Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 23, 2014 WELCOME TO BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH PASTOR Fr. John Marie Bingham, OP, 206-547-3020 frjohnmarie@bspwa.org PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Francis Hung-Le, OP, 206-547-3020 fle@bspwa.org PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Marcin Szymanski, OP, 206-547-3020 mszymanski@bspwa.org PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Debbie Gonzalez 206-732-7340, dgonzalez@bspwa.org OFFICE ASSISTANT Patricia Denend 206-732-7355, pdenend@bspwa.org DIRECTOR, LITURGY Jesson Mata 206-732-7343, jmata@bspwa.org DIRECTOR, FAITH FORMATION AND EVANGELIZATION Walt Sears 206-732-7345, wsears@bspwa.org We strive to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our life of prayer centered on the Eucharist and through the formation of our members for evangelization and loving service to others. BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH 5050 8th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 (Office) Phone: 206-547-3020 Fax: 206-547-6371 Website: blessed-sacrament.org - Email: info@blessed-sacrament.org Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM -12:00 Noon, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM The church is open daily from 6:00 AM until 7:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 5:45 PM Monday 5:30 PM Tuesday 8:00 AM Weds - Friday 8:00 AM, 5:30 PM Saturday 8:00 AM, 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days 5:30 PM (Vigil), 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM NEWMAN CENTER at the University of Washington DIRECTOR, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Marilyn Thornton 206-355-6540, mthornton@bspwa.org 4502 - 20th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98015 Phone: 206-527-5072 Website: www.uwnewman.org DIRECTOR, OUTREACH Nina Butorac 206-732-7351, nbutorac@bspwa.org MASS SCHEDULE DIRECTOR, FACILITIES Gary McDonald 206-732-7366, gmcdonald@bspwa.org Weekdays 12:35 PM (excluding Wednesdays) Wednesday 9:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 9:00 PM FACILITIES ASSISTANT Aaron O’Bryan-Herriott 206-547-3020 ORGANIST Laura Ouimette 206-659-9251 Laura.ouimette@gmail.com PRAYER TREE AND PRAYER REQUESTS Call 206-732-7350, or email prayertree@bspwa.org LITURGY OF THE HOURS AND THE ROSARY Morning and Evening Prayer: 7:25 AM and 5:10 PM Rosary: following morning and Monday evening Masses ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Tuesday-Saturday 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM Every Friday from 8:00 PM to Saturday 8:00 AM Door combination required from 8:00PM TO 6:00AM Contact Jesson Mata 206-732-7343, jmata@bspwa.org SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Monthly communal Baptisms during Mass or by appointment. Call the Parish Office at 206-547-3020. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Thursdays after the 8:00 AM Mass; Saturdays from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM; or by appointment. Confessions at the Newman Center: Sunday 4:00 - 4:45 PM, 6:15 - 6:45 PM Wednesday 8:00 - 9:00 PM SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Contact Marilyn Thornton mthornton@bspwa.org SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK After Sunday Mass or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact the Parish Office for more information. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Contact Marilyn Thornton mthornton@bspwa.org DOMINICAN FRIARS IN RESIDENCE Fr. Jordan Bradshaw, OP frjordan@uwnewman.org Director, Newman Center Prior Superior of Dominican Community Fr. Lukasz Misko, OP frlukasz@uwnewman.org Assistant Director, Newman Center Thanksgiving Day Mass Thursday, November 27 - 10:00 AM Bring a food item to be blessed for your table, and an item to share for the Friday Food Bank. The collection from the Thanksgiving Mass will be given to the Street Youth Ministry, for those struggling with homelessness here in the University District. There will be no other Masses celebrated on November 27, and no confessions. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY OF BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH Emergency Assistance: Call 206-930-6439. Please leave your name, phone number, and the details of your situation and request. Response usually occurs within 24 hours. Sunday Dinner and Food Bank: Dinner is served Sundays 12:00 noon 2:00 PM. Food Bank is open Fridays 10:30 AM - 12:00 noon. For further information about the dinner or food bank, or to make a donation or volunteer, email John Morford at jmorf1933@comcast.net or visit the Parish website at www.blessed-sacrament.org/svdp.html All Souls Remembrance Each day in November a Mass will be offered for the dead. These Masses are not offered for any particular individual, but rather for all of the deceased. If you would like to commemorate a loved one, please sign up by using the envelopes that are available in the bulletin racks at entrances to the Church. congratulations We welcome into our community those recently November 16, 2014 James Emmanuel Jens Ocoma, son of Albert and Susan Ocoma Mass intentions SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 7:30 AM Parishioners of Blessed Sacrament 9:00 AM Nancy Temkin (Sara Wellnitz) 10:30 AM All Souls Intentions 12:00 Noon Emmaline Louise O’Gorman (Louise O’Gorman Soltow) 5:45 PM Terrence Gleason M.D. (The Klekotka Family) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24 5:30 PM All Souls Intentions TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 8:00 AM All Souls Intentions WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 8:00 AM Fr Urey Patrick Mark SVD (Jarrett Datcher) 5:30 PM All Souls Intentions THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 THANKSGIVING DAY 10:00 AM All Souls Intentions FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 8:00 AM Private intention (Bernadette Bermudez) 5:30 PM All Souls Intentions SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 8:00 AM Louis & Dorothy Hon (P. Hon) 5:30 PM All Souls Intentions MASS READINGS FOR THE WEEK For the week of November 23 - 30 SUNDAY Ez 34:11-12,15-17; 1Cor 15:20-26,28; Mt 25:31-46 MONDAY Rv 14:1-3,4b-5; Lk 21:1-4 TUESDAY Rv 14:14-19; Lk 21:5-11 WEDNESDAY Rv 15:1-4; Lk 21:12-19 THURSDAY Rv 18:1-2,21-23,19:1-3,9a; Lk 21:20-28 FRIDAY Rv 20:1-4,11-21:2; Lk 21:29-33 SATURDAY Rv 22:1-7; Lk 21:34-36 SUNDAY Is 63:16b-17,19b,64:2-7; 1Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37 Calendar of parish events SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 10:00 AM Coffee Hour - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 10:30 AM Children’s Sunday School - UCDS. 10:30 AM Sunday Forum, A Mother’s Story of Raising a Child with Intellectual Challenges, with Cheryl Felak, RN BSN - TEC,UCDS. 4:00 PM 8:15 PM RCIA - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. Byrd Ensemble Compline Service - Newman Center. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24 7:00 PM Communion and Liberation - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 8:30 AM - All Day Adoration and Prayer for Life, 5:30 PM Marriage and Religious Freedom - Church. 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Prayer Liturgy for Life - Church. Advent Bible Study with Jon Talbot - Parish Hall. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 8:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 10:00 AM 7:00 PM Mom’s Prayer and Support Group - Parish Hall. St. Dominic Rosary Makers - St. Pius V, Priory. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Thanksgiving/Office Closed 10:00 AM Mass - Church. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Office Closed 10:30 AM Friday Food Bank - Parish Hall. 5:30 PM Dominican Youth Group - Church/Parish Hall. 8:00 PM Friday Adoration - Church. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 St.Vincent de Paul Collection 8:45 AM Legion of Mary - Holy Family, Sacristy. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 St.Vincent de Paul Collection 10:00 AM Advent Workshop - UCDS. 8:15 PM Byrd Ensemble Compline Service - Newman Center. COLLECTION FOR NOVEMBER 13 - 19: $ 11,341 The collection helps to support the work and ministry of Blessed Sacrament Church. Thank you for your continued generosity! The submission deadline for the Blessed Sacrament Bulletin is at the end of day on Friday, nine days prior to the publication weekend. Please submit articles and suggestions to bulletin@bspwa.org. Parish events Parish events Advent Matters: Thanksgiving Day Blessings and Food Drive Making the Most of the Season November 18 - December 16 Tuesday Evenings, 7:00 - 8:30 PM - Parish Hall Facilitator: Jon Talbot Each Advent the Church invites us to embrace again the coming of Christ at his birth, his final coming at the end of time, and his continual coming and presence in our lives. During this first season of the liturgical year, we are called to renew Christ’s presence in our lives by joyful, holy remembering, wide-eyed expectation, and good preparation. We invite you to make the most of the Advent Season by joining us on these five Tuesday evenings. We will explore the lectionary texts and other classic Advent writings. Our format includes a presentation, discussion, and quiet reflection. No required texts, but please bring your Bible. For more information, contact Walt Sears at 206-732-7345 or wsears@bspwa.org. A Time For God For Life, Marriage, and Religious Freedom Tuesday, November 25 The US Bishops are urging prayer, especially Eucharistic Holy Hour and daily rosary, for the protection of life, marriage, and religious freedom in our nation. In response, on every last Tuesday of the month we will expose the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration, beginning after the 8:00 AM Mass, and continuing throughout the day, including the 5:30 PM Prayer Liturgy for Life. Everyone is invited to join us in prayer on Tuesday, November 25, in the church. Come when you are able and stay for as long as you like. SUNDAY FORUM, and COFFEE & CONVERSATION The Sunday Forum and Coffee and Conversation sessions meet in the Teacher Education Center (TEC) at UCDS School from 10:30 - 11:45 AM. Nov 23 A Mother’s Story of Raising a Child with Intellectual Challenges Presenter: Cheryl Felak, RN BSN Nov 30 Advent Workshop (Thanksgiving weekend) No Sunday School or Forum classes Dec 7 Coffee & Conversation Hosted by the Peace and Justice Committee Dec 14 Catholic Christmas Traditions Worth Preserving Presenter: Syd C’deBaca On Thanksgiving Day, November 27, we invite you to join us for Mass at 10:00 AM. Please bring a food item from your family table to be blessed at Mass. We also invite you to bring some non-perishable food items for those who attend our St. Vincent de Paul Friday Food Bank. The collection for Thanksgiving Day will be given to Street Youth Ministry, and designated to assist those homeless families who are living on the streets here in the University District, and within our Parish boundaries. Thank you for caring and sharing! Let's Go Caroling! The season of Christmas is rapidly approaching and it's time to spread some Christmas cheer! We will gather on Thursday, December 11, at 6:15 PM, in the Margaret of Savoy Room of the Priory (5041 - 9th Ave NE) to enjoy some hot drinks and treats, then we will go caroling in the neighborhood around the church. We expect to finish by about 7:45 PM. Please dress warmly and bring a flash light. Caroling door-to-door requires a degree of mobility, so this activity might not be well suited for very young children and those with limited mobility. Contact Walt Sears for questions or to register at wsears@bspwa.org or 206-732-7345. ADVENT CONCERT The Tallis Scholars Thursday, December 4, 7:30 PM in the Church. The world-renowned, London-based Tallis Scholars return to Seattle with an Advent-themed program of Renaissance vocal works by William Byrd, Josquin Desprez and Edmund Turges. Join director Peter Phillips and his ten singers for what will surely be an incredible performance. Tickets available at www.tudorchoir.org. The Tallis Scholars are co-presented by the Tudor Choir and Blessed Sacrament Church. Parish events Advent Workshop Sunday, November 30 Please join us in the making of Advent wreaths and other crafts at our Advent Workshop, in the Interconnections room at UCDS, from 10:00 AM until 12:00 noon, next Sunday, November 30. Bring the kids, everyone is encouraged to attend! Advent Sale of Nativity Sets Sunday, November 30 Come and see these unique sets of nativity sets, crafted by artisans from around the world, and presented by Ten Thousand Villages, a Fair Trade participant and non -profit retailer. The sets will be displayed at our Advent Workshop this coming weekend. Join us! Contact Marilyn Thornton, at 206-355-6540 at mthornton@bspwa.org for details. Legion of Mary Bake Sale - “Taste and See” December 7 at Coffee and Conversation Help support the Legion of Mary by visiting their “Taste and See” Advent Bake Sale, which will be held at our Coffee and Conversation gathering on December 7, from 10:00 AM until 12:00 Noon, and after all Sunday morning Masses in the north and south exit landings of the Church. The Legion of Mary is raising funds to purchase Lighthouse Media CDs and DVDs, as well as a distribution kiosk for the parish’s evangelization efforts. You can be a part of this important ministry, and bring home some goodies for your family! Please join us. The CDs and DVDs will make wonderful holiday gifts for family and friends, and are great evangelization tools. Our Lady of Guadalupe Spanish Mass and Potluck Friday, December 12 Join Fr. Francis Le, OP, and Pan de Vida for a celebration in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The 5:30 PM Mass will be celebrated in Spanish (the Ordinary, only), followed by a Potluck Dinner in the Parish Hall at 6:30 PM, with music, a piñata for the kids, and perhaps a little dancing. Everyone is invited! We ask that you please bring a dish to share with others, if you are able. For more information, contact Nina Butorac at 206-732-7351 or nbutorac@bspwa.org. We can always use help setting up and decorating the hall. local events In the Steps of Ignatius: Ignatian Spirituality for Men Simply waiting: The Utter Simplicity of Advent Thursday, December 4, 7:00 - 9:00 PM St. Joseph Parish Center The beauty and power of Advent is its utter simplicity, bare-bone stillness and waiting. That simplicity is also endangered, nearly overwhelmed with the din of a coming holiday season blaring weeks before its arrival. The Utter Simplicity of Advent will offer time to gather in early Advent to relish some quiet, some prayer, and reflection on the “Close-come Mystery” that approaches us. During this Advent liturgy, there will be time for a reflection by Peter Byrne SJ, quiet time of personal prayer, and reflection together on our hopes for ourselves, our loved ones and our waiting world. Please RSVP. Contact Andrea Fontana, at andrea@ignatiancenter.org or 206-329-4824. AN ADVENT EVENING OF PRAYER "The Word Dwells Within Us" Tuesday, December 9, 7:00 - 9:00 PM St. Joseph Church Enter into the Advent Season by joining us for a quiet contemplative experience of prayer using all of the senses. Be transported into the story of the Annunciation through light, darkness, Word, silence, music, art, poetry and contemporary storytelling. Contemplate in the Advent story your own story of wonder, fear, questioning, acceptance, and trust in the One who becomes flesh and dwells within us! Artists, musicians and storytellers include: Jennifer Kelly, Tad Monroe, Maria Ochoa, Carla Orlando, and Trung Pham, S.J. Admission by free will offering. Seating is first-come, first -served. An RSVP is helpful, but not necessary. For more information, visit www.ignatiancenter.org and click on "Advent Evening of Prayer." To RSVP or if you have questions, please contact Andrea Fontana at andrea@ignatiancenter.org or 206-329-4824. Sponsored by The Ignatian Spirituality Center, www.ignatiancenter.org St. Joseph Church 732 18th Ave East Seattle’s Capitol Hill Local Events Thanksgiving Dinner for Seafarers Thanksgiving Day - November 27 From 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Catholic Seafarers' Center 2330 First Avenue Seattle’s waterfront Volunteers are always needed! Please call 206-441-4773 to volunteer or to join us. Announcements St.Vincent de Paul Fifth Sunday Collection Next weekend, November 29 and 30, we will be taking up our Fifth Sunday Collection for the Blessed Sacrament Chapter of St. Vincent de Paul, to help support their work with financial assistance, the Friday Food Bank, and the Sunday Dinner programs. As is our custom, there will be only one passing of the basket. An Advent Pilgrimage The booklet, An Advent Pilgrimage: Preparing Our Hearts for Jesus, by Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, is available free to our parishioners. Copies may be found in the bulletin racks at each church entrance. Advent Devotional Booklets Peace Days for Women, "Waiting in Hope” With Sister Alexandra Kovats, CSJP Wednesday, December 10 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM St. Mary-on-the-Lake Peace and Spirituality Center 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA 98004 Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace Free-will offering. Bring a sack lunch, coffee and tea provided. We encourage you to carpool. To register or for more information contact Diane Figaro at 425-635-3603 or e-mail peace@csjp-olp.org Days of Contemplative Prayer For Women and Men With Kathleen Pruitt, CSJP Kwan Wong, Oblate OSB Cam. Saturday, December 13 9:00 AM - 12:00 noon St. Mary-on-the-Lake Chapel 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA 98004 Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace Free-will offering. If you are coming for the first time to Contemplative Prayer, please arrive at 8:30 AM for an introduction. To register or for more information, contact Diane Figaro at 425-635-3603 or e-mail peace@csjp-olp.org Please see Walt Sears in the back of the Church after Mass this weekend, and select an Advent Devotional booklet for you and your family. Knights of Columbus Christmas Card Sale Keep Christ in Christmas! Purchase religious themed Christmas cards and ornaments after all Masses, on every weekend in November. Please visit with the volunteer Knights after Mass today. You will find them in the vestibule of the Church. Compline with The Byrd Ensemble Alternating Sunday Evenings at 8:15 PM Join the Byrd Ensemble for Compline Services every Sunday, alternating between Blessed Sacrament and the Newman Center. The schedule is listed in the Calendar of Parish Events, on the second page of this bulletin. “Ninth Means North!” Arrive Northbound, Park Northbound, Exit Northbound We are requesting that all those attending Mass on Sundays, and who use 9th Avenue (for street parking or who park in the Priory Lot, to try and arrive, park and exit traveling NORTH on 9th Avenue. It will greatly reduce the congestion on that street, especially as there are often people arriving for the next Mass, and we have all seen the gridlock! Thank you for your patience and for your cooperation. Let’s try to make this plan work! Pastor’s Corner Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Book of Revelation opens a window into heaven. In the vision recorded there we see four living creatures surrounding the throne of God singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, who was and who is, and who is to come” (Revelation 4: 8; cf. Isaiah 6:3). They are ultimately joined by the entirety of creation in proclaiming God’s praise (cf. Revelation 5:13). Such scenes may seem disconnected from our daily experience. However, this worship is not meant for ethereal beings who have no relation to our lives; from all eternity God’s has designated us as participants in the joyful prayer of all the heavenly hosts. For this reason the king in today’s gospel indicates that the kingdom has been prepared for the righteous “from the foundation of the world.” In order to fulfill God’s design, though, we are called even now to join in this song of praise. As we begin the Eucharistic prayer each week, we enter into the heavenly adoration of the angels and saints exclaiming, “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts.” This makes spiritual sense given our appointed destiny; as Tertullian (c. A.D. 155-225) notes, “Therefore, we, too – future comrades of the angels, if we earn this reward – become familiar even while here on this earth with that heavenly cry of praise to God and the duty of our future glory” (On Prayer). In our Mass, we are already anticipating and participating in the heavenly liturgy worshiping Christ our King! Welcome! We welcome you to our Liturgy today and hope that you find Blessed Sacrament Church to be a warm and welcoming community. If you would like to become a member of the parish, please fill out a registration pamphlet located in the Church vestibules. You may also register on-line from our website, at www.blessed-sacrament.org. Giving Tree Gift Giving Tree You are invited to share a gift this Christmas! Blessed Sacrament parishioners are invited to participate in the Giving Tree Project again this year, sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul and Pan de Vida. Beginning November 29, a tree will be set up in the back of the church, decorated with gift request cards of two kinds: 1. Pan de Vida Envelopes requesting $15 to buy clothing for the children at Rancho Nazareth and Casa Salvatierra, two Mexican orphanages that are sponsored by Blessed Sacrament’s Pan de Vida ministry. 2. Angel, Caroler, Tree, or Star tags requesting gifts for children within our Parish, children at St. Francis House in the Central Area, needy families in our Parish and at St. Edward Parish in the Rainier Valley, and homeless adults and teens in our area. Pan de Vida Directions: Take an envelope from the tree and place $15 (cash or check) inside. Checks should be payable to Blessed Sacrament/Pan de Vida. Return envelopes to a volunteer, or in the regular collection basket at Mass. The Eucharistic liturgy is, however, not the only time that we harmonize with the blessed in heaven; we echo our grateful hymn of praise every time we humbly serve our neighbors. As St. Andrew of Crete (c. A.D. 650-712) reminds us, we “show God honor, not with olive branches but with the splendor of merciful deeds to one another” (Oratio in ramos palmarum). The gospel reinforces this truth by revealing to us that the least deeds done in service of our neighbors are actions done to Christ. This week of Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to express our praise and show our gratitude to God by recommitting ourselves to singing “Holy, Holy, Holy” not just with our voices but with our lives. Angel Directions: Remove a two-part angel tag from the tree and complete the information requested. Leave the bottom copy with the Giving Tree volunteer and return the top copy with the gift requested. Please do not wrap gifts. However, a gift of wrapping paper would be appreciated, so parents may wrap gifts for their children. Fr John Marie, OP If you would like to volunteer for the Giving Tree, please contact Joan Kirkland, at 206-542-9157, or Barbara Coté, at 206-789-5822. Caroler/Tree/Star Directions: Remove tag from tree and return your gift with the tag attached. Please do not wrap presents. Please return all gifts and donations to the Giving Tree volunteers at Mass on December 6/7 and 13/14. ALL GIFTS MUST BE RETURNED BY DECEMBER 14, SO THEY MAY BE DELIVERED BY CHRISTMAS.
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