GREEN VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH Newsletter for November, 2014 Meeting God;

A United Methodist Congregation
Newsletter for November, 2014
Meeting God;
Loving God;
God’s Heart; Our
Green Valley Community
Church seeks to provide opportunities for people to encounter
God and assist them to deepen
their relationship with God.
With God’s heart and the work
of our hands, we are able to
offer healing and wholeness to
our community and our world.
Senior Pastor:
Rev. Jim Wallasky
Associate Pastor:
Rev. Jeanne Festa
Pastor of Church Growth:
Jane Koss
300 W. Esperanza Blvd.
Green Valley, AZ 85614
Phone: 520-625-4712
Fax: 520-625-6518
2014 Charge Conference -Sunday, December 7, 3:30 pm
Everyone mark your calendars and plan to attend the Green Valley Community
(United Methodist) Church 2014 Church Conference, Sunday, December 7,
2014, 3:30 pm in Johnson Hall. Rev. Ed Bonneau from the Vista De La Montana UMC will be presiding. We will propose a Budget and list of Officers for
LETTER FROM THE REV. - An E-mail story.
A Water Bearer in India had two large pots; each hung on each end of a
pole, which was carried across the neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and
while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at
the end of the long walk from the stream to the master’s house, the cracked pot
arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer
delivering only one and a half pots full of water to the masters house. Of course,
the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it
was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and
miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to
After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, the cracked
pot spoke to the bearer one day by the stream. “I am ashamed of myself, and I
want to apologize to you”. “Why?” asked the bearer, “What are you ashamed
of?” “I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load
because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to the
masters house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you
don’t get full value from your efforts”, the pot said. The bearer felt sorry for the
cracked pot, and with compassion said, “As we return to the masters house, I
want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path”. Indeed, as they went
up the hill, the cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild
flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some. But at the end of the
trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again the pot
apologized to the bearer for its failure.
The bearer said to the pot, “Did you notice that there were flowers only
on your side of your path, but not on the other pots side? That’s because I have
always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower
seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the
stream, you’ve watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my masters table. Without you being just the way you
are, there would not be beautiful flowers to grace the house”.
Each of us has our unique flaws. We are all cracked pots. But if we
will allow our flaws to be used by God, we will experience grace. In God’s
great economy, nothing goes to waste. Don’t be afraid of your flaws. Acknowledge them, and you too can be the cause of beauty. Know that in our weakness
we find our strength.
Rev. Jim
Green Valley Community Church
300 W. Esperanza Blvd.
Green Valley, AZ 85614
Worship Times
8:00 A.M. Informal Service, 9:30 A.M., 11:00 A.M. Traditional Services
Sunday School 9:15, 9:30 A.M.
Radio Broadcast 8:00 A.M. on KGVY 1080 AM
Communion is served at the 8:00 service each week and at all services on the first Sunday of the
Worship Schedule for November
Nov. 2
Nov. 9
Nov. 16
Nov. 23
Nov. 23
Nov. 30
Matthew 23:1-12 “Do as I say, Not as I Do” Rev. Jim Wallasky
Matthew 25:1-13 “S.O.L.” Rev. Jim Wallasky
Celebrate Hope Sunday, ONE WORSHIP SERVICE AT 10:00 A.M.
Matthew 25:14-30 “First 50, How have we done?”
Dedication Sunday, Matthew 25:31-46 “Next 50, How will we do?”
Thanksgiving Service, 4:00 P.M.
Luke 17:11-19 “Obedience vs. Gratitude” Rev. Jim Wallasky
Luke 1:39-45 “God is Expectant” Rev. James Wallasky
“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad
and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.”
Psalm 9: 1,2
Let’s never forget how blessed we are! Even in the troubling times of our lives, we are a people
blessed with so many good things, and we are involved in a fellowship with so many active, engaged, generous Christians who are eager to share God’s rich blessings with the world. Our Caring
Ministries and Missions Committees are engaged in outreach to the people of this church, others in
our community, people across man-made borders and others all around the world. If you have not
determined what ministry God is calling you to, please see Pastor Jim or me, and we will be happy
to share with you where the needs are at the present time. Our Stewardship Committee will soon be
sharing more information about the church and its needs, and our hopes, dreams, and possibilities
for ministry at GVCC in the next 50 years.
The Fiftieth Anniversary Committee has been asked to offer two seatings at our Anniversary banquet on February 15, 2015. We are currently checking with West Center and our caterer, the Arizona Family Restaurant to see if we can work out the logistics. We are tentatively looking at dinner
seatings at 2 and 4 PM, with a program and speakers in between, if we can secure and accommodate enough chairs for those arriving for the second seating. Plans are underway for a festive day.
We will begin to take reservations for the banquet on Sunday, January 4, and will be asking participants to help undergird the expenses with a $10 per person donation at that time. We already have
enthusiastic responses from a few of our former pastors and their spouses.
Our “Each One Reach One” initiative, although only in its formative stage, has already been fruitful
as you are informing the pastors of people who are either temporarily or permanently losing their
ability to participate fully in the worship and activities of the church. Please remember to keep us
informed so none of our beloved friends will “slip through the cracks” and be forgotten. May God
bless us as we are reaching out to bless others with the marvelous good news of Christ’s love for us.
Happy Thanksgiving!
In Christ,
Rev. Jeanne Festa
Vespers Worship Time Change
Wednesdays at 4:00
Vespers Worship continues to provide blessings to all who participate and all who attend.
This mid-week service is planned, prepared, and presented by the laity of the church. The service lasts
about 35 minutes and is rich with prayer, Psalms, scripture, hymns and a brief meditation. It is a time of
spiritual renewal during the week.
Beginning the first Wednesday in November, the service time will change to 4:00 PM so everyone can be
home and ready for dinner by 5:00. I encourage you to join us. You, too, will be blessed.
Prayer List
Recently Hospitalized
J.D. Barnes
Lee Love
Howard Dimmit
Bob Hyslop
Charles Broomhall
Marv Lehnen
In Memoriam
Janet Dawson
Jeanne Johnston
Donations to the Community Food Bank for
the month of October were $888.00 and 661
“I wish to thank everyone for their prayers,
pastoral visits, cards, phone calls, support
and help in my recent illness. I will never
forget this amazing church; its great overall
mission, and most of all the beautiful people
in this congregation. You have taught me so
much about God’s love. Thank you so
Ruth Bender
Barbara Andersen
Lisa Andrews
Debbie Barken
Aiden Barker
Stacy Benner
Jan Bode
Charles Broomhall
Annette Cotsonas
Katie Dargan
Vickie DeGiso Family
Howard Dimmit
Ehinger Family
Elsie Feverstein
Gill Fam.
Patty Goolsby
Jim Green
Robin Grey
Joe Hendricks
Sue Hubert
Margo Jacobs
Johnston Family
Jan Jorden
Kathy Keegan
Sarah Key
Marv Lehnen
Lil McLeod
Ron Metzler
Bill Milke
Linda Newton
Nook Family
Peavler Fam.
Terry Sanchez
Carol Serns
Betty Short
Marilyn Smith
Jared West
Katy Whitman
Robby Willson
Those deployed overseas
Soldiers killed-
Have you ever wondered about the Walk
to Emmaus and what happens there? The
Walk to Emmaus is a time of Christian
spiritual renewal and formation that begins
with a short course in Christianity. During
the three days, you will enjoy singing,
learning, laughing, worshiping, reflecting,
praying, participation in small group discussions, and eating. The objective is to
inspire, challenge, and equip you for Christian action in your own life and others.
The next Walks are in February. For more
information, contact Marilyn Neal at 520625-6693.
We receive new members on the third Sunday of
each month. Pastor of Church Growth Jane Koss
will be happy to visit in your home to answer your
questions and work out the details of your joining.
Call her at 648-1416 or check the “Wish to Join”
block on the registration pad!
Food Bank Sunday is the third Sunday of each month. PLEASE remember to make checks for the
food Bank payable to “Community Food Bank.” Do not combine contributions for the
church and the Community Food Bank in the same check.
April Clement
John Reesy
Barry Ehrman
Brian Biggs
Catherine McLaughlin
Joe Castor
Jerry Frownfelter
Gary Vaughn
James Cate
Natalie Barber
Faye Bishope
Erika Schmidt
Kim Schmidt
Corinne Cumming
Susan Voorhees
Lyle Fosler
Suzanne Keitzer
Jeri Lynch
Mary Weidenbenner
Lucijean Brendel
Anen Konopka
Kathy Keegan
Ronald Metsch
Roger Philpott
Joann Lehman
Donna Haas
Lorene Barnes
Marcia Metsch
Kim Egbert
Douglas Jurgens
Norma Ewins
Nancy Anderson
Edna Novak
Rebecca Bartholomew
Richard Van Horn
Ray Tatem
Barbara Rumburg
Martha Agar
Betty Salisbury
Stephen Carpenter
Robert Fertelmes
Wanda Olles
Vicky Key
Jan Evans
Mary Jayne Gooch
Sherri Lightner
Jan Dennett
Jim Campbell
Nov. BIRTHDAYS continued
Lorraine Harsch
Dana Ralston
Cynthia Bowman
Casper Weiss
Al Barker
Sandi King
Elva Lane
Jerry Baldridge
Phyllis Gardner
Harriett Sheldon
Alberta Rasmussen
Douglas Bolstad
Marilyn Lineberry
Anna Smith
Betty Cupples
Yervand & Tammy Mathevosian
Art & Bev Hetrick
Lee & Juva Savage
Kenneth & Jane Flewellin
Joe & Shirley Sovis
Richard & Judy Lilly
Dan & Sandy Patterson
David & Nancy Flatt
Werner & Lorraine Harsch
Joel & Jody Davison
Joe & Merry Castor
Chris & Sarah Ortega
Morton & Lorain Zimmerman
Foster & Ruch Shrawder
Jim & Shelley Kais
Mark & Kim Schmidt
Roger & Karen Philpott
If you know of someone who is
sick or has been hospitalized
and needs a meal, please call
Jill McNeil at 625-1465.
October is my last month at GVCC,
thanks for all your help and donations
to the Library. Lynn Thomas is taking
over and I'm sure she will do a great
We have processed more books, come
and check out the Library Cart!!
There is a sign near the Library desk
that explains how to look up a book in
the computer.
Martha Emery
WELCOME BACK Snowbirds and interested others! Snowbird Circle will meet at 2:30 PM on Nov. 25 in the
fireside Room. Please bring your copy of the Upper Room for devotions. See you then! -Marilyn Wilson
The holiday time of year is upon us with Thanksgiving and Christmas only a couple of months away
The financial health of the Church is not well. The deficit at the end of September, 2014 was
($35,731.33). Of the amount pledged year to date we have only received 72.26% of what was pledged.
The amount we have received is $121,768.50 less than what was pledged. That amount would more
than cover the deficit and give us a nice reserve at the end of the year. When the budget is built for the
next fiscal year it is based upon pledges we receive during the Stewardship Campaign.
Ken Bensen has the 2015 Stewardship Campaign “Bridging the Future with Hope” going strong.
Church Council members will be giving short talks about the various projects of the Church. The Celebration Sunday in November will be a way we would like to say “thank you” for all that God has done
for our congregation.
Cynthia C. Reid, CPA, has completed the review of the financial records for 2013. She reported to the
Finance Committee at the October 9th meeting. Ms. Reid made the following recommendations:
Changes to who has signature authority on checks when a conflict of interest exist with someone
who has access to cash receipts, authorizing and recording transactions.
Video inventory of Church assets.
Updating policies and procedures to strengthen the Church’s internal controls.
The Audit Committee for the 2012 audit is still working on meeting the recommendations from that report. They will all be corrected and reviewed as well as the ones from 2013.
Please keep the financial health of the Church in your prayers so we can continue our work in Missions,
Stephen Ministries, Christian Education, membership and evangelism.
United Methodist Women
Sidewalk Sunday School
Christmas Gift Bags Please help
the UMW bring Christmas joy to the
children. Beginning Sunday, Nov. 2,
bags will be available in the narthex
along with ideas for filling them. Filled
bags can be returned to the church office during the week or the narthex on
Sunday mornings. Our deadline is Sunday, Dec. 7. for information, call
Shirley Nelson at 829-7923.
WOMEN will meet on November 12, 2014, at 9:30
a.m. There will be a THANK OFFERING service. Please bring your thank offerings.
Our program will be filling and delivering the
CHEER BOXES. Please bring two dozen cookies.
Come and join us, we will start with a continental
breakfast and conversation.
Saturday Nov. 1, 8:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Christmas items, clothing, handicraft items, baked
goods, miscellaneous. SET-UP on Friday, October
31, starting at 1:00 p.m. Many workers are needed
We welcome all baked goods for the November
1 sale. Please contact Kay, 393-0715, if you will
bring items. THANK YOU!!
Welcome Back to our winter
friends. Bring your Crochet hooks and
Knitting needles and join us Tuesdays at
1PM until 2PM in the Fireside Room.
LYDIA: We continue our study on "How
Is It With Your Soul?". We will meet on
Wednesday, November 26 at 9:30 a.m.
in the Fireside Room. All women are
Knit & Sew
We have lots of fun and fellowship waiting for you!!
We need all skill levels of knitting and
sewing. We certainly can find a job for
your willing hands! We meet every
Tuesday morning, 9-11 a.m. in Johnson
Hall. Come join us and bring a friend.
All are welcome!! For more information, call Kate at 520-991-7627.
We meet Mondays from 9-12 or anytime in
between We welcome all who enjoy counted
cross stitch and needlepoint. Don’t have supplies? We do! We have threads, canvas, and
patterns! Come enjoy stitching and fellowship. All our work is for missions in the
church and the Green Valley
community. Stop by our bulletin board in the hallway for
items that are for sale.
Hi, I'm Lynn Wallasky, a woman, who continues to look for ways to make my life more complete. Christ
is central for me but once in awhile I get off balance : ). I need to get back on the spiritual journey of finding
my way home. The Christ - Centered Women - Finding Balance in a World of Extremes study will give
us all chance to reflect and share. I'd love to say, I have the answer to all your concerns. Alas, I don't but
what I do have is the love of a God who has open arms, who will love you and welcome you home.
Come join me, Monday, Oct 27, 10:00 in Johnson Hall to begin the six week Christ - Centered Women
study. You are welcome to come once, twice or all six weeks. Sign up or just show up..all are welcome. $12
Books are available in Shauna's office but are not necessary.
Green Valley Community Church
Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration
‘Windows of Love’ Illuminate Parables
Recalling favorites from Jesus Christ’s ministry of parables, Community Church’s memorial
stained-glass “windows of love” turn 32 in the midst of the church’s golden anniversary celebration.
The congregation that would become Green Valley Community Church met first in a fire station
Jan. 19, 1964. Retired Methodist pastor Rev. W.T. Methvin preached, and hymnals were provided by Tucson’s Catalina Methodist Church.
After voting to affiliate with the Methodist Church, the congregation was of
ficially organized Feb. 21. 1965. When the first service was held in its new
sanctuary March 28, 1970, the east and west walls held clear glass windows, but plans already were in the works to turn them into gospel art, depicting some of Jesus’ parables.
Not long after the windows were dedicated on Nov. 6, 1983, a newspaper article quoted the
church’s pastor, Rev. Harold A. Frey, on what the “windows of love” were really all about.
“They really are teaching windows,” Rev. Frey said. “Before the printing press, stainedglass windows were used in churches to transmit the Scripture.”
A suggestion to replace the clear glass with decorative windows was embraced with enthusiasm, with Rev.
Frey noting “we had more subscribers than windows.” The six full-length windows along the two walls
were created by William, Steven and Joseph Lupkin in their Scottsdale studio.
The faceted stained glass windows are made from cut domestic and English imported glass cut into one-inch
thick pieces and arranged in matrixes. The process made it less expensive to implement the designs and also
improved noise insulation, muting traffic noise from La Canada Drive on the east side.
In addition to the parable windows, two smaller west side windows depict the iconic Community Church cross
and compass symbol reminding of God’s unchanging love, and the Greek Alpha and Omega from Revelation
22:13. The former is in memory of Frances Holdiman, the latter in memory of Raymond and Helen Tunnell
and Robert and Bella Jane Kennedy.
In order, from the narthex toward the altar, west side window parables depict the sower, in memory of F.R.
Olmstead and loved ones; houses built on rock and sand, in memory of Dr. Vernon L. Bolton, and the candle
and bushel basket, in memory of Verna Oakland.
On the east side, from narthex to altar are the fig tree, in memory of James P. Woodworth; wheat and the tares,
in memory of loved ones of the Hutto family, and the mustard seed, in memory of Lucille McKinley.
I am having great support from the men for projects. Our
breakfast meeting on Sept. 20th with Chris Ashcraft, Executive Director of CPAC was a wonderful program and
the food was great. On Oct. 18th our program featured
J.D. Barnes on his life in Cairo. This program was excellent as well as the food. I’m sorry some of you are missing some great programs and fellowship at the men’s
breakfast meetings. We’re now gearing up for the
We’ll need volunteers for set up, serving and take down.
Write the date down and let’s have a great turn out.
Also, I want to remind the men that we meet on Wed.
mornings at 7:30 a.m. at the Arizona Family Restaurant
for breakfast and study. Make a note and maybe we’ll
see you there! -Ron Green
Bob Jenkins Class Starts on November
23, 2014— All adults are invited to attend Bob
Jenkins winter class on “The History of the
Church.” It will meet from 11 a.m. till noon at the
north end of Johnson Hall, starting on November
This year he has teamed up with Karen Dodd to
present slides of the various personalities from
Moses to John Wesley. We will cover the entire
history of the Christian Church from Catholic to
Orthodox, through the Protestant Reformation and
its various branches, to Henry VIII and the Anglican
Church, to the Wesley brothers and the splits in the
Methodist Church prior to the Civil War. As usual,
we sill enjoy lunch about once a month.
Thank you! To all who have supported and are currently supporting he Gospel Rescue Mission with
your donations of U.S. money
through the “Penny Project.”
Please help get the word out to
others and make this very worthwhile project successful in 2014.
There are marked canisters in the
Narthex and also in the office for
Green Valley Community Church will present a forum on Modern Day Slavery, Human Trafficking—the second largest crime
in the world.
JANUARY 17, 2015
9:00 A.M.—12:00 NOON
Exploitation and abuse of
children, teenagers and adults
trafficked in Arizona and the
world (Please read Anna’s story below)
One day, wide-eyed and naively optimistic, Anna responds
to a job advertisement that promises a better life. The flyer is vague,
but it's a chance. All she needs is a chance. The advertisement is a
lie. There is no promise. There is only punishment.
Cruel, depraved men with vacant eyes take her and fear
takes her heart. She has never been so afraid. These men are human
traffickers. Her nightmare has begun.
Anna is imprisoned in a crate with sixty other girls. They
are shipped off like cattle. Many of the girls die during the unbearable journey. She wonders of they are the lucky ones.
Anna's new life is no life at all. She is a sex slave in an
underground brothel. Horror is her only companion. Her family
wonders if she is even alive. She wonders, too.
Men are shouting downstairs today. This is nothing new;
men are always shouting here. But today something seems different.
There is a new kind of fear in the air. It's not until she sees her largest captor fleeing that Anna's a raid. On this starless
night, men in police uniforms arrive. For such a brief moment, salvation seems so close. But then the unspeakable happens. Rescuers
become rapists. Her eyes are hollow now. She is shutting down.
The hope that Anna so cautiously rationed in that dark shipping crate
has finally run out.
Once again men are shouting downstairs. This time her
rescue is not a mirage. Anna is carried from the darkness, safe at
last. It feels like a dream but his time, it's reality. Now Anna's new
life can begin.
Anna's story is repeated thousands of times each day.
Every “Anna” longs for freedom.....hopes for renewal....and the
chance to live her dream.
(Hand of Hope a Joyce Meyer Ministry)
During the absolutely beautiful month of October ACTS
Youth had “Fall Break” a week off from school and we took
the opportunity to plan a fun outing to Triple Play. Taking
a break is common in our everyday living, we take lunch
breaks, school breaks, breaks from our friends and family,
our jobs etc…. This gave us a great conversation starter… do
we also sometimes take a break from God? If we do why? Is that was God
wants? What brings us back into relationship with God? With humor,
honesty and sincerity the youth shared their thoughts before we hit the
course. Several “holes in one” were had along with just a really fun
time. Several of our youth started the Confirmation Class with Pastor Jim
and October came to an end with our regular gathering here at the
church. With the Holiday season upon us, look for us in the Narthex selling our annual calendars and notepads, beginning Nov 2. Wall and pocket
calendars are $ 7.00 Christmas greeting cards $ 7.00 and magnetic memo
pads are $ 4.00. All proceeds go towards the names the youth select from
the Cactus Christmas tree. It is hard to believe we are in November with
Thanksgiving just around the corner, we have so much to be thankful for
each and every day because we have a God that loves us even when we take
breaks! May God bless you all, Scott and Shauna Melvin.
Triple Play
Mitzvah Day activities! Join in! Thursday, November 6, 2014
Pay It Forward suggests that whatever we invest in our world comes back to us many times over. When we
commit an act of kindness towards another, we make a statement as to how the world can be. On Mitzvah
(Good Deed) Day volunteers will be investing in the future. Over 150 volunteers from throughout the community are expected to participate in this first-ever interfaith effort. Volunteers will be cleaning, pruning,
painting and in other ways assisting non-profit organizations in the greater Green Valley area. If you are interested in volunteering, come to St. Francis Episcopal Church at La Canada at 8:15 on Thursday, Nov. 6. Most
volunteers will be working until 12; however, GVCC’s youth group is doing a special project on Sunday the
9th. GVCC is proud to sponsor this event, along with eight other congregations in the area. Pastor Jeanne
Festa is our volunteer coordinator.
MISSION MONDAY: Monday, November 17. “Youth on their Own” is an organization addressing the challenge of teen-age homelessness. Teen-agers are vulnerable! When a home environment deteriorates, due to
divorce, illness, drug or alcohol addiction, they need shelter, guidance and support. Come hear about this Tucson-based non-profit on Mission Monday. Bring your own sack lunch; coffee and tea provided. The time is
11:30 to 1:00 pm.
CACTUS CHRISTMAS PROJECT: What is more like Christmas than the joy of a child?
Each year the Missions/Church & Society Committee solicits Christmas gift requests from
area children. The requests are then hung on the “cactus” in the narthex so that GVCC
members can purchase the desired gift for distribution in December. This year Dawnie Cate
has agreed to coordinate this project, and children in the Green Valley area and in Nogales
and Tucson will be the happy recipients. Watch for details soon! And thanks everyone for
their interest and support for this project. Jerry Haas
This year’s Thanksgiving dinner is sponsored by the UMM
and UMW. It will be held on November 27th at 12:00 noon.
Please bring a dessert or vegetable dish/salad for others to
enjoy. The cost is $6.00 per person. Turkey and mashed
potatoes and gravy will be provided! The sign up sheet
will be in the Narthex on Sunday mornings for you to sign
up and indicate what you will bring. Call Barb Kerfoot at
647-9334 or Ron Green at 999-1580
Christmas Poinsettias Order Form
Would like to order a poinsettia in memory of________________________________________
In honor of__________________________________________________________________
Quantity ordered______________________@$10.00 each
I,_______________________________________would like to make a donation to the Green Valley Community Food bank In memory of____________________________________________________________
In honor of_______________________________________________________________________________
And return to the church office no later than Dec. 15th
The theme for our Stewardship Campaign this year is BRIDGING THE FUTURE with HOPE.
For fifty years this church has ministered to the Green Valley community. During this time our congregation
has done the work of God. God has blessed us for our faithfulness a we have served the spiritual and physical
needs of the community.
In 2015 we begin our second 50 years of ministry with HOPE.
In 1 Corinthians 13:13, HOPE is one of the three theological virtues alongside of faith and love. HOPE means
a strong and confident expectation of a future reward. We HOPE for what we cannot see knowing that God is
there for us.
As we join together in Christian love and move forward with our stewardship campaign we do so with the confident expectation that God is going to provide for our congregation so we can continue to do His work.
As we consider our commitment let us remember that God has richly blessed us and called us to be part of His
kingdom. Our financial commitment is a thank offering and a commitment to the WORK OF GOD.
Ken Bensen, 2015 Stewardship Chairman
Classes for kids and adults are well underway. Coming will be an advent class starting Nov. 30th at 9:30 a.m.
There will be an afternoon class also; watch for the announcement of date & time. Children’s Bibles will be
distributed on Celebration Sunday. Mark your calendars for the second annual Christmas Party on Dec. 12th;
more information elsewhere in this newsletter. Spiritual Life’s women’s Tea and Fashion Show was a big
success. The next Movie Sunday will be January 25th—something to look forward to after the busy holidays.
Old Fashioned Christmas Party
Mark your calendars for a very special evening with your church family as we celebrate an
“Old Fashioned Christmas”. December 12 at 5:00pm. A delicious meal, Christmas treats and carols
as well as fun crafts for the young and old.
Don’t miss out, a signup sheet will be in Narthex at the Activity Shelf in mid November.
Advent Study
Under Wraps-The Gift we Never Expected, is an all-church Advent experience that will explore the character of God described in the
Old Testament and then revealed through Jesus Christ.
Classes will be held an Sunday morning at 9:30 as well as mid week, day and time tbd. Each week centers on a key word that describes a characteristic of God that is evidenced in the Old Testament and then seen more clearly through Jesus: faithful, dangerous,
expectant and jealous. Books are $ 10.00 and devotions for $ 5.00, available in the Ch Ed Office. A signup sheet is available at the
Activity Shelf.
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2014 @ 6:30 PM
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.”
(John 14:27)
Come join the Spiritual Life Ministry as we bring you another Blue Christmas Service on Thursday, December 4 th, at 6:30 pm in
the Sanctuary. This year we will reflect on the Peace that only our Lord can give through prayer, scripture reading, and music
acknowledging God's presence among us.
This service is designed for everyone and is a special time to spend peacefully before entering the busyness of the Christmas season.
Let us come together and be a source of comfort and support to each other and feel God's presence during this busy season.
Invite your friends and neighbors~ ALL ARE WELCOME!
HOPE luncheons
Wow! The 1st luncheon was July 4th and 168 people attended. Since then, every luncheon has averaged
between 106 to 146 attendees. Approximately 1/3 are Community Church folks, 1/3 other churches and
1/3 are visitors from the community. We started with music to make the atmosphere more “inviting.”
However, we found the fellowship and socialization “just happens” (as we had hoped!) Free will donations have kept us in the black. Another Wow!
When you have a moment look at the “Activities” bulletin board just inside the rear entrance doors. If
ever there was a “grass-roots” program success, HOPE is it! Come and enjoy, anytime! 1st and 3rd Fridays
of each month in Johnson Hall. So far our food quality ratings have been “outstanding,” “supurb,” and another comment, “I felt Christ here at this luncheon!”
1st and 3rd Fridays every month ALL WELCOME!! 11:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Fellowship, socialization, meet
new friends, oh—also a great free lunch! Want to help? Sign up early on HOPE bulletin board just outside
our new kitchen. Call Jan & Doug Bolstad, coordinators at 625-5605.
Choir Notes: Christmas is com-
BLOOD DRIVE – A blood drive is
scheduled for Friday, November 14th – 8
– 1 pm – Johnson Hall.
ing! If you would like to sing with us
for our Christmas Presentation, Dec 14, practice will
be on Fridays at 4:00 in the Choir Room. Regular
Choir Practice is at 3:15 on Fridays. Talk to any
Choir Member or call Linda Truesdell at 578-9825
for more info.
Welcome back snowbirds! The Choir is eagerly
awaiting your return. All past, present, and future
Choir members are welcome. See you on Friday! (any Friday!)
Membership and Evangelism—THANK
YOU— The setter-uppers, scoopers, singers, runners and cleaner-uppers
50 Anniversary Posters
50th Anniversary Posters will be a constantly changing display as part of the wall art exhibits in 2014 to
February 2015. We welcome photos and news articles that may be included in future posters. Contact
Barbara Amyx: 399-1507 or Carol June Schultz: 399-3205/ for more information.
Sign Up To Do Good Deeds! Volunteers are needed for Mitzvah (Good Deed) Day. Men, women, seniors,
youth – sign up today. A variety of projects are scheduled, so don’t be shy! For more information contact our
congregation’s volunteer coordinator ____________________
Mitzvah (Good Deed) Day is an international event, a day of interfaith based social action. Various religious
groups are participating in Green Valley and Sahuarita. Volunteers will undertake a range of projects identified by groups and agencies in the community and surrounding area. The objective is to encourage people to
give their time, rather than their money, to worthwhile causes within the communities. Last year 30,000 people participated in Mitzvah Day around the world! Join us on November 6 for the first annual Mitzvah (Good
Deed) Day in our community.
Religion is often seen as a divisive force in the world, yet people of faith can make another witness as they
work together for good. Mitzvah (Good Deed) Day is one example. On Thursday, November 6 people
from all faith traditions are joining together in acts of human kindness. Sign up today!
“Gratitude in Action” is the theme of Mitzvah (Good Deed) Day. We have so much to be thankful for; let
us also express our gratitude in acts of human kindness to others. You can do your part by joining this interfaith project on Thursday, November 6. Plan to spend the morning to do your part to make this a better
Pay It Forward suggests that whatever we invest in our world comes back to us many times over. When we
commit an act of kindness towards another, we make a statement as to how the world can be. On Mitzvah
(Good Deed) Day volunteers will be investing in the future. They will be saying, “This is the way the world
should be, with people working together to encourage and help each other. “ Become a volunteer; sign up
Social Investments…when we donate our money for a good cause, it is not just a donation; it’s a “social investment.” We are helping society become what it is intended to become: a zone of shalom – peace and wellbeing – for others and for all. Money is one way to make a “social investment”; so is your time. Donate your
time on Thursday, November 6 for Mitzvah (Good Deed) Day and know that you are making a valuable
“social investment.”