r^mm '.*&- m . mm . rjT-r i'sfi^r H8W5S *>*' ' • • • . '• '. '. •••;.••/ •":••**:..• '.'•ykkf'., '••;••• : rTowr,fa—We lawn from the pally: Ad vertlnir, that thero was and wa« obliged to land her freight oft theioe, m ^ ^ t i a g able j Q a ^ 0 Gthinst. o f small pox, T H O M A S C o u z I N S , aged 38 1 dred and ninety n^fcoltera, expended annually for thewtpport »oi'<!lwqHSn^^ even ex- gondarme brought me another packet: it w a s a copy of the ofthe common schools of the state. n the Flour Sfarkat yesterday.audseveral to roach the wharf. T h e C. left Poughkeepai*;dn Monday. [years, a native o f Helilhx. T h e preceding estimates ahow that the revenue o f the 1 '. the bounds o f moderation. On Monday, the 2Gth same ordinance, directed t o mo hy the keeper of the Seals. a very active demand Af Rod Hook, Dutchesi-ocopaty, on Tuesday the 11th iust. ged tiands ati»6 SO for Troy, antl «6 C O to T h e storm at that place waa v e r y ^ e e y e i ^ ^ ] ^ fj t h i t d a y o n w h i c h the fatal ordinances were pub- This Minister hnvinc learnt by the receipt of M. Girod, that his tltousahd barrels chai o f a short but violent illaees, C H R T S T I N A J. £ . , daughter o f school fund, (that is, tho amount derived from the state trea• the Marshal earn* t o the Institute, and seeing how letter had not been transmitted to me, had thought it necessa- $6 §2 for Westsrn, Wl ich Is an advance of full twenty-fiva cents. At Albany, the snow fell without intermissibh from aine Nicholas T e n Brock, Esq. o f Hudson, and consort o f Dr. sury,) pays torn than one tenth o f the annual expenditures for the support o f the common schools; aadlhetfteath i s tinted / I w a s affected by the perusal o f the Moniteur, he said ry to inform me of it. I returned to thejialace, whereI! met only Since Saturday, some of the holders are'aaking from S&i to $7 o'clock o n Saturday, until t w o o'clock oj*. Sunday afternoon. Philip H . I^Jiickerbacker. l U l y i n g upon tha merits o f her by a tax upon the property of the towns r e s p e c t i v e l y « 8 f i d i t i e •Yell! y o u see that the fools have pushed things on to ex- the gendarmes and the troops o f the line then in service at the for the Dest Westsrn SaViour she calmly resigned nor spirit to the God w h o gave randa iwo tenths thus made up, (being the $239,713 in thetor%o> ifxtfyj u s t as X toJd you. At least you will have only to Court ofAssizes'.; M. Girod had retired urjonhearing that Paris Flax Seed has also {unproved—BH1«« having hoea made at $12 ng statement,) constitutes what is called the school moneys, «it s u c h measures a s a citizen and a good French- w a s in a state of siege. 1 laving ordered t w o gendarmes to disThe Maiks—Four mails south o f Phikdelphia, and one; A t Albany, on Saturday, very suddenly,.Mrs. F K N K I . O P E and is the^ sum received by the comraissionere o f the towns man, but how much more am I t o be pitied, 1 who, as guise themselves,! sentthem with t w o copiesof the ordinances, for rough. iDBSNy, formorly o f Now-York, aged 76 yjsjttsv Mrs. Den1st from Philadelphia, are d u o for distribution among, the several districts. Sometbingless . i soldier, shall h e obligad to get my head broken in the one to the first President, the other to the King's Attorney. A letter from NewJOrleans^dated IH«cenib*r 26th, isays: ny Was the w i d o w of Capt. John D e n n y / w e H known aa a n Three Eastern Mails duo, and one from the North. than two tenths (for school houses and fueB*ii msedliJ'Jfi support of acts that I abhor, and o f persons w h o have long T h e s e magistrates were at home. T h efirstPresident sent quulity Louisiana Cotjiou sold to-day at 10J eenu inteepid officer of the revolution. Hor d«W& w a s very sinteamed determined to ?ive me as much annoyanccas possible.' mo back the copy I had addressed to him, the other was preT w o Mails from the North arrived a i 7 o'clock this n i o w ^ J •attlar. S h e arow», as woll as usual, at hor-iceustomed hour, tax upon tlie property o f t h e district, m ptrmuonee o f a voteOt Ott the "Wednesday, July 28th, I was informed that inconse- served b y the King's Attorney ; and the receipt addressed to H A R K I KB. The Southern Mail Stage arrived this morning at h a l f past ^iv^y^waiting for breakfast, she complained slightly o f a the inhabitants thereof; and the residue, n e a r l y a u tisHthSjOr $ 6 l 7 , 8 % i 3 p a i d voluntarily by'the rje^nteandjguardianaof. qU8uce o f the popular movements of the preceding day, Paris me w a s signed by M. Perrot de Chegelles, his substitute.— On Sunday evenijng, by his Honor the Mayor, Mr. I I B K B Y siricturp on bet chest, a a d laid.down again on Iwrhod. In w a s declared to be in a state ef siege, and Marshal Marmont Until then, I had hcanl that the Ministers w e r e at St. Cloud, C O K H A M , merchant to Miss JuLIA B., daughter o f Goorgo 7 o'clock, bringing only a w a y bag, of course no&i^beyorrd an instant,\i&r attendant perceiving a'rattling in her throat, the scholars, for IKKJI^T, and for the. balance oT tfceir sehooi : bills, after l he public money has been applied. ' j £ *';'• •the Belawaro. T h e c a u s e o f this,we are mfonne&.waaownamexi governor of t h e town. I immedately left my lodgings, and even at a greater distance, and I believed it; but on ex- B. Raymond, of this city. fthd as the girl approached, and enquired i f any ^huig ailed and proceeded through several ouorters of the city ; the in- amining the ordinance o f M. de Polignac, and the letter o f 1 T r e paper marke<i G. shows the proportion w h i c h the In St. Paul's Oh arch, Brownville, on Tuesday evening, ing to some collision between the Postmaster and MfiJ! Agent hoi ; her spmtfled, without a struggle or a groan. surrection appeared to me muck more seriom than it w a s M. de Chantclauzo, I obscrve/1 that these t w o documents, January 15, b y the lUv. Mr. Dorr, Rector of Trinity Church, scholars instructed bear to the whole popuiatipn in the s e v e At Trenton, N . J.,on Saturday evening last,after a lingergenerally thought to be. In several groups, 1 heard some w h i c h had been written out very recently, were transcribed Utica, the Rev. Kit AM AOAMB, Minister of the Parishes o f at Plul^dejlnhia--^he former wishing to detain the mail until ral counties. In 52 counties t h m v e r a g e number o f v***? parsons entertain hopes that the P u k e de "Ragusa would take upon paper, headed, " Garde Royale, Etat Major-General" Watertown and Sackcts Harbor, to theamiahlo and excellent 4 o'clock, in hopes tt» receive a Southern Mail,-r-the latter ror ing and painful illness, whieh she bore With eicrouhuy fortir attending school compared with me whole number o f mnabi* tude and resignation, Mrs. M A R T K A S T A N S B U R T , i n the 53d advantage of the opportunity to retrieve his reputation. T i m (Royal Guard, Kead-quarters o f the Staff). Being now con- Miss H A R U I K T E L z\ B R O W N , oldest daughter of Major fusing, came off before the mail was ready for him. tants, is as \v> 3 1 -.—The avemgein the state, including N e w year of her age, widow of tlvo lata Rev. Abraham O. Stansvinced that the Ministers were at Paris, 1 resolved to see tringle word thongh, it did not present to me the same sense York and Albany; w i n thepropojjtlonof 1 to 3 94-100., Ap* ' Samuel Brown, of uhe.former.place Steam Boat Accident.—The Steamboat McDonough, Capt bury, formerly of this city. Her, trust in the Rock o f ages peiided to this statement is a table,^showing ksiinilar: c o m as to the orators w h o had pronounced it, showed m e the im~ them, and to acquaint them with the real state o f things, and of Davidson, left this city on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, continued firm and unwavering in thehour ofjissolution. D I E D . parison between the children at schjsol and the whole nummediate necessity o f repairing to the residence of the Marshal the uselessneesof my efforts. But I did not succeed that evenYesterday mornhg, in the 76th year of Iter age, E L I K A - bound to New London: the wind then blowing moderately ber o f inhabitants in various countries in Europe. In Prussia either as a eitizen or as a friend, in order to convince him that ing, as the words " Head-quarters, General Staff," had deceivfrom the N . E. At 9 o'clock,- being about 30 miles on her r-fchrNrtw-Yerk, Lippincott, from Philadelphia, and 24 hours there is 1 child at school for every 7 inbabitanUi; in Bavarm h i s honor,, seen "m giving to that terra the w i d e extension it ed me. I went to the Place Vendome, where they were not. IHCTH, relict o f the' ate Francis Lewis. from the Capes," with bark, &c. to Bsldwin & Forbes. The N. ^fe * h a s m/jhe minds o f the military, did not oblige him to fight The. following day, at eight o'clock, the First President of the On Sunday evening, 16th inat. at 358 Broadway, S Y L V I A way, and the wind and ctarknees increasing she w a s anchor- V. left the Delaware tho 11th inst. and owing to the severity, of 1 to 3 ; in England 1 to 15. against a people rising for the legitimate defence of their Royal Court informed me that the prisoners at the Concior. B E G R A 8 8 K , eldest daughter of Samuel M. Fox, Esq., aged ed for the night. About midnight a violent snow-storm com- the weather p\it hack and came to anchor under the Capes night T h e children taught in the cominon schools o f the. state, menced, which continued till near night onjtanday. On Sat- of 14th last, in s heavy snow Htonn, lost the flying gib, parted fall only 576 short o f half a million. A c c o r d i n g t o a n e n n * rights—against Frenchmen w h o were in one instant doprixed gerie were attempting to escape. I went immediately to en- 3 years and 6 months. > T, , T urday morning it w a s discovered that she had dragged her chain cable, lost anchor, ths boat washed from ths davits, & c memtion in I82(.>, there were 442 private schools i n t n e ^ t y o f a political-extstenee, w h i c h they had conquered by twenty deavor to prevent them from succeeding ; but before I went On Saturday, 15i.h-irist.at the country seat o f Robert tiaanchors, and drifted a cbneidorable distance. T o avoid the and was completely loaded with ice. Thft schre Attic, for Now- ofx\ew York ; there are at least ^ s c h o o l s in Albany:,,27m years o f danger and combats. T h e success which \ hoped to the palace I made a second'effort to see the Keeper of the viclle,near Orange/Essex county, N , J., Mrs. EMii.ifcT'ye dangers which threatened her from tjhis source, the steam was buryport, andCatharlne, for NVork, sailed in co. from the Dela- Utica, and numerous private schools in other cities and most would attend m y efforts did not at all make me blind to the Seal. T h e danger w a s great; the Swiss, occupied the win- CnEROTLASAi.iNiERR, of Guadaloupe,and late from Pans. raised with nil possible, apeedi and the engine put in motion. ware on the 11th inst 14th fnst. offthe BrrgaDtine, saw' a large dow* o f the street St. Honore, and a balcony over a shop at perils with w h i c h I w a s surrounded. I did not think I should Her funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock, from But so violent w a s the gale, that with as much steam as it Uright nided ship supposed bound into the Capes, ahs stood off o f t h e villages of the state, the scbobra o f which a r e not emthe comer of the rue de l'Echelle. T h e y were firing on the meet with any difficulty to have an interview with the Marbraced in the returns made to 'the superigtende^|£ A ^ ° ^ " the house of J. M. Gervaize, N o . S Walker-street. T h e whea the stornrcameon. s h a l ; but I might have been seen, and consequently b e s i g - people, whilst the people on their part returned the fire. One friends and acquaintance of the deceased, and of her brother, was deemed proper to put on, She only mado three quarters Schr Wirriain-McNiel, Fountain, from York River, and 48 pletc census of the scholars in the colleges, acaderr^sva^dthe •nalrsed to the peopls as an emissary o f that authority which o f my friends proposed to accompany me. W e raised our Robert Lnvielle, aSalso those of J. M. Gervaize, and geno- o f a mile headway in about t w o hours. Meanwhile tho air hours from the Capes, with oyster*, to U»e maeter. Yesterday private and common schools, would present a t o t j f o f a t least had thinned their ranks with its cannor>;.in fine, I might have hands in the air to show that w e had no arms, and w e asked rally, the planters 1 f St. "Domingo and Guadaloupo residjing was so filled with snow, that it w a s impossible to see more saw a large fora and aft schr anhore oh CHpo May, supposed she five hundred and filly thousand scholars receiving instruction than a vary few rods at farthest. Between 9 and 10 o'clock, on in the late storm. fallen a victim to the fury of my countrymen, like an infa- to speak to an officer. T h e soldiers replied that there wero in thi* city, aiv pectfully rociuested to attend the funeral at high tide, she run upon a sand-bank,about 10 rods from the got8chr Charles, Rhind, from Barnegat^-renorts the »chr North annually in the whole state ; which is equal to 1 person atno officers with them, and desired us to retire ; but as thoy without further im •itation. mous s p y , and without being able to offer any justification of tending school to 31 o f t h e whole population, a s c e r t a i n e d main-land shore and throe miles from Norwaik. W h e n tho Amarica, and sloop Rxpre«e, drove asitore in the lats stonu. my conduct. AH these fears disaeppared from my mind on were occupied with defending themselves against those who ^ .**'•: > . ^ J The ahip Maria (h»« been laying Gome time at Perth Axaboy,) by the lato cenaus. tide wont down, she w a s high and dry. On Sunday Capt. WEEKI/! REPORT OF DEATHS. receiving, at about h a l f past one, a letter from a person wero firing at them, the approach of two unarmed men did drove from her mooringa in. the In ts storm, on the Great Bed*, The immense imjxirtancc o f elevating the standard of'ed[tor reports the deeth of 89 persons, during Davidson went ashore and procured a number o f men to as- Jersey Shore, where *he remained this morniag.—Three sloops Tlie City ln« ^who, li*a m y s e l f would have been desirous to conciliate .not draw their attention, and they did not fire upon us.— ucation iu tho cominon schools, is strongly enforced by the sist him, whocommenced digging in ths evening, as soon as the interests o f the country with those o f m y unfortu- W h e n I arrived at the gate of the TuilerieH I sent away my the week ending 1 Saturday, tho 15th inst. viz : 2S men, 14 the tide waa sufficiently down, in the hope of being ablo to drove ashore at Amboy in the storm. fact, that to every ten persons receiving instruction i n the nate friend, and by w h i c h I w a s informed that m y presence friend, observing to him that it was useless to expose ourselves women, 30 boy*, 1 id 20 girls. Of whom 24 were of or un- get her off. T h e y had continued their efforts, at every low A lighter came up from tho schr Hpartan, (ashoro at the Elm higher schools, there are at least five hundred dependent upa t the Tuileries might be attended with a favorable result. both to be kil?ed. I had considerable difficulty in finding der the age of I yjEiar, 7 between 1 and 2, 11 between 2 and tide,down to yesterday noon, but without success. She is a Tree,) with 200 bbls. flour. 4 between 5 an<J 10,4 between 10 and 20, 18 between 20 The lighter Neptune, which drifted from the wharf ia the on the common schools for their education. In urging the J instantly went out, in company with my son, and ar- where the Keeper of the Seals was. I w a s sent from the good deal strained, and leaks so much that at high tido the head-quarters of the staff, which were on the Place du Car- and 30, 8 between! 30 and 40,. 5 between 40 and 50, 5 b e atorm of Friday night, has been found at Iloboken, not injured. importance o f t h e common schools it is not designed t o derived a t the Tuileries a t alx>ut two, in the afternoon.— water in the eabin is five or six inches deep. There are rocks The Jdoop Gov. Ogde.n,h*nce bound to Newark, N. J. with a preciate tho grest utility o f those of a higher grade. In the rousel, to the TuilerieH. At length a superior officer in- tween 50 and 60, and 3 between 60 and 70. —Disease* .— T h e Aides-de-Campof the Marshal hastened to do away any carjto of coal, parted from her cables on«Thursday morning last, discussions on the subject of popular education, it has in s o m e on either side o f her position, b n t a few rods distant, on which formed me that the Minister whom I sought was with Apoplexy, 2 ; burned or scalded, 2 cancer, 2 ; consumodifficulty which otherwise might have prevented my interat the mouth of the Passaic, drifted ashore on the rocka et Ber- cases been urged that academies and high schools w e r e i n j u if she had struck, the safety of the-passengers as w e l l as the v i e w w i t h h i m ; their feelings wore toosiroilarto my own not r , J - < } e Glandeves, Governor o f the Aiilenes. I found, tion, 15 ; convnlsijons, 7 ; contusion," 1 dropsy in the chest, boat, would have been greatly endangered. There \fere35 g«m Point, and was entirely fo«t, except eome sails. The O. O. rious to tho common schools, by withdrawing from the eid o t to make m t p r e s e n c e Welcome. T h e Mondial received r.w in j * n fact, in a saloon, Messrs. de Peyronnot find de Chan- 1; dropsy in the head, "3: epilepsy, 1 ; fever, 1 ; fever bil- passengers onboard, 16 of whom were taken off on Monday was owned by Jonathan Corey, of Newark. the latter the patronage and care o f those w h o are able t o tbe saloon which opens on the Carousal; 1 immediately on- j telau/e. I was. conducted to them by M . d'Hausser,— ious, 1; fever uenflet, 3 ; fracture, 2 ; hasraorrhage, 1 ; hsr- morning by tho steamboat Hudson, Capt. Beeeher, bound to mmammmmm*mmmKm*mmmmmmmmmam*m*mmzimmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmm send to the former schools. There is nothing in par expetsred into conversation on the important subject; I spoke to [ T h e s e gentlemen seemed very anxious to have n e w s of pes, 1 ; hives or croup, 5 ; inflammation o f the bowels, 5 ; New Haven. About a doren moro went ashore yesterday THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, rience which should induce us to look withdismvor upon t h e hat w him in the name of his best friends,as well as in my own ; 1 | * ' » * passing m town. 1 informed them, that with the inflammation of the chest, 3 ; inflammation o f the liver, 1; morning, in order to return to this city by land. T h e rehigher schools ; and the patriot and the philanthropist, in esinflammation of the stomach, 1 ; intera|>erance, 5 ; locked endeavored to convince him that the principle of passive obe- exception of what w a s around them,e very tbia^ was calra,NEW:YORK COMMON SCHOOLS. mainder were taken offabout noon yesterday by the Hudson timating the means which are to contribute to the p*rp^tuuv dicneo could not concern a Marshal of France, especially at every thing was in adrairablo order; aad that property was jaw, 1 ; marasmus, 3 ; mortification, 1 ; peripneumony, 3 ^ on tho return fromNew Haven, and arrived here last evening. T h e annual report o f A. C. Flagg, Esq. Secretary of State, o f our happy form o f government, will regard all c u r schools a moment o f revolution; I insisted on the incontestable right respected ; that every person taJsen w a s treated as a friend ; pneumonia typhodes, 2 ; small pox, 5 ; sore throat, 1 ; still- It it considered doubtful whether the boat will be got off.— and seminaries as parts of the same useful and valuable sysas Superintendent of Common Schools, w a s made to the o f th© Parisians to have recourse to force, when the authori- and that even t h e hotels of the Ministers had not been pil- born, 7 ; tabes mesenteries, 2 ; tumour, 1; whooping cough, She may, or she may. not.—Jour, of Com. tem, from the University to the Infaat school. I I S A A C W A R R E N , City Inspector. Legislature on Saturday. T h e following abstract of this doties made use o f the most unjustifiable measures to oppress laged. M. d e Peyronnet then said to me, "Without doubt 2. their tights. Finally, 1 proposed to the Duke de Ragnsa to this business is managed by the the/etierw, w h o have maincument is copied from the Albany Argus. T h e subject of T w o eastern mails have arrived. W e select the folicwmg Reported for the Albany Evening Journal. go to St. Cloud without further delay, and to declare to the tained their old organization." " N o , " saidT; "it ist the W E D N E S D A Y E V E N I N G , J A N U A R Y 19, 1831. elementary instruction is of universal interest, and tho increasfrom the Boston papers of Monday. King that he could n o longer remain invested with the com- whole population w h i c h is in insurrection ; the women take LEGISLATURE OF NEW-YORK, ing numbers and growing importance of the Common Schools up paving-stones to their rooms to throw upon the soldiors, From the Boston Courier of Monday. mand o f the troops, unless the odious ordinances were withWest India Negotiation—Remark* concluded.—That the IN S E N A T E — S A T U R D A Y , Jan. 15. whilst their husbands expose themselves to be killed in the The Weather.—After tvro or three days o f stinging c o k f drawn, and the Ministers dismissed. This decisive meaAmerican people removed Mr. Adams for a maintenance of Mr. Conekling presented a petition from tho inhabitants of of this State, must afford a high degree of satisfaction to all weather, wo have a snow storm, which must be equal, i n street,*. T h e inhabitants of tho country are coming in armsure seemed to me o f a nature to put an end to the contest; the county of Richmond, relative to tho fishery in the Hud- who believe that our liberal political institutions must depend every attribute appertaining to a snow storm, to any that for t w o o'clock on Wednesday w a s one o f those short mo- ed with pitchforks and sithes, tho rising is general, and every their rights, sanctioned by the whole previous history of our ron river, whieh was referred to the Senators from the 1st upon tho intelligence o f the peoplefortheir duration. T h e they can boast of in the " Old Countries." It commenced ments i n civil disscntions when eaeh party may think it { effort made to put it down will be useless." " I t is not a commerce, will require a stronger evidence than t h e testidistrict. more tumult," then said 31. de Peyronnot, " it is a real revopresent wants Of our school system, are an uniform and proper about nine o'cloek on Saturday morning, with a driving gains all, though it makes very wide concessions to its oppomony of Mr. M'.I .ane, Mr. Van Buren, and- the President put Mr. Seward offered the following resolution, to w i t : blast from the North East, and continued through the day. nents. T h e Marshal allowed me to develop my opinion, but lution." " A revolution," I replied, " w h i c h l e a yes no retogether. Resolved, That the Superintendent o f the Salt Springs, •election of books of instruction, and' competent schoolmas- T h e streets of our city are, in some places, bare, and in others, I s a w evidently that his whole person was laboring under ex- source, for I do not see that you have done any thing to rely But tho Strang >st part o f these instructions is, that Mr. and the Inspector of Salt at Salina, report to this house such ters. Tlie latter is the greatest deficiency. T h e State ought almost impassable. The quantity of enow that has fallen cruciating feelings. His sentiments concerning trie ordinan- upon." In order to demonstrate this, I related what had occes^ were the same; heseejjfed to agree with me that the curred t o m e at the Palace, when I went to carry the ordi- M'l^ineis to communicate these alleged facts to the British information as they may possess, relative to the frauds prac- forthwith to establish and endow a suitable institution for the must be \©ry great, and it is drifted beyond any parallel for tised at that place upon the revenue arising from the duties step I proposed, w a s grounded on justice,, but yet, in conse- nance of M. de Polignac. At the moment of my entrance Such is the fact at the date of tins present government. In tho entire diplomacy of Europe and Ame- upon salt; together with a copy of any examinations, and education and proper moral and intellectual discipline of several years quence of'somothing that cannot be defined—something into the Assize Court, the Quarter-Master who commanded writing, Saturday evening, nine o'clock, fcjr Sunday eveteachers. This is a subject of very high importance, and w e w h i c h had its source in the habits of a railitarylife-7-he did the detachment of gendarmes then on duty came to me, and rica, such an imtanco of abandonment o f dignity and self- depositions relative to that subject, which have been taken ning, nino o'clock—No abatement of the storm. not think that then w a s the moment to put it in execution.— said—"Ts it not very unfortunate, Mr. AdvocatcvGeneral to respect; such ait impolitic invitation to foreigners to enter by them, or either of them, or under their or either o f their shall direct our attention to it again, as soon as We can find from the Boston Cenlincl, and Gnzette of Mondays room. Meantime wo would beg leave to suggest, whether A Marshal of France, an old soldier, ought not, in his opin- kill one's fellow-citizens, and to be killed oneself for such a into the arona o ' our domestic politics, w a s never yet wit- direction. detestable cause, for, undoubtedly, the Ministers are deThis resolution on motion of Mr. Benton was laid on the ion, to propose any concession, as long as the chances of tho L A T E R FROM ENGLAND. the Legislature might not be induced to endow a department rights?" A moment after a gend- nessed^—and l b aven Grant it may bo the last specimen o f table. • battle were uncertain. I was endeavoring to show him that priving us of our Halifax papors received by tho Cordelia, furnish English ~ On motion of Mr. Benton the Senate adjourned till 10 o'- o f the N e w University in this city, upon a scale broad enough datm to the 11th of December. From them w e extract the jf h e w a s victorious the next day, the Ministerial authority arme, whom I had sent upon the Tour de l'Horloge unch wretched nalignity, and mean self-abasement. W e for the purpose of educating teachers for tho whole state.— following:— Would become all-powerful—that his credit would l>e loct— to see what was passing at the Greve, enmo and told regret to say, thut Mr. M'Lnne, a man of talent, and a re- olosk, Monday morning, and the Court o f Errors met. [Tlie greater portion of the-time of the Senate is occupied A portion of the income from the school fund, could in no that his mediation would b<r «*»©]«•«—wW> the arrivalOfMM. me that the guard was retreating, that, the Arabs (BedF A L M O U T H , Eng. Dec. 1 1 . spectable federalist o f the old school, found no twinge o f as a Court of Errors: and it appears that the Chancellor Cafitte, Gerard de lijban, Cassimir Perier.and Manguin was «.u;rw>> - nnitjo. which be npplicd to tho citizens—conThe apprehensions which werelast week entertained o f a other w a y be so well appropriated. announced- 1 immediately passed, with all the officers w h o cenled under the iron bridge, wero firing, upon the conscience, as h<» performed the revolting duty. "But he pur- cannot be in attendance after next week, and that there are continental war, have nearly subsided. It would appear that were in the Marshal's drawing room, into the billiard room.— Swiss, and that the soldiers of the line, to whom a distribu- sued his instructions to the lettor-—nay he did more—he ex- three cases on the Calendar besides the one now under argur N E W - Y O R K COMMON S C H O O L S . this alteration in public opinion throughout Europe, has I learned there that the Ministers occupied a saloon next to tion of cartouches had just been made, attempted not to de- hibited a fawning subserviency to English v i e w s and inter- ment, which is the reason w h y tho Senate adjourned to There are in the state 9062 school dislricts, and of this beert principally effected b y a change o f ministry i n this was among us on the same floor, and opening on the Rue do Rivoli. Four fend themselvex. A soldier of the line, who meet at 10 instead of 11 o'clock.! number 8630 have complied with the conditions of tho stat- country, ana by their declaration of non-intervention and o f . K de those then under arms near the Court, said— It is never- ests, never yet ffeen in an American negotiator. Never had o f thera, C ^ * Polignac, d ' i l a u s s e z ^ u e r n o n deRanville, ute, by having schools kept by an inspected teacher, and ma- their desire to preserve univorsal peace, which they made o n IN ASSEMBLY—Saturday, Jan. 15. and. Montbel,) whom I did not know by sight, oame into the theless f . . . for usu to see our comrades fired upon, and not the West India planter so able and tuccssefnl an advocste; Petitions presented and referred.—From the N Y . Com- king returns to the commissioners o f common schools. their appointment. It cannot be concealed that considerable Our comrades !" answered thesergennt room " one o f the Aides-de-Camp, M. de la Rue, showed to dofend them." mon Council, ibr a law relative to Collectors in that city ; for One hundred and ninety new districts have bebn formed distrust of the Duke of Wellington's non-intervention policy and forVraven forbearance on the one side, and entire subthem to mo. In a short timo the Deputies went away ; they w h o commanded thera, " and to defend thom upon whom the Canastota Canal Company ; to incorporate the Mechan- during the year ending on the 1st of January, 1830, and the w a s genorally entertained throughout Europe. H e wasthought were almedy at the bottom of the staircase, when they vrore will you fire ? Upon your brothers ?" From the language mission on the other, the negotiations with ths French Se- ic's Benevolent Society, in N e w York; for tlie survey of a number of districts which have complied with the statute so to manifesi toostronga predilection for legitimacy—for the recalled, being informed at the same time that M. de Polig- of these t w o men belonging to the array, I drew the inference cretary Champtigny,* and the English Lord Aberdeen, may Canal route in Chatauque county ; regulating the number as to participate in the public money, has increased 333 iu rights o f the few, in preference to the rights o f t h e many.— upon. I was asked where nac consented to receive them ; but a minute had hardly that nothing was to be depended the same time. Our foreign details are more than usually interesting. vie with each other in the possession of the most opposite, and duties o f pilots at Hurlgate; for a bank at Cazenovia. | u powder w a s procured. They take," answered I, M the elapsed, when another messenger told them drily that they, Bills r*ad a third time andpasscd. Thore are in tho districts from which reports have been re 'rhe incendiary outrages which havo been committed over but degrading qualifications. m i g h t retire. One of thern showed his surprise by an excla- powder of the soldiers, and often their cartouches." It was ceived 497,503 children over five and under sixteen years o f so great a portion of tho country, have forthe most part ceasFor the reliefof Danel Smith. mation, the import of which w a s understood by all the as- then very evident that upon the preceding Tuesday I had well W e cite the following passages of Mr. McLane'« corresFor the relief of Thomasand Catharine HarrisoB, of N e w - age; and in the common schools of the samo districts, 499- ed, on the strict enforcement of the law, tho penalties o f sistants. 1 baa engaged in conversation with M. Manguin, conceived the real position o f things, and that the foresight pondence. 424 scholars have boon taught during the year preceding tlie which now await the perpetraton. T h e evidence on the York. whilathe was Waiting in the billiafd-room, and he was very of the Ministers had been very limited. M. d'Haussez led 1st of January, 1830 ; the general average of instruction liav- trial of the prisoners, wo doubt not, will s h o w that the la- -In relation to the Court of Common Pleas in the county o f " T h e underligned need not here enter into a particular much pleased with th3 reception he had met with from the me then towards the window, and said to me, " Y o u are ing been about eight months. Columbia. borers were not alone the guilty parties. In many cases Marshal, highly regretting, tit rhe same time, that tho influ- very right, M. Advocate-General ; see, there are our only de- defence of i h e omission, on the pert of the United States, Directing the mode for which Standard Weights and MeaTlie number of children over five and under sixteen, exclu- there is good reason to believe that the farmers themselves seasonably to embrace theoffer of the direct trade, made by fenders ;'•' and, pointiag to tho guard, " twenty-four hours e n c e of certain feelings prevented hnn from following, without sures shall h e paid for. ding New-York and Albany, from tho estimate, has increased havo instigated the lalxirers to their lawless deeds, and in oreserve, the natural impttlse of his own heart. After the de- have elapsed since they have had any thing to eat, or Groat Britain ir. tho year 1825, and to which allusion has so 24,194 since the last annual report; and tlie number of chil- ther8 that they have quietly looked on, for the purpose o f aT o erect a fire-proof Clerk's Office in the county of Jefferparture o f the Deputies, 1 hoped to be able to renew my ron» that their horses have been provided with forage." I frequently been made. Whether if be a subject more of regret son. dren taught in the common schools o f the State, has increas- rousing their landlords into a sense o f thek distressed state i n Versation with M de Ragusa, but hi* whole time was engros- wished to retire, and to go to the Palace, where my duty or of censure, it. ought, to l>e enough that, the claims advanced ed 19,383 in the same time.* consequence of high rents and tithes, with low prices for their Concerning common schools—recommitted. sed w i t h listening to the reports o f theofficers o f the staff, called me. Tho Keeper of the Seals detained me, saying in justification of it have since been abandoned by those, who produce. There arc seven counties in the state, viz : Oneida, OnonT h e committee o f the whole, passed the bill appropriamadethrm ; have received no sanction from the people, of the w"ho brought, at every moment, news from all quarters o f that ho had an ordinance to deliver into my hands, "and daga, Otsego, Jefferson, Cayuga, Genessee, and Monroe, in tmR $5000 for the sapport of the Mount Pleasant Pnson.If t his be correct, and w o believe it is, then have they sucParis. > £ de Foucould, Colonel o f the Cendannorie, arrived thnt he also wished I should see the other Ministers. W e United States, and that they> arc not now revived.'''' each of which moro than li>,000scholars are reported as havT h e committee of the whole, passed the bill extending the ceeded, wo should think, beyond their most sanguine expecin his term £«d remained in conversation with the Marshal went into a dining-room, where they took some coffee; after Now w e will just bring into juxtaposition with tho pre- charter of tho N e w York Sugar Refining Company. ing boon in«tructcd during the year; the first of these coun- tations* for not only have the landlords consented to reduce which w o proceeded to the Staff through a subterranean daring mom t)>*J> half an hour. Before 1 retired, 1 begged of ceding degrading pnssage, an extract from another of Mr. The committee of tho whole, passed the bill incorporating ties, Oneida, hu* returned 20,265 between five nnd sixteen, their rents, and the elergytheii tithes, but such a sensation 3f. de la Rue to teff *J*e Mnwb*) that I »houhl «-tnrn thu next passage, leading from n gate of the Tuileries opposite the m e and 19,731 children taught. Including the foregoing, there has been produced in the minds o f the government and t h e day to renew m y aolicJvations, if it was not too late—that is, de l*Ecl>eK«, to tho apartments occupied by the Staff on tho M'l.ane'slettcs, equally humiliating, and perhaps more so. tho Brooklyn African Woolman Benevolent Society : T h e Annual Report of the Secretary of State., mi relation arc twenty-four counties in the state, in each of which more legislature, that enquiry, retrenchment, (and consequent reif all the troops of tho lino* I^d not espoused the'cause of the Carrousel. 1 was conducted by MM. do Peyronnot, * e My Lord Aberdeen was not quite satisfied with Mr. Cnmthan 10,000 children have been taught during the year embra- duction of taxarionj and reform of Parliament will certainly .'-' people. T h e impression which »his phrase made on the m- Chantelauze, ,and d'llanssez. I found MM. de Guernon,de breleng's l a w of last session, unless he could have the privi- to Common Schools, was received, and double tho usual ced in the returns. fellow. Theinsutations o f the country will be regenerated, s^mbly, showed me that nothing o f the kind was yet appre- Montbel, de llagusa,and one or two other persons, who wero lege of eonstrv ing it according to his o w n w a y of thinking. numbor of copies ordered to be printed. Adjeurned. There are ono hundred and fifteen towns, in each of which and a long reign e f peace aad happiness, will, in all probahended. 1 entered into w n w e.v planntions, and spoko of HO- passing from one room into another, and whom I did notsoe COURT FOR THE CORKECTION OF ERRORS. more than one thousand scholars are instructed; several bility, be the conseqnenes. ve«*J quarters where at twelve o'clock 1 had seen several sufficiently to ascertain whether they were MM. de Polignac Mr.M'Lane, determined to stick at nothing, at'once, so far as Saturday, January 15. towns report more than fifteen hundred, and a few large and Capelle ; but I do not think thoy were there. I ropeatT h e cause of Reform in Parliament is gathering an iraesistgroups o f soldiers mixing with the people. This unexpected he was able, c msents to I/srd Aberdeen's conatruction of the In the case of Maynard w . Beardstey, Mr. Denio was fur- towns make^ returns of more than two thousand scholars able force, and it mast soon be granted, or as Earl Grey says, cd tho greatest part of what I had already said to M. de Peyintelligeuee appeared to M. de la Rue to be of a nature to make American Stetnte, and writes to the President to do ths ther heard fbi the defendant in error. He was followed by taught annually. it will be taken. T h s public interests demand it, suddenly also some impress-cm o n the mind of M. de Polignac.— ronnet, and to theKeeperof tho Soaja. I was naked if anothe Attorney General o a the some side, w h o concluded his same. Not a moment is lost, and the President of the Uther Attorney-General had been chosen. I replied negativeThere are eighty towns in which twenty or more school it is dangerous. A few years since, and ths man w h o avowH e pressed mo to communicate it to him, but I did not remarks, and closed the argumont on the part ofthe defendant. districts are organized in e a c h ; several o f t h e towns hove ly, and asked who could have chosen him ? M. de Guernon nited States 11 once authorises the British Minister to set in ed himBelfa Reformer, stood a selfbranded revolutionist in the think proper to yield to his solicitations ; because, having T h e court w a s adjourned to 11 o'slock on Monday. inquired if the despatches sent the day before by the Keepmore than thirty districts. Tho general average o f t h e estimation of men who now, through their fears, see no safedasignatdd the immediate dismissal o f the Ministers as judgment upoi the act of the American Congress. This number of districts, including all the towns, is H i for each ty for the country but in such a reform as would former(ha only possible means o f rocanciliation, 1 could not er of the Seals had arrived at their destination. I replied fact is announced to the arrogant peer as follows by Mr. Counsellors admitted to practise in Supreme Court, Jan. town in the state. Tho average number of scholars instructly have been demanded only b y a n ultra-reformist.-— .-_• h a v e any direct communication with them. Besides, that they had arrived ; and the samo Minister then asked Term, 1831.—Samuel Clark, JabezN.Cuslunan, Charles G. ed in tho districts from which returns have been received, is >^nch is one instance ofthe complete revolution that someJ wished, i f it were required, to bo able to say that I how it had happened that M. Girod had given tho first re- M'ljine :— Judd, Willett Lindemaa, Rutgers B. Miller, George Miles, : had seen the Ministers, and it was against my OWY* will I had ceipt : I answered, that as ho was then presiding at the " The undo -signed has the honor to state further, that these William M. Patterso»,Edround G. Poltou.William IL Shank- a fraction more than fifty-seven for each school. This esti- time« takes place in the minds of a majority o f a nation.-— mate, as woll as that relating to the number of children in- JJHTW meetings have been held at Edinburg and Sheffield, been with them in the same house, but 1 had not addresso! a assize*, he was at the Palace. "Well, that explains all," act* have been performed by the President in conforrntUf land, Moses Taggart, David Wager, Metcalf Yates. structed, is based upon the whole number of scholars on the at which petitionsforparliamentary reform were carried with single word to them. 3J. de la Rue, with my consent, trans- said >3L Guomon. I was then asked who commanded with the letter of the Earl of'Aberdeen, of tho 17th o f August Attorneys admitted Jan. Term, 1831.—George Brinkerhoof rolls ofthe schools, without reference to the time which each the people ; I said that no QI^O commandod them, as u o acclamations. mitted my piece of news to tho Marshsl, who hsistened to ialast, and that, by accepting the assurance of the British gov- Isaac W , JPvBromloy, Moses Brown,Charles L Clark, Erasmass presented itself in line, but every one fighting for scholar has attended. And it is not to be understood that itorm M. de Polignac of it, but it was far from producing the W e learn from Copenhagen that an expedition which sailernment, with.the accompanying explanation, as a compli- tiis D.. Culver, Riohird H. Cushney, Charles M. Davis,Beneeffect w e expected, for M, de la Rue sotumefl, saying, with himself endeavoured to ensure his retreat as much a» possi- ance with the]requisitions of the act of congress of the 29th dict W . Franklin, Jeremiah Humphreys, Joseph D . Husbands each one of the 499,424 scholars returned, has had eight ed from that port in May last, succeeded in reaching t h o inexpressible grief, " W o are lost, our Prime Minister docs ble ; that in every thing which required a common effort, of May, 1830, and doing all that was necessary ort the part Charles D , Lawton,David H. Iitttle, Joshua S . Marsh, Ed- months of instruction during the year; but that this is the eastern coast of Greenland, where some Norwegian colonists not even understand Franch. When the Marshal told him, the pupils o f the Polytechnic School directed the comba- of the Unitec States, to effect the proposed arrangement, h e ward- W . Mitchell, Thomas B. Mitchell, Robert B. Mohell, aggregate number of scholars on the mils ofthe school*, and settled eight centuries ago, and to which all access had since »n quoting you as an eye W7rness, that the troops were pt»ts tants. In my interview with M. de Glandevoe, I had said has adopted, vrithout. reserve, the. construction put upon the Frederick Prime, William Porter, jun. Samuel 8 . Randall, receiving more or lews instruction; and that 8630 schools been prevented by the ice. T h o expedition found there the that the people would undoubtedly be soon in possession of Act of Congress both by the Earl of Aberdeen> and the unhave been kept open for the rceoption ofscholars, an average descendants ofthe primitive colonists, who still profess ChrisJeyomiuh liomaine, Ezra C. Seanrnn, Ja<x>b Stejafltatrh, John period of 8 o u t of the 12 months. tianity which was carried thither by their forefathers; their *nVop R e s i d e of the people, ncanswered « Well, then, fire 5 w a n n a people wouiu unuouoieaiy oe soon n possessjonot dersigned." W , Thompson, John W . Tomblin, William B. Waldo, LyS f t h * % t * w ; " From That mon>nt I became convinced ! ^ T m l e r i e S ; . On h c a r ^ o n c o f the M msjers ask^at what language is that of the Norwegians of the tenth century. T h e first returns under the present school system were W e thinktriere must have been some feeling galling to a man J. Walworth, Samuel Wright. S J theM S'hsl m o ^ f f commanded in n-me, notwithntaud-. o'clock the King expeetojfthem at St Cloud, and u\e reply made in 1816. There wero re|x>rtcd in that year 2631 schools T h e majority o f nearly all classes of the citizens o t Brus: r .., " T ,LL1A . «, «« c tK^« «,„,.*, ,kl,- 4 oV!n<«U • that it was at 11, I said that I did not advise them to wait noble spirit, and tho hitherto manly awl uncompromising in which 140,166 children were instructed. Tlie increase of sels, Antwerp, Ghent, and e v e n Liege, particularly the armed Notices of Applications to the Ijsgislature.—To incorpom g t h e s i e g e . I r e t t e d , It w:«» then more, than ^ P clock. | t U , l h a l m o m i , n l t o o r d c r t h o r o t r e a t I anxiously solicited character of our American diplomacy, when lord Aherdeen rate a company with a capital o f $500,000, to make a rail the number of schools returned has been 5999 in fifteen years, hurghers, are, it is said, in favor o f tho accession of the-3^, nenpi9«ion to retire. T h e Keeper e f the Seslg, who had been OKOSOSH F7,I.1X BAVKUX, repeats to Mr. M'Lane, the concessions he had made, and his rood from the Allegany river, by w a y of the Tonnewanta and tbe increase of the number of scholars instructed has Prince of Orange, or one of his sons, as the means o f restor- > Aged fbrty-eight, Advocate-General for tho Royal Court of j long vV?iting, made M . d e Ragusa sign an ordinance, which valley, to Batavia village, and thence to Rochester. For an been 359,318, in the same period. T h e number of children ing peace and confidence. Paris, residing in the Rue Travorsiere, St. Honore, No. 25C. he delivered into my hands, ordering the Cour Royale to manner of making them, as if he felt the triumph, though act of incorporation^ with a capital of $50,000, by tho name returned in 1816, between the ages of 5 and 15 was 176,449; Trtie man who attempted assassination i n the House o f I had heldformore than a month the place of the Attorney meet immediately at the Tuileries, and not elsewhere. I withal an e w y one which ho had just gained. The follow- of tho New-York Hydrostatic Dock Company, for tho pur- the increase since that time, has been 321,054, Tlie school I>ords, has been handed over to the civil power, and was to ?»J General, w h o was gone to assist at the elections, when, on observed thatftcould not possibly be put into execution, and ing passages to th<s pomt, are quoted from the letters of my pose of raising vessels out o f tlie water for inspection and re- act was revised and new fonus w e r e adopted in 1819; so be examined at Bow-street. H e says he had an account to • ! Monday, the 36th o f July, I heard tliat the ordinances had I enjoined the Minister bimsolf to semi the ordor to the Court. •-.."; pairs, hy elevators actuated by the upward pressure of fluids. that in 1821, the system was in fair operation; and since .nettle with tho Duke of Wellington. b^O** promulgated. 1 went immediately to the Palawvof th.o l i e told mo that as I filled the place of the Attorney-General, lord Aberdeen :->that period,the average annual increase o f the children beT h e Regency Bill waa brought down from the House o f Courts of l^lf; thinking to find some instmctioos addrwsed j I was charged with its wcocutton. I took the order, and I asked tween 5 and 15, has been about 17,300 ; and the average in- Lords on the 9th, and was read a first time " T h o unc ersiened is ready to admit that in spirit and in (SALES Till*-DAY AT THE HTOCK EXCHANGE. toiheo^iceof the Uv>--officors of the Crown ; but 1 did not j that 1 should b e supplied with the means of leaving the Pa- substence, the bill traismitted by Mr. McLane, is conformacrease of the number o f scholars instructed has been about Thore is a minor abroad that a strong collision o f senti9500O United States Fives, 1836, - . . . « n d them a^y co'ramunicaUon. A s I resided near the Palais 1 lace, and a few minutes after I received a laittsez-ycpspr^ Ongo- ble to the vi<) w which he takes of it, in the expressions before 20,000 each year, for the last eleven years. ment hsis taken place between his majesty's government and $o00Q TJnitod Ktates Threes, . '.. - •. Roval J was acqua;n,te<i the sumo evening with the trouble* j i n ^ out, I read the paper, and ssawthatit oidy contained a per- quoted from hi« note of the 12th July, and that it is therefore 50 ahnre« Union B«nk, . During the year proceeding the first of July 1830, the pub- the East India Company. Which harl tS.ken place. Tne next $ny, Tuesday, I went out rnission to leave the Tuileries, whore I did »iot think that I was calculated t) afford complete, satisfaction to Great Britain, . ..'..• 12 do Rank of Amarlou, lic money rnceivod by the commissioners of the towns and It is said that the Austrain and Spanish governments have 50 do Chemical Bent, (4 months,) very early, and c o i ^ t o d at the commissary's of ponce all the | npcjso*»er. I t u r n e d tnthe headquarters of the staff; I s a w a on the several points which have been heretofore in dispute apportioned to the districts which had made returns, amoun- recalled their Ambassadors residing at the Court o f tho King ; 100 d« particulars of what had prised the evening befow. I visite<l j rjenera! oJrlcer, to whom I siibmittedmy obser\ ation, and beg- between the two countries." do do . . , . .'..-. ted to $239,713 36 cents. Of this sum $100,000 were paid o f tho Netherlands. . ' • .'. 50 do Butchers' and Drovors' Bouk, sevoral quarter*. I was informed that the commercial pooj 2;od ofhim to send an officer with mo to make a sign to the sot. " Of the c laracter and effect of the recent measures o f the from the state treasury ; § 124,556 04 were raised by tax upon several quarters 60 do do do do the hos- diers not to fire on me, tho sheet of paper be'ng quite insuffi- American Congress, Mr. McLane observes, that * it conFrom Mexic*.—The Daily Advertiser publishes the follow-' thoseveral towns, nnd $14,095 32were derived from local 70 do Ocean Tnmrance Co. - ••• pie were discharging their workmen. 1 perceived 1 ."'•-' tile dispositions of the people, now so mu^ ' iilierested in the j c | o n t t0 pre\-ent men, on the firststory, from killing one who is cedes in its terms all the power in the regulation o f the Coing extract from a letter dated Mexico November 30th. 30 do American funds possessed by certain towns. do • 138 do FarmerK'I/oan do •-.'.'"'•contest, and at 8 o'clock In the morning 1 calletl oil the Keep- in the street. I was answered that it was impossible, and that lonial trade, nnd authorizes tho President to confer on Bri" It is reported to-day, that Gen. Barragan has pioposed a There is now in tho treasury, belonging to the capital of 50 do Equitable' pf o f the Seels. I expressetl to him my surprise that the I^w- I must content myself with what I had obtained. I tried in tish subjects all those privileges, as well in the circuitous, as (to . . . . . the common school fund, $83,463 85, which, by the present Congress of all the Generals, at which Pedraza and Guerrero 50 do United States do pfftowrs of the King should not have been r a c i a l l y informal vain to get out by the gate which leads to the Pont Royal; tho direct v>yoge, which Great Britain has at any time destatute, is to bo invested i n any of the stocks of the stato at are to be itivitwl u» attend, as well the other chiefir. T h e w a r 40 do Hivv<ard do - e f jhe existence of the ordinance*. Hi* answer was, th?i the the balls fired from" tho other side of tho water eovered the manded or desired.' " in Jhe south will cease." •-' ; ••» the market price o f the same. 130 do Firemene* do executive power being vested in the administration, f hey had pHSfiogj:. By the g?,te <r>S the I^puvre the danger wa» still "In this declaration the undersigned is happy to observe A Manifesto of G«MI Barragan has been received in Conflr T h e productive capital of the school fund now amounts 10 da N. Y Cas Lisht Co. . . . . comtideredas useless to giveanv previous notice to the judicial greater. At hist I resolved to return by the way I went.— the snmesp r t n n d disposition which dictated Mr. Mcijiue's 10 do. Mohawk and Hudson Bail Iload Co. to $1,636,743 66 cents. T h e revenue actually received into mation ot' this statement. It is dated at San Pedro, Kobody. I then i elated to him all thafl had learnt that morning. When I was in the street of I' Echelle, and going to cross the former communications, wherein h e announced the read inesB. the treasury on account of this fund for the past yaar has verabcr 17; and contains a long preface on the causes b y I communicated to bim nTy observaiions, and I did not con- rue St. Honore, I saw one or two persons fall in the streo* des and desire ( f the American Government' to comply with the been $100,678 60 cents. This is the first year in which the which the country has been brought to its present distressing SAIJ3 OF HEAL ESTATE AT AUCTION, ceal from him t nt 1 was convinced the day would not pass Frondeurs which I had been preparing to take. 1 changed conditions c f the Act of Parliament of 1825;' and also, * that By Mills, Brothers $• Co.—Jim. 18. revenue of the fund has produced the sum required for the and dangerous crisis. vvj'thout the effusion of blood. Ho assured mo that i was my direction, and I entered the street TrjiYcrtsiere ; tho firing the claims advanced in justification of the omission o f the No. 53 Plno-stroet, brick store, granite basement—store " W h e n civil war is constantly proceeding in proportionito annual distribution. T h e revenue for tho coming year is es4 story, 24 feet by GO, lot about 75 feet, - - • - - 822,100 timated by the Comptroller at $ 101,350. alarmed without roa^on—that Ministers had the eerujinty vv«s very b*t»k, 1 wax alone m this street, but an unfor- United States, to embrace the offers o f this country, have tho exertions made to repress it, without the effect being proihal rtieleast demonstration of force would immetlintcly re- | tunute fruitnvui, who. wished to see who, at such a uiue, been abandoned by those w h o urged them, and h a v e received Our system of common school instruction is founded upon duced b y the terrible examples o f numerous citizens w h o , Flour and Grain.—We noticed yesterday an advance of full the principle that the state, Or the revenue o f the scliooI within ton months, have..perished by means o f theforcee m establish ordgf-rvthqt the popple would content themselvos j noald venture out without arms, put out his head and rs- no sanction from the peoplo of the United States."* w i t h orying a la* tr* y/iininlres, cries which the Ministers coived a mortal blow ; I heard him fall behind me. T h e Haw, mdn, for the first time, w e have an Ameik'an Minis- Uveuty-nve c«ote per barr»l oo Flour. A further advance waa fund, will pay only a share o f the expenses, and that at least ployed for tl*eir extermination, w e ought rationally t o conrealized yeeterday. The sales of Weetera coranieuced at $6 50 an equal share, as jtho condition of receiving tlie state fund, clade, that t h e common means for improvement d o but con^eje'deteriniiied to suflfc* wjtuout nwu^'utK ih*>tmw\\<ie>. Icourt of my house was full of people, who had taken reter, truckling before a foreign government, and allowing the sfe^jsted in observing, that if )twe?e possibleforany one to fuge there. I was asked what I had been, doing at the Tuilea 86 62, and went up to $6 75, at which price a good deal was shall be assessed upon tho property of the town : In addi- spire to reduc4> them to a more alarming condition ;. for it i s tfciafc in the present moment that the mere thsplay ° f force ries, 1 said that I ha.4 gone to inform the Ministers of the Minister tauntingly to interfere with our o w n political con- done OM speculation. At the close ofthe market, holders asked $7. tion to all this, and as a necessary prerequisite to a participa- incontestible tVnt all the increase obtained by the disconteated, results in the injury o f the public authority," ;-" WQXtid h*yo the effeetof allaying the irritation of the people, real stato of things, and thiit 1 felt confident that in a short cerns It wdll be observed, however, by comparing the last Upwards of 8,000 buahela of good Virginia Wheat were sold tion in the public money, the inhabitants of each district are i t w o u l o b e £jnpos s iW e to repress it at the moment of the time the combat would cease. In fact, I soon learnt that a extract wkh the quotation made above from Mr. Van Buren's T h e manifesto apologizes for some o f the measures o f tho required to tax themselves for building a school house, and yesterday afternoon at $1 40—and 1,200 do. prime Western at e l c c t w w , vAiOft all France would bo in movement. T h e t parliamentary messenger had been sent, but had been killed govsmment with a wishtotranquilbe public feeling, and to furnishing it with necessary fuel and appendages instructions, that Mr. M'ljme co»ld not swallow the Secre81 45. Keeper o f the Seals then said that Government had fojv«een i by the people, to whom he was unknown^at the comer of In order to have a full view o f tho operations o f our sys- mduce partisans to regard each othef without violent acriTliere in a very wnall quantity of Wheat, of any description, tem, the trustees of school districts have been required for mony. It criminates neither side with severity: but, i n a : every thing—that thoy were perfectly aware of jhe real state I t j i e H l r o e t ^ e ] a p n i x < A { \ o r tranquillizing my family, I ran tary's ussoilion, that Mr Adams had been the Jirst to assert f o f thing*--and that 1 jvte*i only tranquillize mysolf. 1 left j ^ l h c p a l a c c : the jnjQplc had been there, and had already our claim I > an equal trade to the West Indies, and that word on hand, nn<\ the stock of Flourtegreatly reduced. • the last three years to return the amount paid for teachers' truly patriotic spirit, . ums attentiontothe generaldistress andL him with the certainty that 1 should not convince him of his j ta^cn possession of^it, after committing some damage, When is the ofon exchangod. The eause of the advance in (Jrainand Ilour, i» iteputed to the wages, in each district, over and abeve the sum received from suftenng* ofthe the country. Agriculture lat^rajahes, comf*f<p Hi thinking that the people would retuni to order a s t ] a r r ived sovernl porspns crime to meet roe, and desirod rfcant Intelligence from Gibj-altar. A highly respectable house the state treasury, from the town tax and from the local school merce has been destroyed, public a u t h o r i t y ^ despised, and W e hav< now finished our ungrateful task in exposing the has lost that redpcet.wtihout which it is inefiectual. T h e treafto^a£?/»vor they saw bayonets pointed at them. I went to m n l o Oliver up the guns which wero deposited in the recf this city received a letter dated at Gibraltar, December 4th, fnnd. Seven hundred and forty-two towns and wards have sury is drainetl by extraordinary oxpenaes, the army i s i n a The paiar* « f J ^ C o u r t s , and some o f the members of tho ju- ^ t r y 0 f t h e court. I replied that I could not do so ; degrading jneami employed to obtain for ns what our Minister yhlcli says it wua reported that Malta had been swept to supply made returns, which show a total amount paid by the patrons state of disorganization, tlie liberty o f tho press has becoma dicial body having cVirsyteseemeattho office of the law offi-[ t h a t these guns were depositod by sportsmen, who were himself calls an act of justice,—here are his words :•=— of the common schools, besides the public monoys received e Ionian Inlands, and adds that if the report should prove true, by the school district, of $346,807 ; which added to the pub- licentiousness. Such a state o f things, the view, o f which, corn, asked me what wa»>**X»»- s « of the gnei which seeined found without authorization ; that they were unfit for use, " This she may do without any rifik as to the future ; and o market of Gibraltar would be affected. lic money, makes an aggregate of $586,520 paid for teachers.' has incited Gen. Barragan to make an appeal to toe nation, overwhelm m e : J rf>p^n:.>dto^ri^a my conversation with and might bo productive of accidents, and that they must with the certainty, that while doing an ort of justice, to a wac:es alone in tho common schools of t h e state. 3*. '-bethinks will be regarded with similar feelings b y . the N a *» Minister, and I &*Uh*l that his appnreft* Jntnmulhty was not incur the odium of having violated a public deposit, friendly P^wer, and relieving it from an invidious exclusion \ Ashes.—Tlie stock of Ashee in this market on tlie lf»t Jauuarv tional Congress, tho supreme government, the State Legislafor m« a greater consternation. In the evening, about half- without deriving any advantage from it. They then Tbus.it will be seen, that where tho state, or t h e revenue tures, Judges, the Clergy, military Chief, proprietors -fit.Mhe from nrl va ntages allowed to all other Nations, sho is ooittrihu- B30, Was . . brls. 4500 pftttsix^ freturnod home; I heard a noise in the direction of to]d rrjo that they knew there were moro than 100,tinccmntetially to the prosperity of her Possessions in the I Received up to 31st December, 1830, . 42700 of the school fund pays one dollar for tenchenT wages, tho son, merchants and all citizens; all w d l see their rem|»ocal the nie Richelvm : and as the house I inhabit is nqi in this 000 froncy' worth of gold and silver articles, which had inhabitant o f the t o w n , b y a t a x on his property, pays 1,25 and individual interests in tliis primary step,as t h e p e a c a e f West Indies." street, I went out jnorder to discover the cause of theiiimult. h«^n seizedfornot having tlit) &uthori»<ed mnrk, and (leposit47200 cen^, and by voluntary contribution in his district 3 46 cents soetety and hanaony amongst its members are essential jp t h e I^t the government get what credit thoy can from this ne- y h i c h wore disposed of aa follown All the inhabitants of the rue Travorsiore were at their win- w\ in the registry, that evil-disposed persons might take adfor the same object, antl the local fund amounts to an average stability of all." , . • , , . '^ --'; r v? "'+:, brb Exported hence, dows, looking towards the rna Richelieu. Ail of n sudden vantage of the moment to take possession of them, that it was gotiation. Time will show whether bur ideas of this trade ?52?? of 15 cents raorc.t u Taken for home use, - 10871 w e heard behind us a discharge of pi.<tols. Several lijnrers neces5oryto guard these articles, and that sentinels ought to are eorrccL In the mean time, no American who is not surA s th© object b far from a design to e s t a b U s h a l e g i S l i i T h e foregoing results are given from actual returns and Btock on hand 1st Januory'^ 453-1, 13000 had just entered the rue Travcrsicrc, by the little street op- be placed, with the arms which were there, (aw their bad contive body, being only to secure peeee by means appropriate may be rehed upon. They exhibit only the sum paid for posite the pa««age St. Gillsume. And although IhQ<! seen dition would not. be known) and they would serve to awe rounded by the dark and poisonous atmosphere of party, will brlff. 47200 teachers' wages, which is le«« than half the expense incurred to a citizen,l have conceived thatnomin^^wouJUtbetterceiln o mobjn the street, nor hward any tumult, nor even a cry j tlm ill-intontionod. They entered tho registry, took tho guns, e v e r r l a s i i t with any of that numerous diplomatic corres- df which, as we have, before, stated, 9000 barrels are Tots, and for supporting tlie common schools, as will be seen by thetduce to secure these objects than a junta_ composed of eighbehind me, already th^ce persons had been killed at their j a n ( j guiinled the place faithfully. None of the objects of pondence which has conferred imperishable honor on Ame- •1300 barrels are Pea r*». en citizens, generally known for then- mteUigence, public following estimate : Pots. Pecrle. window*. T w o of them, a foreigner ami hi* wife, were on j value were taken. 1 went afterwards to the residence of the rican negotiators. But Mr. Van Buren does not care for the The average between the whole number of district*, and thaw; services and merited confideace, to ^^PP<«9^T^^Bafy^ Exported in 1880; to-Havre, • 9939 1444 which have made returns, deducting ,22 for New-\ork, ziv<;« the state gOveraiuewts, bishops, and generals o f tjie aitny, t h e balcony <jf tho Hotel (h% Grand Balcon. One reeeiv- i First President; I left the ordinance with him, and we agreed u, •« *• Holland, 9277 honor of his country. He has had tho singular effrontery tbi 1096 8824 ; this number of school houses, at an average, price ofyi'TO torts IM}\ in the back of the head, and the other in the s i d e — i wti to execute it, [To be (xmfinutd. with three substitutes more, as follows:: _£-;,; ••-'-. -J:«:-?:< •,/•• (( 107« Other ports, 1494 each, would show a; capital of :? 1,761,800; udd to .this tho cowt of avow,oflicially, in the instructions to Mr. McLsnc, that t l u / Ano*d mm w a s killed at tlie window of a house at a litde j • • •••—•—— T h e mitred Goveraors {Bishops) o f Mexico, J a j u ^ J G i the school houses and their appendage* in New-York:, SlKJ^c'e, brls. 1929G distance froift tfte one in which I resitle, and a lady had her PASSENGERS. neeotiatim " H A S B E A R I N G S A N D R E L A T I O N S 4HM and it Rives a total of 81,928,230 vented in school hou*ea, w h i c V choaeanj Puebls, O^iaca and Yucatan, and for substitutes Exported In 1S°/J, 21242 6959 at an interest of 6 per cent., would h<* . , Sll5J6fJ4 l)rs. JUSJI Cayetano PortagaL jLwisMendjzuvalaiad Jose IBUv packetship DeRbam, sailed yesterday for Havre : T H A T R E A C H B E Y O N D T H E I M M E D I A T E QUES'•' 1828, • Annual expense 01 books for 40-'\43-l i»clh»lars, at GO cents ria Santiago. "•'.'• ••"» '/-''•'"' •'•';'^^ ield, Esfj.,'lady and children, Messrs. Town, Kskor, T I O N I N D E R D I S C U S S I O N . " The frcretarj/ Aojxsto mm 1S27, r»7ia each, . . . • . . . 219,717 " Generali AtwsiacioJBustaraeiiie, V i a e n t e " . Q i M t i M ^ ^ 1 Doncourt, of New-York ; Messrs. Julius Item's ire, 1*20, • 12746 j 792fi Fuel for 8846 school*, «t?10i'iirh, . . . . «S,4/50 colas Hravo. fxiiacio Rayoa, Antonio Lopez d s Santana a i ^ ^nalned o*ii«,and they all flew u* amis, in order to defond Paul, Thomas, and J. Prarat, of Fmnce-, J. Schnzenbuck, ami! hiniself of it in his struggle for the Ptrsidency S—and it '•** lttift, • 19518 S054 Amount of public monev paid for u-aciiers' wagew. 239,713 -lose Secundo Csrvajal; and substitates Manuel deSljet aria thaB#erv«. In the morning of the following day (Wodnes- Ksq. of Germany ; Messrs. Baudard, Bradhurst, and Ba- was pro! »ably an oversight, when he was selecting n c h "ox24*09 [Mere. Adv. Amount paid in the districts for teachers' wages, besides d a v j I returned to the Palace at a very early hour. I wked tlfiul, of Paris. , ''r-^J^gm. public money, . . . tracts" i siXH these instructions as ho could venture > lay be-, 346,807 Teran, Luis Cottazar and Jose Pigaeroa. tssm . s e v e r a l times Hat the King's Attorney. H e had not arrived. " T h e C^onciliatory Junta should bo convoked b y the ConEstimating in same ratio for 43 towns which have not fore the people, that he permitted the precious c nfession D I E D . T After I had examined the correspondence, which consisted of 21,308 cress, and its assemblage might be held with convenie»« KALEg THIS PAY AT THE STOCK EXCHANGE. r. returned the amount over and above public money, Last evening, H A N N A H , in&ht daughter o f James A. Wilabove-quoted, to see the light. o n e o r t w o lette»,)l was informed that the Prefect o f Police 27 a'.mros United States Bonk, . . , - 12.^ iuidwithsecu^atCWrente^^ • J%1 061 699 ldn, aged 4 months and 16 days. , . . , , . . - . J2tV w a s seoding to their homes all the persons employed in/ hu» 20 do do Manhattan Bank, closing, i t s h o u l d d i s s o ^ a n d «ahmU 1^ l a ^ m m themition 252T> T> Ao • i .• -• 9S * When Napoleon was Emperor of France, end General v Yest^rtt^y afternoon, Mr. W I L L I A M S H A N N O N , in the 40th showings total amount of one millionslxty^onethouwmd six hun- al Congress. And to inspire greater confidence i n an act o do City Bank, offices T h e persons in the employ of the law officers of the • The census of children residing in the districts, includes all such solemnity, and to promote its happy influence a s far ai Armstrong our Minister a* St. Cloud, Champelgny hi il the au- year of his age. m do Greenwich Bank, , - . . -. -. •103., Crown wMiedtoretire. I followed them^ndreturned home. l in t d 97. 100 do Butohertf and Drovers' Bunk, dacity to say in one of his letters, that the U n i t ^ States Yesterday afternoon, MAROARTET A N N , daughter o f Mr. ^P**^** *" r ? S °i 3 w« heretofore; in consequence of possible, it would be o f great unportance thatthe soverehS A t h a t f p « r t t w o o'clock a gendarme disguised came from this, the^census of the children more nearly equalsThe whole do do . •. • - :»7f so do were no nation at a l l ! And the insult was not James AnderBon,aged 13 years. Che Palace with alettorformo, for which M. Gipod de 1 ten, number taught, than in former years. Excluding the clttaj of congress should take ^ . < > m ; ; i M ^ ^ 20 do do do • "-. -»".. • 99 President o f the eoort o f Assixes, had {riven a Jecetpt, and Yosterday inorrrinig, M I L T O N B . S M I T H , aged 8 years, SSKS^tA* 101 do * W **&*%%?**be O r n a t e , W i t l e i t v e s S K A o f arms until theyshall have.deaided^ The Storm.-*.It will be seen by an article in a si . . , yoT •:«••£ youngest son o f James Sra.th. , w h i c h he sent to me. T h e letter wns addro5»c<l to the At20 do Firemen*' Insurance Co. . 492,451 children between 5and 16^and491,368 children tauihtMohawk <& Hudsen Rait Road Co, . I3d| column that the Steam-boat Macdonough, was dri tomey-General b y t h a Keeper of the Seals and omuained the Yesterday ^briung* B E N J A M I N F R A N K L I N , son o f Isaac PALES OP REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION, ordinance coant«si«nad by the Prince de Polignac, declaring Roades,Senior, deceased,in the.7th year o f hisage. during the late gale, and probably will be lost, By James BUeeker.—iwn.X^. femmascataof .£g*. h w a s a l » emomed *>. rnak^it O n Monday w e n i n r last, alter a painful illness, at the - 3 S S S ? S ^ i S N ^ ^ ^ d J h V sentence, but eaanot from M r. Redfleld, that the Steam-boat Comme: Lot, corner of Broadway and Plfth-*tre«t, 2$ by 200fcot, $6,900 known to the first President and to the tnbunal of the Fjrst weidenee o f bar aon,>Mr. Eliaa J i Hnlip, Mraf H A N N A H By M. Iloffman 4* Sons-rJan. 17. S S r ^ cSLjLdf feSthy conjvif Hflew out at the ^ 1 ^ yesterdiiy, at the foot of Sprir^«t«oet, fi*» Po Jjtgtwx, A s I w w readb»0 thj* dispatch another (hsguised Steamboat Baltimore, P H I L I P , boTn i n Aiwterdam, age4T5yeam t , , , . . . . . , . , , , $7,500 $ ? . • ' . • • • • : • . : " ' » : - . • > ' • ' . : ' " ' • ' . . ' . : ' . . ' • ' . ' : • • . ' ' ' I %&/• m a*g• » * * . jm l/Ml,M,M MM! I» P*fc — A M «w»ii ,ji t ^•s-jU;,.;. fa., ! . • < • I> f^imeL&t <•', ±A&tm**'-$': idmstSifm z&JJ Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com \m<•*<:~±*2?#* .*-...., .<•;• i
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