Parish Staff

Mary Mother of the Church Parish
2006 Weston Street, La Crosse, WI 54601
Parish Staff
Rev. Brian D. Konopa
Rev. Mr. Richard Sage
Sr. Kathy Stuttgen
Therese van Oss
Tom Thibodeau
Andy Foley
Mary Jo Lium
Linda Elsen
Allie Dunkley
Director of Ministry with the Elderly and Sick
Director of Religious Education and Pastoral Minister
Director of Confirmation and Adult Faith Formation
Director of Buildings and Grounds
Director of Sacred Music
Financial Secretary
Parish Secretary
Aquinas Catholic Schools
Todd Goldsmith, Aquinas Catholic Schools President
Greg Wesely, Cathedral Primary School Principal
Kay Berra, Blessed Sacrament Intermediate School Principal
Patty Gallagher-Kosmatka, Aquinas Middle School Principal
Ted Knutson, Aquinas High School Principal
Catholic School Registration
Parents who wish to register their children in one of our Catholic Schools are
asked to contact the appropriate school principal.
Mass Schedule
Confession Schedule
7:30 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Office Hours
8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Confessions are heard every
Saturday from 3:15 p.m. until
3:45 p.m. or by appointment.
Scrip Sales
8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Before and after each Mass on
Saturday and Sunday
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 23, 2014
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Thanksgiving Mass schedule:
Thursday, 11/27 9:00 am, Friday, 11/28 no Mass
Man and Woman of the Year Congratulations to
Deacon Richard Sage and Lu Ann Miller who were
recognized as the 2014 Man and Woman of the
Year, respectively. Both have served the parish in
prominent roles and in humble ways behind-thescenes. They have also served in diocesan
positions: Deacon has been Director of Catholic
Charities for the last 9 years and is retiring on Dec.
15th. Lu Ann is currently the President of the
Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. The parish is
grateful for their servant leadership.
Thank You We would like to thank everyone
who attended the Patronal Feast and brought some
wonderful food to share. Thank you to all who
helped set up and clean up, and a very special
thank you to the Diocesan Center for the use of the
Save the Day, Donate Blood Please join
your fellow parishioners in saving a life by
planning to attend our blood drive this
Monday, Nov. 24 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the
lobby of the Church. Appointments are encouraged
and can be made at or by
calling Maria at 788.3308.
New Life Choir Practice There will be
practice for the New Life Choir Tuesday,
November 25, at 9:00 am in the church.
Thanksgiving Schedule Parish office hours the
week of Thanksgiving: Mon-Wed 8:30 am-3:00 pm,
closed Thursday and Friday.
T.V. Masses Mary Mother of the Church will be
participating in the filming of the Christmas Mass
and The Feast of the Holy Family Mass with Bishop
Callahan for the Diocesan television Masses for the
homebound. The filming will take place Wednesday,
December 3 from 5-7 p.m. at Christ the King Chapel
at the Diocesan Center. We are asking as many
parishioners as possible to come and be the
congregation and for a couple of volunteers for each
Mass to be Gift Bearers. Please come dressed
accordingly for a Sunday Mass. If you have any
questions or would like to volunteer to be a Gift
Bearer, please call the parish office, 788.5483 ext. 2
Year of Consecrated Life
Pope Francis proclaimed 2015
a Year of Consecrated Life,
starting on November 30, 2014,
the First Sunday of Advent, and
ending Feb. 2, 2016, the World
Day of Consecrated Life. The year also marks the
50th anniversary of the Vatican II decree on
religious life. This special year will focus on
-renewal of women and men in consecrated life
-thanksgiving among the faithful for the service of
religious sisters, brothers, priests, and nuns
-invitation to young Catholics to consider a religious
Sacred Worship
Advent Books A variety of Advent booklets
will be available for purchase during our weekend
Masses on Nov 22-23, and Nov 29-30. These
Advent booklets will inspire you during Advent
with everyday reflections, practices, activities,
and prayers for adults, as well as for children and
families. Upon the request of many parishioners
we are also going to have available for sale: The
Little Blue Book Advent and Christmas Seasons
2014-2015, at a very affordable price. We hope
these booklets will assist your Advent journey as
you prepare in joyful anticipation for the coming
of the Christ Child. May Advent find you growing
into an ever closer relationship with Jesus.
Special Visitors The Knights of Columbus are
a Catholic order of men who operate on the
principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and
patriotism. MMOC welcomes them as they
worship with us at the 8 am Mass on Nov. 30th.
Catholic Education
Aquinas Catholic Schools Blessed Sacrament
School will be having a Harvest Concert Monday,
Nov. 24 at 6:30 pm in the Blessed Sacrament
School Gym.
No Religious Education Classes
Education class will not meet Wednesday,
November 26. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Religious Education Pageant Holy Trinity and
Mary Mother of the Church Religious Education
Pageant, Wednesday, December 17, at 6:00 p.m. at
Holy Trinity. All children in Grades K-5 have been
invited to participate in the pageant as angels,
shepherds, kings, and the Holy Family. Also middle
and high school students are needed as narrators
for the pageant. Anybody from either parish is
invited to participate through sharing
instrumental or vocal musical talents. All
performances must be approved ahead
of time by Rebecca Schumacher. Much,
Mary Mother of the Church Parish
much, much adult help will be needed in preparing
costumes, helping out at rehearsals and helping at
the performance. Please contact Rebecca
782.2028 if you are interested in participating in any
will be selling vintage Christmas themed jewelry.
We are looking for donations of vintage and
heirloom CHRISTMAS ONLY themed jewelry and
costume jewelry. Donations may be dropped off at
the parish office from now until Dec. 11.
Family Life
Social Justice
New Parishioners Please welcome to the
parish family of Mary Mother of the Church
Theresa Rosen, her son Jonathan Rosen, and his
children Randi Jo, Gavyn, and Haily.
Angel Tree Angels will still be available next
weekend to help others in need this Chistmas
Season. No need for you to shop or purchase scrip;
just place the angel along with your check made out
to MMOC, in the Angel box and we will fill the order
for you. Angels must be returned by December 14th.
Thank you for making Christmas a little
more special for someone in need.
Men’s Club
Football Mania Winners The winners for week
eleven are: Mark Burton, Tyler
Britt, Steve Petranek, Mike
McArdle, Leroy Wipf, Gary P.
Hanson, Denis Downey, Brad
Nelson, Roger Hauser, Charlene Noelke, and Kyle
Servais, Congratulations!
Women’s Club
A Special Invitation to Ladies of the Parish and
their “Little Ladies” ages 4-7! MMOC is hosting
the Annual Advent Luncheon with our neighbors at
Good Shepherd and Our Redeemer Lutheran
churches for friendship, prayer, lunch and a special
visit from Saint Nicholas! Mark your calendar
for Saturday, December 6, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at
the Diocesan Center. Please plan to come!
Advent Luncheon Help Needed As host for this
year’s Advent Luncheon, we need help with setup,
cleanup, serving salads, etc. Please consider
adding your name to the signup sheets in back of
church. Your help with this event is very much
Cookie Walk Mark your calendars, our famous
Cookie Walk is Saturday, December 13 7:30 am1pm at the Moose Lodge on Ward Ave. Sign up
sheets to help out are now in the gathering space of
the church.
Crafters Wanted Are you creative and enjoy
making crafts? MMOC is looking for craft items to
sell at our annual cookie walk. If you have a
donation, please contact Kathy Emmert at
Grandma’s Attic New this year as part of our
Cookie Walk we will have a “Grandma’s Attic” that
Volunteers Needed For the Warming
Looking for a volunteer
opportunity? How about the La Crosse Warming
Center! There is a new location in need of many
volunteers to help out over the winter season.
MMOC is committed to providing volunteers on
Fridays, but volunteers are needed other days as
well. If you are interested, the next volunteer training
meetings are Dec. 2 & 18 from 6:30-8:30 pm. They
will be held in the new conference room located at
413 Third St. S. Please call Mary Fitzpatrick,
Warming Center Coordinator at 608.519.8020 or
La Crosse Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Once again this year Mary Mother of the
Church Parish will be providing the green
beans (not the French Style) and fruit
punch for the La Crosse Community
Thanksgiving Dinner held at the La Crosse Center,
300 Harborview Plaza, Thursday, Nov. 27. Please
bring in your donation of green beans (not the
French Style) and fruit punch to the Mother’s room
(the cry room) by Tuesday, Nov. 25. Thank you. For
those interested in attending, dinner will be served
from 11am-3pm, delivery for homebound persons
only and transportation to the meal can be arranged
by calling 782.8726 or at their website
Volunteer Appreciation Brunch
Charities will be recognizing all the volunteers who
help make their mission a success with a brunch
Wednesday, December 3, 10-11 am at the Diocesan
Center. Please RSVP by 11/24 to Meg Brennan at
608-519-8030 or
November 23, 2014
Liturgical Roles
Dinners and Doings
November 29 and 30
Calendar Raffle For St. Patrick’s Onalaska St.
Patrick’s Parish is currently selling ADESSE
calendar raffle tickets for 2015. ADESSE offers 365
drawings for various cash amounts throughout 2015.
Raffle tickets are $25, and all tickets remain in the
drawing all year no matter how many times they are
drawn. Tickets are available by calling St. Pat’s
parish office at 783-5535.
Parish Finances
New to Scrip We now have $25 Dick’s Sporting
Goods Scrip cards at an 8% rebate. We would also
like to make everyone aware that Kwik Trip has
changed their rebate to 5% beginning January 1,
2015. Please continue to use Scrip for all your
shopping needs, and remember Scrip makes a great
Christmas gift.
New Hymnals
Mary Mother of the Church is replacing the hymnals
with a new edition of “Gather.” Currently, we no
longer can use any of the Mass settings in our
present Gather hymnal. The goal to replace the
hymnals was chosen earlier this year as a way to
strengthen music ministry and congregational
The parish is offering an opportunity to make a
donation for a nameplate to be placed on the front
inside cover. If you choose to donate more than one
hymnal, the same nameplate can be placed in each
hymnal or you may choose something unique for
each hymnal.
You may make a donation in any amount. However,
to order nameplates, we ask that you make gifts in
increments of $20. Please use the envelopes
provided. There is room to dedicate up to 5 hymnals
($100). If you need more room, please write the
names on the back of the envelope. Extra envelopes
are on the ushers’ table in the main entrance of
church. Donations made before
December 21st will guarantee a
nameplate when the new hymnals are
in the pews for Christmas. Thank you
for your support!
In Memory of
Jane Doe
Gift of
John Doe
Ministers of Holy Communion
4:00 p.m.
Mary Calkins, Michelle Schaub, Mary
Schaub, George Smith, Sarah Kopski, Mark
8:00 a.m.
Be!y Stoll, Walter Stoll, Jerry Roesler, Mike
Kemp, Steve Salerno, Anita Olson
10:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
Kathy McGe"gan, Linda Schwartz, Joseph
Kaiser, Mark Halter, Sue Halter, Amy
Sue Ernster, Linda Gille!e
Linda Elsen, Bob Mahr
Nancy Steinhoff, Rick Bath
Greg Schaub, Jackson Servais
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
Nicholas Salerno, James Baumler
Zackary Schwartz, Ryan Schwartz
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
Jenny Finney
Mary Jo Lium
10:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Gi! Bearers
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
Judy Roraff
New Life Choir
Linda Kloet
Sunday Choir; Linda Schwartz Song Leader
Kevin Bryant, Phil Watson, NOT FILLED, NOT
Henry Becker, Joe Kotnour, Marv Elsen,
Howard Olson, Ed Watson, Steve Salerno
Jim McGe"gan, Paul Gale, Gary Norton,
Nick Osowski, Steve Shaker, Phil Steinhoff,
Brenna Lietke, Nick Papenfuss
Marita Smith, George Smith
Elaine Becker, Henry Becker
10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Scrip Sellers
4:00 p.m.
Grace Marco, Kobe King
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Money Counters
10:00 a.m.
Jenalee Emmert, Kathrynn Emmert
Rachael Kaiser, Joseph Kaiser
Ann Kotnour, Joe Kotnour
Dawn Gale, Paul Gale
Vickie Kloss, Mary Schaub
Fred Monk, Don Dolan, Neil Kumm
November 23, 2014
Weekly Mass Intentions
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
7:30 a.m. † Michelle Tracey
by Don and Carolyn Wavra
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
7:30 a.m. † Millie Kaiser
by Sr. Malinda Gerke
Thursday, November 27, 2014
9:00 a.m. Pro Populo
Friday, November 28, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
4:00 PM † Alice Melcher
by Don and Lorraine Helfrich
Sunday, November 30, 2014
8:00 AM Pro Populo
10:00 AM † Lloyd Turner
by Lori Turner
The Rosary is prayed before each weekday Mass
Tuesday through Friday beginning at 7:05 a.m.
Readings for The Week
Weekly Finance Report
November 10-16, 2014
Income Last Week
Collection Income$
8,218 $
212 $
Other Income$
Expenses Last Week
Income Year to Date
Collection Income $
Other Income$
Expenses Year-to-Date $
8430 $
0 $
255,225 $
43,598 $
298,823 $
257,646 $ 349,274
Holiday Mass Schedule
Immaculate Concep"on
Monday, December 8
7:30 am, 12 noon, 5:30 pm
Christmas Eve
Wednesday, December 24
4:00 pm vigil, 6:30 pm (midnight)
Christmas Day
Thursday, December 25
Parish Contact Information
Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Lk 21:1-4
Rv 14:14-19/Lk 21:5-11
Rv 15:1-4/Lk 21:12-19
Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a/Lk
Rv 20:1-4, 11--21:2/Lk 21:29-33
Rv 22:1-7/Lk 21:34-36
Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7/1 Cor 1:39/Mk 13:33-37
"Then the king will say to those
on his right, 'Come, you who
are blessed by my Father.
Inherit the kingdom prepared for
you from the foundation of the
world. For I was hungry and you
gave me food, I was thirsty and
you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed
me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for
me, in prison and you visited me.'" - Mt 25:34-36
Parish Registration Those who would like to join
the parish are asked to contact the parish secretary.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Those who
are interested in becoming Catholic are asked to
contact Tom Thibodeau.
Religious Education and Infant Baptism Parents
who wish to have a child baptized, and those who
wish to register their children for Religious Education
classes are asked to contact Therese van Oss.
Marriage Engaged couples who wish to be
married must contact the parish secretary at least six
months prior to their intended wedding date to set up
an appointment with Father Konopa or Deacon
Anointing of the Sick Those who are seriously ill
or scheduled for surgery and wish to be anointed are
asked to contact Father Konopa.
Funerals Those who are making pre-arrangements
for their own funeral or arrangements for the funeral
of a loved one are asked to contact Therese van
Bulletin Deadline Items must be submitted by
12:00 noon on Tuesday for publication on Sunday.
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✧❍★✩ ✪✩❊❆✫❘
❶❷❸❹ ❺❻❼❽❸❾❷❿➀➁ ➂ ➃❿❷➄➅❿➁ ➆➇ ➈➄❸❹ ➉➉➉
➊➋➌➍➎➏➐➑ ➒ ➓➓➓➔→➣↔↕➙➛➛➜→➣➓➔↔➙➝
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èéêë ì íîïê ðñòóôõéó
✺ ✁þùúúû✂ ✄☎
✼✆ö✝✞÷✞✼ ÿ ✟✟✟✠✡☛ú☞û✌û✍ýþ☛✍✠✍ù✎
ö÷ö øùúû üýþûûý ÿ
⑧ ✏✑✒✒✓✔✕✖✗✘ ⑧ ✙✔✓✓ ✚✛✜✖✒✗✜✓✛
⑧ ✢✓✛✖✣✓✤✜✖✗✘
⑧ ✥✦ ✧✑★✔ ✚✒✓✔✩✓✤✕✪ ✫✓✔✬✖✕✓
⑧ ✭✤✣★✛✜✔✖✗✘
⑧ ✮✖✕✓✤✛✓✣ ✖✤ ✯✭ ✰ ✱✲
➇✳✴✵✶ ✷✶✸✹✻✽ ✸✻ ✾✿✹ ❀✵❁✸✻✹❁❁❂❃
→➣↔ ↕➙➛➣ ➜➙➝➞➟➠➡➢➟➤➙➝ ➥➝➦ ➧➣➛➙➦➣➨➤➝➩
➫➭➯➲➳ ➭➵➸ ➺➻➵➳ ➼➽➯➾➚➵➪➯
➶➹➘➴➷ ➬➴➮➱✃➘➴➬
❖P◗❘❘❯❱❳❨ ❩❛✈❨❬♥
❭❪❫❭ ❴❵❜❝ ❞❢❣
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Auto • Truck • Tractor
Motorcycle • Boat • Deep Cycle
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“We Buy Old Batteries”
❚✺✻✼✻✽✾✿②❂❃❄❅✻❆✷♦❇ ♦❉ ❊●❍❍■ ❏❑❍▲❏❏❑▼ ◆▼❑❃❍
1546 Miller St.
Ö➞×➞➑➞➟➓ Ø➞Ù➓➞↔➙ ➏➐ÚÛ Ü➔ÝÚ
Þßàá âãäåæçèé êæëì íî ïðçååãì ñò óôàáõ
ö÷ø÷ù÷úûû÷üû÷ýþÿ❜ ✁
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♣qr st✉✈ ✇t①② ③✈
④qq ⑤②⑥⑦ ⑨⑩② s
✐❤ ❧♠♥❥❧♥❣♦
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×ØÙ ÚÛ ÜÝÞØ ßàáá âãä åæçæèéêë ìí îïðññïòóðïôõóô ö ÷÷÷øùúûüøýþÿ
st✉✈✇① ②③ ④t⑤⑥t⑦⑧⑨ ⑩⑩❶
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➊➋➌➍➎➏➐➌ ➑ ➊➋➌➍➎➐➐➎
➌➐➏ ➒➓ ➊➔→
➼➽➾➚➪➶ ➹➘➴➷➶ ➴➷➹➬
ÝÞÞß àáâãäåæçá èéêë ìá àíåîîãë ïð
ñ èòãóçáâçôã çæ óåââãóéçõâã öè óåçæî ÷ óøííãæóù
ñ úûûãí óåçæ óåââãóéçæü îøòòâçãî ÷ òøõâçóáéçåæî
ñ ïã õøù åí îãââ üåâä ÷ îçâýãí õøââçåæ
ñ ïã õøù îóíáò üåâä ÷ îçâýãí þãÿãâíù
❉ ✁✂✄ ☎✆✝✁✂✞✝✝ ✟ ✠✡☛☛☞ ✌ ✍ ✎✏✞✍ ✑✒ ❨✞✡✍✝
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✟ ✠✡ ☛✠☞☛✌✍✍
✶✶✎✶✏✎✏✑✶✒ ✶✶✓✔✕✓✒✕