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Paying up to $13.25/hr Call Mrs. White 347-447-1646 Public Relations Specialist (Manh): Identify public relations guidelines and church responsibilities to raise public awareness and support membership development. Develop P.R. strategies, update/edit website, brochures,fact sheets. Resume to First Reformed Episcopal Church, 317 E. 50th St., NY, NY 10022. Attn: Pam Travis. Quantitative Analyst (New York, NY) Dvlp strategies, tools, analytics for quant & automation of credit mkts, derivatives & fixed income investing. Support risk processes w/in complex derivatives trading environ & dvlp core trading sys’s. Perf fin’l modeling using stat & stochastic calc. Participate in softw dvlpmt lifecycle, incl dvlpg bus reqs, arch, implmtn & supp. Use F#, C# & .NET framework. 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Puppies, Kittens, Dogs, and Cats Sell them in the New York Post Classifieds Call 212-930-8100 today ".E?@ >@.E) *1:487 $)8B9) *4)E:/8 &8C !6)E <00 ;1:F9) #:3)+=2E))+ 5 A9E)2E)+A9,,:)C- %:??)1C- '.BC 81+ (8?CD '5." -17)2 #/, %6/547/"* CAG : B!ADC O.,Q : 4EQ #DU : C,B O.,Q : O.EQ !.4)1"6 -7*(/&"4* HO3 ?N 3HM$ CIN ) G"0 >PM8& G> #DU GF@ 3O ) 3EQ T KEQ 0$/7(. !.4* HVO CN F/LI"M *-/ D$N ) E7-9519"0& G> C,B GF@ 33 ) O3EQ T REQ nypost.com PLACE AN AD Phone: CAREER TRAINING New York Post, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 ■ CAREERS ■ CAREER TRAINING ■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ■ FINANCIAL SERVICES ■ REAL ESTATE SERVICES ■ MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ■ PETS ■ AUTOMOTIVE ■ LEGAL & PUBLIC NOTICE 3/(+15&5 O=R *"-(; OOJI; CIN ) DP(8-0-/ E-M8& G> CAG GF@ 3H ) O3EQ T REQ E;PIP +/ %77"5 '255 ,596-7S"-<2"NPM< ) ROJNVVHNKRKR 3R '-19L ,1" ) EPMI ?-L;95<IP5& G> YORKIE PUPPIES Too cute! Puppies, Kittens, Dogs, and Cats Sell them in the New York Post Classifieds Call 212-930-8100 today Sell your home in the NYP Classifieds Call 212-930-8100 to place your ad Sell your car, truck, or van! List your vehicle for sale online at vehicles.classifieds.nypost.com Call 212-930-8100 to place your ad DOGS DOGS SHIH-TZU PUPPIES Beautiful Males & Females Price to $ell Call 718-236-7847 ADORABLE, pure bred, toy & teacup sizes. Call 718-259-2295 Sell your car on vehicles.classfieds.nypost.com #FSSF? AC FG FINANCE & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ,%-#EB\C#M#KB ?#>=@A,C !MA,A'# '#A<#> '% + %R01J5G QD5"R \W4070P07UW1G9UW? \W0 '9Z7W: MUW?H MZ0 ,""0 ,""0 M7W M7W ,]]5?441\W0?5W?0 ,228) *<69 &4M A<E:6SL 53"O5.GOGKK$ IN?5 3< *5(W"9?4 OU"(0?] 095UP:9UP0 `5?(0?5 K) LLL6(SSY?$(WZ6"UX D6<D TDD D62D <D_DDD ".04* '!$0& 2!,1# !$ .$$)3%%-#)+&$(,-$0'0&$(4+/ / XU '% M7W 2 XU '% M7W T. 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Won’t Last at this Price $59,900, 570-350-2245 MANHATTAN APTS FURNISHED Kitchenettes & Studio Apartments Bklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Single $800m /up Couple $900m /up nyc rentals 212-697-3817 TTY/7026 MANHATTAN FURNISHED ROOMS A1 All Areas - Rooms & Studios Bklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Rooms $125wk/up; Studios $800mo/up nyc rentals 212-697-3817 TTY/7026 List your property for sale! Place an ad in the NYP Home section, the weekly real estate guide running on Thursdays Call 212-930-8100 today! "('*.+.13* # (,-*-'&"+ "!%-(.* 2*.) -0!-" (*- *"1/"% #)#B& DBE*H#G W,A , AEH+-UEFX G##- G# EF'#N 2*33 *3"!-01 .0 ).0!"$ AUTOMOTIVE AUTOS WANTED #0Q@M6 ;7 B@8S2;7> AQ@99LX *9$Z: G$>;ZX #2;9 AQ;M;6LX J$$VSSX )SSVSSX E"@$=X '3ML@LX #2;9 #/@ DS1@MX A;Z:7@LLX HS2@X !$8;9/ DMS"9@8LX @6ZN #(D#B- UF *BUFYUFY HE)#% EF#A *,'IN C+U'I B#A+H-AN %.$# , (&-+*!) ".$$&$' !'%#%("#"$%& #"" !$ %#&""" % )*'( !* &+$ #)* ('%#" +$)) *#(/ *$*"! 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J @I=">=!H/ 6HH(L#2K: J D!=:(2& B,)# 6G!:#"D#&.#HK 4C<< (!":6$8*8%!" ! &9</1&937+.4) =+3+.3 )& *('%( +"$(#!% !-$$,'% + 1&/*#%.') 0("( !$%% "#&& 5*+$$*86F9-%07*%-3'''1EI::.#=?=,!=/#1H,) Contact contact Natasha Rivera at 212-930-5748 FORECLOSURE NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF COOPERATIVE APARTMENTS STATE OF CONNECTICUT Superior Court/Juvenile Matters ORDER OF NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT by virtue of the default by Trip Kosh Properties, Inc. under certain proprietary leases (the “Proprietary Leases”) between 215 West 105th Street Owners Corp. (the “Corporation”), as lessor, and Trip Kosh Properties, Inc., as lessee; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Corporation, by William E. Mannion, licensed auctioneer, DC #796322, will conduct a public sale, to be held on December 3, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at the rotunda of the New York County Courthouse, 60 Centre Street, New York, New York, of each of the following: (i) 326 shares of the capital stock of the Corporation allocated to the premises known as apartment 3-A in the building located at 215 West 105th Street, New York, New York (the “Building”) and the appurtenant proprietary lease; (ii) 295 shares of the capital stock of the Corporation allocated to the premises known as apartment 3-B in the Building and the appurtenant proprietary lease; and (iii) 331 shares of the capital stock of the Corporation allocated to the premises known as apartment 4-E in the Building and the appurtenant proprietary lease. The sale is subject to the conditions in the Terms of Sale, and any revisions thereto, which are available upon request at the office of the undersigned. The Corporation reserves all rights, including the right to bid all sums due it under the proprietary leases and bylaws, and to adjourn, delay or terminate the auction without notice. Direct all inquiries to: Finder Novick Kerrigan LLP, Attorneys for the Corporation, 276 Park Avenue South, 3rd Floor, New York, New York 10010, (212) 989-9100, Attn: Michelle Charbonneau (ext. 5). NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT: QUEENS COUNTY HSBC MORTGAGE CORPORATION (USA); Plaintiff(s) vs. MERIAM MAGTAGAD; et al; Defendant(s) Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s): ROSICKI, ROSICKI & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 2 Summit Court, Suite 301, Fishkill, New York, 12524, 845.897.1600 Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale granted herein on or about May 8, 2014, I will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder at Queens County Supreme Court located at 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica New York in Courtroom #25; 11435.Premises known as 10111 93RD STREET, OZONE PARK, NY 11416 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate lying and being in the Fourth Ward, Borough and County of Queens, City and State of New York. As more particularly described in the judgment of foreclosure and sale. Sold subject to all of the terms and conditions contained in said judgment and terms of sale. Approximate amount of judgment $486,263.20 plus interest and costs. INDEX NO. 19384/09 Yves Merry Telemaque, Esq., REFEREE To place a legal or public notice In the New York Post Classifieds, Call 212-930-8100 NOTICE TO: Miguel Duncan, father of male child born on 4/16/09 to Chantell B. in the city of New Rochelle, N.Y. where child was born of parts unknown A petition/motion has been filed seeking: Commitment of minor child(ren) of the above named or vesting of custody and care of said child of the above named in a lawful, private or public agency or a suitable and worthy person. The petition, whereby the court’s decision can effect your parental rights, if any, regarding minor child(ren) will be heard on 12/17/2014 at 11:00 a.m. at: Superior Court for Juvenile Matters, 7 Kendrick Ave, Waterbury, Connecticut 06702. Therefore, ORDERED, that notice of the hearing of this petition be given by publishing this Order of Notice once, immediately upon receipt, in the: New York Post a newspaper having a circulation in the town/city of: State of New York. Hon. John Turner., Judge, Renee Polletta, Clerk 11/10/2014 Right to Counsel: Upon proof of inability to pay for a lawyer, the court will provide one for you at court expense. Any such request should be made immediately at the court office where your hearing is to be heard. QOGa'# O! ME*Ta' c#-KaQe QOGa'# O! - !K-Q'caI# -Q% 'OQ'#IIaOQ K#/a#, 'OSSaGG## W5!'K'49 ME*Ta' c#-KaQe RZ $B <B^b Z\ SZ\b(Dd %B"B]$B2 Ad N+Y> "Z]]B\":\= (R NfP+ MS (R YN? \b ,Z2R< IR2BBRd N !^ZZ2 -Lb:RZ2:L]d *Z2ZL=< Z@ S(\<(RR(\ Z\ ( X2ZXZ1Bb XL$^:" "Z]]L\:"(R:Z\1 1R2L"RL2B @2(\"<:1B (=2BB]B\R $BRHBB\ R<B ':RD Z@ QBH )Z2_ (\b ':RD*2:b=Bd TT'7 G<B X2ZXZ1Bb @2(\"<:1B (=2BB]B\R (LR<Z2:.B1 R<B @2(\"<:1BB RZ :\1R(^^d ZXB2(RB (\b ](:\R(:\ XL$^:" "Z]]L\:"(R:Z\1 1R2L"RL2B1 Z\d ZJB2 (\b L\bB2 R<B ':RD31 :\(^:B\($^B X2ZXB2RDd H<:"< 1R2L"RL2B1 H:^^ Z@@B2 @2BB ,:;!: 1B2J:"Bd (1 bB@:\Bb :\ R<B @2(\"<:1B (=2BB]B\Rd (\b 1Z]B Z@ H<:"< 1R2L"RL2B1 H:^^ 1B2JB (1 XL$^:" X(D RB^BX<Z\B1d (1 bB@:\Bb :\ R<B @2(\"<:1B (=2BB]B\R7 -bJB2R:1:\= Z\ "B2R(:\ Z@ R<B X2ZXZ1Bb 1R2L"RL2B1 H:^^ $B XB2]:RRBb 1L$`B"R RZ R<B 2B1R2:"R:Z\1 :\ R<B @2(\"<:1B (=2BB]B\R7 G<B X2ZXZ1Bb @2(\"<:1B (=2BB]B\R <(1 ( RB2] B\b:\= VL\B N>d N+NUd 1L$`B"R RZd (R R<B ':RD31 ZXR:Z\d XZ11:$^B 2B\BH(^ RZ ( b(RB \Z ^(RB2 R<(\ R<B b(D X2B"Bb:\= R<B @:@RBB\R< (\\:JB21(2D Z@ R<B "Z]]B\"B]B\R Z@ R<B (=2BB]B\Rd (\b X2ZJ:bB1 @Z2 "Z]XB\1(R:Z\ RZ R<B ':RD (R ?+ XB2"B\R Z@ =2Z11 2BJB\LB1d B1"(^(R:\= RZ ??8 :\ ^(RB2 DB(21 H:R< ( ]:\:]L] (\\L(^ =L(2(\RBB 1R(2R:\= (R CN+ ]:^^:Z\ XB2 "Z\R2("R DB(2 (\b B1"(^(R:\= B("< DB(27 - "ZXD Z@ R<B X2ZXZ1Bb @2(\"<:1B (=2BB]B\R ](D $B J:BHBb (R G<B %BX(2R]B\R Z@ a\@Z2](R:Z\ GB"<\Z^Z=D (\b GB^B"Z]]L\:"(R:Z\1d N SBR2ZRB"< 'B\RB2d >R< !^ZZ2d *2ZZ_^D\d QBH )Z2_ YYN+Yd Z\ QZJB]$B2 Y0d N+Y> $BRHBB\ R<B <ZL21 Z@ \ZZ\ (\b PfP+ MS (\b @2Z] QZJB]$B2 YAd N+Y> R<2ZL=< %B"B]$B2 Ad N+Y>d $BRHBB\ R<B <ZL21 Z@ [fP+ -S (\b PfP+ MSd BF"^Lb:\= I(RL2b(D1d IL\b(D1 (\b <Z^:b(D17 c(2b "ZX:B1 Z@ R<B X2ZXZ1Bb @2(\"<:1B (=2BB]B\R ](D $B Z$R(:\Bbd $D (XXZ:\R]B\Rd (R ( "Z1R Z@ C7N? 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Call Byron at 212-930-8139 G<B <B(2:\= ](D $B "($^B"(1R Z\ Q)'SBb:( "<(\\B^17 Sell your car today on vehicles.classifieds.nypost.com! STATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT JUVENILE MATTERS ORDER OF NOTICE NOTICE TO: Angela Santana; mother of female child born on 4-30-1999 in Manhattan, NY of parts unknown A petition has been filed seeking: Commitment of minor child(ren) of the above named or vesting of custody and care of said child(ren) of the above named in a lawful, private or public agency or a suitable and worthy person. The petition whereby the court’s decision can affect your parental rights, if any, regarding minor child(ren) will be heard on: 12-17-14 at 9:00 a.m. at SCJM 7 Kendrick Avenue 3 rd Floor, Waterbury, CT 06702. Hearing on an Order of Temporary Custody was heard on 11-14-14 at 10:00 a.m. at SCJM 7 Kendrick Avenue 3 rd Floor, Waterbury, CT 06702. Therefore, ORDERED, that notice of the hearing of this petition be given by publishing this Order of Notice once, immediately upon receipt, in the: New York Post, a newspaper having a circulation in the town/city of New York, NY Honorable Thomas F. Upson Judge SIGNED Joseph Inman, Admin Clerk Date signed 11-7-14 RIGHT TO COUNSEL: Upon proof of inability to pay for a lawyer, the court will provide one for you at court expense. Any such request should be made immediately at the court office where your Hearing is to be held. Sell your car, truck, or van in the New York Post’s Classifieds List your vehicle for sale online at vehicles.classifieds.nypost.com or call 212-930-8100 to place your ad NYPHome brings you the latest Real Estate News every Thursday. To advertise your available properties, please contact Natasha Rivera at 212-930-5748 or nrivera@nypost.com. According to reports from several outlets, free agent desig nated hitter Billy Butler signed a threeyear, $30 million con tract with the Athletics. USA Today, however, said the deal with the former Royal was not yet completed. l Giancarlo Stanton will make just $6.5 million in the first year of his record $325 million, 13year contract with the Marlins, but his pay will rise to $25 million in 2018. NHL: Snow-depleted crowd sees Sabres win Brian Gionta had two goals and an assist in leading the Sa bres to a 41 win over the Sharks on Tuesday night in Buffalo. The game was played in front of an estimated crowd of 6,200 on a day a severe lake effect snowstorm dumped more than 4 feet of snow on the area. l In Montreal, MarcAndre Fleury made 27 saves for his leagueleading fourth shutout of the season as the Penguins won 40 to snap the Canadiens’ sixgame winning streak. ETC.: U.S. loses friendly match to Ireland College Football Playoff rankings Undefeated isn’t good enough. Defending champion Flor ida State has won 26 straight games and is the No. 1 ranked team in the nation in both the AP and USA Today Coaches Poll, but after barely pulling out another comeback win — this one at Miami — the Seminoles stayed at No. 3 in the latest release of the College Foot ball Playoff rankings com piled by the 12member play off committee, while one loss Alabama moved to the top with a win over former No. 1 Mississippi State and oneloss Oregon remained at No. 2 after a week off. Playoff selection commit tee chairman Jeff Long said Florida State’s inability to control entire games nega tively affected its ranking, as opposed to Alabama, which jumped from No. 5. “With what we considered a decisive win over No. 1 Mississippi State, combined with their body of work, we A look at this week’s top-25 rankings by the College Football Playoff committee. The top four teams at the end of the season make the playoff: 1. Alabama 2. Oregon 3. Florida St. 4. Mississippi St. 5. TCU 6. Ohio St. 7. Baylor 8. Mississippi 9. UCLA 10. Georgia 11. Michigan St. 12. Kansas St. 13. Arizona St. 14. Auburn 15. Arizona 16. Wisconsin 17. Utah 18. Georgia Tech 19. USC 20. Missouri 21. Oklahoma 22. Clemson 23. Nebraska 24. Louisville 25. Minnesota 9-1 9-1 10-0 9-1 9-1 9-1 8-1 8-2 8-2 8-2 8-2 7-2 8-2 feel like Alabama is really the most complete team right now,” Long said. “We felt like Alabama is clearly No. 1 right now.” With little drama among which three teams would be up top, the final spot came down to four oneloss teams — Mississippi State, TCU, Ohio State and Baylor. Though the Bulldogs may have cost themselves the SEC championship after their first loss of the season, they could still end up seeing the Crimson Tide in the semifinals of the firstever College Football Playoff, hav ing only dropped to No. 4 in the rankings. Even with LSU and Texas A&M dropping from the rankings and Au burn falling to No. 14 Long Post Weather Report Wednesday New York Tides Peekskill 31/29 CONN. Stamford Bridgeport 32/31 34/33 N.Y. Tomorrow: Not as cold with plenty of sunshine. High 41 to 47. Tonight: Partly cloudy and cold. Low 29 to 35. Tomorrow night: A starlit sky. Low 24 to 30. Friday Sunny. High 38 to 44. Evening Evening A starlit sky. Low 27 to 33. Newark 34/31 High: 45, Low: 27, Mean: 36 Precipitation Yesterday: 0.00”, Month: 2.55”, Year: 45.79”, Normal year to date: 44.28” Heating Degree days yesterday..............29 Total for the month (normal) ......308 (277) Total since July 1 (normal) ..........509 (587) Last season to date ................................495 Wind Chill (at noon yest.) ...................... 26 UV index (for Wed.) ...................... 2 (Low) Humidity (at noon) ............................. 32% p.m. yesterday. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, r-rain, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice Southampton 37/33 Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather.com ©2014 Sun and Moon Sunrise today ......................... Sunset tonight ........................ Moonrise today ...................... Moonset today ....................... 6:47 a.m. 4:34 p.m. 3:38 a.m. 3:01 p.m. New First Full Last Nov 22 Nov 29 Dec 6 Dec 14 Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Showers T-storms Rain N.J. Flurries Snow Ice Long Beach 35/32 Fronts Cold Atlantic City 34/27 Ocean City 36/33 Warm Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Forecast high/low temperatures are given for selected cities. -10s -0s 0s 10s Stationary 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s High Tide for Coney Island Fire Island Hempstead Huntington Jones Inlet Montauk Point Port Washington Sandy Hook Regional cities Albany Danbury Glens Falls Gr Barrington Kingston Liberty Monticello Newburgh Poughkeepsie Saratoga Springs Stroudsburg Torrington Syracuse World cities Athens Baghdad Beijing Berlin Cairo Dublin Geneva Hong Kong Jerusalem Kabul London Madrid Mexico City Montreal Moscow Paris Rio de Janeiro Rome Sydney Tokyo NYPOST.com TODAY 1st 2nd 5:02a 4:26a 5:24a 8:34a 4:46a 6:25a 9:04a 5:06a 5:16p 4:40p 5:38p 9:02p 5:00p 6:41p 9:32p 5:20p TOMORROW 1st 2nd 5:45a 5:09a 6:07a 9:16a 5:29a 7:04a 9:26a 5:49a 6:00p 5:24p 6:22p 9:45p 5:44p 7:20p 9:58p 6:04p TODAY 32/23/pc 31/26/s 31/20/pc 29/20/s 31/23/s 26/18/s 26/19/s 31/29/s 32/23/s 31/22/pc 28/23/s 29/22/s 29/25/c TOMORROW 38/23/pc 41/20/s 37/19/sf 35/18/pc 39/22/s 32/15/pc 32/16/pc 39/23/s 41/21/s 37/21/sf 38/20/s 38/19/s 34/23/sf TODAY TOMORROW 72/58/pc 75/51/s 50/30/c 41/38/c 78/61/pc 51/46/r 51/34/pc 75/68/s 69/50/pc 62/32/s 51/43/pc 58/44/pc 71/48/c 29/22/s 25/14/s 51/40/pc 83/67/s 65/45/pc 75/67/pc 59/47/s 67/51/s 75/53/pc 55/27/pc 43/37/pc 78/59/s 52/45/pc 51/39/pc 77/70/s 68/49/pc 61/31/s 52/44/pc 65/46/pc 71/51/pc 33/21/sf 27/17/s 50/41/pc 84/69/s 64/44/s 83/71/pc 54/50/sh « Yesterday ............................................... 0.0” Month to date (normal) .......... trace (0.0”) AQI rating: (for Wed.)................................Good JFK 33/30 Toms River 32/30 Temperature Montauk 37/36 Riverhead 37/29 Huntington 34/33 Deer Park 35/29 Long Beach 35/32 Sandy Hook 34/31 Forecast data is current as of 6 Manasquan 32/28 YesterdaY’s conditions at central Park through 6PM Yesterday: -11 degrees La G 34/32 Asbury Park 33/29 Becoming cloudy. Low 36 to 42. Departure from Normal Garden City 34/30 Paterson 33/30 Almanac SNOW 31/29 Sussex 31/23 Saturday Sunny, but cold. High 35 to 41. hkussoy@nypost.com For current forecasts go to: Thursday Today: Sunny to partly cloudy and cold. High 31 to 37. 7-3 8-2 8-2 7-3 9-2 7-3 8-2 7-3 7-3 8-2 7-3 7-3 said the Bulldogs’ wins were slightly diminished, but still considered quality. While the SEC West has an inside track at taking half of the playoff spots, the Big 12 took a shot on the chin, with TCU dropping from No. 4 to No. 5 and Baylor sticking at No. 7, coming off a bye. Though Alabama has only one win against a team with fewer than four losses and ranks ahead of Mississippi State after the headtohead win, Baylor’s headtohead win over TCU wasn’t con sidered “comparable enough for headtohead to kick in,” according to Long, even though both teams have one loss and play in the same conference. TCU was mini mally affected after barely beating threewin Kansas. With Arizona State falling seven spots to No. 13 after an upset loss at Oregon State, Ohio State moved up to No. 6, impressing the committee with backtoback road wins at ranked teams — Michigan State and Minnesota. nypost.com Robbie Brady scored twice to lead Ireland, playing its sec ond string, to a 41 win over the United States in a friendly on Tuesday in Dublin. After Anthony Pilkington gave Ireland a 10 lead, Mix Diskerud equalized in the 39th minute before Brady regained the lead in the 55th. After the U.S. team’s fourth straight loss for the first time since he took over as coach three years ago, Jurgen Klinsmann said his players “have to learn emotionally how to digest a World Cup, and a lot of our players really had big problems digesting those extreme emotions.” l In Atlanta, Kobe Bryant scored 28 points and the Lak ers won for only the second time this season, beating the Hawks, 114109. l A report in the PostStandard of Syracuse said an intern ship program that placed Syracuse University athletes at a YMCA is part of an inquiry into possible NCAA violations by the school’s athletic department. The report said NCAA in vestigators asked about a former YMCA employee in nearby Oneida who had exceptional access to Syracuse men’s bas ketball players and was sued for allegedly misappropriating close to $350,000 from the Y. By HOWIE KUSSOY 39 New York Post, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 ’Bama new top team SPORTS SHORTS MLB: Reports: Butler signs with Athletics
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