Kim Allgot, Jeg studerer Energi og miljø (5.) med spesialisering innen elektrisk energiteknikk og smarte nett ved NTNU. Nå sitter jeg som den øverste tillitsvalgte for alle 8000 sivilingeniørstudenter ved NTNU, og var i 2013 leder av Tekna Student med over 11 000 medlemmer i Norge, med blant annet grupper i Gjøvik og Trondheim. Jeg satt i Studenttinget våren 2014 før jeg dro på utveksling til Nanyang Technological University i Singapore. Før dette var jeg tillitsvalgt ved Institutt for elkraftteknikk og medlem av Velferdstinget i Trondheim i 2012/13, og jeg var frivillig under UKA-11 og ISFiT-11, samt et engasjement i linjeforeningen EMIL. Jeg skal ikke presentere én eneste hjertesak. Ingen vet hva som dukker opp i styret den neste perioden, og jeg skal ikke love lesesalplasser eller noe annet. Men jeg er overbevist om er at jeg er godt rustet for det som dukker opp. Jeg skal være en konstruktiv fusjonsbrems for store endringer i studieprogrammene og fagmiljøene, alt som går på å slå sammen, legge ned og opprette nytt. Ting tar tid, og noen ganger er dette en svært positiv ting. Ved å kjenne NTNU svært godt, ha ledet en studentorganisasjon ved tre av fusjonspartnerne samt erfaring fra styre- og politisk påvirkningsarbeid vil jeg være en god representant i en styreperiode som skiller seg betraktelig fra tidligere år. Jeg blir omtalt som god til å spille på andre, noe som blir en styrke i det nye styret. Men jeg er avhengig av din stemme! Jeg kan kontaktes på sosiale medier eller, Tinder er stort sett unntaket da jeg har vært sammen med en fantastisk sykepleier fra HiST gjennom hele studietiden. Vi sees! Kim Kim Allgot Address: Hospitalsløkkan 9, 7012 Trondheim E-mail: Phone: +47 41 28 81 53 Born: 2.3.1990 in Oslo Qualifications Final year student qualifying for two different electric power specializations due to an additional semester of studies. Experience from a range of different organisations and companies, most of this through Tekna, where I was President of the student chapter in 2013. Named Technology Student of The Year 2015, and was ranked as one of Top 10 in 2014. Education 08.2010 – 06.2016 NTNU, Master of Science, Energy and Environmental Engineering Specialising in electric power engineering, with emphasis on electric energy conversion and electric power systems. Average grade: B 08.2014 – 12.2014 Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), Electric Power One semester of exchange, electric power, economy and management courses. 08.2009 – 05.2010 Lofoten Folkehøyskole, Nature photography 08.2006 – 06.2009 Gol vidaregåande skole Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology Experience 06.2015 – 08.2015 Multiconsult AS, Summer Intern Proposing rehabilitation concepts for a power plant in Nepal. I was the leader of the team and responsible for the electric power aspects as well as the overall progress and final delivery to the Nepalese government. 06.2014 – 07.2014 COWI AS, Summer Intern Worked for the hospital team of the electro department. Design of power supply and backup systems for surgery rooms in hospitals in the eastern parts of Norway. 06.2013 – 08.2013 Statoil ASA, Summer Intern Filtration in Excel and analysis of statuses on maintenance jobs for offshore safety and automation systems. 07.2012 – 08.2012 E-CO Energi, Summer Intern Maintenance of power stations, dams and worked at the centre of operations for all the power stations of E-CO. 06.2012 – 07.2012 Powel AS, Summer Intern Stationed in the department of Operations where I worked with the development of a new prototype for their customer website. 08.2011 – 06.2012 NTNU, Teaching assistant Circuit analysis, TET4100, fall 2015. Electrical Circuits, TFE4112, spring 2012 and spring 2015. General Chemistry, TMT4112, fall 2011. 06.2005 – 08.2011 Optimera, Salesman Sales, customer service, ordering, logistics, forklift driver and receiving goods at warehouse. Selected volunteer work 01.2015 – 12.2015 Executive Board for Engineering Education NTNU, Member Student representative responsible for all the engineering programs at NTNU, coordinating the efforts of all elected students at the faculties. We develop and maintain the high level of the engineering education and act as advisors for the Rector at the university. 01.2014 – 07.2014 Studenttinget NTNU, Representative for the IME-faculty Member of the highest political organ of the students at the university. 02.2013 – 02.2014 Tekna Student, President The student chapter of Tekna consisted of over 180 student volunteers and over 11 000 members from several higher educational institutions in Norway and abroad during my time as President. Tekna is the largest association for Science and Technology students in Norway. I lead the board of the students and acted as the head of the executive branch of student politics in Tekna. My main focus was the quality and financing of higher education especially concerning scienceand technology studies and to increase our presence in national media. 01.2013 – 01.2014 Nova 100, Ambassador in Trondheim 08.2012 – 07.2013 NTNU, Student Representative at the Department of Electric Power Engineering Development of the study programme of Energy and Environmental Engineering in addition to assisting and helping students if they encountered problems with the department, faculty or the university. 04.2012 – 01.2013 Tekna, Student Group Course Leader at NTNU/HIST The group consisted of 22 volunteer students arranging courses, lectures and seminars for our 5700 members. During my time as leader we set a record of over 2200 participants at our courses in the fall semester of 2012 (previous record was 1800). 01.2012 – d.d. Tekna, Student Representative 02.2011 – 11.2011 UKA-11, Klassisk medarbeider, responsible for logistics Responsible for most parts of the logistics for the opening concert of the festival. Responsible for all of the logistics for the “Solidarity Concert” in Nidarosdomen with soloist Arve Tellefsen. 11.2010 – 03.2011 International Student FestiT 2011, Chauffeur Other Technology Student of the Year 2015 Top 10, Technology Student of the year 2014 Media training course, Svabø & Aanonsen AS, 1-day duration
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