Saint John Paul II Area Faith Community Bulletin

Saint John Paul II
Area Faith Community Bulletin
Church of the Holy Family
700 Main Street West
Silver Lake, MN 55381
320 • 327 • 2356
Rev. Anthony Stubeda
Rev. Paul Schumacher
Rev. Cornelius Ezeiloaku
Church of the Holy Trinity
110 Winsted Avenue West, PO Box 9
Winsted, MN 55395
320 • 485 • 2182
Our Lord Jesus Christ
King of the Universe
November 23, 2014
Church of St. Pius X
1014 Knight Avenue North
Glencoe, MN 55336
320 • 864 • 5162
Thankful for the Life We Have
As I have often shared with you my mother was never well. She had a variety of very painful
diseases that led to many incapacities and inabilities in her life. Her illnesses made it difficult to get
to Mass, to go to school events with us and to do some of the simplest
things that I often take for granted. A couple of years before her death at the
age of 61 I was talking to her about her health and how she managed to be
so happy with her life. In the course of the conversation I asked her if at
times she felt angry with God about how difficult her life was. She gave me
a rather puzzled look and replied, “Why would I waste my time being angry
or resentful about a life that I cannot have? I thank God for all the blessings
I do have.” She went on to list my father’s love, her children, the home she
lived in and the joys that life had brought her. She even said that she tried to
be thankful for her ill health, because she hoped that her acceptance of her
share of Christ’s sufferings might protect us from harm. She thought that
since she had suffered so much physical pain that it was better for her rather
than her children to bear the burden of physical illness and pain.
Each Thanksgiving I remember her reply, and I am often dismayed that I, who loved her and
cherished her presence in my life so much, am so often unlike her in my attitudes. My mother was
joyful in her pain, happy in her inabilities and thankful for the generous blessings she received. I
have a tendency to think that my pains are worse than anything endured by anyone at any other time
in history, embarrassed by my many limitations, and am slow to perceive the great blessings that fill
my life. This Thanksgiving I am encouraging myself and you to live grateful lives by recognizing
God’s loving presence among us.
First let us rejoice in being loved by God. We have been called into being and sustained in life by the
very breath of God. Let us rejoice in returning that love in grateful praise. Let us thank the Lord for
so wondrously and marvelously saving us through Christ the Lord. Let us thank the Holy Spirit who
fills us with the presence of God and breathes words of strength, hope and love into our lives.
Let us praise the generosity of God who has blessed us with the goodness of the people of the
St. John Paul II Area Faith Community with whom we walk the pilgrimage of faith and explore the
wondrous treasures of the God who made us, saved us and loves us. Let us be thankful for the
opportunity to regularly join in the Church’s great celebration of thanksgiving in the Eucharist. Let
us be grateful for the community of people who celebrate our joy and who comfort us in our sorrow.
Finally let us thank the Lord for the opportunity to struggle with life in the context of our faith. Let us
celebrate the opportunities we have to be challenged to grow and to be strengthened in adversity. Let
us thank the Lord who has so fearfully and wonderfully made us.
Fr. Tony Stubeda
Holy Trinity, Winsted
Holy Family, Silver Lake
Pastoral Leaders
St. John Paul II Area Faith Community Directory
Rev. Anthony Stubeda
Associate Pastors
Rev. Paul Schumacher
Rev. Cornelius Ezeiloaku
Call parish office for class
time and Baptism schedule
Liturgist and Director of Music
Kelly LeCrone:
Parish Office: 320-327-2356
Business Administrator
Shirley Nowak
Director of Religious Education
Lori Penas
Homebound Ministries/Pastoral Care
Celia Knoll
Mass Times
Saturday: 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m.
Sunday: 8:00 p.m.
Saturday: noon
Adoration: Tuesday
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Parish Office: 320-485-2182
Business Administrator 320-485-5651
Nancy Neumann
Development/Marketing 320-485-5652
Andrew Meuleners
Dean of Students 320-485-5650
Wesley Kapping
Dean of Faculty/Elementary Principal 320-485-5630
Cathy Millerbernd
Director of Religious Education 320-485-5633
Lori Penas
Deacon Michael Thoennes 952-465-8293
Mass Times
Saturday: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:30 a.m.
St. Pius X, Glencoe
Please talk to a priest
before setting a date
Saturday: 4:00 p.m.
Adoration: Tuesday
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Parish Office: 320-864-5162
Business Administrator
Shirley Nowak
School Office: 320-864-3214
School Principal
Cathy Millerbernd
Coordinator of Religious Education
Mark Simons
Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry
Elvia Peña
Mass Times
Saturday: 6:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m. English
11:30 a.m. Spanish
Saturday: noon
Adoration: First Friday
8:50 a.m. – Noon
Area Faith Community Week at a Glance
November 24, 2014
November 25, 2014
November 26, 2014
7:00 p.m. Mass for Thanksgiving at St. Pius X
November 27, 2014
9:00 a.m. Mass for Thanksgiving at Holy Family and Holy Trinity
All parish and school offices closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
November 28, 2014
All parish and school offices closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
November 29, 2014
November 30, 2014
Financial Stewardship: November 15 & 16, 2014
Adult: $6,867.16; Student: $15.00; Loose Plate: $640.85;
Fuel: $60.00; Thanksgiving: $35.00.
Adult: $5,323.00; Student: $22.00; Loose Plate: $147.38;
Budget: Total Contributed YTD: $139,149.70
Total Budgeted YTD: $170,354.40; Under Budget: $31,204.70
Adult: $3,955.00; Student: $28.45; Loose Plate: $93.10;
Fuel: $20.00; Pius Connections to the Future: $90.00;
All Saints: $11.00; Spanish: $252.40;
Spanish Education: $138.63.
Scripture Readings
Monday: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Lk 21:1-4
Tuesday: Rv 14:14-19; Lk 21:5-11
Wednesday: Rv 15:1-4; Lk 21:12-19
Thursday: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a; Lk 21:20-28
Friday: Rv 20:1-4, 11 – 21:2; Lk 21:29-33
Saturday: Rv 22:1-7; Lk 21:34-36
Sunday: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37
New Parishioners
If you would like to register as a parishioner of one of our Area Faith
Community Churches, please call the appropriate parish office:
Church of the Holy Family:
Church of the Holy Trinity:
Church of St. Pius X:
Priest Meetings/Vacations
Fr. Tony will be attending the Diocesesof New Ulm’s Priests’
Pension Board meeting on Tuesday afternoon in New Ulm.
Church of the Holy Family
November 24, 2014
St. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs
No Mass
November 25, 2014
St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr
8:00 a.m. Mass (+Carolyn Pohlen)
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
9:00 a.m. CCW Quilting stitchers only
7:00 p.m. Parish Administrative Council meeting
November 26, 2014
8:00 a.m. Mass (+Joseph & Angela Rozeske, +Randy Ardolf and
deceased relatives)
9:40 a.m. Cokato Manor rosary
10:00 a.m. Cokato Manor Mass (+Lillian, Otto, Julie and Gary
1:30 p.m. Cedar Crest Communion service
No Religious Education classes
November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving Day
9:00 a.m. Mass for Thanksgiving (+Merlyn Wanous)
Noon City of Silver Lake Thanksgiving Dinner
Parish offices closed for Thanksgiving holiday
November 28, 2014
No Mass
Parish offices closed for Thanksgiving holiday
November 29, 2014
Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:00 p.m. Mass (deceased Habisch and Miskovsky family members)
November 30, 2014
First Sunday of Advent
8:00 a.m. Mass (+Donald Chap, +Richard Chap)
8:00 p.m. Mass (+Vicky Pulkrabek)
SUNDAY: Thank you for your generosity to the 2014 Diocesan
Ministries Appeal. Our gifts to the DMA do make a difference. We
saw in the video last week the impact of our contribution on real
people around the Diocese. By joining with others around the
diocese in support of these ministries, we offer Catholic Charities
counseling to our neighbors in need and we support programs for
youth as well as adults in the Church who are doing Christ’s work. It
is our contribution to the living water of Christ. If you haven’t made
your pledge or given a gift, pick up that envelope and make your
contribution now. Remember that your gift also supports the
completion of the remodeling of the Church with new pews, carpet
and air-conditioning.
NEEDED: Next Sunday we begin our preparation for the coming of
the Lord at Christmas with the celebration of the First Sunday of
Advent. We are now accepting monetary donations for Christmas
flowers and decorations in memory of or in honor of your loved ones.
If you would like to make a donation forms are available on the table
at the back of church, fill it out and return your donation to the parish
office or in an envelope marked “Christmas Flowers” in the Sunday
collection. The deadline for donations is 5:00 p.m. on Monday,
December 15. Donations received after that time may not be included
in the bulletin.
THANKGIVING DINNER The City of Silver Lake and friends are
hosting their 10th Annual Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday,
November 27, 2014 serving starts at noon. If you would like to assist
in volunteering or donating, please call Bruce or Deb Bebo at
3207-3157 or the city office at 327-2412. If you are planning to
attend or would like take out, please call ahead for reservations.
COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN: Have you changed your
phone number? As we are calling CCW members for various
functions, we are finding that many land lines are no longer in
service. If you have moved, changed your number, or are now using
your cell phone as your main contact number, please call the parish
office and let us know so we can update our records. Thank you.
ROSARY SOCIETY: We invite men & women of the parish to join
the confraternity and share in the abundance of graces, including
extraordinary indulgences, applicable to the souls in purgatory. If
interested in joining or for more information, contact Celia Knoll at
the parish office 320-327-2356.
Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Celia & Lori are available to assist as schedules allow.
need to be picked up. Please stop and check out by the back table or
cupboard in the lower level of the church to see if one or more are
Please pray for… Dave Perschau, Gilbert Stifter, Jim
Condon, Roz O’Fallon, Margaret Schlueter, Colleen Carlson,
Betty Pulkrabek, Wayne Ordahl, Ray & Rose Posusta, Duane
Wanous, Irene Thurn, Scott Miska, Kloee Rae, Jason
LeClaire, Ray Pavlish, Ray Bayerl, Glenn Pilarski, Cliff Knoll and 20
special intentions.
WE ARE IN IMMEDIATE NEED of someone to be with the
Blessed Sacrament for Adoration on Tuesday’s from
8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m., 10:00 - 11:00 hour. We also could use another
person(s) for the 10:00 - 11:00 a.m., 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.,
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. and the 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. times.
Please pray that these times are filled, contact Celia Knoll
320-583-1320 or 320-327-2356.
OUR PRAYERS AND SYMPATHY: We extend our sympathy to
the family and friends of Paul Anderle Sr. who was buried this past
week. May God receive him into eternal life.
ROSARY LEADERS NEEDED: We are in need of Rosary
Leaders for before Mass on Wednesday morning and a sub for both
the weekday Masses and the 8:00 a.m. Sunday morning Mass. If you
are interested, please contact Celia Knoll at the parish office
will be at the home of
Tony & Lavon Kielkucki
Next week ~ November 30, 2014
Janice Konerza
Please remember to return the chalice Saturday afternoon
Church of the Holy Trinity
November 24, 2014
St. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs
8:15 a.m. School Mass (+Tim Culhane)
November 25, 2014
St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration
10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s
6:00 p.m. Mass (+Janet Bayerl)
7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus meeting
November 26, 2014
8:15 a.m. Mass (+Rosemary Stifter)
No school and school offices closed
Parish office open
No Religious Education classes
November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving Day
9:00 a.m. Mass for Thanksgiving (+Tony, Rosella & Dan Remer)
Parish & school offices closed for Thanksgiving holiday
November 28, 2014
No Mass
Parish & school offices closed for Thanksgiving holiday
November 29, 2014
9:00 a.m. Ministry workshop
4:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation
5:00 p.m. Mass (+Jack Simonitch)
November 30, 2014
First Sunday of Advent
9:30 a.m. Mass (l. & d. Knights of Columbus members)
5:30 p.m. Alpha
MAKE-UP SESSION for Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and Ushers
who were not able to attend the workshop earlier in October will be
held on Saturday, November 29, in the church, starting at 9:00 a.m.
for Lectors, 9:30 a.m. for Eucharistic Ministers and 10:00 a.m. for
The Youth Group will be going Christmas caroling on Saturday,
December 6. We will meet at church at 1:00 p.m. Following
caroling we will return to church and support the Fine Arts Chili
Supper. Cost is $6.00 and is at your own expense. Then beginning at
6:00 p.m. we will be selling hot chocolate throughout downtown
during the Winter Parade. Please sign up with Mrs. Kahle.
is currently serving in the military, we would like to add them to the
board in the north entrance of the church. Also, we would like to
update the information currently on the board. Please contact Karen
Dawes at 320-485-4312 or
for the McLeod Food Shelf is underway. Please bring your donations
to the church and place on the table in the back of church. Cash
donations are always appreciated.
SUNDAY: Thank you for your generosity to the 2014 Diocesan
Ministries Appeal. Our gifts to the DMA do make a difference. We
saw in the video last week the impact of our contribution on real
people around the Diocese. By joining with others around the
diocese in support of these ministries, we offer Catholic Charities
counseling to our neighbors in need and we support programs for
youth as well as adults in the Church who are doing Christ’s work. It
is our contribution to the living water of Christ. If you haven’t made
your pledge or given a gift, pick up that envelope and make your
contribution now. Remember that your gift also supports the
completion of the new entrance to our church.
NEEDED: Next Sunday we begin our preparation for the coming of
the Lord at Christmas with the celebration of the First Sunday of
Advent. We are now accepting monetary donations for Christmas
flowers and decorations in memory of or in honor of your loved ones.
If you would like to make a donation forms are available on the table
at the entrance to church, fill it out and return your donation to the
parish office or in an envelope marked “Christmas Flowers” in the
Sunday collection. The deadline for donations is 5:00 p.m. on
Monday, December 15. Donations received after that time may not be
included in the bulletin.
HOLY TRINITY MISSION TRIP 2015: HT Mission will host a
Fall Breakfast this Sunday from 8:30-11:30 a.m. in the school
cafeteria. This is a free-will donation breakfast and one of the main
fundraisers for the June 2015 mission trip to Eagle Butte, SD. We
are eager to serve you our scrumptious egg bake breakfast and give
you a chance to meet the students participating in the trip this year.
THE HOLY TRINITY RELIGIOUS ED students are again selling
homemade fudge, made by Walnut Grove Mercantile in Marshall,
MN. The cost is $5.00 per ½ lb. and $10.00 per lb. There are also
two sugar free flavors. If you would like to place an order, please see
any of the Re students or stop by the office. All orders and payment
are due December 1 with deliver expected the week of December 15.
BAKE SALE will be held on Saturday, December 6 from
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Blue Note Ballroom in conjunction with
the Winsted Winter Festival. All ladies of the parish are welcome to
bring baked goods for the bake sale to the Blue Note on Saturday
morning from 7:15 - 9:45a.m. Come and get an early start on your
Christmas shopping and enjoy all the activities that will be going on.
ADVENT ANGEL GIFTS: Once again we will be participating in
the McLeod County Advent Angel Program. Gift tags with
suggested gifts are in the back of church. All gifts must be returned,
UNWRAPPED, by Friday, December 5. You may drop the gifts off
at the parish office or in the back of church by the choir loft steps.
Thank you for your participation in this program.
VOTIVE LIGHTS: In loving memory of Clarence & Gertrude
Ogitziak; In loving memory of Kenneth J. Zimmermann; Very Special
Intentions; Loving memory of Paul & Sally Millerbernd; Brian Allen
Baldwin, life will never be the same; Loving memory of Linus,
Magdalen, Reggie, Katie & Cliff Hertzog; Heimerl & Schmitt families;
In memory of Eugene Fiecke & improved health for Larry & Kim Pogue
& Janet Grimm; Loving memory of Leonard Rozeske; For Ben
Weinbeck, forever loved & missed; Memory of Marty & Bill Mahon;
Bill & Lydia Kopesky; Loving memory of Bernice Fiecke; Loving
memory of Dawn Loew; Anton & Josephine Wiemiller family; Healing
for Chad; Healing for Jay; Thanksgiving blessings for my family &
friends; Intention of Allen Fiecke & Brad Swedberg. If you would like a
votive light burnt for a loved one or a special intention please put $5.00 in
an envelope marked with your intention and drop it in the collection or at
the Parish Office.
Church of St. Pius X
November 24, 2014
St. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs
No Mass
3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Christmas tree sales at Coborn’s
November 25, 2014
St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr
8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
8:20 a.m. School Mass (Peter & Pam Trutnau)
November 26, 2014
No School at St. Pius X Thanksgiving Break
No Religious Education classes
7:00 p.m. Mass for Thanksgiving (+Orville Gehlen)
Decorate church for Advent after Mass
November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving Day
No Mass
No school at St. Pius X Thanksgiving Break
Parish & school offices closed for Thanksgiving holiday
November 28, 2014
No Mass
No School at St. Pius X Thanksgiving Break
Parish & school offices closed for Thanksgiving holiday
9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Christmas tree sales at Coborn’s
No Spanish Mass
November 29, 2014
9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Christmas tree sales at Coborn’s
Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation
6:00 p.m. Mass (+Arthur & Ann Stuedemann)
November 30, 2014
First Sunday of Advent
10:00 a.m. Mass (+Joe Zajicek)
11:30 a.m. Mass in Spanish (For the Parish)
12:30 p.m. Spanish Religious Education
1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Christmas tree sales at Coborn’s
TURKEY CARDS: we are collecting partially filled Coborn’s
Turkey Cards to help our Catholic Schools Week Dinner. If you are
not using them, please turn in your partially filled cards at the parish
office before December 1.
#4842 will celebrate corporate Communion at the 10:00 a.m. Mass
December 7. Knights please gather at 9:20 a.m. and process into
church as group at 9:25 a.m. to lead the Rosary at 9:30 a.m.
ATTENTION MUSICIANS: If you ordered a psalm book and/or a
supplement for your accompaniment book, they are in. Please stop by
the island in the sacristy to pick up your marked materials.
THANK YOU for your recent donation of 150 pounds to the
McLeod Emergency Food Shelves. Your kindness and generosity is
sincerely appreciated.
McLeod Emergency Food Shelf Board of Directors
OUR PRAYERS AND SYMPATHY: We extend our prayers and
sympathy to the family of Angelica Salas and her son, Jorge (Lalo)
Eduardo. Jorge was a first grader in our school. We ask that God
might wrap them both in his life-giving love and send his consoling
hope into the hearts of their family.
A WAY TO HELP: Many people have been asking how they might
extend help to the Salas family at this sad time. If you would like to
help the family with a monetary gift, you can write a check to
St. Pius X and drop it at the school or parish office. We will credit
your donation to your parish records for tax purposes and make sure
that the family receives the donation.
SUNDAY: Thank you for your generosity to the 2014 Diocesan
Ministries Appeal. Our gifts to the DMA do make a difference. We
saw in the video last week the impact of our contribution on real
people around the Diocese. By joining with others around the
diocese in support of these ministries, we offer Catholic Charities
counseling to our neighbors in need and we support programs for
youth as well as adults in the Church who are doing Christ’s work. It
is our contribution to the living water of Christ. If you haven’t made
your pledge or given a gift, pick up that envelope and make your
contribution now. Remember that your gift also supports repairs to
the rectory and the parking lot retaining wall.
Sunday of Advent, November 30, we will begin using the 2015
edition of the “Breaking Bread” missals. That means we will have to
remove the old missals from the covers and replace them with the
new edition. Today we removed the covers from the missals. On
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 24-26, we could use
your help in putting the new missals in the covers. We will set up a
work space in the parish library. Stop in any time between 9:00 a.m.
– 5:00 p.m. and work for as long as you are able. Many hands will
make light work and help us be ready for the beginning of Advent.
Please call Kelly at the parish office to reserve a work time or e-mail
her at
NEEDED: Next Sunday we begin our preparation for the coming of
the Lord at Christmas with the celebration of the First Sunday of
Advent. We are now accepting monetary donations for Christmas
flowers and decorations in memory of or in honor of your loved ones.
If you would like to make a donation please forms are available in the
kiosk in the gathering area, fill it out and return your donation to the
parish office or in an envelope marked “Christmas Flowers” in the
Sunday collection. The deadline for donations is 5:00 p.m. on
Monday, December 15. Donations received after that time may not be
included in the bulletin.
CCW ADVENT GATHERING: Thursday evening, December 4,
all ladies of the parish are invited to gather for fun, fellowship and
prayer in preparation of the coming of the Savior. In appreciation for
everything that you do, we will begin the evening in church for the
5:30 p.m. Mass immediately followed by a dinner and celebration in
the Sarto Room. Please sign-up on the bulletin board in the gathering
area (preferably before Tuesday, November 25) or call the parish
office. Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
Just a reminder there will be no RE class this Wednesday evening,
November 26, in observance of Thanksgiving. Classes will resume
Wednesday, December 3, So as y’all are goin’ over the ‘ol river and
through those ‘ol woods, may your travels be safe, your celebrations
hearty, and most importantly, may your pumpkin pie find you with
just enough room left!
Area Faith Community Schools News
Holy Trinity School News
Monday, Nov.24 8:15am - School Mass planned by Faculty/Staff
Tues, Nov. 25
Students to Sharing and Caring Hands
Wed. Nov. 26 thru Friday, Nov. 28
No School
PAPER DRIVE: Thank you to everyone who saves their cardboard
and paper for us. Please continue to save for our next Paper Drive on
Saturday, December 6, from 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. The trailer is
located in the old MidAm parking lot. All proceeds from the paper
drives go to the Fine Arts students to help them pay for their trip to
New York City in March.
CHILI SUPPER: The students going on the Fine Arts Trip to New
York this Spring will be hosting a Chili Supper on Saturday,
December 6, from 4:00-8:00 p.m. in the Church Social Hall. Tickets
for $6.00 can be purchased from students going on the trip or at the
door that evening. Go to the Winsted Winter Festival Parade and
then come and warm up with a delicious bowl of Chili.
SCIENCE FAIR: Did you miss or were you unable to go to the
Science Fair meeting? It is not too late! Please contact
Ms. Millerbernd or Ms. Hertel for an information packet and question
approval form. You can also go to our website, , go to the bottom of the page, and click
on parents, school and then science fair.
Important: If you did go to the meeting and did not receive an email
from Mrs. Whitaker, please contact her at
or call her at 952-454-1622.
Upcoming Events
November 24
November 26-28
December 4
December 8
December 9 December 11
December 15
December 18
December 23
December 24 – January 2
January 5
8:15 a.m. Mass
NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
8:15 a.m. Mass
8:15 a.m. Mass for
Immaculate Conception
1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Holy Trinity
Elementary Christmas Program
8:15 a.m. Mass
Maryknoll Missionary Katie Coldwell
to visit Grades K-12
8:15 a.m. Mass
Noon Holy Trinity School
Reconciliation for Grades 3-12
8:15 a.m. Mass
NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break
Classes resume
SAVE THE DATE: Holy Trinity Elementary Christmas Program,
Tuesday, December 9. Grades K-6 will be at 1:00 p.m., and the Tiny
Trojans Preschool and grades K-6 will be at 7:00 p.m. in the gym.
St. Pius X School News
St. Pius X Christmas Tree Lot located by Coborn’s will be opening
for two days before Thanksgiving on Sunday, November 23 and
Monday, November 24 and then everyday November 28 through
December 21. This very successful fundraiser for St. Pius X
Catholic School is sponsored by our dedicated Knights. While the
KCs do the prep work and our school families help sell the trees we
still need additional help from parishioners to fill all of the shifts. If
you are able to work a shift, please sign up on the sheets posted on
the gathering space bulletin board. You can also email or call the school 320-864-3214 and we
can help you schedule a time. Thank you!
SAVE THE DATE: St. Pius X Catholic School Christmas Program
is Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the
Upcoming Events
November 23
November 25
November 26
November 27-28
November 28
December 1 December 2 December 5 December 8 December 11
December 12
December 16
December 19
December 23
December 24 – January 2
January 5
Pre Thanksgiving Christmas
Tree Sales begins
End of the 1st Trimester
8:20 a.m. Mass- Grade 4/5 planners
No School- Teachers’ Workshop
No School- Thanksgiving Break
KC Christmas Tree Stand
open for the season
2nd Trimester begins
8:20 a.m. Advent Mass
8:20 a.m. Mass- Grade 3 planners
8:20 a.m. Immaculate Conception Mass
Non-uniform dress day
1:00 p.m. Grades 3-6 Reconciliation
8:20 a.m. Mass- Grade 2 planners
8:20 a.m. Advent Mass
11:30a.m.Grade 2 lunch invite
1:00 and 7:00 p.m. St Pius X
Christmas program in church
8:20 a.m. Mass – Grade 1 planners
8:20 a.m. Mass
NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break
Classes resume
Area Faith Community News
THANKSGIVING MASSES: As we gather to give thanks to God
for the many blessings in our lives you are invited to join your
family’s celebration to the AFC’s celebration of God’s goodness at
one of our Thanksgiving Masses. There will be Mass for
Thanksgiving at St. Pius X on Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. and
Holy Family and Holy Trinity will celebrate Thanksgiving Masses on
Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. Please join us in the Church’s great
thanksgiving of the Eucharist. We also invite you to return part of
God’s blessings in your life to the life and ministry of our parishes
through the Thanksgiving collection.
approach Thanksgiving we challenge families and individuals to pray
the before and after meal prayers every time they eat. Every day can
be a thanksgiving when we remember to thank God for his gifts to us.
If you need help with learning these prayers we have prayer books
that our young people use to learn their prayers available for $1.50 in
each parish office. Hopefully praying for the faithful departed has
become a regular part of your daily prayer.
School is selling Christmas trees in the parking lot of Coborn’s. This
fund raiser will get you one of the nicest trees around, and help
support Catholic education. Please think of St. Pius X School first
when buying your Christmas tree this year. The hours of the stand are
listed in the Week at a Glance section of the St. Pius X section of the
people are attending Mass on any given weekend at a parish other
than their own. We remind you that you can put your parish envelope
in any of our AFC collections and it will be routed to your parish.
Your support is vital to the mission and ministry of our parishes, and
we remind you that you can support your parish no matter where you
attend Mass in the AFC.
AFC DIRECTORY UPDATE: Due to some roster issues between
Lifetouch’s and our computers, the proofing of the directory required
a second printing of the proof and more work by the committee to
create a final version of the directory. Our hope now is to have the
directory to you by sometime in December. We thank our committee
for their attention to detail and their discovery of some major
problems with the first version of the directory.
VOLUNTEERS: The Salvation Army 2014 Red Kettle Campaign is
looking for bell ringers at Coborn’s in Glencoe. This would be a great
way for Confirmation students to get service hours. If you are
interested in helping please contact Rita Weber, McLeod Count
Coordinator, at 320-864-6657 or 320-296-0130. You can also e-mail
her at
PLANNED: Glencoe area churches are sponsoring a Thanksgiving
fellowship dinner on Thursday, November 27 at the First
Congregational Church in Glencoe. Starting at noon they will serve a
Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings. Everyone is invited to
attend. RSVP requested, but not required, by Sunday, November 23rd,
by calling 864-3855. Leave your name and the number of people in
your party. If you can’t call ahead, you are still welcome.
Transportation is available upon request. There is no charge for this
dinner although a free-will offering will be accepted to support the
local food shelf.
HOLY TRINITY THIS YEAR: All families, especially those with
children, are invited to attend an Advent Prayer Service with Bishop
John M. LeVoir on Sunday, December14. The service is at 2:00 p.m.
in Winsted at the Church of the Holy Trinity. This service is designed
to help us focus on Advent and prepare for the true meaning of
Christmas, centered on the birth of Jesus. Families are encouraged to
bring the Baby Jesus figure from their home nativity set. The figure
will be blessed by Bishop LeVoir individually as families come
forward in procession. There will be a blessing on families and
expectant mothers as they prepare for Jesus’ birth in their hearts. A
“swaddling clothes” collection (blankets, sleepers, layette items, etc.)
will be taken for babies in need and given to the Friends of San
Lucas, area Birthright Centers, or First Choice Pregnancy Services.
Cash donations will be taken to First Choice Pregnancy Services in
New Ulm.
in Kindergarten – Grade 6 are invited to a Christmas craft morning
sponsored by the Holy Family/St. Pius X Youth Group on Saturday,
December 13 from 9:00 a.m. – noon. Children received a flyer with
information about the day and a registration form on the back either
in school or at their religious education class last week. Remember
we have room for 60 kids and the registration deadline is Wednesday,
December 3.
THE COLLECTION for the Catholic Campaign for Human
Development (CCHD) provides funding for groups that make lasting
change and uplift the poor in the United States. CCHD grants
improve education, support economic development, and help
communities provide housing in low-income neighborhoods. Help us
to continue to defend human dignity and aid those living on the
margins of society. Please give to the CCHD Collection.
Upcoming Community Events
please see bulletin board for more information
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23: Common Cup Ministry Churches
8th Annual Coming Together in Song VIII concert, Hutchinson,
3:00 p.m., Hutchinson High School, No Charge for Concert; Free
Will Offering
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23: St. Mary’s Care Center Christmas
Sale, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23: Silver Lake American Legion Post
141 Breakfast, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. at the Legion Club.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23: 27th Annual Men’s Ham Dinner,
Church of St. Mary, New Ulm, .10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., also Bake
Sale, Homemade pies and Raffle
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6: Christmas Bazaar, 10:00 a.m. –
1:00 p.m., First Congregational Church, Glencoe. Live music by
Creekside Jazz.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6: 13th Annual Trees & Traditions,
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Christ the King Lutheran Church, Hutchinson.
Saturday, December 6: Bake Sale and Chili Luncheon, Prairie
Community church, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7: CRAYO and Crow River Singers
present Handel’s Messiah and other selections, 4:00 p.m. at
Hutchinson HS, Adult: $10.00, Senior: $5.00, Student: $5.00;
$5.00 max per family, refreshments after concert
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7: Lester Prairie Lions Community
Breakfast, 9:00 a.m. – noon, Lester Prairie City Hall.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7: BASICS Holiday Concert, (Brothers
and Sisters in Christ Singers), St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Stewart,
3:00 p.m., a free will donation lunch will follow, proceeds from
concert and lunch to further the BASICS music ministry..
Contact the Parish office
to place your
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512 Lake Ave
Silver Lake, MN 55381
Ger ald Kasella ~ Frank Kaczmarek
Serving others to help them grow in their faith
Debbie Huikko * Karrie Weber
25 Birch Avenue S., Maple Lake, MN
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899 Hwy. 15 South
Hutchinson, MN 55350
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Life Ins. - Annuities - IRA’s
Milton A. Trnka___________
General Agent Phone: (507) 744-2655
Fax: (507) 744-2655
802 Arizona St., NW
Lonsdale,MN 55046
Contact the Parish office
to place your
Jerabek’s Hometown Meat Market
Dale & Doris
Silver Lake, Minn.
Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sat. 9:00 a.m. - noon
Old-Fashion Smoked Sausages, Jerky,
Jitrnice, Kiszka & Potato Sausage
Venison Processing year round
Silver Lake American Legion
~Win Prizes~
Play Bargo for Free 6:00 p.m. Tuesday
Food Menu Available
Live Music Monthly
Rooms available to Rent
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Steve Weber
22102 Flower Road
Silver Lake, MN 55354