Kol Anshei Shalom The Voice of Temple Anshei Shalom! & The Klezmer Company Orchestra December 2014 Issue No. 68 5775 …A life in the Theatre January 25th at 2 pm December 24th at 7 pm Tickets On Sale Monday-Thursday 9:30 am- 11:30 am Or by phone (561) 495-1300 1 Kol Anshei Shalom is published 11 months per year as a Monthly Bulletin Temple Anshei Shalom Delray’s Vibrant Synagogue of the Future Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 7099 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33446 Phone: 561-495-1300 templeoffice@templeansheishalom.org Interim Rabbi Rabbi Gerald Weiss Cantor Cantor Efraim Sapir Baal Koreh Steven Wallach Choir Director Cantor Willian S. Wood Senior Gabbai Yona Alter President Lawrence “Larry” Feinberg President Emeritus Paul A. Felder Executive Vice President Barbara Grau VP Ritual Paul Erstein VP Membership Fran Goldman VP Communications Marvin S. Cohen Treasurer Dan Goldman VP Operations David Lurie Financial Secretary Arlene Lurie DECEMBER 2014 Wednesday December 3rd Executive Committee 9:30 am Friday-Saturday December 5th&6th *****Rabbi Adler Shabbat***** Sunday December 7th Sisterhood – Delray Beach Playhouse Monday December 8th Book Club noon Wednesday December 10th Board Meeting 9:30 am DecemberNOVEMBER 10th Congregational Meeting11:00 am 2014 Friday December 12th -22nd Men’s Club Cruise Saturday Nov 1st Simcha Shabbat 8:45 am Saturday December 13th Shabbat Services w/choir Wednesday Nov 5th Executive Committee 9:30 am 8:45 am Monday Nov 10th Book Tuesday December 16thClub 1st Night of Chanukah noon Life Long Learning Opens after services 1:30 pm Candle Lighting Wednesday Nov 12th Regular Board Meeting 9:30 ampm 5:00 Meeting 11:00 Sunday December Congregational 21st Chanukah Dinner 5:30am pm Tuesday Nov 18th Sisterhood Card Party & Bingo noon noon Monday December 22nd Rosh Chodesh Luncheon Wednesday December 24th Chodesh Cantor Sapir & Friendsnoon Monday Nov 24th Rosh Luncheon Klezmer ConcertOffice Closed Thurs Nov 27th Thanksgiving Sunday December 28th Men’s Club Breakfast It's not too late to get good seats for the December 24 th Aaron Kula Concert and the January 25th Avi Hoffman show. Come by the ticket office or call (561) 495-1300 between 9:30am and 11:30am. Recording Secretary Sandy Jacobs Sisterhood President Helene Mendelson Best wishes to the folks going on the Men’s Club Cruise! Men’s Club President Burton Gerson Immediate Past President Herb Levine Kol Anshei Shalom Writer/Producer Paul S. Erstein Production Minuteman Press 2 President’s Office The future is NOW for President Elect Barbara Grau, her officers and board members. The future for Temple Anshei Shalom is bright, optimistic and thriving and will continue under Grau/Savitz administration As I leave the Presidency, I ask you to support the progress that has been accomplished. Serving as President has been one of the greatest privileges and best experience of my life. But on a personal level the time for change has come. I ask you to build upon our success as Temple Anshei Shalom continues to march forward with energy and enthusiasm as the vibrant synagogue of the future. I ask you to join us and participate. Worship with us. Become involved in synagogue life. Temple Anshei Shalom is here for you. May this congregation go from strength to strength LHITRAOT AND WITH MUCH GRATITUDE Happy Chanukah Larry Feinberg, President Lawrence Feinberg The theme of the Biennial Conference of the United Synagogue for this year is “The Face of Change: Adapting to New Realities.” This is what we have attempted to do at our beloved Temple Anshei Shalom over the past four years It wasn’t any individual who made these changes. It wasn’t any group. Change was made by ALL OF US. All of us as a family, a community, a synagogue said we must adapt to the reality that the synagogue world is in a state of flux and that the idea that that it has not been done before has given way to actions that we can improve and make it better for all of the members of our temple. THE REALITY OF LIFE IS THAT CHANGE IS THE FOUNDATION OF GROWTH, PROGRESS, AND DEVELOPMENT. FORWARD IS THE ONLY DIRECTION WE CAN MOVE! As my Presidency draws to a close at the end of this calendar year, I thank all of you for the honor of being your Executive Vice President and President over these past four years. I thank you for the privilege of having the opportunity to move forward with you and never stop improving. I thank you for your support in backing the Cineplex approach that our umbrella organization, United Synagogue, has preached for years and that we as a family have supported under recent leadership. Change in inevitable and for us the time for change has come. My heartfelt appreciation goes to Rabbi Weiss and Cantor Sapir for their devotion to our synagogue. Thank you to all of those who help to make our services so spiritually satisfying. Thank you to the Executive Board, Board of Directors and Committee Chairs for their leadership, time & effort. Thank you to our hardworking and dedicated volunteers without whom we could not accomplish our goals. Yasher Koach to our office, bookkeeping and custodial staff for their hard work and dedication to our synagogue. As President Regan once said, “are you better today than you were four years ago?” I believe and have been told by countless congregants that the resounding answer for Temple Anshei Shalom is YES !!! Chai Society Arthur Greenwald Ros/Robert Gibson Dan/Fran Goldman Florence Ull Rabbi Tobias Rothenberg Paul Felder David/Arlene Lurie Phyllis Karp Irwin Schultz Joan Esterson Robert & Barbara Rothman Deborah Morgenstern Irving & Shirley Friedman Sheila & Mauricia Arenzon Eleanor Zimmern Jack & Nancy Bushinsky Harold Greenberg Gertrude Rudd Larry & Linda Feinberg Nettie Birnbach Fania Keck Charlotte Ratafia Steven & Joyce Wiener Seymour & Beth Kirshner Les & Joan Schwartz Tilda & Allen Spector Barbara Grau Paul Erstein Herb & Sharon Levine Arlene Ritholtz 3 Ritual and Rabbi Search What an Amazing Trip So my term as Ritual Vice President comes to a close. I face this with mixed feelings. The eight months that I handled giving out weekly honors for Shabbat were a real strain, but I spoke to so many different congregants, old and new during this time. Tough as it was, I will remember and cherish those phone calls and I hope I have made many new Shul friends. But being Ritual VP is much more than just giving out Aliyot. During my term as Ritual VP our congregation faced the departure of Rabbi Konovitch and a series of temporary replacements. Rabbi Weiss has served us in a warm and sensitive manner and Rabbi Hering, Rabbi Crain and Rabbi Reimer have filled in well. It is much appreciated. The big hero here has been Cantor Sapir, who has stepped into the void and performed many pastorial duties as well as leading our growing late Friday Night services. We would have fallen short in our commitment to our members without Cantor Sapir’s above and beyond the call of duty efforts. Thank you Cantor. Also thanks go out to Cantor Rubinstein who always is happy to fill in and to Cantor Sharf who also led us during the Cantor’s Israel trip. Thanks too for a job well done to our Senior Gabbi, Yona Alter and Ritual Manager, Howard Mordis. I leave the Ritual area in good hands. As of January, Barbara Kirshner and Harriet DeCosta will take over. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the job and will serve the congregation very well. But also, sometime in 2015 we will have a new, pro-active, forward thinking Rabbi who will determine many Ritual matters. I look forward to his leadership. Speaking of a new Rabbi...Here is my Rabbi Search Committee report: Join us for the first Shabbat of December when candidate Rabbi Rafael Adler will be officiating at both the late Friday night service and Shabbat morning. This Shabbat is also Simcha Shabbat! Rabbi Adler will even attend Friday morning’s minyan and Sunday mornings minyan and give D’var Torahs 15 minutes before services start. Please attend as many services as possible this weekend, and share your opinions of Rabbi Adler with me. You can email me at PaulErstein@yahoo.com or call me at 886-8144. We have another candidate, Rabbi Benjamin Shull who will be spending time with us in February over President’s weekend. He will follow a similar schedule to Rabbi Adler. We have a wonderful Rabbi Search Committee. Special thanks to my co-chair, Dr. Ed Walvick. Thanks to the entire committee: Paul Felder, Dan Goldman, Barbara Grau, Dr. Michael Halzel, Rabbi Hering, Barbara Kirshner, Herb Levine, Harvey Miller, Ed Savitz, Lester Schwartz and Dr. Howard Wang. While as of January 1st, I will no longer serve as your Ritual Chair, I will continue to serve on the Rabbi Search Committee. I thank you all for your friendship and support. Sincerely, Paul Erstein By Cantor Sapir Dvora and I and a group of 29 very happy travelers returned to Delray on November 17 from a 14 day mission to Israel. Defying any fears of security issues and enjoying a marvelous Autumn weather, we traveled from the Negev in the south to the Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights in the north. Here are some of the highlights from the tour: Jerusalem – Attending services at the Great Synagogue where we were thrilled to hear The Cantor and choir both on Friday Night and Shabbat morning. Some of our group attended Shabbat Morning service at Moreshet Yisrael, the Conservative congregation on Agron Street., and were impressed by the sermon of Rabbi Adam Frank. We visited the Menachem Begin museum in Jerusalem Rachel’s Tomb in Beth Lechem. While touring the Hadassah Hospital we were extremely emotional while visiting the room of a wounded soldier where we met his mother and his comrades and sang a Mi Sheberach prayer for his speedy recovery. Kibbutz S’de Boker – We visited the residence of the late Ben Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister who moved to the Negev in 1955 as a personal example to the entire nation. Mitzpe Ramon – Visiting the town built on the edge of the Ramon Crater and the magnificent information center and observatory that gave us a Birdseye view of the Crater. Hula Valley Nature Center – We toured the resting and feeding station of birds in winter migration from Europe to Africa, a place reminiscent of the Green Cay and similar wetlands in our neighborhood. Golan Heights Winery – On every bottle of wine from this winery bears the signature of the chief vintner Victor Schonfeld. We had the privilege to meet Mr. Schonfeld who is the son of Mona and Arthur, residents of Viszcaya and supporters of our congregation. Ayalon Intitue – We were astonished by Israel’s clandestine underground bullet manufacturing facility that operated during the hostile British Mandate of Palestine; a jewel of Jewish ingenuity in defying the British. And finally, my oldest son Ami and his wife Claudia with their two daughters Miriam and Rafi were in Israel at the same time and joined our group on several (continued on page 10) 4 Delray PoDiatry Foot Temple member Edward H. Savitz anD ankle “Your feet are in good hands” “In our office patients come first” First Vice President/Investments Dr. Michael Sturm DPM ABPM Member of APMA Fellowship trained in surgery Board Certified Janney Montgomery Scott LLC 1875 North West Corporate Boulevard, Suite 200 Boca Raton, FL 33431 561.368.2599 | 888.955.2622 | esavitz@janney.com www.janney.com | NYSE FINRA SIPC Focus of Care Flat feet Ankle Fractures Sports Injuries Neuromas Fungus Toenails Wound Care Arthritis Swelling of Feet & Legs Diabetic Care Ingrown Toe Nails Achilles Tendon Bunion Deformities Hammer Toe Deformities Plantar Fasciitis Peripheral Neuropathy Heel Pain Foot Fractures Heel Spurs Cowards Welcomed Hospital Privledges JFK, Delray Medical Center, Bethesda Memorial Most Insurances Accepted 13590 S. Jog Road, Suite 2 (NE corner of Jog & Lake Ida) Delray Beach, FL 33428 drmichaelsturm.com (561) 865-3331 5 Delray’s Vibrant Synagogue Of The Future 6 Coming Soon! Our New Chumash! Chumashim purchased by Jack and Nancy Bushinsky in memory of Arthur Bushinsky we are now “selling” inside cover “book plates” with your personal dedication. Remember we did the same thing with the new siddurim. This time a dedication will cost $54. Come by the office and make your dedication. Save hundreds of dollars with this coupon book Temple men’s club is selling these books for $18 Call Burt Gerson at 498-3771 or Jack Ozer at 445-3128 7 Beth Israel MEMORIAL CHAPEL Independently Owned & Operated Since 1982 Irwin M. Schultz Licensed Pre-Need Counselor Member of Temple Anshei Shalom Cell Phone (561) 414-9535 Home Phone (561) 499-8363 You can rely on Irwin for pre-need information on Local Burial, In-Ground or Above-Ground Cemetery Property, or Burial Out-of-State Chapel & Pre-Need Office 11115 Jog Road, Boynton Beach, FL (corner of Woolbright) (561) 732-3000 Pre-Need Conference Center 6578 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach, FL (Kings Point Shopping Center) (561) 498-5700 Thank You Notices... Gerald Beigel wishes to thank the many congregants that paid their respects for Shiva, placed phone calls and sent cards received on the passing of his beloved wife, Ellen Beigel, of blessed memory. Also a thank you to Cantor Sapir for officiating at her funeral. Thank you to the many wonderful members of Temple Anshei Shalom for your cards, calls, prayers and expressions of concern over my recent hospitalization. You buoyed up my spirits and helped me get on the road to recovery. I look forward to returning to all the good things TAS offers and to saying thank you in person. Warm good wishes. Les Schwartz News & Notes... Rosh Chodesh, Wednesday. Jan. 21st Eugene Solomon will speak on Richard Wagner and his music. Mr. Solomon is a graduate of Julliard, NYU and the New Shool. He also attended Florida Atlantic U. Sunday, March 15th Men's Club and Sisterhood will be roasting the three immediate past presidents of the Temple: Irving Friedman, Herb Levine and Larry Feinberg. SAVE THE DATE! Also, Men's Club and Sisterhood will be running a Rummage Sale on Sunday, March 22nd. Donations will not be accepted before January 5th. 8 Membership Celebrate a Simcha or honor a departed loved one by sponsoring the Bima Flowers for Shabbat. The membership committee, as well as our congregants, work diligently at fostering a warm and inclusive atmosphere. Friendships, educational growth and meaningful religious needs are fulfilled as well as involvement in our daily activities and the continued growth of our Synagogue. Since the beginning of the year we have welcomed into our family 172 new members. SAVE THE DATE..Friday evening, January 16th we will have a special Shabbat evening,the installation of our 2015 executive board and board of directors and the celebration of our new “2014” mispocha. We invite the entire congregation to join us for this special Shabbat. Sunday, December 7th at 10:00 we will have an “Open House”. If you have a friend that is interested in knowing more about who we are and what makes us an interesting and amazing congregation, please invite them to join us and meet our clergy and members of the board. GET INVOLVED...VOLUNTEER...JOIN A COMMITTEE..BECOME AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT IN OUR SYNAGOGUE... We encourage you to come to our Life Long Learning educational lectures. Larry Feinberg has coordinated a winter series that began in November and will continue through January with a lecture Monday,Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10:30 and afternoons at 1:30. Wednesday afternoons come and enjoy our weekly movie series. Our Book Club will meet Monday, December 8th at 12:00. Join Arlene Ritholtz in a lively discussion. We will be reading,”The Golem of Hollywood” by Jonathan Kellerman and Jesse Kellerman. It can be reserved at the Hagen Ranch Library by calling 894-7500. With your continued participation we have ignited Friday night services. They continue to grow and thank you to Sylvia Engell and Gayle Savitz for greeting everyone and making us feel welcome in our second home. Invite a friend to join you for Shabbos services.... our growth is in our reaching out to someone. Wishing you all a Happy Chanukah And a Happy New Year Fran Goldman, membership VP frangoldman@bellsouth.net Contact Marilyn in the office and reserve your date. Sisterhood functions are fund raisers for the Temple but also fun. Please participate. 9 Sisterhood PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (continued from page 4) occasions. A heartwarming relationship developed between the oldest member of our tour, David Friedman and the youngest member of my family Rafi. They met on the shores of the Dead Sea and from that moment on they became friends. Wherever we met them she was immediately asking for David and when we met them at the Golan Heights she ran over to him and gave him a box of chocolate she got from a factory Sisterhood A held its first fundraiser year, our Annual Luncheon and Message from your this President: nearby. rty. It was a huge success, Yasher Koach to our chairpersons Helene Time flies when you’re having fun and Dvora and I thank the Men’s Club of our Temple on and Mildred Grant, their terrific ticket sales person, Selma Aison and we sisters are doing just that - interesting who sponsored this tour and salute our 29 co-travelers mmittee of Ida Brass, Harriet DeCosta and Bope Kraemer. who were brave enough to go to Israel at this time and meetings, youRon Sema Weinberg andguitarist, hugs entertained Our November 18th thank meeting, Dagan, singer and the hearts of our fellow Jews in our ancestral to Sandy Chalfin for her continuing to warm e well-attended breakfast meeting and put us in aefforts pre-Chanukah mood. th ut the following on your calendar: December , BarbaraWe also wish everyone a Freilach Hanukkah display dates tempting treats that Monday, we enjoy each 16Homeland. and a happy and healthy (secular) New Year. ll speakmonth. to us about “The Naughty Ladies of the Bible” andofSisterhood Please consider sponsoring one Cantor st will be December 21 and the Sisterhood Board will be participants in theEfraim Sapir the Sisterhood meetings in honor of a special so come and join us. occasion special person with Eckstein, your giftthe of first President of The following wasor written in 1983 by Renata $18. od. Its message is just as prevalent today and bears repeating. I thank her ng us print Our this: next meeting will be held Monday, IS SISTERHOOD? January 19thWHAT Arlene Ritholtz will entertain us ncerity – Be sincere in whatever you do. with a special program, “Name That Tune.” eas – Interest, involvement, they all go together. Membership for Sisterhood has hit the cial Activities – Getting to know one another. Satisfaction of a job well done. astounding number 292. I hope to be able to What a wonderful feeling! greet many of you soon. me - Ourmeet most and precious commodity – irreplaceable, so make the most of it. ffort – A good ingredient put inwith whatever are doing. The Gift Shoptoisbe ablaze many we new items. eligion –We Attend and participate in services. must thank all our current volunteers that Hospitality – Making everyone feel welcome. work each morning and a very special Todah rganization – Getting your committees organized – working together. Rabah Linda Kaplan Phyllis Gordon for bligation – To dotothe best you knowand how. keeping uswhat afloat. vote yourself to do you are doing for Sisterhood. Determination to oject a success. Thank You Marvin Cohen, the other half of Margo, for all the work you have done to assist her with organizing our phone committee. Shalom, Margo, it is always a pleasure working with Gerry Berg you. Look forward to another afternoon of Bagels s for Sisterhood Shabbat on Saturday, December 21st and Bingo Tuesday, Jan. 27th Please beginfor to gather yourJanuary retired items k your calendars Sunday 19thof for a joint clothing, household items, etc. for the March ood/Men’s Club Cleaning “Night Of Music”Sale. The ticket office has 22nd Spring Rummage We can begin to receive Jan tickets. Don’t missyour thisdonations excitingafter evening. 1st. Your help is also needed to make this a great success. Happy Chanukah to all my sisters and their loved ones. Helene what Sisterhood means to Renata and myself. I hope it means the same to 10 JNF - The Blue Box hat. This gives new meaning to passing the hat. At the fifth Zionist Congress in 1901, Herzl removed his hat and asked delegates for donations to purchase land in Eretz Yisroel to re-establish a Jewish Homeland. The Blue Box was born two weeks later with the words, National Fund on it, and rest is history. Today, JNF is as busy in a variety of ways and as important as ever. It is considered the caretaker of the land of Israel on behalf of its owners-the Jewish people everywhere. Today, it is so much more than trees: it is community development, forestry and ecology, education, water, research, tourism and recreation. On February 8th, Temple Anshei Shalom, will join with several other synagogues for a JNF breakfast. When the invitation arrives, please consider being part of the excitement and attend. Sandy Crain is our Chair for the event and would love a strong turn-out. By Barbara Grau Sam Levenson was a raconteur and author, who had grown up on the Lower East Side (NYC)in the ‘20’s, and attended City College (CCNY) to become a Spanish teacher. It did not take long for him to discover that teaching was not for him and he turned his experiences to a routine and a living. One of his more memorable lines, for me, was that he did not know he was poor and disadvantaged until he was in a Sociology class at City. For him, as for so many of us, we had a full, rich life on the streets with stick ball, punch ball, stoop ball, 3 sewer ball as well as marbles, potsy and just hanging out. Basically, we all were of the same background and I think we would have thought that our parents were interchangeable. Indeed, since my mother worked, I had several mothers watching. I knew they had eyes all over. I cannot imagine myself as disadvantaged. What did we lack? Parental eyes were on us at all times, if not ours, someone’s. We traveled in packs, walking to and from school, watching out for police who patrolled the streets to confiscate the sticks we used for stick-ball. I still do not know why they would not let us play with the sticks. Do you know how many brooms we had to break to continue to play? I think our parents would have stormed the police station because of it if they were not a bit cowed by their presence. There was nothing we lacked. Cars? Why when there were buses, subways and trolleys that took us all over. If you did not have the nickel for the train, snap into your roller skates and the city was yours. The streets emptied on Friday as evening approached. Friday night was different from all other nights. Three pushkes sat on the counter, one the ever present Blue Box and two others that were probably for some yeshiva. I never had money in my pocket and did not think anything of it, but there was always a coin or two for each of these boxes. The Hebrew schools used to hand out a Blue Box to each of us to schnorr for coins. How many times did I stand near the train station to catch the people coming home from work shaking the coins in my blue box for them to contribute, which most did. My grandmother was so proud for, she explained, that this money will buy land in eretz Yisroel so Jews can eventually come home. JNF has been a staple of Jewish life for as long as I can remember. It purchased land from absentee landowners, planted trees to regenerate the soil and much more. The first JNF collection box was actually Herzl’s Chanukah is coming! The first candle will be lit on Tuesday , December the 16th. Join us to light our new giant menorah after evening minyan which starts at 5pm Refreshments will be served. 11 15th Annual “Cantor Sapir & Friends” Proudly Presents Maestro Aaron Kula & The Klezmer Company Orchestra Star Soloist Cantor Efraim Sapir Wednesday, December 24th- 7 PM Tickets: $36-$25-$18 Monday-Thursday 9:30 am- 11:30 am (561) 495-1300 Temple Anshei Shalom 7099 West Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach 12 2015 Temple Dues Pay your dues before December 31st and deduct them from your 2014 tax return. This would also be good for the Temple! Thanks. A huge thank you to Sisterhood for donating a beautiful new Challah cover for the Bima for Shabbat. At Eternal Light Memorial Gardens and Community Mausoleum, our caring and dedicated staff will assure your loved one a place of lasting beauty for eternity. Whether you select a site in our dignified mausoleum or in our picturesque lakeside gardens, you can rely on us to make your final act of love all that you want it to be. Irwin M. Schultz Temple Member 11520 State Road #7 (Rte 441) Boynton Beach, FL 33473 Delray, Boynton, WPB 561-737-7411 Out of Area 800-772-5983 Boca, Deerfield 561-272-0098 Just minutes from the turnpike, at the Atlantic & Boynton exits. 13 Temple Anshei Shalom TEMPLE BOOK CLUB Book Club Leader: Arlene S. Ritholtz Monday, December 8, 2014 12:00 noon Read…Come…Discuss Book Reviewed: “Golem of Hollywood” Hollywood” by Jonathan Kellerman and Jesse Kellerman Copies are available at the Hagen Ranch library A burned-out L.A. detective . . . a woman of mystery who is far more than she seems . . . a grotesque, ancient monster bent on a mission of retribution. When these three collide, a new standard of suspense is born. The legend of the Golem of Prague has endured through the ages, a creature fashioned by a sixteenth-century rabbi to protect his congregation, now lying dormant in the garret of a synagogue. But the Golem is dormant no longer. Detective Jacob Lev wakes one morning, dazed and confused: He seems to have picked up a beautiful woman in a bar the night before, but he can’t remember anything about the encounter, and before he knows it, she has gone. But this mystery pales in comparison to the one he’s about to be called on to solve. Newly reassigned to a Special Projects squad he didn’t even know existed, he’s sent to a murder scene far up in the hills of Hollywood Division. There is no body, only an unidentified head lying on the floor of a house. Seared into a kitchen counter nearby is a single word: the Hebrew for justice. Detective Lev is about to embark on an odyssey—through Los Angeles, through many parts of the United States, through London and Prague, but most of all, through himself. All that he has believed to be true will be upended—and not only his world, but the world itself, will be changed. Temple Anshei Shalom, 7099 West Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33446 561-495-1300 www.templeansheishalom.org Questions: Arlene S. Ritholtz 561-369-7666 14 Rosh chodesh luncheon Monday, December 22nd We continue this exciting season of Rosh Chodesh Luncheons with: Leah Polin Topic: Triumph of technology: Israel rivals the U.S. and China,in the number of companies on the NYSE and NSDQ. Via a brief DVD and discussion, we will look at the reasons for this with some of the specific achievements and discoveries that benefit mankind. Be sure to reserve your place in advance by placing your check in the Rosh Chodesh box in the Main Office. The luncheon begins at noon, the lecture at 1pm. The Luncheon is $13.50 pp 15 TAS Men’s Club Bulletin December 2014 Sam Perlowitz – Editor (Z.L.) Sam Wasserman – Co-Editor (Z.L.) Leslie Leon-Kennedy – Publisher Breakfast Meeting – Sun. Dec. 28th Guest Speaker: David Knapp A Vietnam Veteran and active in veterans affairs. Breakfast $7.00 per person NO TICKETS will be sold at the door. Reservation Deadline: Tuesday, Dec. 23rd Announcements: Volunteers Needed – We need at least two people to volunteer for our Telephone Committee. Only spend 10 minutes, one day per month, calling our brothers to remind them of the next Men’s Club meeting. New Members – David Leitman and Sol Behmoiramand. Welcome! We look forward to seeing you and your wife/significant other as well as guests at our functions. Cruise – Bon Voyage to our members who are sailing Dec. 12th on the fabulous Celebrity Equinox! Please watch for more details on our upcoming South American cruise in Jan. 2016! Condolences – Our deepest sympathies to Evelyn and the Perlowitz family on the loss of Sam; to the Erhlich family on the loss of George; and to Edith and the Klein family on the loss of Harry. President’s Message: We had a wonderful turnout last month for our guest speaker, Keith McPherson, from PNC Bank on Identity Theft. Everyone had a great trip with Cantor Sapir and Devorah in Israel. The Men’s Club and Sisterhood are co-sponsoring a Rummage Sale. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd, 2015! Please start saving clothing and household items to donate for the sale. Dr. Burton Gerson, President Happy Hanukkah begins sundown Dec. 16 th Wishing everyone a safe and happy 2015 New Year celebration! 16 “We can’t imagine spending our best years anywhere but home.” LIVE-IN AND HOURLY CARE Our Life. Our Memories. Our Home. Live Well at Home with Home Care Assistance! Balanced Care. In addition to assistance with medication reminders, transportation, personal care and more, caregivers encourage physical activity, socialization and a sense of purpose. Kosher Care. Our caregivers are specially trained in Jewish traditions, including holidays and keeping a kosher kitchen. Cognitive Therapeutics. Our proprietary program was designed by experts to improve mental acuity and slow cognitive decline. Call or visit us today to schedule your FREE in-home assessment! We accept Long-Term Care Insurance 561-826-9282 Changing the Way the World Ages HomeCareAssistanceBocaRaton.com License# 299994260 SAVE THESE DATES.....January 23rd-25th…. Scholar In Residence Weekend: Dr. Prof. Shalom Paul Professor Shalom Paul is a Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and former Chair of the department of Bible, who specializes in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, its cultures, languages, and theologies. He is the Chair of the Dead Sea Scrolls Foundation, an international organization of leading scholars on the Dead Sea Scrolls, and is also the chair of the curriculum committee of Bible for the Ministry of Education for all grades in Israel. Professor Paul is known as a charismatic and dynamic teacher of Bible who has charmed generations of students at universities, educational institutions and synagogues in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. 17 KISLEV/TEVET 5775 Sunday Monday 1 7 15 Kislev 10 am Prospective Member Open House 2 pm Sisterhood Delray Beach Playhouse 14 21 22 Kislev 29 Kislev 9 Kislev Tuesday Wedne 2 10 Kislev 3 10 am Life Long Learning 10 am Sisterhood Board 11 am Life Long Learning 1:30pm Life Long Learning 3:30pm Sociable Singles 3:45pm Talmud Class 2 pm Cantor Sapir’s Parshat Hashavuah 9:30am Executive Meeting 10:30am Folk Da 1:30pm Movie of 8 9 10 16 Kislev 17 Kislev 10 am Life Long Learning 11 am Life Long Learning 12 pm Book Club 3:30pm Sociable Singles 3:45pm Talmud Class 9:30am Men’s Club Board Meeting 2pm Cantor Sapir’s Parshat Hashavuah 15 16 23 Kislev 24 Kislev 9:30am Full Boar 10:30am Folk Da 11 am Congregat 1:30pm Movie of 17 10 am Life Long Learning 10 am Sisterhood meeting 11 am Life Long Learning 1:30pm Life Long Learning 3:30pm Sociable Singles 3:45pm Talmud Class 2 pm Cantor Sapir’s Parshat Hashvuah Erev Chanukah First Candle Chanukah 10:30am Folk Da 1:30pm Movie of Second Candle 22 23 24 30 Kislev 1 Tevet Chanukah 5:30pm Chanukah Dinner Sixth Candle Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Tevet 12 pm Rosh Chodesh Luncheon 3:30pm Sociable Singles 3:45pm Talmud Class Seventh Candle Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Tevet 2 pm Cantor Sapir’s Parshat Hashavuah Eighth Candle Chanukah 10:30am Folk Da 7 pm Cantor Sapi Concert 28 29 30 31 6 Tevet 10 am Men’s Club Meeting/ Breakfast 7 Tevet 10 am Life Long Learning 11 am Life Long Learning 1:30pm Life Long Learning 3:30pm Sociable Singles 3:45pm Talmud Class 18 8 Tevet 2 pm Cantor Sapir’s Parshat Hashvuah New Year’s Eve DECEMBER 2014 esday Thursday 11 Kislev e Committee ancing the Week 18 Kislev rd Meeting ancing tion Meeting the Week 25 Kislev ancing the Week 2 Tevet ancing ir & Aaron Kula 4 12 Kislev Friday 5 13 Kislev Saturday 6 14 Kislev 10:30am Choir Rehearsal 10:30am Conversational Hebrew (Ritzner) 1:30pm Life Long Learning 2 pm Chug Ivrit 10:30am Yiddish Club 5 pm Early Shabbat Service Candle Lighting 5:09pm 7:30pm Late Friday Evening Services 8:45am Shabbat Morning Services - Simcha Shabbat Guest Rabbi Weekend: Rabbi Rafael Adler 5 pm Mincha/Shalosh Seudot/ Maariv Shabbat Ends: 6:06pm 11 12 13 19 Kislev 10:30am Choir Rehearsal 10:30am Conversational Hebrew (Ritzner) Where: Annex 3 1:30pm Life Long Learning 2 pm Chug Ivrit 18 26 Kislev 20 Kislev 10:30am Yiddish Club 5 pm Early Shabbat Service Candle Lighting 5:11pm 7:30pm Late Friday Evening Services 27 Kislev 19 Chanukah 10:30am Choir Rehearsal 10:30am Conversational Hebrew (Ritzner) 1:30pm Life Long Learning 2 pm Chug Ivrit Third Candle Chanukah 10:30am Yiddish Club 5 pm Early Shabbat Service Fourth Candle Candle Lighting 5:14pm 7:30pm Late Friday Evening Services 25 26 3 Tevet 4 Tevet 10:30am Yiddish Club 5 pm Early Shabbat Service Candle Lighting 5:17 pm 7:30pm Late Friday Evening Services 9 Tevet 19 21 Kislev 8:45am Shabbat Morning Services 5 pm Mincha/Shalosh Seudot/ Maariv Shabbat Ends: 6:08pm 20 28 Kislev Shabbat Chanukah 8:45am Shabbat Morning Services Where: Sanctuary 5 pm Mincha/Shalosh Seudot/ Maariv Fifth Candle Shabbat Ends 6:11pm 27 5 Tevet 8:45am Shabbat Morning Services Where: Sanctuary 5 pm Mincha/Shalosh Seudot/ Maariv Shabbat Ends: 6:14 pm Independent, Assisted Living and Memory Care Welcome Home Grand Villa offers the best in senior living lifestyles. The best way to learn about Grand Villa is to come for a personal tour and meet everyone. You always have an invitation to visit us. We’ll even treat you to lunch. You set the time, and we’ll set the table! Call us today! • Nurse on Staff • Game Room • Country Store • Internet Cafe’ • Full Calendar of Activities • FREE Local Scheduled Transportation • Spacious TV Lounge • Activity Rooms • Library • Beauty Salon/Barber Shop • 3 Chef Prepared Meals Daily • Restaurant-style Dining • Much More! Grand Villa of Delray West Grand Villa of Delray East 14555 Sims Road, Delray Beach, FL 33484| ALF# 5113 www.GrandVillaDelray-East.com Independent, Assisted Living & Memory Care 5859 Heritage Park Way, Delray Beach, FL 33484 | ALF# 12362 www.GrandVillaDelray-West.com Call 561-404-7052 Call 561-945-0186 Assisted Living & Memory Care 20 21 Wednesdays at the movies! December 3rd Movie to be determined December 10th The Gatekeepers 2012 PG-13 95 minutes Meet six leaders of Israel's secret service, the Shin Bet, which has dealt with conflict amid the quest for peace for nearly 50 years. For the first time, these men discuss the challenging truths and consequences of their counter terrorism mission. December 17th The Great Dictator 1940 G 126 minutes In this prescient twist on the immortal prince-and-the-pauper tale, Charlie Chaplin plays polaropposite dual roles: look-alikes Adenoid Hynkel -- Tomania's anti-Semitic ruler -- and an amnesiac Jewish barber. After 20 years in a hospital, the barber goes home, oblivious to the plight of Tomania's Jews. Soon, Hynkel cracks down on them, but a case of mistaken identity gives the unassuming barber a chance to make an impassioned plea for democracy. No movie on December 24th & December 31st 22 Delray’s Vibrant Synagogue Of The Future Sunday, March 1st Honoring: President Emeritus Paul A. Felder & Immediate Past President Larry Feinberg Price Size Gold Page $350 7” x 10” Silver Page $250 7” x 10” Full Page $150 7” x 10” Half Page $100 7” x 4.75” Quarter Page $75 Booster- One Family Name Only 3.5” x 4.75” $36 Please Circle Your Selection & Attach your check. Ads print black and white only. Please use the box below for your ad. Please forward your check to the Temple, no later than 12/31/14 Use the box or attach ad or ad copy to this form; for best results email to PaulErstein@yahoo.com Personal Temple Anshei Shalom 7099 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33445 Phone: (561) 495-1300 23 Tzedakah KEY: IMO In Memory of IHO In Honor of HB Happy Birthday HA Happy Anniversary GW Get Well Kol Nidre Pledges Beverly Abrams IMO Lawrence Hahn, Morris Hahn, Lawrence Abrams, Nettie Seca Louis & Lillian Adamsky Maimie Allen Steven & Carol Alper Jacob K & Evelyn Alter Jack & Beverly Alweiss Florence Appleman Miriam Babbitt James & Marilyn Bachner Barry & Letty Bass Miriam Behar Gerald Beigel Carol Belmer Kenneth & Susan Berkowitz Lenore Berkun Morris & Gilda Berman Ruth Berman Doris Bernfeld Dr Stanley Bernsteen Nettie Birnbach Philip & Rose Blick Gilbert & Hana Bogen Henry Borenstein Gertrude Bornstein Sharon Brasner Ida Brass Gerald & E. Beth Brezner Thelma Briskin Sharon Brooks Rhoda Brownstein Jack & Nancy Bushinsky Carol Cartoon-Smolar Irwin & Sandra Chalfin Doris Chatzkel IMO Larry Chatzkel David & Jackie Cohen Harold Cohen Judith Cohen Kalman & Lois Cohen Lewis & Carol Cohen Marvin S & Margot Cohen Philip & Danielle Cohen Stephen & Wendy Cohen Lawrence & Leslie Cooper Judith Danto Violet Darling Harvey & Susan Dashefsky Vera Deblinger Harold & Lois Deutsch Oscar Deutsch Roy & Edith Dickes Harry Douglas Simon Drelichman Lawrence Eber Renate Eckstein Irving & Norma Edwards Harold & May Ehrenman Eddie Eisenstein Marshall & Sylvia Engell Lorraine Epstien Rita Erstein Joan Esterson Barbara Faller Leonard Fane & Shirley Greenfield Sheldon & Shirley Fant Harold & Rosalind Farber Leon & Sheila Farber Abraham & Frances Farris Leonard & Dorothy Feigenbaum Philip & Lois Fein Lawrence & Linda Feinberg 24 Paul Felder Paul Felder David & Marilyn Ference Noah Fields Bernard & Eileen Finegold Samuel & Arline Finkelstein Hedy Fladell Joseph & Miriam Frank Barbara Frankel Sidney & Nancy Freedman Rita Freeman Edward & Ava Friedman Henry Friedman Irving Friedman Norbert & Naomi Friedman Florence Friend Martin & Janis Fuchsman Edward & Marilyn Gastfriend Elaine Geller Selma Gershon Fran Gerson Rana Gerson Dennis & Arlene Gertzer Ronald & Rosalind Glickman Herman & Marianna Gluck Daniel & Frances Goldman Seymour Goldman Elizabeth Goldsmith Sheldon & Carol Goldsmith Rabbi Baruch Goldstein Sam Goldstein Emma Goodman Bertha Gordon Phyllis Gordon Raymond Gordon David & Marilyn Gotterer Rhoda Goydel Marion Granat Mildred Grant Gilbert & Barbara Grau Harold & Barbara Greenberg Seymour Greenspan Laura Grossbard Rita Grunberg Gerald & Rose Halpern Michael & Celie Halzel Andras & Liela Hamori Eleanor Hansen Pearl Harris Stuart Haus Jean Havelin Alvin Hearst Lenore Heller B. Robert Hiller Cantor Josh Hilsenrath Bernard & Ruth Hochberg Nathan & Mildred Hocherman Melvyn & Donna Hodis Gloria Jacobs Howard & Sandy Jacobs Michael & Patricia Jacobs Morton & Lenore Jaye Janette Kanfer Rosalyn Kaplan Phyllis Karp Harold & Norma Karun Peter & Judith Katsikis Norman & Rosalind Kaufman Leonard & Sandra Keller Esther Kessler Robert & Annette Kisner Sandra Klausner Judy Koles Kol Nidre Bernard Klein Philip Klein Sylvia Klein Selma Kleinman Jay Koniak John Korn Bope Kraemer Lillian Kramer Al & Sheila Krauser Oscar Krieger Shoshana Krol Ruth Kurtz Shirley Kushner IMO Milton Kushner Genia Kutner Charles & Frances Laufer Morris & Lena Lazarus Harry & Marlene Lebovitz David Lehon & Elaine Reisman Paula Lenchner-Eisen Shirley Lenner Sidney & Harriet Lenowitz Sol Lepson Shirley Lessin George & Phyllis Levin Herbert & Sharon Levine Isaac Levy Saul Lew Nechama Lewin Janet Lichtenfeld Otto & Toby Loewy Bernice Lubatkin David & Arlene Lurie Aida Makower Meyer & Diane Malakoff Irving & Sue Mandel Michael Marder Nathan & Barbara Margolis Frances Markowitz Kenneth & Carole Markowitz Tobie Markowitz Irene Marks Joyce Maxik Malcolm & Florence Mayper Stephen & Isolde Medow David & Rhoda Messinger Albert & Sheila Mevorah Paul Meyer Harvey Miller Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller Nathan Mitchell Ber & Hana Mlawski Rose Mond Bernard & Ruth Morwitz Jacob & Charlotte Mosberg Adina Moseson Jack & Phyllis Moss Irwin & Laura Nable Manfred & Margot Nussbaum Donald & Karen Orr Matthew & Sandra Osdoby Milton & Marilyn Ozar Jeffrey & Anita Perlmutter Norman & Rita Perlmutter Evelyn Perlowitz Robert & Arlene Pickman Phyllis Platt Arnold & Gloria Plotzky Len & Renee Pravda Barry & Gail Press Robert & Dorothy Pressman Charlotte Ratafia Donald & Janet Reichler George Reichman Milton & Elaine Rein Sylvia Richter Roberta Ringelheim Marvin & Gloria Ripps Arlene Ritholtz Jerome Ritter Tzedakah 25 Ronald & Rochelle Rohin Marshall & Teresa Rosen Solomon Z. & Ray Rosen Julius Rosenberg Irving Rosenblatt Eli & Beverly Rosenbloom Carl & Sandra Rosenblueth Phyllis Rosenthal Roberta Rosenzweig Rita Roslin Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg Robert & Barbara Rothman Ira Rubin Myron & Dolores Rubin Cantor Saul Rubinstein Gertrude Rudd Bernard Saklad Anne Sander Joan Savitt Edward & Gayle Savitz Walter & Edith Schaffer Cantor Alan & Mrs Ilene Scharf Rhoda Scharf Gilbert & Beatrice Schechtman Michael Scheinzeit Irwin & Sylvia Schenkman Beverly Scherer Jack Schleifman & Muriel Goodheart Dr Irving Schneider & Lucille Kall Joel Schneiderman Fred Schonwetter Leon & Roslyn Schor Anita Schwartz Arnold & Jeffrey Schwartz Chrissy Seidenfeld Rose Seidman Seymour & Roslyn Seiler Marvin & Roberta Shabsis Carole Shaffer Carl Shapiro David & Deanna Storch Shapiro Natalie Shustrin Florence Siegel Marlene Siegel Paul Siegel Nathan & Lola Silverman Hank Simonovic Nathaniel Sims Rheta Sitzer Hyman & Renee Slavin Gene Sloshay Vivian Sloves Martin & Charlotte Solomon Seymour Solomon Allen & Tilda Spector Richard Spector Florence Spinner Lewis Starasoler Stanley & Alice Starasoler Tracy Starasoler Lynn Stein Samuel & Roslyn Stein Irving & Shirley Stiel Joel & Miriam Sussman Bertha Sutin Harvey & Claire Tatelman Florence Tobin Bernard & Evelyn Tran Leah Ugelow Florence Ull Marion Valinsky Margaret Vesely Laura Vichnis Wallace Waldman Edward & Mildred Wall Phyllis Walsh Dr Howard & Hadassah Wang David Wasserman Judith Weinberg Kol Nidre Tzedakah Sema Weinberg Barbara Weinberger Irving & Ricky Weiner Dr. Jack Weiner Seymour & Marcia Weinick Morris & Patricia Weinman Albert & Sylvia Weinstein Herbert & Blanche Weinstein Robert & Ruth Kaplan Weiser Gilbert & Sheila Weisman Gilbert & Sheila Weisman Harriette Weisman Jacob Weiss Dr Max Weiss Ruzena Weiss Sam Weiss IMO May Weiss/Wife Sander Weissman Ida Weitzman Benjamin & Gerda Weltman David Wilansky Evelyn Wilcon Ann Williams Karen Wolf Irene Wolk Joel Zimmerman Raena Zucker Sidney & Geraldine Zuckoff Isaac & Louise Zweifler Bricks Gold/Silver Selma Aison IHO Murray Spitzer Rose Bass IHO Ronald & Rosalind Glickman Geraldine Berg IMO Estelle Sherer by G Berg, I Brass, M Cohen, R Eckstein Henry Borenstein IHO his 90th BD Harriet DeCosta IMO George Ehrlich-a very special man in my life Phyllis Eisen IHO my grandchildren Morris Epstein IMO Sam Perlowitz Rita Erstein IMO Dr Irving Bloomfield Rita Erstein IMO George Ehrlich, Master of all Trades Rita Erstein IMO Sam Perlowitz, he will never be forgotten Rita Erstein IMO Simmie Scott, you’ll reach the double digit in our heart Harriet Feldshon IHO Ronald & Rosalind Glickman Irving Friedman IMO Ellen Beigel Irving Friedman IMO George Ehrlich Irving Friedman IMO Hank Simonovic Mildred Grant IHO Milton Ozar Lois Green IHO Rita Rosen 90th BD Lois Green IHO Ruth Kurtz 90th BD Lois Green IHO Sylvia Simon’s 90th BD Arthur H. Greenwald IMO George Ehrlich Arthur H. Greenwald IMO Paul Bernstein, PNC Janette Kanfer IMO Sam Perlowitz Larry H & Linda Kaplan IMO George Ehrlich Harriet Katz IHO Ruth Kurtz on her 90th BD John Korn IHO Milton Ozar on his 90th BD Bope Kraemer IMO Audrey Engel Irene Marks IHO Ruth Kurtz on her 90th BD Herbert & Karan Marvin IMO Edward Kahne Herbert & Karan Marvin IMO Morty Best Herbert & Karan Marvin IMO Sam Perlowitz, good man and dear friend Men’s Club IMO George Ehrlich Men’s Club IMO Sam Perlowitz Harvey Miller IMO George Ehrlich Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller IHO Dr Milton Ozar on his 90th BD Irwin & Laura Nable IMO Sam Perlowitz Alio & Helen Plinto IMO Gladys Gitty Torillo Alio & Helen Plinto IMO Lila Cohen, IMO Gladys Gitty Torillo Hella Reitman IHO my grandson Matthew Cohen on his Bar Mitzvah Hella Reitman MT Marissa Cohen on your acceptance to the Honors Program Julius Rosenberg IMO Ellen Beigel G.D. & Susan Rothenberg IHO Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg Dolores Rubin IHO Milton Ozar Cantor Saul Rubinstein IMO George Ehrlich Edward & Gayle Savitz IHO Gayle Savitz-Kol Nidre Speech 5775 Leon & Roslyn Schor IMO Sam Perlowitz 26 Florence Ull IMO Dr Irwin Sharkey Florence Ull IMO George Ehrlich, our Man of all Hats”” Florence Ull MT Rabbi Baruch Goldstein on your Simchat Torah Honor Florence Ull MT Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg on your Simchat Torah Hon Margaret Vesely IMO Tom Vesely. Dearest Son Artifacts Fred Schonwetter Memorial Board Header-Chapel Memorial Plaques Arthur H. Greenwald Abraham Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Sarah Greenwald Nathan Vogel Philip Joseph Vogel, Beatrice R Vogel Nathan Vogel Reserved Kaddish Ira & Judith Lichten Fay Lichten Leon & Roslyn Schor IMO Hyman Engel/Father Charles & Betty Simmons IMO Bernard Weinstein/Brother Adult Classes-LLL Linda Appel Folk Dancing Lawrence & Linda Feinberg IMO Eleanor Halperin/Mother, IMO Chaye Dwoire Sokoloff/Grand Barbara Goldstein Folk Dancing Eleanor Golub Folk Dancing Martha Iannazzone Folk Dancing Barbara Kirscher Folk Dancing Eugene & Evelyn Lieberman Folk Dancing Tillie Miller Folk Dancing Shelly Naidus Folk Dancing Helen Pomerantz Folk Dancing Wilma Quinn Folk Dancing Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg Chatan & Kalat Torah Sofia Scharf Folk Dancing Robert Colasurdo Movie of the Week Sponsor Simcha Shabbat Paul Erstein IHO my mother, Rita Erstein and lovely ladies in the office Rita Erstein IHO her grandson, 2nd Lieut Elliot Erstein on his birthday Harold & Rosalind Farber IHO their 64th anniversary-where did all the years go? Paul Felder MT Ayne Rauch on birth of 15th grandchild & your niece’s BD Ruth Kurtz IHO her birthday David & Arlene Lurie IHO David’s 80th BD Meyer & Diane Malakoff IHO their 63rd wedding anniversary Irving & Frances Margulis IHO their 65th wedding anniversary Manfred & Margot Nussbaum IHO his 87th BD Norma Rosenfeld IMO Rita Goldberg Bernard Saklad IHO the birth of his 1st g-grandson Tzvi Mordechai Cantor Efraim & Dvora Sapir Bon Voyage, IHO the Israel trip participants Dr Edward & Beatrice Walvick IHO our birthdays & our daughter in law’s bday Dr Deborah Shalosh Seudot Arthur H. Greenwald Sidney & Harriet Lenowitz Irving & Sue Mandel Rosalie Meltzer IMO Mike Meltzer Arnold & Gloria Plotzky Rita Roslin IMO Norman Roslin/Husband Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg IHO Larry Feinberg Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg IMO Abraham & Florence Rothenberg Bernard Saklad IMO Leon Schwartz Melvin & Marilyn Schwartz IHO their 60th wedding anniversary Florence Ull Kiddush Donations Nathan & Lola Silverman IHO their special 74th anniversary Oneg Shabbat Beverly Berman Jack & Nancy Bushinsky Oneg Shabbat Tzedakah Charlotte Ratafia Rita Roslin IHO Carol & Sheldon Goldsmith becoming g-grandparents Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg Florence Ull Arthur & Joan Wiener General Donations Selma Aison HA Celie & Michael Halzel Selma Aison HB Maria Meisler, HB Pearl Perlman, HB Adina Moseson Selma Aison HB Ruth Kurtz, HB Lena Lazarus, HB Sandy Sadowitz Jacob K & Evelyn Alter Gerald Beigel GW Michael Halzel, GW Paul Felder-good job on Haftorah Claire Beller MT Ruth & Bernie Morwitz on B’nai Mitzvah of your grandchild Geraldine Berg GW Arlene Lurie Geraldine Berg GW George Ehrlich Geraldine Berg IMO Sam Perlowitz, IMO Audrey Engel Geraldine Berg IMO Tommy Vesely Natalie Biegel IHO son Bruce’s good health Natalie Biegel MT Joan & Les Schwartz on the marriage of your grandchildren Arthur & Marcia Binns Bernice Chattin Stanley & Leatrice Cohen Mickie Corsun GW Debbie Schwartz Mickie Corsun IHO Rabbi Gerald Weiss, TY for the beautiful services Mickie Corsun MT Hella Reitman on the birth of your grandson Matthew Custom Plastic Card Company IMO Estelle Sherer Harriet DeCosta GW Arlene Lurie Harriet DeCosta GW Debbie Schwartz, GW Estelle Sherer Harriet DeCosta HB Evelyn Cohen Harriet DeCosta IMO Ellen Beigel Harriet DeCosta IMO Ellen Beigel, IMO Judge Joseph Mazur Harriet DeCosta IMO Irving Bloomfield, Condolnce to Halzel family Harriet DeCosta IMO Leonard Bragman Harriet DeCosta IMO Sam Perlowitz, IMO Hank Simonovic Harriet DeCosta IMO Sandra Youngerman Harriet DeCosta IMO Tommy Vesely Harriet DeCosta MT Ayne Rauch on birth of your 15th grandchild Harriet DeCosta MT Bernie Saklad on birth of g-grandchild Tzvi Mordechai Renate Eckstein GW Margot Cohen Renate Eckstein HB Ruth Kurtz Gertrude Ehrlich IHO Fran Goldman Phyllis Eisen HB Ruth Kurtz, Good Health Sylvia Eisner IMO George Ehrlich Philip Elkus IMO Ellen Beigel Marshall & Sylvia Engell Rita Erstein GW Debbie Schwartz, GW Harold Ehrenman, GW Maria Meisler Rita Erstein MT Sema Weinberg on the birth of your g-granddaughter Paul Felder HA Jack & Elizabeth Rosenthal, HA Jack & Nancy Bushinsky Paul Felder HA Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller Paul Felder HB Morris Lazarus, HB Burton Gerson, HB Michael Silverman Paul Felder HB Noah Fields, HB Manfred Nussbaum, HB Esther Strickler Bernard & Eileen Finegold GW Arlene Lurie Bernard & Eileen Finegold Happy New Year Joan & Stan Cohen, Sid & Harriet Lenowitz David & Marilee Florence Irving Friedman GW Debby Morgenstern Irving Friedman GW Maria Meisler Irving Friedman IHO Bernie Saklad on the birth of your g-grandson Irving Friedman IMO Sandra Youngerman Irving Friedman IMO Selma Scott Gloria Fuss IMO Eugene Eisner Elaine Geller Condolences to Faye Braverman Elaine Geller GW Lester Schwartz 27 Elaine Geller Dr Burton & Nora Gerson Dennis & Arlene Gertzer Ronald & Rosalind Glickman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Daniel & Frances Goldman Pearl Goldman Pearl Goldman Sheldon & Carol Goldsmith Rabbi Baruch Goldstein Rabbi Baruch Goldstein Rabbi Baruch Goldstein Mildred Grant Mildred Grant Mildred Grant Arie & Susan Greenberg Arie & Susan Greenberg Arthur H. Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Arthur H. Greenwald Michael & Celie Halzel Michael & Celie Halzel Michael & Celie Halzel Michael & Celie Halzel Michael & Celie Halzel MT Ruth & Bernie Morwitz on B’nai Mitzvah of your grandchild HA Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller GW Lester Schwartz GW Arlene Lurie, GW Sam Perlowitz GW Debby Morgenstern, GW Maria Meisler GW Debby Schwartz, GW Les Schwartz, GW Sol Levine HA Ber & Hana Mlawski, HA Rabbi Lester & Doris Hering HA Celie & Michael Halzel, HA Jim & Marilyn Bachner HA Jack & Nancy Bushinsky, HA David & Jackie Cohen HA Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller HA Robert & Rosalyn Gibson, HA Bertram & Lee Lieberman HB Barbara Asrelsky, HB Edward Walvick, HB Barbara Kirshner HB Beatrice Walvick, HA Mauricio & Sheila Arenzon HB Edith Dickes, HB Milton Ozar HB Gloria Kay, HB Roslyn Schor, HB Burton Gerson HB Irving Mandel, GW Harold & Mae Ehrenman HB Lenore Jaye, HB Hadassah Wang, HB Hana Mlawski HB Rabbi Raphael Miller, HB Esther Strickler, HB Aaron Frank HB Ruth Morwitz IMO Ellen Beigel IMO Harry Klein, IMO Hank Simonovic, IMO Charles Bornstein IMO Judge Joseph Mazur, IMO Sandra Youngerman IMO Leonard Bateman IMO Sam Perlowitz, IMO Selma Scott, IMO Estelle Sherer GW Gert Berg, GW Jan Bender GW Paul & Gloria Starr, GW Evelyn Rosen, GW Esther Miller GW Charlotte Sichel, MT Bernie Saklad on birth of your g-gra GW Eleanor Zimmern, GW Margot Nussbaum, GW Adina Moseson HA Manny & Margot Nussbaum HA Rabbi Lester & Doris Hering, HA Sheila & Mauricio Arenzon HB Marvin Cohen IMO George Ehrlich IHO Harriet GW George Ehrlich, HA Celie & Michael Halzel HA Mauricio & Sheila Arenzon, HA Rabbi Lester & Doris Hering HA Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller HB Ida Weitzman, HB Marvin S Cohen, HB Daniel Gevirtz HB Irving Mandel, HB Barbara Kirschner HB Irving Weiner, HB Dr Burton Gerson, HB Dr Howard Wang HB Joel Jacobs, HB Rosalyn Gibson, HB Ruth Kurtz HB Rabbi Rafael Miller, HA Robert & Rosalyn Gibson HB Ruth Morwitz, HB Rabbi Jacob Halpern, HB Sam Perlowitz IMO Estelle Sherer IMO Sam Perlowitz, IMO Hank Simonovic IMO Selma Scott, IMO Sandra Youngerman IHO Paul Felder, TY for a lovely evening in the Sukkah IMO George Ehrlich, IMO Ellen Beigel, IMO Sandra Youngerman IMO Judge Joseph Mazur IMO Sam Perlowitz MT Bernie Saklad on becoming a g-grandfather General Donations Tzedakah Gloria Hutcher Gloria Jacobs MT Marilyn & Jeffrey Tabak on the birth of your grandchild Howard & Sandy Jacobs GW Eleanor Zimmern Irwin & Eileen Jacobs IHO Sukkot Janette Kanfer IMO Estelle Scherer, IMO Selma (Simmie) Scott Gloria M. C. Kay IMO Fran Birnbaum Martin & Sharon Klein David Kodicek HB Dr Milton Ozar Lillian Kramer Ruth Kurtz GW Arlene Lurie, GW Lester Schwartz, GW Eleanor Zimmern Ruth Kurtz GW George Ehrlich Ruth Kurtz HA Jeff & Linda Schultz, HA Manfred & Margot Nussbaum Ruth Kurtz HB Marvin Cohen Ruth Kurtz HB Phyllis Walsh Ruth Kurtz IMO George Ehrlich Genia Kutner HB Fania Keck Genia Kutner IHO Alex Hellner Genia Kutner IMO Ellen Beigel Charles & Frances Laufer IMO Bernard Weinstein Charles & Frances Laufer IMO Lydia Botfeld Nechama Lewin Nechama Lewin GW Margot Cohen David & Arlene Lurie GW Helene Grill, GW George Ehrlich Aida Makower MT Ber & Hana Mlawski on the birth of your grandson Ryan Irene Marks GW Margot Cohen, GW Arlene Lurie Irene Marks IMO Estelle Sherer Irene Marks IMO Sam Perlowitz Herbert & Karan Marvin IHO Nettie Birnbach, GW Debbie Schwartz Herbert & Karan Marvin IMO Hank Simonovic Harvey Miller HA Celie & Michael Halzel Harvey Miller HA Mauricio & Sheila Arenzon Harvey Miller HA Michael & Celie Halzel Harvey Miller HA Morton & Lenore Jaye, HA Irving & Shirley Stiel Harvey Miller HB Lenore Jaye, HB Hadassah Wang, HB Charlotte Solomon Harvey Miller HB Otto Loewy, HB Dr Ed Walvick, HB Barbara Kirshner Harvey Miller HB Rosalin Gibson, HB Henry Borenstein Harvey Miller HB Rosalyn Gibson, HB Henry Borenstein Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller GW Rabbi Gerald Weiss Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller HA Rabbi Lester & Doris Hering Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller MT Selma Jacobs on the birth of your g-granddaughter Marilyn Mishkin IMO Elizabeth DeKercado Bernard & Ruth Morwitz GW Lester Schwartz, GW Natalie Biegel Bernard & Ruth Morwitz MT Helen & Sid Schwaidelson on birth of your granddaughter Adina Moseson GW Margot Cohen Adina Moseson HB Barbara Grau Robert & Dorothy Pressman IMO Seymour Zitovsky Sam & Ceil Reich IMO Phyllis Seresky Hella Reitman GW Harold Pressman Hella Reitman HA Ber & Hana Mlawski, HA Rabbi Lester & Doris Hering Hella Reitman HA Jack & Nancy Bushinsky, HA Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Mill Hella Reitman HB Barbara Kirshner Hella Reitman HB Hadassah Wang Hella Reitman HB Rabbi Raphael Miller, HB Ray Misshula, HB Howard Wang Hella Reitman HB Susan Wood Zenia Revitz HB Ruth Kurtz Rita Roslin Rita Roslin GW Ben Weltman Rita Roslin GW Sam Perlowitz, GW Sid Lenowitz Rita Roslin IMO George Ehrlich Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg IMO George Ehrlich, IMO Sam Perlowitz Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg IMO Sam Perlowitz Bernard Saklad GW Debbie Schwartz, GW Arlene Lurie, GW Margot Cohen Bernard Saklad GW Maria Meisler, GW Lester Schwartz, GW Rabbi Gerald Weiss Bernard Saklad GW Sam Perlowitz, IMO Dr Irving Bloomfield Bernard Saklad IMO Sam Perlowitz 28 Bernard Saklad IMO Sheila Gittelman Edward & Gayle Savitz GW Rabbi Gerald Weiss Irwin & Sylvia Schenkman Yashe Kohach Syd & Harriet Lenowitz Irwin & Sylvia Schenkman Yasher Harriet DeCosta, Yasher Rabbi Weiss Leon & Roslyn Schor HA Seymour & Marsha Edelman Leon & Roslyn Schor HB Marilyn Gastfriend, HB Ruth Kurtz, HB Gerda Weltman Warren & Rosalie Schumacher IMO Kevin Huttner Debbie Schwartz IMO Simi Scott Judy Schwartz Health & Happiness in the New Year Leah Schwartz IMO Harry Berkof Leah Schwartz IMO Mickey Fink Lester & Joan Schwartz IMO Mira Gordon Eva Shafran Hag Sameach Marlene Siegel GW Lester Schwartz, GW Bernie Morwitz Marion Silverman Gerald & Florence Slatin IHO his November 6th BD Martin & Charlotte Solomon MT Bernie & Ruth Morwitz on B’nai Mitzvah of your grandchild Ruth Solomon IMO Louis Friedman Florence Ull HA Judy & Joseph Kaufer, HA Rabbi Lester & Doris Hering Florence Ull HA Manfred & Margot Nussbaum, HA Seymour & Marsha Edelman Florence Ull HA Mauricio & Sheila Arenzon Florence Ull HA Meyer & Diane Malakoff, HA Ber & Hana Mlawski Florence Ull HA Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller Florence Ull HA Robert & Roslyn Gibson, HA Gil & Hana Bogen Florence Ull HA Sheila & Al Krauser Florence Ull HB Adina Moseson, HA Michael & Celie Halzel Florence Ull HB Diane Malakoff, HB Sema Weinberg, HB Manfred Nussbaum Florence Ull HB Helen Bedrick, HB Irene Dworkin Florence Ull HB Lena Lazarus, HB Phyllis Walsh, HB Sandy Sadowitz Florence Ull HB Marilyn Gastfriend, HB Edith Dickes, HB Gerda Weltman Florence Ull HB Marvin Cohen, HB Hannah Krakauer, HB Barbara Kirshner Florence Ull HB Meyer Malakoff, HB Maria Meisler, HB Hana Mlawski Florence Ull HB Ray Misshula, HB Roslyn Schor, HB Fania Keck Florence Ull HB Roslyn Gibson, HB Selma Jacobs, HB Ruth Kurtz Florence Ull HB Seymour Weinick Florence Ull IHO Fania Keck, TY for thinking of me Florence Ull IMO Sam Perlowitz Florence Ull MT Sheldon & Carol Goldsmith, MT Sema Weinberg Margaret Vesely Thank you Judith Weinberg IMO George Ehrlich Judith Weinberg IMO Sam Perlowitz Sema Weinberg GW George Ehrlich Seymour & Marcia Weinick IHO Florence Ull-Happy Rosh Hashanah Special Donations Harold & May Ehrenman Sidney & Nancy Freedman Kenneth Golberg Rabbi Lester & Doris Hering Yahrzeit Gerald & Carol Abrahams IMO Shirley Marcus/Mother Margie Adler IMO Charles Jack Adler/Husband Margie Adler IMO Martin Eli Adler/Son Selma Aison IMO Morris Gergel/Father Jacob K & Evelyn Alter IMO Lena Sanders/Mother Jacob K & Evelyn Alter IMO Rebecca Alter/Mother, IMO Abraham Alter/Father Marc Anselmo & Sharon Barrett IMO Sarah Barrett/Mother Herbert & Alice Barbanel IMO Lee Steinfeld/Mother Evelyn Barnett IMO Richard Alan Barnett/Son Lillian Becker IMO Henry Becker/Husband Lillian Becker IMO Louis Zarabet/Brother Lillian Becker IMO Rose Zarabet/Mother Betty Benson IMO Morris Kay/Brother Yahrzeit Tzedakah Betty Benson IMO Morris Kay/Brother, IMO Ronnie Bernstein Hill/Niece Sherman & Adrienne Berkin IMO Rose Berkin/Mother Kenneth & Susan Berkowitz IMO Wallace Berkowitz/Brother Helen Bernsteen IMO Edwin Bernsteen/Husband Pearl Bernstein IMO Louis & Rose Bernstein Natalie Biegel IMO Herbert Siegel Alexis Bilitch IMO Albert Donath/Father Emanuel & Sylvia Binder IMO Bertha Binder/Mother, IMO Samuel Binder/Father Emanuel & Sylvia Binder IMO Hanna Steinberg/Mother, IMO Moe Steinberg/Father Nettie Birnbach IMO Marvin Birnbach/Husband Eileen Bondy IMO Bert Weinerman/Father Eileen Bondy IMO Seymour Bondy/Husband Shirley Botwinick IMO Eve Wainstock/Sister Shirley Botwinick IMO Jay Botwinick/Husband Leon Bram IMO Joseph Bram/Father Ida Brass IMO Harry Brass/Husband Barry Brodsky IMO Hyman Brodsky/Father Bronia Bronkesh IMO Shaye Zimerman/Father Rita Brown IMO Lillian Solar/Mother Gayle Bucolo IMO Anna Block/Grandmother Irene Clayman IMO Bella Clayman/Mother-in-law Rubin Cohen IMO Charlotte Cohen/Wife Lawrence & Leslie Cooper IMO Rona Natalie Hecht/Sister David & Susan Corn IMO Helen Elbaum Rabbi Donald & Sandra Crain Harold & Lois Deutsch IMO Fannie Deutsch/Mother Oscar Deutsch IMO Gerta Barasch/Sister Diane Diamond IMO Ralph Zakheim/Father Sandra Dickstein IMO Samuel Dickstein/Father-in-law Harry Douglas IMO Lillian Douglas/Mother Renate Eckstein IMO Irma Braunschweiger/Sister-in-law Harold & May Ehrenman IMO Sadie Ehrenman/Mother Gilbert & Joyce Eisler IMO Augusta Allen/Mother Marshall & Sylvia Engell IMO Bebe Byer/Mother, IMO Harry Engell/Father Marshall & Sylvia Engell IMO Samuel Byer/Father Rita Erstein Leonard Fane & Shirley Greenfield IMO Hershel Zvie Cohen/Father Harold & Rosalind Farber IMO Fanny Goldstein/Mother Hermine Feller IMO Ruth Landman/Mother Bernard & Eileen Finegold IMO Morris Finegold/Father Hedy Fladell IMO Barbara Brand/Daughter Hedy Fladell IMO Henry Fladell/Husband Marvin Flam IMO Lilly Flam/Mother David Forrest IMO Eleanor Zinn/Sister Joseph & Miriam Frank IMO Mordechai Frank/Father Sidney & Nancy Freedman IMO Nathan Freedman/Father Irving Friedman IMO Sophie Friedman/Mother Larry & Tova Friedman IMO Susan Kleinert Yetta Loretta Friedman IMO Jack Friedman/Husband Florence Friend IMO Dinah Kleinman/Mother Sheila Gaines IMO Walter Gaines/Husband Florence Gardner IMO Morris Isaacs/Father Robert & Rosalyn Gibson IMO Ernst Heilbrunn/Father Robert & Rosalyn Gibson IMO Traci Ann Gibson/Daughter Kenneth Golberg IMO Phyllis Sue Johnpoll/Daughter Beulah Goldberg IMO Pearl Goldberg/Mother-in-law Beulah Goldberg IMO Selig Goldberg/Father-in-law Seymour Goldman IMO Fannie Goldman/Mother Seymour Goldman IMO Mollie Goldman/Wife Martin & Gail Gottlieb IMO Norma Gottlieb/Mother Gilbert & Barbara Grau IMO Lottie Grau/Mother Harold & Barbara Greenberg IMO Harold Pechenik/Father Arthur H. Greenwald IMO Charles Greenwald/Father Jack Gurewitz IMO Regina Gurewitz/Wife Mary Gurien IMO Eric Gurien/Husband Michael & Celie Halzel IMO Blanche Jacobs/Sister Louis & Beatrice Handis Joseph & Vicky Hartman IMO William Hartman/Father Alvin Hearst IMO Beth Hearst/Daughter Alvin Hearst IMO Hyman Hearst/Father Chava Hellner IMO Shlomo Grodzinsky/Brother Carol Hirsh IMO Celia Ebstein/Mother Nathan & Mildred Hocherman IMO Louis Hocherman/Brother Nathan & Mildred Hocherman IMO Rose Hocherman/First Wife Ellen Hodges Gloria Hutcher Gloria Hutcher Sally Hyman Sally Hyman Sally Hyman Herbert L. Isaacs Carl Iseman Gloria Jacobs Michael & Patricia Jacobs Moric & Stella Jusovic Evelyn Kahn Florence Kahn Arlene Kaplan Carol Kaplan Carol Kaplan Carol Kaplan Wanda Kaplan Phyllis Karp Phyllis Karp Ethel Katz Ethel Katz Joan Katz Philip Klein Donald Kneller Ina Koota Anne H Kormes Bope Kraemer Hannah Krakauer Joseph & Rima Krieger Oscar Krieger Pearl Lander Pearl Lander Jacob & Florence Landsman Jacob & Florence Landsman David Lehon & Elaine Reisman Evelyn Leidner Donald Lerman Donald Lerman Barbara Lesser Harriet Levine Jeannie Levine Morton I. & Muriel Levine Janet Lichtenfeld Janet Lichtenfeld Stuart Linder Meyer & Diane Malakoff Meyer & Diane Malakoff Gerald & Elaine Malis Irving & Sue Mandel Irving & Sue Mandel Edith Marcus Herbert & Karan Marvin Herbert & Karan Marvin Stephen & Isolde Medow Stephen & Isolde Medow Francine Mehlsack Helene Mendelson Abe Milechman & Marilyn Kaner Harvey Miller Harvey Miller Harvey Miller Harvey Miller Niles & Steve Miller Marilyn Mishkin Marilyn Mishkin Ray Misshula Ira Mordkowitz Deborah Morgenstern Bernard & Ruth Morwitz Claire Moses Renee Murray Irwin & Laura Nable Phyllis Nardone Manfred & Margot Nussbaum 29 IMO Norman Wallach/Father IMO Jack Hutcher/Husband IMO Michael Silver/First Husband IMO Augusta Marx/Mother, IMO Ronald Hyman/Husband IMO Edward Marz/Father IMO Kathy Hyman Rosenbach/Daughter IMO Morris Isaacs/Father IMO Harriet Iseman/Mother IMO Arnold Jacobs/Husband IMO Arnold Jacobs/Father IMO Avrum Jusovic/Brother IMO Manny Kaplan IMO Abraham Kaplan/Father-in-law IMO Leo Kaplan/Brother-in-law IMO Yetta Kaplan/Mother-in-law IMO Gerald Kaplan/Husband IMO Claire Kosacoff/Mother IMO Michele Karp/Daughter IMO Sadie Solomon/Mother IMO Staci Stone/Granddaughter IMO Edith Katz, IMO Shirley Katz IMO Zillah Klein/Wife IMO Barbara Kneller/Wife IMO frimi Sheinkopf/Mother IMO Charles Kormes/Husband IMO Sol Kraemer/Father-in-law IMO Susan Krakauer/Daughter IMO Margot Melon/Sister IMO Sarah Krieger/Mother IMO Hyman Lander/Husband IMO Sadie Ruderman/Mother IMO Leona Bennett/Sister IMO Yolan Weinhause/Sister IMO Yehuda Leidner/Father-in-law IMO Jennie Lerman/Mother IMO Max Lerman/Father IMO Fred Lesser/Husband IMO Pearl Zapisotsky/Mother IMO Harry Grossman IMO Samuel Levine/Father IMO Dr Florence Levy/Sister-in-law IMO Mollie Bobker/Mother IMO Mildred Linder/Mother IMO Bella Malakoff/Mother, IMO Molly Leibovitz/Mother IMO Louis Malakoff/Father, IMO Jack Leibovitz/Brother IMO Murray Newman/Father IMO Fannie Cohan/Mother IMO Robert Matorin/Brother-in-law IMO Samuel Marcus/Husband IMO Hilda Marvin/Mother IMO Norman Krim/Father IMO Bluma Medow/Mother IMO Charles Rubel/Father IMO Norma Gottlieb/Mother IMO Edith Wittenberg/Mother IMO Helene Milechman/Wife IMO Rose Miller/Mother IMO Sam Miller/Father IMO Thelma Glass/Sister IMO Toby Cheryl Miller Fraser/Daughter IMO Alex Miller/Father IMO Fannie Rosenblum/Mother IMO Irving Rosenblum/Father IMO Jack Misshula/Husband IMO Irving Rosenthal IMO Morris Morgenstern/Father-in-law IMO Fannie Nelson/Mother IMO Jacob Moses/Father-in-law IMO Stanley Murray/Husband IMO Muriel Isaacs/Sister IMO Ida Libby Bernstein/Mother IMO Adolph Samuel/Father Yahrzeit Rosalie Oliveri Edith Oppenheimer Blanche Pall Arnold & Gloria Plotzky Arnold & Gloria Plotzky Arnold & Gloria Plotzky Renee Pollack Renee Pollack Harold Pressman Linda Rabinowitz Linda Rabinowitz Linda Rabinowitz Michele Rambicur Michele Rambicur Elaine Rappaport Roberta Ringelheim Jerome Ritter Jerome Ritter Miki Romanow Elaine Romm Solomon Z. & Ray Rosen Irving Rosenblatt Norma Rosenfeld Elaine Rosenthal Marcia Rosenthal Rita Roslin Zenia Roth Murray & Phyllis Rubin Deborah Sabarra Sandy Sadowitz Susan Fortgang Schecter Irwin & Sylvia Schenkman Barry & Patricia Schneider Violet Schneider Violet Schneider Jeffrey & Linda Schultz Adrienne Schwartz Howard & Sondra Schwartz Howard & Sondra Schwartz Leah Schwartz Norman Schwartz Norman Schwartz Victor & Betty Schwartz Zelda Schwartz Zelda Schwartz Chrissy Seidenfeld Miriam Seligson Carole Shaffer Laura Shafritz Lawrence & Carole Shamis Estelle Sherer Marlene Siegel Benno & Phyllis Silberman Harold & Lillian Silow Michael Silverman Nathan & Lola Silverman Rabbi David Silverman Rabbi David Silverman Eugene Singer Hyman & Renee Slavin Vivian Sloves Benjamin & Miriam Smith Jenny Sokol Seymour Solomon Ilene Soyt Allen & Tilda Spector Harold Sperling Harold Sperling Harold & Rose Stein Jennie Stein Lauren Strauss Bertha Sutin Robert & Arlene Swerdloff Daniel Toberisky Sumner & Lila Tye Charlotte Uffner Tzedakah IMO Rebecca Fox/Mother IMO Arthur Oppenheimer IMO Beckie Kramer/Mother IMO Leah Radinsky/Mother IMO Leonard Plotzky/Brother IMO Thelma Levine/Sister IMO Mae Lederman/Mother IMO Morris Lederman/Father IMO Abraham Pressman/Father IMO Eva Rabinowitz/Mother IMO Harriet Eisenberg/Grandmother IMO Jonas Rabinowitz/Grandfather IMO Fay Zesblum/Mother IMO Lire Selders/Granddaughter IMO Rabbi Shulom Rappaport/Husband IMO Benjamin Korn/Father IMO Bertha Ritter/Mother IMO Sheila Ritter Bader/Sister IMO Ben Romanow/Beloved Husband IMO Richard Goodman/Father IMO Ben Landman/Father IMO Henrietta Rosenblatt/Mother IMO Rabbi Paul Rosenfeld/Husband IMO Albert Rosenthal/Husband IMO Irving Rosenthal/Husband IMO Murray Bloom/Brother IMO Bella Jacobs/Mother IMO Harry Rubin/Father IMO Anne Sabarra/Aunt IMO Jack Sadowitz/Husband, IMO Norman Krim/Brother IMO Louis Fortgang/Father IMO Jack Uziel/Uncle IMO Henry Margaritow/Uncle IMO Harold Schneider by his children IMO Harold Schneider/Husband IMO Martin Schultz/Brother IMO Leon Schwartz/Husband IMO Bella Schwartz/Mother IMO Isidore Schwartz/Father IMO Jerome Schwartz/Husband IMO Bella Schwartz/Mother IMO Isidore Schwartz/Father IMO Sam Sosin/Father IMO Eugene Schwartz/Husband IMO Joel Cohen/Brother, IMO Hilda Cohen/Sister IMO Abraham Belford/Father IMO Sidney Seligson/Husband IMO Leon Glass/Father IMO Shirley Cooperstein/Mother IMO Susan Morrow/Sister IMO Joseph Hecht/Father IMO Morris Siegel/Husband IMO Marion Edelman/Mother IMO Juliet Rothenberg/Sister IMO Florence Silverman/Mother IMO Sarah Silverman/Mother IMO Florence Silverman/Wife IMO Meyer Silverman/Father IMO Rose Kovit/Aunt IMO Harry Levine/Father IMO Regina Sloves/Mother-in-law IMO Cohen & Smith Families IMO Michael Hersh Warszawski IMO Joan Solomon/Wife IMO Eva Soyt/Mother-in-law IMO Reba Spector/Mother IMO Fanny Sperling/Mother IMO Sandra Sperling/Wife IMO Aida Stein/Mother IMO Mike Stein/Husband IMO Morris Strauss/Father IMO Abraham Sutin/Father-in-law IMO Lawrence Birch/Father IMO Elsie Toberisky/Mother IMO Abraham Sweet/Father IMO Joseph Hudis/Father Charlotte Uffner IMO Richard Uffner/Husband Marion Valinsky IMO Nathan Valinsky/Husband Margaret Vesely IMO Andrew Vesely/Husband David Wasserman IMO Ernest Wasserman/Brother David Wasserman IMO Hainarel Wasserman/Brother Ruth Wasserman IMO Stanley Wasserman/Husband Irving & Ricky Weiner IMO Arlene Ruth Weiner/First Wife Irving & Ricky Weiner IMO Eugene Weiner/Father Dr. Jack Weiner IMO Louis Weiner/Father Jerome Weinstein IMO ida Weinstein/Mother Robert & Ruth Kaplan Weiser IMO Anna Goldberg Weiser/Mother Robert & Ruth Kaplan Weiser IMO Mollie Chernofsky Kaplan/Mother Gilbert & Sheila Weisman IMO Herman Schweiger/Father Gilbert & Sheila Weisman IMO Janet Chortoff/Sister Gilbert & Sheila Weisman IMO Louis Weisman/Father Gilbert & Sheila Weisman IMO Morris Rudoff/Uncle Gilbert & Sheila Weisman IMO Tillie Weisman/Mother Dr Max Weiss IMO Izso Weiss/Father Evelyn Wilcon IMO Charles Delugin/Father Roberta Wilson IMO Mark Harris Wilson/Brother Renee Wolfson IMO Frank Turner/Grandfather Joel Zimmerman IMO Louis Zimmerman/Father, IMO Gertrude Perlman/Sister Joel Zimmerman IMO Steven Wills/Nephew, IMO Sarah Hayman/Grandmother Michael & Leslie Zimring IMO Frances Zimring Lipsius/Aunt Michael & Leslie Zimring IMO Max Zimring/Father Raena Zucker IMO Rita Kane/Sister Yiskor Sol & Florence Adamsky Jacob K & Evelyn Alter Marcia Appel Josef & Edith Arbus Mauricio & Sheila Arenzon Alan & Marcella Aronson Sylvia Beatus Gerald Beigel Doris Bernfeld Nettie Birnbach Henry Borenstein Rita Brown Robert & Gilda Canarick Melvin & Beverly Clapman Roslyn Cohen David & Susan Corn Alfred & Marcia Damato Janet Devinsky Alvin & Harriet Drapkin Renate Eckstein Lillian Einhorn Melvin Engel Paul & Sylvia Epstein Lorraine Epstien Milton Falk Harold & Rosalind Farber Pamela Faulkner Zelma Feder David & Marilyn Ference Noah Fields Beverly Fine Gloria Fishbach Joseph & Miriam Frank Les & Ellen Frank Jerry & Barbara Friedman Edward & Marilyn Gastfriend Rose Gelber Elaine Geller Luba Gendelman Herman & Marianna Gluck Bertha Goldberg Daniel & Frances Goldman Seymour Goldman Sheldon & Carol Goldsmith Rabbi Baruch Goldstein Roslyn Goldstone Gerson & Myrna Goodman Samuel & Muriel Gotlib 30 Yiskor Tzedakah Gerald Gottlieb Arthur H. Greenwald Joan Greenwald Howard & Irma Greif Paul & Karen Hacker Marion Harris Pearl Harris Sylvia Holland Abraham & Alitta Irwin Gloria Jacobs David & Elaine Kagan Phyllis Karp Gloria M. C. Kay Lenore Kirschenbaum Walter & Hanna Klein Selma Kleinman Bope Kraemer Anthony & Ruth Krisman Genia Kutner Bernard & Greta Labush Marvin & Frances Lainer Richard & Brenda Leffer Morton I. & Muriel Levine Marcia Lewis Ira & Judith Lichten Phyllis Lieberman-Solkoff Beverly London Paul & Robin Lurie Charles & Arlene Mackoff Aida Makower Zhana Maksimov Meyer & Diane Malakoff Irving & Sue Mandel Joseph & Fanny Marcus Arnold & Lorraine Mark Herman & Doris Markowitz Tobie Markowitz Irene Marks Vivian Maskin Rosalie Meltzer Harvey & Clare Meyers Judith Mincow Bernard & Ruth Morwitz Adina Moseson isaac & Dolores Moucatel Irwin & Laura Nable Bella Nemes Nathan & Elena Orgel Felix & Hermina Pierson Alio & Helen Plinto Albert & Terri Pollack Ronald Price Martin & Marilyn Reiss Marvin & Gloria Ripps Arlene Ritholtz Seymour Robbins Miki Romanow Solomon Z. & Ray Rosen Julius Rosenberg Abe Rosenbloom Rita Roslin Bernard Rothenberg Jack & Shirley Rubin Jeffrey & Ruth Rubin Marvin & Gail Rubin Murray & Phyllis Rubin Hazzan Max & Caroline Rubin-Tilles Jack & Pauline Sabith Emanual & Phyllis Salamon Kurt & Helen Salm Joseph & Myrna Salzman Arista Salzstein Joan Savitt Gilbert & Beatrice Schechtman Irwin & Sylvia Schenkman Heddy Schlackman Marianne Schnee Leon & Roslyn Schor Lester & Joan Schwartz Irwin & Bonnie Seidman Sara Shaw Richard Sherman Florence Siegel Esther Sieger Nathan & Lola Silverman Jack Simon Sylvia Simon Nathaniel Sims Morton & Marilyn Smith Florence Spinner Stanley Steinberg Israel & Judith E Stendig Bertha Sutin Felice Taub Bernard & Evelyn Tran Florence Ull Margaret Vesely Phyllis Walsh Dr Edward & Beatrice Walvick Dr. Jack Weiner Seymour Weiner Morris & Patricia Weinman Philip & Elaine Weinman Herbert & Blanche Weinstein Judith Weiskopf Gilbert & Sheila Weisman Howard & Helene Weiss Ruzena Weiss Alfred & Caryle Weitzman Edward & Doris Weitzner Ann Williams Rucela Wisznic Irene Wolk Mel & Jane Wolynez Harold Yaffe Raena Zucker Aliyahs Gerald Beigel Aliyah Henry Borenstein Aliyah Rita Brown Aliyah David & Jackie Cohen Aliyah Philip & Danielle Cohen Aliyah Harriet DeCosta Aliyah Harold & Lois Deutsch Aliyah Irving & Norma Edwards Aliyah Harold & May Ehrenman Aliyah Marshall & Sylvia Engell Aliyah Morris Epstein Aliyah Edward & Ava Friedman Aliyah Rose Gelber Opening & closing the Ark Elaine Geller Aliyah Dr Burton & Nora Gerson Aliyah Herman & Marianna Gluck Aliyah Seymour Goldman Aliyah Sheldon & Carol Goldsmith Aliyah Rabbi Baruch Goldstein Chatan Bereshit Mildred Grant Aliyah Arie & Susan Greenberg Aliyah Howard & Irma Greif Aliyah Howard & Irma Greif IHO opening the Ark Melvin & Helene Grill Aliyah Sally Hyman IHO opening the Ark Irwin & Eileen Jacobs Aliyah Morton & Lenore Jaye Aliyah Leonard & Sandra Keller Aliyah Walter & Hanna Klein Aliyah Albert Knopf Aliyah John Korn Aliyah Lillian Kramer Aliyah Ruth Kurtz Aliyah Genia Kutner Aliyah Bernard & Greta Labush Aliyah Bertram & Lee Lieberman Aliyah Otto & Toby Loewy Aliyah Otto & Toby Loewy Haftorah 31 Aliyahs Tzedakah David & Arlene Lurie Aliyah Stephen & Isolde Medow Aliyah Harvey Miller Aliyah Bernard & Ruth Morwitz Aliyah Bernard & Ruth Morwitz Aliyah & honor Jeffrey & Anita Perlmutter For Honors received Arnold & Gloria Plotzky Aliyah Irving Rosenblatt Aliyah Rita Roslin Aliyah Rita Roslin Aliyah Rosh Hashanah Jack & Shirley Rubin Aliyah Joseph & Myrna Salzman Aliyah Arista Salzstein Aliyah Irwin & Sylvia Schenkman Aliyah Kurt & Berta Schoen Aliyah Leon & Roslyn Schor Aliyah Jeffrey & Linda Schultz Aliyah Lester & Joan Schwartz Aliyah Ilene Soyt Aliyah Dr. Joseph & Selma Starr Aliyah Florence Ull Aliyah Marion Valinsky Aliyah Dr Howard & Hadassah Wang Aliyah Honors David Wasserman Aliyah Dr. Jack Weiner Aliyah Seymour & Marcia Weinick Aliyah Jerome Weinstein Aliyah Dr Max Weiss Aliyah Ann Williams Aliyah Joel Zimmerman Aliyah Mishaberah Miriam Behar Bill Miller Lillian Kramer Paul & Robin Lurie Joseph Contella, Carol Musto, Spencer Goodman Irene Marks Diane Tichi Herbert & Karan Marvin Lorraine daSilva Irwin & Sylvia Schenkman Sidney Lenowitz Lawrence & Carole Shamis Carole bat Tzipka Lawrence & Carole Shamis Josel ben Ruchel Morton & Marilyn Smith Morton & Marilyn Smith Morton Smith, Karen Millikan Book of Remembrance Harold & Barbara Greenberg Aaron & Edith Kott Rose Mond Gertrude Rudd David Wilansky Eleanor M. Zimmern Pushkas Lawrence & Carole Shamis Simcha Chai Club Nettie Cores IHO Ruth Kurtz on her 90th Bd Daniel & Frances Goldman IHO Henry Borenstein on his 90th BD Daniel & Frances Goldman IMO George Ehrlich Fania Keck GW Morris Katz, GW Ellie Hamburg Rachel Malakoff IHO my parents Diane & Meyer Malakoff on their anniversary Bernard & Ruth Morwitz MT Lester & Joan Schwartz on your grandson’s marriage Bernard Saklad IHO Dr Milton Ozar on his 90th BD Jeffrey & Linda Schultz IHO Rita Rosen on her 90th BD Lester & Joan Schwartz GW Bernie Morwitz Nathan & Lola Silverman IHO Lola’s special birthday Rabbi’s Discr. Fund Lloyd Burickson IMO Harold Plutes Ruth Kurtz IHO Rabbi Gerald Weiss Selma Scott In appreciation of the Aliyah for my birthday Irwin & Sandra Chalfin GW Lester Schwartz Irwin & Sandra Chalfin HB Faye Gluck Irwin & Sandra Chalfin HB Marilyn Kurtzman Irwin & Sandra Chalfin IHO Mel & Bev Mesnekoff Irwin & Sandra Chalfin IHO Ruth & Bernie Morwitz Irwin & Sandra Chalfin IMO Abraham Chalfin/Father Irwin & Sandra Chalfin IMO Alan Chalfin/Son Irwin & Sandra Chalfin IMO Allen Lebowitz Irwin & Sandra Chalfin IMO Sam Perlowitz Irwin & Sandra Chalfin IMO Simi Scott Nettie Cores IMO Herbie Langmeyer Harold & Lois Deutsch Arthur H. Greenwald Larry H & Linda Kaplan IMO Herbie Langmeyer Ruth Kurtz IHO Cantor Efraim Sapir Morris & Doris Kushner IMO Lydia Botfeld Sol & Eleanor Levine Sol & Eleanor Levine Aliyah Irene Marks Aliyah Irene Marks IMO George Ehrlich Harvey Miller IHO Cantor Sapir Bernard & Ruth Morwitz Thank you Cantor Sapir Charlotte Ratafia IHO Cantor Efraim & Dvora Sapir Hella Reitman IMO Bertha Steinitz/Mother, IMO Kurt Steinitz/Father Cantor Efraim & Dvora Sapir Flower Fund Phyllis Karp IMO Michele Karp/Daughter, IMO Claire Kosacoff/Mother Fania Keck IMO Harry Chalfin/Father Walter & Hanna Klein David & Arlene Lurie IHO David’s 80th BD Natalie Lyons IMO Samuel & Sylvia Korby Harvey Miller IMO Cheryl Miller Fraser/Daughter Milton & Marilyn Ozar IHO Milton’s 90th BD Charlotte Ratafia Irene Wolk Irene Wolk IHO her birthday Choir Fund Herbert & Karan Marvin IMO Mickey Weinberg Prayer Book Fund Daniel & Frances Goldman IHO Joan & Lester Schwartz Bernard & Miriam Herbst Stanley Kaplan IMO Barbara Kaplan Rabbi Allan Kensky & Adina Kleiman IMO Eugene Eisner Ruth Kurtz IHO Sunshine & Fran Goldman, ty for bringing happiness David & Arlene Lurie IHO Coby Herman/Great Grandson David & Arlene Lurie IMO Jacob Goldenberg/Son-in-law Howard & Mildred Schoen IHO Ruth Kurtz on her 90th BD Torah Fund Dr Stanley Bernsteen Sheldon & Carol Goldsmith IHO Paul Felder Genia Kutner IHO Paul Felder Deborah Morgenstern Rita Roslin IHO Paul Felder Leon & Roslyn Schor IHO Paul Felder Florence Ull IHO Paul Felder Minyan Fund Sheldon & Natalie Feldman Israel EmergencyFund Irwin & Sandra Chalfin Harry Douglas Seymour Greenspan Marvin & Marlene Kaufman Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg Norman & Helen Rubin Hyman & Renee Slavin Florence Ull Dr Howard & Hadassah Wang Cantor Discr Fund Geraldine Berg IMO Herbie Langmeyer Dr Stanley Bernsteen Gilbert & Hana Bogen IHO Cantor Efraim Sapir & Cantor Bill Wood 32 Are you earning enough income from your investments to live on? If you arenʼt, listen to Julian Rubinstein on the radio or internet everyday at 11:30 am to learn about ways to increase your investment income and give yourself an opportunity to live comfortably for the rest of your life. Tune in at 740 WSBR-AM or on the web at www.wsbrradio.com Julian Rubinstein is the founder of American Asset Management, Inc. His career includes starting & selling the largest manufacturer of shower stalls in the US to a Fortune 500 company and serving as the operational partner at Sun Capital, one of the largest PE firms in the US. He has served on the boards of Pine Crest School, Bʼnai Torah Congregation & YPO and was an INC Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year in 1992. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss. 33 Dr Robert Spoont DMD Freedman & Spoont P.A. DENTIST 21301 powerline rd ste208 Boca Raton (561) 482-8000 ISRAEL BONDS T emple Anshei Shalom Tribute Breakfast Harriet DeCosta Barbara Kirschner Sunday, January 11th 10:00 A.M. GUEST SPEAKER Ambassador Ido Aharoni Consul General of Israel in New York Couvert: $5.00 per person* *not tax deductible 34 December Birthdays & Anniversaries Larry Covens 1st Nathan Lowenbraun 9th Judith Frank 17th Abraham Weintraub 24th Doris Bieber 2nd Harriet Sherman 9th Marci Havelin 17th Gerald Brezner Barbara Rothman 2nd Jacob Wexler 9th Sylvia Klein 17th Michael Scheinzeit 25th Abe Milechman 3rd Natalie Lyons 11th Sylvia Koenigsberg 17th Linda March 26th Julius Rosenberg 3rd Herbert Levine 12th Lillian Kramer 17th Ruth Wasserman 26th Jerrold Ruck 3rd Edward Savitz 12th Nechama Lewin 17th Ann Williams 27th Ilene Scharf 3rd Beverly Scherer 12th Jerome Weinstein 17th Selma Aison 28th Samuel Finkelstein 4th Barbara Abramowitz13th Louis Epstein 18th Marsha Edelman 28th Mitchel Abramowitz 5th Ilse Botie 14th Irving Friedman 18th Lydia Gordon 29th Doris Hering 5th Nora Gerson 14th Frances Lainer 18th Edward Kertes 29th Alexander Klein 5th Hannah Goldberg 14th Rosalie Meltzer 18th Carl Rosenthal 29th Arthur Brandon 6th Martin Radnor 14th Jack Bushinsky 19th Janice Schweitzer 29th Raymond Fields 6th Arlene Ritholtz 14th Lorraine Epstien 19th Joan Esterson Hazzan Max Rubin-Tilles Kurt Schoen 14th Sylvia Engell 20th Helene Mendelson 30th 6th Shoshana Krol 15th Tola Wolk 20th Ted Thau 25th 30th 30th Chaya Heller 7th David Lurie 15th Solomon Behmoiram21st Roberta Finkelstein 31st Rose Edelson 8th Seymour Goldman 16th Barbara Greenberg 21st Jerry Guberman 31st Carol Pollock 8th Marilyn Schwartz 16th Libby Newman 22nd David Wilansky 31st Blanche Weinstein 8th Robert Wolfson 16th Beatrice Herbst 24th Melvin & Marilyn Schwartz Walter & Eunice Spielman Murray & Phyllis Rubin Nathan & Barbara Margolis Bernard & Ruth Hochberg Leon & Roslyn Schor Dr. Joseph & Selma Starr Herbert & Karan Marvin Samuel & Linda March Martin & Susan Rotter Robert & Joan Cohen Philip & Lois Fein Irving & Frances Margulis Melvin & Phyllis Schinasi Herbert & Blanche Weinstein Lawrence & Linda Feinberg Irving & Shirley Friedman Lon & Rochelle Goldsmith Abe Milechman & Marilyn Kaner Gilbert & Barbara Grau Nathan & Mildred Hocherman Harold & Barbara Greenberg Harold & Rosalind Farber Michael & Patricia Jacobs 4th 10th 15th 16th 17th 17th 19th 21st 23rd 23rd 24th 24th 24th 24th 25th 26th 26th 26th 26th 27th 27th 28th 30th 30th 35 60th anniversary 25th anniversary 69th anniversary 58th anniversary 48th anniversary 59th anniversary 66th anniversary 28th anniversary 53rd anniversary 52nd anniversary 47th anniversary 40th anniversary 65th anniversary 52nd anniversary 67th anniversary 49th anniversary 66th anniversary 44th anniversary 11th anniversary 55th anniversary 20th anniversary 46th anniversary 64th anniversary 30th anniversary s y a d h t r Bi y r a s r e v i Ann Temple Anshei Shalom 7099 W. Atlantic Ave. Delray Beach, FL 33446-1601 (561) 495-1300 DATED MAIL Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 1991 Boca Raton, FL Get your mah jong cards! Sisterhood is now taking orders for Mah jong cards: STD $8 Large Print: $9 Please call Ruth Kurtz (561) 499-3607 36
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