CROSS ROADS Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute t

t Volume 22 Number 4
Baldonnel, BC
Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute
Danielle Bedard
Edmonton, AB
Regina, SK
Christian Haab
Baldonnel, BC
Bow Island,
Langley, BC
Astoria, SD
Warman, SK
Grace Iverson
October - November 2014
Wainwright, AB
Paul Laferriere
Prairie, AB
Connor Maschke
Camrose, AB
Foremost, AB
Kieran Swinney
Lake, BC
Lake Alma,
Creston, BC
Fort St.
John, BC
Neilburg, SK
Jocelyn Gates
Jocelyn Evans
2nd year students
Millet, AB
Calgary, AB
Birch Hills, SK
CLBI class of
Chad Graham
1st year students
Camrose, AB
Stony Plain,
Hat, AB
de Waal
Saskatoon, SK
Stettler, AB
Fort St.
John, BC
Toronto, ON
Montana Maher
Stettler, AB
Spruce Grove,
Spruce Grove,
Camrose, AB
Maidstone, SK
Ponoka, AB
Saskatoon, SK
Donalda, AB
Saskatoon, SK
Amy Wear
Camrose, AB
Bow Island, AB
Haruka Oiwa
Van Roessel
Surrey, BC
Clive, AB
Hat, AB
Oct - Nov. 2014
Vol. 22 Num. 4
CLBIplus 2014 - 2015
IN the world, but not OF the world.
What does it mean to be the body of Christ
and advance the Kingdom of God as aliens and strangers in a foreign land?
The Christian faith seems to be a collection of paradoxes… “Now and not yet, dead but alive, slaves but free, Three but
One.” Our upcoming series deals with one such paradox found in John 17:16-18… “In the world, yet not of the world.”
Jesus very clearly stated that His disciples were not of this world, even as He was not of this world. A believer in Jesus
Christ has become a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17), with a new identity, a new calling, a new family, and a new destiny.
Yet, Jesus prayed that the disciples would not be taken out of the world. In fact, Jesus SENT them INTO the world on a
mission of redemption and rescue, with the life transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ. It would be that truth, God’s word of
truth, which would empower them and set them apart for this high calling.
I invite you to join us for this journey into the Word and explore your identity and mission as a member of the Body of
Christ. Come and be encouraged as we seek to engage our Canadian culture with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Harold Rust, CLBI President
CLBIplus Thursday Evenings
IN not OF
Upholding Christian identity and advancing
the Kingdom of God in a foreign land
Oct. 2, 2014 - Identity: What’s your name?
Rev. Matt Ziprick
Oct. 23, 2014 - Advancing; Living out a Manifesto for Changing the World
Matt Garvin
Nov. 23, 2014 - Waging Peace when the Context is War
Dr. Salim Munayer
Jan. 22, 2015 - Cross Cultural Witness to Host Peoples: it’s about humility, respect, and a changed heart
Dr. Tim Stime
Mar. 5, 2015 - What Kind of Grace Do We Offer?
Rev. Greg Finke
5:30 pm Supper meal (please RSVP if planning to attend)
6:30 pm Session
7:30 pm Question/Answer
followed by coffee and conversation
CLBI Modules
Week-long & Evening Courses
Deepen your understanding of the Bible, ministry, and
Scripture’s application to our lives by taking one of the
following courses at Bible school this winter.
Biblical Leadership Principles through the Synoptic
Oct. 6-10, 2014 (M-F 8:30 am - 12:30 pm)
Instructor: Robert Walter
Children’s Ministry
Oct. 6, 20, 27, Nov. 17, 24, 2014 (Mon. 7-9:30 pm)
Instructor: Joyce Rust
Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Oct. 27 - 31, 2014 (M-F 8:30 am - 12:30 pm)
Instructor: Jeff Krogstad
Faith, Media, Culture
Nov. 24 - 27, 2014 (M-Th 8:30 am - 12:30 pm)
Instructor: Wayne Stender
Worship Theology
Dec. 1 - 5, 2014 (M-F 8:30 am - 12:30 pm)
Instructor: Renee Evashkevich
Cost for each course is $110
which includes five meals at the CLBI cafeteria.
Additional cost to complete the course for credit.
Additional cost for housing and book/material cost.
For more information, contact the office by phone 780.672.4454 or by email:
Oct - Nov. 2014
Dates to Remember
Oct. 2nd - CLBIplus - 5:30 pm Supper, 6:30 pm Session
Oct. 3 - LOL Youth event, 7pm at CLBI. All youth grades 7 - 12 are welcome!
Oct. 9th - Thanksgiving Banquet - 6 pm at CLBI.
Oct. 9th - CLBI AGM - 7:30 pm at CLBI.
Oct. 23rd - CLBIplus - 5:30 pm Supper, 6:30 pm Session
Oct. 25th & 26th - Welcome Back Weekend at CLBI. A weekend for students from the past “five-ish” years.
Oct. 31st - LOL Youth event, 7pm at Asker Lutheran (Rural
Ponoka). All youth grades 7 - 12 are welcome!
Call for info.
Nov. 13th - CLBIplus - 5:30 pm Supper, 6:30 pm Session
Nov. 23 - Meatballs for Missions IMPACT fundraiser.
Nov. 28th - LOL Youth event, 7 pm at CLBI. All youth grades 7 - 12 are welcome!
For more information about one of these events, visit our website at or call the CLBI office at 1.888.672.4454.
CLBI Financial Update
We have been so blessed by God’s provision through the
lean summer months. Thank you for your faithful prayers
and financial support! Please continue to pray for His
ongoing provision for the 2014-15 school year. Besides our
regular expenses we also hope to build a garage/shop this
year. So far we have about 40% of the finances needed to get
that project under way. If you have any financial questions
please email Wanda at
Special Gifts
Thank you to all supporters for remembering and supporting
CLBI with such faithfulness. Your generosity and prayers
are a blessing to every student that joins us! We would like
to acknowledge the following gifts from June - August in the
amount of $9,295:
Gifts in Honour of
Harold Rust, Alvin & Alice Rude, Irene Fluevog, Ruth Fadum
Gifts in Memory of
Wesley Engen, Gord Soholt, Halvor Rosdahl, Bill Piller, Willy
Knutsen, Audrey Peterson, Karen Ledene, Ed Thompson, Rev.
Arnold Hagen, Bruno Osterwalder, Danny Cameron, Stanley
Rude, Gwen Muri, Enid Moe, Ross Couturier, Ernest Hoyme,
Gustie Haystead, Ray Dambrowsky, Astrid Melsness, Roy
& Clarice Melsness, Laura Paulson, Ken Pickard, Richard
Bergstrom, Johan Svee, Erna Walhovd, Connie Knudson,
Harry Collin
* All scripture passages, unless otherwise noted taken from:
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version - Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles,
a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers - All rights reserved
Vol. 22 Num. 4
Benjamin Rude (‘08-‘10) and Haley (Christenson ‘08-‘10)
welcomed their daughter, Eleanor Abigail on April 17, 2014.
Janine (Johannson ‘02-‘04) and Chris Seymour are pleased to
announce the birth of their son, Locklen Daniel, on June 21,
Janelle (Cameron ‘09-‘11) and Tucker Leinweber were married
on June 28, 2014.
Pete Jensen (‘98) and Jenna (McKay ‘98-‘99) welcomed their
twins, Hans Andrew Cornelius and Astrid Rose Elaine on July
5, 2014.
Matthew Skretting (‘09-‘11) and Lisa Olson (‘12-‘13) were
married on July 12, 2014.
Martin Bauer(‘07-‘09) and Tovah (Vold ‘07-‘09) are excited to
announce the birth of their son, Uriah Vincent Eberhard on July
13, 2014).
Meganne Jeglum (‘11-’13) married Jonathan Allers on July 19,
Sheena (Halvorson ‘02-‘03) and Conrad Shepherd are pleased
to announce the birth of their son Bode William, born on July
29, 2014.
Josh Klassen (‘07-‘09) and Jamie Braun were married on August
2, 2014.
Jordan Rude (‘10-‘12) and Ashalee Vollmer (‘10-‘12) were
married on August 2, 2014.
Kara Sorenson (‘07-‘09) and Nathan Pederson were married on
August 9, 2014.
Ethan Hamm (‘12-‘13) and Kayla Loeppky (‘12-‘13) were
married on August 23, 2014.
Patti Daniels (‘04-’06) was married to Jordan Leurdijk on
August 23, 2014.
Nathan Labrecque (‘04-’06) and Jennifer Ewert were married
on August 23, 2014.
If you would like to keep us updated with any
announcements or address changes please go to and find the “keep us updated”
options under the “supporters” tab.
October - November 2014
Volume 22 No. 4
Published for the friends and alumni of
the Canadian Lutheran Bible
Institute in Camrose, AB
Editorial Group:
Rev. Harold Rust
Avey Christiansen
CLBI Communications Office
Send your comments and
changes of address to:
CLBI Crossroads
4837 - 52a Street
Camrose. AB
T4V 1W5
belong. believe. become.
a call to prayer
for the ministry of clbi
Prayer Partners,
October 1, 2014
Are you feeling thankful today? For good health? For a new school year in session? For a blessed and restful summer just past? For
new family members through marriage, adoption, or birth? For the anticipation of a bountiful harvest? For a gracious God who says to
you, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus?” Whatever fills your heart with gratitude, I encourage you to
share it with those closest to you today. Send an email, a text message, a letter or card and let them hear your thankfulness to God.
Encourage your pastor and the many who serve in your church, school, and community. As Paul wrote to the Colossian believers…
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as
you were taught, AND OVERFLOWING WITH THANKFULNESS” (Colossians 2:6-7).
Pray with me… “Lord Jesus, I thank You for the many ways You have blessed me, especially I think of __________. Most of all I
thank You for dealing with my sin upon the cross so that I might experience the blessed freedom of Your salvation. Give me the words
to express my gratitude and make me a thankful person, from the inside out! In Your Name I pray, Amen.”
With thanks,
Pastor Harold Rust, President
Wednesday, October 1
Father, as the first year students dig deeper into
the New Testament, reveal more of Yourself to
them. Bless Chris Leingang as he teaches. Speak
through him Lord, and guide him through this week.
Tuesday, October 7
Almighty God, bless Robert Walter as he teaches
“Biblical Leadership Principles through the Synoptic
Gospels” to the second year students. Grow in
the students a deeper understanding of these
leadership principles.
Thursday, October 2
Heavenly Father, bless Brian Tysdal as he teaches Wednesday, October 8
the second year students about spiritual formation. Dear Father, we thank You for Rob Lewis, Greg
Pietz, Warren Bloomquist, and Miles Wright. We
Be ever present as they grow closer to You.
thank You for their service as CLBI Board members.
Give them wisdom and insight in all that they do.
Friday, October 3
Father, as the CLBI students host the LOL youth Thursday, October 9
event tonight, allow them to be open to what You Almighty God, today we ask that Your Spirit would
have planned for those attending. Prepare the be amongst all those present at the CLBI Annual
hearts of these youth so they will hear the message General Meeting. Guide the decisions that are
You are speaking to each one of them.
made, and may all the decisions bring You glory!
Saturday, October 4
Lord, bless Spencer Wright (2nd year student) as
he celebrates his birthday today. Continue to grow
in him as he grows closer to You. May Spencer see
You and the wonderful things You have planned for
his life more clearly.
Sunday, October 5
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not
lean on your own understanding. In all your ways
acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your
paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Monday, October 6
Heavenly Father, open the hearts of the first year
students as they learn about living discipleship
through the Gospel of Mark. Allow them to see You
more clearly throughout the week and guide Steve
Klassen as he teaches this course.
Monday, October 13
Provider God, as we come together with friends
and family this day, we thank You for all You have
blessed us with throughout the year. Help us to
cherish what has been gifted to us by You, and
may we always remember that You give us life and
breath and everything we have.
Tuesday, October 14
Lord Jesus, we thank You today for those who
continue to support the ministry of CLBI through
prayer and financial support. May they know that
all they do is important and appreciated. Thank You
for their generous hearts.
Wednesday, October 15
Omnipotent God, give Keith Bienert the words You
want him to speak. Bless the students as they learn
about Spiritual Disciplines, and draw them closer to
Friday, October 10
Creator God, we thank you for Jeremy Osterwalder You. Whether it is through prayer or Scripture, may
(Program Director and discipleship group leader) they strongly feel Your presence.
this day. On his birthday, would you bless Jeremy
richly with Your joy and peace. As Jeremy continues Thursday, October 16
to serve You, give him strength and energy to Holy Spirit, we ask that You would be amongst
the Rust discipleship group. May they feel true
continue in all that he does.
fellowship as they come together in Your name.
Please bless the conversations and the time they
Saturday, October 11
Gracious Father, as the second years begin their spend together.
leadership roles, we ask that You would remove
any doubts and fears from their minds. Give them Friday, October 17
all that they need to serve You in all they do. May Loving Father, on Michael Seibert’s (first year
they know Your grace and peace.
student) birthday, please give him a sense of Your
presence and joy. May it be a day of celebration.
Sunday, October 12
Lord, we pray that You would bless him in the year
Dear Jesus, we thank You this day for Your to come.
continued sustenance and providence. You
richly bless us every day and we don’t always
acknowledge all You truly do. All glory and honour
is Yours!
Saturday, October 18
Wonderful Counselor, today we remember the
guidance and encouragement You give students
through the discipleship group leaders. May the
conversations they have with their leaders provide
wisdom and insight to the lives of the students. We
thank You for these mentorship relationships.
Sunday, October 19
Prince of Peace, today we thank You for Your
peace that goes beyond all understanding. Even
in the darkest storms, You are there to constantly
provide us with light. You are so good to us.
Monday, October 20
Heavenly Father, we ask a blessing over Joyce
Rust as she teaches the students “Children’s
Ministry” this evening. May the words she speaks
bring honour and glory to You.
Tuesday, October 21
Almighty God, as Morgan Hamm (daughter of
Colin and Julie Hamm) celebrates her birthday
today, we ask that she would know Your presence.
Bless her in the years to come.
Wednesday, October 22
Lord Jesus, please guide Jeremy Osterwalder
as he teaches “Small Group and Bible Study
Leadership” to the second year class. Lead the
students to think and reflect deeply on the truths
found in Your word, and give them confidence to
lead their peers.
Thursday, October 23
Heavenly Father, thank You for instructor Matt
Garvin and all who will be attending CLBIplus
tonight. May the teachings, discussions, and
fellowship bring glory to You and Your kingdom.
We praise You and we thank You for who You are!
Saturday, October 25
God of Love, You desire to be in relationship with
us and, in turn, You give us communities that help
to build up and encourage us. Thank You for all the
alumni participating in Welcome Back Weekend.
Grant them many sweet moments together, and
be present with them this weekend.
Sunday, November 2
“I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully
made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it
very well” (Psalm 139:14).
Wednesday October 29
God, please bless the Hamm discipleship group
as they meet tonight. May each member feel a
sense of belonging in the group. Thank You for
Colin and Julie as they lead the group on a journey
to know You more.
Friday, November 7
Thank You Lord for Sarah Walsh, Karen Neiman
and Ruth Strand (CLBI Board Members) and all
they do for the school and for You. We ask that You
bless them and their families today.
Thursday, October 30
Thank You Father for Mark Hagen who is teaching
the “Leading Worship” night class. May Your Spirit
be with Mark and each student taking the class,
and may they soak up all You have to teach them.
Saturday, November 8
Friday, October 31
Lord, please bless the youth in the Camrose area
as they come to the LOL youth event hosted by
CLBI students and held at Asker Lutheran Church.
May Your love and presence be known to all in
attendance tonight.
Sunday, November 9
“Know that the Lord, He is God! It is He who made
us, and we are His; we are His people, and the
sheep of His pasture” (Psalm 100:3).
Monday, November 3
Almighty Father, we ask You to be with Snowy
Noble as he teaches the “Incarnational Ministry”
Sunday, October 26
night class. Please open the minds and hearts of
Holy Spirit, we thank You for the work You do in the students that they may learn what You have to
our midst. Prepare us and send us out, as You did teach them.
with Your apostles. Be near to Mikias Sexton (son
of Riley and Candra Sexton) as he celebrates his Tuesday, November 4
Lord, be with the students this week as they head
first Canadian birthday!
out on Urban Hike. Help them see those who are
Monday, October 27
marginalized in our society the way You do and
God of New Beginnings, may the staff and
help them show Your love to all.
students be refreshed and ready to start a new
week as they dive into Your Word and community
Wednesday, November 5
life together. Bless Darby Murphy as he teaches
Heavenly Father, we pray for the Christiansen/
“Youth Ministry” night class, and give grace to the
Skretting discipleship group as they meet this year.
students to be able to go out and serve You.
We ask that You knit the group together as they
Tuesday, October 28
learn, pray, talk and have fun with one another.
God of grace, You are victorious over sin, death,
and the power of the devil. Give us the courage to Thursday, November 6
live in Your grace and Your victory. Guide Pastor Almighty God, thank You for Your provisions and
Jeff Krogstad and the CLBI students as they reflect blessings each day. We ask that You continue to
on the Book of Romans together. Show Yourself to provide for our needs and help us to trust that
them in powerful ways!
everything will be delivered in Your timing.
Friday, October 24
As this week comes to a close, we thank You,
Jesus, for all the time and energy Pastor Harold
has put into teaching the Gospel of John to the
first year students. May the students walk away
with new and exciting insights into Your life here
on earth and Your victory over sin and death. Saturday, November 1
Fill them, and us, with a renewed sense of Your Jesus, please be with and guide the IMPACT teams
as they prepare for the incredible journey they will
presence. Thank You Jesus!
embark on in January. Please help everything to
fall into place the way You want it to.
Creator God, thank You so much for the CLBI staff.
They are such an incredible blessing to the school.
Please be with them all, and bless their families
Monday, November 10
Thank You Lord for the leaders of the Schwaiger/
Isaak discipleship group, and all they do for the
students. We pray that You will help the group
connect deeper to one another and to You as they
meet this year.
CLBI is a Christ focused school where you will find an overwhelming sense of BELONGING. Living in this tight community where our focus is deep personal relationships with God and others you will explore your faith, and discover what it means to BELIEVE for yourself
God’s promises. In this context of faith and relationship you will take
strides by God’s Spirit to BECOME the person God created you to be.
Tuesday, November 11
Lord, thank You for all who have served to fight for
our country. We lift up to You all those who have
fallen, and we ask that You be with their family and
friends on this somber day. Please be with any
soldiers that are on duty now, and protect them,
Wednesday, November 12
Jehovah Jireh, bless Salim Munayer as he teaches
“Towards a Theology of Spirituality and Justice”.
Give the students open hearts to hear what You
have planned and a clearer understanding of You
throughout this class.
Thursday, November 13
Almighty God, open the hearts of those attending
CLBIplus for the message You have planned for
them. Allow them to see You throughout the
evening. Be with Salim, give him wisdom and
guidance as he prepares for the evening tackling
the subject of how to be a person of peace.
Friday, November 14
Heavenly Father, as the ministry practicum teams
volunteer and serve in a number of different
ministries, allow them to see the work You are
doing through them. Give them guidance as they
serve, show them how You are present in each of
their ministries.
Saturday, November 15
Father, bless Connor Maschke (1st year student) on
his birthday today. As he grows in his relationship
with You Lord, guide him down the path You have
laid out for him. Continue to reveal more of Yourself
to him as he grows into a deeper relationship with
You, his Maker.
Sunday, November 16
“If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the
things that are above, where Christ is, seated at
the right hand of God. Set your minds on things
that are above, not on things that are on earth. For
you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in
God” (Colossians 3:1-3).
Monday, November 17
Father, bless Boyd Hopkins as he teaches “Living
Free in Christ. Dealing with Sexual Brokenness &
Temptation through Prayer”. Use Boyd to speak
Your Word. Walk with the students as they discover
what it means to live in Your forgiveness.
Tuesday, November 18
Heavenly Father, bless Weston Hagen (son of
Mark and Jessica Hagen) and Madison Friesen
(1st year student) on their birthdays today. Give
them a sense of peace and a desire to seek You
as they grow in relationship with You. Keep them
close to Your heart and surround them with love.
wwWednesday, November 19
Father, we thank You today for Mark Hagen
(Director of Worship and Recruitment). Bless him
on his birthday, and pour into him this coming year.
Friday, November 28
Spirit, be ever present at tonight’s LOL youth
event. Ignite a powerful flame in the lives of the
youth who attend this event. May these youth
experience your power in incredible ways tonight
Thursday, November 20
and we pray that You would be developing them to
Creator God, we praise You for the beauty that be passionate and committed Christ-followers all
surrounds us in Your creation, and in Your people. the days of their lives.
Be with Theo Christiansen (son of Mark and Avey
Christiansen) on his birthday today. May it be a Saturday, November 29
Holy God, we ask Your blessing over past CLBI
day filled with love and joy!
interns as they serve you in their daily lives. Give
each of these grads Your heart for people and
Friday, November 21
“For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free open their eyes to see people as You see them.
in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:2). Lord, we declare
this freedom that You have given to us. Make the Sunday, November 30
students more and more aware of this freedom “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly
as they study “Healthy Sexuality for Christian than all we ask or think, according to the power at
work within us, to Him be glory in the church and
Women” with Rosemary Flaaten.
in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever
and ever. Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21).
Saturday, November 22
Giver of good gifts, we pray a blessing over Hannah
de Waal (1st year student) as she celebrates her
Thank-you to alumni who wrote prayers
birthday. Bestow upon her the gifts of Your Spirit!
for this edition of the Crossroads:
Jordyn Duval, Adrianna Hansen,
Sunday, November 23
Amy Wear & Matt Faltin.
God of the Nations, thank You for the opportunity
the second year students have to go out and
spread Your good news around the world. Bless
their Meatballs for Missions fundraiser today, and
be the supplier of all their needs as they prepare
for their IMPACT trips.
Monday, November 24
God Incarnate, be with the first year students as
they tackle “Faith, Media, and Culture” with Wayne
Stender. Bolster their faith and commitment to You
as they learn to lead a life pleasing to You in the
face of a culture that rejects You.
Tuesday, November 25
Lord, teach the second years many practical
lessons this week as they study “Intercultural
Communications” with Amber Wylie. Prepare their
hearts to be changed and shaped on their IMPACT
Wednesday, November 26
Father, today we lift up before You the Sexton
discipleship group. We pray You would richly bless
this group with meaningful conversation, tight
bonds, and joyful memories together. Encourage
Riley and Candra as they lead, and use this group
in mighty ways to draw each of its students closer
to You.
Thursday, November 27
Precious Savior, thank You for being faithful to
CLBI for 82 years! Continue the good works You
have been doing through the school, generation
after generation. We pray that Your hand of
blessing would continue to rest heavily on the
on the Web
and social media
We have a
brand new website!
*A pdf version of crossroads is
now available on our website.
Find the link in the footer area
titled: “Crossroads’
We also have a new CLBI Blog: