The Bulletin Spirit of Christ Mission Lolo 5475 Farm Lane,~ Lolo, MT ~ 406-273-2748 Thanksgiving DINNER PRAYER inside > > > 1475 Eaton Street ~ Missoula, Montana 59801 ~ 406-721-2405 ~ Fax 406-721-0025 Email: ~ Web: The Advent journey begins again…. Let CHRIST circle around us! “Grant your faithful, Almighty God, the resolve to run forth to meet your CHRIST, with righteous deeds at his coming…” Whole Parish FAITH FORMATION, Sunday, December 7 following Mass: PROCLAIMING HOPE! CHILDREN’S Liturgy of the Word SUNDAY December 7 & 21. YOUTH Group, December 3 & 17. Inquiry Into the Catholic Faith: TELL your story, HEAR the story of others, LISTEN to the Story of Jesus: COME AND SEE, Tuesday, December 2, 9, &16. Holy Day Feast of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF MARY, Monday, December 8, Mass at 6:00 pm. Welcome Yule: Advent at Home Bulletin inserts each week. Advent GIVING TREE—SERVING THE NEEDS OF OTHERS. Blessed Trinity Catholic Community presents: A Festival of Crèches ~ December 12-14, 2014 For the benefit of Family Promise of Missoula & Habitat for Humanity. Details INSIDE > > Advent PENANCE Liturgy, Thursday, December 18, 7:00 pm Come Home for Christmas! December 24 Christmas Mass During the Night, 7:00 pm at Blessed Trinity and Spirit of Christ; Christmas Morning 10:00 am at Blessed Trinity BLESSED TRINITY CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SPIRIT OF CHRIST MISSION LOLO Saturday Vigil: SUNDAY EUCHARIST 5:00 pm THE WEEK AHEAD PASTORAL OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Thurs, 9 — 5. Closed Friday. Sunday Morning : 8:00 am at Spirit of Christ in Lolo 10:00 am at Blessed Trinity Friday Eucharist @ 10:00 am: First and third Fridays, Parish Mass at Village Health Care Center CHRISTIAN INITIATION ADULTS seeking Baptism: Please call the parish office for further information regarding INQUIRY GATHERINGS, designed to meet the needs and questions of each inquiring person. BAPTIZED ADULTS from another Christian tradition who wish to consider full communion with the Roman Catholic Church: Call the parish office for information. PARENTS who seek Baptism for a newborn baby or an older child please call the parish office for scheduled Preparation Process. CONFIRMATION / FIRST COMMUNION / RECONCILIATION: Preparation process offered periodically throughout the year. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please contact parish office at least eight to six months prior to the expected date of the wedding. Preparation process is designed to support the couples love for one another and to assist in the formation of a stronger bond needed to live the commitment and covenant of Sacramental marriage. Preparation team includes trained sponsoring married couples, pastor and parish staff. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Individual Rite, Saturday, 4:00 pm @ BLESSED TRINITY CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Preparation Guide available. Sacrament is celebrated in the Chapel of Reconciliation Communal Celebration during Advent and Lent SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Celebrated at the time of sickness, mental stress, prior to surgery and/or hospitalization. The sacrament may also be celebrated periodically during an extended illness. The Sacrament is celebrated with family, friends, and/or parishioners present; or with the parish community at daily Mass or when necessary at Sunday Mass. CONTACT PARISH OFFICE TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS. ALWAYS CALL THE PARISH PRIOR TO HOSPITALIZATION OR SURGERY. If a hospital or care center visit is desired, notify the parish office upon admittance. HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND OR HOSPITALIZED Call the office 721-2405. SACRAMENT OF THE DYING HOLY VIATICUM: FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY The Last Rite of the Church for the dying is Holy Communion. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Body and Blood can be administered during the dying process. When death already occurs the Prayers for the Dead are prayed. Always remember to be in dialogue with the parish during these times. At the time of death contact the parish as soon as possible. Prior to making any funeral arrangements please be in dialogue with the parish. When cremation is chosen, it ordinarily follows the funeral mass. SATURDAY, Nov 22 5:00 pm: Sunday Mass Vigil Mass Intention for Fredaine, Laverne, and Carol Holy r/b David Holy SUNDAY, November 23: Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Ez 34:11-12, 15-17 / Ps 23:1-2, 2-3, 5-6 / 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28 / Mt 25:3146 8:00 am: Mass at Spirit of Christ 10:00 am: Mass at Blessed Trinity KC Breakfast follows. 11:00 am: Children’s Faith Formation, Preschool, and First Communion Prep 6:00 pm: Ruthenian Mass at Spirit of Christ MONDAY, Nov 24: Memorial of St. Andrew Dũng-Lac, Priest and Companions, Martyrs Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5 / Ps 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 / Lk 21:1-4 TUESDAY, November 25 Rv 14:14-19 / Ps 96:10, 11-12, 13 / Lk 21:5-11 11:00 am: Gentle Yoga 7:00 pm: Come and See 7:00 pm: Secretariat WEDNESDAY, Nov 26 Rv 15:1-4 / Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 7-8, 9 / Lk 21:12-19 12:10 pm: Daily Mass 7:00 pm: Missoula Ministerial Prayer Service THURSDAY, Nov 27 Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a / Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5 / Lk 21:20-28 FRIDAY, November 28 Rv 20:1-4, 11-21:2 / Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6a and 8a / Lk 21:29-33 SATURDAY, Nov 29 Rv 22:1-7 / Ps 95:1-2, 3-5, 6-7ab / Lk 21:34-36 4:00 pm: Reconciliation 5:00 pm: Sunday Mass Vigil Mass Intention for Ann Booth r/b Fr. Hislop SUNDAY, November 30: First Sunday of Advent Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 / Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 / 1 Cor 1:3-9 / Mk 13:33-37 8:00 am: Mass at Spirit of Christ Coffee and donuts follow. 10:00 am: Mass at Blessed Trinity Coffee and donuts follow. Handing on the Faith at Home: Table Prayer for Thanksgiving Dinner When all have gathered at Table, the following prayer and song may be used. The prayer begins with the Sign of the Cross., and then the following greeting: Leader: Give praise to God, who is rich in mercy and who has favored us in wonderful ways. BLESSED BE GOD FOREVER. All: BLESSED BE GOD FOREVER. Then a reading from the Scripture: Philippians 4:4-7 A person to read the scripture is chosen before the meal begins. Reader: Listen to the words of the Apostle Paul to the Church at Philippi: Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: Rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. ALL: The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God Following the Scripture reading someone begins the prayer: Leader: ALL: Leader: ALL: Leader: ALL: The Lord be with you! AND WITH YOUR SPIRIT Lift up your hearts. WE LIFT THEM UP TO THE LORD. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. IT IS RIGHT AND JUST. LORD, we thank you for the goodness of our people and for the spirit of justice that fills our nation. WE THANK YOU for the beauty and the fullness of the land and the challenge of the cities. WE THANK YOU for our work and rest, for one another, and for our homes. (each person at table may wish to mention something for which they are thankful, or a family member may prepare a special prayer of thanks to be said now.) LET EACH OF US MENTION ALOUD OR SILENTLY IN OUR HEARTS WHAT WE ARE THANKFUL FOR THIS DAY: After each person speaks all say together: WE THANK YOU, LORD: For all that we have spoken and for all that we keep in our hearts, accept our thanksgiving on this day. We pray and give thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN © 1989 United States Catholic Conference: CATHOLIC HOUSEHOLD BLESSINGS AND PRAYERS, Page 200 ALL MAY THEN JOIN IN SINGING AN ALLELUIA, or a verse from HOLY GOD WE PRAISE THY NAME, or NOW THANK WE ALL OUR GOD Now thank we all our God, With heart and hands and voices, Who wondrous things has done, In whom his world rejoices; Who from our mother’s arms Has blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love, And still is ours today. At the end of the meal, as the final blessing, the hymn chosen above may be sung. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God! It is right and Just! This prayer is also available on the parish website: Go... Proclaiming Hope Whole Parish Faith Formation continues Sunday, December 7 at Blessed Trinity and at Spirit of Christ. As the world is darkening around us, we look for light. “No one can live without the hope that life has ultimate and lasting meaning beyond the concerns and struggles, the joys and satisfactions of each day” (CCC 499) Come to find the hope in your own life. Come to share your hope with others. Tell the Others Youth Group Wednesday, December 3 Our next topic for youth group is “You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.” What does that mean? Come to our regular meeting on Wed. Dec. 3rd and find out! December also has several service opportunities. We will provide babysitting for our families on Friday evening, Dec. 5 from 6-9 pm. Youth are also invited to help with the Gingerbread Tea on Saturday, Dec. 13 from 9:30—12:30. Coming up for Children Children’s Faith Formation, Pre-school, and First Communion Prep all meet this Sunday, November 23. There will be no classes Thanksgiving weekend. The next gatherings for Children’s Liturgy of the Word and Whole Parish Faith Formation are on Sunday, Dec. 7th. Mark your calendar for the Gingerbread Tea as part of No Room at the Inn Saturday, December 13 from 11 am—Noon. Christmas Card Sale The Knights of Columbus have generously donated Christmas Cards for the Youth Group to sell as a fund-raiser. The cards will be available for sale after Mass on Sunday, November 23, November 30, and December 7. Thank you for supporting the youth of our parish! Parents, Need a Break? Friday, Dec. 5th 6-9 pm We know December is a busy month, so take some time off. Our youth group is providing babysitting on Friday, Dec. 5 from 6 pm—9 pm. Pizza and dessert, activities, stories, and games are included. Cost is $5 for one child $10 for a family to cover expenses. Please let Judy Cooney at or call or text 880-0372 know if your children or grandchildren are planning to attend so we can make sure to have plenty of pizza. Reservations are appreciated, but not required. Bible Order Update: The Little Rock Study Bibles have been ordered! If you have reserved a bible, they should be here next week. The cost for each bible is $37.50 including the shipping. The Missoula Ministerial Association invites you to join them for their community THANKSGIVING EVE Prayer Service benefiting Family Promise of Missoula Wednesday, November 26th at 7:00 pm Blessed Trinity Catholic Community Pie reception to follow! Save the date for the Third ANNUAL A Festival of Crèches December 12-14, 2014 Gala Opening Friday, December 12, 6:00pm Crèche Exhibit Saturday and Sunday December 13 and 14 11:30 am-4:00 pm Benefit for the work of Missoula’s Family Promise and Habitat for Humanity Children’s Tea and Story Saturday, December 13 11:00 am Volunteers are needed and welcome for many of the tasks of this important event. Please contact the parish office if you would like to offer your time and/or talent . Blessed Trinity Catholic Community╬ Spirit of Christ Mission BULLETIN INSERT ~ Feast of Christ The King, November 23, 2014 Dear Blessed Trinity, Thank you so much for your efforts in supporting Missoula Food Bank. Your food drive raised 137 pounds of food, the equivalent of 91 meals. Your continued support helps keep food on the tables of 1 in 7 Missoula community members. A heartfelt thank-you is extended for working to keep our shelves stocked. Sincerely, Jessy Lee, Missoula Food Bank Program Services Coordinator MISSOULA FOOD BANK For November the Missoula Food Bank would very much welcome THANKSGIVING DINNER FIXINGS. They are also in need of any SPECIAL DIETARY FOODS for diabetics or people with high blood pressure. Ensure was also a request. PERSONAL CARE ITEMS such as TOOTHPASTE and DEODORANT are always welcomed. Thank you for donating to the Food Bank. The collecting baskets are at each of the entrances. TEENS ASSIST The Missoulian has been featuring personal stories of youth involved in the Garden City Harvest. Each year with the help of these young people the Food Bank is able to distribute over 15,000 pounds of good, locally grown produce to their clients. THE NIMBER TO CALL 1-866-820-5437 is the number to call to report suspected child abuse (according to the MONTANA attorney General's Office and the DPHHS) and any of modern human trafficking. MEALS GET BETTER Missoula Aging Services and the Missoula Senior Center are collaborating to offer nutritious meals every week day from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Seniors 60 or over pay $3.00 per meal and those under 60 pay $6.00. Plan on giving a ride to the Senior Center on Higgins Ave. to a senior who doesn't drive. IT IS UP TO US There seems to be a growing idea that if the threat of Climate Change is going to be dealt with, it is people of faith who are going to have to do it. Does that thought resound with anyone at this parish? Please leave your name at the parish office (721-2405). IT ISN'T LACK OF FOOD; IT'S LACK OF MONEY There's plenty of food for everyone, but not everyone has the wherewithal to buy food. That's why "...finding food has become a central worry for millions of Americans. One in six reports running out of food at least once a year. In many European countries, by contrast, the number is closer to one in 20." (Sept, National Geographic). Anyone want to do anything about this? PEACE AND JUSTICE MEDITATION When preparing for next week's liturgy/reading the Scriptures (on page 2 of this bulletin) consider using these questions suggested by Fr. Richard Rohr: What makes me angry about this text?; What makes me excited; What am I resisting?; What do you think Jesus was really talking about when he said that?; What was the world situation when Jesus did that or told that story? Assisting Our Parishes And Missions The 2014 ACA promotes the availability of Cursillo and Journey, proves Human Resource Services and direction for Protecting God’s Children. Telecommunications and technology support benefits our 57 parishes and 38 missions. RESTORING HOPE & BUILDING HEALTHY FAMILIES A breakfast for “Boots for Tots” Sunday after the 10 am Mass Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Your donation will go toward purchasing winter boots for young children at local grade schools. After the 5 pm and 10 am Masses KNIGHTS’ CORNER The Officers and Committee Chairmen wish all Knights of the Council and their families a joyful Thanksgiving Day celebration. If you need to travel to join other members of your extended families, please drive carefully if you are going by car, and be aware of the rapid changing weather conditions that we experience this time of the year. Mark your calendars and please attend our next meeting on Dec 4 – same time and place. __________________________________________________ Become a Knight! Join our band of Merry Men! Knights meet at 7:00 pm, the first Thursday of each month in the Blessed Trinity Social Hall. Dan Conway, Grand Knight Doug Glevanik, Financial Sec Gerry Heivilin, Membership Chair Father Ed Hislop, Chaplain 251-5598 543-8980 251-4831 721-2405 The Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) provides funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift the poor in the United States. CCHD grants improve education, support economic development, and help communities provide housing in low-income neighborhoods. Help us continue to defend human dignity and aid those living on the margins of society. Please give to the CCHD Collection. A special envelope is in your packet. CCHD COLLECTION NOVEMBER 23, 2014 We appreciate the support of all the fine members of the business community whose ads appear on the back page of our bulletin. It is through their purchasing of these ads that we are able to pay for the printing of the bulletin. This week we thank Stewardship Reflection November 23 “Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.” Jesus does not make it easy for any of us when He says that. Even those who practice stewardship faithfully, even the best among us, have times when they may turn their back on those in need. The Solemnity that we celebrate today is popularly known as Christ the King. It is in Church terms relatively new. Instituted in 1921 by Pope Pius XI, it was originally on the last Sunday of October. It was renamed in 1969 by Pope Paul VI and moved to its present date, which is the last Sunday in the liturgical year, the last Sunday before Advent. The edict issued by Pope Pius XI in 1925 was called Quas Primas. It stated “It has long been a custom to give to Christ the metaphorical title of ‘King.’ He is King of Hearts by reason of His ‘charity which exceedeth all knowledge’.” Today’s readings trace our Lord Jesus Christ from “the shepherd who tends his flock” to the “first fruits” to the “king.” As stewards of His Word, His Kingdom, and His Hope, He invites us to see Him in everyone we see and everyone we encounter so that we can finally hear His glorious declaration, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father.” In your last will and testament, remember to remember Blessed Trinity / Spirit of Christ and help keep the memory of Christ alive for those who follow you. Blessed Trinity Spirit of Christ Stewardship envelope amount needed to meet weekly expenses: $3,269. Amount received November 15/16: $3038 Short $231 ACA Goal: $40,100 Received to date: $32,810 82 % of goal from 35% of households THANK YOU! Stewardship envelope amount needed to meet weekly expenses: $1077. Amount received November 16 $1165 Over $88 ACA Goal: $10,300 Received to date: $11,885 115% of goal from 60% of households THANK YOU! 1475 Eaton Street, Missoula MT—721-2405 — Parish Web Site: ~ a Mission Parish of Blessed Trinity 5475 Farm Lane. Lolo, MT—273-2748 Pastoral Staff Pastor: Father Ed Hislop 721-2405 (office), 721-1675 (home) Deacons: Tom McCarthy; Ron Butler Pastoral Assistant/Liturgy coordinator: Sister Mary Jo Quinn, SCL Faith Formation: Whole Parish Catechesis / Sacramental Preparation / Youth Ministry: Judy Cooney Spirit of Christ Faith Formation/Youth Ministry/Liturgy: Cheryl Russell Christian Initiation/Catechumenate / Re-Membering Church: Pastoral Staff Liturgical Music: Sister Mary Jo Quinn, SCL, Director and Daniel Hampson Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound: Ron Butler and Marilyn Rodriguez / Social Outreach: Pastoral Staff Ecumenical Outreach & Evangelization: Sister Mary Jo Quinn, SCL Family Promise Blessed Trinity coordinators: Joan Butler & Deacon Ron Butler Spirit of Christ Liaison: Sister Mary Jo Quinn, SCL Office Administration: Carol Lemieux. Financial Services: Carol Murphy Blessed Trinity Pastoral Council Chairperson: Rita O’Neil Spirit of Christ Advisory Council Chairperson: To be revisited in Fall 2014 Finance Council Chairperson: Dale Barnum; Spirit of Christ, John Fuchs (www. Kathy Schneider , Director of Mission Advancement~541-2858 Loyola/Sacred Heart High School, 320 Edith St., Jeremy Beck, Principal~549-6101 Saint Joseph Elementary School, 503 Edith St., Rick Hyland, Principal~549-1290
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