discussant: Hedija Slavíková, L., Vojáček, O.: Challenges of the Mixed-Method Ecosystem Service Research Discussant: Soukopová 11:30 Struk, M.: Estimating municipal solid waste expenditures - the case of South Moravian Region Discussant : Pařil LUNCH
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