LONG I S L A N D STAR J O U R N A L , F R I D A Y . | A N U A R Y 3, 1058 MURDER PeopleYouKnow Angela i'ctlomelis ul Astoria was elected .secretary of the Hrrmrs Ahopa i.'hapter . . . A boy, Ihrir third, WM born last with to Mr. and Mrs. Zicgler ot Middle Village . . . Henry Schuman and Arthur HHdman are co-chairmen oi the Monte Carlo night m the Loot island Knights ot Py tluas Lodge scheduled lor Jan. 17 at Bohemian Hall in Astoria . ". . Kcrin Q'Sullivan of Jackson Heights has been promoted to captAla In the Army reserve . . . The lollowing members of the deneral Shetman Knights ol Columbus ol Corona recently received their second degree. They ate Jack A. Bagnoli, James V Black, Allied A. Blanchette, Rev. Bro. A. Francis CoftnoU, Armando J. DiKoloeo, John 1,. Drugan, Joseph M. l-'arrell, Joseph I.ovett, John t\ Manxohllo, William I' Mastersfin, Robert J Molfetta, James A. Moran, Rev. Bro C. Raymond Nolan, James J. Quinn, Joseph .1 Rotondaro, John A. Sapotito, Thomas L. Scantiehur> . . . The Child Welfare Committee of both the Queens County Jewish War Veterans and the Ladies Auxiliary held their annual Creedmonr Holiday Baity on Dee. 29, it was announced by Ken I.. Broun of Forest Hills. Co-chairmen were Anita Saline ol Flushing and Yetta I.ader of Howard Beach. COLLEGE < HIT-CHAT—The following North tJuceiiH rrsidents graduated la*t week from the I'niversity of Chicago, They are Samuel K. Hla/.er of 98-1.1 ft'ind drive, Rego TarU; Riderlek K. Freeman of 35-53 Mind street and Mrs. Diane M. Kelder of S3-.VJ 81st street, both Jackson Heights; Douglas Cole of 113-11 Tind road, Forest Hills and Ri( hard H. Levin of 26-51 S5«h street, Astoria . . . l'eter <i. HuniO of '!8-0.1 Ilohalt street Long Island City, a senior at the Manhattan College of Arts and Selenee, participated In the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps special Christmas holiday instruction course. Manlo ami 43 other students received their pilot Instructions at the Weslair Flying School in Westchester . . . New York Fniversit.v'a chapter of Beta (omnia Sigma, national business honor society, has elected Joseph fiohris of 37-57 85th street, Jackson Heights, vice president for the coming year. Joseph Kumer Jr., of the Bronx was elected president of the business studies fraternity. REKVK'KMKN-Captain Walter Watkins of 40-25 Hampton street, Klmhurst, a memher of the Army Reserve, writes that young men interested in joining the Army reserve should contact him for details . . . Van Rackages of 23-77 24th street, Astoria, has completed eight weeks of Infantry combat basic training with the 2nd Training Regiment at Fort Gordon, C,a. . . . Private Gustave M. Me'rker of 30-03 71st street, Jackson Heights, completed the telephone switchboard operation course at the Army's southeastern Signal Corps School at. Fort Gordon . . . An Astoria soldier just competed in a lfi-day simulated maneuver at Fort Bragg, N. C. He is Private Rrendan T. Malone of 30-84 45th street, Astoria. The 21-year-old soldier, a graduate of Rice High School, is a rifleman in Company B of the 101st Airborne Division's 501ft infantry at Fort Campbell, Ky. . . . Priavto I'etros M, Gavrielides of 39-22 104th street. Corona, spent the Christmas in Hawaii, where he is stafinnrrl M.-itV-i fie r '"th Tnfnntrv T">ivic;ir>n Tie is a graduate of Newtown High School in Klmhurst . . . Private First Class Gerald Biumi of 26-32 9th street, Astoria, is stationed with the Army in Hawaii. It's a good thing the Clearview Pythian Sisters group in BAYSIDE doesn't have to shell out with a gift every time one of its members celebrates an anniversary . , . If it did the organization's treasury might have a mighty bleak look right now . . . No less than six of the gals have celebrated during the past few weeks . . . Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lopato took a Bermuda holiday for their 21st jubilee For Mr. and Mrs. Herb Schechner of Bayside the 15th was observed in a Manhattan eatery . . . Thirteen proved lucky for Mr. and Mrs. Lou Nevitt of WHITESTONE . . . The couple, accompanied by son Robert, journeyed to a Catskill Mountain country club . . . A Glen Cove restaurant played host to Mr. and Mrs. Abby Schifter of WHITESTONE for their 12th and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Nathanson of Flushing and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kahn of Bayside thoroughly enjoyed number 11 . . . Kahn is chancellor commander of the Clearview Knights of Pythias. Mrs. Henry Trans of 68-28 213th street, BAYSIDE BILLS, picked to be one of the judges for the Bayside Hills Civic Association holiday hnme-deenration contest, had to beg off because she'd just become a grandma for the second time . . . A boy. Thomas, was horn to her daughter and son-ln-lavv, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MeKenna of Hollis . . . The MeKenna's have another son, Vincent . . . Named to the executive hoard of the COLLEGE POINT Social and Civic Club were Vincent (ierhino, chairman; William Ahearn, James Capone, William Kussmnn, .lames Hammll and William II Roeseh . . . The BAYSIDE OAKS Home Owners Association is sponsoring a brand new Boy Seont Troop 829, according to George XndcHon, pre%y • . .The boys meet in the Bayside, Oaks Jewish Center. (Cuithnitrd hir a week and committed; the Tingnr boy to jail. No Davey Fleming e,"t his hair- Hon in which a diseased, 7-uich had is set in homicide cases.] cut yesterday. It was "just a'section of his main heart artery Befoft the case is called little trim, but it made him the aorta Hat replaced with •gain in Felony Court, the happy," a nurse at St. Francis ' ,,iie taken front a dead man. Ciiand Jury is expected to ("aidiac Hospital, Roslyn, said, i He's still in serious condition act. The six-year-old Queens Vil-jand it'll be \2 to 11 dayi before lage boy asked for a haircut idoctors will be sure the transTill: IHSTKUT attorneys when he regained consciousness plant was successful Office lias indicated that a Wednesday alter a rare opera-' first degree murder indict"DAVEY T A L K S and he's menl is mandatory In view of alert," a nurse, said, "but he s mostly very (pilot. That wasn i all the circumstances, hut much of a haircut he got," she whether the prosecution will added ' I t made him happy, (Continued from Pui/e 1) demand the extreme penalty though." for the boy is something else tached by the G O P . to previThe transplant operation again. ous benefit bills do not belong Monday nieht took 5 ' j hours. Davey was pulled hack from There is notegal barrier to on the measures. death by a team of 15 doctors his execution but no defendant as young as lie has ever THK GOVERNOR vetoed Re- and nurses who administered Sal in the Death House. publican jobless-pay and com- 14 pints of blood to him when Frank L Corrado, Bayside pensation bills after the 1857 the aorta, already swollen, ballooned and burst hallway attorney, who appeared as the Yeager boy's counsel yes- session, then called the Legis- through the operation. The terday, said Hint at the pro-jlature into special session to doctors also had to massage per time, he would entei a'pass measures more to his lik- the hoy's heart when it stopped. plea of innocent "by reason ing. The G O P . , however, sent The healthy aorta section REWARDED—Detectives John Sweeney (left) and Harold Cohen (tenter) was kept refrigerated since it Ol temporary insanity" for him the same bills and he re- was donated 10 months ago by of the Flushing Squad, credited with tracking down Warren Yeager, conWarren. a dying, 33-year-old man. Befessed killer of Mrs, Mary Nerich of Queens Village, are congratulated by By this plea, the defense jected them again. would contend that when the On aqother subject—Housing fore the delicate operation, Police Commissioner Stephen l \ Kenneedy of Bayside. Sweeney was upped to doctors froze Davey'i body boy stabbed Mrs. Nerich, he — Ilarriman will advocate: first grade detective and Cohen from third to second grade, for "excellent was out of Ins mind and not 1. A $200,000,000 bond issue until his temperature fell 10 detective work" in solving the Dec. 2'.\ murder. locally aware of the differ- for construction of more Jow- degrees below normal. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. ence between r i g h t and rent and limited-profit housing, David Fleming of 92-35 218th wrong. Long Islanders Lose $40,000 including specially designed place, were home last night units for the aging. B I T THE PLEA a l s o 2. Action to raise tlte legal getting some rest. They had been keeping an almost 21would presume that he has limits on the amount of income hour - a - day vigil since the recovered his sanity, andjthat a low-rent housing tenant operation. A i.isl-talKing Philadelphia ing 923,000 from two Nassau!charges. He is now free in bail need not be committed to a jinny earn, so (hat tenants with j "businessman" was revealed to- residents by talking them into; The QueenJ uetims were not be state hospital as would other rising incomes wi I day to ha va fleeced Queeni and I investing niuney in fast-buck identified as .lack Wagner ot evicted. [Long Island resident for $40,00!)!schemes. 304-06 Jamaica boulevard, Holwise be the case. 3. Studies aimed at devising land he may have swindled an-! * * * lis, and Marcus Benay of 1 IS-14 Mrs. Nerich, herself Ihe other $5 million from people ln| WITH MOId: than $1,000,000 Merrick boulevard, Jamaica (Continued from Page 1) mother of a six-year-old son, • program whereby public houssix slates. was slain on the night of i n g residents eventually can [ d e f i n i t e ] y involved in the The names of the Nassau vicjbuy and operate the units they there has been a complete Two Queens owners of e'ean- 'swindle. Queens Assistant Dis- tims were not disclosed, but Dec. 23. ing stores complained they lost they were reported to be resiShe was on her way home I live in, either as individuals or absence of legislation concernItrict Attorney Francis X. Smith ing hanganing rights and redents of Woodmera and Hemp$16,500 to the 33-year-old father from the doctor's office in on a cooperative basis. of three who was forced into and Detectives Walter It. An- stead, sponsibilities of the Transit Au• • * Jackson Heights, where she iderson and J in J. Renehanl Wagner invested $6,r>oo and bankruptcy a month auo. had worked for 11 years, to THE DISPUTE over worker thority and its employes, nor Albert Cersltman, a South'will go to Philadelphia for Benay $10,000 last Nov. 1!) heher house. benefits could turn out to be have local procedures existed Philadelphia Army-Navy s t o r c j O r s h m a n s bearing Monday OB cause Gorshman promised a 17 In Mrs. Nerich's purse w a s i 1 | l 0 m a j o p j s s u c o f , h c u g g j f o r A •termining the appropriate o r n / i . . .. i • . , -.. • Anitfl I 1 • Joperator ,is also accused of tak-'grand larceny and forgery p 0 r cent return on the monej a c$350 Christmas Hbonus election - year session, \«. h i c h ; , i m t n r units for collective within .six weeks, according to check, given to her by the opens here next Wednesday, .bargaining. the victims. doctor. The Legislature's Republican! • • • This check and other arTHE MEASURE also calls leadership has not indicated THK RE ABE now 41 comticles from the purse, were for judicial review by the whether it might back down on plaints against the young store found in the Yeager home Supreme Court of grievances its stand. However, some leadowner, according to Philadelat 93-08 215th street. by either party, and prohibits ers are known to oppose any phia Assistant D.A. Jack Myers. The empty purse was compromise on the ground that strikes by transit employes. His operations extended to New found a block away. Harriman would interpret any Mitchell said a public hoarYork, New Jersey, Connecticut, ling involving the bill would be * * * A Philadelphia "get rich inroad^as a major victory O W ^ * , > a r l y i n January." Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylquick" scheme 1hat may have THE YEAGER ROY has a the G O P vania and Washington, D. C. The bill also provides that, swindled Long Island investors record ol juvenile delinIn | general attack on Haiti- the Transit Authority "shall ' • Wolason, 4'.t, of Long Gershman's first "investors" out of hundreds of thousands o Island City, today is being held j were relatives, to whom he quency. He was trapped, man today, Senate Majority not spy upon employes." The dollars is under investigation however, by a word scrawled I l e a d e r Walter J. Mahoney and Authority admitted planting a „au lor Grand Jury promised up to 1(H) per cent hv District Attorney Frank D actinn in the allecnd rifling of; profit hv claiming he would buy on the purse in lipstick. i Assembly Speaker Oswald D. microphone in the MBA offices, O Connor. Christmas Ciub cnecKs ltoni Army surplus soil goods and mi; wuid, with .ii. ua! im-Tleck branded Ila , Assistant District Attorney Astoria mailboxes. |sell the material abroad. He plifatotrn, also was spotted | toes as a "high-handed per- recent strike. Frank Smith, head of O'Con- A convicted bigamist, Wola- never invested the money, howby police on the wall of a formance (that) is costing un Louis A. Waldman, counsel nor's rackets bureau, said two son, who lives at. 37-31 32nd telephone booth in a neigh- employed workers extra bene- for the MBA, last night te/med e v e r i and began clipping other Queens "victims" have report- j s t r eet, had a hearing yesterday victims to make partial- payborhood diner, and under it fits amounting to many mil- Mitchell's measure a "good and ed losses of more than $25,000 i n Ridgewood Felony Court be- ment to the initial group. lions of dollars a year." the name "Warren." desirable bill." in an alleged fraud that has fore Magistrate T. Vincent already resulted in one arrest Quinn on charges of forgery. and more than 40 complaints in Police said he stole a $100 the City of Brotherly Love. check made out to Eleanor Albert Gershmann, 33, of Bernardino from her letter box Haverstown, Pa., the oneratorj N o V i 2 o in the house at 28-17 of an Army and Navy store in j 36th street. He then allegedly South Philadelphia, has b e e n : c a s n e d t h o C n e C k in a nearby arrested and charged with ob- meat market, saying he was taining money under false pre- the woman's husband. tenses and fraudulent converHe is also accused of taking sion. two $50 checks "from the same He comes up for a hearing address. Monday in Philadelphia. ACCORDING TO PhiladelLava Flows Again phia police, Gershmann claimed to have contracts to buy war From Mt. Etna surplus clothing from governCATANIA, Sicily (UP) — A ment agencies and other eonA HECHT CO. STORE tracts to sell the clothing at fiery torrent, of lava flowed huge profits in low tariff menacingly down the burnedI out slopes of Mt. Etna today foreign countries. to Assistant District A t t o r n e y ' the accompaniment of earthJack Meyers, in charge of the!shaking explosions that hurled business frauds bureau in Phil- clouds of smoke and flaming adelphia, said that victims al- rock thousands of feet into the legedly invested sums ranging sky. Scientists and villagers mainfrom $3,000 to $200,000 with Gershmann to purchase the war'tained a round-the-clock watch surplus goods. jon the 10,755 -foot volcano BENEFITS $5 Million Swindle Unveiled TRANSIT Quick-Riches Forgery Gyp Probed Suspect To Jury SHOP FRIDAY TILL 9:30 P.M. Almmsons riDCT'N HUSHING BIEN JOLIE FLEXEES ***&w*?rv<vr Annual SALE NEMO SARONG m SILFSKIN PHANTOM PN CB Prices have been cut fo the bone in this ire* mendous sale of famous-make foundations'. Whatever you wear in the way of a f o u n d a tion/ from sturdy corsets to a brief girdle, there's a buy here you won't want fo missl Reg. CORSELETTES Price B I E N J O L I E 317, B and C Cup, Sizes 36 to 40 —18.50 N E M O 96-120, 15', Sizes 36 to 52 — —75.00 N E M O 14-120, 13", Sizes 36 to 52 15.00 F L E X E E S 1566, 15', Sizes 27 to 41 12.95 F L E X E E S 2663, 16", Sizes 27 to 41 12.95 SALE 13.95 12.50 12.50 10.36 GIRDLES F L E X E E 447 & 547, 14", 15", Sizes 26 to 30— B I E N J O L I E , 301, 15", 16", Sizes 26 to 31 — B I E N J O L I E 307, 15", 16% Sizes 28 to 34 — B I E N J O L I E 311, 16", Sizes 28 to 32 SARONG 102 & 104, 14", 16", Sizes 25 to 34 S I L F S K I N 300, 400, 500, S, M, L, XL S I L F S K I N 315, 415, 515, S, M, L, X L S I L F S K I N P A N T Y 200, 525, S, M, L, XL S I L F S K I N P A N T Y 215, S, M, L, XL P H A N T O M P A N T Y 818, 25 to 36 P H A N T O M P A N T Y 182, 794, 25 to 36 ameo 20% OFF STO C K I N G SEAMLESS AND SALE FULl-FASHIONID JANUARY 2-11, 1958 Noel V. Click of 212-08 43rd avenue, BAYSIDE, and Robert C Bridge of 142-58 56th road. Barry H. Kaplan of 43-57 Union street and Jerome Krieger of 56-11R 175th place, all of FLUSHING, have been named tn the dean's M of the University College of Arts and Science at New York University . . Elected to Beta Gamma Sigma, national honorary business fraternity, at the City College School of Business were Ilelene L. Rachmel of 4 Shore road. WHITESTCiNE. and Gladys §, I^ffredo of 33-75 14.Vr! street and Manlvn Magner of 19036 34th avenue, both FLUSHING . . . Peter Blsnrhnrd of 4 9 1 7 Ctverhrook place. DnUGLASTON has been elected to "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges" at I^e Moyne Colleg* In Syracuse. SEMI- FAMOUS MAKE CORSETS Mr. and Mrs. Marcey Shore of 56-33 205th street, BAYSIDE HILLS, are basking in the Florida sunshine over the holidays . . . I t proved to he a truly merry holiday season for the Sidney Sutkers of 45-10 Kissena boulevard, FLUSHING . . . They were blessed with their first baby daughter. Meryl Marsha, on Christmas Day . , . The Sutkers have two sons. Marc, 10, and Glenn, 7 , . . Walter S. Hattck, Flushing telephone company manager, reached Info the grab-bag at the BAYSIDE Kiwanis Club party and pulled nut. of all things, a wall telephone . . . Haurk is new proxy of the group. A film, "The Edge of Danger," depicting Ihe history of Israel will be shown at a meeting of the Kissena Jewish Center of FLUSHING session Sunday night In the Hotel Sanford . . . The speaker will be Abraham Salomon of the Zionist Organization of America . . . H a r r y Sherman will preside . . . A S50O gift from the church's Women's Guild has enabled the North Preshytrrian Church of ^LUSHING to reduce Its mortgage to Sl.ftfln . . . And Ihe Rev. Kenneth It. Baldwin, pastor, said the congregation anticipates paying It off completely In '58 . . . Officers and trustees of the Garten Jewish Center of Flushing will hold a supper in honor of past prexy Mrs. Lisle Berger Wednesday night in the new Laurels Restaurant on Main street . . . Mrs. Rhea Scharf is handling arrangements. from PflflM t) Heart Boy Gets Wish —His Hair Is Trimmed Wonderful tavings on wonderful itoeking* . . , oil rti# tomou* exduiivt features ot Bur-Mil Cameo . . . your* o* *p#cial Onte»aYear lew price*, i d o k l S«1« $ 1 . 3 2 . 3 ft. $3 83 - 8.95 •12.50 -13.50 -16.50 •10.95 • 5.00 - 5.95 - 5.00 - 5.95 8.95 -10.00 7.15 9.95 10.95 11.95 8.95 3.95 4.75 3.95 4.71 7.50 7.95 •10.00 7.98 7.95 4.95 CORSETS Sale $ ! . 2 0 . 3 P> $ 3 . 5 0 PN3630, 16", 27 to 41 CB 3697, 16" 26 to 36 —- Sole t l 0 8 . 3 Pr $ 3 . 1 3 Sale $ . « ? . 3 Pr $ 2 . 6 3 ABRAMSON'S • MAIN at 37jth, FLUSHING • 3 Hours FREE PARKING in Lot Back of Store Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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