Vol. 39, No 43 23 November 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING of the UNIVERSE (Schedule: 24 November - 30 November 2014) MANUAL DRIVER TRAINING Stewardship - When the Son of Man comes in glory, may we be among those who have fed the hungry, welcomed the stranger, and clothed the naked. For Jesus tells us clearly that it is those who have demonstrated good stewardship by sharing their gifts with the less fortunate who will receive God’s blessing and inherit the kingdom. . Parish Religious Education Program 2014—THANK YOU P. 08 93126888 | M. 0488991684 76 Farrington Rd, Leeming WA 6149 www.Lppdrivingschool.id.au EASY & SAFE DRIVING TECHNIQUES • A wide variety of menus – Chinese, Continental, Goan, Indian • Professional touch – Mark, a chef for over 25 years • Caterers for all family celebrations, office functions, community get-togethers • Reasonable rates - within your reach In concluding my time as Coordinator of the Parish Religious Education Program over the last 10 years and a Catechist in this parish for 14 years, I take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank all who serve in the parish in varied roles and more importantly as Catechists. I offer my sincere gratitude to both Fr Thai and Fr Daniel and the many other Priests I have worked with over the years for allowing me to flourish in my role. To every member of the Catechist team I say Thank You for your commitment, dedication, professionalism and abiding sense of vocation. You enable the children and young people to whom you serve opportunities to realise their God given potential. Christa McAuliffe, an American educator uttered these well-known words: “ I touch the future… I teach”. Each of you Catechists play a very important role in influencing our young people and this can never be underestimated. You are in a privileged position evangelising for the future. To the parents whom I have met, Thank You for supporting this program and some of you who shared your life’s journey with me, I am honoured. As I conclude my time, please accept my gratitude and admiration for the work that every ministry in this parish does, some of which I was privileged to be a part of over all these years. I have forged many strong friendships, learnt and grown from these experiences, for this I am very grateful. I hope that we can continue to stay connected and grow in our love and faith to build the kingdom of God. This is a wonderful parish community to belong to and I know that you will all continue to be a Eucharistic Community. Continued on page 2……. CHURCH DATE ARE YOU IN PAIN? MON 24 Nov 9:00am Mass 9:30am Rosary TUE 25 Nov 9:00am 9:30am 4:00pm 7:30pm Mass Rosary RE Classes Choir Practice WED 26 Nov 9:00am 9:30am 7:00pm 7:30pm Mass Exposition/Rosary Mass JP Prayer Ministry THU 27 Nov 9:00am 9:30am 1:00pm 7:00pm Mass Rosary Oasis Prayer Group CFR Practice FRI 28 Nov 9:00am Mass 7:00pm Volunteers’ Thanksgiving Mass SAT 29 Nov 9:00am 9:30am 3:30pm STRESSED? These benefits can be yours too!! • Pain reduction • Increased movement • Feeling In Balance • Improved Energy • Relaxation • General Health Benefits MAREENA PURSLOWE & ASSOCIATES Peace of Mind for You And Your Family Pre-Paid Funeral Plan For Information Please Call Patricia Walker 0401 476 314 9354 3000 Come and experience the unique treatment of Bowen, a proven body massage. PHONE: 0411 254 978 Genevieve, Willetton (8 years experience as Qualified Bowen Therapist.) Present this coupon to receive 50% off your first visit. That’s $30.00 value saving! (first 20 clients only) 5:30pm 6:30pm SUN 30 Nov 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am PARISH CENTRE 9:30am 1:30pm 7:30pm 8:30am 11:15am 2:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 9:30am 6:45pm 8:30pm Willetton High School - Hall Willetton High School - Hall SVdP – Mtg Rm 2 Willetton High School - Hall Willetton High School - Hall RE Class - All Rooms & Parish Centre RCIA - Lrg Mtg Rm Proclaimers’ Session - Mtg Rm 1 Craft Circle - Large Meeting Rm Adv Meditation – Mtg Rm 2 JPPM - Hall & Kitchen 9:30am Playgroup - Lrg Mtg Rm 12:00pm Canning Arts Group – Lrg Mtg Rm 9:30am 2:00pm 8:00pm Growing Vine – Lrg Mtg Rm & Kitchen Legion of Mary - Mtg Rm 2 Volunteers’ Thanksgiving Supper - Hall Mass Reconciliation/Novena Children Christmas Choir Practice Reconciliation Vigil Mass 10.30am Sharing the Word (Mens’ Group) Rm 1 Daily Walk with Jesus Mass Mass Mass 1st Reading: Is 63: 16–17, 64: 1, 3-8 2nd Reading: 1 Cor 1: 3 – 9 Gospel Reading: Mk 13: 33 –37 11:30am Catholic Faith Renewal Family Day Hall, Kitchen and Courtyard Parish Priest: Assistant Priest: Pastoral Workers: R.E. Co-ordinator: MINISTRY TEAM Fr Thai Vu (pp@willettoncatholicparish.org.au) Fr Daniel Boyd (ap@willettoncatholicparish.org.au) Sr Veronica (9443 1036); Rosa Pasquale (9332 3813) Mildred Rego (9450 4573) Secretary: Lyna Chan (9332 5992) Baptisms: Mary de Wever (9310 2426) John Paul Care Co-ordinator: Betty Thompson (9457 4991) Welcome into God’s family at Sts. John & Paul Church Sarah Grace Peirce Parish Religious Education Program 2014—THANK YOU…. Continued from page 1 I leave you with an extract of the prayer from Archbishop Oscar Romero… We plant seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will need further development…. We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that… we may never see the end result, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker… we are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own. Thank you and May God’s Blessings be on you, Mildred Rego Parish Religious Education Program for 2015 Enrolment forms for children attending the After School Religious Education program are available in the church foyer, the parish office & parish website. It is essential that all children have a new enrolment forms filled in. Please read the Parent Information Sheet, Duty of Care Statement and Complete the form in full and return it with the fee of $40.00 per child or $75.00 for 2 or more children to the parish office as soon as possible, places are limited. Mildred Rego, Catechist Coordinator Oasis Prayer Group Invites all to come and listen to Fr. Doug Harris Thursday 27 November 2014 from 1 pm to 2.30 pm as he gives a reflection on Adoration “How to spend time with Jesus”. Enquiries Sandy 0432428919 All Welcome! Society of St. Vincent de Paul is running its annual Christmas Appeal from 29 Nov to 13 Dec 2014. There will be a Christmas tree at the church foyer with labels for presents required for people in our community less fortunate than us. Please take home a Christmas label from the tree and buy an appropriate present for the age and gender written on the label. Kindly return the gift and place them under the Christmas tree on or before 13 Dec 2014. God Bless - Vinnies Conference Sts. John & Paul Parish - Children’s Christmas Choir and Nativity Play 2014 Would your child/children like to join our Christmas Choir or Nativity Play? Please email me your details. Choir – Children 7 years and above. Nativity Play – 4 years and above. Choir rehearsals will begin on Saturday, 15th November at 3.30pm to 4.30pm. Thereafter, rehearsals will be on 22 and 29 November, and then on 13 and 20 December. Nativity play rehearsals will begin on Saturday, 29th November at 3.30pm to 4.30pm. Thereafter, rehearsals will be on 13 and 20 December. If you are interested please contact Natalie D’Cruz on 0407 981 861 or email ndcruz@perth.bentleys.com.au. We look forward to meeting everyone again for this festive celebration. What is the Sacrament of Penance Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Penance when he empowered the Apostles to forgive the sins of those who seek forgiveness in his name. As Catholics we celebrate our reconciliation with God through the Sacrament of Penance. The Sacrament of Penance is an experience of the gift of God’s boundless mercy that frees us from our sins and also challenges us to have the same kind of compassion and forgiveness for those who sin against us. It is the Church’s opportunity to celebrate the presence of God in those areas of our lives needing conversion and forgiveness. How is the Sacrament celebrated On 10 December 2014 at 7.00 pm our parish will celebrate the second Rite of reconciliation for the Sacrament of Penance. The second Rite of Reconciliation emphasises more clearly that people sin against God and against the community. As a community celebration the second Rite of reconciliation reminds us that we all have faults and failings. However, because God is merciful, we are able to come together, to acknowledge our faults and to ask for forgiveness. In this form of the Rite, the greeting, the Scripture reading, the examination of conscience and the prayer of sorrow are celebrated as a community. The confession of sins however is still private. The penitent at this stage approaches one of the priests, confesses their sins and receives absolution (forgiveness). The celebration does not finish here. After the absolution the community comes together to give thanks and praise to God for God’s love and mercy before the final dismissal. Dr Carmel Suart, Catechist Svc Team JOHN PAUL CARE This parish pastoral organisation offers, through its volunteers, short term (up to 3 months) emergency care to anyone who lives within the parish. Assistance is offered in the areas of bereavement/grief support, visiting the sick and the elderly, mental health, support for parents, cooking, transport, gardening and handyman. To enquire about these services, please contact the following Coordinators: Parish Office: Mon/Wed/Fri from 9am - 4pm and Tues/Thurs from 9am - 12 pm 9332 5992 Volunteers are needed to help with tiding the church grounds in preparation for Christmas. We will be meeting at 8.00am on Saturday 29th November. If you have gloves, rake, broom, shovel or wheelbarrow , please bring them along. Morning Tea will be provided. Roy Craddock Parish Maintenance Team 0412 2 15 713 GAP's Operation 25 - Update Family Support/Bereavement: Betty 9457 4991 Meals: Mary 9310 2426 Mental Health: (Information only) Bob 9332 3528 Gardening: Stephen 0423 797 040 Transport: Beatriz 9457 1851 Orana School Liaison: Joyce 0410 709 297 The John Paul Care brochure is available in the foyer of the Church. It offers the opportunity to volunteer or to request assistance. Please feel free to take one home. The Sts John and Paul Thanksgiving Mass for Volunteers will be held on Friday 28 November at 7.00pm fol- lowed by a light supper. On behalf of Fr Thai, Fr Daniel and the Parish Pastoral Council all volunteers who wish to attend this special parish event are invited to place their names on the clip boards provided in the foyer. Please RSVP by 20th November for catering purposes. Let us come together as one parish family to celebrate and give thanks to the Lord for the blessings we have received and also the challenges we have encountered throughout the year. All are welcome! Catholic Faith Renewal Family Day 30 November 2014, Sunday at 11.30am – 3.00pm Church of Saints John and Paul, Pinetree Gully Road Willetton. Asian Food, Sausage Sizzle, Activities for kids, Fun Bingo for adults. Enquiries Ann 0412 166 164 Sunday 9:00am Mass Proclaimers Please collect your new Roster from the Church foyer. Your Bible Questions Answered “Can you please recommend a Catholic Bible that has explanatory notes or commentaries?” For the answer or to submit your own Bible question visit www.thebiblicalfoundation.org.au. You can also like us on Facebook! PROCLAIMERS’ PREPARATION SESSION Proclaimers who are to attend on Tuesday, 25 Nov at Meeting Room 1 at 7.30pm are: Saturday 29 November 2014 6:30pm Merlyn D’Souza Helen Rankine Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 30 November 2014 Julie Howe Neil MacPherson Phyllis D’Cruz Amelia Santoro Sylvia Lobo Geoff Simons Facilitator : Marian Low Busy Bee Church Grounds Saturday 29th November 8.00am 9310 9170 We would like to thank everyone who has donated thus far towards our appeal. We are currently calling out for more toiletries, as we are lacking in this particular area. YES! we are still collecting empty shoeboxes and stationeries (Packed or Unpacked) Appeal closes on the 23rd of November A day of packing will take place at the church hall on the 29th of November from 10am. Would love to see you there even if it is for an hour or so. Some nibbles and drinks provided. For more information: Please check our GAP notice board. Contact: Joyce 0414 727 230 or Catherine 0423 729 323 Email: gap.willetton@gmail.com or Follow our FB for instant updates The AmazinGrace + Sun-downer Nov 29 Youth leaders from around the Archdiocese have come together to create a massive event involving the Catholic young people of Perth, which has never been done before! The AmazinGrace, which will be held on November 29, will involve teams of 5 (up to 3 teams representing each parish/ group) racing each other around Fremantle, solving riddles and completing tasks to reach the final destination and win the grand prize. This is an 18+ event and the cost per team is $20. Please register your teams at. Thank you for your support. For more details visit cym.com.au. Catholic Faith Renewal Evening Friday 5 December 2014 @ 7.30 p.m. St John and Paul’s Parish, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton Christmas Carols. Sharing by Fr Jean-Noel Antoine Marie on “The courage to be vulnerable and the spirituality of imperfections " followed by Thanksgiving Mass and light refreshments after Mass. Enquiries: Ann 0412 166 164 Save the date : Mass & Prayer New Years Day 2015 - Thursday, January 1st Our Parish is blessed to have a number of prayer groups, each praying in their unique way. The groups include Oasis, Legion of Mary, Divine Mercy, Novena, Ignatian Spirituality, Holy Hour Group and John Paul Prayer Ministry. Once again, all the prayer groups will unite on New Years Day and go on our knees to intercede for each other, our families, our community, our priests, Australia and for peace in our world. All parishioners are invited to join in prayer whether you are a member of a prayer group or not. This short time of prayer will commence after the 9 am Mass. During this time, you will get a chance to sample the different ways of praying, following the footsteps of Mary our Mother, who was a model of living a prayerful life and whose feast we celebrate on Jan 1. Our time in prayer will end with benediction. So please, Save the date, Thu 1st Jan 2015, Mass 9.00 am followed by Prayer and get your New Year off to a prayerful start. Any Enquiries Alicia Yoong Tel: 9259 1116 or 0403 177 177
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