Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 Reign of Christ Sunday Seasonal Colour: White Greeters: Dale Beare & Diane Lyons Nursery: Nancy Davis/Andrea Gillan Accompanist: David Parisi Media Console: Bryan Cox & Colin Prince Refreshments: Bruce & Marian McIntyre Musical Prelude Word of Greeting Call to Worship (on screen) Lighting of the Christ Candle Sung Response “Come and Fill Our Hearts” #16 MV Prayer of Confession (unison - on screen) Words of New Life * Hymn “Know That God is Good” #104 MV (sung 3X) Children’s Message Rev. Isaac Mundy Lord’s Prayer (unison) Response “You Shall Go Out With Joy” #884 VU Ministry of Music “Christ Be in My Waking”, by Larry Shackley Siloam Choir, featuring Beth Roberts Prayers of the People Invitation “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying” #400 VU Scripture Lessons Reader: Jo-Anne Richards Jeremiah 32:1-15 and John 16:17-20 Response “Now Thank We All Our God” #236 VU * Hymn “O God of Every Nation” #677 VU Message “Jeremiah: Part IV - The Man Who Bought a Field in a War Zone” Life and Work of the Church Good News Moments The Offering * Offertory Hymn “God of Love” on screen * Offertory Prayer (unison - on screen) * Hymn “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” #651 VU * Commissioning & Benediction * Sung Response “We Shall Go Out With Hope of Resurrection” #586 VU Musical Postlude * congregation is invited to stand as you are able Siloam United Church seeks to be an inclusive welcoming community. Our baptism, communion, membership and marriage rites are open to all who seek to walk in the way of Christ regardless of age, gender, race or sexual orientation. Rev. Sheila Macgregor, Lead Minister & Minister of Worship & Pastoral Care Rev. Isaac Mundy, Minister of Youth, Young Adults & Families Kerry Stover, Minister of Visitation Rev. Stan McDonald, Minister Emeritus Rev. Wib Dawson, Minister Emeritus Dr. Todd Wieczorek, Director of Music Erin Salter, Administrative Assistant LIFE & WORK Sunday, November 23, 2014 10:30am Worship & Sunday School 11:45am Refreshments in Narthex Monday, November 24, 2014 9:00am Quilters - O’Brien-Sproule LC 9:30am Early Years - Tolpuddle Hall Tuesday, November 25, 2014 9:30am Bible Study - O’Brien-Sproule LC Wednesday, November 26, 2014 9:30am Line Dancing. Cost: $4.75 1:00pm Bridge – O’Brien-Sproule LC Thursday, November 27, 2014 10:00am Grief Group-O’Brien-Sproule LC 7:30pm Choir Rehearsal Friday, November 28, 2014 10am Study Group - O’Brien-Sproule LC From the Treasurer… Operating deficit as of October 31st is -33,880.99 A WARM WELCOME TO ALL, especially to those who are visiting with us for the first time! We trust this service will be a blessing to you & yours. Please join us following worship for refreshments. We invite you to sign the guest book & make yourselves known to the greeters. ***** The sympathy of the congregation is extended to Amie & Mark Donais & their family on the recent loss of Amie’s father, Jack Eskra. We also extend our condolences to Marilyn Lefeuvre & her family on the recent loss of her mother-in-law. ***** We are delighted to welcome Mr. Kerry Stover as our new Minister of Visitation at Siloam. Kerry brings lots of experience & many gifts to this important ministry & we are thrilled that he is going to be a part of our Siloam ministry team & church family. Kerry begins his ministry the week of November 24th. ***** White Gift & Mitten Tree Sunday - November 30th We will be holding our annual Mitten Tree event with not only gifts of mittens, scarves and hats, but also socks for men, women and children. We are also collecting toiletries, personal items, and gift cards for Men’s Mission, Rotholme Women’s Shelter, My Sister’s Place, and Sir John A. MacDonald P.S. We encourage everyone to reach out to families in need during this Christmas season. You may wrap your gifts at home or we will provide white bags for you in the Narthex that morning. ***** Christmas Eve 2014 - 4pm Children & Family Service & 8pm Carols & Candlelight Service, including special music from the Siloam Choir & Siloam Sounds Bell Choir. ***** Upcoming Communion Services: Sunday, December 7th, 2014 - Advent II & Sunday, January 4th, 2015 ***** Note: Erin will be out of the office on Monday, November 24. Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who have covered in happy to know the cost is only $10.00 for all subscriptions (a 50% reduction). Our deadline is December 8 - please put your cash or cheque in an envelope & print your name, address, & “Observer” on the front. Take advantage of this reduced price & consider giving the Observer as a Christmas gift, or even as a gesture of thanks. If you have any questions you can talk to Erin or Jim Sweitzer. ***** From the Trustees...This year we have witnessed a great number of deaths of members of our congregation. The Board of Trustees wishes to acknowledge & thank those individuals who have made generous contributions to the Siloam United Church “Celebration of Life & Memorial Gift Fund” in memory of those departed. ***** The Gifts With Vision catalogue is here! Why not give an alternative gift this Christmas or for special occasions all year long? These gifts make wonderful options for teachers, baby showers, graduations, anniversaries, birthdays & more! Catalogues are available in the Narthex. ***** Coffee Servers A schedule for 2015 for those interested in serving coffee/juice after church is being created. Many, many thanks to everyone who is already a member of this group! If you are not on the team and would like to be involved in this area, please let Peggy Rivard (519-433-7465) know. We can fit you into the rotation at the time of the year that you prefer. Members of Congregational Life would assist you the first time you are scheduled to make sure you feel comfortable in this position. It's a wonderful way to meet people...and don't forget we have a dishwasher for cleanup!! ***** Siloam’s 6th Annual Turkey/Ham Drive is underway! Order forms are available in the Narthex - due by November 29th. ***** Siloam Soul Groove Choir - Attention school aged youth who love to sing, or would like to learn! We meet Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:15am with music teacher, Carla Lord, & perform once a month. For more info, please contact the office. ***** Plunger to Picture will start up again in April 2015. Stay tuned for more information! If interested please contact Jim Bristow @ 519 453 3423 or ***** "Jesus Christ: Who Is This Man? The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus". Video based John Ortberg Bible Study. 5 Sessions Only: Tuesday, November 18th to Tuesday, December 16th, 9:30-11:30am in the O’Brien-Sproule LC. ***** Open Mic Coffee House - Play a tune, read a poem, sing a song, or just sit back and enjoy the fun with other high school aged youth! Mark your calendars for November 28th for our next coffee house taking place at the Family-Centre Carling Thames at 335 Belfield. This month’s theme: Time to Unwind. ***** Forest City Singers present “’Tis the Season” on Friday, December 5th at 7:30pm here at Siloam. Tickets are $15 & are available in the narthex or from Erin in the office. Proceeds are shared between the Forest City Singers & Siloam. ***** Friendship Club - Tuesday, December 9th - annual Christmas pot-luck dinner. Social time at 6pm with dinner at 6:30pm. After dinner speaker will be Rev. Barry Moore, who will share stories from his ministry. Please bring hot dish, salad or dessert to share & please bring your own dishes, cups & cutlery. Contact Bob & Barb Neal if you have questions (519-641-4164). ***** Christmas Share for Marconi Community. The following are ways in which you can participate in this program: 1) Sponsor a Marconi family (call Nancy Howard at 519 451-3709 for a family; 2) purchase grocery, drug, or gift cards; 3) If purchasing a turkey from Siloam's Turkey fundraiser with the intention of donating the turkey, consider donating to Marconi family through Nancy. All three of these ways can benefit Siloam as well as a deserving Marconi family. Thanks ~Sharon Ashton ***** ELUCO (East London United Church Outreach) Food Cupboard is always in need of non-perishable food items, including cereal. The food cupboard is open Wednesdays & Fridays from 9:30am-noon. Contact Sharon Ashton, 519-455-9385 if you are interested in volunteering. In October, the Food Cupboard served 61 families (91 adults & 42 children). ***** NEW STUDY GROUP STARTING MID-JANUARY, 2015: "Three Simple Questions: Knowing the God of Love, Hope and Purpose” - a Six-Week DVD Based Bible Study open to all interested adults. No previous knowledge of the Bible required. Join us for a time of sharing, learning, laughter and fellowship on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Please contact Erin in the office to order a book ($11 per copy). Orders to be into Erin not later than December 9th. For more information, please speak to Sheila or email her at You may also use the sign-up sheet in the narthex & indicate your desire to purchase a book. *****
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