CONSISTORY CONGREGATIONAL CARE GROUPS - 2014 ELDERS GROUP Tom Edighoffer (17) A - Bouwkamp DEACONS Scott VanSingel (17) 652-1981 834-7554 Property & Equip. Missions Ken Mouthaan (16) Bull- Gort Steve Bisson (15) 616-675-7667 231-349-1482 CLERK, Youth & Education Worship John Gort (16) Grabill - N Pat Gardner (16) 834-7104 834-0230 VP, Congregational Care , Worship , Executive Youth & Education, Executive CHAIMAN/DEACONS Bill Greenhoe (17) Andy Koopman (16) O-U 616-636-4164 616-826-4598 Missions TREASURER, Executive , Congregational Care John King (15) V-Z Trever Haring (17) 834-5048 231-425-0114 Congregational Care Property & Equip. Grant Reformed Church, 271 E. State St., Box 365, Grant, MI 49327 Office Phone 231-834-8668, 231-834-7366 Fax: 231-834-9069, E-mail: November 23, 2014 We are glad you are worshipping with us today and are blessed that God has led you to worship with this fellowship of believers at Grant Reformed Church . Welcome! THIS WEEK AT CHURCH SERVING IN MINISTRY Sunday, November 23rd: Greeters: 9:30 am - Morning Worship/Pastor Fennema November 23rd: 11:00 am - Sunday Education 6:00 pm - Evening Worship/Pastor Fennema PRELUDE *OPENING SONG #767 “We Gather Together” vs 1,2 *WORDS OF WELCOME ~Pastor Bill Fennema~ OUR CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 103:1-5 SONG OF PRAISE #765 “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come” vs 1,2,3 TODAY’S MESSAGE “God’s Best Gift” ~Pastor Bill Fennema~ *SONG OF RESPONSE #766 “For the Beauty of the Earth” vs 1,2,4,5 OFFERTORY Praise Team DOXOLOGY #7 *SONG OF PREPARATION #766 “Now Thank We All Our God” vs 1,3 SCRIPTURE Romans 15:1-13 6:30 pm - Elders & Deacons meet *CLOSING SONG #782 “Sent Forth” vs 1,2 POSTLUDE SCRIPTURE Philippians 4 MESSAGE “Surveying Philippians 4” ~Pastor Bill Fennema~ If you are joining us this morning, we welcome you and are happy you are worshiping with us today. We invite you to join us for coffee and fellowship after the morning worship service in the back Fellowship Hall. November 30th: North: Don & Myrle Hudson South: Bob & Geneva Longcore Ushers: 7:00 pm - SEARCH COMMITTEE MEETING November 23rd: 7:30 pm - Consistory Meets Todd Butler & Bruce Bouwkamp November 30th: Tuesday, November 25th: 6:00 am - Congregational prayer 1:00 pm - Stitch In Time Wednesday, November 26th: NO WOW 6:00 PM EVENING SERVICE South: John & Karen King 6:45 pm - Friendship Class BENEDICTION CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER ~Pastor Bill Fennema~ GATHERING OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Monday, November 24th: North: Trever & Eleesha Haring family Lisa Anderson & Alyssa Librarian: November 23rd: AM: Shirley Utrup PM: Jeanne Ausema November 30th: AM: Mary Gort Thursday, November 27th: PM: Una Edighoffer 9:30 am - Thanksgiving Day Service Love Inc food drive Nursery: November 23rd: Sunday, November 30th: Service: Tom & Una Edighoffer First Sunday of Advent SE: Shirley Utrup 9:30 am - Morning Worship/Pastor Fennema NO WOW NO SUNDAY EDUCATION November 30th: 6:00 pm - Evening Worship/Pastor Fennema Service: John & Karen King NO SUNDAY EDUCATION WOW: Shirley Utrup Everyone is invited to a church bridal shower We will be having a food drive for Love Inc. during our Thanksgiving service on Thursday at 9:30 am. This drive is for canned goods and non perishables to help those in our community. COMMITTEE MEETINGS THIS WEEK MONDAY for Jana VanSingel on Tuesday December 2nd at 6:30 pm. Need some ideas for gifts??? How about a grocery item and perhaps a gift card to a grocery store? How about a favorite recipe card with all the ingredients purchased to make the dish? Please no spices as Jana & Mark already have many spices. Mark’s children have some food restrictions that are necessary to follow, therefore, gift cards would be most welcome also. Thank you! Prayers requested for... Don Hudson who had surgery on Wednesday to repair a broken bone from a fall at home. Ernie & Edie Walton as Edie continues to care for Ernie. Faith Mouthaan’s step mother and sister who are living with cancer issues. Remember Arline Ausema, Tom & Jim DeWindt, Rueben Redinger. WORSHIP SERVICE AND PROGRAM CANCELLATION POLICY IF SCHOOL IS CLOSED, CHURCH EVENTS ARE ALSO CANCELLED. 6:30 pm - Elders & Deacons meet If winter conditions conflict with a Sunday service, the decision to close church will be made at 7:30 AM for the morning service and by 3 PM for the evening service. 7:00 pm - Search Committee Meets 7:30 pm - Consistory meets We will notify TV 13 and Channel 8 as soon as possible after the decisions have been made to cancel. The Esther Circle is again sponsoring the Christmas Card Post Office for the shut ins of our church family. Bring your signed cards to church with the shut ins name on the envelope and drop them in the decorated boxes in the hallway. No address or postage needed. The Esther Circle will hand deliver the cards for you. “Post Office” will be November 23th - December 7th. Our shut ins this year John & Marie Van Portfliet Rodney & June Bull Ray Botma Wilma Wolff Marjorie Geers Sharon Hoekstra Rueben Redinger Ernie & Edie Walton Marion VanSingel Adrian Newhouse PLEASE CHECK CHANNEL 8 or 13 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ATTENDING SERVICES OR WEDNESDAY NIGHT ACTIVITIES THAT COULD POSSIBLY BE CANCELLED BEFORE DRIVING TO CHURCH. The Christian School is hosting a Christmas fund drive dinner party at the Grant CRC. There will be punch, hors d’oeuvres and dinner with featured speaker Ken Wasco. This will be held on Thursday, December 4 at 6:30 pm at the Grant Christian Reformed Church Fellowship Hall. Upcoming Events... 11/27 - Thanksgiving Service-9:30 am Love Inc. Food drive 12/2 - Jana VanSingel’s Bridal Shower 12/7 - Christmas Hymn Sing Sermon Notes.. Everyone is invited to a church bridal shower We will be having a food drive for Love Inc. during our Thanksgiving service on Thursday at 9:30 am. This drive is for canned goods and non perishables to help those in our community. COMMITTEE MEETINGS THIS WEEK MONDAY for Jana VanSingel on Tuesday December 2nd at 6:30 pm. Need some ideas for gifts??? How about a grocery item and perhaps a gift card to a grocery store? How about a favorite recipe card with all the ingredients purchased to make the dish? Please no spices as Jana & Mark already have many spices. Mark’s children have some food restrictions that are necessary to follow, therefore, gift cards would be most welcome also. Thank you! Prayers requested for... Don Hudson who had surgery on Wednesday to repair a broken bone from a fall at home. Ernie & Edie Walton as Edie continues to care for Ernie. Faith Mouthaan’s step mother and sister who are living with cancer issues. Remember Arline Ausema, Tom & Jim DeWindt, Rueben Redinger. WORSHIP SERVICE AND PROGRAM CANCELLATION POLICY IF SCHOOL IS CLOSED, CHURCH EVENTS ARE ALSO CANCELLED. 6:30 pm - Elders & Deacons meet If winter conditions conflict with a Sunday service, the decision to close church will be made at 7:30 AM for the morning service and by 3 PM for the evening service. 7:00 pm - Search Committee Meets 7:30 pm - Consistory meets We will notify TV 13 and Channel 8 as soon as possible after the decisions have been made to cancel. The Esther Circle is again sponsoring the Christmas Card Post Office for the shut ins of our church family. Bring your signed cards to church with the shut ins name on the envelope and drop them in the decorated boxes in the hallway. No address or postage needed. The Esther Circle will hand deliver the cards for you. “Post Office” will be November 23th - December 7th. Our shut ins this year John & Marie Van Portfliet Rodney & June Bull Ray Botma Wilma Wolff Marjorie Geers Sharon Hoekstra Rueben Redinger Ernie & Edie Walton Marion VanSingel Adrian Newhouse PLEASE CHECK CHANNEL 8 or 13 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ATTENDING SERVICES OR WEDNESDAY NIGHT ACTIVITIES THAT COULD POSSIBLY BE CANCELLED BEFORE DRIVING TO CHURCH. The Christian School is hosting a Christmas fund drive dinner party at the Grant CRC. There will be punch, hors d’oeuvres and dinner with featured speaker Ken Wasco. This will be held on Thursday, December 4 at 6:30 pm at the Grant Christian Reformed Church Fellowship Hall. Upcoming Events... 11/27 - Thanksgiving Service-9:30 am Love Inc. Food drive 12/2 - Jana VanSingel’s Bridal Shower 12/7 - Christmas Hymn Sing Sermon Notes..
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