Section title here xxxx Vestibulum tempor sem non augue imperdiet placerat a at odio. Pellentesq. November 2014 Article title here Sub-title to xxxxx Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sagittis vestibulum mollis. Donec imperdiet nulla tempus mi euismod, et scelerisque purus ullamcorper. Morbi viverra congue arcu, vel auctor ipsum. Nullam ut tortor et arcu lobortis mattis. Integer Sixth Form Awards laoreet arcu sapien, vitae dignissim lacus iaculis sit amet. Donec adipiscing dolor eu erat ultrices, in ultricies lectus interdum. Praesent volutpat eros non malesuada molestie. Quisque id dui vel sem volutpat feugiat in convallis tellus. Nullam vel velit convallis erat elementum mollis. Maecenas ut volutpat nisi, sed rhoncus nulla. Etiam et ultrices ligula, vel bibendum quam. Curabitur augue tellus, luctus in molestie vel, euismod non ipsum. Fringilla. Duis ut purus accumsan dolor ultricies eleifend tincidunt ac est. Donec a consectetur . Challenge Week 2014 Vestibulum tempor sem non augue imperdiet placerat a at odio. Pellentesque eu ante sapien. Donec sed justo commodo, viverra libero nec, aliquam odio. Pic description. Section title here xxxx Welcome to KCC Life A message from the Principal We belong to a national group of leading schools called Challenge Partners. We partner schools across the country in making sure that we know all about the latest developments in teaching, and these schools then challenge us to make sure we are doing as well as the best. A team of four Heads and Deputies from schools in London, Northampton, Kent and Plymouth, recently spent two days at KCC. They were led by an Ofsted Inspector and observed over 25 lessons as well as meeting groups of staff and scrutinising work. They judged us against Ofsted criteria and deemed us to be outstanding in all categories and overall. Our exam results this summer were excellent and we are always trying to push to the next level: this was a very encouraging marker along the way. Roger Pope Principal Geography Field - Year 7 Section title hereTrip xxxx On Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th October 2014, all Year 7 Geography students headed down to South Milton sands to investigate the interactions between the human and physical geography that occur at our coastline. Students explored the physical landforms and were able to explain why the arch is there and what might happen to it in the future. They also assessed the sea defences that are being used to protect the coastline and were able to make a judgement about how effective they were. The weather provided a slight challenge, but all students learnt a great deal about their local area. Challenge Week Summer 2014 You can see from the following pictures that students went once again far and wide for Challenge Week. In addition to dailies around the College site, and residentials in this country, students went abroad as well. A new trip went canoeing on the Wye and residentials once again took place in London, Cornwall and Devon. Further afield students visited France, Holland, Germany, Spain and Egypt. Rockley Challenge Week and away Section title hereActivities.......home xxxx London Experience Vestibulum tempor sem non augue imperdiet placerat a at odio. Pellentesque eu ante sapien. Canoeing River Wye Donecon sedthe justo comm Rock Climbing The Jungle Book - Kingsbridge Next Level Surfing Article main title here Rochefort Sub-title to main article here xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sagittis vestibulum mollis. Donec imperdiet nulla tempus mi euismod, et scelerisque purus ullamcorper. Morbi viverra congue arcu, vel auctor ipsum. Curabitur scelerisque augue in neque bibendum venenatis. Sed sagittis hendrerit posuere. Proin aliquam sodales odio, aliquet eleifend elit mollis vel. Etiam ultricies accumsan ullamcorper. Duis erat enim, blandit ullamcorper placerat id, faucibus ac purus. Ut faucibus tincidunt felis. Aliquam pharetra est non ligula congue, eu scelerisque eros ornare. Nullam ut tortor et arcu lobortis mattis. Integer laoreet arcu sapien, vitae dignissim lacus iaculis sit amet. Donec adipiscing dolor eu erat ultrices, in ultricies lectus interdum. Praesent volutpat eros non malesuada molestie. Quisque id dui vel sem volutpat feugiat in convallis tellus. Nullam vel velit convallis erat elementum mollis. Maecenas ut volutpat nisi, sed rhoncus nulla. Etiam et ultrices ligula, vel bibendum quam. Curabitur augue tellus, luctus in molestie vel, euismod non ipsum. Curabitur sagittis tellus sit amet eros scelerisque, quis ultricies enim mollis. eget nut erat molestie aliquet. Vestibulum tempor sem non augue imperdiet placerat a at odio. Pellentesque eu ante sapien. Donec sed justo commodo, viverra libero nec, aliquam odio. Nullam aliquam at tellus eget mattis. Curabitur Section title here xxxx Vestibulum tempor sem non augue imperdiet placerat a at odio. Pellentesq. Article title here Sub-title to xxxxx Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sagittis vestibulum mollis. Donec imperdiet nulla tempus mi euismod, et scelerisque purus ullamcorper. Morbi viverra congue arcu, vel auctor ipsum. Barcelona Nullam ut tortor et arcu lobortis mattis. Integer laoreet arcu sapien, vitae dignissim lacus iaculis sit amet. Donec adipiscing dolor eu erat ultrices, in ultricies lectus interdum. Praesent volutpat eros non malesuada molestie. Quisque id dui vel sem volutpat feugiat in convallis tellus. Nullam vel velit convallis erat elementum mollis. Maecenas ut volutpat nisi, sed rhoncus nulla. Etiam et ultrices ligula, vel bibendum quam. Curabitur augue tellus, luctus in molestie vel, euismod non ipsum. Fringilla. Duis ut purus London Experience accumsan dolor ultricies eleifend tincidunt ac est. Donec a consectetur . Berlin French Cooking - KCC Cornwall Kayaking @ South Sands Street Maths Vestibulum tempor sem non augue imperdiet placerat a at odio. Pellentesque eu ante sapien. Donec sed justo commodo, viverra libero nec, aliquam odio. Pic description. Boys’ Singing Group - Devon Mix Festival Section title here xxxx The KCC Boys’ Singing Group was thrilled to be selected to perform on the main stage at the Devon MIX Festival on 2 July at Westpoint, Exeter. They performed three songs to a huge crowd of primary and secondary students from Devon Schools. Very few school groups get to perform on the main stage at this annual music festival and this was a fantastic opportunity for the boys to perform on an open air stage to a very large crowd. In addition to their performance the boys also helped to lead workshops for other students. Debbie Kent, Professional Leader with Devon Music Education Hub, and one of the organisers of the event said: “The impact they have had on their younger peers has been overwhelming. Everyone I had a conversation with yesterday asked me about the choir and they have inspired others to consider promoting boys singing groups in schools – well done!” Head of Music, Sharon Mitchell said, ‘It was such an amazing opportunity for these boys. This choir has brought boys from across the college together, from different year groups and united them with their passion for singing. They first really bonded as a group when performing the hauntingly beautiful and powerfully moving ‘Bui Doi’ in our production of ‘Miss Saigon’ last year. This has gone on to be their signature number so to have the opportunity to perform this and other pieces in this large scale event was just magical. It was a very proud moment for me.’ Yanni The sweat drips of the brow and the broken wood lays on the gym floor.... It’s the end of just another Taekwondo session for Yanni Barnett a year 11 student at Kingsbridge Community College. At 15, Yanni is the youngest world champion at her local club. Not only did she get Gold in the British Championships she has also won Gold at World Championships. As exciting as it is, it can also be overwhelming with the work load of being in her final year at KCC and training 3 to 4 times a week for up to two hours. Who knows we may see her in the future Olympics. Watch this space! Showjumping Section title here xxxx Emma Adams, Meg Wood and Issy Baker recently represented the College at two one day events which consists of dressage, show jumping and cross country. One of these was held at Blundells where Meg was placed 4th individually, and the other was at Stonar School where the team finished 3rd and Issy was placed 7th. All three riders and horses performed excellently and had great pleasure in representing the school. Year 7 Art Project Year 7 students took part in a South West school-wide installation piece this term as part of their ‘Japan’ Art project. All students learned how to make an origami crane, a symbol of good luck in Japan, and sent it off to the Plymouth Institute to form part of a huge senbazuru (Thousand Origami Cranes, threaded together) as a celebration of the Japan400 Plymouth festival. Schools across the South West were invited to take part in the making of a collaborative senbazuru. In folklore, it was said that if you make a wish and then make one thousand paper cranes, your wish would then come true. Dr. Jonathan Mackintosh, Lecturer in World History at the School of Humanities and Performing Arts at Plymouth University, was involved in the organisation of the festival activities. He said: ‘…It would be great if people – especially young people – might feel that the bit of ‘Japan’ that they experienced and enjoyed is something they could learn about more, shape and give personal meaning to so that it could be a part of their lives.’ Many thanks to Jill Flintham, Sally Jones and Year 7 for their hard work. We look forward to seeing the senbazuru when it is complete! Sixth Form Section titleAwards here xxxx This year’s Awards Afternoon, attended by both students and parents, celebrated the wonderful achievements of students over the past year. Some of the Awards were for exceptional performance in particular subjects, some to reward effort and some to pay tribute to the ways in which people have contributed to our wider community. The majority of prizes are a £50 book token and the money for these prizes comes from many donations and bequests that have been made by former staff and students of Kingsbridge School. Ken Court, Chairman of the KCC Trust Governors, presented the majority of awards on the day and it was with sadness that we learned this was to be his last year as Chair. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for Ken’s contribution to the Awards over many years. The achievements of these students are an inspiration to us all. Prizes were received by: Adam Quick, Alex Hanrott, Caroline Preston, Connor Cranfield, Elliot Pound, Erin McQuitty, George Laidler, Georgia Clipsham, Isaac Matson, Jack Dryburgh-Jones, Jemima Booth, Jo Hollingworth, Jon Harding, Keziah Young, Lottie Holland, Lucy Nichols, Maisie Bache-Jeffreys, Maizie Barnett, Matt Wester, Matthew Hamer, Mirabelle Taylor-Cummings, Natasha Collingswood, Ni Yew, Peter Ballentine, Rob Dorey, Sam Cole, Tess Morris, Toni Langdon, Aidan Saxon, Daisy Hughes, Elin Falla, Emma Noyce, Haleemah Asharaf, Helena Dore, Jack Finbow, Jacob Seldon, Joe Hughes-Johnson, Joe Tapper, Louis Berthoud, Maddie Powlesland, Morwenna Killen, Sean Perry, Sorcha Alford and Zoe Weeks Primary Singing Day at KCC Section title here xxxx On 30 June, the main Hall at KCC was filled with the wonderful sound of over 270 children from ten primary schools taking part in a fantastic Primary Singing Day. The day was the culmination of Sharon Mitchell, Head of Music’s visits throughout the year to primary schools to deliver workshops where she taught a selection of songs from Toy Story, Shrek, Jungle Book and Frozen. Teachers at each school then did a great job rehearsing the material and encouraging children to learn the words by heart before coming together for the Singing Day. The day also provided the opportunity for many student leadership roles for KCC students: the Junior Choir did a fantastic job of looking after the younger children and showing them where to go while Year 12 students Stephanie Frazier-Roberts and Carys Mills made wonderful deputies and Jack Wibberley played drums. There was standing room only in the Hall for the afternoon performance and everything came together perfectly for a truly memorable event. Sharon Mitchell said “I was so proud of everyone involved and extend a huge thank you to all the teachers and students who made the day possible”. South Devon Inter Schools Surf Competition 2014 Kingsbridge Community College retained the trophy after a great day of competition. The waves were only small but the weather was fantastic and all the students entered into the spirit of the event. Meg Niblett surfed well in the girls’ shortboard before Noah Capps retained his boy’s shortboard title, a feat matched by his dad who took out the teachers section. Then it was on to the Tag Team event where a lot of surfers were making their first competitive appearances. It was really tight at the end with Ivybridge and made for an exciting finish and an anxious wait before the presentation. By a narrow margin we squeaked home which was great with such a youthful team! Congratulations to all and a big thank you to Discovery Surf School for organising the event and Mrs Fish for her support. We look forward to 2015!! Section title here xxxx Upcoming Events KB Leisure and Learning Adult courses Many classes available, now and throughout the year, including: Basic DIY Inner Ballerina - 30 Years + Cooking - The Basics I Can ipad Ceramics/Pottery Plumbing - The Basics Chocolates - Made Easy Reflexology DIY - For Ladies RYA Sailing Course Experience Print Making Sign Language Expressive Drawing Watercolours - Introduction to Drawing and Painting For more information and bookings, please contact: Leisure and Reservations on 01548 852641 Ext 203 Section title here xxxx KB Leisure and Learning KB Fitness Suite £19.99 per month or £200 annual membership. No joining fee! Over 25 state-of-the-art fitness machines including: cross trainers, rowing, running and cycling machines, weight/body machines. For more information please contact: Leisure Reservations on 01548 852641 ext. 203 For more information and bookings, please contact: Leisure and Reservations on 01548 852641 Ext 203 Section title here xxxx Vestibulum tempor sem non augue imperdiet placerat a at odio. Pellentesque eu ante sapien. Donec sed justo comm Article main title here Sub-title to main article here xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sagittis vestibulum mollis. Donec imperdiet nulla tempus mi euismod, et scelerisque purus ullamcorper. Morbi viverra congue arcu, vel auctor ipsum. Curabitur scelerisque augue in neque bibendum venenatis. Sed sagittis hendrerit posuere. Proin aliquam sodales odio, aliquet eleifend elit mollis vel. Etiam ultricies accumsan ullamcorper. Duis erat enim, blandit ullamcorper placerat id, faucibus ac purus. Ut faucibus tincidunt felis. Aliquam pharetra est non ligula congue, eu scelerisque eros ornare. Nullam ut tortor et arcu lobortis mattis. Integer laoreet arcu sapien, vitae dignissim lacus iaculis sit amet. Donec adipiscing dolor eu erat ultrices, in ultricies lectus interdum. Praesent volutpat eros non malesuada molestie. Quisque id dui vel sem volutpat feugiat in convallis tellus. Nullam vel velit convallis erat elementum mollis. Maecenas ut volutpat nisi, sed rhoncus nulla. Etiam et ultrices ligula, vel bibendum quam. Curabitur augue tellus, luctus in molestie vel, euismod non ipsum. Curabitur sagittis tellus sit amet eros scelerisque, quis ultricies enim mollis. eget nut erat molestie aliquet. Vestibulum tempor sem non augue imperdiet placerat a at odio. Pellentesque eu ante sapien. Donec sed justo commodo, viverra libero nec, aliquam odio. Nullam aliquam at tellus eget mattis. Curabitur
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