33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER 777 West Hollis Street – Nashua, NH 03062 Parish Office Hours Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Parish Contacts Phone: 603-883-0757 Fax: 603-883-8057 Email: parishoffice@stjoenash.org Website: www.stjoenash.org Facebook: Saint Joseph the Worker Parish, Nashua, NH Weekend Liturgies Saturday 4:00 PM Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 AM Weekday Masses Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM If Nashua schools are closed due to snow/ ice, daily Mass will be cancelled Bishop Francis Christian Pastor – Ext. 7 bpfrancischristian@stjoenash.org Rev. Roger Bilodeau Priest in Residence Deacon Raymond Wheeler Permanent Deacon – Ext. 5 RCIA Coordinator deaconraymondwheeler@stjoenash.org Deacon Roland E. Leduc Permanent Deacon—Ext. 5 r-leduc@comcast.net Helen Dumont Business Manager – Ext. 3 helendumont@stjoenash.org Janice Mercure Director of Faith Formation – Ext. 4 janicemercure@stjoenash.org Paula O’Connell Office Manager – Ext. 2 paulaoconnell@stjoenash.org John Puliafico Facility Superintendent – Ext. 6 facilities @stjoenash.org We strive to be a parish of Good Stewards, praising and thanking God for His gifts of life, faith, family and friends and our parish and civic communities. We ask for His grace to grow and develop these gifts abundantly for the sake of His kingdom among us. Sacrament of Penance (Confession) Saturday: 3:15-3:45 PM & upon request Baptism Please call the Parish Office Marriages Please call Parish Office 6 months prior to wedding date. Program Coordinators Adult Choir Barbara Puder 881-9957 Art & Environment Robert Gagne 883-3972 Bereavement Paula O’Connell 883-0757 Contemp. Music Dave Therrien 891-1845 Cub/Boy Scouts John Puliafico 889-5677 CYO Bill Trainor 318-9304 Knights of Columbus Brian Tyrrell 689-5808 Outreach Helen Dumont 883-0757 Prayer Line stjoeprayerline@stjoenash.org 883-0757, ext. 2 Safe Environment Louis DiGregorio 889-6337 Youth Choir Chris Wenrich 880-7939 Committee Chairpersons Pastoral Council Finance Liturgy Fundraising Christian Formation Facility Tithing Family Ministry Good Steward Evangelization Michael Ruest 978-448-8892 Paula Moran 882-6053 John Martin 883-9730 Ann Kelley 886-1909 Robin Mulvey 880-4018 Thomas Moran 882-6053 Marie Daley 883-7464 Becky Shaughnessy 598-3711 Rick Donaruma 978-433-2035 Lisa Richard 978-433-2725 Deanery Agencies New Hampshire Catholic Charities Corpus Christi Food Pantry 889-9431 882-6372 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekend Offertory Sunday, November 16, 2014 Gift Program Youth Choir, Room 2/3/4, 8-10pm CYO Mass & Breakfast, Worship/Center, 10am Baptism, Worship, 12pm CYO Deanery Basketball, Center/Kitch/Rm 1, 5/6 & 7/8 12:30-5:30pm Middle Sch Religious Ed, Center/All Rms, 5:30-8:30pm Monday, November 17, 2014 CYO Practice, Center, 5-10pm Girl Scouts, Room 7/8, 6-8pm Boy Scout Troop Meeting, Room 5/6, 7-8:30pm Liturgy Committee Meeting, Conference Room/ 7-9pm Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Adoration, Chapel, 7:30-8:30pm Quilting, Room 2/3/4, 7-9pm Cribbage League, Center, 12-3pm CYO Practice, Center, 5-10pm Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Adoration, Chapel, 8:30am-12noon Homeschool Co-op, Center, All rooms, 8am-3pm CYO Practice, Center, 5-10pm Adult Choir Practice, Worship, 7-9pm Cub Scouts (Tigers), Room 7/8, 6:30-8pm Cub Scouts (Webelos) I), Room 5/6, 6:30-8:30pm Cub Scouts (Wolf), Room 2/3/4, 6:30-8:30pm Thursday, November 20, 2014 Boy Scout Troop Meeting, Center, 6-9pm Bible Study, 9–11am & 7-9pm CYO Board Meeting, Room 1/ 6-8pm Friday, November 21, 2014 Craft Fair Set-up, Center Saturday, November 22, 2014 Craft Fair, 8am-2pm Parish Tables after Mass 100 CLUB MEMBERSHIP DRIVE We have already been asked when we will be selling our 2015 tickets for the 100 Club season. The committee will begin their sales on the weekend of December 6th and 7th. As in the past, the tickets are $100 for the year or $10/ Month beginning with January, 2015. And as usual, first come first serve regarding selecting the number you would like to purchase! Weekly Offertory needed to meet budget………………….$9,075* Offertory Collec on, November 8 & 9 2014………..……….$9,021 Fiscal Year Offertory needed to date……….…….……… $161,700* Fiscal Year Offertory collected to date……………….…….$157,777 2.5% of the Total Offertory goes to Tithing each week. * NOTE: The “needed to date” lines incorporate the 10% increase asked for at the end of September. CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT COLLECTION Next week’s Collection for CCHD needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help people help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and the economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact on communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Please give to this collection and we thank you in advance. CORPUS CHRISTI BROWN BAG WEEKEND! We thank you for your generous participation regarding our Brown Bag Weekend! How thankful we are for all of your generosity. Have a wonderful holiday! HOLIDAY FAIR, NOVEMBER 22ND Please look at our flyer this weekend regarding our Holiday Fair! We thank everyone who has come forward to volunteer working at the fair next weekend. We thank you for your time and talent to bake, donate books and videos, offer a theme basket or gift card to the penny sale, etc. Our quilt ladies have just finished this year’s quilt. The first view: At our holiday fair! It truly is a winner! Thanks ladies for all of your devoted time and beautiful work! Come and see! Hope you enjoy our 2014 Holiday Fair!! 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish News THE ST. JOSEPH COOKBOOK UPDATE! If you haven’t purchased your cookbook please be aware that the Parish Office has books available for purchase during the week. Also, we will be selling books the weekend of the Holiday Fair, November 22nd-23rd. The ladies will also be selling cookbooks at a few fairs in the Greater Nashua Area. The cookbooks cost: $18.00. All proceeds go to the parish. Thank you for your support. To date we have cleared $3,817! St. Matthew Scripture Study Dates: November 20th, December 4th, 11th and 18th, January 8th, 15th and 22nd Day of the Week ……..… Thursday MORNING SESSIONS …9: 00 TO 11:00 AM (GREAT TIME WITH CHILDREN AT SCHOOL) EVENING SESSIONS … 7: 00 TO 9:00 PM LOCATION ………….… St. Joseph the Worker Parish CYO Mass Sunday, November 16th @ 10am Join the Cheerleaders & Basketball players as they kick off the 2014-2015 season. STJ ALL THE WAY! Everyone Loves To Receive Gift Cards The items for the Penny Sale at the St. Joseph Parish Craft Fair to be held on Saturday, November 22nd will mostly be gift cards from various stores, restaurants and other area businesses. If anyone is interested in donating to the Penny Sale, they are asked to consider donating gift cards from any restaurant, gas station, movie theater or store. Any amount from $5.00 and up would be greatly appreciated. Donations may be dropped off or mailed to the parish office. All proceeds of the penny sale are given to the parish. Thank You!! Saint Patrick Church Opening & Huge Craft Fair Visit historic Saint Patrick Church during the Winter Holiday Stroll, Saturday, Nov 29th, 5:30 - 8:15 p.m. Hear the church's amazing organ, excellent choir and an outstanding violinist while taking in Saint Patrick Church's spectacular classical architecture. The 1st Winter Holiday Stroll Craft Fair will be held Saturday, November 29th, 3 to 9 pm in the Saint Patrick Church gym fronting Main Street. Over 50 crafters and vendors will be there to make your Christmas shopping unique!!! Come early for the best selection!!! Park near the Nashua Post Office on Spring Street and follow the signs through Saint Patrick Church parking lot to our gym or walk in off Main St across from Nashua City Hall. St. Christopher School Pre-kindergarten to Grade 1 Open House Friday, November 21 9:30 AM -- Church Hall (enter through the school) St. Christopher School in Nashua will hold an Open House for prospective Pre-kindergarten to Grade 1 students and their families on Friday, November 21 at 9:30 AM. The program will focus on the younger grades and the advantages St. Christopher School offers early learners. A tour of the school and its classrooms will follow the presentation No reservation is necessary for the Open House, but parents are welcome to call the school at 882-7442, ext. 114 or visit them on their website www.StChrisSchoolNH.org 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgy GIFT ASSIGNMENT Grades Kindergarten through Grade 5 The 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time DATES TO REMEMBER Confirmation I, Sunday, November 23rd from 6-9pm Middle School Faith Formation, Sunday, November 16th from 5:30-8:30 Children's Dismissal at Mass As you know, during the academic year the children in grades Kindergarten through Grade 5 are dismissed at Mass right before the Liturgy of the Word and return to Mass during the offertory. There have been several inquiries to what the children are doing during that time. The answer is quite simple. When the children are dismissed they go into the classroom to celebrate the Children's Liturgy of The Word. In other words, the first reading, the Responsorial Psalm, and the Gospel are read to them from the Children's Lectionary. The Readings are the same as what is being proclaimed in the Church, but the readings are geared for their age level. After the readings proclaimed, the "Minister of the Word" explains the meaning of the Gospel to the children in various ways, i.e. discussion, puzzles, coloring sheets for the very young, crafts etc. The children are participating in Sunday worship, just not in the Church proper. The GIFT program therefore is not a class, but part of our Sunday celebration of praise and thanksgiving to Our Lord. Due to the nature of the GIFT Program it is not a "class", the students are not studying the basic teachings of the Church systematically. However, when there is opportunity to connect a teaching of the Church with the Gospel, the Minister of the Word will share it with the children. Therefore, the children attend the Summer Faith Formation program at which time they learn in a systematic manner the appropriate doctrines for their age group. A Christmas Carol The Family Ministry Committee will be sponsoring a trip to the Palace Theatre in Manchester to see the play "A Christmas Carol" On Saturday, December 6th at 7:30pm $20 per ticket (a $45 value) People can order tickets this weekend and next after all the Masses. Tickets will be available the weekend of November 29/30. The Book of Remembrance is once again on display next to the baptismal font during the month of November. You are encouraged to enter the names of any of your deceased relatives or friends provided that they do not already appear on the pages of this book. Please note that all prior entries as well as any newly inscribed ones will be remembered in prayer throughout the month. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION All Christians in both East and West embraced the care of the sick as essential to church life. In the West, the importance of the visit of the priest is stressed, while in the East, the sick person is brought to the church for a full Liturgy of the Word. Some, such as the Armenians, even call it the “Ritual of the Lamp,” since the oil is poured out of the lamp by which the Word is read. This may be why Eastern Christians sometimes anoint the sick with this oil, since the trip to church might kill them. Our tradition in the West also unfolded in monasteries, where it was possible for infirm monks to be attended with a full and beautifully consoling liturgy. In 950 the monks of St. Alban’s Abbey in Mainz produced a ceremonial book that was instantly a pastoral hit everywhere. There were two lengthy rituals for the sick, one an extended vigil, and the other a liturgy of anointing that included Communion under both species. While this ritual was a house formula for monks, it is easy to see how monks who had the care of parishes desired to serve their parishioners in a similar way. The first form included the chanting of penitential psalms, and the second form required a confession beforehand. Both forms included a laying on of hands, which everyone understood as being an essential part of penance. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. USE YOUR TALENT Having only modest talent is no excuse for not using it. Think what the morning would be like if only talented birds sang! —Anonymous LIVING PRAYER Who prays as they ought will endeavor to live as they pray. —Anonymous 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time REFLECTIONS By Bishop Christian In keeping with the focus on the Last Judgment that prevails at the end of the Church year, St. Paul reminds us in the second reading that the "day of the Lord"- the day of Christ's return-will come just when we least expect it and are confidently predic ng a new era of peace and security. And Ma hew's Gospel gives us a parable about a master who returns and expects a good return on the investments made by his servants. Monday, November 17 One of the paradoxes of the Chris an life is that even though it is only through God's grace that we are saved, God s ll holds us accountable for our ac ons. The "talents" that God puts into our hands are to be used by us, and those who make good use of them, like the woman in the first reading, are to be praised. Those who midly hide their talents, like the servant in the Gospel parable, will lose that which they seek to preserve. 8:00 am ~ No Service We ought not let the fear of loss keep us from ac ng boldly for God's cause. It is precisely because God's grace and mercy are the source of our salva on that we can run the risk of using our tables without knowing for sure what the outcome will be. Grace liberates us and enables us to take a chance on living our lives wholly for God, so that when the day of the Lord comes we may welcome it with joy. Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Blessed are you who fear the LORD. — Psalm 128:1a 8:00 am ~ Herbert Sprankle by his family 8:00 am ~ Alfred Belair by his sister, Muriel Belair Tuesday, November 18 8:00 am ~ In honor of St. Jude Wednesday, November 19 8:00 am ~ Susan C. Dobens by her family Thursday, November 20 8:00 am ~ All Soul’s Day intentions Friday, November 21 Saturday, November 22 4:00 pm ~ Mariette Soucy by her family 4:00 pm ~ For all those couples celebrating an Anniversary this month Sunday, November 23 8:00 am ~ Roland Poirier by the Desfosses & Reynolds Family 8:00 am ~ Raymond Boulé by his wife & family 10:00 am ~ For the deceased members of the Radziewicz Family 10:00 am ~ Raymond Roy by his wife & daughters 20th Anniversary READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:110, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6;1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 SAINT JOSEPH THE WORKER, 777 WEST HOLLIS ST., NASHUA, NH 03062 Information page St. Joseph the Worker Parish 459350 Paula O’Connell 603-883-0757 paulaoconnell@stjoenash.org Number of pages: 6 November 16, 2014 Transmission: Wednesday 10am Publisher 2010 Adobe 2010 Special Instructions:
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