Parish Staff

Mary Mother of the Church Parish
2006 Weston Street, La Crosse, WI 54601
Parish Staff
Rev. Brian D. Konopa
Rev. Mr. Richard Sage
Sr. Kathy Stuttgen
Therese van Oss
Tom Thibodeau
Andy Foley
Mary Jo Lium
Linda Elsen
Allie Dunkley
Director of Ministry with the Elderly and Sick
Director of Religious Education and Pastoral Minister
Director of Confirmation and Adult Faith Formation
Director of Buildings and Grounds
Director of Sacred Music
Financial Secretary
Parish Secretary
Aquinas Catholic Schools
Todd Goldsmith, Aquinas Catholic Schools President
Greg Wesely, Cathedral Primary School Principal
Kay Berra, Blessed Sacrament Intermediate School Principal
Patty Gallagher-Kosmatka, Aquinas Middle School Principal
Ted Knutson, Aquinas High School Principal
Catholic School Registration
Parents who wish to register their children in one of our Catholic Schools are
asked to contact the appropriate school principal.
Mass Schedule
Confession Schedule
7:30 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Office Hours
8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Confessions are heard every
Saturday from 3:15 p.m. until
3:45 p.m. or by appointment.
Scrip Sales
8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Before and after each Mass on
Saturday and Sunday
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Patronal Feast Please join us today,
Sunday Nov. 16 as Mary Mother of the
Church Parish celebrates our feast day.
The 10 am Mass is at the Diocesan Center
followed by a potluck brunch with food
provided by parishioners and beverages
provided by the parish. During the brunch
there will be a short program honoring our
parish and the Man and Woman of the
Silver Circle Potluck This Thursday, Nov. 20
from 11am-1:30pm at the Southside Neighborhood
Center at 1300 6th St. S. Please join us for the
Silver Circle Potluck, all are invited. We will have a
speaker from New Horizons talk to us on domestic
abuse. If you can, please bring a personal hygiene
or household cleaning product to donate. These
products are used to give out to people who are
leaving the shelter to start a new life.
Save the Day, Donate Blood Please join your
fellow parishioners in saving a life by planning to
attend our blood drive Monday, Nov. 24 from 2:00
p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the lobby of the
Church. Appointments are encouraged and
can be made at or by
calling Maria at 788.3308.
Thanksgiving Schedule In preparation
for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday
please be advised: Early bulletin
deadlines for the weekend of 11/22-23
will be 11/17 by noon; for the weekend of 11/29-30
will be 11/21 by noon. Parish office hours the week
of Thanksgiving: Mon-Wed 8:30 am-3:00 pm, closed
Thursday and Friday. There will be no Religious
Education classes Wednesday 11/26.
Thanksgiving Mass schedule:
Thursday, 11/27 9:00 am, no Mass Friday, 11/28.
T.V. Masses Mary Mother of the Church will be
participating in the filming of the Christmas Mass
and The Feast of the Holy Family Mass with Bishop
William Callahan for the Diocese’s television
Masses for the homebound. The filming will take
place Wednesday, December 3 at 5:00 p.m. at the
Christ the King Chapel at the Diocesan Center. We
are asking as many parishioners as possible to
come and be the congregation and for a couple of
volunteers for each Mass to be Gift Bearers. Please
come dressed accordingly for a Sunday Mass. If
you have any questions or would like to
volunteer to be a Gift Bearer, please call
the parish office, 788.5483 ext. 2
Thank You
Over twenty parishioners, men,
women, and confirmation students showed up last
Saturday to help clean the church. Everything within
arms reach was shined and polished. Thank you to
everyone who showed up and did such a great job.
Sacred Worship
Pictures in Memory of Loved Ones Thank you
to everyone who shared their pictures of loved ones.
Pictures can now be picked up in the back of church
in the box where they were originally dropped off.
Book of Remembrance In the month of
November the Family of God remembers
the souls of our departed loved ones.
MMOC records the names of parishioners
who have died in the previous 12 months in our
Book of Remembrance. Everyone is invited to pray
for them and to write the names of their own loved
ones whose funerals have been in other places,
especially those who have died in the last year. The
Book of Remembrance will be in a place of honor
near the Easter Paschal Candle for the majority of
the month of November.
Advent Books A variety of Advent booklets
will be available for purchase during our weekend
Masses on Nov 22-23, and Nov 29-30. These
Advent booklets will inspire you during Advent
with everyday reflections, practices, activities,
and prayers. There will be a wide range to chose
from for adults, as well as for children and
families. Upon the request of many parishioners
we are also going to have available for sale: The
Little Blue Book Advent and Christmas Seasons
2014-2015, at a very affordable price. We hope
these booklets will assist your Advent journey as
you prepare in joyful anticipation for the coming
of the Christ Child. May Advent find you growing
into an ever closer relationship with Jesus.
Catholic Education
Confirmation Dinner Retreat The first of three
dinner retreats for those students in our
confirmation program will be held next Sunday,
Nov. 23 in the Parish Rectory at 5:00 p.m. Please
keep our confirmation class in your prayers as
they prepare to receive the sacrament.
"Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and
enkindle in us the fire of your divine love.
Send forth your spirit, and we shall be created, and
you shall renew the face of the earth."
Mary Mother of the Church Parish
Family Life
Baptisms Please welcome to the Catholic faith
and the parish family of Mary Mother of the
Church, Nolan James Foley, son of Andrew and
Karolanne Foley, and Annelise Bent, daughter of
Jayson Bent Perez and Ruth Marco both of whom
were baptized last Sunday.
Men’s Club
Football Mania Winners The
winners for week ten are: Steve
Anderson, Bud Butt, Phil Watson,
Joe Pederson, Jeremy Shong, Karen Kessler,
Shannon Klar, Dan Bagniewski, Rita Wolcott, K. Don
Pederson, and Mary Beth Rady. Congratulations
Women’s Club
A Special Invitation to Ladies of the Parish and
their “Little Ladies” ages 4-7! MMOC is hosting
the Annual Advent Luncheon with our neighbors at
Good Shepherd and Our Redeemer Lutheran
churches for friendship, prayer, lunch and a special
visit from Saint Nicholas! Mark your
calendar for Saturday, December 6, 10:30
a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Diocesan
Center. Please plan to come!
Advent Luncheon Help Needed As host for this
year’s Advent Luncheon, we need help with setup,
cleanup, serving salads, etc. Please consider
adding your name to the signup sheets in back of
church. Your help with this event is very much
Crafters Wanted Are you creative and enjoy
making crafts? MMOC is looking for craft items to
sell at our annual cookie walk. If you have a
donation, please contact Kathy Emmert at The MMOC Cookie
Walk is Saturday, December 13, 7:30 a.m.-1:00
p.m. at the Moose Lodge on Ward Ave.
Social Justice
Angel Tree Next weekend our Angel Tree will be
up and covered with angels. Each Angel
represents someone who is in need of
assistance this holiday season, there
are also angels representing Sr. Kathy’s
elderly ministry here at MMOC. It’s easy
to help out! Choose an angel and then place the
angel with your check or money in the Christmas
wrapped angel box. Scrip will be purchased and all
proceeds from scrip will be donated to the parish. All
angels will need to be returned by Sunday,
December 14 in time to get the donations out to
families for Christmas. Thank you for always being
so generous!
Volunteers Needed For the Warming Center
Looking for a volunteer opportunity? How about the
La Crosse Warming Center! There is a new location
in need of many volunteers to help out over the
winter season. MMOC is committed to providing
volunteers on Fridays, but volunteers are needed
other days as well. If you are interested, the next
volunteer training meetings are Nov. 19, and Dec. 2
& 18 from 6:30-8:30 pm. They will be held in the
new conference room located at 413 Third St. S.
Please call Mary Fitzpatrick, Warming Center
La Crosse Community Thanksgiving
Dinner Once again this year Mary
Mother of the Church Parish will be
providing the green beans (not the French Style)
and fruit punch for the La Crosse Community
Thanksgiving Dinner held at the La Crosse Center,
300 Harborview Plaza, Thursday, Nov. 27. Please
bring in your donation of green beans (not the
French Style) and fruit punch to the Mother’s room
(the cry room) by Tuesday, Nov. 25. Thank you. For
those interested in attending, dinner will be served
from 11am-3pm, delivery for homebound persons
only and transportation to the meal can be arranged
by calling 782.8726 or visiting their website at
Dinners and Doings
Winner, Winner, Turkey…Raffle Congratulations
to the winners of the Knights of Columbus Turkey
shoot raffle: Mark & Peg Schneider, Scott
Hegenbarth, William Welch (2x’s), Ken Graves,
Douglas Nagel, Annette Flottmeyer, Henry Becker,
Gordy Seifert, and Richard Beyers.
Calendar Raffle For St. Patrick’s Onalaska St.
Patrick’s parish is currently selling ADESSE
calendar raffle tickets for 2015. ADESSE offers 365
drawings for various cash amounts throughout 2015.
Raffle tickets are $25, and all tickets remain in the
drawing all year no matter how many times they are
drawn. Tickets are available by calling St. Pat’s
parish office at 783-5535.
November 16, 2014
Healing Through Grief Group
The Nov. 17
meeting will cover the topic: Coping Through
Anniversaries and the Holidays. This group meets in
the Lang Conference room in the hospital building at
Mayo Clinic, 700 West Ave. S. from 5:30 pm-6:30
pm. For more information please call 785.0940 ext.
Christmas Fair at Blessed Sacrament
Handmade crafts, candy, baked goods,
Secret Santa, and gift basket raffle will be
available Sat. Nov. 22 from 8am-1pm at the
Blessed Sacrament Parish Center at the corner of
King St. and Losey Blvd.
Liturgical Roles
November 22 and 23
Ministers of Holy Communion
4:00 p.m.
Joyce Potter, Gary Heilman, Linda Heilman,
Rebecca Kath, Joseph van Oss, Sarah
8:00 a.m.
Gloria Biesen, Nixie Oldenburg, Jane Vogel,
Karen Nordstrom, Sarah Simmons, Joan
10:00 a.m.
Betty Brendel, Betty Koenen, Chuck
Berendes, Polly Berendes, Terri Pedace,
Evie Hammes
4:00 p.m.
Joseph van Oss, NOT FILLED
8:00 a.m.
Parish Finances
Scrip Sellers We are in need of parishioners who
would be willing to sell Scrip before and after
Masses, particularly the 10 am Mass. Persons who
would be interested should be responsible,
trustworthy, and good with numbers. Please call the
Parish office at 788.5483 ext. 3
New Hymnals
Mary Mother of the Church is replacing
the hymnals with a new edition of
“Gather.” Currently, we no longer can
use any of the Mass settings in our
In Memory of
Jane Doe
present Gather hymnal. The goal to
Gift of
John Doe
replace the hymnals was chosen
earlier this year as a way to strengthen
music ministry and congregational participation.
The parish is offering an opportunity to make a
donation for a nameplate to be placed on the front
inside cover. If you choose to donate more than one
hymnal, the same nameplate can be placed in each
hymnal or you may choose something unique for
each hymnal.
You may make a donation in any amount. However,
to order nameplates, we ask that you make gifts in
increments of $20. Please use the envelopes
provided. There is room to dedicate up to 5 hymnals
($100). If you need more room, please write the
names on the back of the envelope. Extra envelopes
are on the ushers’ table in the main entrance of
church. Donations made before December 21st will
guarantee a nameplate when the new hymnals are
in the pews for Christmas. Thank you for your
10:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Joseph van Oss, Charles Heiderscheit
Mary Olson, Patty Nimocks
Sabrina Servais, Lydia Arentz
Macauley Miller, Joseph Lecheler
Kevin Schams, Easton Skelton
4:00 p.m.
Mary Jo Lium
8:00 a.m.
Mary Jo Lium
10:00 a.m.
Mary Jo Lium
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Gift Bearers
4:00 p.m.
Brianne Ebenhoe
Haylee Pagenkopf
Sunday Choir; Linda Schwartz Song Leader
Alton Kammel, William Allen, Rick Mix, Rich
Mike Pitsch, Kristin Spencer, Mike Friedman,
Ron Malles, Patrick Schams, Abbi Klos, Tom
Thibodeau, Joe Halverson, Mike Burns,
Marlin Buchner, Phil Thaldorf
George Bell, Maggie Bell
8:00 a.m.
Sandy Pitsch, Mike Pitsch
10:00 a.m.
Carole Malles, Ron Malles
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Scrip Sellers
4:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Paula Heiderscheit, Charles Heiderscheit
Priscilla Thibodeau, Tom Thibodeau
Sarah Kopski, NOT FILLED
Nancy Flottmeyer, NOT FILLED
Sheri Skelton, Gehrig Skelton
Money Counters
10:00 a.m. Lynn Grosch, Jim Omernik, Joanne Spindler
November 16, 2014
Weekly Mass Intentions
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
7:30 a.m. † Tom Banasik
by His Family
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
7:30 a.m. † Phyllis Leisgang
by Robert Leisgang and Family
Thursday, November 20, 2014
7:30 a.m. † Caryn Hundt Strand
by Mary Hovell
10:30 a.m. † Mildred Kaiser
by Tom and Amy Strom
(at Hillview)
Friday, November 21, 2014
7:30 a.m. † Bernice Wurzel
by The Wurzel Family
Saturday, November 22, 2014
4:00 p.m. † Helen Gierszewski
by Myron Gierszewski
Sunday, November 23, 2014
8:00 a.m. † David Dolezel
by Mary Dolezel
10:00 a.m. Pro Populo
Weekly Finance Report
As of November 7 th, 478 households
(51%) have par!cipated with commitments totaling $110,073. We are
$19,913 above our goal, and we have
surpassed last year’s par!cipa!on rate
of 41%. Thank you! If you have not returned
your pledge card please do so. Every addi!onal
dollar over our target is returned to our parish.
SCRIP Report
October 1– October 31, 2014
Order Dollars:
Rebate Amounts:
ACS Tuition Assistance
Religious Education Tuition Assistance
MMOC Parish Rebate
MMOC Building Fund
Total Rebates:
The Rosary is prayed before each weekday Mass
Tuesday through Friday beginning at 7:05 a.m.
Parish Contact Information
Readings for The Week
Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Lk 18:35-43
Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/Lk 19:1-10
Rv 4:1-11/Lk 19:11-28
Rv 5:1-10/Lk 19:41-44
Rv 10:8-11/Lk 19:45-48
Rv 11:4-12/Lk 20:27-40
Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/1 Cor 15:2026, 28/Mt 25:31-46
"'Master, you gave me five
talents. See, I have made five
more.' His master said to him,
'Well done, my good and faithful
servant. Since you were faithful in
small matters, I will give you great
responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.' " Mt 25:20b-21
Parish Registration Those who would like to join
the parish are asked to contact the parish secretary.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Those who
are interested in becoming Catholic are asked to
contact Tom Thibodeau.
Religious Education and Infant Baptism Parents
who wish to have a child baptized, and those who
wish to register their children for Religious Education
classes are asked to contact Therese van Oss.
Marriage Engaged couples who wish to be
married must contact the parish secretary at least six
months prior to their intended wedding date to set up
an appointment with Father Konopa or Deacon
Anointing of the Sick Those who are seriously ill
or scheduled for surgery and wish to be anointed are
asked to contact Father Konopa.
Funerals Those who are making pre-arrangements
for their own funeral or arrangements for the funeral
of a loved one are asked to contact Therese van
Bulletin Deadline Items must be submitted by
12:00 noon on Tuesday for publication on Sunday.
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❅ ❈❛❊❋❏ ❅ ❈❋❑✈▲▼❋ ❅ ◆P❏◗❛❊❊❛◗▲❘P
❙❘❯❋◗❘✇P ❱❑❘❲❳ ❩❋❛❊❋❑ ❬❘❑
ëìíîîïðñ îòí ìîóðôóõôö
÷øùùúûüýþÿ ú ý ú ýþÿ
③④⑤ ⑥⑦⑨⑨⑩❶ ③⑩❷❸❹❺⑩❸⑦❻❹④⑤
rst✇①② ❯❱❳❯❩❬❱❯❭❪❩❫❴
❵❭❛❱❵ ❜ ❵❱❯❝❩❞❱
❋● ■❏❑ ▲P❏◗❘❙P
❢❣❤✐❥❦❧ ♠ ❤❥♥ ♦♣❦q❥✐❥♣❦❥❦❧
❼❽❾❿ ➀➁➂➃❾➄❽➅➆➇ ➈ ➉➅❽➊➋➅➇ ➌➍ ➎➊❾❿ ➏➏➏
➐➑➒➓➔→➣↔ ↕ ➙➙➙➛➜➝➞➟➠➡➡➢➜➝➙➛➞➠➤
➥➦➧ ➨➝➩➫ ➭➯➟➢➢➯➲ ➭➳➩➯➢ ➧➦➦➦ ➵ ➸➝ ➺➟➠➡➡➢
îïðñ ò óôõð ö÷øùúûïù
üýü þÿ✺ ✁✂✄ ✂ ☎ ✆✝ ✞✄ÿ✺✺ ✟ ✠✡
✼☛ü☞✌ý✌✼ ☎ ✍✍✍✎✏✑✺✒ ✓ ✔✂✄✑✔✎✔ÿ✕
❉❆ ➆❙ ✁❍✂✄ ✥✄❊❆☎❘
✆✝✞✟✠✡☛ ☞♦✌ ✆✠✡✍✝ ✎✏✑✒
✶✶✬ ✭✮✯ ✰✈✢✩ ✱✩ ✲ ✳✚ ✴✦✫✵✵✢✷ ✸✹ ✭✺✼✽✶
⑧ ✖✗✘✘✙✚✛✜✢✣
⑧ ✤✚✙✙ ✥✦✧✜✘✢✧✙✦
⑧ ★✙✦✜✩✙✪✧✜✢✣
⑧ ✫✬ ✭✗✮✚ ✥✘✙✚✯✙✪✛✰ ✱✙✚✲✜✛✙
⑧ ✳✪✩✮✦✧✚✜✢✣
⑧ ✴✜✛✙✪✦✙✩ ✜✪ ✵✳ ✶ ✷✸
➇✹✻✽✾ ✿✾❀❁❂❃ ❀❂ ❄❅❁ ❆✽❇❀❂❁❇❇❈❉
➜➝➞ ➟➠➡➝ ➢➠➤➥➦➧➨➩➦➫➠➤ ➭➤➯ ➲➝➡➠➯➝➳➫➤➵
➸➺➻➼➽ ➺➾➚ ➪➶➾➽ ➹➘➻➴➷➾➬➻
➮➱✃❐❒ ❮❐❰ÏÐ✃❐❮
ÑÒÓÓÔ ÕÖ×× ØÙÚ Û ÜÝ Þßà××Öá âã äåÔæÒ
❳❨❩❬❬❭❪❫❴ ❵❛✈❴❜♥
❝❞❢❝ ❣❤❥❦ ❧♠♣
q❤rs✉✇✇①③ ④⑤ ⑥⑦⑧⑨❢
Auto • Truck • Tractor
Motorcycle • Boat • Deep Cycle
✺♦✻t✼✽t ❚✾✿ ❀❁❂❁❃❄❅② t♦ ❆❃✼✽✾ ✼✻ ✼✿ t♦✿✼②❇
“We Buy Old Batteries”
❚❀❁❂❁❃❄❅②❉❊●❍❁■✽♦❏ ♦❑ ▲▼◆◆❖ P◗◆❘PP◗❯ ❱❯◗❊◆
1546 Miller St.
÷øùó úóûü
❛Ð ➷Ð✃❒ ➶➹✁✂ ✄➬☎✁
✷✆✝✞ ✟✠✡☛☞✌✍✎ ✏☞✑✒ ✓✔ ✕✖✌☛☛✠✒ ✗✘ ✺✙✝✞✚
➐➑➒➓➔→ ➣↔ ↕➑➙➛➑➜➝➞ ➟➟➠
➡→➝➢➒➙➢➛➓ ➤↔ ➐➑➛➓➒➞ ➟➟➠
➥➦➧➨➩➫ ➭➯➲➳➨➵➳➸➫ ➺ ➭➯➲➳➦➩ ➻➧➼➩➦➲➳➵
➽➾➚➪➶➹➘➚ ➴ ➽➾➚➪➶➘➘➶
➚➘➹ ➷➬ ➽➮➱
❞❣✐❥❦❧♠ ♠❞♠✐♥❧♣✐ q❦♥❦❧ ❧♠r❣♣❧
st✉①②③④ ⑤⑥③⑦⑨✉⑥ ⑤①t①⑨②⑩ s②③❶
❷❸❹❸ ❺ ❻⑥⑩①❼③④ ❺ ❹❽⑥③❾②⑩ ❺ ❿❸➀❸ ⑤❽⑨①➁
➂t➃➄②③ ❺ ➅⑥⑥❾②⑩ ❺ ➆⑨➃➇t❼➈⑥⑥
➉➊➋➌ ➍➊➌➎ ➏ ➐➑➒➎➓
➛➜➝➞ ➟➠ ➡➝➢➞➤ ➥➦ ➧➨➩➝➞➫➝➭➯➝
äåæçèé êëìíé ìíêî
ïðñ òóôõö ÷óøùú û üýþÿ♦þ ÿ✁✂✂✂
çèéêë ìêíîìíìé
➍➎➏ ➐➑➒➓ ➔➑→➣ ↔➓
↕➎➎ ➙➣➛➜ ➝➞➣ ➐
➅➄ ➉➊➋➆➉➋➃➌
➟➟➟ ➐➠➡ ➢➑→ ➐➜➡
➶➹➘➴ ➷➬➮➱➬✃➮ ❐❒❮ ❰ ÏÐ ÑÒÓÔÔ➬
✥❉ ✁◆✂❖ ✄❆☎☎ ❚❡✆ ✝✞✟✞✠✡☛☞ ✌✍ ✶✎✏✑✑✎✒✓✏✎✔✕✓✔ ⑧ ❲❲❲✳✖✗✘✙✳❈✚✛
✶✄✄☎ ✆✝✞✟✠✡☛☞✝ ✌✍✎✏ ✑✝ ✆✒✡✓✓✟✏ ✔✕
⑧ ✌✖✟✗☞✝✞☞✘✟ ☞☛ ✗✡✞✞✟✗✍☞✙✞✟ ✚✌ ✗✡☞☛✓ ✛ ✗✜✒✒✟☛✗✢
⑧ ✣✤✤✟✒ ✗✡☞☛ ✗✡✞✞✟✗✍☞☛❢ ✓✜✖✖✞☞✟✓ ✛ ✖✜✙✞☞✗✝✍☞✡☛✓
⑧ ✔✟ ✙✜✢ ✡✒ ✓✟✞✞ ❢✡✞✠ ✛ ✓☞✞❡✟✒ ✙✜✞✞☞✡☛
⑧ ✔✟ ✙✜✢ ✓✗✒✝✖ ❢✡✞✠ ✛ ✓☞✞❡✟✒ ✥✟✦✟✞✒✢
❉✧★✩✪ ✫✬✭★✩✮✭✭ ✯✧✰✱✲✲✳ ✴✧✵ ✷✧✵✮ ❚❤✮✩ ✸✹ ❨✮✱✵✭
▼✜✢❨✱ ▼✣✤✦✧✢ ✣★ ✤✦✧ ✩✦❍✢✪✦ ✫✜✢✬✭✦✱ ✮✜ ✩✢✣✭✭✧
✯ ✰✲ ✴✰✵✴✷✸✸
✹✺✻✺✼✻✽✺✹✾ ✹✾✿✺❀✿❀❁