Fishing Guide Fishing Guide Contents General Fishing Information ................................................ 4 Basic Fishing Knots ............................................................... 6 Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve Buffalo Creek Reservoir ...................................................... 7 Captain Daniel Wright Woods Forest Preserve Wright Woods Pond ............................................................. 8 Your Lake County Forest Preserves Des Plaines River Greenway ................................................ 9 Fox River Forest Preserve Fox River ................................................................................ 10 Grant Woods Forest Preserve Rubber Duck Pond ............................................................... 11 Greenbelt Forest Preserve Dugdale Lake ........................................................................ 12 Pulaski Lake .......................................................................... 13 Half Day Forest Preserve Half Day Pond ....................................................................... 14 Hastings Lake Forest Preserve Hastings Lake ........................................................................ 15 Independence Grove Forest Preserve The Lake at Independence Grove ....................................... 16 Lake Carina Forest Preserve Lake Carina ........................................................................... 18 Lakewood Forest Preserve Banana Lake .......................................................................... 19 Taylor Lake ............................................................................ 19 Beaver Lake ........................................................................... 20 Acorn Pond ............................................................................ 20 Heron Pond ............................................................................ 21 Nippersink Forest Preserve Nippersink ............................................................................. 22 Old School Forest Preserve Old School Lake .................................................................... 23 Raven Glen Forest Preserve Timber Lake .......................................................................... 24 Van Patten Woods Forest Preserve Sterling Lake .......................................................................... 25 Wadsworth Road Canoe Launch Des Plaines Lake ................................................................... 26 3 Origins Ice Fishing Lake County owes its abundance of lakes to the last ice age when the Wisconsin glacier advanced and retreated across the landscape some 16,000 to 18,000 years ago. Glaciers gouged and carved the landscape, and large masses of ice left behind created depressions that form some of our present day lakes. In addition, some lakes and ponds in the preserves are man-made, former quarries or borrow pits, or dammed streams. Ice fishing shelters must be removed at the end of each day, only two poles are allowed, and holes must be drilled six inches or smaller. A uniform 4.5-inch layer of ice is required. Ice fishing is permitted in the south bay at Independence Grove, on Banana Lake at Lakewood, and on Sterling Lake at Van Patten Woods. For the latest ice conditions, call the Winter Sports Hotline at 847-968-3235 or check our website at Licenses Cast No Trash All anglers over the age of 16 must have a valid Illinois fishing license. Anglers fishing for rainbow trout in Banana Lake at Lakewood Forest Preserve must also have an inland trout stamp. Fees from these licenses provide funds to manage and stock many of these lakes and ponds annually. Purchase them at Independence Grove Forest Preserve near Libertyville, many sporting goods stores, or online at Please deposit all litter, including fishing line, in trash receptacles. Most sites offer recycling and fishing line collection tubes. Forest Preserve staff has seen birds and other wildlife entangled in old fishing line. Please help us avoid this. Bait Live bait is permitted. However, seining or trapping baitfish, shellfish or other aquatic organisms is not permitted in any Forest Preserve waterway. Please do not release unused lived bait into Forest Preserve waterways where nonnative species will cause problems for existing fish populations. Worms and tackle are sold only at Independence Grove. Catch-and-Release—tips for proper technique Catch-and-release fishing is an important part of maintaining good populations and is mandatory at Independence Grove and Nippersink Forest Preserves. At the other preserves, we highly encourage you to release bass or other predator fish. These predator fish help to keep panfish populations in balance. • • • • • • • • • • • • Land a fish as soon as possible. Exhausting a fish lowers its chance of survival. When possible, do not use a net. Nets remove a fish’s protective slime. Always wet hands before handling fish. This protects the protective slime. Use barbless hooks for easier hook removal. Keep fish in the water while removing the hook. Handle toothless fish by gripping the lower jaw. Handle fish with teeth behind the gill covers. Never grab a fish directly on the gill covers. Never grip a fish around the abdomen. Never grip a fish by depressing the eyes. If a fish swallows the hook do not attempt to remove it. Cut the line as close to the hook as possible and return the fish to the water. Gently place the fish in the water upon release; never throw a fish back. Wheelchair Access Many forest preserves offer wheelchair access for fishing. See individual preserve maps on the following pages for details. Fishing in your Lake County Forest Preserves The Lake County Forest Preserve District works with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) to manage a number of lakes and ponds that provide quality fishing. State of Illinois fishing regulations, including site specific regulations, apply at all sites in addition to the following limits. Additional information is available online at Species Minimum Length Creel Limit Bluegill/sunfish Channel catfish Crappie Largemouth bass Muskellunge Northern pike Rainbow trout Smallmouth bass Walleye n/a n/a n/a n/a 36 inches 24 inches 10 inches n/a 14 inches n/a n/a n/a 6 per day 1 per day 3 per day 5 per day 3 per day 6 per day Note: Only line fishing is allowed in Forest Preserve waterways. Anglers may use a maximum of two poles. Independence Grove and Nippersink Forest Preserves have a mandatory catch-and-release fishing program. This program makes it recreational for anglers and beneficial for nature. Anglers are encouraged to use barbless, non-stainless steel hooks at all forest preserves. See page 4 for proper technique. Boat Rentals Site Map Legend Fishing boats are available for rent at Independence Grove. Boating is not permitted at other lakes and ponds except for Sterling Lake at Van Patten Woods (see page 25). Float tubes, belly boats and wading are not permitted. Hours Fishing hours at most preserves are 6:30 a.m. to sunset. At the Independence Grove Marina, daily service runs Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. Weekend service runs mid-April through Memorial Day and again Labor Day until mid-October. Marina hours are 6:30 a.m. to one hour before sunset. Call 847-968-3499 or visit for further information. 4 N Drinking Water North Arrow Phone Ranger Station Restrooms Wheelchair Access 5 Basic Fishing Knots Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve Use fishing knots to properly tie your line to your hook, lure and other tackle. The knots below are those most commonly used by anglers. Each knot has a specific purpose. When creating your knot, consider the following: • • • • • • • • • The “tag end” (a.k.a. “working end”) is the end of the line used to tie the knot. The “standing end” is the line that comes from your reel. Leave about 12 inches of the “tag end” of line to tie knots properly. You want the strongest knot possible to avoid losing fish. Simple overhand knots actually weaken your line. Practice tying until you can create each knot easily and correctly. Use saliva to wet knots as you pull them tight. This prevents damage to the line, helps pull the knot tight and prevents it from slipping. Once tied, trim knots closely. A good, tight knot will not come loose, and close trimming prevents the knot from catching snags or weeds. Do not burn the tag end. Heat damages the line and knot. Buffalo Creek Reservoir 34 acres max depth: 7 feet Designed and built as a flood control reservoir in 1986, the lake is not managed or stocked for fishing. Careful and creative design of the reservoir has created a natural-looking wetland. Directions Located in Buffalo Grove on the southern border of Lake County. At corner of Lake-Cook and Arlington Heights Roads, go north on Arlington Heights Road 1⁄2 mile to Checker Road. Turn west on Checker Road to preserve entrance. From parking lot, take the trail west. Improved Clinch Knot - Used to tie fishing line to a hook or lure for lines up to 20-pound test. The secret is making five turns of the tag end around the standing end before putting the tag end back through the formed loop. The final tuck of the line back through the loop makes this knot very strong. Step 1 Step 2 Palomar Knot - Used to tie fishing line to a hook or lure for lines up to and over largemouth bass bluegill/sunfish northern pike 20-pound test. This takes more line to tie and can tangle because it is doubled first, but it is a favorite of many anglers because it is easy and can be tied in the dark. Step 1 Step 3 Step 2 Step 4 CHECKER ROAD PA R Non-Slip Loop Knot - Used with larger lines where a tight knot can affect the KI NG hook or lure movement. This knot creates a fixed loop so the hook can move freely. Step 2 Step 3 TR AI L N Blood Knot - Used to join two lines of similar diameter. The secret is making five turns of line with each tag end around the overlapped standing end. Tip: Make one series of turns, tuck the tag end between the two lines and repeat with second line. Step 1 TRAIL DEEPEST WATER 7 ft TRA IL ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ROAD Step 1 Step 2 SCALE 0 50 200 FEET Arbor Knot - Used to attach line to your reel. This knot does not need to be strong. Run line around the spool, make overhand knot around standing line, clip and pull. LAKE-COOK ROAD Step 1 6 Step 2 7 Des Plaines River Greenway Captain Daniel Wright Woods Forest Preserve Wright Woods Pond While not stocked or managed for fishing, the Des Plaines River contains many species and is a great spot for anglers. Parking and access to the river’s edge is available at five Forest Preserve canoe launches: 3 acres max depth: 12 feet • Van Patten Woods Canoe Launch on Russell Road, east of Route 41 This man-made pond was created in 1964. An outlet at the south end flows into the Des Plaines River. In 1992 the pond was reshaped and deepened. It was then restocked with largemouth bass, bluegill and channel catfish. • Wadsworth Road Canoe Launch, east of Route 41 Directions • Route 60 Canoe Launch, east of Milwaukee Avenue (Route 21) Located in Lincolnshire in southeastern Lake County. At the corner of St. Mary’s Road and Route 60, go south on St. Mary’s Road for 1½ miles to preserve entrance. Pond is within sight of parking lot. Note: River fishing is not allowed at Ryerson Conservation Area, MacArthur Woods or Wadsworth Prairie. • Oak Spring Road Canoe Launch, west of St. Mary’s Road TO EXIT AND ST. MARY’S AND EVERETT ROADS Russell Rd PINE PINE Canoe launch n Hunt Club Rd R IL IVE TRA S R ER INE RIV A L S S P AINE DE L TO ES P D & • Independence Grove Canoe Launch in preserve, near North Bay Pavilion M DUNES ES 131 VAN PATTEN WOODS 173 94 WADSWORTH PRAIRIE 5 ft Wadsworth Rd WETLANDS RESEARCH PROJECT ONALD O LD D Canoe launch WA WA AUKEGA UK UKEG U KEEGA GAN GA GAN AN WAUKEGAN SAVANN SAV SA AVANNA AV A AVA VA V VAN A ANNA NNA NN NA SAVANNA ONNER ER FA FAR FARM ARM RM 10 eR rn lb ou t Ki S A NA 5f ft 5 ft ALMO ALMO LM MOND OND ALMOND MARS MAR MA AR A ARSH RSSH RS RSH H MARSH Belvidere Rd Du Almond Rd L AI channel catfish LAKE CARINA BRA RAE AE LO LOCH CH BRAE LF CLUB CLU CL LUB GOLF TR 132 Washington St ft 10 ft R ale gd 43 Casey Rd NERA N ERAL ERAL ERA R OFFICES RA NERAL INDEPENDENCE GROVE Rd ey Bu ck l 5f t 41 131 n Rd 45 crappie 137 ga Wauke AIL d 21 bluegill/sunfish Lewis Ave ft 12 Grand Ave Yorkhouse eR Gre Bay Rd Green 10 Delaney Rd PARKING d Lake Rd TR THUND HUNDE D THUNDE GOLLF CL C GOLF 41 ETHEL’S ET THEL’ L’’S WOO WO WOODS OODS DS Oak Spring Rd Canoe launch 176 OLD SCHOOL N SCALE 0 10 20 50 100 FEET YSSSID YSIDE UB UB A LA 21 St Marys Rd MACARTHUR WOODS 60 Canoe launch ADLAI E. STEVENSON HISTORIC HOME DAM GRAINGER WOODS Everett Rd 45 83 HALF DAY WRIGHT WOODS Arlington on Hts Rd Checke crappie channel catfish largemouth bass northern pike Riverwoods r Rd bluegill/sunfish 8 largemouth bass MIDDLEFO MIDDLEFO MIDDLE D LEFO DDLEFO LLEFFO SAVANNA SAV SA SAVANN AVA VANNA VAN NNA RYERSON CONSERVATION AREA Deerfield R 83 r Rd 21 94 N 9 Fox River Preserve and Marina Grant Woods Forest Preserve Fox River Rubber Duck Pond Fox River Preserve and Marina is open for shoreline fishing in designated areas only. Fishing is not allowed in the marina and dock area, or from the boat launch. The 169-slip marina offers 20, 25 and 30-foot slips, and includes a four-lane launch for boats and personal watercrafts. Indoor dry storage is also available. Larger slips provide electric and water access. For more information, call 847-381-0669. 2 acres Directions Located in the southwest corner of Lake County. The entrance and parking area are located on Roberts Road, west of Route 59. max depth: 12 feet Rubber Duck Pond was excavated in 1987. Turn this map on its side to see how the pond got its name. Directions Located in Fox Lake in northwestern Lake County. At corner of Route 59 and Monaville Road, go east on Monaville Road to preserve entrance. Pond is within sight of first parking lot. MONAVILLE ROAD TO ROUTE 59 channel catfish crappie bluegill/sunfish N largemouth bass northern pike 12 ft 8 ft 4 ft smallmouth bass CENTER STREET TO U RO TE walleye 6 17 8 R PA ft ROBERTS ROAD G N KI PAR K 4 ft TO RO U ING TE 59 4 12 ft ft PARKING 8 ft PARKING PAR K ING TO PAR KIN G NO FISHING BOAT LAUNCH YOUTH CAMPGROUND FOX RIVER TRAIL NO FISHING IN MARINA SCALE PA IN RK G 0 10 20 50 200 FEET R IVE XR FO SCALE 0 10 1/8 1/4 MILE N bluegill/sunfish channel catfish largemouth bass 11 Greenbelt Forest Preserve Greenbelt Forest Preserve Dugdale Lake Pulaski Lake 6 acres 6 acres max depth: 16 feet max depth: 15 feet Built to its final shape in 1984, Dugdale Lake offers great shoreline fishing. Built as a borrow pit for the 14th Street overpass in 1976, occasional flooding of the adjacent Skokie River has allowed fish like carp and catfish access to Pulaski Lake. Directions Located in Waukegan in northeastern Lake County. At corner of Green Bay Road (Route 131) and 14th Street, go east on 14th Street to Dugdale Road. Go north on Dugdale to preserve entrance. From parking lot, take trail southwest. Directions Located in Waukegan in northeastern Lake County. At corner of Belvidere Road (Route 120) and Green Bay Road (Route 131), go south on Greenbay Road to preserve entrance. At first fork in preserve road stay left to reach parking lot. Take trail west from parking lot about 1 ⁄ 2 mile, staying left at fork in trail. channel catfish largemouth bass 0 PARKING UTE 12 TO RO bluegill/sunfish TR AIL N NBAY GREE ORTH ND N 1) (RT. 13 ROAD A AGO CHIC TERN WES PARKING 2 ft AY RAILW TRAIL 10 ft 16 ft N TE ROU 3 ft ft 16 SCALE 0 50 100 200 FEET 41 10 DEEPEST WATER 15 ft ft ROCK SHOALS TRAIL 14 3 ft t f 10 ft 14TH STREET 3 ft ft 2f t ROCK SHOALS TO 14 TH ST . AIL DU GD AL E TR RO AD 16 16 ft 10 ft ft 10 ft 14 SCALE 0 10 20 50 100 FEET bluegill/sunfish 12 crappie channel catfish largemouth bass 13 Half Day Forest Preserve Hastings Lake Forest Preserve Half Day Pond Hastings Lake 3 acres 74 acres max depth: 12 feet max depth: 25 feet Named after the Potowatomi Chief Aptakisic, whose name means half day, this pond was built in 1989. Hastings Lake features 12,000 feet of shoreline and many species for good fishing. Directions Directions Located in Vernon Hills in southeastern Lake County. At corner of Milwaukee Avenue (Route 21) and Townline Road (Route 60), go south two miles on Milwaukee Avenue to the preserve entrance. Follow signs to Shelter A parking lot. The pond is within sight of the parking lot. Located in northern Lake County, between Lindenhurst and Lake Villa. A parking area with trail access is located on Gelden Road, just west of Grass Lake Road. G RA SS GELDEN ROAD LA KE RO AD NG KI R PA N TRAIL bluegill/sunfish crappie 2 ft 12 ft PA RK I NG t 7f channel catfish ft 7f t 2f t 2 7 ft AI L 12 ft DES P RIVE LAINES R TR AIL t 7f ft PARKING TR 2f t 2 t 2f ROUTE 21 ft 12 12 f t ft 7 ft 2 largemouth bass 6 ft TR AIL 25 ft 24 ft 2 ft 22 ft SCALE 010 20 50 northern pike 100 FEET 20 ft 18 ft 16 ft 14 ft 12 ft 10 ft 8 ft yellow perch 6 ft 4 ft SCALE bluegill/sunfish 14 channel catfish largemouth bass 0 150 300 450 600 FEET N 2 ft 15 Independence Grove Forest Preserve DES PLAINES RIVER TRAIL CATCH AND RELEASE The Lake at Independence Grove muskellunge (not restocking) 115 acres max depth: 49 feet We’ve transformed a sterile gravel quarry with steep sides into a rich aquatic ecosystem with gently graded slopes and underwater islands. There is good fishing here, especially for bass. Your luck will increase when you fish from a boat, available for rent at the Marina. Bait, tackle, and concessions are also for sale. At the Marina, daily service runs Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. Weekend service runs mid-April through Memorial Day and again Labor Day until mid-October. Marina hours are 6:30 a.m. to one hour before sunset. Call 847-968-3499 or visit the website at for further information. northern pike TRAIL Note: Catch-and-release fishing is mandatory. This program makes it recreational for anglers and beneficial for nature. Anglers are encouraged to use barbless, non-stainless steel hooks. See page 4 for proper techniques. Dogs, horses and other pets are not permitted here. A parking fee applies for non-residents. DEEPEST WATER 20 - 35 ft TRAIL RK DEEPEST WATER 45 - 50 ft PA CANOE LAUN IN CH G TRAIL DEEPEST WATER 20 - 30 ft Directions Located in central Lake County near Libertyville. At corner of Buckley Road (Route 137) and Milwaukee Avenue (Route 21), go east on Buckley Road to preserve entrance. Lake is within sight of parking lots. VISITORS CENTER BEACH HOUSE NO FISHING RIV TRAIL SCALE DE S DE largemouth bass PARKING S INE PLA ES ER R PARKING N LAI SP channel catfish RIVER ROAD MARINA, BAIT SHOP & BOAT RENTAL IL crappie RA RT IVE bluegill/sunfish 0 250 500 750 1000 GATEHOUSE walleye N yellow perch ENTRANCE 16 TO ROUTE 21 ROUTE 137 TO TOLLWAY 17 Lake Carina Forest Preserve Lakewood Forest Preserve Lake Carina Banana Lake Taylor Lake 23 acres 3 acres 8 acres max depth: 23 feet max depth: 25 feet max depth: 20 feet A popular fishing hole and former gravel pit, this preserve’s main feature is Lake Carina. A 500-foot gravel trail provides walk-in access and connects the parking area with a handicap-accessible fishing pier. Lakewood’s five fishing ponds are shown in this guide. Most are natural potholes and sloughs that were dammed to create deeper, permanent lakes and ponds. Banana Lake is closed for trout stocking the second half of each March and the first half of each October. Ice fishing is permitted on Banana Lake only when conditions allow. Directions Located along the Des Plaines River Greenway near Gurnee. The entrance and parking area are located on the east side of Milwaukee Avenue (Route 21), between Washington Street and Belvidere Road (Route 120). northern pike Directions Located in Wauconda in southwestern Lake County. At corner of Route 176 and Fairfield Road, go west on Route 176 to preserve entrance. Follow signs to Museum. crappie bluegill/sunfish channel catfish 3 ft RS TE IN largemouth bass rainbow trout (Banana Lake only) ft crappie 25 94 bluegill/sunfish t Y HW 20 f TE TA N 10 NG 20 KI ft R PA ft 10 ft TO EXIT AND ROUTE 176 Banana Lake 3f TR t AI L largemouth bass 4 ft 8 ft 10 RY MU S 3 IL t 18 ft AIL UN KE N 15 f 20 LA MI TR CO LW AU KE E 16 ft 12 ft 16 ft 15 8 ft 4 ft TRA 1 TY 8 ft ft t 0f DIS AV E( RO U TE 21 CO VE ) 20 ft t 3f ft ft 18 ft Taylor Lake ft 10 ft 12 ft 12 ft M 16 ft G EU 16 ft PARK IN 3 ft yellow perch PARKING 12 ft 16 ft 23 ft 16 ft SCALE 8 ft 0 10 20 50 100 FEET 20 ft 12 ft NG KI 3f t R PA G L SCALE AI 12 ft 18 R PA 4 ft TR 16 ft N KI 0 150 300 450 600 FEET AD RO AD RO NH A D IV EL FI IR FA TO OE 19 Lakewood Forest Preserve Lakewood Forest Preserve Beaver Lake Acorn Pond Heron Pond 5 acres 2 acres 4 acres max depth: 10 feet max depth: 14 feet max depth: 5 feet Directions Directions Located in Wauconda in southwestern Lake County. At corner of Route 176 and Fairfield Road, go south on Fairfield to Ivanhoe Road. West on Ivanhoe for less than ½ mile to gravel road on south side. Take gravel road to end and park. Head straight south on trail for ¼ mile to Acorn Lake. To reach Beaver Lake, continue south on trail. Located in Wauconda in southwestern Lake County. At corner of Route 176 and Fairfield Road, go south on Fairfield to Ivanhoe Road. West on Ivanhoe for less than ½ mile to gravel road on south side. Take gravel road to end and park. Pond is within sight. Note: Bicycles and dogs are not allowed on these trails. Note: Bicycles and dogs are not allowed on these trails. bluegill/sunfish largemouth bass channel catfish crappie TO AD RO I RF I FA D EL bluegill/sunfish OPERATIONS OFFICE A HOE RO TO IVAN ING LOT PARK OE AD RO NH IVA channel catfish D TRAIL 5f t largemouth bass SCALE t 8f ft 2 0 ft 50 100 5 ft Beaver Lake N 2 ft Acorn Pond 200 FEET PARKING 14 DEEPEST WATER 5 ft TR AI 2 ft L ft ft 10 50 100 FEET N TRAIL SCALE 010 20 TO BEAVER AND ACORN PONDS 10 TRAIL 2 ft 20 21 Old School Forest Preserve Nippersink Forest Preserve CATCH AND RELEASE Nippersink Old School Lake 13 acres 12 acres max depth: 17 feet max depth: 16 feet Man-made in 1965, extensive shoreline restoration efforts and improved fish habitats make Nippersink’s two lakes great for fishing. Anglers can fish from shore or from two handicap-accessible fishing piers. Old School Lake began as a borrow pit left after construction of the adjacent Interstate Tollway 94 in the 1950s. Note: Catch-and-release fishing is mandatory. This program makes it recreational for anglers and beneficial for nature. Anglers are encouraged to use barbless, non-stainless steel hooks. See page 4 for proper techniques. Directions TO NORTH SHORE BIKE PATH Directions Located in Libertyville in central Lake County. At corner of Route 176 and St. Mary’s Road, go south for ½ mile on St. Mary’s Road to preserve entrance. Take preserve road to parking lot marked for Shelter C and Sled Hill. Take the short trail north to the lake. 2 ft crappie TRA t 16 f bluegill/sunfish IL Located in west-central Lake County in Round Lake. The entrance is located on Belvidere Road (Route 120), just west of Cedar Lake Road, east of Fairfield Road. largemouth bass channel catfish 2f t bluegill/sunfish 6 ft PA RK I N DEEPEST WATER 17 ft NG crappie S TO R PA NG RY’S ROAD T. MA KI PA R KIN G 2f t 12 ft channel catfish R PA KI NG TR largemouth bass L 12 ft 6 2 ft PARK ING ft ING RK PA yellow perch AI OUT IL R E 12 0 PARKING 22 FAIR TO FIE LD D ROA SCALE 0 25 50 100 300 FEET N SCALE 0 50 100 200 FEET 23 Raven Glen Forest Preserve Van Patten Woods Forest Preserve Timber Lake Sterling Lake 33 acres 74 acres max depth: 33 feet max depth: 25 feet Timber Lake is one of the most prominent natural features of Raven Glen. Anglers can fish from shore or from two handicap-accessible fishing piers. Sterling Lake boasts a public launch for car-top boats: canoes, kayaks or other small watercraft. Launching is free and at your own risk. You’ll need approved flotation gear and your boat must be properly registered with the State of Illinois. Trailers are permitted but parking is limited to the grass overflow lot. Electric trolling motors are allowed. Ice fishing is permitted on Sterling Lake only when conditions allow. Directions Located in north-central Lake County between Antioch and Old Mill Creek. Use the main entrance and parking area located on Route 45 south of Route 173 and north of Miller Road. Note: While the District owns 95 percent of Timber Lake, the northern portion of the lake is privately owned and not accessible for public use. Directions Located in Wadsworth in northern Lake County. At corner of Routes 173 and 41, go east on Route 173 to preserve entrance. Stay left on preserve road to lake. Two parking lots lie on western shore. Boat launch located at first lot. TRAIL bluegill/sunfish largemouth bass channel catfish crappie 25 ft 24 ft PARKING 4 ft PAR 4 ft D RI ES VE PL R AN TR E AI S L 12 ft G AIL 20 ft 16 ft 24 ft 16 ft 8 ft KIN TR 20 ft 25 ft 8 ft 12 ft yellow perch northern pike 20 ft crappie bluegill/sunfish 16 ft channel catfish 16 ft 12 ft PRIVATE PROPERTY NO ACCESS TRA BOAT LAUNCH 16 ft 8 ft 12 ft G IN PARK IL 12 ft 16 ft RI VE R 16 ft 18 ft 22 ft 26 ft 12 ft 8 ft 4 ft OVERLOOK 32 ft DE S 30 ft ES 12 ft PL AN 2 ft 6 ft 10 ft 14 ft 20 ft largemouth bass 16 ft 0 50 200 FEET 8 ft 4 ft muskellunge (not restocking) ROUTE 41 IL TRA SCALE 33 ft 12 ft N 32 ft 24 walleye ROUTE 173 AI L TO I-94 SOUTH 14 ft 10 ft 6 ft 2 ft TR 30 ft 26 ft 22 ft 18 ft N SCALE 0 100 300FEET 25 Wadsworth Road Canoe Launch Des Plaines Lake 19 acres max depth: 36 feet Originally a sand and gravel pit, researchers from the Wetlands Research Project diverted the Des Plaines River through here in 1987. The lake is not managed for fishing but contains those fish common in the Des Plaines River. Directions Located in Gurnee in northeastern Lake County. At corner of Route 41 and Wadsworth Road, go east on Wadsworth Road to the Canoe Launch on south side of road. From parking lot, go south on Des Plaines River Trail 1¾ miles to the lake. bluegill/sunfish largemouth bass crappie RI VE R D OA ILR S RA NE ES IN LA AIL S P TR DE VER RI AI IC PL IF AC DP S AN H NC LAU DE L AU T. P E, S E NO CA RD KE AU ILW ,M GO ICA CH H RT WO DS WA TO northern pike DEEPEST WATER 36 ft 1 TE 4 ROU DES 2 ½ MILES TO KILBOURNE RD PARKING LOT IVER ES R PLAIN N 26 SCALE 0 50 100 200 FEET Sport Fish Species of the Lake County Forest Preserves crappie bluegill/sunfish muskellunge channel catfish northern pike largemouth bass rainbow trout smallmouth bass walleye yellow perch carp These non-native fish are now found in many Forest Preserve water ways. Carp are popular target fish for many anglers. Phone: 847-367-6640 Fax 847-367-6649 Email: Web site: Emergency: call 911 Non-emergency public safety issue: 847-549-5200 Fish illustrations courtesy of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Printed on Recycled Paper Printed with Soy Ink 6/11 10M ALF
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