Educational Activities for Schools 2014/2015 Gweithgareddau Addysgol Arbennig i Ysgolion 2014/2015 Welcome to Cardiff Castle’s programme of educational activities for the forthcoming academic year. Within the brochure you will find details of all the special workshops we have planned, plus options available to you if you choose to organise a standard school visit to the Castle. Croeso i raglen gweithgareddau addysgol Castell Caerdydd ar gyfer y flwyddyn academaidd sydd i ddod. Yn y llyfryn cewch fanylion am yr holl weithdai arbennig a gynlluniwyd gennym, ac opsiynau eraill y gallwch eu dewis os trefnwch ymweliad ysgol safonol â’r Castell. Following feedback from teachers, our tried and tested sessions such as ‘Life on the Home Front’ and ‘Age of the Princes’ will be repeated. This year will see an increased focus on creativity and literacy and any school studying Cornerstones will find plenty of inspiration in our programme. Yn dilyn adborth gan athrawon, bydd ein sesiynau profedig megis ‘Bywyd ar y Ffrynt Cartref’ ac ‘Oes y Tywysogion’ yn cael eu hailadrodd. Yn ystod y flwyddyn hon byddwn yn canolbwyntio fwy a mwy ar greadigrwydd a llythrennedd a bydd unrhyw ysgol sy'n astudio Cornerstones yn cael digon o ysbrydoliaeth yn ein rhaglen. We are always keen to respond to your needs, so if you are interested in a specific topic or a different creative element, please ask at the time of booking as many of the workshops can be adapted to meet different ages and needs. Extra dates for some workshops can be arranged too and dates will be posted on the News section in the education pages of our website. Rydym bob amser yn awyddus i ymateb i’ch anghenion. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn pwnc arbennig neu elfen greadigol wahanol, gofynnwch wrth ei drefnu gan fod modd i addasu nifer o’r gweithdai i oedrannau ac anghenion gwahanol. Gellir trefnu rhai dyddiadau ychwanegol ar gyfer ambell i weithdy hefyd a gaiff eu postio yn yr adran Newyddion ar dudalennau addysg ein gwefan. For advice on educational visits and activities call Elizabeth Stevens, Education Officer on 029 2087 8110 or visit I gael cyngor ar ymweliadau a gweithgareddau addysgol, cysylltwch ag Elizabeth Stevens, Swyddog Addysg, ar 029 2087 8110 neu ewch i Sandford Award winner 2012 To make a booking for an educational activity, please call 029 2087 8100. Book early to avoid disappointment or e-mail: Booking line / Llinell archebu: 029 2087 8100 Enillydd Gwobr Sandford 2012 I gadw lle ar weithgaredd addysgol, ffoniwch 029 2087 8100 neu e-bostiwch Trefnwch o flaen llaw fel na chewch eich siomi. THe educaTIOn cenTRe Y GanOLfan addYSG Open all year during term time ar agor drwy’r flwyddyn yn ystod y tymor Don’t forget, if you are organising a general school visit to the Castle, the admission ticket includes access to the Education Centre. Simply ask about availability when you book. Cofiwch os ydych yn trefnu ymweliad ysgol cyffredinol â’r Castell fod eich tocyn mynediad yn cynnwys mynediad i’r Ganolfan Addysg. Holwch am argaeledd wrth archebu. The Education Centre is open all year and is fully accessible. We have two rooms available - The Housekeeper’s Room and The Steward’s Room. Each room can accommodate one class per session. The Housekeeper’s Room This room houses a collection of artefacts from the Victorian period. Resources for activities include Victorian costumes, household items, toys and a model of the Castle. We have an expanding range of Home Front objects to illustrate the Castle’s history during the Second World War. This is also the room where the majority of our special activities for schools take place. It can be used for specialist talks on the Castle’s history, Travel and Tourism and is also used for craft activities. The Steward’s Room A selection of replica armour, weapons, costume and domestic items from the Roman, Norman and later medieval period are available to handle and discuss, in addition to original finds recovered during archaeological digs at the Castle. We have a wide range of authentic replica armour, including various items of “child-sized” armour. What’s Included in Your Ticket A • • • • standard educational visit to the Castle includes: a guided tour of the House a session in the Education Centre use of the especially written Children’s Audio Guide film show and access to areas of the grounds including the Keep, Battlements and Wartime Shelters. We also usually have birds of prey on site during the week although we cannot guarantee this. Costs are £3.50 for Cardiff schools and £4.25 for all other schools. Mae’r Ganolfan Addysg ar agor drwy’r flwyddyn ac mae’n hollol hygyrch. Mae dwy ystafell ar gael – Ystafell Ceidwad y Tŷ ac Ystafell y Stiward. Mae lle i un dosbarth ym mhob ystafell ar gyfer pob sesiwn. Ystafell ceidwad y Ty ^ Mae’r ystafell hon yn gartref i gasgliad o arteffactau’r Castell o Oes Fictoria. Mae adnoddau ar gyfer gweithgareddau yn cynnwys gwisgoedd Fictoraidd, eitemau’r cartref, teganau a model o'r Castell. Mae ein casgliad o wrthrychau Ffrynt Cartref yn ehangu, gan ddangos hanes y Castell yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Dyma’r ystafell hefyd lle mae mwyafrif y gweithgareddau arbennig i ysgolion yn cael eu cynnal. Gellir ei defnyddio ar gyfer sgyrsiau arbenigol ar hanes y Castell, Teithio a Thwristiaeth ac fe’i defnyddir ar gyfer gweithgareddau crefft. Ystafell y Stiward Mae casgliad arfwisg, arfau, gwisgoedd ac eitemau’r cartref replica o gyfnod y Rhufeiniaid, y Normaniaid a’r Canol Oesoedd ar gael i’w trin a’u trafod, yn ogystal â chanfyddiadau gwreiddiol a ddarganfuwyd yn ystod cloddfeydd archeolegol yn y Castell. Mae gennym ystod eang o arfwisg replica gan gynnwys amryw eitemau arfwisg maint plentyn. Beth sydd wedi’i gynnwys yn eich tocyn Mae ymweliad addysgol â’r Castell yn cynnwys: • taith dywys o amgylch y Ty • sesiwn yn y Ganolfan Addysg • defnyddio’r daith glywedol arbennig i blant • ffilm a mynediad i’r Gerddi gan gynnwys y Gorthwr, Bylchfuriau a’r Llochesi Cyrchoedd Awyr o gyfnod y rhyfel. Mae hefyd adar ysglyfaethus ar y safle yn ystod yr wythnos, er na allwn warantu hyn. ^ Y costau yw £3.50 i ysgolion Caerdydd a £4.25 i bob ysgol arall. THe ROmanS Y RHufeInIaId education centre Room 2 - Steward’s Room Y Ganolfan addysg Ystafell 2 - Ystafell y Stiward A selection of replica armour, weapons and artefacts from the Roman period, in addition to original finds recovered during archaeological digs at the Castle are available to handle and discuss. Mae arfwisgoedd, arfau ac arteffactau i’w gweld o gyfnod y Rhufeiniaid, yn ogystal â phethau a ddarganfuwyd yn ystod gwaith cloddio archeolegol yn y Castell, a chyfle i’w cyffwrdd a’u trafod. Available all year during term time Max numbers: 30 children Suitability: All Key Stages Cost: £3.50 for Cardiff schools and £4.25 for all other schools Ar gael drwy’r flwyddyn yn ystod y tymor Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant Addas ar gyfer: Pob Cyfnod Allweddol Cost: £3.50 i ysgolion Caerdydd; £4.25 i bob ysgol arall Roman Workshops Gweithdai Rhufeinig 2 sessions each lasting 50 minutes Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: KS2 Cost: £145 Guided tour additional £2 per child. 2 sesiwn 50 munud yr un Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: CA2 Cost: £145 Taith dywys yn £2 ychwanegol y plentyn. 24 Sept 2014; 19 Jan 2015; 20 May 2015 Pupils will be able to meet a Roman Legionary soldier and see first-hand the equipment they used including ring mail, helmets, swords, spears, daggers and shields. In the second part of the workshop, we explore how the Romans passed on information, with children encouraged to try and convey their own messages using Roman signalling. They will also be put through their paces in a Roman drill by our costumed interpreter. 24 Medi 2014; 19 Ion 2015; 20 Mai 2015 Bydd disgyblion yn gallu gweld eu hunain y cyfarpar a ddefnyddiwyd gan un o Lengfilwyr Rhufain gan gynnwys crysau mael, helmedau, cleddyfau, gwaywffyn, dagrau a thariannau. Yn ail ran y gweithdy byddant yn dysgu sut roedd y Rhufeiniaid yn trosglwyddo gwybodaeth, a chaiff y plant eu hannog i geisio cyfathrebu eu neges eu hunain gyda signalau Rhufeinig. Byddant yn cael eu profi mewn dril Rhufeinig gan ein dehonglydd mewn gwisg o’r cyfnod. caSTLeS, THe nORmanS and medIevaL PeRIOd ceSTYLL, Y nORmanIaId a’R canOL OeSOedd education centre Room 2 - Steward’s Room Y Ganolfan addysg Ystafell 2 - Ystafell y Stiward A selection of replica armour, weapons and artefacts from the Norman / Medieval period are available to handle and discuss. Arfwisgoedd, arfau ac arteffactau o gyfnod y Normaniaid / y Canol Oesoedd ar gael i’w cyffwrdd a’u trafod. Available all year during term time Max numbers: 30 children Suitability: All Key Stages Cost: £3.50 for Cardiff schools and £4.25 for all other schools Ar gael drwy’r flwyddyn yn ystod y tymor Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant Addas ar gyfer: Pob Cyfnod Allweddol Cost: £3.50 i ysgolion Caerdydd a £4.25 i bob ysgol arall castles and courts cestyll a Llysoedd 75 minute workshop and a guided tour Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: Foundation Phase/KS1 and KS2 Cost: £145 Gweithdy 75 munud a thaith dywys Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: Y Cyfnod Sylfaen / CA1 a CA2 Cost: £145 9 Sept 2014; 23 Oct 2014; 7 Jan 2015; 3 Mar 2015; 19 May 2015, 2 Jul 2015 Meet our costumed knight to learn about how castles were built, the people who lived and worked in them and the weapons and armour that they used. At the end of the workshop, pupils will take part in a drill with helmets and spears. age of the Princes – castle Life/ medieval Realms 7 Oct 2014; 19 Nov 2014; 12 Feb 2015; 3 June 2015 1 hour workshop and a guided tour followed by a 30 min archery display Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: All Key Stages including adaptation for KS3 (Please advise on booking) Cost: £145 What was daily life like at this medieval stronghold during the Age of the Princes for both the servants and members of the court? Find out more about the different types of medieval soldier, their arms and armour. Watch a spellbinding archery display to discover why the Welsh archers were such a formidable force. 9 Medi 2014; 23 Hyd 2014; 7 Ion 2015; 3 Maw 2015; 19 Mai 2015; 2 Gorff 2015 Dewch i gwrdd â’r march i ddysgu am sut yr adeiladwyd cestyll, y bobl a oedd yn byw ac yn gweithio ynddynt a’r arfau a’r arfwisgoedd a ddefnyddiwyd ganddynt. Ar ddiwedd y gweithdy, bydd disgyblion yn cymryd rhan mewn dril gyda helmedau a gwaywffyn. Oes y Tywysogion – Bywyd yn y castell/Teyrnasoedd canoloesol 7 Hyd 2014; 19 Tach 2014; 12 Chwe 2015; 3 Meh 2015 Gweithdy 1 awr a thaith dywys wedi’i dilyn gan arddangosfa saethyddiaeth 30 munud Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: Pob Cyfnod Allweddol gan gynnwys addasiad i CA3 (Nodwch pa gyfnod wrth archebu) Cost: £145 Sut beth oedd bywyd o ddydd i ddydd yn y cadarnle canoloesol hwn yn ystod Oes y Tywysogion ar gyfer gweision ac aelodau’r llys? Dysgwch fwy am y mathau gwahanol o filwyr canoloesol; eu harfau a’u harfwisg, gwyliwch arddangosiad saethyddiaeth cyffrous i ddysgu pam bod saethwyr Cymru yn filwyr cystal. medieval medicine meddygaeth Ganoloesol 75 minute workshop Max numbers: see below Suitability: KS3 & KS4 (Can also be adapted for KS2 pupils) Cost: £120 for up to 30 pupils; £175 for up to 50 pupils Guided tour of the Castle additional £2 per child Gweithdy 75 munud Nifer fwyaf: gweler isod Addas ar gyfer: CA3 a CA4 (Gellir ei addasu ar gyfer disgyblion CA2) Cost: £120 am hyd at 30 o ddisgyblion, £175 am hyd at 50 o ddisgyblion Taith dywys o amgylch y Castell - £2 y plentyn yn ychwanegol 20 Nov 2014; 21 Jan 2015 Find out more about the blood-curdling techniques of medieval medicine from the Barber Surgeon; tales of the Black Death, treating battle wounds, setting bones and pulling teeth – not to mention the blood letting and the leeches! Children are sure to lap up all the gory details! 20 Tach 2014; 21 Ion 2015 Dewch i ddarganfod mwy am dechnegau iasoer meddygaeth ganoloesol o’r Llawfeddyg-farbwr; hanesion y Pla Du, trin anafiadau brwydrau, gosod esgyrn a thynnu dannedd - heb sôn am dynnu gwaed a’r gelenod! Bydd y plant yn joio mas draw gyda’r manylion gwaedlyd! caSTLeS, THe nORmanS and medIevaL PeRIOd ceSTYLL, Y nORmanIaId a’R canOL OeSOedd JOuST! JOuST! Guided tour of the Castle and access to the Keep not included Nid yw taith dywys o amgylch y Castell neu fynediad i’r Gorthwr wedi’i chynnwys Friday 19 June 10am - 2pm Suitability: All ages Cost: £6.25 per child Authentic and thrilling, this will be an exciting, educational day, giving pupils a chance to see and experience life at the Castle in medieval times. Before the main jousting tournament, children will be able to see how a squire helped dress his master in a harness of armour, followed by a spectacular combat display. There will also be a medieval encampment to explore, storytelling and juggling displays. The Knights of Royal England will then take to the Joust arena, in a breathtaking show of skill, bravery and horsemanship. As well as cheering for their favourite knight, children will see some bruising encounters and spectacular falls. Great entertainment and historically accurate! Elements of the Joust event are appropriate for schools who are also studying The Tudors. Public performances of the Joust will be held on Saturday 20 – Sunday 21 June 2015. To book your places for Joust! please call Elizabeth Stevens on 029 2087 8110. Spaces are limited so please do not delay in booking. Dydd Gwener 19 Mehefin 10am - 2pm Addas ar gyfer: Pob oed Cost: £6.25 y plentyn Bydd y diwrnod addysgol cyffrous hwn yn rhoi cyfle i ddisgyblion brofi bywyd yn y Castell yn y Canol Oesoedd. Cyn y prif ymryson, bydd plant yn cael cyfle i weld sut roedd yswain yn helpu i wisgo ei feistr mewn harnais arfwisg, ac yna arddangosfa ymladd ysblennydd. Bydd hefyd wersyll canoloesol i’w grwydro, adrodd straeon ac arddangosfeydd jyglo. Yna bydd Marchogion Brenhinol Lloegr yn mynd i arena Joust!, mewn sioe wefreiddiol sy’n llawn dawn, dewrder a marchogaeth. Yn ogystal â chefnogi eu hoff farchog, bydd y plant yn gallu gwylio gornestau cleisiog a marchogion yn syrthio o’u ceffylau. Digwyddiad gwych sy’n dal y sylw, yn gywir yn hanesyddol ac, uwch bopeth, yn adloniant ardderchog! Mae elfennau o ddigwyddiad Joust! yn briodol i ysgolion sy’n astudio cyfnod y Tuduriaid. Bydd perfformiadau cyhoeddus Joust! ar ddydd Sadwrn 20 a dydd Sul 21 Mehefin 2015. Ffoniwch Elizabeth Stevens i gadw lle ar gyfer Joust! ar 029 2087 8110. Nifer gyfyngedig o lefydd sydd i gael, felly peidiwch ag oedi rhag trefnu lle. We regret that we cannot take provisional bookings for this special event. Refunds will not be available and you will be invoiced for the numbers of pupils for which you book. Full payment for Joust! will be required a month after booking. Gwybodaeth Archebu Bwysig Yn anffodus ni allwn gadw lle yn amodol ar gyfer y digwyddiad arbennig hwn. Ni fydd ad-daliadau ar gael a byddwch yn derbyn anfoneb ar gyfer y nifer o ddisgyblion yr archebwch lefydd ar eu cyfer. Bydd angen taliad llawn ar gyfer Joust! o fewn mis o archebu. THe TudORS Y TuduRIaId 6 Oct 2014; 5 Nov 2014; 20 Jan 2015; 20 Apr 2015 6 Hyd 2014; 5 Tach 2014; 20 Ion 2015; 20 Ebr 2015 Important Booking Information Tudor music and dance 2 x 1 hour workshops Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: KS2 Cost: £145 Guided tour of the Castle additional £2 per child A two-part workshop looking at music and entertainment in Tudor times. In the first part, the group will be shown authentic Tudor instruments and have the chance to play some of them and in the second part they will learn two contrasting Tudor dances. cerddoriaeth a dawns duduraidd 2 weithdy x 1 awr Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: CA2 Cost: £145 Taith dywys o amgylch y Castell - £2 y plentyn yn ychwanegol Gweithdy dwy ran yn edrych ar gerddoriaeth ac adloniant yn oes y Tuduriaid. Yn y rhan gyntaf, bydd y grŵp yn gweld offerynnau o oes y Tuduriaid ac yn cael cyfle i roi cynnig ar ambell un, ac yn yr ail ran byddant yn dysgu dwy ddawns Duduraidd wahanol. THe vIcTORIanS POBL OeS fIcTORIa education centre Room 1- Housekeeper’s Room Y Ganolfan addysg Ystafell 1 - ceidwad y Ty ^ Available all year during term time Max numbers: 30 children Suitability: All Key Stages Cost: £3.50 for Cardiff schools and £4.25 for all other schools Ar gael drwy’r flwyddyn yn ystod y tymor Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant Addas ar gyfer: Pob Cyfnod Allweddol Cost: £3.50 i ysgolion Caerdydd a £4.25 i bob ysgol arall victorian Servants' activities Gweithgareddau Gweision Oes fictoria 75 minute workshop and a guided tour Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: Foundation Phase/KS1 and KS2 Cost: £4.00 for Cardiff schools and £4.75 for all other schools Gweithdy 75 munud a thaith dywys Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: Y Cyfnod Sylfaen/CA1 a CA2 Cost: £4.00 i ysgolion Caerdydd a £4.75 i ysgolion eraill This room houses a collection of artefacts from the Victorian period. Resources for activities include Victorian costumes, household items, toys and a model of the Castle. 12 Sept 2014; 27 Jan 2015; 15 Apr 2015 Dressed in costume, children will have the opportunity to carry out various tasks that would have been part of the daily routine of the servants of Cardiff Castle. The sessions will provide an excellent object handling experience and will encourage role play. Mae’r ystafell hon yn gartref i gasgliad o arteffactau o Oes Fictoria. Mae adnoddau ar gyfer gweithgareddau yn cynnwys gwisgoedd Fictoraidd, eitemau’r cartref, teganau a model o'r Castell. 12 Medi 2014; 27 Ion 2015; 15 Ebr 2015 Wedi’u gwisgo mewn gwisg o’r cyfnod, bydd y plant yn cael cyfle i wneud amryw dasgau fyddai’n rhan o ddiwrnod arferol gweision Castell Caerdydd. Bydd y sesiwn yn rhoi profiad gwych o drin a thrafod gwrthrychau a bydd yn annog chwarae rhan. an audience with Queen victoria cwrdd â’r frenhines fictoria 1 hour workshop Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: KS2 Cost: £145 including a guided tour Gweithdy 1 awr Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: CA2 Cost: £145 gan gynnwys taith dywys 3 Oct 2014; 23 Jan 2015; 15 May 2015 Queen Victoria returns to grant an audience to schools. During the workshop children will be given the opportunity to learn more about the life and times of the Queen, handle objects and learn good deportment and manners. 3 Hyd 2014; 23 Ion 2015; 15 Mai 2015 Unwaith eto bydd y Frenhines Fictoria yn dychwelyd i gwrdd ag ysgolion. Yn ystod y gweithdy, bydd plant yn cael cyfle i ddysgu mwy am fywyd ac oes y Frenhines, trin a thrafod gwrthrychau, a dysgu ymddygiad a moesau da. victorian christmas Tours & Workshops Teithiau a Gweithdai nadolig Oes fictoria 75 minute workshop and a guided tour Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: Foundation Phase/KS1 and KS2 Cost: £4.25 for Cardiff schools and £5.00 for all other schools Gweithdy 75 munud a thaith dywys Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: Y Cyfnod Sylfaen/CA1 a CA2 Cost: £4.25 i ysgolion Caerdydd a £5.00 i ysgolion eraill 27 Nov - 19 Dec 2014 A tour of the Castle, beautifully decorated for Christmas, is followed by a workshop looking specifically at Victorian Christmas traditions. Children can make an authentic Victorian card and a Christmas decoration to take home. 27 Tach - 19 Rhag 2014 Ceir taith o amgylch y Castell, a gaiff ei addurno’n hyfryd ar gyfer y Nadolig, ac wedyn gweithdy yn edrych yn benodol ar draddodiadau Nadolig Oes Fictoria. Gall plant wneud cardiau ac addurniadau yn steil Oes Fictoria i fynd adref gyda nhw. THe HOme fROnT (1940s) Y ffRYnT caRTRef (1940au) Life on the Home front – cardiff castle’s Wartime Shelters Bywyd ar y ffrynt cartref – Llochesi Rhyfel castell caerdydd 75 minute workshop and guided tour of the Wartime Shelters with an ARP Warden Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: KS2 Cost: £145 Gweithdy 75 munud a thaith dywys o’r Llochesi Rhyfel gyda’r Warden Cyrchoedd Awyr Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: CA2 Cost: £145 25 & 26 Sept 2014; 22 Oct 2014; 18 Nov 2014; 8 Jan 2015; 11 Feb 2015; 4 Mar 2015; 18 Mar 2015 Learn about rationing, life as an evacuee and meet an ARP warden to find out more about life on the Home Front. As part of the workshop, visit the Castle’s air raid shelters which provided a safe place for up to two thousand people to gather during attacks on the city. 25 a 26 Medi 2014; 22 Hyd 2014; 18 Tach 2014; 8 Ion 2015; 11 Chwe 2015; 4 Maw 2015; 18 Maw 2015 Dysgwch am ddogni, bywyd fel faciwî, cyfarfod â Warden Cyrchoedd Awyr a darganfod mwy am fywyd ar y Ffrynt Cartref. Fel rhan o’r gweithdy, ewch i lochesau cyrchoedd awyr y Castell, oedd yn hafan ddiogel i hyd at ddwy fil o bobl yn ystod ymosodiadau ar y ddinas. christmas on the Home front (1940s) nadolig y ffrynt cartref (1940au) 75 minute workshop and guided tour of the Wartime Shelters with an ARP Warden Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: KS2 Cost: £4.25 for Cardiff schools and £5.00 for all other schools Gweithdy a thaith dywys 75 munud gyda Warden ARP o’r Llochesi Rhyfel Max numbers: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer : CA2 Cost: £4.25 i ysgolion Caerdydd a £5.00 i ysgolion eraill 25 & 26 Nov 2014 What was Christmas like during the Second World War? A craft workshop with a ‘make do and mend’ theme, the chance to make wartime decorations and have a guided tour of the air raid shelters. 25 a 26 Tachwedd 2014 Sut oedd Nadolig y rhyfel? Wedi’u cynnwys yn y gweithdy mae gweithdy crefftau gyda thema ’creu o’r gweddillion’, cyfle i wneud addurniadau rhyfel, a thaith dywys o’r llochesi rhyfel. LITeRacY & cReaTIve WORKSHOPS GWeITHdaI LLYTHRennedd a cHReadIGOL Knights, damsels and dragons marchogion, morynion a dreigiau (mYTHS & LeGendS and faIRY TaLeS) 11 Sept 2014; 16 Oct 2014; 10 Nov 2014; 6 Jan 2015; 2 Feb 2015; 23 Mar 2015; 14 Apr 2015; 12 May 2015; 6 July 2015 75 minute workshop and a guided tour Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: Foundation Phase/KS1 and KS2 Cost: £145 Let the imagination run riot in this storytelling workshop with accounts of medieval knights, damsels in distress and dragons. Using puppets as a stimulus for creativity, pupils will be encouraged to contribute inventive and original ideas to devise their own story which will be recorded to CD for further development back at school. (mYTHau a cHWedLau a STRaeOn TYLWYTH TeG) 11 Medi 2014; 16 Hyd 2014; 10 Tach 2014; 6 Ion 2015; 2 Chwe 2015; 23 Maw 2015; 14 Ebr 2015; 12 Mai 2015; 6 Gorff 2015 Gweithdy 75 munud a thaith dywys Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: Y Cyfnod Sylfaen/CA1 a CA2 Cost: £145 Gadewch i’ch dychymyg fynd yn wyllt yn y gweithdy adrodd straeon hwn gyda hanesion am farchogion, morynion mewn trallod a dreigiau. Gan ddefnyddio pypedau i’w hysgogi, caiff disgyblion eu hannog i gyfrannu syniadau dychmygus a gwreiddiol i ddyfeisio stori, a gaiff ei recordio ar CD i’w datblygu ymhellach yn ôl yn yr ysgol. fairy Tales Straeon Tylwyth Teg 75 minute workshop and a guided tour Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: Foundation Phase/KS1 and KS2 Cost: £145 Gweithdy 75 munud a thaith dywys Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: Y Cyfnod Sylfaen/CA1 a CA2 Cost: £145 15 Sept 2014; 20 Oct 2014; 11 Nov 2014; 12 Jan 2015; 9 Feb 2015; 24 Mar 2015; 11 June 2015 15 Medi 2014; 20 Hyd 2014; 11 Tach 2014; 12 Ion 2015; 9 Chwe 2015; 24 Maw 2015; 11 Meh 2015 Following a tour of the Castle and a visit to the Nursery, children will create their own version of one of the fairy tales. During the session their work will be recorded and afterwards a CD will be produced for the class to use back at school. Yn dilyn taith o amgylch y Castell ac ymweliad â’r Feithrinfa, bydd plant yn creu eu fersiwn eu hunain o un o’r straeon tylwyth teg. Yn ystod y sesiwn, caiff eu gwaith ei recordio a chaiff CD ei gynhyrchu ar ôl hynny i’r dosbarth ei ddefnyddio yn ôl yn yr ysgol. dragon Tales Straeon dreigiau 75 min workshop Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: Foundation Phase Cost: £145 Gweithdy 75 mun Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant y gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: Y Cyfnod Sylfaen Cost: £145 17 Sept 2014; 10 Oct 2014; 16 Jan 2015; 6 Mar 2015 A play workshop full of action, games, competitions and storytelling based around the theme of dragons. A chance to meet a costumed knight and find out what it takes to be just like him. 17 Medi 2014; 10 Hyd 2014; 16 Ion 2015; 6 Maw 2015 Gweithdy chwarae yn llawn hwyl, gemau, cystadlaethau a storia ar thema dreigiau. Cyfle i gwrdd â marchog mewn gwisg a dysgu sut brofiad yw bod yn berson tebyg. LITeRacY & cReaTIve WORKSHOPS GWeITHdaI LLYTHRennedd a cHReadIGOL Welsh Legends chwedlau cymru 75 minute workshop and a guided tour Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: Foundation Phase/KS1 and KS2 Cost: £145 Gweithdy 75 munud a thaith dywys Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: Y Cyfnod Sylfaen/CA1 a CA2 Cost: £145 (mYTHS & LeGendS and faIRY TaLeS) 16 Sept 2014; 14 Nov 2014; 24 Feb 2015 Many references are made in the splendid decoration of Cardiff Castle to famous Welsh Legends - the Banqueting Hall, for example, has depictions from the Mabinogion and the renowned story of Gelert. This workshop, which includes a tour of the Castle, will encourage children to respond to Welsh legends using music, dance and drama. Storytelling will also be incorporated into the session. Story Time (new for 2014-2015) 18 Sept 2014; 13 Nov 2014; 5 Feb 2015; 14 May 2015 1 hour workshop Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: Foundation Phase / EYFS/KS1 Cost: £145 including a short tour Using one of the many stories portrayed within the Castle decoration, this new workshop will combine storytelling, drama and song. Suitable for younger children though may also be adapted for KS2. Giants, Quests, myths and fables (new for 2014-2015) 19 Sept 2014; 15 Jan 2015; 26 Mar 2015 75 min workshop Max numbers: 30 children per workshop Suitability: KS2 Cost: £145 including a guided tour A chance to listen to one of the stories illustrated in the Castle and then create your own version on one of the following themes: • Giants - Jack and the Beanstalk, Ysbaddaden - Culhwch ac Olwen • Quests - Hercules and the Golden Apples (the Eleventh Labour), Culhwch ac Olwen • Myths - Greek - Hercules and the Golden Apples, Roman gods (Luna, Sol, Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter as shown in the statues on the Clock Tower) • Fables - Aesop’s Fables N.B. Please state your preferred theme upon booking (mYTHau a cHWedLau a STRaeOn TYLWYTH TeG) 16 Medi 2014; 14 Tach 2014; 24 Chwe 2015 Cyfeirir yn aml at Chwedlau enwog Cymru yn addurniadau ysblennydd Castell Caerdydd - er enghraifft yn y Neuadd Wledda mae darluniadau o rai o'r Mabinogi a stori enwog Gelert. Bydd y gweithdy hwn, sy'n cynnwys taith o amgylch y Castell, yn annog plant i ymateb i Chwedlau Cymru drwy gerddoriaeth, dawns a drama. Bydd adrodd straeon hefyd yn rhan o’r sesiwn. amser Stori (yn newydd ar gyfer 2014-2015) 18 Medi 2014; 13 Tach 2014; 5 Chwe 2015; 14 Mai 2015 Gweithdy 1 awr Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: Y Cyfnod Sylfaen / CA1 Cost: £145 gan gynnwys taith fer Gan ddefnyddio nifer o’r storïau a bortreadir yn addurniadau’r Castell, bydd y gweithdy newydd hwn yn cyfuno storïau, drama a chân. Mae’r gweithdy yn addas ar gyfer plant ieuengach ac mae hefyd yn bosibl ei addasu ar gyfer CA2. cewri, cyrchoedd, mythau a chwedlau (newydd ar gyfer 2014-2015) 19 Medi 2014; 15 Ion 2015; 26 Maw 2015 Gweithdy 75 munud Nifer fwyaf: 30 o blant i bob gweithdy Addas ar gyfer: CA2 Cost: £145 gan gynnwys taith dywys Cyfle i glywed un o’r storïau a ddarlunnir yn y Castell ac yna creu a recordio eich fersiwn eich hun ar un o’r themâu canlynol: • Cewri - Jac a’r Goeden Ffa, Ysbaddaden - Culhwch ac Olwen • Cyrchoedd - Herciwles a’r Afalau Aur (yr unfed dasg ar ddeg), Culhwch ac Olwen • Chwedlau - Groegaidd - Herciwles a’r Afalau Aur, duwiau Rhufeinig (Luna, Yr Haul, Sadwrn, Mawrth, Mercher, Fenws, Iau fel y dangosir yn y cerfluniau ar Dŵr y Cloc) • Chwedlau - Chwedlau Esop D.S. Nodwch eich thema o ddewis wrth archebu. SanTa’S GROTTO 2014 GROTO SIÔn cORn 2014 Santa’s Grotto Groto Siôn corn eXTRa WORKSHOPS… GWeITHdaI YcHWaneGOL... 1-4; 8-11; 16-18 Dec Santa will be returning to the Castle during December. A short tour of the Castle is included and each child gets a present and a chance to meet Santa in his magical grotto. Last year was a sell-out, so book early to avoid disappointment. Booking opens in September. Cost: £6.50 per child. Additional workshops can be arranged upon request (subject to demand) on the following topics: • • • • • • • Falconry Talks The Celts Age of the Princes – Ifor Bach Prisoner in the Keep – Poetry Workshop The Black Death Tudor Medicine Travel & Tourism & Welsh Baccalaureate - Please contact the Education Officer to discuss possible activities • Have-a-Go Archery • Meet the Animals • Meet the Armourer – learn how chain mail is made 1-4; 8-11; 16-18 Rhag Mae taith fer o’r Castell wedi’i chynnwys a chaiff pob plentyn anrheg a chyfle i gwrdd â Siôn Corn yn ei groto hudol. Gwerthwyd pob tocyn y llynedd, felly prynwch docyn mewn da bryd o fis Medi ymlaen. Cost: £6.50 fesul plentyn. Gellir trefnu gweithdai ychwanegol ar gais (yn dibynnu ar alw) ar y pynciau canlynol: • • • • • • • Sgyrsiau ar Hebogaeth Y Celtiaid Oes y Tywysogion – Ifor Bach Carcharor yn y Gorthwr – Gweithdy Barddoniaeth Y Pla Du Meddygaeth Duduraidd Teithio a Thwristiaeth a Bagloriaeth Cymru - Cysylltwch â’ch Swyddog Addysg i drafod gweithgareddau posibl • Rhoi Cynnig ar Saethu • Dewch i gwrdd â’r anifeiliaid • Dewch i gwrdd â’r arfogwr – dysgwch sut y caiff maelwisg ei gwneud BOOKInG InfORmaTIOn GWYBOdaeTH aRcHeBu Important Booking Information • Many of the workshops can be adapted to meet different ages and needs. Should you be interested in a topic or a different creative element, please enquire at time of booking. Extra dates for some workshops can usually be arranged. Please check the News section of the Education pages on our website. For advice please call the Education Officer, Elizabeth Stevens on 029 2087 8110 • To book places for Joust! please call the Education Officer, Elizabeth Stevens on 029 2087 8110. For all other bookings, please telephone the Booking Office on 029 2087 8100 • All prices include entry to the Castle Grounds and access to facilities within the Castle Grounds. Where a tour is not included, it will be possible to book an additional tour at a substantially reduced rate, though this will be subject to availability and must be booked well in advance • It may on occasion be possible to offer special workshops to smaller sized classes (of fewer than 20 children) who might be unable to pay the full fee. We will put your name on a waiting list and see if we can combine your request with another similar group so that we reach the minimum numbers required to run the session. Please contact the Education Officer to find out more • Please note photography for publicity purposes may take place during our events • Ratio of free places: Gwybodaeth Archebu Bwysig • Gellir addasu nifer o’r gweithdai ar gyfer oedrannau ac anghenion gwahanol. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn pwnc neu elfen greadigol wahanol, holwch wrth archebu. Fel arfer, gellir trefnu dyddiadau ychwanegol ar gyfer rhai gweithdai. Ewch i’r adran Newyddion yn ein tudalennau Addysg ar ein gwefan. I gael cyngor ffoniwch y Swyddog Addysg, Elizabeth Stevens, ar 029 2087 8110 • I gadw llefydd ar gyfer Joust! ffoniwch y Swyddog Addysg, Elizabeth Stevens, ar 029 2087 8110. Ar gyfer pob digwyddiad arall, ffoniwch y Swyddfa Docynnau ar 029 2087 8100 • Mae’r holl brisiau fel arfer yn cynnwys mynediad i’r Gerddi a chael defnyddio cyfleusterau yno. Pan na fydd taith dywys wedi’i chynnwys, bydd yn bosibl trefnu taith ychwanegol ar gyfradd sylweddol is, er y bydd hyn yn dibynnu ar argaeledd ac mae’n rhaid ei drefnu ymhell ymlaen llaw • Ar brydiau efallai y gallwn gynnig gweithdai arbennig i ddosbarthiadau bach (llai na 20 o blant) na allant dalu’r ffi lawn efallai. Byddwn yn rhoi eich enw ar restr aros i weld os gallwn gyfuno eich cais gyda chais gan grŵp tebyg fel bod nifer digonol o blant i’n galluogi i gynnal y sesiwn. Cysylltwch â’r Swyddog Addysg i ddysgu mwy • Nodwch y gallai ffotograffau gael eu cymryd at ddibenion cyhoeddusrwydd yn ystod ein digwyddiadau • Cymhareb nifer y llefydd gwag: Nursery Reception Yr 1& 2 Yrs 3-6 Year 7 upwards Meithrin Dosbarth Derbyn Bl 1a 2 Bl 3-6 Blwyddyn 7 i fyny 1:3 1:5 1:6 1:10 1:15 1:3 1:5 1:6 1:10 1:15 PLEASE NOTE THAT PLACES ON THESE WORKSHOPS ARE STRICTLY LIMITED. IN THE EVENT OF WORKSHOPS BEING FULLY BOOKED, WE WILL ENDEAVOUR TO ARRANGE EXTRA DATES WHERE THERE IS SUFFICIENT DEMAND. HOWEVER, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THIS WILL ALWAYS BE POSSIBLE. NODER BOD LLEFYDD AR Y GWEITHDAI HYN YN GYFYNGEDIG IAWN. OS BYDD POB LLE MEWN GWEITHDY WEDI’I ARCHEBU, BYDDWN YN CEISIO TREFNU DYDDIADAU YCHWANEGOL PAN FYDD GALW DIGONOL. FODD BYNNAG, NI ALLWN SICRHAU Y BYDD HYN YN BOSIBL BOB AMSER. Important Payment Information Gwybodaeth Bwysig am Dalu firing Line: cardiff castle museum of the Welsh Soldier firing Line: amgueddfa'r milwr cymreig castell caerdydd All details correct at time of publication May 2014. Mae'r holl fanylion yn gywir ar yr adeg cyhoeddi Mai 2014. • Full payment for all workshops will be required 2 weeks prior to the date of the workshop, for which you will be invoiced • Payment for Joust! will be required a month after booking. We advise that we cannot offer refunds and that you will be invoiced for the numbers of pupils for which you book • Payment for standard school visits should be made on the day but if you would prefer to be invoiced, please let us know at the time of booking • We regret that we cannot take provisional bookings for Joust! or for our special workshops • If you cancel a confirmed booking, a cancellation fee of 50% of the total cost of the booking for both special workshops and standard educational sessions will be charged. If your cancellation is due to inclement weather, please contact the Education Officer for further advice The museum has its own education service – further details can be found on • Bydd angen talu am bob gweithdy yn llawn bythefnos cyn dyddiad y gweithdy. Caiff anfoneb ei anfon atoch ar gyfer hyn • Bydd angen taliad llawn ar gyfer Joust! o fewn mis o archebu. Ni allwn roi ad-daliadau a chewch anfoneb am nifer y disgyblion y trefnwch le ar eu cyfer • Gellir talu am ymweliadau ysgol safonol ar y dydd ond os hoffech i ni eich anfonebu, rhowch wybod i ni ar adeg archebu • Yn anffodus, ni allwch archebu tocynnau ar gyfer Joust! na gweithdai arbennig onid ydych yn rhoi cadarnhad pendant • Os ydych yn canslo archeb sydd eisoes wedi’i gadarnhau, bydd rhaid talu 50% o gyfanswm cost yr archeb ar gyfer y gweithdai arbennig a sesiynau addysgol safonol. Os ydych yn canslo oherwydd tywydd gwael, cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Addysg am gyngor pellach Mae gan yr amgueddfa ei gwasanaeth addysg ei hun. Gallwch ddysgu mwy yn Month / Mis Sept / Medi 2014 Oct / Hyd 2014 Nov / Tach 2014 Dec / Rhag 2014 Jan/ Ion 2015 Feb / Chwe 2015 Mar / Maw 2015 Apr / Ebr 2015 May / Mai 2015 June / Meh 2015 July / Gorff 2015 Date / Dyddiad Tue Thur Fri Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Wed Thu & Fri Fri Mon Tue Fri Thu Mon Wed Iau Wed Mon Tue Thu Fri Tue Wed Thu Tues & Wed Thurs & Fri Mon-Fri Mon-Thu Mon-Thu Tue-Thu Tues Wed Thurs Mon Thu Fri Mon Tues Wed Fri Tues Mon Thu Mon Wed Thu Tues Tues Wed Fri Wed Mon Tues Thu Tues Wed Mon Tues Thu Fri Tues Wed Wed Thu Fri Thu Mon Maw Iau Gwe Llun Maw Mer Iau Gwe Mer Iau a Gwe Gwe Llun Maw Gwe Iau Llun Mer Thu Mer Llun Maw Iau Gwe Maw Mer Iau Maw a Mer Iau a Gwe Llun-Gwe Llun-Iau Llun-Iau Maw-Iau Maw Mer Iau Llun Iau Gwe Llun Maw Mer Gwe Maw Llun Iau Llun Mer Iau Maw Maw Mer Gwe Mer Llun Maw Iau Maw Mer Llun Maw Iau Gwe Maw Mer Mer Iau Gwe Iau Llun 9 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 24 25 & 26 3 6 7 10 16 20 22 23 5 10 11 13 14 18 19 20 25 & 26 27 & 28 1-19 1-4 8-11 16-18 6 7 8 12 15 16 19 20 21 23 27 2 5 9 11 12 24 3 4 6 18 23 24 26 14 15 20 12 14 15 19 20 3 11 19 2 6 Workshop Gweithdy Castles & Courts Knights, Damsels & Dragons Victorian Servants' Activities Fairy Tales Welsh Legends Dragon Tales Story Time Giants, Quests, Myths and Fables Roman Workshop Life on the Home Front (1940s) An Audience with Queen Victoria Tudor Music and Dance Age of the Princes Dragon Tales Knights, Damsels & Dragons Fairy Tales Life on the Home Front (1940s) Castles & Courts Tudor Music and Dance Knights, Damsels & Dragons Fairy Tales Story Time Welsh Legends Life on the Home Front (1940s) Age of the Princes Medieval Medicine Christmas on the Homefront (1940s) Victorian Christmas Workshops Victorian Christmas Workshops Santa's Grotto Santa's Grotto Santa's Grotto Knights, Damsels & Dragons Castles & Courts Life on the Home Front (1940s) Fairy Tales Giants, Quests, Myths and Fables Dragon Tales Roman Workshop Tudor Music and Dance Medieval Medicine An Audience with Queen Victoria Victorian Servants' Activities Knights, Damsels & Dragons Story Time Fairy Tales Life on the Home Front (1940s) Age of the Princes Welsh Legends Castles & Courts Life on the Home Front (1940s) Dragon Tales Life on the Home Front (1940s) Knights, Damsels & Dragons Fairy Tales Giants, Quests, Myths and Fables Knights, Damsels & Dragons Victorian Servants' Activities Tudor Music and Dance Knights, Damsels & Dragons Story Time An Audience with Queen Victoria Castles & Courts Roman Workshop Age of the Princes Fairy Tales JOUST! Castles & Courts Knights, Damsels & Dragons Cestyll a Llysoedd Marchogion, Morynion a Dreigiau Gweithgareddau'r Gweision Oes Fictoria Straeon Tylwyth Teg Chwedlau Cymraeg Straeon Dreigiau Amser Stori Cewri, Cyrchoedd, Mythau a Chwedlau Gweithdy Rhufeinig Bywyd ar y Ffrynt Cartref (1940au) Cwrdd â'r Frenhines Fictoria Cerddoriaeth a Dawns Duduraidd Oes y Tywysogion Straeon Dreigiau Marchogion, Morynion a Dreigiau Straeon Tylwyth Teg Bywyd ar y Ffrynt Cartref (1940au) Cestyll a Llysoedd Cerddoriaeth a Dawns Duduraidd Marchogion, Morynion a Dreigiau Straeon Tylwyth Teg Amser Stori Chwedlau Cymraeg Bywyd ar y Ffrynt Cartref (1940au) Oes y Tywysogion Meddygaeth Ganoloesol Nadolig y Ffrynt Cartref (1940au) Gweithdai Nadolig Oes Fictoria Gweithdai Nadolig Oes Fictoria Groto Siôn Corn Groto Siôn Corn Groto Siôn Corn Marchogion, Morynion a Dreigiau Cestyll a Llysoedd Bywyd ar y Ffrynt Cartref (1940au) Straeon Tylwyth Teg Cewri, Cyrchoedd, Mythau a Chwedlau Straeon Dreigiau Gweithdy Rhufeinig Cerddoriaeth a Dawns Duduraidd Meddygaeth Ganoloesol Cwrdd â'r Frenhines Fictoria Gweithgareddau'r Gweision Oes Fictoria Marchogion, Morynion a Dreigiau Amser Stori Straeon Tylwyth Teg Bywyd ar y Ffrynt Cartref (1940au) Oes y Tywysogion Chwedlau Cymraeg Cestyll a Llysoedd Bywyd ar y Ffrynt Cartref (1940au) Straeon Dreigiau Bywyd ar y Ffrynt Cartref (1940au) Marchogion, Morynion a Dreigiau Straeon Tylwyth Teg Cewri, Cyrchoedd, Mythau a Chwedlau Marchogion, Morynion a Dreigiau Gweithgareddau'r Gweision Oes Fictoria Cerddoriaeth Duduraidd a Dawns Marchogion, Morynion a Dreigiau Amser Stori Cwrdd â'r Frenhines Fictoria Cestyll a Llysoedd Gweithdy Rhufeinig Oes y Tywysogion Straeon Tylwyth Teg JOUST! Cestyll a Llysoedd Marchogion, Morynion a Dreigiau
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