The Pilgrim Road to Trondheim

New book
The Pilgrim Road to Trondheim
Oslo to Nidaros Cathedral
Alison Raju
This is a guide to the 643km Pilegrimsleden from Oslo to Trondheim (describing the route on both sides of Lake Mjøsa), designed
to meet the needs of the individual walking pilgrim. It is addressed
to the pilgrim who walks alone or with only one or two companions,
who walks without a leader to guide him/her and who walks
without back-up transport. This guidebook is primarily aimed at
the “long-haul” pilgrim, whether Norwegian or foreign, who walks
from Oslo to Nidaros in a single journey, many of whom are not
experienced walkers.
Map by eMap
The actual route description then follows. This is divided into four
main sections: the Eastern Route, the Western Route, Lillehammer to Hjerkinn and Hjerkinn to Nidaros Cathedral. The guide
­provides step-by-step walking instructions. It runs from one place
to the next, beginning with the distance from the previous one, its
height and population where known, a list of the facilities ­available
and finally the history and places of interest. Updated maps –
mostly at a scale of 1:100,000 – illustrate the route. The facilities
and “sights” are given in italics, to differentiate them from the
route-finding instructions, which then follow in normal type. For
The introduction covers the history and background of the
­pilgrimage, topography and language, preparation, equipment,
how to get there and back, a section titled “being there” (details
of the pilgrim centres, accommodation, public holidays etc.,) and
another called “Using this guide” (waymarking, maps, textual
­description, abbreviations etc.).
… to the gravel road behind the blue house – this is Smerudstugu­
vegen. Continue ahead along this for 750m to a junction with the
Fåberg Menighetshus bus stop in
Museumsforlaget | Trenerys gate 9, NO-7042 Trondheim, Norway | Phone + 47 47 47 87 47 |
2 km Fåberg sentrum 230 m (235/423) Pilgrim accommodation in
Fåberg Menighetshus opposite bus stop, on Carl Haugens vei 2
(tel. 41 66 76 87 + 61 27 08 88, 01/06–15/09, CF). Supermarket
Cross over and continue along the Thomas Jørstads veg ­(signpost­ed
“Fåberg Skytehall,” a shooting club). Pass former Fåberg railway
station, veer R uphill to farm machinery factory and 20m before road
fork L down grassy FP ahead (not on gravel track to L), veering L and
then R below woods.
KSO in a straight line, // to road (above R) and railway line (below L).
Cross FB over river and KSO. Just before fence turn R uphill, veer L
up bank and turn hard R up gravel track in front of you to road by bus
stop. Turn L …
Appendixes provide brief details of other routes in the Nidaros
pilgrim network, a list of suggestions for further reading and
useful websites, a glossary of Norwegian vocabulary dealing with
geo­graphy, toponomy and practical matters such as food and
accommo­dation as well as indexes of maps and place names.
The author, Alison Raju, has recently re-walked the entire route
herself. She was the author of the 2001 edition of Pilgrim Road
to Nidaros and has also written guidebooks to pilgrim routes to
­Santiago de Compostela and Rome.
NOK 290 ISBN 9788283050042 Paperback 256 pp Book size 13 x 19 cm ORDERS:
Please send an email to
Museumsforlaget | Trenerys gate 9, NO-7042 Trondheim, Norway | Phone + 47 47 47 87 47 |