MAITLAND TOD CONCEPT 44 Artist’s rendering looking east towards proposed station. DeLand DeBary Sanford Lake Mary Longwood Altamonte Springs Maitland Winter Park Florida Hospital Lynx Central Church Street Orlando/Amtrak Sand Lake Road Meadow Woods Osceola Parkway Poinciana Kissimmee This village-scaled station is part of the community vision for revitalizing area properties, stimulating job creation and investment, and strengthening connections between neighborhoods east and west of North Orlando Avenue/ US 17-92. Since transit-oriented development potential is highest on the narrow swath of land between the tracks and US 17-92, a mutually beneficial, coordinated redevelopment of these parcels will create an integrated SunRail Station area. Over time, first phase park-and-ride surface parking could be redefined as multi-story mixed-use and residential buildings. Parking can be set back from the station to allow development closer to the platform, and allow for a visual connection to US 17-92. Traffic calming along US 17-92, with well defined pedestrian crossings, will encourage transit patrons to walk to and through the area, including from the Packwood Downtown District to the south. Extending Versailles Drive west across North Orlando Avenue will add connectivity to the street system. Greenwood Gardens residents will be able to access the station from the west with a direct pedestrian connection at Marion Way. A generous open space/plaza, with adjacent ground floor business activity, will seamlessly connect to the station platform creating, a welcoming new “front door” for Maitland. 45 S u n R a i l Tr a n s i t O r i e n t e d D e v e l o p m e n t W o r k s h o p S k e t c h b o o k alk w 414 d Dr. ood enwoo G ee Gr :5 m inu te To Altamonte Springs Station D pr i 1/4 mi le P r. Hoo dD B B obin Gam ewel l T ir. on W y. Gre Gr eenw woo ood d Garden rde rd en ns Ve rsa ille sC Mari Sans Sa nsspu purr Rd Rd.. Lak La ke Minnehaha Rd.. haha Rd neh M nneh Mi E.. S Syb y elia Ave. e N. Maitland Ave. MAITLAND TOD STATION CONCEPT Maitland TOD Station Plan 17-92 Geor Ge orge or ge Ave. e. To Winter Park Station T P B Transit Transit Station Parking Bus Drop-Off Urban Form Active Building Edge Proposed Buildings Proposed Parking Structure ackwoo o d Down Do wnto wn town to wn Disstr Di t ic ictt Areas of Change Mixed-Use Residential Parks and Open Space Transit Plaza Open Space / Detention 0 200 400 Access and Connectivity Pedestrian and Street Enhancements New Street Connections Traffic Calming Crossing Improvements Proposed Pedestrian and Bike Connection Existing Trail SunRail MAITLAND TOD NEXT STEPS 46 Aerial photo of existing conditions. The Maitland station shares many characteristics with classic TOD infill sites – a limited amount of land, strong neighborhoods and a busy street as a front door. A redevelopment project incorporating transit parking has been proposed adjacent to the SunRail platform. Sitting to the north of the downtown, a Village Center TOD is an appropriate scale of development. In addition to the information presented earlier in the report, next steps in TOD planning for Maitland might include: •Partnering with the Community Development Agency, which already has many of the tools and skills necessary, to leverage SunRail as a catalyst to enhance area growth and attract new investment. •Moving to transit-friendly parking ratios near the station to leverage the access to SunRail. District parking, a technique which allows phasing and reducing parking over time, may also be effective. •Managing high traffic volumes, which isolate the station from the community. The City should work with FDOT to initiate a complete streets study to calm US 17-92 in the immediate area surrounding the station. •Completing pedestrian and bike connections to the west of the station.
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