Programme Ex Animo The evening is hosted by Bo¿ena Dani³owicz and Konrad Piasecki

The Maria Sapieha
Ex Animo
H.E. Ambassador
of the Republic of Turkey
Mr Yusuf Ziya Özcan
and Prof. Dr. K?v?lc?m Metin Özcan
The evening is hosted by
Bo¿ena Dani³owicz and Konrad Piasecki
invite you to
A Turkish Evening
The Ballroom of the Sheraton Hotel Warsaw
Saturday 29 November 2014
at 7.00 pm
celebrating the
20 anniversary of the Maria Sapieha Ex Animo Foundation
600th anniversary of Polish-Turkish diplomatic relations
Presentation of Traditional Ottoman Costumes
by the Olgunlasma Institute
21. 45
Main Auction
Throughout the evening there will be a silent auction,
tombola and a game – 'Original or Copy ?'
Music director - PARTY TOUR
Main Sponsor
Lights director - VISIONLITE
All proceeds will go towards helping children
suffering from cancer at the Oncology Clinic,
The Children's Memorial Health Institute-Miêdzylesie
The Master Chef at the Sheraton Hotel invites
you to a selection of traditional Turkish dishes
Black Tie or Formal Dress
A 350,00 PLN donation to the Ex Animo Foundation
secures seated participation at the Turkish Evening.
150,00 PLN entitles the donor to participation. Seats limited. Participation vouchers
available at the Ex Animo Office, Belwederska 26/30, tel/fax 22 851 10 80
We kindly request those who are unable to attend but wish to support the work
of the Foundation, to make a donation to:
Pekao S.A. 85 1240 6319 1111 0000 4778 7355
Alior Bank 48 2490 0005 0000 4520 3388 0091
The Foundation is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation
KRS 0000169133
Turkish Evening
Hotel Sheraton
Centrum T³umaczeñ
i Obs³ugi Konferencji
im. Marii Sapiehy
The Organising Committee wishes to express its gratitude
to the Directors and Staff of the Sheraton Hotel,
for their kindness and unfailing support
EX ANIMO means from the HEART ..., from the SOUL ...
Ex-Animo’s heart symbol is a replica of a XIII th century
piece of jewellery, the oldest found in Poland.
“Every one of us can help save a child from dying.
Every one of us can help relieve pain and give hope.
This should be our heart’s desire” .
Maria Sapieha