Nr. 237 29 September 2014 EU NEWS.................................................................................................................................2 PROVIDING FINANCE FOR SMES ....................................................................................................................2 STRENGTHENING THE RETAIL SECTOR ........................................................................................................2 RECOGNISING ECO-INNOVATIVE COMPANIES .............................................................................................2 EASME NEWS .........................................................................................................................2 EVENTS ON HOLD: PLEASE CHECK AND REVISE IF REQUESTED .............................................................2 TIP OF THE WEEK: CLARITY FIRST IN POD PROFILES .................................................................................3 MEETINGS, FAIRS & EVENTS ...............................................................................................3 EUROPEAN INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP ON WATER CONFERENCE, BARCELONA, 5 NOVEMBER 2014 ............................................................................................................................................................................3 MISSION FOR GROWTH TO CAPE VERDE, 18-19 NOVEMBER 2014 ............................................................3 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUNDAMENTALS & DEVELOPMENT OF FUEL CELLS (DFC2015), TOULOUSE, 3-5 FEBRUARY 2015 ....................................................................................................................4 GOOD PRACTICES .................................................................................................................4 VOTE FOR THE BEST PRACTICE AWARDS 2014 ...........................................................................................4 PUBLICATIONS .......................................................................................................................4 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AGREEMENTS WITH CHINA ...............................................................................4 EU NEWS PROVIDING FINANCE FOR SMES The European Investment Fund (EIF) has launched three Calls for Expression of Interest targeting financial and credit institutions, funds and other intermediaries who provide finance for SMEs and small mid-caps across Europe. Under the COSME programme, EIF will support equity and debt financing for SMEs. Under the Horizon 2020 InnovFin SME Guarantee facility, EIF will provide guarantees and counterguarantees to financial intermediaries for €25,000 to €7.5 million in debt financing to SMEs and small mid-caps. See the list of financial intermediaries currently cooperating with the EIF More information about finance available under further EU initiatives STRENGTHENING THE RETAIL SECTOR The European Retail Action Plan (ERAP) identified restrictions on establishment as a major obstacle to a more competitive retail sector. To identify best practices, the European Commission is carrying out with Member States a peer review of the national rules applying to retail establishment. This issue was the focus of a workshop on 8 July 2014 where retailers, consumers and other stakeholders expressed their views. Find out what they discussed in the workshop summary report RECOGNISING ECO-INNOVATIVE COMPANIES Some 17 companies from 10 countries have been shortlisted for the 2014 European Business Awards for the Environment, designed to recognise and promote eco-innovation enterprises that make an outstanding contribution to sustainable development. Winners will be announced at a ceremony on 1 December 2014 at the Pollutec environmental technology trade fair in Lyon. EASME NEWS EVENTS ON HOLD: PLEASE CHECK AND REVISE IF REQUESTED Events should be published as early as possible so that other Network partners can spread the word to their clients. A total of 32 events submitted to the events database are currently ON HOLD, awaiting changes to be validated. Please check your events’ dashboard regularly since MERLIN does not send notifications when events are put ON HOLD. Be sure to set up an event query for events created by your organisation. Events are validated within five days, so if you have not received an e-mail alert mentioning your event after that time, you can assume that it is ON HOLD. Please check the list of validated event. 2 TIP OF THE WEEK: CLARITY FIRST IN POD PROFILES When writing your POD profile, try to structure the description field well by: • Avoiding big blocks of text; • Breaking the text into paragraphs separated by line spacing; and • Check the updated POD profile drafting guidelines for more tips on how to write good profiles. Read the profile drafting guidelines for more details. MEETINGS, FAIRS & EVENTS EUROPEAN INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP BARCELONA, 5 NOVEMBER 2014 ON WATER CONFERENCE, This conference offers an opportunity to discuss balancing water innovation demand and supply, to learn about the activities of the EIP Water Action Groups, to explore opportunities for collaboration, and to help shape European water innovation policy. More information and registration MISSION FOR GROWTH TO CAPE VERDE, 18-19 NOVEMBER 2014 The Commission’s Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry will lead a Mission for Growth to Cape Verde, accompanied by representatives of business associations and entrepreneurs to discuss possible areas of industrial cooperation. The Mission aims to take advantage of Cape Verde’s potential domestically and as a gateway to other West African markets. It targets participants from the following sectors: • Light industry – textiles and shoes; • Agro-business; • Renewable energy; • Marine and fishing industry; and • Tourism. Cape Verde is a member of the Economic Community of Western African States, offering access to a market of 300 million inhabitants through the EU’s Economic Partnership Agreement with 16 West African nations. During the Mission, the Directorate-General aims to meet with high-level political representatives, key industry leaders and local entrepreneurs. The Mission will take place in conjunction with the International Fair of Cape Verde, due to open on 19 November 2014. Official registration website Online matching tool 3 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUNDAMENTALS & DEVELOPMENT OF FUEL CELLS (DFC2015), TOULOUSE, 3-5 FEBRUARY 2015 The conference, which is being organised by the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (University of Toulouse), will address fuel cells and electrolysers, ranging from fundamentals of electrochemistry to systems operation. On a larger scale, it will also address the advancement of hydrogen production and storage for different applications, as well as the role and the potential impact of fuel cells and hydrogen on grid operation and cities. The event offers an opportunity for discussions and networking among scientists, laboratories, research institutes, decision makers, fuel cell suppliers, manufacturers and industrial end-users. There will also be exhibitions where companies can showcase their products and visits to the Airbus A380 manufacturing plant. Registration is open as of 20 October 2014. Participants must pay a fee. More information: The list of the events advertised in the EU and Services Bulletin is not exhaustive. Therefore, you are kindly invited to visit the events page in the intranet or the Enterprise Europe Network public website. GOOD PRACTICES VOTE FOR THE BEST PRACTICE AWARDS 2014 Five good practices out of 10 selected by EASME have been shortlisted by the 'special Best Practice Award committee', composed of SAG members and Communities of Practice (CoP) representatives. In addition, three Sector Group good practices were chosen by the Sector Groups concerned to compete for this year’s awards. Who will win this year? It’s now in your hands! Have a look at the finalists and choose your favourite in the online vote before 5 October 2014. Each Network organisation has one vote. Submit your good practice by sending a message to the Good Practices Forum. To know more about good practices click here PUBLICATIONS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AGREEMENTS WITH CHINA The transfer of state-of-the-art technology to China will help the country become an innovation-based economy. These transfers are subject to a special regulatory framework in China that qualifies technology as prohibited, restricted or encouraged. 4 EU companies planning to transfer technology to a Chinese business can read the EU SME Centre's guideline for tips on how to properly draft an agreement in compliance with legal requirements and to ensure safe and smooth cooperation. To get an overview of the guidelines click here. **** For any comment about this newsletter, please post your message in the Business Services Forum The EU & Services Bulletin is published by the Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME). Neither the European Commission, the EASME or other European institutions nor any person acting on their behalf is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained herein or for any errors, which, despite careful preparation and checking, may appear. The views in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the EASME, the European Commission or other European institutions. 5
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