From Chapter J C A

Region “D”, Chapter “J”
“Cascade Wings”
Jackson, Michigan
11 Issue
November 2014
From Chapter J
Cascade Wings
Chapter J Cascade Wings
“Our 31st Year of “Fun, Safety and Knowledge”
1997 Michigan GWRRA Chapter of the Year
1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, & 2008 Rider Ed.
Chapter of the Year
 1st Place Ticket Selling Chapter for the Bike
Raffle from 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,
1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008, & 2009
 2nd Place Ticket Selling Chapter for the Bike
Raffle 2000, 2001, 2010, 2011, 2014
● 3rd Place Ticket Selling Chapter for the Bike
Raffle 2012, 2013
Visit or Join Chapter “J” at
Cascades Wesleyan Church
1404 Rowan St
Jackson, MI 49203
Chapter “J”
News Website Address:
For those of you who still have not visited the Chapter J
Website, please do so immediately.
You will be impressed. It is easy for you to link to National,
Michigan District, and Region D, as well as all of Chapter
J's events. With just a click of the button, all this information is at your fingertips.
Region D
Visit us on
Facebook at Goldwing J
The 1st Sunday of the Month
Social Time @ 5:30 pm
Gathering @ 6:00 pm
Next MONTHLY Gathering is
Sunday December 07, 2014
Where to Look
J website Face Book, meeting place, time and day
Region—District—South East Chapters
Chapter J CD—Assistant CD’s, & Staff
Article(s) from your CD & Chapter Rider Educator
Articles from the Chapter Staff
Chapter “J” Articles—Member (s) of the Month—Chapter Flyers
Calendar, Chapter J Activities Calendar,
Mark your Calendars, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Other Stuff
Classifieds, Advertisers, COY, and IOY
Cascade Wings
GWRRA Region D
GWRRA Michigan State Staff
Southeast Section
Region D Directors
Lee & Kay Tieche
Michigan District Director
Bob & Kim Scott
Michigan District
Rider Educators
Bruce & Melissa Thayer
Michigan Assistant
District Directors
South East Section
Bruce 734-740-7847
Bob & Nancy Natter
Advisory Team
Larry Terryn
(H) 586-786-6807
Rider Education Ambassadors
Jan & Ron Smith
Audrey Holmes
South East Section Chapters
Chapter C—Monroe
Floral City Wings
Chapter H2—Taylor
Down River Wings
Chapter Directors
Tim and Pam Hanson
Chapter Director
Gary Lawrence
Meetings are the 1st Saturday of the month. at 313-388-8299
9 AM at the The Little Brown Jug
Chapter R—Charlotte
Eaton County Wings
Chapter J-Jackson
Cascade Wings
Chapter Directors
Tom Taylor
Meetings are generally the first Sunday
of the month at Cascades Wesleyan
Church located at 1404 Rowan St. in
Jackson, MI.
Social hour starts at 5:30 - 6:00 PM.
Gathering begins at 6:00 PM - 7:30
PM( or as close as possible).
Come out and join us for a good time.
Chapter Directors
Alise and Emmett Swan
Chapter R meets the fourth Saturday of the
month at 9 AM at the
Charlotte Church of Christ
Chapter W—Adrian
Maple City Wings
Chapter Directors
Ken and Patti Kintner
Chapter meetings are held at 9:00 AM the
second Sunday of every month at the UAW
Hall in Adrian
Downriver Wings meet the 4th Tuesday of the
month @ 6:30 pm for dinner and 7:30 meeting
located at: Leon's Family Dining
Chapter S2—Detroit
Motor City Wings
Chapter Directors
Lonnie Reynolds
We meet the second and fourth Saturday of
the month at 10 AM at Kerby's Koney Island
Chapter W2—Wayne
Wandering Wings
Chapter Directors
Gary and Margo McMillin
Our monthly gathering takes place at 7:30 PM
on the third Tuesday of each month at Big
Boy Restaurant, 6360 Wayne Rd, Westland
Contact CD for next Breakfast location.
Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge
Cascade Wings
Director & Assistant Directors
Chapter “J”
Assistant Directors
Michigan District
COYs 2014
Gary and Carol Williams
Chapter “J” Director
Tom Taylor
Chapter “J”
Assistant Directors
Jeff & Terri Curtis
Chapter Rider Educator
MEC Coordinator
Gord and Mona Bergum
Newsletter Editor
Mary Dodge
Newsletter Member
of the Month Reporter
Chapter J Brag Book
Chapter J Café Hosts
Larry & Cindy Wacker
Don Czarnecki
Julie Hoover
Welcome and
Visitor Greeters
Sunshine Person
Chapter Treasurer
Activities Coordinator
Jeanne Reimers
Sue Rinehart
Web-site Coordinator
Monica Rodman
Ride Coordinator
Randy Lea
Raffle Ticket Coordinator
2007-2008 GWRRA
Michigan Recruiter
Louie Schippers
Goodies Coordinator
Gordon and EllaMay Rudolph
Chapter J Orientation Coordinator
Chapter Photographer
All Chapter J Members
for Fun,
Cascade Wings
News from Chapter “J”
From Tom
Chapter J Director
As I write this I’m wondering, when will be the next time
I get to go for a motorcycle ride? Yes, Chief Yellow
Wing has been pushed to the back of the garage with
no current plans for a ride until next spring. But…that
doesn’t mean I won’t get him out for an impromptu ride
between now and then. As you all know, our Michigan
winters allow for several opportunities for a day trip.
So if you see a chance, give me a call, drop a line or
whatever you need to do and I’ll do the same for you!
The “off season” as I call it still offers several opportunities for fun, knowledge and safety with our
friends. Keep your eye on the calendar and your 4
wheeler ready as we have a lot of calendar left. I urge
you all to get out and get involved in some of our upcoming activities, especially those noted below.
Plaque chasers: any interest in leading the charge?? This
is always a fun event but we need someone to step up and
lead the way for us, any takers?? Let Gary or I know.
There’s still a lot more fun coming our way, keep an eye on
the calendar and your wheels ready to roll!!
Ride Safe. Ride Often.
Tom Taylor aka Yellow Wing
Chapter J Director
Chapter J
Rider Educator
Christmas Parade: yes we have registered for the
parade but…..we need help with the float. Please
touch base with Gary or I if you like to help out or if you
have a great idea for our float. Personally, I thought
the “5 YELLOW WINGS” had a good sound to it. The
twelve days of Christmas seems to be the direction for
our theme so put your thinking hats on everyone and
let’s have some fun here in Jacktown!
CMA Thanksgiving Dinner: this is a great event and
hats off the CMA for the work they do in putting this on.
Once again, we have sponsored the meal and hopefully, once again, we can be one of the largest groups
in attendance. Bring your friends, family and co-riders
out for a great meal and some fellowship with our
neighboring MC’s.
Chapter J Christmas Party: once again this promises
to be a great time. So please plan on attending. We
will have members of our State Staff on hand to conduct a little swearing in ceremony for some of our incoming chapter staff as well as the traditional festivities. If you haven’t been able to attend a chapter event
in a while, this is a good one to get back into the swing
of things. Did I say swing?? See Wingless Weekend
Wingless Weekend: I know it seems a little early to
talk of such things but it will be here sooner than you
think. Will Chapter J have a skit?? Any ideas?? Let
Gary or I know as we need to start this one right away
Friends for Fun, Safety,
and Knowledge
From Gary and Carol
Chapter J Assist Directors &
2014 Michigan District C.O.Y.
My first thoughts right now are of how blessed we all are to
be able to ride our bikes/trikes. We travel long distances
and around town. We travel in great weather and sometimes not so great. We travel alone, with another couple or
in a group. We have FUN riding. It is simply a joy to be
able to ride. And as our weather is very soon making it
more difficult to be on 2 or 3 wheels, we'll simply change to
riding in our 4 wheeled vehicles and continue to go places
and have FUN together. That's a big part of what our
G.W.R.R.A. family is all about. Choose to participate and
choose to have fun!!
We had hoped to have others along for the trip to
Wings Over the Smokies in Cherokee, North Carolina, but
it didn't work out that way. Since we were alone, we ended
up making a nine day trip out of it. We had the fun of taking roads that we'd never been on before just because we
could! We only went a little over 1600 miles, but we had
fun zig-zagging across the states.
We had a good time at Wings. Spent some time with
the Region N Directors, Alan and Carolyn Little. If you
don't remember me mentioning them last month, they were
one set of our judges at Region D. They made us feel very
(Continued on page 6)
Cascade Wings
welcome as we sat together and talked. We also visited
a lot of vendors and spent a little money. A little side
story to that. I bought a set of safety green gloves on
Saturday from a dealer who carried OSI items. I didn't
even wear them until Sunday. By Monday, they had
come apart at the seam. Fixable, yes, but not the
point. I contacted the vendor, who then sent me to
OSI. I talked with the OSI owner. I told him I could sew
them, but I wanted him to know about them. He was so
nice. Two days later, I had a new set of gloves delivered to our home. He said keep the other pair as
backup, he didn't want them back. As I said, very nice.
We came home just in time for our Annual Appreciation
Dinner. What a great night! We really appreciate everything Cheryl Fetterman did to arrange the evening. It
was fun just spending relaxing time with everyone and
the meal was great.
When it comes to appreciating people, Chapter J
has a long list. Do you realize that list includes YOU? If
it weren't for you, Chapter J would possibly not exist. It
takes every one of us to make up this chapter family. Oh, some of us have titles, but they mean nothing if
it weren't for everyone involved with the chapter. Your
involvement could range from occasionally attending a
gathering or ride, to being the Chapter Director, and
everything in between. YOU are what makes Chapter J
a reality, and whether or not you attended the dinner,
you are appreciated!!!!
And speaking of appreciated people, we would like
to share our appreciation of Jim and Kathy Herron for all
their work as our Rider Educator. Jim has done an exceptional job keeping us informed on Rider Safety. As
you probably know, Jim and Kathy have bought a
condo in Grand Rapids to be closer to their children and
grandchildren. They will be greatly missed by everyone. We'll be glad for those times we get to see them,
and wish them well on this new phase of their life.
For all those who attended Gord and Mona's bonfire, I'm sure you had a great time. It was a cool evening, but hey, with that 'little' bonfire, we all kept
toasty! There were a few who decided to dress up,
too. Very creative to say the least. We met some of
Gord and Mona's family and some folks from Chapter
W2 (Former A-2). It's always nice to meet new
folks. The food was great. The potluck items everyone
brought greatly complimented the hamburgers and
brats that Jan not only brought, but cooked as well. By
the way, if you've not been to their home, the ride up
their drive is an adventure! Just right for Gold vehicles!
The 18th several braved the cold weather as we
went to Meckley's Flavor Fruit Farm. Some braver than
others. (I admit to not being brave and riding in the
truck. Maybe someday we'll have heated gear.) There
were 4 bikes, 2 trikes and 2 cars as we left. One trike
left us along the way, and one car joined us. It was
amazing how the Fetterman's just happened to be coming down Jefferson road at the same time we were turning on to it! It was cold, and misty off and on, but we all
still had fun. Good donuts and other eats, along with
warm cider. Thanks for choosing to participate. And
thanks to Louie for a beautiful ride!
Since member participation is so important, we'd like
to bring up another way for you to possibly be involved. As mentioned above, Jim will no longer be our
Rider Educator. If this is something that you feel you
might be interested in, please feel free to speak with
us. We'll be happy to share just what that encompasses,
and consider you for that position if you are interested.
I said it last month, I'll say it again here, and who
knows, probably in the future as well...We encourage you
to be involved and participate at the level you feel good
about. Whether you hold a 'position' or not, this is your
chapter. We all have a part in the function of Chapter
J. And again, what's the first part of function--it's
FUN! We're here to ride, ride safe and have fun. So
thank you for your participation. We all look forward to
more of it!
Be blessed,
Gary and Carol Williams
Chapter J Assistant Chapter Directors
517.262.0896 or 517.262.6314
From Gary and Carol
2014 Michigan District C.O.Y.
The following is our District C.O.Y. article for the month.
Who can raise their hand to the fact that habits can be
hard to break? Are you with me on this? Well, we are
trying to break one and not doing a very good job at it so
far. Hopefully with everyone's help, we, and you, will get
It's a simple thing really. When we refer to the Couple
of the Year, we very often say COY. We say it as a word,
not an acronym. Most of us say G.W.R.R.A. instead of
Gold Wing Road Riders Association, and for the most part,
that's fine because it is an acronym. (Just try saying
GWRRA as a word--it sounds pretty funny, actually.)
But COY as a word is actually a fish. Well, that's not
exactly true. The spelling is wrong as the fish are known
as KOI. And KOI are not individual fish, but a group of fish
that resemble either the carp or goldfish family. Since the
word sounds the same, some have made that connection,
and I have heard a few people joke about us being 'fish,'
but I never really thought too much about the image. But
others have, and the more I think about it, the more sense
it makes.
The reason I bring this up is that we were asked at
Region D by our National Directors, Ray and Sandy Garris, if we would help change the usage of COY, and instead say C.O.Y. if we are wanting to shorten Couple of
the Year. When you think about who we are referring to
(Continued on page 7)
Cascade Wings
when we use the word COY, that Couple of the Year is
a deserving couple, and should be referred to in a respectful way.
Now truthfully, I have never felt that it was in any
way derogatory to be called the Chapter or District
COY. It is a habit we all have. A word we all use. But
since we've been asked, why not try and make the
change. We make the change to C.O.Y. and those who
come into G.W.R.R.A. in the future will think nothing of
it because that is how they will know it. Simple as
that. On a fun note, KOI may be carp, but there was a
group that sold for $60,000 earlier this year!
Moving on...we had a blast traveling to, attending,
and zig-zagging home and taking our time when we
went to Wings Over the Smokies in Cherokee, North
Carolina. We were welcomed by their District C.O.Y.,
District Director and Region Directors, Alan and Carolyn
Little. You may remember that the Little's were one set
of our judges at Region D. They are an amazing couple
and we had a very nice time with them.
On the 11th we ventured out early (earlier than we
needed thanks to a GPS that wasn't set for the fastest
way--the shorter way is not necessarily the fastest!) Thanks once again for Louie meeting us so early,
and pointing out the difference on the GPS, and attending the S2 Gathering with us. We were there early
enough to have our breakfast finished and greet all their
members as they arrived! Even though we had eaten
before they arrived, the bills all came out pretty much
the same time. What a nice surprise for us when S2
paid for our breakfast! They even picked up Louie's
tab! We appreciated that very much. We missed seeing their C.O.Y., Eddie and Charlene, as they were on a
cruise! Sad for us, not for them! But it was a good
gathering and a nice ride (in the truck--it was only 29
when we left home) and a great way to begin the
day. We ended the day at Gord and Mona's for the
bonfire and dinner. Lot's of fun!
We also attended a State Staff meeting to prepare
for the upcoming Fall State Officer's meeting in Bay City
on November 8th. Your State Staff has a lot of fun
when they get together, and good food, too. Everyone
brought a passing dish and they grilled burgers and
brats. (Lori, once again, your banana bread bars were
a hit!) This will be Bob and Kim's first State Officer's
meeting that they will be in charge of. Trusting that
Chapter J staff will be in attendance to learn and share
all they can. The meetings begin at 9:00 a.m. and will
end at 4:00 p.m. (if not before).
As your District C.O.Y. we are still working on visiting other chapters. We're also blessed to be a part of
the Chapter J family!
Be blessed,
Gary and Carol Williams
Michigan District C.O.Y. 2014
From Jeff and Terri
Chapter J Assist Directors &
2014 Chapter J C.O.Y
First off, thanks to Gord and Mona for hosting a fall bonfire/cookout at their home. We think it was Gord’s way of
clearing out old pallets around the yard. Or maybe it was
Mona’s. There were some pretty good flames and enough
heat for everyone to keep moving farther back in the circle.
And let’s not forget to thank Jan for the delicious hamburgers and brats on the grill. Jan always comes through with
plenty of food.
Now let’s gear up for Chapter J’s first Christmas Parade
adventure. This year’s theme for Jackson’s parade is “The
Twelve Days of Christmas”. Get your thinking caps on for
ideas to help make this event a night to remember. We are
providing the trailer for the float but need bikes to ride
alongside if the snow isn’t too deep. If anyone has an idea
to present please pass on to any staff member. Time is of
the essence since the parade is Friday November 21st. So,
come help out if you can. Watch for more info on dates/
times for float assembly parties.
Then the next evening is CMA’s (Christian Motorcycle
Association) annual Family Thanksgiving Dinner. This is
an event NOT to miss. Located at the First Church of the
Nazarene at 3905 Clinton Rd, Jackson, MI, CMA puts on
an unbelievable feast. Dinner starts at 5pm but it’s a good
idea to get there a little early. Donations of unwrapped
toys or games for children ages 7-13 are collected and delivered to the Youth Haven Ranch for use during their winter retreats. Everyone is welcome to participate in the toy
donation, but not required! As a group, for members that
have them, wear your safety green Chapter shirts so we all
stand out and don’t get lost (ha ha).
Make sure you mark your calendar for Chapter J’s
Christmas Party, Friday evening December 5th at the Cascades Wesleyan Church, same location as our Chapter
meetings. Social hour starts at 6pm with dinner at 7pm.
Our Christmas party this year is a potluck. There is a
signup sheet for food items that should be passed around
at November’s Chapter meeting. Get your name on the list
and come for a great time! You should really do the gift
exchange because Jeff still carries around his jack knife he
received at the party two years ago. Thanks Dale!
Keep in mind Chapter Q’s Christmas Party at the Soo.
The annual event is Saturday December 13th in Sault Saint
Marie, Michigan. Contact Frank King at Chapter Q for dinner ticket availability.
With so many family events coming up with the holidays
our calendar winds down a bit. But no doubt things will
start to pick up again in January and February.
Enjoy the rest of our Fall events and have a good deer
season! May “The Big One” walk in front of you…so don’t
take a nap out there!
Thanks again for everyone’s hard work over the past year!
Jeff and Terri Curtis
Assistant Chapter Directors
Cascade Wings
Mary Dodge
Newsletter Editor
Chapter J MEC Coordinator
Gord and Mona Bergum
Chapter J has an MEC
Gord & Mona Bergum
Soon you will be reading an article from Gord and Mona
(be sure it’s current)
From Don
Website Coordinator
Hi! Folks
The Newsletter and updated Quick List is ready.
Quick List
Hi! Everyone
Where did October go? There sure was a lot going on
and I missed a lot, but am trying to get all my projects
done so I won’t be doing everything at the last minute.
Hope all of you got a chance to participate in some of the
activities that were going on last month.
November looks like it is slowing down a little, so you
can catch your breath before all the holidays start. The
Big Event is the CMA Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday
November 22, 2014 (check out the flyer on page 11 for
more details.
Going forward a month, Friday December 05, 2014 is
our Chapter Christmas Party, so be sure you are on the
sign up sheet that will be passed around at this gathering.
If you miss it let Cheryl or I know and we can add you to
the list. The deadline for reservations is Saturday November 29th. We need to know how many will be there
as we have some surprises that will be given out that
As you can see there are some staff positions that
are open. If you feel you would like to get more involved
with the Chapter let Tom or Gary know. Honestly you will
really have fun the more you get involved or participate.
A great BIG THANK YOU to Jim and Kathy Herron
for the great job they did being our Chapter Rider Educators. You will be greatly missed.
Again it is time to nominate a Chapter Couple of the
Year and a Chapter Individual of the Year. If you have a
couple or individual that you would like to nominate let
Tom or Gary know.
Don’t forget at December’s
Gathering we
will be drawing for the
. One
lucky winner will get the $$$ collected from the 50/50
J webpage
Michigan GWRRA
Don “The Don” Czarnecki
Chapter J Website Coordinator
drawing all year long. But remember
As always any articles from you would be greatly appreciated and fun to read. So just pick up a pen, pencil,
chalk, paintbrush, (will you get the idea) and let us read
some of the memories you have created.
Have a great month and ride safe
Cascade Wings
Secret Buddies 2014
Hi! Chapter J Ladies
Being a secret Buddy, whether you’re on the giving or
receiving side is lots of fun, and a special way that you
can choose to acknowledge someone in your own special manner. Lots of opportunities, for “day brightners”,
warm fuzzies, and feel goods”, and who couldn’t use
some of these in our every day life!
Please send Mary Dodge any Thank You notes
you would like the sendee to have and she will put
them in the Newsletter. We will reveal our Secret Buddies at the December 2014 Christmas Party.
Christmas Parade
November 21, 2014
Have Fun and keep your SECRET BUDDY guessing.
Smiles and Hugs
Julie Hoover
To my Dear Secret Buddy—Thank you so ver much for
my Sweetest Day and Halloween goodies. The dog
fessions book is adorable. I love it! I enjoyed the
chocolate/peanut butter pumkin, with a coffee one evening while watching a TV Movie—YUM! My cute green
apple lady is sitting on a kitchen windowsill, a nice reminder of how sweet and thoughtful you are.
Chapter J is planning to have a float in this year’s Christmas Parade. The Theme is “ The 12 Days of Christmas.
We need your help to make this the best float in the parade. More details will be announced at this months gathering, so if you think you would have some ideas and even
some time to help get everything ready, let Tom or Gary
know. Just remember how much fun it was when you were
in school and helped to make the floats for your homecoming night.
Thank your Secret Buddy Here
Hope all is well in the Chapter J Family this month
Chapter J would also like to extend our deepest sympathy to those member’s and their
families who have lost loved one’s this
Don’t wait
get your reservations in
Sign up now.
If there is anyone we have missed, we sincerely apologize for Chapter “J”. Please let Jeanne Reimers at
517-764-1654 or
know if there is anyone we need to send a card to.
Friends for Fun, Safety,
and Knowledge
Deadline is
Saturday 11-29-14
Cascade Wings
Cascade Wings
Cascade Wings
All Rides leave from East Side Meijers and West Side Meijers
(unless otherwise noted)
TGIS Dinner Rides TBA
“ Ice Cream Ride’s back next spring”
November 2014
Chp J
Details for all rides/events are
located in this Newsletter,
chapter/j, and
Face Book at Goldwing J
Chapter J 2014-2015 Charity
“Great Lakes Burn Camp”
Cascade Wings
Chapter J Activities Calendar
November 2014 thru December 2014
Ice Cream Rides back next Spring
Departure and Arrival Times TBA (depending on destination)
Nov 02
Nov 21
Chp J Gathering
Dec 05
Chapter J Christmas Party
Potluck/Chapter furnish meat
Bring passing dish
(see flyer on page 11)
5:30 pm-6:00 pm Social Time
6:00 pm-7:00 pm Gathering
Jackson Christmas Parade
5:00 pm
Downtown Jackson
Dec 07
Contact Tom or Gary for more info
Nov 22
Dec 20
CMA Thanksgiving Dinner
(see flyer on page 10)
Chp J Gathering
5:30 pm-6:00 pm Social Time
6:00 pm-7:00 pm Gathering
Binder Park Zoo
Meet at West Side Meijers at 4:oo pm
arrive at the Moonrakers at 5:00 pm
Coming Events in 2015
Wingless Weekend
Chapter J Annual Mall Show
Chapter J Burn Camp Challenge
Indiana Convention Rally
Ohio Convention Rally
Michigan Convention Rally
Doe Run
Midnight Ride
Region D Convention Rally
Wings over the Smokies
Southeast Section Chapter Events
Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge
Cascade Wings
Birthdays, Anniversaries,
and GWRRA Member date
Jackson Christmas Parade
November 21, 2014
Downtown Jackson
Parade starts at 5:00 pm
* GWRRA Life Time member
Chapter J
November Birthdays
04 Ron Smith
17 Andy Duncan
26 Dan McGrew
Member Since
November Anniversaries
No one that I know of
Contact Tom or Gary for more info
Let Louie Know if we missed
your Birthday or Anniversary
CMA thanksgiving Dinner
November 22, 2014
Meet at 4:30 pm
Chapter Recognition
August 2014 Drawing Winners
(see flyer on page 10)
Bike Raffle Tickets
Larraine Chouinard
Chapter J
Christmas Party
50/50 Ticket
Jeff Curtis
December 05, 2014
Chapter Pride
Tom Esterline
See flyer on page 12
None that I know of
Gift Certificate
Lori Norkey
Dale Duncan
Louie Schippers
Jeff Curtis
Contact Cheryl or Mary for more info
Cascade Wings
For Sale
Timeout Camper—Only set up once
Contact Dan Foster @ 517-474-0256
For Sale
1992 Gold Wing Interstate– Blue—63,336 miles, Factory CB with Rider Intercom and AM/FM w/ AUX , Oil,
maintenance, brakes, and fluids, running boards added,
front and back for comfort with heal/toe shifter. Tires
and Brakes all new. Also comes with a Garmin GPS
unit and all the software that is also integrated into the
sound system. Safety lighting: Headlight has a pulse
beam , and the rear has Wig-Wag brake lights. Blue
LED lighting added, mounted under the front cowling,
and the saddle bags. A rollaway custom tool box
matches the bike, full of items such as manuals, LED
lights, spare parts, cycle lift for servicing, oil wrench,
mounted coat rack , tire repair kit, gage visor, first aid
kit, many more extras. A Coleman Caboose Trailer
custom painted to match. The custom hitch has a plug
and play cooler rack for day trips. Clothing, helmets,
rain gear, cold weather gear, and GWRRA Chapter
I am asking $6,800.00
For Sale
2010 Yellow Honda Gold
Wing—1,400 miles, Navigation,
Heated seats & heated hand
$18,000 or make offer
Contact Tina Alley @ 517-740-7125 or
For Sale
2002 Orange 1800 Honda Goldwing Trike w/
Motortrike Kit installed by Just for Wings, 58,000
miles, lots of extras.
$16,000.00 or make offer
Call 517-764-3893 or
Call Scott Allen @ 734-426-3655 ext 18 or or
Buy or Sell
Something Here
For Sale
2008 Yamaha Royal Star — Tour Deluxe—Blue
Low Mileage
Must Sell Make Offer
Call 734-904-5886
For Sale
2004 Motocorp Trailer: All Aluminum Construction Dry weight = 160 lbs Torsion suspension
All new LED lighting Separate Brake and Turn
Price = $1,400 OBO
Contact - Doug Newton 517-745-2100
Support our Advertisers
They Support Us
Cascade Wings
Jeff & Terri Curtis and Rich Fetterman
2014 Chapter “J” 2014 Chapter “J”
of the Year
of the Year
Our Facebook address is
Goldwing J
MONTHLY Gathering is
December 07, 2014
Michigan District COY
Gary and Carol Williams
Region “D” COY
Gary and Carol
Visit Chapter “J” on the
Internet, and Facebook
Our Web Page address:
International COY
John and Barb
Region D, Chapter J
PO Box 306
Rives Junction, MI 49277
Monthly Gathering @ 6:00 pm
Social Time @ 5:30 pm
The 1st Sunday of the month,
@ Cascades Wesleyan Church
1404 Rowan St.
Jackson, MI 49203
Social Hour
5:30 pm—6:00 pm
6:00 pm—7:30 pm