November Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!
We are so thankful for all who have pitched in to support the GPO and our school. Read on for this month's
updates and events.
La Famiglia Italian Dinner Night - GRAZIE!
The lines were long but fast-moving, the sauces were amazing, and the desserts were fantastic (tip of the hat to
the 'spaghetti' cupcakes!). Thanks to our sponsors, volunteers, bakers & chefs - and to all who came out and
helped raise more than $4100!
Congratulations, Aida Elder - the winner of our first
Thank you to the entire planning committee:
Alyson Baryiames and Kristen Syphers (Co-Chairs)
Xue Chong
Debbie Delisle
Kristen Milks
Liza McGuckin
Oksana Sabalakov
Katerina Steinberg
Jill Vinciguerra
All images courtesy of Kelli Gray - thank you Kelli!
Meet Karen!
Secretary Karen O'Donoghue is up next in our continuing series
aimed at introducing you to the folks who make the GPO so great!
Tell us about your family.
I am a first generation American who grew up as a Boston "city kid".
But, I love the peace & quiet of Greenland – we moved here five
years ago. My husband, Todd Cadle, & I have been married for 9
years, and we have three wonderful daughters: Brigid, 8, in Mrs.
Simons' 3rd grade class; Rory, 5, in Mrs. Barnes' AM kindergarten
class; and our youngest, Aibhlinn (pronounced AYV-leen), 3 1/2.
Why did you decide to get involved? I began attending GPO
meetings last spring, after reading that there were several officer
positions that would be opening up in the new school year. I
(finally) felt that I had some time to dedicate to becoming active
within the GCS community. What I'm enjoying most, right now, is
how inspired I feel by the parents that coordinate the GPO's many
events & fundraisers. They are so energetic, ambitious, &
What's your favorite thing to do with your family in the fall?
Fall is a terrific time of year, especially here in New England. My
family really embraces both Halloween and Thanksgiving.
Each year, we participate in the Portsmouth
Halloween Parade, along with my brother and his wife.
We usually coordinate our costumes. This year, we
were all characters from Peter Pan - so much fun!
Now we are looking forward to joining our friends to
celebrate the long Thanksgiving weekend. It's so nice
to take the time to reflect and give thanks for our
many blessings (and there are many!).
For us, Thanksgiving is all about being with the people
you love. Well, it's also about the food.... but, mostly
it's about people!
Thanks, Karen!
Have a question or idea you’d like to
share with Karen? Send an email to
Box Top Contest Update
Thank you to everyone who submitted Box Tops and Labels for Education
last month. Your efforts helped us to collect over 10,000 Box Tops, a GCS
record! The school will receive a check for $1,072.64.
Now for our contest...CONGRATULATIONS TO Class 8B. This class alone
collected 1,500 Box Tops and will be receiving a fabulous ice cream party!
The top three classes together collected 3,200.
Our next contest will be held in March so keep collecting. Box Tops can be
submitted in a Ziploc bags with your child's name on it anytime. They will
be counted toward our next contest.
A special thanks to chairs Alyson Baryiames and Oksana Sabalakov for
coordinating this successful effort for our school.
TONIGHT: 11/18 - GPO Meeting , 7PM
THIS WEEK: CloseBuy items will be
12/9 - GPO Meeting, 7PM
Week Public Library
Baby Lap Sit, Tuesdays at 10:30am
Join us for stories, finger plays and open
play Tuesday mornings through November
25th. Ages 0 to 24 months. No registration
Drop-in Crafts, November 17-21
A variety of fun Thanksgiving crafts will be
available for children all week.
Country View Restaurant Fundraiser
November 17-22
15% of your purchase will be donated to
the 'Friends of the Library' fund
Print out a coupon and bring it in you to
help track your guest order.
image credit:
PLEASE donate!
We are always looking for new games and art/crafts supplies for school events where the GPO
provides babysitters. Email
Our sincere thanks to the Greenland Lowes and store manager Boyd Foulds for the recent
donation of a brand new gas grill for use at our school.
Many thanks also to Greenland resident and Lowes employee Tom Lyons and Greenland parent
Heidi Barrett for their efforts in securing this very kind and generous donation.
The grill was immediately put in to service for our school-wide barbecue last month!
PLEASE help!
Looking to get more involved with the GPO – we need volunteers to chair some of our most
popular and appreciated events, including:
-Staff Appreciation Day
-Online Auction
-Reading Carnival (looking for someone to shadow this year’s chair)
To donate, volunteer, or just get in touch - send us an email:
Keep in touch with the GPO!
Visit our web page:
Questions or comments?
Email –
we’d love to hear from you!