Minority Commerce Weekly (C) 2014 Independent Media Sales & Services Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1988 - 2014, Celebrating 26-plus years of Service to Disadvantaged, Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (DMWBEs) Volume No. 27 Issue 1389 Phone: 212.349.4100 1988 - 2014 26 Years of Service to Disadvantaged, Minority & Women-owned Business Enterprises Contracting and Procurement Opportunities for Certified Disadvantaged, Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises November 20 - 26, 2014 Current Contracting/Procurement Opportunities THE CENTRAL NEW YORK REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY RENOVATION OF THE CNY CENTRO OPERATIONS OFFICE BATHROOM AND KITCHEN........................................................................................23 CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (CUNY)......................................................................................................................................................................4-8 DORMITORY AUTHORITY - STATE OF NEW YORK (DASNY) NYS OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH BRONX PSYCHIATRIC CENTER WELLNESS RECOVERY CENTER PHASE II - REHABILITATION.......................21 OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES BROOKLYN DDSO REPLACE FIRE STAIR LANDING & BASEMENT STAIRS.............21 METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (MTA) MTA REAL ESTATE (MTA RE).......................................................................................................................................................................................25 THE NEW YORK CONVENTION CENTER OPERATING CORPORATION (NYCCOC) RFP 1944IM - TERRAZZO FLOORING MAINTENANCE SERVICES.............................................................................................................................26 THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND (NYSIF) WEB DESIGN/CONTENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFQ#2014-33.........................................................................................................................23 NYSIF 2014-23 – DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATIONS AND TESTING SERVICES...............................................................................................................24 NYC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REHABILITATION OF THE FENDER SYSTEM AND WEST 125TH STREET VIADUCT OF MACOMBS DAM ...................................................................26 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE OF VARIOUS MOVABLE BRIDGES IN NYC...........................................................................................................26 REHABILITATION OF ROOSEVELT AVENUE BRIDGE OVER VAN WYCK EXPRESSWAY............................................................................................26 NYC OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS STUDY AND BEST PRACTICES REVIEW FOR THE ASSET MANAGEMENT FUNCTION....................................25 NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY....................................................................................................................................................................................2-3 CONTINUOUS EMISSIONS TESTING ENERGY LEGAL SERVICES FAIR MARKET VALUATION AND OTHER SERVICES GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES INFECTIOUS DISEASE RESPONSE & CLEANUP LONG SAULT DAM SERVICE GALLERY REHABILITATION ON-CALL ENGINEERING SERVICES OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING OF THE EEL PASSAGE FACILITY AT THE ROBERT MOSES POWER DAM RELAY TESTING EQUIPMENT REMOVE, TRANSPORT & RELOCATED CABLE & REELS UPPER HEAD GATE RAIL AND SLOT REFURBISHMENT OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES (OGS) PROJECT NO. M3016-C, FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK, REPLACE ROOF, QUEENSBORO CORRECTIONAL FACILITY, LONG ISLAND CITY..........23 STATE UNIVERSITY CONSTRUCTION FUND PROJECT NO. 23207, REPLACE WINDOWS & REHAB ENTRANCES FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY VARIOUS BUILDINGS AT SUNY CANTON....22 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (SUNY)(MWBE) ....................................................................................................................................................9-20 MWDBE SUBCONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES DYRE AVE CONSTRUCTORS JV................................................................................................................................................................................................25 ECCO III ENTERPRISES, INC....................................................................................................................................................................................................24 ECCO-VERDE-SKANSKA, JV....................................................................................................................................................................................................24 JETT INDUSTRIES, INC.............................................................................................................................................................................................................24 KUBRICKY CONSTRUCTION CORP..........................................................................................................................................................................................25 TURNER SCHOOL OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT.........................................................................................................................................................27 TUTOR PERINI CORPORATION.................................................................................................................................................................................................24 WDF INC...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................27 YONKERS CONTRACTING COMPANY.....................................................................................................................................................................................25 2 Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 VICES, MATERIALS, AND/OR EQUIPMENT TO BE FURNISHED BY OTHERS AS SPECIFICALLY REFERRED TO IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS) AND PERFORM ALL OPERATIONS REQUIRED FOR THE UPPER HEAD GATE RAIL AND SLOT REFURBISHMENT PROJECT AT THE AUTHORITY'S NIAGARA POWER PLANT IN Generating More Than Electricity LEWISTON, NEW YORK, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BID/ NOTICE TO ALL BIDDERS: Bidders are hereby CAUTIONED to make CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. CONSULTING use of the New York Power Authority’s web site at www.nypa.gov in order CATEGORY: Energy Legal Services to obtain current and complete bid documents, bid addenda, post-bid ad- Bid Name: Q14-5765MR denda and related notices. Bidders obtaining bid documents from sources RFQ Number: Due Date: 12/17/2014 other than www.nypa.gov web site do so at their own risk. Incomplete bid NYPA Contact: Michele Romagnuolo responses may be rejected by the Authority. 123 Main St. CATEGORY: ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING White Plains, NY 10601 Bid Name: On-call Engineering Services Phone: 914-681-6639 RFQ Number: Q14-5758FS Fax: 914-681-6783 Due Date: 12/10/2014 Abstract: The Authority requests proposals from law firms interested in NYPA Contact: Fiona Spencer providing legal services relating to: Contracts for energy trading and markets, 123 Main St. hedging, power purchase and sales; Renewable energy and transmission White Plains, NY 10601 projects including development of standard contract documents for AuthorPhone: 914-681-6401 Abstract: The New York Power Authority invites you to submit a proposal ity use with its customers (including school districts) for solar, wind, demand-side management, electric transportation, distributed energy manageto perform On-Call Engineering for all Authority Facilities. A description of the required Services is provided and detailed in the Sched- ment & grant funding; Strategic counsel regarding the development of energy services programs for Authority customers; Federal and/or State administraule of Services attached hereto. tive and/or judicial hearings relative to the foregoing, and; Other legal serCATEGORY: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE vices, advice, or opinions as requested relating to the Authority’s energy Bid Name: Long Sault Dam Service Gallery Rehabilitation programs. RFQ Number: Q14-5772JF Only Bidders whose proposals demonstrate prior capabilities and experiDue Date: 12/02/2014 ence in performing similar Work as described and detailed in the RFP will be NYPA Contact: Jules Franko considered. 123 Main St. CATEGORY: CONSULTING White Plains, NY 10601 Bid Name: Continuous Emissions Testing Phone: 914 681-6392 RFQ Number: Q14-5775RH Fax: 914 681-6783 12/03/2014 Abstract:Contractor to provide all plant, supervision, labor, materials and Due Date: Bob Haggerty equipment to perform all operations necessary for the "Long Sault Dam NYPA Contact: 123 Main St. Service Gallery (El. 200 level) Rehabilitation Project at the New York Power White Plains, NY 10601 Authority's St. Lawrence-FDR Power Project, in Massena, NY. Phone: 914 681 6283 The work generally involves repairs to cracks, spalling, staining and leakage (914) 681-6783 through construction and contraction joints. Grouting and concrete removal Fax: Abstract: The New York Power Authority is soliciting proposals and replacement repairs as necessary. to furnish all labor, supervision, materials, and equipment to provide CATEGORY: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE continuous emissions monitoring field service and hardware maintenance Bid Name: Remove, Transport & Relocated Cable & Reels (CEMS) for the Authority's Small Clean Power plants, located in Astoria, RFQ Number: Q14-5774JF Long Island city, Bronx, Brooklyn and Staten Island, N.Y. and the 500MW Due Date: 12/11/2014 Power Project in Astoria, N.Y. as more fully described in the bidding docuNYPA Contact: Jules Franko ments, which are available for downloading on line as described above. 123 Main St. CATEGORY: CONSULTING White Plains, NY 10601 Bid Name: Fair Market Valuation and Other Services Phone: 914 681-6392 RFQ Number: Q14-5771FS Fax: 914 681-6783 Due Date: 12/02/2014 Abstract: Remove, transport and relocate three spare Self Contained Fluid NYPA Contact: Fiona Spencer Filled (SCFF) & fiber optic cable on reels from Shoreham, NY to Astoria, NY. 123 Main St. This will be a turnkey proposal involving all necessary manpower, tools, White Plains, NY 10601 rigging, cranes, permits, trucks, barges, tugs and related machinger and equipPhone: 914-681-6401 ment. A mandatory bid locations tour is planned for November 25, 2014. See Abstract: New York Power Authority (the “Authority”) is seeking a Conbidding documents for all details. sultant to provide Fair Market Valuation Request For Proposal and ProcureCATEGORY: CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE ment Support Services as described in this RFP and as needed for various Bid Name: Upper Head Gate Rail and Slot Refurbishment projects for a three year term for Authority facilities listed below, in support RFQ Number: Q14-5763FS of multiple hydro and fossil fuel turbine generation projects and substations Due Date: 12/02/2014 located throughout South East New York. NYPA Contact: Fiona Spencer Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 10% 123 Main St. Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 10% White Plains, NY 10601 Due date: 12/02/2014 5:00 PM Phone: 914-681-6401 Abstract: THE NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY (HEREINAFTER Contract term: up to 3 years "AUTHORITY" AND/OR "NYPA") INVITES YOU TO SUBMIT A County(ies): Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk, GROSS LUMP SUM PRICE PROPOSAL TO FURNISH ALL LABOR, Westchester SUPERVISION, MATERIALS, AND EQUIPMENT (EXCEPT FOR SER- Location: South East New York Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 3 Passage Facility at the Robert Moses Power Dam. The Contractor (someCATEGORY: CONSULTING times referred to as the primary O and M Contractor) conducting this work Bid Name: General Legal Services will be required to operate the eel passage facility continuously from July 1 RFQ Number: Q14-5764MR until October 31. Additional support from the Contractor will be required to Due Date: 12/16/2014 start up, inspect, and troubleshoot the facility in the spring (startup typiNYPA Contact: Michele Romagnuolo cally begins in late May and requires more extensive support/effort in June 123 Main St. as the operating season approaches) prior to operation, and in early NovemWhite Plains, NY 10601 ber to shut down clean and winterize the facility. The operation and maintePhone: 914-681-6639 nance will be coordinated with St. Lawrence Project staff (primarily General Fax: 914-681-6783 Abstract: The Authority requests proposals from law firms interested in Maintenance, Electrical and Operations) and Environment, Health, and Safety providing general legal services relating, but not limited to the following: staff located in the White Plains Office. Finally, the Contractor will be recontracts; real estate management, appropriation, sales or leases; tort liabil- quired to provide daily and bi-weekly progress reports as well as a compreity; labor, employment and employee benefits matters; Federal and or State hensive annual report after fieldwork has been completed. regulatory, licensing, environmental, administrative and/or judicial hearings or litigation advice and litigation support and other miscellaneous legal matters. Only Bidders whose proposals demonstrate prior capabilities and experience in performing similar Work as described and detailed in the RFP will be considered. CATEGORY: ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT PRODUCTS Bid Name: Relay Testing Equipment RFQ Number: N14-20092666GJ Due Date: 12/11/2014 NYPA Contact: Grant Johnston 5777 Lewiston Rd., Lewiston, NY 14092-2199 Phone: 716-286-6803 Fax: 716-286-6054 Abstract: The New York Power Authority (The "Authority" or "NYPA") is seeking proposals from qualified bidders to furnish and deliver various Relay Testing Equipment, as described in the bid documents. To find the bid documents at the website Select Site: NIAGARA Category: ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT PRODUCTS CATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTAL Bid Name: Infectious Disease Response & Cleanup RFQ Number: Q14-5776RH Due Date: 12/08/2014 NYPA Contact: Bob Haggerty 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914 681 6283 Fax: (914) 681-6783 Abstract: The Authority is seeking proposals from qualified companies certified and skilled in the cleanup, disinfection and disposal of remediation wastes from infectious diseases including but not limited to MSRA, H1N1, Anthrax, Legionellosis, Ebola at our operating projects and offices locations positioned across New York State. The Authority anticipates entering into an agreement(s) for on call, as required services at any or all of the locations below. The selected contractor will be required to be able to provide 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days per week availability and response. See the RFP for details, which can be downloaded at the website detailed below. CATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTAL Bid Name: Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring of the EEL Passage Facility at the Robert Moses Power Dam RFQ Number: Q14-5770JR Due Date: 12/02/2014 NYPA Contact: John Rogers 123 Main St. White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: 914 287 3130 Fax: (914) 681-6783 Abstract:The New York Power Authority (NYPA) is seeking proposals for services to provide Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring of the eel Passage Facility at the Robert Moses Power Dam. The New York Power Authority (Hereafter the "Authority" or "NYPA") invites you to submit a Proposal for the Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring of the eel 4 Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 The City University of New York (CUNY) is the nation’s leading public university providing high-quality, accessible education for more than 269,000 degree-credit students and 247,000 adult, continuing and professional education students at 24 campuses across New York City. The University is an integrated system of senior and community colleges, graduate and professional schools, research centers, institutes and consortia. From certificate courses to Ph.D. programs, CUNY offers postsecondary learning to students of all backgrounds. It provides New York City with graduates trained for high-demand positions in the sciences, technology, mathematics, teaching, nursing and other fields. As CUNY has grown, the University also has strengthened its mission as a premier research institution, building an array of modern facilities and expanding the ranks of its world-class faculty. CUNY uses a University-wide collaborative purchasing process for core goods and services managed by the Office of the University Controller - Procurement with decentralized purchasing at the colleges to meet specific needs. While most campuses have a Purchasing Department, the Office of the University Controller purchases for the CUNY Central Office in addition to the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, CUNY School of Professional Studies, and the Stella & Charles Guttman Community College. The CUNY Graduate Center Purchasing Department purchases for its campus and for the CUNY School of Public Health and Macaulay Honors College. The City University Construction Fund, a NYS public benefits corporation, provides facilities for CUNY to support our educational programs on behalf of CUNY’s Office of Facilities Planning, Construction and Management. The University is committed to the active participation of Minority-/Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) in CUNY procurements. CUNY recognizes MWBE certifications issued by NYS Empire State Development. To obtain information on current solicitations or on any potential bidders/proposers’ lists, vendors are encouraged to contact the Office of University Controller and the Purchasing Director at each CUNY college. November 20 - 26, 2014 Minority Commerce Weekly Directory of CUNY Purchasing Departments: Office of the University Controller (212) 397-5600 mwbe@cuny.edu www.cuny.edu Fiorello H. LaGuardia Community College (718) 482-5525 purchasing@lagcc.cuny.edu www.lagcc.cuny.edu Baruch College (646) 660-6150 BaruchCollegeBids@baruch.cuny.edu www.baruch.cuny.edu Hunter College (212) 772-4333 purchcorrespond@hunter.cuny.edu www.hunter.cuny.edu Borough of Manhattan Community College (212) 220-8041 rcox@bmcc.cuny.edu www.bmcc.cuny.edu Herbet H. Lehman College (718) 960-8261 Andrea.Pinnock@lehman.cuny.edu www.lehman.cuny.edu Bronx Community College (718) 289-5801 purchasing@bcc.cuny.edu www.bcc.cuny.edu John Jay College of Criminal Justice (212) 237-8900 hstewart@jjay.cuny.edu www.jjay.cuny.edu Brooklyn College (718) 951-5133 purchasing@brooklyn.cuny.edu www.brooklyn.cuny.edu Kingsborough Community College (718) 368-5034 Lynn.Relay@kbcc.cuny.edu www.kbcc.cuny.edu City College (212) 650-5250 purchasing@ccny.cuny.edu www.ccny.cuny.edu Medgar Evers College (718) 270-6995 kgreene@mec.cuny.edu www.mec.cuny.edu College of Staten Island (718) 982-2450 purchasing@csi.cuny.edu www.csi.cuny.edu NYC College of Technology (718) 473-8960 purchasing@citytech.cuny.edu www.citytech.cuny.edu CUNY Graduate Center (212) 817-7650 purchasing@gc.cuny.edu www.gc.cuny.edu Queens College (718) 997-5760 qc.purchasing@qc.cuny.edu www.qc.cuny.edu CUNY School of Law (718) 340-4282 Pirzada@mail.law.cuny.edu www.law.cuny.edu Queenborough Community College (718) 631-6202 jconnors@qcc.cuny.edu www.qcc.cuny.edu Eugenio Maria de Hostos Community College (718) 319-7966 strafton@hostos.cuny.edu www.hostos.cuny.edu York College (718) 262-2107 purchasing@york.cuny.edu www.york.cuny.edu City University Construction Fund (646) 664-2700 CUNY.Builds@cuny.edu www.cuny.edu/cunybuilds 5 6 Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 CUNY Contracting and Procurement Opportunities In This Issue (CUNY) BROOKLYN COLLEGE BROOKLYN COLLEGE AIR FILTERS FY 14-15.....................................................................................................................................................................................6 (CUNY) OFFICE OF FACILITIES PLANNING,CONSTRUCTION, & MANAGEMENT COLLEGE OF STATEN ISLAND BUILDING 2M – SOUTH WING INFRASTRUCTURE & 2ND FLOOR BUILDOUT....................................................................................6 THEATER RIGGING, EQUIPMENT, PLATFORMS, LIGHTING AND DRAPERIES CONTRACT..............................................................................................................7 (CUNY) JOHN JAY COLLEGE PURCHASE OF ACADEMIC CATALOG MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE AND SERVICES......................................................................................................................8 (CUNY) Brooklyn College Brooklyn College Air Filters FY 14-15 The City University of New York, on behalf of Brooklyn College, intends to purchase high efficiency/high capacity air filters for HVAC equipment. The College reserves the right to require vendors under consideration to furnish samples of each type of filter. RFQ packages are available upon request. Please send an email to BrooklynCollegeBids@brooklyn.cuny.edu indicating reference number BKL3112, your company name, mailing address, phone, fax, and email address in order to receive an RFQ package. Any purchase that results from this advertisement shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this advertisement (including without limitation, any attached specifications and any other terms and conditions attached hereto or incorporated herein by reference), the University’s standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions, and the Standard Clauses for New York State Contracts which are incorporated herein by reference with the same effect as it is written. These documents are available for review upon request to the contact listed below. Communication with the University with respect to this procurement initiated by or on behalf of an interested vendor through others may constitute an “impermissible contact” under state law, and could result in disqualification of that vendor. No subcontracting is allowed. The Procurement Lobbying Act (PLA) Applies to this Solicitation. The restricted period began with the publication of this ad. Procurement Lobbying Act Required Forms: Vendor shall complete, sign and submit the following forms if they are selected. a) “Offerer’s Affirmation of Understanding of and Agreement pursuant to State Finance Law § 139-j (3) and § 139-j (6) (b)” b) “Offerer’s Disclosure of Prior Non-Responsibility Determinations and Certification of Compliance with State Finance Law §139-j and §139-k” Contact with CUNY: Under the requirements of the PLA, all communications regarding advertised projects are to be channeled through the Designated Contact. Communication with respect to this procurement initiated by or on behalf of an interested vendor through others than the Designated Contact may constitute an “impermissible contact” under NYS law and could result in disqualification of that vendor. Rules and regulations and more information on this law, please visit: http://www.ogs.ny.gov/aboutogs/regulations/advisoryCouncil/Faq.htm (Advisory Council FAQs) http://www.jcope.ny.gov/law/lob/lobbying2.html (New York State Lobbying Act) Minority Sub-Contracting Goal: N/A Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: N/A Due date: 12/09/2014 2:00 PM Contract term: Three (3) years with the option of two (2) additional one (1) year renewals County(ies): Kings Location: Brooklyn College 2900 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210 Primary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Brooklyn College Purchasing and Contracting Natalee Queneau Assistant Purchasing Agent 2900 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11210-2889 United States Ph: 718-951-5133 BrooklynCollegeBids@brooklyn.cuny.edu Secondary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Brooklyn College Purchasing and Contracting Madonna Charles Director of Procurement and Support Services 2900 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11210-2889 United States Ph: 718-951-5133 BrooklynCollegeBids@brooklyn.cuny.edu Submit to contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Brooklyn College Purchasing Natalee Queneau Assistant Purchasing Agent 2900 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11210-2889 United States Ph: 718-951-5133 BrooklynCollegeBids@brooklyn.cuny.edu (CUNY) Office of Facilities Planning, Construction, & Management COLLEGE OF STATEN ISLAND BUILDING 2M – SOUTH WING INFRASTRUCTURE & 2ND FLOOR BUILDOUT On behalf of the City University Construction Fund (CUCF), STV Construction, Inc. acting as Construction Manager, is soliciting the services of a General Contractor to provide all labor, material, and equipment necessary for the renovation of the existing Building 2M South Wing 2nd Floor located and two entry additions. Work including but not limited to demolition and removals of existing spaces, new general construction, site and civil work, new mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire suppression systems and low voltage work as required by the plans and specifications. The expected construction cost range is between $7,000,000 and $8,000,000. Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 7 It is anticipated this project will have an executed Project Labor Agreement Submit to contact: City University of New York (CUNY) (PLA). Office of Facilities Planning,Construction, & Management Jeanny Cheung The MBE participation goal for this project is 12%; the WBE participation goal is 8%. Project Manager 555 West 57th Street Bid documents will be available starting Tuesday, November 18, 2014 starting at 12 noon and may be downloaded from the “Doing Business With STV/ 16th Floor CUNY Bid Opportunities” section at: www.stvinc.com New York, NY 10019 United States A CD containing the bid documents in PDF format will also be available for pickup at STV Construction, Inc., 225 Park Avenue South, 5th Floor, New Ph: 646-664-2759 jeanny.cheung@stvinc.com York, NY 10003. All Bidders MUST contact Jeanny Cheung/Project Manager of STV Construction, Inc. at 212-614-3377 or via email at jeanny.cheung@stvinc.com to arrange for pickup of the documents in CD (CUNY) Office of Facilities Planning, Construction, format. Proper identification such as Driver’s License or Passport will be & Management required at entrance access for document pickup. Document pick up will be Theater Rigging, Equipment, Platforms, Lighting and limited to the designated business hours of 10:00AM – 3:00PM. Draperies Contract A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting and site visit will be held on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 11:00AM with a sign-in location at the College of On behalf of the City University Construction Fund (CUCF), F.J. Sciame Staten Island, Building 2M South Wing, 2800 Victory Boulevard, Staten Construction Co., Inc (Sciame), acting as Construction Manager, is soliciting Island, NY 10314. The pre-bid meeting will commence promptly after the all the services of a Contractor to provide all labor, material, and equipment attendees sign in. The pre-bid meeting and site visit are strongly encouraged necessary for the Theater Rigging, Equipment, Platforms, Lighting and Drapfor those choosing to submit a bid. eries contract scope for the CUNY NYCCT New Academic Building project, All pre-bid questions/Requests for Information (RFI’s) must be submitted in located at 285 Jay Street. A detailed description of the work required is writing via the e-Builder link at “Doing Business With STV/CUNY Bid provided in the RFB Trade Scope Checklist (Section II, Subsection A, SecOpportunities” section at: www.stvinc.com and must be received no later tion c. of the RFB Bid Booklet). Bid Booklet Documents will be available than 3:00PM on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 in order to obtain response starting on November 18, 2014 and may be downloaded from our website, by addendum prior to bid opening. e-Builder is a web based integrated project http://cuny.sciame.com/. If you are unable to download the documents from management platform (IPMP) used for all projects at STV Construction, the website, contact Adam Giusti by fax at (212) Inc. All responses to RFI’s will be issued by Addendum via e-Builder. Any 248-5313, or email at agiusti@sciame.com, to arrange your pickup of the questions or requests for clarification received after this time and date will be documents in CD format. After contacting Adam Giusti, the documents will answered only at the discretion of CUNY/CUCF. However, all Bidders are be made available for pick-up at F.J. Sciame Construction Co., Inc., 14 Wall required to meet the final the RFI deadline of Wednesday, December 10, Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10005. 2014. There is a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) for this project. The PLA is All Bids shall be delivered and received no later than 12Noon Tuesday, entered into between F.J. Sciame Construction Co., Inc. and the Building January 6, 2015 to the City University of New York (CUNY) located at 555 Trades and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York (BCTC) afWest 57th Street New York, NY, 10019, 16th Floor Reception. Bids will be filiated Local Unions. The PLA is binding on the Contractor and all Subconreceived Monday through Friday during regular business hours but no later tractors of all tiers. The MBE participation requirement for this project is than specified above. Proper identification will be required at the CUNY 12%; the WBE participation requirement is 8%. The estimated construction ground floor entrance such as Driver’s License or Passport. No electronic or cost for this bid package is: $1.2M - $1.3M. A non-mandatory pre-bid confax bids will be accepted. Late bids will not be opened and returned to the ference meeting will be held on November 25, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at Sciame’s respective bidder. office at 14 Wall Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10005. Bidders are encourBids will be opened at the offices of the City University of New York aged to attend this meeting to discuss scope and bidding procedures. Bid Due (CUNY) located at 555 West 57th Street New York, NY, 10019, 16th Floor, Date: December 18, 2014 at 12:00 noon. Bids must be submitted to F.J. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 12:30 PM. No more than two representa- Sciame Construction Co., Inc., 14 Wall Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY tives per firm may attend the bid opening. 10005, Attn: Melissa Steeves. Bids will be received Monday through Friday Any problems or concerns regarding this procurement process should be during regular business hours but no later than the date and time specified directed to CUCF/CUNY Authorized Agency Contacts, Michael Feeney and above. No electronic or faxed bids will be accepted. Late bids will not be Michael Rabin, by email at: cuny.builds@cuny.edu. In the subject line of opened. Bids will be opened at the offices of the City University of New your email all bidders are to reference the project name and contract number. York (CUNY) located at 555 West 57th Street New York, N.Y. 10019, 16th All other communication must go through STV Construction, Inc., Jeanny Floor Conference Room on December 18, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. No more than Cheung/Project Manager by email at: jeanny.cheung@stvinc.com. In the sub- two representatives per firm may attend the bid opening. See the bid docuject line of your email all bidders must reference the project name and con- ments for a full description of the project, process, submission requirements, tract number. timeline, and contact information. Any problems or concerns regarding this Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 12% procurement process should be directed to CUCF/CUNY Authorized Agency Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 8% Contacts, Michael Feeney and Michael Rabin, by email at: Due date: 01/06/2015 12:00 PM cuny.builds@cuny.edu. In the subject line of your email all Contract term: TBD bidders are to reference the project name and contract number All other County(ies): Richmond communication must go through Sciame Construction Co., Inc., Adam Giusti, Primary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Project Manager, by email at STV Construction, Inc. agiusti@sciame.com. In the subject line of your email all bidders must referJeanny Cheung ence the project name and contract number. Project Manager Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 12% 225 Park Avenue South, 5th Floor Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 8% New York, NY 10003 Due date: 12/18/2014 12:00 PM United States Contract term: TBD Ph: 212-614-3377 County(ies): Kings jeanny.cheung@stvinc.com Primary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) - 8 Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 F.J. Sciame Construction Co. Inc. contact listed below. Adam Guisti Communication with the University with respect to this procurement initiProject manager ated by or on behalf of an interested vendor through others may constitute an 14 Wall Street, 2nd Floor “impermissible contact” under state law, and could result in disqualification New York, NY 10005 of that vendor. United States No subcontracting is allowed. Ph: 212-232-2200 The Procurement Lobbying Act (PLA) Applies to this Solicitation. Fax: 212-248-5313 The restricted period began with the publication of this ad. aguisti@sciame.com Compliance Procurement Lobbying Act Submit to contact: City University of New York (CUNY) Required Forms: Vendor shall complete, sign and submit the following forms F.J. Sciame Construction, Inc. if they are selected. Adam Guisti a) “Offerer’s Affirmation of Understanding of and Agreement pursuant to Project Manager State Finance Law § 139-j (3) and § 139-j (6) (b)” 14 Wall Street, 2nd Floor b) “Offerer’s Disclosure of Prior Non-Responsibility Determinations and New York, NY 10005 Certification of Compliance with State Finance Law §139-j and §139-k” United States Contact with CUNY: Ph: 212-232-2200 Under the requirements of the PLA, all communications regarding advertised Fax: 212-248-5313 projects are to be channeled through the Designated Contact. Communicaaguisti@sciame.com tion with respect to this procurement initiated by or on behalf of an interested vendor through others than the Designated Contact may constitute an (CUNY) John Jay College “impermissible contact” under NYS law and could result in disqualification of that vendor. Purchase of Academic Catalog Management Rules and regulations and more information on this law, please visit: Software and Services http://www.ogs.ny.gov/aboutogs/regulations/advisoryCouncil/Faq.htm (AdJohn Jay College is seeking expressions of interest from vendors who pro- visory Council FAQs) vide database-driven, web-based, academic catalog management solutions http://www.jcope.ny.gov/law/lob/lobbying2.html (New York State Lobbyincluding software and related services such as system implementation, con- ing Act) tent migration, user training, and technical support. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Product Requirements: Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% The catalog software must: Due date: 12/09/2014 11:00 AM 1.Be entirely web-based (including the online e-catalog and administrative Contract term: One time purchase with annual support requirements interface); County(ies): All NYS counties 2. Store all academic catalog information in a relational database; Location: John Jay College 524 West 59th street, New York 3. Automatically publish web and mobile web e-catalogs and printer-ready Primary contact: City University of New York (CUNY) documents, preferably in multiple formats such as PDF, MS Word, and In John Jay College Design. Output must be ADA compliant and integrate institutional branding, Office of Business Services page design, and graphics; Hazel Stewart 4. Automatically archive previous catalog versions; Purchasing Manager 5. Provide customized edit/approval workflows, including email notifica524 West 59th St. tions, change and version control and audit trail, and the ability to reuse New York, NY 10019 content for multiple publications. Workflow interface must be easy for nonUnited States technical staff to use and maintenance of the workflow system should not Ph: 212-237-8510 require College IT or webmaster intervention; hstewart@jjay.cuny.edu 6. Provide security controls to allow administrators to specify permissions Submit to contact: City University of New York (CUNY) for content including read-only, modify text only, modify type style, etc.; John Jay College 7. Provide an easy-to-use editing interface for non-technical staff and adminOffice of Business Services istrators that has common editing functions found in most word processing Hazel Stewart software including search, find and replace, spell-check, and track changes; Purchasing Manager 8. Be updated during the term of a resulting agreement at no extra cost; and 524 West 59th St. 9. Be fully supported by vendor through all lifecycle phases including impleNew York, NY 10019 mentation and ongoing support. United States Vendor Requirements: Prospective vendor shall (1) have at least 5 years of Ph: 212-237-8510 experience providing academic catalog management software and services, hstewart@jjay.cuny.edu including implementation services without the assistance of a subcontractor; (2) have demonstrated experience working with public higher education institutions and be able to provide three references from such agencies; . Vendors are invited to submit no later than the date set forth below: 1) documentation to verify that your company can meet the minimum product requireMinority Commerce Weekly ments; and 2) documentation to verify your company can meet the minimum is published by: vendor requirements. Independent Media Sales & Services, Inc., Any purchase that results from this advertisement shall be governed by the a NYS Certified MBE terms and conditions of this advertisement (including without limitation, any James W. Wood, Publisher attached specifications and any other terms and conditions attached hereto Phone: 212.349.4100 or incorporated herein by reference), the University’s standard Purchase email: imssjim@aol.com Order Terms and Conditions, and the Standard Clauses for New York State website: www.mcwbids.com Contracts which are incorporated herein by reference with the same effect as it is written. These documents are available for review upon request to the November 20 - 26, 2014 Minority Commerce Weekly 9 The State University of New York is the largest comprehensive system of universities, colleges, and community colleges in the world. Its 64 campuses are divided into four categories, based on educational mission, types of academic opportunities available and degrees offered. The largest institutions are the four University Centers: Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, and Stony Brook. SUNY’s administrative offices are in Albany. This section contains solicitations made by the 30 Stateoperated campuses within the SUNY system. The State University of New York procurement process is generally decentralized with each of the 30 state-operated campuses doing the majority of their own purchasing. The SUNY Means Business Web site has procurement information for the state-operated campuses and outlines of NYS laws and SUNY procedures that govern how the University does purchasing. Vendors are encouraged to contact individual campuses with information about their businesses and how their company might meet the campuses’ specific needs. 10 Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 Directory of SUNY Purchasing Offices ALBANY (518) 437-4579 www.albany.edu/purchasing/index.html DOWNSTATE MEDICAL (718) 270-3176 www.downstate.edu/finance/ purchasing.html EMPIRE STATE (518) 587-2100 x2340 OPTOMETRY (212) 938-4000 www.sunyopt.edu/faculty/ businessoffice.shtml ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & FORESTRY (315) 470-6626 www.esf.edu/business/purchasing.htm OSWEGO (315) 312-2224 www.oswego.edu/administration.html FARMINGDALE (631) 420-2245 www.farmingdale.edu PLATTSBURGH (518) 564-4601 www.plattsburgh.edu/offices/admin/ businessaffairs/purchasing ALFRED (607) 587-3916 www.alfredstate.edu/purchasing BINGHAMTON (607) 777-2184 www.binghamton.edu/purchasing BROCKPORT (585) 395-2351 www.brockport.edu/pps BUFFALO (716) 645-5000 www.ubbusiness.buffalo.edu/ubb/cfm/ BUFFALO STATE (716) 878-4113 www.buffalostate.edu/purchasing CANTON (315) 386-7555 FREDONIA (716) 673-3438 www.fredonia.edu/admin/purchasing GENESEO (585) 245-5100 www.geneseo.edu/purchasing MARITIME (718) 409-7200 www.sunymaritime.edu www.Canton.edu/procurement/ COBELSKILL (518) 255-5520 www.Cobleskill.edu CORTLAND (607) 753-2305 www2.cortland.edu DELHI (607) 746-4502 www.delhi.edu/administration/ purchasing/index.php ONEONTA (607) 436-3388 www.oneonta.edu/admin/purchasing MORRISVILLE (315) 684-6461 www.morrisville.edu/business_office/ purchasing.aspx NEW PALTZ (845) 257-3190 www.newpaltz.edu/purchasing OLD WESTBURY (516) 876-3193 www.oldwestbury.edu/administrative/ compliance.cfm POTSDAM (315)267-2139 www.potsdam.edu/offices/purchasing PURCHASE 914) 251-6070 www.purchase.edu STONY BROOK UNIVERSTY (631) 632-6010 www.stonybrook.edu/procurement SUNYIT (315) 792-7342 www.sunyit.edu/business_affairs/ purchasing.inc SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION (518) 320-1349 UPSTATE MEDICAL (315) 464-5720 www.upstate.edu/finance/ purchasing.php November 20 - 26, 2014 Minority Commerce Weekly 11 SUNY Contracting and Procurement Opportunities In This Issue (SUNY) UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY NURSE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COURSE...........................................................................................................................................................................12 SUNY CORTLAND CABLE TV SERVICES - SUNY CORTLAND.......................................................................................................................................................................................12 HIGH DEFINITION GOLF SIMULATOR..............................................................................................................................................................................................12 SUNY DELHI CENTRAL STEAM PLANT, UPGRADE BOILER PLANT AUTOMATION...............................................................................................................................................12 SUNY DOWNSTATE MEDICAL CENTER ROCHE COBAS 4800 INSTRUMENT AND RELATED PRODUCTS.....................................................................................................................................................13 SUNY ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & FORESTRY CALIBRATED DENSITOMETER.........................................................................................................................................................................................................14 LAB EQUIP - DIGITAL PCR SYSTEM & GEL IMAGING SYSTEM FOR NUCLEIC ACIDS, PROTEINS.................................................................................................14 MOLECULAR IMAGER.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................14 PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM.........................................................................................................................................................................................15 SUNY NEW PALTZ SERVICE BUILDING RENOVATION.................................................................................................................................................................................................15 SITE RENOVATION PHRASE II - MOHONK WEST.............................................................................................................................................................................16 WOOSTER CAFÉ BUILD-OUT...........................................................................................................................................................................................................17 SUNY PLATTSBURGH HUDSON HALL LABORATORY VENTILATION SAVINGS PROJECT..................................................................................................................................................18 SUNY STONY BROOK WEST CAMPUS RFP - ENTERPRISE CLASS UNIVERSITY HOUSING SYSTEM.......................................................................................................................................................18 UPGRADING MAGNETOM TRIO 3T MRI SYSTEM............................................................................................................................................................................19 SUNY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION STRATEGIC ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT FOR OPEN SUNY.......................................................................................................................................................19 SUNY UPSTATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ADVERTISING DURING LOCAL HOCKEY EVENTS..........................................................................................................................................................................19 ROC RENOVATIONS........................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 SECURITY SERVICES.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 12 Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) (SUNY) University at Albany SUNY Cortland Purchasing Nurse Leadership Development Course Melissa Fox The Research Foundation of SUNY on behalf of SUNY at Albany (RF/ Purchasing Assistant University at Albany) is requstion proposals for the development and deliv1 Gerhart Drive ery of the Nurse Leadership Development Course for New York State EmP.O. Box 2000 ployees. To obtain a copy of this RFP, please email your request to this Cortland, NY 13045 procurment's designated contact; Michael McLean at mmclean@albany.edu United States (or fax 518/437-4571) and include your company's name, address, phone/fax Ph: 607-753-5454 # along with contact person's name and email address. melissa.fox@cortland.edu Minority and women owned business are encourages to respond. Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 8% SUNY Cortland Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 10% Purchasing Due date: 12/15/2014 2:30 PM Samuel Colombo Contract term: 1/1/15 - 6/30/15 Purchasing Manager County(ies): All NYS counties 1 Gerhart Drive Location: Hudson Valley/Weschester and Western Region/Rochester P.O. Box 2000 * These goods or services have been purchased from an out-of-state/foreign Cortland, NY 13045 vendor within the past three years. United States Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Ph: 607-753-2305 University at Albany colombos@cortland.edu Institutional Services Michael McLean SUNY Cortland Purchasing Associate High Definition Golf Simulator 1400 Washington Ave. SUNY Cortland is looking to purchase a High Definition Golf Simulator (10' MSC Room 302 T x 13'1"W x 19'L) for our new Student Life Center. Interested parties Albany, NY 12222 should contact Melissa Fox via email for further details. United States Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Ph: (518)-437-4579 Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% mmclean@uamail.albany.edu Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Due date: 12/08/2014 3:00 PM University at Albany Contract term: 2014 Institutional Services County(ies): All NYS counties Michael McLean Location: SUNY Cortland Purchasing Associate Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) 1400 Washington Ave. SUNY Cortland MSC Room 302 Purchasing Albany, NY 12222 Melissa Fox United States Purchasing Assistant Ph: (518)-437-4579 1 Gerhart Drive mmclean@uamail.albany.edu P.O. Box 2000 Cortland, NY 13045 SUNY Cortland United States Cable TV Services - SUNY Cortland Ph: 607-753-5454 SUNY Cortland plans to extend their current contract (C100499) with Time melissa.fox@cortland.edu Warner Cable from October 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014. The contract Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) provides a custom cable TV lineup and associated services to SUNY Cortland SUNY Cortland residence halls. This is not a bid opportunity. Any questions or comments Purchasing regarding this notice of procurement should be directed to the contact perMelissa Fox sons listed for this advertisement. Purchasing Assistant Due date: 12/09/2014 1 Gerhart Drive Contract term: Contract Extension through 12-31-14 P.O. Box 2000 County(ies): Cortland Cortland, NY 13045 Location: SUNY Cortland United States Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Ph: 607-753-5454 SUNY Cortland melissa.fox@cortland.edu Purchasing Samuel Colombo SUNY Delhi Purchasing Manager Central Steam Plant, Upgrade Boiler Plant Automation 1 Gerhart Drive State University of New York at Delhi will receive sealed Proposals for P.O. Box 2000 Project No. 25305, Titled “Central Steam Plant, Upgrade Boiler Plant AutoCortland, NY 13045 mation” until 3 P.M. Local Time on December 17, 2014, at Wall Service United States Complex Building 32, Conference Room No. 135 when they will be opened Ph: 607-753-2305 publicly and read. Proposals may be hand delivered or mailed to the above colombos@cortland.edu location and must be received at such time. All work on this Contract is to be Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 13 completed by July 31, 2015. Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined free of charge at the SUNY Delhi following locations: Facilities Schuyler Engineering Steve Smith 163 North Wellwood Avenue Capital Contracts Administrator Lindenhurst, NY11757 137 Wall Service Complex Suzanne Anchor (631) 956-3096 Delhi, NY 13753 SUNY Delhi United States 454 Delhi Drive Ph: (607)746-4027 Delhi, New York 13753 smithsd@delhi.edu Wall Service Complex Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Morgan McKee (607) 746-4012 SUNY Delhi Reed Construction Data (subscribers only): Documents may be viewed Facilities electronically at the subscriber website for Reed Construction Data: Steve Smith www.reedconstructiondata.com. Capital Contracts Administrator Address: 30 Technology Pkwy South – Suite 500, Norcross GA 30092 137 Wall Service Complex Phone: 800 774 9097 Fax: 800 294 0504 Delhi, NY 13753 Dodge Reports Visit www.dodge.construction.com United States Southern Tier Bldrs Assoc. Inc. 65 East Main Street, Falconer, NY 14733- Ph: (607)746-4027 1397 smithsd@delhi.edu Syracuse Builders Exchange 6563 Ridings Road, Syracuse, NY 13206 SUNY Downstate Medical Center Minority Contractors Assoc. of Central NY Email: stevencoker@rocketmail.com Roche Cobas 4800 Instrument and Related Products 2610 South Salina Street, Suite 7, Syracuse, NY 13205. SUNY-Downstate Medical Center intends to purchase Roche Cobas 4800 MohawkValley Bldrs Exchange 728 Court Street, Utica, NY 13502 Instrument and Related Products manufactured by Roche Diagnostics, purAssociated Bldg Contractors of the Triple Cities, Inc. 15 Belden Street, suant to state laws which authorize SOLE source purchases without a formal Binghamton NY 13903-2159 competitive process in certain circumstances. A vendor who believes that Eastern Contractors Association 6 Airline Drive, Albany, NY 12205 they can provide this product or an equivalent is inited to contact the Albany Ctr for Economic Success #101, 255 Orange Street, Albany, NY Purchasing Agent listed below. If an equivalent is offered, equivalency must 12210 be demonstrated by being compatible with existing product. If offering an Complete and partial sets of Bidding and Contract Documents must be obequivalent, the vendor must provide free supporting documentation and tained from the Consultant. Section 143 of State Finance Law requires payproduct for examination, demonstration, and trial. ment of a deposit to receive these documents. Accordingly, a deposit check This procurement is subject to NYS Finance Law §139 j&k, AKA the Lobmade payable to Schuyler Engineering is required for one of the following: bying Law. Therefore, vendors are cautioned that the only permissible con1. For a fee of $10, interested firms may request and receive an electronic tact for this procurement is the individual listed below. Contacting any other download of the bidding and contract documents. At the bidder’s expense, individuals in connection with this advertisement may constitute a violation purchase a printed copy or copies of the bid set. of New York State Finance Law. Failure to comply with this requirement can 2. For a fee of $25, interested firms may request and receive a CD with range from no contract award to debarment from sales to any NYS Agency. electronic copies of the bidding and contract documents. At the bidder’s Successful contractor shall be required to complete and submit documents expense, purchase a printed copy or copies of the bid set. related to Vendor Responsibility, NYS Finance Law 139, NYS Tax Law and 3. For a fee of $49, interested firms may request and receive a printed copy valid/current NYS Workman's Compensation and Disability Forms of the complete set. An electronic download or a copy on CD will not be Reason for advertising exemption: Sole Source provided. Award recipient: Roche Diagnostics Bids must be submitted in duplicate in accordance with the instructions Any questions or comments regarding this notice of sole-source, singlecontained in the Information for Bidders. A Bid Security will be required for source, or procurement otherwise exempt from advertising in the NYS Coneach bid in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the Total Bid. It is the tract Reporter should be directed to the contact person listed for the conpolicy of the State of New York and the State University of New York to tracting agency or public authority. encourage minority and women-owned business enterprise participation in Ad end date: 11/24/2014 this project by contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, and all bidders are Contract term: 12/1/2014 - 11/30/19 expected to cooperate in implementing this policy. County(ies): Kings The State University of New York reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Location: 450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203 Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 7% Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 13% SUNY Downstate Medical Center Due date: 12/17/2014 3:00 PM Purchasing and Contracts Department Contract term: Completion by July 31, 2015 Beatrice York County(ies): All NYS counties Purchase Associate Location: 454 Delhi Drive, Delhi, NY 13753 450 Clarkson Avenue Technical contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Box 63 Schuyler Engineering Brooklyn, NY 11203 Kevin Duffy United States P.E. Ph: (718) 270-1121 163 North Wellwood Ave Beatrice.york@downstate.edu Lindenhurst, NY 13757 United States Ph: 631-956-3096 kduffy@schuylerengineering.com 14 Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 designated Campus contact in this advertisement within 15 business days of this Advertisement Notice. SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Calibrated Densitometer Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% SUNY ESF intends to make an award under our discretionary authority, Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% pursuant to NYS Education Law §355(5)(b), for the above noted [commod- Due date: 12/09/2014 ity/product or service], which authorizes purchases without a formal Contract term: One time competitive process in certain circumstances, including purchases from County(ies): Onondaga NYS small businesses, from business certified pursuant to Article 15- Location: 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse NY 13210 A of the NYS Executive Law and, if applicable, from businesses selling Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) commodities or technology that are recycled or remanufactured. A sealed SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry bid will not be held. If you are interested in providing a proposal for the Purchasing Department above commodity, product or service, you must contact the appropriately Lisa Campagna designated Campus contact in this advertisement within 15 business days of Purchasing Manager this Advertisement Notice. One Forestry Drive Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Syracuse, NY 13210 Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% United States Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Ph: 315-470-6687 Due date: 11/25/2014 1:00 PM lmcampagna@esf.edu Contract term: One time Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) County(ies): Onondaga SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry Location: 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse NY 13210 Physical Plant Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Brian Boothroyd SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry Facilities Program Coordinator Purchasing Department 307 Stadium Place Lisa Campagna Syracuse, NY 13210 Purchasing Manager United States One Forestry Drive Ph: 315-470-6814 Syracuse, NY 13210 Fax: 315-470-6957 United States bdboothr@esf.edu Ph: 315-470-6687 Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) lmcampagna@esf.edu SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Purchasing Department SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry Lisa Campagna Physical Plant Purchasing Manager Brian Boothroyd One Forestry Drive Facilities Program Coordinator Syracuse, NY 13210 307 Stadium Place United States Syracuse, NY 13210 Ph: 315-470-6687 United States lmcampagna@esf.edu Ph: 315-470-6814 Fax: 315-470-6957 SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry bdboothr@esf.edu Molecular Imager Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY ESF intends to make an award under our discretionary authority, SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry pursuant to NYS Education Law §355(5)(b), for the above noted [commodPurchasing Department ity/product or service], which authorizes purchases without a formal Lisa Campagna competitive process in certain circumstances, including purchases from Purchasing Manager NYS small businesses, from business certified pursuant to Article 15One Forestry Drive A of the NYS Executive Law and, if applicable, from businesses selling Syracuse, NY 13210 commodities or technology that are recycled or remanufactured. A sealed United States bid will not be held. If you are interested in providing a proposal for the Ph: 315-470-6687 above commodity, product or service, you must contact the appropriately lmcampagna@esf.edu designated Campus contact in this advertisement within 15 business days of this Advertisement Notice. SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Lab Equip - Digital PCR System & Gel Imaging system Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% for Nucleic Acids, Proteins SUNY ESF intends to make an award under our discretionary authority, Due date: 12/09/2014 1:00 PM pursuant to NYS Education Law §355(5)(b), for the above noted [commod- Contract term: One time ity/product or service], which authorizes purchases without a formal County(ies): Onondaga competitive process in certain circumstances, including purchases from Location: 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse NY 13210 NYS small businesses, from business certified pursuant to Article 15- Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry A of the NYS Executive Law and, if applicable, from businesses selling Purchasing Department commodities or technology that are recycled or remanufactured. A sealed Lisa Campagna bid will not be held. If you are interested in providing a proposal for the Purchasing Manager above commodity, product or service, you must contact the appropriately Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 15 One Forestry Drive Fax: 315-470-6957 Syracuse, NY 13210 bdboothr@esf.edu United States Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Ph: 315-470-6687 SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry lmcampagna@esf.edu Purchasing Department Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Lisa Campagna SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry Purchasing Manager Physical Plant One Forestry Drive Brian Boothroyd Syracuse, NY 13210 Facilities Program Coordinator United States 307 Stadium Place Ph: 315-470-6687 Syracuse, NY 13210 lmcampagna@esf.edu United States Ph: 315-470-6814 SUNY New Paltz Fax: 315-470-6957 Service Building Renovation bdboothr@esf.edu Summary of Work Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) The Service Building Renovation at State University of New York at New SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry Paltz renovates the existing 20,000 square foot building to accommodate the Purchasing Department Design and Construction Offices, Health and Safety Offices, Operation and Lisa Campagna Maintenance Offices, existing workshops and auto repair garage, and the Purchasing Manager University Police Department. One Forestry Drive Most of the upper level of the building will receive a total renovation while Syracuse, NY 13210 the renovations on the lower level will be smaller in scope. Approximately United States 4,580 square feet of warehouse space will remain at the North end of the Ph: 315-470-6687 building. The South end of the upper level will be become the University lmcampagna@esf.edu Police Department. The remainder of upper level will be developed into new office spaces for various departments. Shared meeting spaces, break room, SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry bathrooms and vending area are incorporated in the renovation design. Pharmaceutical Analysis System Lower level spaces such as Auto Repair Garage, and Maintenance Shops are SUNY ESF intends to make an award under our discretionary authority, heavily used and will remain largely in place and unaltered by the renovation. pursuant to NYS Education Law §355(5)(b), for the above noted [commod- Additional office space will be developed on the North end of the lower level. ity/product or service], which authorizes purchases without a formal New accessible bathrooms will be incorporated into both levels of the buildcompetitive process in certain circumstances, including purchases from ing bringing the building into compliance with the Plumbing Code of New NYS small businesses, from business certified pursuant to Article 15- York State. A of the NYS Executive Law and, if applicable, from businesses selling An elevator has been incorporated into the core to the building to provide commodities or technology that are recycled or remanufactured. A sealed accessible vertical circulation. A new stair in the Southern section of the bid will not be held. If you are interested in providing a proposal for the building eliminates a dead end corridor condition and provides improved above commodity, product or service, you must contact the appropriately connection between departments in the building. designated Campus contact in this advertisement within 15 business days of Building mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems will be largely rethis Advertisement Notice. placed on the upper level and upgraded as necessary on the lower level. A Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% new fire alarm system and mass notification system will be incorporated into Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% the building. A new sprinkler system will be added to improve life safety Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% aspects of the building. Due date: 12/09/2014 2:30 PM Phasing options have been developed to allow the building to remain operational while the construction renovations occur. The phasing options include Contract term: One time the relocation of campus fire alarm control panel currently located in the County(ies): Onondaga University Police Department. The phased renovations will allow all buildLocation: 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse NY 13210 ing systems and utilities to be operational during construction. Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined free of charge at: SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry SUNY New Paltz Purchasing Department Design & Construction Lisa Campagna Service Building Purchasing Manager One Forestry Drive 1 Hawk Drive Syracuse, NY 13210 New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 United States Point of Contact: Elissa E. Greene or Julie Majak Ph: 315-470-6687 Complete and partial sets of Bidding and Contract Documents must be obtained from Elissa E. Greene, Contract Administrator, SUNY New Paltz, lmcampagna@esf.edu Design & Construction Department, Service Building, 75 S. Manheim Blvd, Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) New Paltz, NY, 12561-2443 SUNY Environmental Science & Forestry Section 143 of State Finance Law requires payment of a deposit to receive Physical Plant these documents. Documents will be provided on a CD Disk. Accordingly, Brian Boothroyd a deposit check in the amount of $20.00, made payable to “SUNY New Paltz Facilities Program Coordinator IFR Account # 900867” is required. Deposits of $50.00 or less are non307 Stadium Place refundable. Syracuse, NY 13210 A mandatory site visit to the area where the work is to be performed has been United States deemed necessary to fully understand the parameters and constraints which Ph: 315-470-6814 16 Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 Asst. VP of Administration affect the work and the preparation of the bid for the same. A Mandatory site 1 Hawk Drive visit has been scheduled for November 25, 2014 at 10:30 AM at SUNY New New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 Paltz, Design & Construction, Service Building, Conference Room, 75 S. United States Manheim Blvd , New Paltz, NY 12561. All potential bidders are advised that 845-257-3272 they must sign a Site Visit Form to verify that they have complied with this Ph: majakj@newpaltz.edu requirement of the contract. Failure to fulfill this requirement will disqualify your bid proposal. If attendance at the above is impossible, a vendor must Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY New Paltz attend an alternate site visit within ten business days prior to bid opening Purchasing Dept - HAB 307 (December 18, 2014) by contacting : Elissa E. Greene, Contract AdministraElissa Greene tor, 845 257-3309, fax 845-257-2645, E-mail: greenee@newpaltz.edu or Julie Contract Administrator Majak 845 257-3272 or email majakj@newpaltz.edu. December 8, 2014 is 1 Hawk Drive the last day to ask questions. Bids must be submitted in duplicate in accorNew Paltz, NY 12561-2443 dance with the instructions contained in the Information for Bidders. A Bid United States Security will be required for each bid in an amount not less than five (5) (845) 257-3309 percent of the Total Bid. It is the policy of the State of New York and the Ph: greenee@newpaltz.edu State University of New York to encourage minority and women-owned business enterprise participation in this project by contractors, subcontracSUNY New Paltz tors and suppliers, and all bidders are expected to cooperate in implementing this policy. Site Renovation Phrase II - Mohonk West The State University of New York reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Mohonk Walk West is a planned major pedestrian route through the north In compliance with the Procurement Lobbying Act signed into law by Govside of the SUNY New Paltz Campus. The Mohonk Walk West project is a ernor Pataki in August, 2005, and effective January 1, 2006, permissible continuation of the Mohonk East Project, completed in 2012. Mohonk Walk contact by an Offeror in relation to any specific procurement in excess of currently begins at S Manheim Boulevard and terminates at the Jacobson $15,000 should be made only with authorized personnel of SUNY New Faculty Tower. The Mohonk West project will continue the walkway through Paltz who are designated as the contact person(s), i.e. the designated Conto Fairview Avenue. tacts. For this IFB, those contact person(s) shall be: Elissa E. Greene, ConThe base bid includes the demolition of an existing retaining wall at the end of tract Administrator, 845 257-3309, fax 845-257-2645, E-mail: Mohonk Walk and the construction of a series of runs of granite stairs congreenee@newpaltz.edu. Secondary contact shall be Julie Majak 845 257necting the top of the existing wall to the grade at Fairview Avenue. A portion 3272 or email majakj@newpaltz.edu. The restricted period for this procureof these stairs are adjacent to a proposed retaining wall with guardrail while ment is defined as: November 17, 2014 until final contract approval by the rest are at grade. Construction of the run of stairs requires demolition of SUNY New Paltz or the Office of the State Comptroller as may be required. an existing driveway to an accessible parking lot at the rear of Jacobson Contractor should arrive early so that you can purchase a parking ticket. All Tower. This drive is to be demolished and replaced by a proposed driveway visitors who park on the SUNY New Paltz campus must display a valid south of the stairs. Visitor Parking Permit on the vehicle's dashboard or hanging from the rear There are several utilities crossing the site. An existing sanitary line must be view mirror, Monday - Friday between 6:30 am - 6:30 pm. Visitor permits rerouted and a manhole rebuilt to match the grades in the stairs. Several area are $2.00 and can be obtained from the Welcome Center in the Haggerty drains have been added to improve the site drainage. These tie into existing Administration lobby and the Parking Office in HAB 35 Monday-Friday storm lines. Site electrical and lighting are also affected. 8:30 am - 5 pm (summer hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm). Park & Pay machines are Add alternate 1 is replacing the sidewalk and improving the grading of half of located in the entrance of Rt. 32 Lot #28, West entrance located on Hawk the block of Mohonk Avenue immediately adjacent to the project site. drive, off Rt. 208 and Lot 5 adjacent to Parker Theater. A Visitor Permit is Add alternate 2 is installation of a snow melting system beneath the sidevalid for the date of purchase only. (View our campus map.) Day passes walks and stairs of both the Mohonk Walk and Mohonk Avenue. The mepurchased from the Park & Pay machines are date-stamped for 24 hours from purchase time. They must be purchased each day if necessary, and chanical system will be located in a basement mechanical room in the Old cannot be pre-brought. Visitor permits allow visitors to park in any lot on Main building immediately north of the project. campus EXCEPT for resident student lots. Overnight visitor parking is Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined free of charge at: SUNY New Paltz allowed ONLY in Route 32 Lot (lot 28) or Wallkill Lot (lot 30). Design & Construction Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 14% Service Building Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 9% 1 Hawk Drive Due date: 12/18/2014 10:00 AM New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 Mandatory Site Visit November 25, 2014 at 10:30 am Point of Contact: Elissa E. Greene or Julie Majak Contract term: Single Occurence Complete and partial sets of Bidding and Contract Documents must be obCounty(ies): All NYS counties tained from Elissa E. Greene, Contract Administrator, SUNY New Paltz, Location: SUNY New Paltz Design & Construction Department, Service Building, 1 HAWK DRIVE, Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) NEW PALTZ, NY, 12561-2443 SUNY New Paltz Section 143 of State Finance Law requires payment of a deposit to receive Purchasing Dept - HAB 307 these documents. Documents will be provided on a CD Disk. Accordingly, Elissa Greene Contract Administrator a deposit check in the amount of $20.00, made payable to “SUNY New Paltz 1 Hawk Drive IFR Account # 900867” is required. Deposits of $50.00 or less are nonNew Paltz, NY 12561-2443 refundable. United States A mandatory site visit to the area where the work is to be performed has been Ph: (845) 257-3309 deemed necessary to fully understand the parameters and constraints which greenee@newpaltz.edu affect the work and the preparation of the bid for the same. A Mandatory site Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) visit has been scheduled for November 26, 2014 at 10:30 AM at SUNY New SUNY New Paltz Paltz, Design & Construction, Service Building, Conference Room, 75 S. Administration Manheim Blvd , New Paltz, NY 12561. All potential bidders are advised that Julietta Majak they must sign a Site Visit Form to verify that they have complied with this Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 17 requirement of the contract. Failure to fulfill this requirement will disqualify Ph: 845-257-3272 your bid proposal. If attendance at the above is impossible, a vendor must majakj@newpaltz.edu attend an alternate site visit within ten business days prior to bid opening Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) (December 19, 2014) by contacting : Elissa E. Greene, Contract AdministraSUNY New Paltz tor, 845 257-3309, fax 845-257-2645, E-mail: greenee@newpaltz.edu or Julie Purchasing Dept - HAB 307 Majak 845 257-3272 or email majakj@newpaltz.edu. December 9, 2014 is Elissa Greene the last day to ask questions. Bids must be submitted in duplicate in accorContract Administrator dance with the instructions contained in the Information for Bidders. A Bid 1 Hawk Drive Security will be required for each bid in an amount not less than five (5) New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 percent of the Total Bid. It is the policy of the State of New York and the United States State University of New York to encourage minority and women-owned Ph: (845) 257-3309 business enterprise participation in this project by contractors, subcontracgreenee@newpaltz.edu tors and suppliers, and all bidders are expected to cooperate in implementing this policy. SUNY New Paltz The State University of New York reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Wooster Café Build-Out In compliance with the Procurement Lobbying Act signed into law by GovSummary of Work ernor Pataki in August, 2005, and effective January 1, 2006, permissible Work in this contract includes construction build-out of an approximately contact by an Offeror in relation to any specific procurement in excess of 6,000 sf first floor space in the SUNY New Paltz Wooster Building as a food $15,000 should be made only with authorized personnel of SUNY New service dining facility. New work includes, but is not limited to: new walls, Paltz who are designated as the contact person(s), i.e. the designated Conceilings, floors, openings, millwork, exterior condenser enclosure, mechanitacts. For this IFB, those contact person(s) shall be: Elissa E. Greene, Concal, electrical and plumbing systems. tract Administrator, 845 257-3309, fax 845-257-2645, E-mail: Food service equipment will be furnished by others unless noted otherwise greenee@newpaltz.edu. Secondary contact shall be Julie Majak 845 257in the construction documents. Furniture will be furnished by others. 3272 or email majakj@newpaltz.edu. The restricted period for this procureAll work shall be in accordance with the construction document drawings ment is defined as: November 19, 2014 until final contract approval by and specification SUNY New Paltz or the Office of the State Comptroller as may be required. Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined free of charge at: Contractor should arrive early so that you can purchase a parking ticket. All SUNY New Paltz visitors who park on the SUNY New Paltz campus must display a valid Design & Construction Visitor Parking Permit on the vehicle's dashboard or hanging from the rear Service Building view mirror, Monday - Friday between 6:30 am - 6:30 pm. Visitor permits 1 Hawk Drive are $2.00 and can be obtained from the Welcome Center in the Haggerty New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 Administration lobby and the Parking Office in HAB 35 Monday-Friday Point of Contact: Elissa E. Greene or Julie Majak 8:30 am - 5 pm (summer hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm). Park & Pay machines are Complete and partial sets of Bidding and Contract Documents must be oblocated in the entrance of Rt. 32 Lot #28, West entrance located on Hawk tained from Elissa E. Greene, Contract Administrator, SUNY New Paltz, drive, off Rt. 208 and Lot 5 adjacent to Parker Theater. A Visitor Permit is Design & Construction Department, Service Building, 75 S. Manheim Blvd, valid for the date of purchase only. (View our campus map.) Day passes New Paltz, NY, 12561-2443 purchased from the Park & Pay machines are date-stamped for 24 hours Section 143 of State Finance Law requires payment of a deposit to receive from purchase time. They must be purchased each day if necessary, and these documents. Documents will be provided on a CD Disk. Accordingly, cannot be pre-brought. Visitor permits allow visitors to park in any lot on a deposit check in the amount of $20.00, made payable to “SUNY New Paltz campus EXCEPT for resident student lots. Overnight visitor parking is IFR Account # 900867” is required. Deposits of $50.00 or less are nonallowed ONLY in Route 32 Lot (lot 28) or Wallkill Lot (lot 30). refundable. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 14% A mandatory site visit to the area where the work is to be performed has been Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 9% deemed necessary to fully understand the parameters and constraints which Due date: 12/19/2014 2:00 PM affect the work and the preparation of the bid for the same. A Mandatory site Mandatory Site Visit 11/26/2014 10:30 am visit has been scheduled for November 24, 2014 at 10:30 AM at SUNY New Contract term: Single Occurence Paltz, Design & Construction, Service Building, Conference Room, 75 S. County(ies): All NYS counties Manheim Blvd , New Paltz, NY 12561. All potential bidders are advised that Location: SUNY New Paltz they must sign a Site Visit Form to verify that they have complied with this Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) requirement of the contract. Failure to fulfill this requirement will disqualify SUNY New Paltz your bid proposal. If attendance at the above is impossible, a vendor must Purchasing Dept - HAB 307 attend an alternate site visit within ten business days prior to bid opening Elissa Greene (Alternate Site Visit December 2, 2014) by contacting : Elissa E. Greene, Contract Administrator Contract Administrator, 845 257-3309, fax 845-257-2645, E-mail: 1 Hawk Drive greenee@newpaltz.edu or Julie Majak 845 257-3272 or email New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 majakj@newpaltz.edu to let them know that you will be attending the alterUnited States nate site visit. December 5, 2014 is the last day to ask questions. Bids must Ph: (845) 257-3309 be submitted in duplicate in accordance with the instructions contained in the greenee@newpaltz.edu Information for Bidders. A Bid Security will be required for each bid in an Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) amount not less than five (5) percent of the Total Bid. It is the policy of the SUNY New Paltz State of New York and the State University of New York to encourage Administration minority and women-owned business enterprise participation in this project Julietta Majak by contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, and all bidders are expected to Asst. VP of Administration cooperate in implementing this policy. 1 Hawk Drive The State University of New York reserves the right to reject any or all bids. New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 In compliance with the Procurement Lobbying Act signed into law by GovUnited States ernor Pataki in August, 2005, and effective January 1, 2006, permissible 18 Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 contact by an Offeror in relation to any specific procurement in excess of The project includes design, furnish and installation of an air quality moni$15,000 should be made only with authorized personnel of SUNY New toring system for general exhaust at Hudson Hall main building. The estiPaltz who are designated as the contact person(s), i.e. the designated Con- mated construction cost is $100,000.00. tacts. For this IFB, those contact person(s) shall be: Elissa E. Greene, Con- A mandatory pre bid meeting is scheduled for December 3, 2014 at 10:00 at tract Administrator, 845 257-3309, fax 845-257-2645, E-mail: SUNY Plattsburgh Hudson Hall Lobby, 31 Beekman Street, Plattsburgh, NY greenee@newpaltz.edu. Secondary contact shall be Julie Majak 845 257- 12901. 3272 or email majakj@newpaltz.edu. The restricted period for this procure- Contractors interested in receiving paper bid documents must send a non ment is defined as: November 18, 2014 until final contract approval by refundable deposit check payable to SUNY Plattsburgh in the amount of SUNY New Paltz or the Office of the State Comptroller as may be required. $40.00 to the Purchasing Office, 101 Broad Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. Contractor should arrive early so that you can purchase a parking ticket. All Electronic copies of the bid documents are available at no cost from the New visitors who park on the SUNY New Paltz campus must display a valid York State Contract Reporter. Visitor Parking Permit on the vehicle's dashboard or hanging from the rear Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 13% view mirror, Monday - Friday between 6:30 am - 6:30 pm. Visitor permits Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 7% are $2.00 and can be obtained from the Welcome Center in the Haggerty Due date: 12/12/2014 3:00 PM Administration lobby and the Parking Office in HAB 35 Monday-Friday Contract term: 30 Days 8:30 am - 5 pm (summer hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm). Park & Pay machines are County(ies): Clinton located in the entrance of Rt. 32 Lot #28, West entrance located on Hawk Location: 31 Beekman Street, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 drive, off Rt. 208 and Lot 5 adjacent to Parker Theater. A Visitor Permit is Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Plattsburgh valid for the date of purchase only. (View our campus map.) Day passes Purchasing Office purchased from the Park & Pay machines are date-stamped for 24 hours Joseph Tesoriere from purchase time. They must be purchased each day if necessary, and Director of Purchasing cannot be pre-brought. Visitor permits allow visitors to park in any lot on 101 Broad Street campus EXCEPT for resident student lots. Overnight visitor parking is Plattsburgh, NY 12901-2681 allowed ONLY in Route 32 Lot (lot 28) or Wallkill Lot (lot 30). United States Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 14% Ph: 518-564-4604 Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 9% joseph.tesoriere@plattsburgh.edu Due date: 12/17/2014 2:00 PM Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Mandatory Site Visit 11/24/2014 at 10:30 am SUNY Plattsburgh Contract term: Single Occurence Purchasing Office County(ies): All NYS counties Joseph Tesoriere Location: SUNY New Paltz Campus Director of Purchasing Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) 101 Broad Street SUNY New Paltz Plattsburgh, NY 12901-2681 Purchasing Dept - HAB 307 United States Elissa Greene Ph: 518-564-4604 Contract Administrator joseph.tesoriere@plattsburgh.edu 1 Hawk Drive New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 United States SUNY Stony Brook West Campus Ph: (845) 257-3309 RFP - Enterprise Class University Housing System greenee@newpaltz.edu SUNY at Stony Brook is looking for a contractor to provide the housing Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) software system to be used to manage 10,000 student-residents. The housSUNY New Paltz ing system will need to integrate with the existing IT infrastructure. The Administration system solution is required to store its data on the University database and Julietta Majak interface with current PeopleSoft student information system. The software Asst. VP of Administration is to be provided as a single cohesive application that has all the functions 1 Hawk Drive build into a single system. It will need to maintain the present business New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 processes and include keeping track of housing students, provide online United States roommate and room selection via self-service portal, online wait-list, online Ph: 845-257-3272 contracts and plans, deliver acute reporting, send messages, manage confermajakj@newpaltz.edu ences. The new system will require to support of the mobile devices such as Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) smart phones for all functions related to the resident web interface/portal. In SUNY New Paltz addition a contractor is to provide the technical support via phone, email and Purchasing Dept - HAB 307 remote tools and any necessary multiple training option availability. Further Elissa Greene information and specific requirements can be found by obtaining a copy of Contract Administrator the bid specifications. 1 Hawk Drive Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 14% New Paltz, NY 12561-2443 Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 7% United States Due date: 12/11/2014 5:00 PM Ph: (845) 257-3309 Contract term: 3 years greenee@newpaltz.edu County(ies): All NYS counties Location: 100 Nicolls Road Stony Brook, NY 11794 SUNY Plattsburgh Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Hudson Hall Laboratory Ventilation Savings Project SUNY Stony Brook West Campus Procurement Department The State University of New York at Plattsburgh is soliciting proposals for Jonathan Rios Hudson Hall Laboratory Ventilation Savings Project Number. 412760. Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 19 Bid Coordinator Office of Business Operations & Procurement, S112 Research & Development Park Jordan Lohre Flowerfield 17 Senior Contract Manager St. James, NY 11780 State University Plaza United States Albany, NY 12246 Ph: (631) 632-6010 United States jonathan.rios@stonybrook.edu Ph: 518-320-1341 Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) jordan.lohre@suny.edu SUNY Stony Brook West Campus Secondary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Procurement Department SUNY System Administration Jonathan Rios Office of Business Operations & Procurement Bid Coordinator Kathleen Rowe Research & Development Park Administrative Assistant Flowerfield 17 State University Plaza St. James, NY 11780 Albany, NY 12246 United States United States Ph: (631) 632-6010 Ph: (518) 320-1341 jonathan.rios@stonybrook.edu kathleen.rowe@suny.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Stony Brook West Campus SUNY System Administration Office of Business Operations & Procurement, S112 Upgrading Magnetom Trio 3T MRI System Jordan Lohre SUNY@STONY BROOK is upgrading a Magnetom Trio 3T MRI System Senior Contract Manager with a one year warranty and an additional one year service agreement. State University Plaza Reason for advertising exemption: Exempt from Advertising per Economic Albany, NY 12246 Dev. Law United States Award recipient: Siemens Ph: 518-320-1341 Any questions or comments regarding this notice of sole-source, singlejordan.lohre@suny.edu source, or procurement otherwise exempt from advertising in the NYS Contract Reporter should be directed to the contact person listed for the conSUNY Upstate Medical University tracting agency or public authority. Ad end date: 11/26/2014 Advertising during local hockey events Contract term: One time purchase SUNY Upstate Medical University intends to make an award under our County(ies): All NYS counties discretionary authority for season-long advertising services at professional Location: 100 Nicolls Road Stony Brook, NY 11794 hockey games located in Syracuse, NY, pursuant to NYS Education Law Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) 355(5) (b), which authorizes purchases without a formal competitive proSUNY Stony Brook West Campus cess in certain circumstances, including purchases from NYS small busiProcurement Department nesses, from business certified pursuant to Article 15-A of the NYS ExecuJonathan Rios tive Law and if applicable, from businesses selling commodities or technolBid Coordinator ogy that are recycled or remanufactured. A sealed bid will not be held. Research & Development Park Effective 11/6/2006, in accordance with State Finance Law Section §139j&k, Flowerfield 17 aka the Lobbying Law, all questions pertaining to this procurement shall be St. James, NY 11780 made formally to the designated staff: the contact person for questions or bid United States clarifications and the contact person to whom you submit the bid. Contact Ph: (631) 632-6010 made to other staff regarding this procurement may disqualify the firm and jonathan.rios@stonybrook.edu affect future procurements with government entities in the State of New York. Please refer to the OGS website at http://www.ogs.ny.gov/aboutOgs/ SUNY System Administration regulations/defaultSFL_139j-k.asp for more information on this law. If you have questions for the above service, you must contact the appropriStrategic Enrollment Management for Open SUNY The State University of New York (SUNY) wishes to procure the services of ately designated campus contact in this advertisement within fifteen (15) a consultant to assist in planning, facilitation, change management and sup- days of this Advertisement Notice. port for Open SUNY, the University’s new online learning initiative. SUNY Due date: 12/11/2014 will make this award under its discretionary authority, pursuant to NYS Contract term: One (1) year Education Law §355(5) (b). There is no RFP or IFB. A sealed bid opening County(ies): Onondaga Location: Syracuse, NY will not be held. Inquiries are to be made by email only to Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) jordan.lohre@suny.edu and/or kathleen.rowe@suny.edu. SUNY will make SUNY Upstate Medical University no reimbursement for travel or travel-related expenses. The University reCampus Purchasing serves the right to make no award. Daniel Arnold Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 20% Purchase Associate Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 17% 750 East Adams Street Due date: 12/11/2014 3:00 PM Syracuse, NY 13210 Contract term: One Year United States County(ies): All NYS counties Ph: 315-464-5720 Location: New York State arnoldd@upstate.edu Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY System Administration SUNY Upstate Medical University 20 Ph: Campus Purchasing Daniel Arnold Purchase Associate 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States 315-464-5720 arnoldd@upstate.edu Minority Commerce Weekly Primary contact: SUNY Upstate Medical University ROC Renovations The State University of New York Upstate Medical University will receive sealed bids for Project No. 704.5 Titled ROC Renovations at the Office of Campus Purchasing where such proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. Scope of work is to include all necessary labor, material and equipment for the partial renovation of Upstate Medical University Regional Oncology Center. Work consists of select demolition, interior renovations and associated structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection and life safety improvement. Limited modification to the existing roof and partial basement will be required as part of the infrastructure upgrades. The first floor area being renovated is approximately 12,000 sq ft. A mandatory site visit is scheduled for Monday, December 1, 2014 @ 10:00 AM with all contractors assembled at Upstate Cancer Center, Conference Room C1076, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, New York.. All potential bidders are advised that they must sign a “Site Visit Form” to verify that they have complied with this requirement of the contract. Failure to fulfill this requirement will disqualify your bid proposal. Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined free of charge at the campus and at: SUNY Upstate Medical University, Office of Facility Design, 650 So. Salina Street, Syracuse, New York 13202 and Syracuse Blue Print, 825 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, New York 13210 Sets of bidding documents will be printed and distributed beginning on November 19, 2014. Complete sets of Contract Documents for bidding may ONLY be obtained from: Syracuse Blue Print. Section 143 of the State Finance Law requires payment of a deposit to receive these documents. Accordingly, a non-refundable deposit check in the amount of $49.00, made payable to SUNY Upstate Medical University is required. Deposits less than $49.99 are non-refundable. Effective 1/1/06, in accordance with State Finance Law Section 139-j, all questions pertaining to the solicitation shall be made formally to the following Asst. Facilities Program Coordinator: Marius Dumitran, SUNY - Upstate Medical University, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, New York 13210, Phone: (315) 464-3819 Fax: (315) 464-7376. Contact made to other staff regarding this procurement may disqualify the firm and affect future procurements with government entities in the State of New York. Please refer to the OGS’ (www.ogs.state.ny.us/aboutogs/regulations/ defaultAdvisoryCouncil.html) for more information on this law. Bids must be submitted in triplicate in accordance with the instructions contained in the Information for Bidders. Security will be required for each bid in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the Total Bid. It is the policy of the State of New York and the State University of New York to encourage minority business enterprise participation in this project by contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, and all bidders are expected to cooperate in implementing this policy. State University of New York also has a goal for the Work Force participation: EEO 10% WBE and EEO 10% MBE of total work force on the project. The State University of New York reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 13% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 10% Disadvantaged Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 0% Due date: 12/18/2014 2:00 PM Contract term: 130 days County(ies): Onondaga Location: Regional Oncology Center, 750 East Adams Street, Syracuse, New York November 20 - 26, 2014 State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Facility Design Services Marius Dumitran Ast Facilities Program Coordinator 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-3819 dumitram@upstate.edu Submit to contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Campus Purchasing Daniel Arnold Purchase Associate 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-5720 arnoldd@upstate.edu SUNY Upstate Medical University Security Services SUNY Upstate was granted an exemption by The Office of State Comptroller on October 21, 2014. SUNY Upstate intends to extend Contract C502698 for Security Services. Consistent with Chapter 862 of the laws of 1990, the agency named below requested an exemption from initially publishing this contract opportunity in the procurement opportunities newsletter, i.e. the NYS Contract Reporter. In accordance with Section 144(2)(e) of the Economic Development Law, the Office of the State Comptroller has granted the exemption. Reason for advertising exemption: Single Source Award recipient: Secuirtas Any questions or comments regarding this notice of sole-source, singlesource, or procurement otherwise exempt from advertising in the NYS Contract Reporter should be directed to the contact person listed for the contracting agency or public authority. Ad end date: 11/21/2014 Contract term: 8/1/14 to 3/31/15 County(ies): Onondaga Location: Syracuse, New York Primary contact: State University of New York (SUNY) SUNY Upstate Medical University Contracts Office David Watson Contracts Administrator 750 East Adams Street Suite 2050, SLC Syracuse, NY 13210 United States Ph: 315-464-4680 watsonda@upstate.edu Minority Commerce Weekly 21 spective bidder to be identified as an official plan holder of record. DASNY DORMITORY AUTHORITY - STATE OF NEW YORK (“DASNY”) takes no responsibility for the completeness of Contract Documents obtained from other sources. Contract Documents obtained from other sources NOTICE TO BIDDERS may not be accurate or may not contain addenda that may have been issued. New York State Office of Mental Health The plan holders list and a list of interested subcontractors and material Bronx Psychiatric Center suppliers may be viewed at DASNY’s website: http://www.dasny.org. For Wellness Recovery Center, Ginsburg Building # 5 Phase II Bid Opportunities and other DASNY related news, follow us on Twitter Rehabilitation @NYS_DASNY and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/DASNYCR 6 Dormitor-Authority-of-the-State-of-New-York/307274192739368. Project Number 3129509999 For the convenience of prospective bidders, subcontractors and material Sealed bids for the above work located at Bronx Psychiatric Center, 1500 suppliers, the Contract Documents will be displayed at the following locations: Waters Place, Bronx, New York 10461 will be received by DASNY at its Cprojects McGraw-Hill/Xerox office located at 515 Broadway, Albany, NY 12207. Each bid must be idenSuite 200 3315 Central Ave tified, on the outside of the envelope, with the name and address of the bidder 30 Controls Drive Hot Springs, AR 71901 and designated a bid for the project titled above. When a sealed bid is placed Shelton, CT 06484 Attn: Kelly O’Connor inside another delivery jacket, the bid delivery jacket must be clearly marked Ph: (203) 925-0444 Ph: (518) 269-7735 on the outside “BID ENCLOSED” and “ATTENTION: CONSTRUCFax: (203) 925-9666 Fax: (518) 631-4923 TION CONTRACTS.” DASNY will not be responsible for receipt of bids Email: nfrench@cprojects.com Email: Kelly_Oconnor@mcgrawwhich do not comply with these instructions. hill.com A Project Labor Agreement (PLA) is in place signed by DASNY, the Building Reed Construction Data and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York and Vicinity and ATTN: Production Signatory affiliated Local Unions .The low bidder will be required to sign this 30 Technology Pkwy S. Suite 500 agreement. The PLA is included in the contract documents. Norcross, GA 30092 Individuals submitting bids in person or by private delivery services should Ph: (770) 209-3330 allow sufficient time for processing through building security to assure that Contact: Sith Samnang bids are received prior to the deadline for submitting bids. All individuals Email: sam.sith@reedbusiness.com who plan to attend bid openings will be required to present governmentPaul T. Williams, Jr., President issued picture identification to building security officials and obtain a visiNovember 20, 2014 tors pass prior to attending the bid opening. Only those bids in the hands of DASNY, available to be read at 2:00 PM local DORMITORY AUTHORITY - STATE OF NEW YORK (“DASNY”) time on December 19, 2014 will be considered. Bids shall be publicly NOTICE TO BIDDERS opened and read aloud. Bid results can be viewed at DASNY’s website; http://www.dasny.org. Office for People with Developmental Disabilities In accordance with State Finance Law § 139-j and § 139-k, this solicitation Brooklyn DDSO Replace Fire Stair Landing & Basement Stairs includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between DASNY CR 3 personnel and a prospective bidder during the procurement process. DesigProject Number 3216609999 nated staff for this solicitation is: Ms. Katarzyna Drogowski, Project Man- Sealed bids for the above work located at Brooklyn DDSO, 366 & 368 ager, DASNY Construction, 1508 Waters Place, Bronx, New York 10461, Parkside Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11226 will be received by DASNY at its (718) 824-3040 and DASNY at ccontracts@dasny.org. Contacts made to office located at 515 Broadway, Albany, NY 12207. Each bid must be idenother DASNY personnel regarding this procurement may disqualify the pro- tified, on the outside of the envelope, with the name and address of the bidder spective bidder and affect future procurements with governmental entities in and designated a bid for the project titled above. When a sealed bid is placed the State of New York. For more information pursuant to this law, refer to inside another delivery jacket, the bid delivery jacket must be clearly marked DASNY’s website; http://www.dasny.org or the OGS website; http:// on the outside “BID ENCLOSED” and “ATTENTION: CONSTRUCwww.ogs.state.ny.us. TION CONTRACTS.” DASNY will not be responsible for receipt of bids A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 11, 2014, 10:00 which do not comply with these instructions. AM DASNY Field Office Trailer, 1508 Waters Place, Bronx, New York The Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (the “Authority”) and 10461. Contact Jhony Gutierrez at (718) 824-3040. All prospective the Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York and bidders are strongly encouraged to attend. Vicinity (the “Council”) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding A Complete set of Contract Documents may be obtained from A complete (“MOU”) that requires the use of a Project Labor Agreement (“PLA”) on set of Bid Documents may be obtained from Camelot Print and Copy applicable covered projects within the City of New York. While this Project Center Bid Department, 100 Fuller Road, Albany, NY 12205. is considered an “Excluded Project”, under the MOU and therefore the use of To order a CD of the complete set of Bid Documents and be placed on the a PLA is optional on this Project, the successful prime contractor performing bidder’s list, please make your non-refundable check in the amount of $15.00 work on this Project shall have the option to voluntarily execute the PLA. payable to Camelot Print and Copy Center. The purpose of section is to provide potential bidders of the Project with Printed sets are available at the bidder’s expense from Camelot. Printed notice of this option, consistent with the provisions of the MOU. Execution sets are non-refundable and non-returnable. Please call Camelot’s of the applicable PLA following the Information for Bidders is not a requireBid Department at (518) 435-9696 or e-mail them at http:// ment to perform work on this Project. www.teamcamelot.com for more information Individuals submitting bids in person or by private delivery services should Please provide the following information along with your payment for allow sufficient time for processing through building security to assure that bids are received prior to the deadline for submitting bids. All individuals CD and printed sets: Company Name, Company Address (street address preferable over PO who plan to attend bid openings will be required to present governmentBox), Company Contact, Company Phone Number, Company Email issued picture identification to building security officials and obtain a visi(for communications including addenda notification), Company Fax tors pass prior to attending the bid opening. Only those bids in the hands of DASNY, available to be read at 2:00 PM local Number, FedEx or UPS shipping account number. If you do not have a shipping account, please send an additional non- time on December 12, 2014 will be considered. Bids shall be publicly refundable check for $20.00 payable to Camelot Print & Copy Center. opened and read aloud. Bid results can be viewed at DASNY’s website; Only those Contract Documents obtained in this manner will enable a pro- http://www.dasny.org. November 20 - 26, 2014 22 Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 In accordance with State Finance Law § 139-j and § 139-k, this solicitation The Contractor shall complete all work necessary for substantial completion includes and imposes certain restrictions on communications between DASNY for Phase A-French Hall by 16 October 2015 and shall complete all work personnel and a prospective bidder during the procurement process. Desig- necessary for substantial completion for Phase B-Southworth Library by 14 nated staff for this solicitation is: Mr. Ramesh Sharma, Project Manager, August 2015. DASNY Downstate Construction, 888 Fountain Avenue, Brooklyn, New The Fund’s project specific goals for this project are 10% MBE and 10% WBE. York 11208 (718) 647-7147 and DASNY at ccontracts@dasny.org. Con- A pre-bid conference and project walk through will be held on 9 December tacts made to other DASNY personnel regarding this procurement may dis- 2014 with all contractors assembled at the Lobby of French Hall (2nd floor/ qualify the prospective bidder and affect future procurements with govern- west side) at 11 AM. mental entities in the State of New York. For more information pursuant to Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined free of charge at the this law, refer to DASNY’s website; http://www.dasny.org or the OGS campus and at: website; http://www.ogs.state.ny.us. architecture+ 297 River Street, Troy, NY 12180 A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 25, 2104, 10:30 AM, Contact: Melissa Goodwill Phone: 518.272.4481 Brooklyn DDSO 366&368 Parkside Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11226. Contact Mr. Ramesh Sharma (718)647-7147 . All prospective bidders are State University College Michael McCormick at Canton Physical Plant strongly encouraged to attend. A complete set of Bid Documents may be obtained from Camelot Print & Cooper Service Building Copy Center Bid Department, 100 Fuller Road Albany, NY 12205. To view SUNY Canton the contract documents online, go to www.teamcamelot.com, click on “Log 34 Cornell Drive into Plan well”. Once online click the blue “Go” link for “Public Plan Room”. Canton, NY 13617 Click on DASNY project # 3216609999, CR#3 and begin viewing the project Phone: (315) 386-7221 documents. Reed Construction Data (subscribers only) Visit: To order a CD of the project and be placed on the bidders list, please make www.reedconstructiondata.com your non-refundable check payable to Camelot Print & Copy Center for Dodge Reports Visit www.dodge.construction.com $15. iSqFt Visit www.isqft.com Printed sets are available at the bidder’s expense ($30.00) from Camelot. Bid Clerk Please e-mail plans/specification files or a link Printed sets are non-refundable. Please call Camelot’s Bid Department @ to your FTP site to govbids@bidclerk.com (518) 435-9696 or email them at: camelotbids@teamcamelot.com for more Syracuse Builders Exchange 6563 Ridings Road, Syracuse, NY 13206 information. Minority Contractors 2610 South Salina Street,Suite 7, Only those Contract Documents obtained in this manner will enable a pro- Association ofCentral NY Syracuse, NY 13205 spective bidder to be identified as an official plan holder of record. DASNY Northern NY Builders 22074 Fabco Road, Watertown, NY13601 takes no responsibility for the completeness of Contract Documents ob- Exchange tained from other sources. Contract Documents obtained from other sources Clarkson University, Old Snell Hall (Rm 239) may not be accurate or may not contain addenda that may have been issued. 41 Elm Street, Potsdam NY 13676 The plan holders list and a list of interested subcontractors and material Mohawk Valley Builders Exchange 728 Court Street, Utica, NY 13502 suppliers may be viewed at DASNY’s website: http://www.dasny.org. For Eastern Contractors Association 6 Airline Drive, Albany, NY 12205 Bid Opportunities and other DASNY related news, follow us on Twitter Urban League of Rochester 265 N. Clinton Ave, Rochester NY @NYS_DASNY and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/DASNY- (Business Development Division) 14605 Dormitor-Authority-of-the-State-of-New-York/307274192739368. Albany Center for Economic Success #101, 255 Orange Street, Albany, NY For the convenience of prospective bidders, subcontractors and material 12210 suppliers, the Contract Documents will be displayed at the following locations: Black Chamber of Commerce of WNY 836 East Delavan Avenue Buffalo, Cprojects McGraw-Hill/Xerox NY 14215 Phone: 716-995-0622 Suite 200 3315 Central Ave Fax: 716-597-0263 Plans will be available on 24 November 2014, after 12:00pm from Avalon 30 Controls Drive Hot Springs, AR 71901 Document Services. Bidders will be able to access the project online at Shelton, CT 06484 Attn: Kelly O’Connor www.avalonbuff-planroom.com. Click on “Public Jobs” in the main menu Ph: (203) 925-0444 Ph: (518) 269-7735 and then choose “23207 Replace Windows and Rehab Entrances for Energy Fax: (203) 925-9666 Fax: (518) 631-4923 Efficiency Various Buildings SUNY Canton.” Email: nfrench@cprojects.com Email: Kelly_Oconnor@mcgrawBidders who register as a planholder through the Printer may acquire the hill.com bidding and contract documents using the following options: Reed Construction Data 1. For a payment of ten dollars ($10), interested firms may request and ATTN: Production receive an electronic download of the bidding and contract documents. At the 30 Technology Pkwy S. Suite 500 bidder’s expense, purchase a printed copy or copies of the bid set. Norcross, GA 30092 2. For a payment of ten dollars ($10), interested firms may request and Ph: (770) 209-3330 receive a free CD with electronic copies of the bidding and contract docuContact: Sith Samnang ments. At the bidder’s expense, purchase a printed copy or copies of the bid set. Email: sam.sith@reedbusiness.com 3. For a payment of $49, interested firms may request and receive a printed Paul T. Williams, Jr., President copy of the complete set. An electronic download or copy on CD will not be November 14, 2014 provided. Bids must be submitted in duplicate in accordance with the instructions STATE UNIVERSITY CONSTRUCTION FUND contained in the Information for Bidders. Security will be required for each NOTICE TO BIDDERS bid in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the Total Bid. The State University Construction Fund will receive sealed Proposals for It is the policy of the State of New York and the Fund to encourage minority/ Project No. 23207 Titled Replace Windows and Rehab Entrances for Energy women’s business enterprise participation in this project by contractors, Efficiency Various Buildings at State University College of Technology at subcontractors and suppliers, and all bidders are expected to cooperate in Canton until 2:00 p.m. Local Time on 6 January 2015 at the Fund’s Office at implementing this policy. State Univ. Plaza, 353 Broadway, Albany, NY 12246, where such proposals The Fund reserves the right to reject any or all bids. will be publicly opened and read aloud. STATE UNIVERSITY CONSTRUCTION FUND November 20 - 26, 2014 Minority Commerce Weekly Office of General Services (OGS) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS – WICKS EXEMPT PROJECT Sealed bids for Project No. M3016-C, for Construction Work, Replace Roof, Building 1, Queensboro Correctional Facility, 47-04 Van Dam Street, Long Island City (Queens County), NY, will be received by the Office of General Services (OGS), Design & Construction Group (D&C), Contract Administration, 35th Fl., Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12242, on behalf of the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 17, 2014, when they will be publicly opened and read. Each bid must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and must be accompanied by a certified check, bank check, or bid bond in the amount of $50,300 for C. Further, Wicks Exempt Projects require a completed BDC 59 be filled out and submitted (included in a separate, sealed envelope) in accordance with Document 002220, Supplemental Instructions to Bidders – Wicks Exempt. Failure to submit this form correctly will result in a disqualification of the bid. All successful bidders on a multiple trade project or the successful bidder with a bid over $200,000 on a single trade project, will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Bond in the statutory form of public bonds required by Sections 136 and 137 of the State Finance Law, each for 100% of the amount of the Contract estimated to be between $1,000,000 and $2,000,000 for C. The requirement for Labor and Material and Performance Bonds may be waived on a bid under $200,000 on a single trade project. Designated staff are Frank Peris and Carl Ruppert in the Bureau of Contract Awards, telephone (518) 474-0203, fax (518) 473-7862 and John Lewyckyj, Director of Contract Administration, telephone (518) 474-0201, fax (518) 486-1650. As a condition of award, within 48 hours of receipt of the proposed Contract Agreement from the State, the low bidder shall return the Contract Agreement to the State, properly executed, along with the Bonds if required by said Agreement. Low bidders who cannot meet these provisions may be subject to disqualification and forfeiture of the bid security. The State intends to expedite award of this Contract and the Contractor shall be prepared to proceed with the Work accordingly. Bidders are warned that time is of the essence of the Contract and completion of the Work must be within 220 days after the Agreement is approved by the Comptroller. Due to the tightness of the construction schedule, bidders should consider the necessity for an increased work force and shift operations. The only time prospective bidders will be allowed to visit the job site will be at 10:00 a.m. on December 4, 2014 at Queensboro Correctional Facility, Building 1, 47-04 Van Dam Street, Long Island City, NY. Phone the office of Ida Colon, (631) 951-0248 Ext. 102 a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the date to provide the names of those who will attend the pre-bid site visit. The Bidding and Contract Documents for this Project are available on compact disc (CD) only, and may be obtained for an $8.00 deposit per set, plus a $2.00 per set shipping and handling fee. Contractors and other interested parties can order CD’s on-line through a secure web interface available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please use the following link for ordering and payment instructions: http://www.ogs.ny.gov/bu/dc/esb/acquirebid.asp. For questions about purchase of bid documents, please send an e-mail to D&C.Plans@ogs.ny.gov, or call toll free at 1-877-647-7526. For additional information on this project, please use the link below and then click on the project number: h t t p s : / / o n l i n e . o g s . n y. g o v / d n c / c o n t r a c t o r C o n s u l t a n t / e s b / ESBPlansAvailableIndex.asp. John D. Lewyckyj, Contracting Officer Director, Contract Administration OGS - Design & Construction Group 23 The Central New York Regional Transportation Authority Request for Bids The Central New York Regional Transportation Authority (“CNYRTA” or “Authority”) is requesting bids from professional organizations for the Renovation of the CNY Centro Operations Office Bathroom and Kitchen. The CNYRTA has established a 4% M/WBE goal on this contract – 3% MBE and 1% WBE. Individuals or firms who desire to submit a Bid may request an “Invitation to Bid Package” from Edward J. Moses, Jr., Manager of Grant Procurement and Designated Contact in writing at fax number: 315-442-3369, mailing address: Central New York Regional Transportation Authority, PO Box 820, Syracuse, New York 13205 or e-mail: ejmoses@centro.org. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 10:00 AM, at the CNY Centro, Inc., offices at 200 Cortland Ave., Syracuse, NY 13202 (public entrance on Tallman St.). RSVP is requested by Monday, November 24, 2014 to Edward J. Moses, Jr., Manager of Grant Procurement by fax @ 315-442-3369 or ejmoses@centro.org. Bids must be received in the offices of the Central New York Regional Transportation Authority, attention Edward J. Moses, Jr., Manager of Grant Procurement no later than 2:00 PM Eastern Time on Monday, December 15, 2014, at which time bids will be opened publicly. Bids received after this time and date will be returned, unopened. This is a New York State Prevailing Wage Project. A 5% Bid Security will be required. The successful contractor will be required to provide a 100% performance bond and 50% payment bond. Firms wishing to submit Bids do so entirely at their own risk. There is not an express or implied obligation on the part of the CNYRTA to reimburse responding firms for any expenses incurred in preparing and submitting Bids in response to this request. The CNYRTA reserves the right to reject any and all Bids for any reason. Bids received within the confines of the due date will remain in effect sixty (60) days from the due date. All Bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General’s List of Ineligible Contractors. Each Bidder will be required to comply with all Equal Employment Opportunity Rules and Regulations. The CNYRTA hereby notifies all Bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) and minority/women owned business enterprise (M/WBE) will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of sex, race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. The New York State Insurance Fund Web Design/Content Management Services RFQ#2014-33 NYSIF is seeking proposals from qualified firms for Web Design and Content Management Services pursuant to its discretionary purchasing authority under State Finance Law §163(6). This procurement opportunity is limited to New York State small businesses, businesses certified pursuant to Article 15-A of the New York State Executive Law, if applicable, businesses selling commodities or technology that are recycled or remanufactured or commodities that are food, including milk and milk products, grown, produced or harvested in New York State. This project will consist of review and refresh approach of the existing website (NYSIF.COM), rendering of recommendations, and implementation of enhancements and upgrades. Proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must comply with the requirements contained within the RFQ. Interested parties may download the RFQ from NYSIF’s website: www.nysif.com/procurement NYSIF is committed to achieving its goal of increasing opportunities for New York State Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (M/WBE). Any company that feels it may meet the state requirements for certification but has not done so already is also encouraged to visit the NYS Empire State Development website at http://www.esd.ny.gov/MWBE.html for more information. 24 Minority Commerce Weekly November 20 - 26, 2014 The New York State Insurance Fund ECCO III Enterprises, Inc. NYSIF 2014-23 – Diagnostic Examinations and Testing Services Soliciting MWBE Participation The New York State Insurance Fund (NYSIF) is seeking Workers’ Compensation Board authorized medical providers to provide diagnostic examinations and testing services. These include Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT), Electromyography (EMG), Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS), x-ray examinations, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and other radiological examinations or tests. The RFP shall set forth clear and descriptive specifications and requirements that define the required services and promote fairness in contracting. The awarded firm must be certified and licensed to perform such work in accordance with all state and local laws and codes. Please note: NYSIF is committed to achieving its goal of increasing opportunities for New York State Certified Minority and Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE). NYSIF has established a goal of at least 20% M/WBE participation for this solicitation through the general and/or subcontractors. Any company that feels it may meet the State’s requirements for M/WBE certification, and has not already done so is encouraged to visit the NYS Economic Development website at http://www.nylovesmwbe.ny.gov for more information. The RFP is posted on NYSIF’s website at: www.nysif.com/procurement. All amendments, clarifications and/or announcements will be posted on the website as they become available. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to check the website for any amendments, clarifications or updates. All applicable amendment information must be incorporated into the Bidder’s proposal. Failure to include this information in your proposal may result in the Bidder’s proposal being deemed nonresponsive. Proposals from responsible bidders are due by 2:00 p.m. EST, on Thursday, January 8, 2015. The calendar of events is detailed in the RFP. ECCO III Enterprises, Inc. intends to bid on the NYC Dept of Environmental Protection Project BB-217 Installation of Eight Bar Screens at the Bowery Bay WWTP on November 25, 2014 and is hereby soliciting Minority & Women Business Enterprises (MBE & WBE) firms for participation. If you are interested in obtaining contract documents or providing a quote for this project please contact Kathleen Sage at (914) 963-3600, extension 3017, or by email at ksage@eccoiii.com. ECCO-Verde-Skanska, JV Soliciting DBE Participation ECCO-Verde-Skanska, JV intends to bid on the MTA/Metro North Railroad Company Contract No. 39881: Design Build Power/C&S Infrastructure Improvements CP-5 to CP-35, Bronx to Croton Harmon on the Hudson Line on December 12, 2014 and hereby solicits Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms for participation. If you are interested in obtaining contract documents or if you are interested in providing a quote for this project please contact Kathleen Sage at (914) 963-3600, extension 3017, or by email at ksage@eccoiii.com. Invitation to Bid for DBE Firms Tutor Perini Corporation, an EEO Employer, is currently soliciting cost proposals from Qualified and Certified DBE subcontractors / vendors / service providers, for Contract HBK1023 – Replacement of Shore (Belt) Parkway Bridge over Mill Basin Brooklyn, NY. Client: New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT). Bid Date: November 13, 2014. ALL QUOTATIONS ARE DUE BY COB FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2014. For further information concerning Subcontracting and/or Purchasing opporECCO III Enterprises, Inc. tunities and to register as a subcontractor / vendor please respond to solicitations@tutorperini.com or contact Jackie Cotto (914) 739-1908. Soliciting MWBE Participation ECCO III Enterprises, Inc. intends to bid on the Westchester County DPW Come and join our Team! Project ITB 13-531 Tarrytown Pump Station Rehabilitation and Force Main Replacement at the Tarrytown WWTP on December 17, 2014 and is hereby soliciting Minority & Woman’s Business Enterprise (MBE & WBE) firms Invitation to Bid for DBE Firms for participation. If you are interested in providing a quote or receiving Tutor Perini Corporation, an EEO Employer, is currently soliciting cost contract documents for this project please contact Kathleen Sage at (914) proposals from Qualified and Certified DBE subcontractors / vendors / ser963-3600, ext 3017, or email at ksage@eccoiii.com. vice providers, for Contract HBQ1203 – Rehabilitation of Roosevelt ECCO III Enterprises, Inc. Soliciting MWBE Participation ECCO III Enterprises, Inc. intends to bid on the NYS Thruway Project TANE 13-24B/D214321Substructure Rehabilitation and Superstructure Replacement of North Avenue over I-95 in New Rochelle, New York on December 3, 2014 and is hereby soliciting Minority & Woman’s Business Enterprise (MBE & WBE) firms for participation. If you are interested obtaining contract documents or in providing a quote for this project please contact Kathleen Sage at (914) 963-3600, extension 3017, or by email at ksage@eccoiii.com. ECCO III Enterprises, Inc. Soliciting MWBE Participation ECCO III Enterprises, Inc. intends to bid on the NYS Dept of Transportation Project D262699 Rehabilitation of Three Bridge in the Grand Central Parkway/Long Island Expressway Interchange NYC on December 4, 2014 and hereby solicits Minority & Women’s Business Enterprise (MBE & WBE) firms for participation. If you are interested in obtaining contract documents or if you are interested in providing a quote for this project please contact Kathleen Sage at (914) 963-3600, extension 3017, or by email at ksage@eccoiii.com. Avenue Bridge over Van Wyck Expressway, Borough of Queens, NY. Client: New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT). Bid Date: December 16, 2014. ALL QUOTATIONS ARE DUE BY COB FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2014. For further information concerning Subcontracting and/or Purchasing opportunities and to register as a subcontractor / vendor please respond to solicitations@tutorperini.com or contact Jackie Cotto (914) 739-1908. Come and join our Team! Jett Industries, Inc. Invitation to MWBE Firms Jett Industries, Inc. invites all MWBE Firms who are certified by NYS Empire State Development to submit proposals for the following project: North River WWTP Demolition of Fuel Tanks New York County, Manhattan, NY Contract No:NR-43 Bid Date: December 3, 2014 Please contact: Selena LW Blake E-Mail: sblake@jettindustries.com Jett Industries Inc. POB 219 Colliersville, New York 13747 Phone: (607) 433-2100 Fax: (607) 433-2430 An Equal Opportunity Employer November 20 - 26, 2014 Minority Commerce Weekly Kubricky Construction Corp 25 The New York Convention Center Operating Corporation Invite Quotes From Qualified D/M/WBE’s RFP 1944IM - Terrazzo Flooring Maintenance Services Kubricky Construction Corp. is an equal opportunity employer; M/W/DBE’s are encouraged to bid. We invite quotes from qualified D/M/WBE’s on the following NYSDOT/Thruway or other projects. Plans are available from NYSDOT/Thruway Regional Offices, the Architect, or may be examined at our office at 269 Ballard Road, Wilton, NY 12831. Quotations should be made by 5:00pm the day before the bid. Fax is 518-792-2458. For questions, contact our project estimators at 518-792-5864. NUMBER/COUNTY DESCRIPTION BID DATE COMPLETION TAS 14Removal and Construction of 12/17/14 11/18/16 18B/D214310 Interchange 36 Bridge at MP 282.93 ONONDAGA TANY-141R Pavement Resurfacing, 12/17/14 11/27/15 55/D214351 Safety Improvements and Culvert ORANGE Repairs MP 45.78 to 60.5 TAA 14Pavement Rehab, drainage and 12/17/14 10/30/15 57/D214327 Safety Improvements and Misc ALBANY, SCHEN Work for MP 154.3-161.0 MONTGOMERY The New York Convention Center Operating Corporation (NYCCOC) is soliciting proposals for a contract to provide terrazzo flooring maintenance services at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. Interested firms must request a bid package in writing via fax at 212-216-4099 or electronically at imercedes@javitscenter.com. Yonkers Contracting Company INVITATION TO BID Yonkers Contracting Company is soliciting cost proposals from qualified and certified MBE and WBE Subcontractors/Suppliers for: TBTA QM40/QM-40S/QM-18 SANDY RESTORATION & REHABILITATION OF THE TUNNEL AND MANHATTAN EXIT AT THE QUEENS MIDTOWN TUNNEL - Bid Date: 12/18/14 Work for the project includes, but is not limited to repairs to the roadway, concrete liner, roadway ceiling slab, install exhaust and fresh air ducts; tunnel leak repairs; rehabilitation/replacement of tunnel curbs & gutters; replacement of five line system; tunnel finishes and more. Interested and Qualified firms, please contact Jennifer Diaz @ 914 9651500 X784 Fax # 914 378-8814 or email jdiaz@yonkerscontractingco.com Yonkers Contracting is an EEO/M/F/V/D Employer Yonkers Contracting Company INVITATION TO BID NYSTA CONTRACT #D214321 Bid Date: December 3, 2014 Yonkers Contracting Company is soliciting cost proposals from qualified MBE/WBE Subcontractors & Suppliers certified with NY State. This project calls for a Bridge Replacement at mileposts 605.76, North Avenue over the NYS Thruway (I-95). Interested firms please contact Yonkers Procurement Department @ 914 965-1500 X 784 jdiaz@yonkerscontractingco.com Yonkers Contracting Company is an EEO/M/F/V/D Employer DYRE AVE CONSTRUCTORS JV INVITATION TO BID Dyre Ave Constructors Joint Venture (Schiavone and Picone) is soliciting cost proposals from qualified Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Women Business Enterprises (WBEs) certified by the New York State certified minority and women-owned business program (NYSESD) for Contract No. A-36916: Station Component Repairs at Dyre Avenue, Borough of Bronx, New York. Bid Date: 11/25/14. Description of Work: Architectural, structural, selective demolition, drilled pressure grouted piles, concrete reinforcement, masonry, insulation, roofing, waterproofing, carpentry, drywall, painting, asbestos removal, signage, railroad track work, signals, communication, mechanical, and electrical. Participation Goals: 10% MB 10% WBE. Requirements to Participate: DUNS Number and System for Award Management (SAM): To register with SAM, visit their website at www.sam.gov. The bid documents are available at www.bidset.com, code: K22273-70. Please contact Nicole Maiello at nmaiello@schiavone.net or Colleen ConnorsCasenta at cconnors@schiavone.net with inquiries. EEO Employer/Contractor NYC Comptroller’s Office - Request for Proposals Management and Operations Study and Best Practice Review for the New York City Office of the Comptroller’s Asset Management Function PIN # 015-15816200ZC The Comptroller of The City of New York (the “Comptroller”) is custodian of, and responsible for, the safekeeping of the assets of the five (5) New York City retirement systems (each a “System” and collectively, the “Systems” or “NYCRS”) and related variable and miscellaneous supplemental funds (“Related Funds”). The Comptroller is distributing this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to identify a firm with proven capabilities to conduct a management and operations study and best practice review of the Comptroller’s Bureau of Asset Management (“BAM”). Such services include: management and operation study of BAM’s divisions; performance analysis report; and a best practice protocol, which will include a gap analysis of all BAM divisions and will describe in detail recommended improvements. Proposals from certified minority-owned and/or women-owned businesses or proposals that include partnering arrangements with certified minority-owned and/or women-owned firms are encouraged. Additionally, proposals from small and New York City based businesses are also encouraged. The RFP will be available for download from the Comptroller’s Web site on or about November 18, 2014. You must register to download a copy of the RFP, which fully describes the scope or work, minimum requirements, and submission procedures. To download the RFP, select “Forms & RFPs” then “RFPs & Solicitations” then “Asset Management RFPs & Solicitation” and click on link provided to “Register”. Questions about the RFP should be transmitted by e-mail to Evelyn Dresler, Director of Asset Management Contracting at bamcontracts@comptroller.nyc.gov by December 3, 2014. Proposals are due December 22, 2014 by 2:00 p.m. (ET). Contractors will be required to comply with EEO, D/M/WBE and other federal and state procurement laws, regulations and Executive Orders. MTA REAL ESTATE (MTA RE) For information on the below Request for Proposals, please go to http://mta.info/mta/realestate/retail_leasing.html – – ’ 26 Minority Commerce Weekly 1(:<25.&,7< '(3$570(172)75$163257$7,21 ',9,6,212)%5,'*(6 ,19,7$7,21)25%,'6 1(:<25.&,7< '(3$570(172)75$163257$7,21 ',9,6,212)%5,'*(6 ,19,7$7,21)25%,'6 Hand delivered sealed bids for the Project described below will be received by representatives of the Contracts Section, Office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer, Ground Floor, Bid Window, 55 Water Street, New York, NY 10041 until 11:00 AM on the date indicated below when bids will be publicly opened and read in Bid Room, same address On: November 25, 2014 Preventive Maintenance of various Movable Bridges in NYC Borough of Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens Contract No. MBPM15 Federal Aid Project No. M001-X763-(033) N.Y.S.P.I.N. X763.03 N.Y.C.P.I.N. 84114MBBR809 Each bid submitted must be accompanied by a certified check for 5% of the amount of the proposal, or alternatively, a bid bond not less than 10% of the amount of the proposal, payable to the Comptroller of the City of New York. This Project is Federally aided and is subject to the provision of Title 23, U.S. code, as amended, and applicable New York State Statutes. In compliance with these provisions the minimum wages to be paid to laborers and mechanics are included in wage schedules that are set out in the bid proposal. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids and the City of New York hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age or place of residence. Prospective bidder's attention is also directed to the requirements of Attachment 1e and Attachment 3b in the proposal concerning DBE participation in the contract. The schedule of proposed DBE participation is to be submitted by the apparent low bidder within seven (7) calendar days after the date of opening of bids. The DBE goal for this project is 3%. This Contract is also Subject to the APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM as described in the Solicitation Materials. Non-compliance with the 7 day submittal requirement, the stipulations of Attachment 1e and Attachment 3b or submittal of bids in which any of the prices for lump sum or unit items are significantly unbalanced to the potential detriment of the Department may be cause for a determination of non-responsiveness and the rejection of the bid. The award of this contract is subject to the approval of the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. Solicitation documents (Specifications ONLY) will be available for download free of charge starting October 24, 2014 and ending November 21, 2014, from the City Record Website at City Record On-Line (http://a856-internet.nyc.gov/nycvendoronline/home.asp) Drawings are not available for download and MUST be purchased. A printed copy of the solicitation and drawing set can be purchased at: New York City Department of Transportation, Office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer/Contract Management Unit, 55 Water Street, Ground Floor, New York, New York 10041 between 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. The entrance is located on the South Side of the Building facing the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. You will not be allowed in the building without government issued identification (driver’s license, passport, etc.). A deposit of $50.00 is required for the specification books and a deposit of $50.00 is required for drawings set in the form of a certified check or money order payable to the New York City Department of Transportation. No Cash or Personal Checks Accepted. A Pre-Bid meeting (Optional) has been scheduled for November 3, 2014 at 11:00 AM in the Agency Chief Contracting Officer Bid Room, Ground Floor, 55 Water Street, NYC. All prospective bidders are requested to attend. Seats are limited. In this connection, please limit the number of attendees to maximum of two personnel per firm. Please submit the name(s) of attendees to the Project Manager no later than two (2) business days prior to the pre-bid meeting date. Hand delivered sealed bids for the Project described below will be received by representatives of the Contracts Section, Office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer, Ground Floor - Bid Window, 55 Water Street, New York, NY 10041 until 11:00 AM on the date indicated below when bids will be publicly opened and read in Bid Room, same address On: December 16, 2014 Rehabilitation of Roosevelt Avenue Bridge over Van Wyck Expressway Borough of Queens, New York Contract No. HBQ1203 Federal Aid Project No. X758(923) N.Y.S.P.I.N. X758.92 N.Y.C.P.I.N. 84114QUBR805 November 20 - 26, 2014 1(:<25.&,7< '(3$570(172)75$163257$7,21 ',9,6,212)%5,'*(6 ,19,7$7,21)25%,'6 Hand delivered sealed bids for the Project described below will be received by representatives of the Contracts Section, Office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer, Ground Floor, Bid Window, 55 Water Street, New York, NY 10041 until 11:00 AM on the date indicated below when bids will be publicly opened and read in Bid Room, same address On: January 12, 2015 Rehabilitation of the Fender System and West 155th Street Viaduct Of Macombs Dam Bridge over the Harlem River Borough of Bronx and Manhattan Contract No. BRX287S Federal Aid Project No. X772(863) N.Y.S.P.I.N. X772.86 N.Y.C.P.I.N. 84115MNBR842 Each bid submitted must be accompanied by a certified check for 5% of the amount of the proposal, or alternatively, a bid bond not less than 10% of the amount of the proposal, payable to the Comptroller of the City of New York. Each bid submitted must be accompanied by a certified check for 5% of the amount of the proposal, or alternatively, a bid bond not less than 10% of the amount of the proposal, payable to the Comptroller of the City of New York. This Contract is subject to Apprentice Program Requirements as described in the solicitation materials. This Project is Federally aided and is subject to the provision of Title 23, U.S. code, as amended, and applicable New York State Statutes. In compliance with these provisions the minimum wages to be paid to laborers and mechanics are included in wage schedules that are set out in the bid proposal. This Project is Federally aided and is subject to the provision of Title 23, U.S. code, as amended, and applicable New York State Statutes. In compliance with these provisions the minimum wages to be paid to laborers and mechanics are included in wage schedules that are set out in the bid proposal. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids and the City of New York hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age or place of residence. Prospective bidder's attention is also directed to the requirements of schedule "H" in the proposal concerning DBE participation in the contract. The schedule of proposed DBE participation is to be submitted by the apparent low bidder within seven (7) calendar days after the date of opening of bids. The DBE goal for this project is 14%. Non-compliance with the 7 day submittal requirement, the stipulations of Schedule "H" or submittal of bids in which any of the prices for lump sum or unit items are significantly unbalanced to the potential detriment of the Department may be cause for a determination of non-responsiveness and the rejection of the bid. The award of this contract is subject to the approval of the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. Solicitation documents (Specifications ONLY) will be available for download free of charge starting October 28, 2014 and ending December 2, 2014, from the City Record Website at City Record On-Line (http://a856-internet.nyc.gov/nycvendoronline/home.asp) Drawings are not available for download and MUST be purchased. A printed copy of the solicitation and drawing set can be purchased at: New York City Department of Transportation, Office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer/Contract Management Unit, 55 Water Street, Ground Floor, New York, New York 10041 between 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. The entrance is located on the South Side of the Building facing the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. You will not be allowed in the building without government issued identification (driver’s license, passport, etc.). A deposit of $50.00 is required for the specification book and a deposit of $50.00 is required for drawings set in the form of a certified check or money order payable to the New York City Department of Transportation. No Cash or Personal Checks Accepted. A Pre-Bid meeting (Optional) has been scheduled for November 18, 2014 at 10:00 AM in the Agency Chief Contracting Officer Bid Room, Ground Floor, 55 Water Street, NYC. All prospective bidders are strongly encouraged to attend, seats are limited. In this connection, please limit the number of attendees to a maximum of two personnel per firm. Please submit the name(s) of attendees to the Executive Deputy Agency Chief Contracting Officer (DACCO) no later than two (2) business days prior to the pre-bid meeting date. A Site visit has been arranged for November 18 2014 at 1:30PM. All prospective bidders are strongly encouraged to attend the site visit. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids and the City of New York hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age or place of residence. Prospective bidder's attention is also directed to the requirements of Attachment 1g and Attachment 3b in the proposal concerning DBE participation in the contract. The schedule of proposed DBE participation is to be submitted by the apparent low bidder within seven (7) calendar days after the date of opening of bids. The DBE goal for this project is 8%. This Contract is also Subject to the APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM as described in the Solicitation Materials. Non-compliance with the 7 day submittal requirement, the stipulations of Attachment 1g and Attachment 3b or submittal of bids in which any of the prices for lump sum or unit items are significantly unbalanced to the potential detriment of the Department may be cause for a determination of non-responsiveness and the rejection of the bid. The award of this contract is subject to the approval of the New York State Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. Solicitation documents (Specifications ONLY) will be available for download free of charge starting November 17, 2014 and ending December 19, 2014, from the City Record Website at City Record On-Line (http://a856internet.nyc.gov/nycvendoronline/home.asp) Drawings are not available for download and MUST be purchased. A printed copy of the solicitation and drawing set can be purchased at: New York City Department of Transportation, Office of the Agency Chief Contracting Officer/Contract Management Unit, 55 Water Street, Ground Floor, New York, New York 10041 between 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. The entrance is located on the South Side of the Building facing the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. You will not be allowed in the building without government issued identification (driver’s license, passport, etc.). A deposit of $50.00 is required for the specification books and a deposit of $50.00 is required for drawings set in the form of a certified check or money order payable to the New York City Department of Transportation. No Cash or Personal Checks Accepted. A Pre-Bid meeting (Optional) has been scheduled for December 1, 2014 at 11:00 AM in the Agency Chief Contracting Officer Bid Room, Ground Floor, 55 Water Street, NYC. All prospective bidders are requested to attend. Seats are limited. In this connection, please limit the number of attendees to maximum of two personnel per firm. Please submit the name(s) of attendees to the Project Manager no later than two (2) business days prior to the pre-bid meeting date. A Site visit has been arranged for December 1, 2014 at 1:30PM. All prospective bidders are strongly encouraged to attend the site visit. All questions shall be submitted in writing to indicated below. Deadline for submission of questions is December 2, 2014. All questions shall be submitted in writing to Project Manager indicated below. Deadline for submission of questions is December 5, 2014. Mr. Junaid Syed, P.E., Executive DACCO Finance, Contracts & Program Management New York City Department of Transportation 55 Water street, 8th Floor, New York, New York 10041 Telephone No. 212-839-9297 Fax No. 212-839-4241 Email: jsyed@dot.nyc.gov Mr. Junaid, Syed P.E., Executive DACCO Finance, Contracts & Program Management New York City Department of Transportation 55 Water Street, 8th Fl, New York, NY 10041 Tel No. 212-839-9297/Fax No. 212-839-4241 Email: JSyed@dot.nyc.gov Mr. Junaid Syed, P.E., Executive DACCO Finance, Contracts & Program Management New York City Department of Transportation 55 Water Street, 8th Floor, New York, New York 10041 Telephone No. 212-839-9297 / Fax No. 212-839-4241 Email: jsyed@dot.nyc.gov %LOOGH%ODVLR0D\RU 3ROO\7URWWHQEHUJ&RPPLVVLRQHU Bill de Blasio, Mayor Polly Trottenberg, Commissioner All questions shall be submitted in writing to Project Manager indicated below. Deadline for submission of questions is November 6, 2014. .30 Bill de Blasio, Mayor Polly Trottenberg, Commissioner Minority Commerce Weekly is published by: Independent Media Sales & Services, Inc., a NYS Certified MBE James W. Wood, Publisher - Phone: 212.349.4100 email: imssjim@aol.com website: www.mcwbids.com November 20 - 26, 2014 Minority Commerce Weekly 27 ATTENTION: WDF Inc. – a Plumbing, HVAC, Fire Protection Contractor and Specialty Construction located in Mount Vernon, New York Seeking certified MBE/WBE/DBE/LBE Subcontractors/Suppliers/Manufacturers for the following trades: Fire Protection, Water Treatment/Water Sterilization Contractors, Balancers, Piping Installation, Mechanical and Plumbing Insulation, Rigging, Pumps, Plumbing Fixtures, Sheet Metal, and Specialty Construction Divisions 1 thru 14 BIDDING THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS: New York State Dormitory Authority (DASNY): Private: (1) NYS Court Officer Training Academy CR#49 – MBE / WBE (1) Manhattan West Southwest Residential Tower – MBE / WBE / DBE Department of Environmental Protection (DEP): AWARDED PROJECTS: (1) Job Order Contract -13 EP (JOC) – East Region Plumbing – MBE School Construction Authority (SCA) of NY: (2) Job Order Contract -13 EH (JOC) – East Region HVAC – MBE (1) PS 62 (Staten Island) - New Two Story Net Zero Energy School – MBE / WBE / LBE (3) AWT2-CARB – Carbon Addition Facilities at Various WWTP – MBE / WBE (2) PS / IS 314 (Queens) – New Four Story School– MBE / WBE / LBE Private: (3) PS 314 (Manhattan) – Fire Protection - MBE / WBE / LBE (1) CUNY NYCCT New Academic Building – MBE / WBE (4) IS / HS 868 (Manhattan) – New Eight Story School– MBE / WBE / LBE (2) SUNY New Academic Building– MBE / WBE (3) Columbia University Mind & Brain Building – HVAC Subs & Suppliers– MBE / WBE (5) Park West HS (Manhattan) – System Upgrade– MBE / WBE / LBE (6) PS 343 Peck Slip (Manhattan) – MBE / WBE / LBE (4) NYU College of Nursing, Dentistry and Bioengineering – MBE / WBE (7) PS 892 Queens School of Renovation – MBE / WBE / LBE (5) NYU Radiation Oncology – MBE / WBE (8) Bayard Rustin Ed Complex M (Manhattan) – Science Lab Upgrade – (6) 7 Bryant Park – MBE / WBE MBE / WBE / LBE (7) NYU – Energy – Fire Protection – MBE / WBE (9) PS 96 X (Bronx) 4 Story Addition/Renovation – MBE / WBE / LBE (8) NYU – Hurricane Restoration – Fire Protection – MBE / WBE (10) PS 320 Q (Queens) New Primary School – MBE / WBE / LBE (9) United Nations Conference Building - Fire Protection – MBE / WBE (11) PS/IS 311 Q (Queens) New Five Story Intermediate School - MBE / WBE / LBE (10) WFC Court Yard & Lobby - Fire Protection – MBE / WBE (12) PS 339 Q (Queens) New Five Story School – MBE / WBE / LBE (11) United Nations General Assembly – Plumbing & HVAC – MBE / WBE (12) Kimmel BP-41B: HVAC Wet (Core and Shell Heating and Fuel Oil) – MBE / WBE (13) PS 437 (K) (Brooklyn) – Fire Protection - MBE / WBE / LBE (13) Kimmel BP-41C: HVAC Wet (Core and Shell Cooling System) – MBE / WBE (14) Beacon High School - Fire Protection - MBE / WBE / LBE (15) PS 315 Q (Queens) - Fire Protection - MBE / WBE / LBE (14) Pier-17 South Street Seaport – MBE / WBE NY/NJ Port Authority (PANYNJ): (15) WFC Phase 2 – Fire Protection – MBE / WBE (1) GWB Bus Station Redevelopment – MBE / WBE (16) Riverside Building 2 – Fire Protection – MBE / WBE (17) Hudson Yards MOE Rebuild – DBE (2) Port Authority Bus Terminal – Fire Protection – MBE / WBE Please call for plans and specifications Alfredo Reyes – M/W/DBE & EEO Officer *Telephone (914) 776-8045 *Fax (914) 776-8178 Email: Alfredo.Reyes@wdfinc.net “Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V” The TSCM program was designed to provide a professional curriculum that incorporates Turner Construction instructional and daily experience in the construction industry. Through this course, students will gain the knowledge to manage a construction project IURP FRQFHSWLRQ WR FRPSOHWLRQ 7KLV FHUWLÀFDWH LV LGHDO IRU WKRVH LQ WKH LQGXVWU\ ZLWK knowledge of practical functions who would like to enhance knowledge on the critical path method theory behind daily activity. Program Highlights: Field Management Access to Capitol Responding to RFP s Joint Venture Partnerships Site Safety Coordination Ethics & Compliance Entry Requirements: Three (3) years industry employment strongly recommended Classes begin Tuesday, January 20, 2015 and run until graduation on March 12, 2015. Tuesdays & Thursdays 6-9pm | Fee: $25 Register today! Contact: Sharon Mackey McGee, smackeycgee@ccny.cuny.edu For more information contact: Ashley Smith (212) 229-6149
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