Region “D”, Chapter “J” “Cascade Wings” Jackson, Michigan Volume 1 Issue January 2015 C A S C A D E W I N G From Chapter J 1 N E W S Cascade Wings Chapter J Cascade Wings “IN SERVICE TO OUR COMMUNITY” 1983-2015 “Our 31st Year of “Fun, Safety and Knowledge” 1997 Michigan GWRRA Chapter of the Year 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, & 2008 Rider Ed. Chapter of the Year 1st Place Ticket Selling Chapter for the Bike Raffle from 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, & 2009 2nd Place Ticket Selling Chapter for the Bike Raffle 2000, 2001, 2010, 2011, 2014 ● 3rd Place Ticket Selling Chapter for the Bike Raffle 2012, 2013 Visit or Join Chapter “J” at Cascades Wesleyan Church 1404 Rowan St Jackson, MI 49203 517-788-4538 Chapter “J” News Website Address: For those of you who still have not visited the Chapter J Website, please do so immediately. You will be impressed. It is easy for you to link to National, Michigan District, and Region D, as well as all of Chapter J's events. With just a click of the button, all this information is at your fingertips. GWRRA Region D GWRRA-MI Visit us on Facebook at Goldwing J The 1st Sunday of the Month Social Time @ 5:30 pm Gathering @ 6:00 pm Next MONTHLY Gathering is Sunday February 01, 2015 Where to Look J website Face Book, meeting place, time and day 2 Region—District—South East Chapters 3 Chapter J CD—Assistant CD’s, & Staff 4 Article(s) from your CD & Chapter Rider Educator 5-7 Articles from the Chapter Staff 7-9 Chapter “J” Articles—Member (s) of the Month—Chapter Flyers 10-13 Calendar, Chapter J Activities Calendar, Mark your Calendars, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Other Stuff 14-16 Classifieds, Advertisers, C.O.Y., and I.O.Y. 17-18 2 Cascade Wings GWRRA Region D GWRRA Michigan State Staff Southeast Section Region D Directors Lee & Kay Tieche Michigan District Director Bob & Kim Scott 989-426-3828 Michigan District Rider Educators Rick Andreen Michigan Assistant District Directors South East Section 810-834-9125 Bob & Nancy Natter 734-421-8250 bobandnancy1000@ Advisory Team Larry Terryn (H) 586-786-6807 Rider Education Ambassadors Jan & Ron Smith 269-349-7916 Audrey Holmes South East Section Chapters Chapter C—Monroe Floral City Wings Chapter H2—Taylor Down River Wings Chapter Directors Tim and Pam Hanson 734-844-0679 Chapter Director Gary Lawrence Meetings are the 1st Saturday of the month. at 313-388-8299 9 AM at the The Little Brown Jug Chapter R—Charlotte Eaton County Wings Chapter J-Jackson Cascade Wings Chapter Directors Gary and Carol Williams 517-788-4538 or Meetings are generally the first Sunday of the month at Cascades Wesleyan Church located at 1404 Rowan St. in Jackson, MI. Social hour starts at 5:30 - 6:00 PM. Gathering begins at 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM( or as close as possible). Come out and join us for a good time. Chapter Directors Alise and Emmett Swan 616-318-0478 Chapter R meets the fourth Saturday of the month at 9 AM at the Charlotte Church of Christ Chapter W—Adrian Maple City Wings Senior Chapter Directors Ken and Patti Kintner 517-902-9893 Chapter meetings are held at 9:00 AM the second Sunday of every month at the Family Kitchen Restaurant in Adrian 2984 Treat St. (corner of Treat and US 223) Downriver Wings meet the 4th Tuesday of the month @ 6:30 pm for dinner and 7:30 meeting located at: Leon's Family Dining Chapter S2—Detroit Motor City Wings Chapter Directors Lonnie Reynolds 734-595-0438 We meet the second and fourth Saturday of the month at 10 AM at Kerby's Koney Island Chapter W2—Wayne Wandering Wings Chapter Directors Gary and Margo McMillin 734-674-3678 Our monthly gathering takes place at 7:30 PM on the third Tuesday of each month at Big Boy Restaurant, 6360 Wayne Rd, Westland Contact CD for next Breakfast location. Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 3 Cascade Wings GWRRA CHAPTER “J” Director & Assistant Directors Chapter “J” Directors Chapter “J” Assistant Directors Michigan District C.O.Ys 2014 Jeff & Terri Curtis 517-740-1736 Gary and Carol Williams (H) 517-788-4538 or Gary 517-262-0896 or Carol 517-262-6314 or GWRRA CHAPTER “J” Staff Sunshine Person Chapter Rider Educator Goodies Coordinator Interim Gary Williams 517-788-4538 517-782-7768 Jeanne Reimers 517-764-1654 Newsletter Editor Chapter J Brag Book Mary Dodge 517-764-5053 Open MEC Coordinator Gord and Mona Bergum 517-522-3405 Web-site Coordinator Mary Dodge 517-764-5053 Chapter Treasurer Monica Rodman 517-262-8386 Ride Coordinator Randy Lea 517-652-1289 randylea Gordon and EllaMay Rudolph Special Articles and Secret Buddy Julie Hoover 517-764-3893 Welcome and Visitor Greeters Sue Rinehart 517-592-2228 Chapter Photographer All Chapter J Members Raffle Ticket Coordinator 2007-2008 GWRRA Michigan Recruiter Louie Schippers 517-764-5053 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge 4 Cascade Wings News from Chapter “J” From Gary and Carol Chapter J Directors 2014 Michigan District C.O.Y. It will have been a wonderfully blessed Christmas season, I'm sure, and now as you read this we are into the new adventure called 2015. Trusting you had a fun and safe New Year's. I suppose we should have some profound thoughts to say as we begin this new year and new phase of our Chapter J lives, but we're the same people we were last month, and I'm not sure 'profound' thoughts come from us! We do want to say a big Thank You to Tom Taylor as he ends his 'reign' as our Chapter Director. He has led our chapter in what has become traditional events and rides and has taken us in new directions. Those new directions have not only been fun, but helpful to the chapter as we have been able to give back to the members more than ever. I'm sure each one could name a ride or event that Tom was instrumental in making memorable for Chapter J. Thank you, Tom, once again. One of the first things we're excited about as your new Directors is to introduce you to the Chapter J team. You may hold your applause until all are named. Oh, never mind, go for the applause with each. They deserve it. Jeff and Terri Curtis, Assistant Chapter Directors; Monica Rodman, Treasurer; Gord and Mona Bergum, Member Enhancement Coordinators; Newletter and WebMaster, Mary Dodge; Tickets, Louie Schippers; Special Articles and Secret Buddy, Julie Hoover; Ride Coordinator, Randy Lea; Goodies, Gordon and Ella Rudolph; Greeter, Sue Rinehart; Sunshine Lady, Jeanne Reimers; Interim Rider Educator, Gary Williams. This is your Chapter J team working to help us all have fun, be safe, and grow in knowledge. Next we're excited to announce your new Couple of the Year, Ron and Jan Smith; and your Individual of the Year, Tim Reimers. Congratulations! We're also excited about introducing a couple of new mini programs to the chapter. And they're so easy! For the first one, all you need to do to participate is to sign in when you arrive at a gathering. That's it. You'll receive a ticket when you do. You have the opportunity to receive 12 tickets through the year. (good math on my part, right?) Your tickets will be in a drawing for a gift valued at $75.00. What is the gift? Well, we know and Jeff and Teri know, but we're keeping that part a secret for now. Seems like more fun that way! For the second one, because we believe in all of our great members, we're going to have a new honor program. That's all I'm going to say here, so I hope you're at the gathering to learn more!! I guess you can tell we're excited about this new year from the last three paragraphs. The plan was to have a ride calendar ready for you, but you know about the best laid plans, right? Hopefully that will be coming your way soon. Thanks to all who filled out the little survey sheet for different rides. For those who questioned, ice cream rides are a given and that's why they weren't listed. After all, it's ice cream! We'll do our best to keep you informed of rides and events. Read your newsletter, check your email, check the website, check facebook, call a friend. Make sure we have your correct email as reminders and changes often go out that way. If you don't have email, etc., make sure we know that so calls may be made if you wish to be updated. Also, if there is an illness or death of a member or family member, please don't assume we know about it. Better to be told by several than none. Well, it's 3:30 a.m. (late even for me). Think I'll hit send and then hit the bed. Tomorrow is a granddaughter's ice skating program and then on to the chapter's Moonrakers/Binder Park Zoo Lights night of fun. Be blessed, Gary and Carol Chapter J Directors 517.262.0896 or 517.262.6314 or Chapter J Rider Educator Open Are you ready for your first ride? Picture this... You've done your T-clock, the tires are checked, pressure is correct, cables and gauges working, oil checked, lights are checked and are working. What have you forgot? Are you fit for the ride? Now is the time to get fit for that first ride. After all, it's only 4 or 5 or maybe 6 months away depending on how you ride. Most of us have overindulged during the holidays. Maybe even put on a few extra pounds. January is a great time to start exercising for that first ride. When you get fit, you not only have a safe and enjoyable ride, but you are mentally sharper. Do you need to find an hour a day to exercise? No! You just need to take (Continued on page 6) 5 Cascade Wings 10 to 15 minutes, three days a week. You can do simple things like a brisk walk, ride a exercise bike, or lift some bar bells. What ever you do, make sure you do it briskly for the best benefit. Your mental awareness is as important as taking an ARC or TRC class. This will allow you to ride safer and also make that first ride enjoyable as well. I hope you all work on some type of exercise program before that first ride. Have a safe and fun filled 2015. Safety is no accident. Gary Williams 517.262.0896 or 517.262.6314 or Chapter J MEC Coordinator Gord and Mona Bergum Happy New Year everyone. Hope the holidays were good to you all. Mona and I are both looking forward to the new year of friendship and fun with our new Chapter Directors Gary and Carol. They have a few new ideas, which I think you will enjoy. We have new members, Bill and Debbie Warblow, so please welcome them and make them feel at home. Also congratulations to our Couple Of theYear , Ron and Jan Smith and Individual Of the Year Tim Reimers. Gord and Mona Bergum Chapter J MEC Coordinators 517-522-3405 From Jeff and Terri Chapter J Assist Directors Happy Happy New Year! 2015 is here! Is everybody ready to ride? It’s just about time to put a little heat in the garage, get the Wing spit-shined and the safety chrome on. Before you know it, it will be time for the Mall Show and all the summer riding adventures. 2015 is sure to bring a lot of memories and good times. Wingless Weekend will be the next big adventure in March. Don’t forget to take your saddle shoes, poodle skirt, white t-shirts and a comb for your back pocket. But don’t worry, you can have loads of fun just as you are, no 50’s attire required. It’s a great time to clear your mind of the winter blues and visit with your fellow Chapter friends. Since it’s only January, there is a lot of planning yet to be done. We should have a number of events to make the winter blues float away. Stay tuned. Maybe we should rent a bus and visit the snow birds in the warm southern states. Wouldn’t they be surprised? We hope everyone had a great holiday season. We’re looking forward to making new Chapter memories, hope you are too! Jeff and Terri Curtis Assistant Chapter J Directors 517-740-1736 MEMBERSHIP CARD (be sure it’s current) DON’T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT From Mary Website Coordinator Hi! Everyone Well I just got some more instructions on how to update the Chapter J Website from “The Don”. He did such a great job of keeping our website up to date, that I hope I can do the same. Right now if you go to the website you will see some updates, but I am still working on that, so please be patient and hopefully I will have all the updates there soon. The Newsletter and updated Quick List is ready to view and I am still working on the updates for the Upcoming Events page. Quick List chapter_j_upcoming_events.htm Newsletter currentjnewsletter.pdf J webpage Michigan GWRRA Have a great month and ride safe 6 Cascade Wings From Gordon and Ella From Monica Chapter J Treasurer Zoo Lights and dinner at Moonraker’s! We were a small group on Saturday, December 20, but we had a nice evening! Mona and Gord drove over separately because our poor Mona had fallen on ice and was not walking well. Louie, Carol, my friend Judy and myself met up and we road over in Louie’s beautiful truck. Randy and Loraine and his two granddaughters met us at the restaurant. We all arrived a bit early, but were quickly set up and found tasty items to order. After dinner, we headed down the road a bit to the zoo. And what a line there was to get in! We were told that they had a dinner with Santa event at 5pm---so some of the lineup was probably due to Santa. It was 30+ minutes before we made it to the front---it was chilly standing in line! But the lights were well displayed, colorful and the walking trail easy to follow. We saw a bald eagle, the red panda [Is it a member of the bear or coon family?], the wise owl, a huge lighted peacock and Mrs. Claus. She had cookies for us to decorate, but just the girls did that. And there were simple quick crafts for them to do, too. We walked on up to the building with the carousel inside; none of us adults rode it, though I did see some adults participating. Louie grabbed some pics along the way and we headed back to the truck and on towards home. Thank you Randy Lea for planning this event----and Louie for driving us girls over. Monica Rodman Chapter J Treasurer 517-262-8386 From Randy Chapter J Ride Coordinator Keep watching for a riding article coming soon from Randy Chapter J Goodies Coordinator Last ride in October Guess it's about time I wrote an article. Went for a 116 mile ride Saturday with 4 bikes & 6 riders. We met Randy at west side Meijer's. Went on a lot of side roads & saw a lot of colors. Ended up in Grand Ledge to have something to eat. We had a choice of Italian, Mexican, or the Log Jam Grill & Bar. We chose the Log Jam. We all had fish except Mona, who had ribs. All of it was goooood & so was the atmosphere. Randy left us to go home so Louie took over the lead to take us back home. We ended up on Gillett's Lk. Rd., where Gord & Mona left us to go home. The three of us also went on home. It ended up a great day & ride. Now to wait for Sunday for our ride with Tom T. and whomever. We all met at the Legion for breakfast. Somebody didn't get there on time, so we had to hurry him along,(not naming names, Louie), to enjoy the ride, colors, & sunshine. Went around by Pleasant Lake, and kept to the north & east, went on a lot of good & bad roads but the colors were decent. One road, Hankerd Rd., was like the Triple Nickel, Tom said. 8 bikes & 1 vehicle. We were near Gregory & Tom says we could go to Hell, so we all said, sure. While there we seen a lot of European cars. They were meeting in the fenced-in area. From there, Randy left us again to go home. Tom said he didn't know where else to go, so Louie took over and took us by Ann Arbor, Saline, & tried to go into Manchester but we had to detour. We were headed to Jeff's house. On the way Tim & Jeanne got a cell call, so they left for home, as did Gord & Mona. Got to Jeff & Terri's, Terri said lets go to the Napoleon Cafe for something to eat or pie, we all agreed. Gord text Louie and said to save them a seat if we were going to the cafe. Must have been ESP. That is where all of us left to go to our own homes. Ended up being a GREAT RIDE, GREAT TIME, WITH GREAT FRIENDS. Thank you everyone for a GREAT TIME. Gordon and Ella Rudolph Chapter J Goodies Coordinators 517-782-7768 Randy Lea 517-652-1289 randylea 7 Cascade Wings From Mary Dodge Newsletter Editor Hi! Everyone Hope you all had a safe, healthy, and happy Holiday Season. We stayed home this year and spent the Holidays with my Michigan Family and friends. Next year it’s to Arkansas with my Family there. While I’m writing this there still isn’t any of that White Stuff on the ground so some of you may have braved the cold and went for a ride. Let us hear about it in an article. Speaking of Articles I’m sure you’ve noticed that the Staff will be writing an article each month. Hopefully you can help them out by writing an article. Most of you know that I will be taking over the Chapter Web site. I really want to thank “The Don” for what a great job he did, and hopefully continue to do the same. He has spent lots of time with me showing me how to update all the information. I am currently in the process of doing that. There are a lot of changes starting in January so be patient as I try to update all those changes, If you are signed up for the following please be aware of the date change. Medic First Aid/CPR Class Saturday January 31, 2015 Cascades Wesleyan Church 1404 Rowan St Jackson, MI 49203 9:00 am—4:00 pm $25 per person Sloppy Joes provided please bring a passing dish Contact Gary Williams @ 517-788-4538 for more information From Julie Chapter J Special Articles and Secret Buddy This month the Special Article is on Bill and Deb Warblow, hope you all enjoy getting better acquainted with Bill and Deb. A new Secret Buddy has been started for 2015, please see me if you are interested in joining the fun. Julie Hoover Chapter J Special Articles & Secret Buddy 517-764-3893 From Louie Chapter J Raffle Ticket Coordinator Just a note from your Raffle Ticket Coordinator: Raffle tickets are in and ready to SELL SELL SELL, we would like EVERYONE to take at least 50 tickets to SELL, as we are adding a bonus to spread the prize $$$ around to make it fair to everyone that helps SELL raffle tickets, not just the top 3 sellers. For every 50 tickets you sell, you will get a ticket for the drawing; your odds are very good. Please watch for upcoming Raffle Ticket group selling events, Lansing RV Show and our Chapter J Mall Show, the more people we have sign up makes less work and more fun for all. If you have any ideas on how we can boost sales and maybe events to sell tickets at, please let me know. Louie Schippers 517-764-5053 We now have a date for the Lansing RV Show, see the details on the Chapter Activities Calendar. There may be a sign up sheet passed at the Gathering so check your calendar to see if any of the dates are available for your help. This is a great chance to sell some Raffle Tickets. Congratulations to Ron and Jan our 2015 Chapter Couple of the Year, and Tim Reimers our Individual of the Year. Have a great month and ride safe From Jeanne Chapter J Sunshine Person Keep watching for an article from Jeanne soon Jeanne Reimers Chapter J Sunshine Person 517-764-1654 8 Cascade Wings From Sue Chapter J Welcome & Visitor Greeter Keep watching for an article from Sue Sue Rinehart 517-592-2228 From Gary and Carol 2014 Michigan District C.O.Y. I know I'll sound like everyone else, but when you read this it will be 2015 and that just doesn't seem possible! We're trusting that everyone had a blessed Christmas season and that you are having the beginning of a joyous New Year. It has been wonderfully busy since the last article. Let's see, there was Thanksgiving, the Christmas parade, Chapter J Christmas party, Gary and I installed as Chapter Directors, announcing our new Chapter Couple of the Year and Individual of the Year, we visited Chapters G and G2, there were two performances of Nutcracker, a violin recital, an ice skating program, and so much more. We dropped in on Chapter G's breakfast gathering. It was nice to see friends, meet new friends, and meet their newest member at his first gathering. We shared words of encouragement with the chapter and their chapter Couple of the Year. After attending a nearby church we left for Chapter G2 and their Christmas party. We loved their surprised looks as we entered the dining room. We had a great time visiting with them and sharing Santa and Rudolph time. It's possible they have photo proof of it,too! As chapters around the state have announced their new Couple of the Year and Individual of the Year, or are getting ready to, we would like to say Congratulations to all! Our special congratulations to Ron and Jan Smith being honored as Chapter J Couple of the Year and Tim Reimers as Chapter J Individual of the Year. You are very deserving of this honor. We, along with others in the State and Region, are trying to convey the message that it is an HONOR to be chosen as your Chapter C.O.Y. or I.O.Y. You have been chosen because of who you are and what you have done as you promote fun in your chapter. You have been honored because you are you! We hope you understand that nothing more is required of you other than to continue doing what you've been doing and have fun doing it. We have spoken with a few couples around the State that question why the C.O.Y. are not asked first if they want this position. I would first say, it is not a posi- tion, it is an honor. Think of it this way. Does Hollywood and the Music Industry ask the (potential) Entertainer of the Year if they want the honor? Of course not, they just give it because it is deserved. It is the same concept. For all the C.O.Y. and I.O.Y. chosen for 2015, please accept this honor, wear your medallion proudly, enjoy the extra hugs, smile and have fun doing what you've always done. Often you are a great influence on the other members in your chapter. Your fun and enthusiasm carries over to others. What a blessing! So congratulations to Ron and Jan, Tim, and all the new 2015 Couples and Individuals of the Year. Enjoy yourself, be yourself, and thank you for all you have done. For those ending their year, remember, there are no former patches for being a Couple or Individual of the Year. You are always and forever honored as the Chapter Couple or Individual for 2014. Be Blessed and Happy New Year! Gary and Carol Williams Michigan District C.O.Y. 2014 or Secret Buddies 2015 Hi! Chapter J Ladies Being a secret Buddy, whether you’re on the giving or receiving side is lots of fun, and a special way that you can choose to acknowledge someone in your own special manner. Lots of opportunities, for “day brightners”, warm fuzzies, and feel goods”, and who couldn’t use some of these in our every day life! Please send Mary Dodge any Thank You notes you would like the sendee to have and she will put them in the Newsletter. We will reveal our Secret Buddies at the December 2015 Christmas Party. Have Fun and keep your SECRET BUDDY guessing. Smiles and Hugs Julie Hoover Thank your Secret Buddy Here 9 Cascade Wings Chapter J’s Member(s) of the Month By Julie Hoover Please welcome and become acquainted with Bill & Debbie Warblow. They are a warm and friendly couple, easy to converse with, and seem eager to participate and meet new people. Bill is originally from Jackson/Hanover/Horton areas and Deb grew up in East Tawas. They met in college and have lived the past 23 years at Clark Lake. When their girls were little they had an operating farm with pigs, chickens, ducks, turkeys, and rabbits, now their barn stores wood for all kinds of uses and projects. Years ago when Bill started working as a Fire Fighter with Liberty Township Fire Dept, is how he first became acquainted with Larry Bradley through his Tow Truck & Garage Business. Last year in July, Bill & Deb saw all the motorcycles lined up in front of Larry’s Business for the parade & celebration. They stopped, talked with Larry and he told them about GWRRA and him being a life time member and invited them to attend a Gathering. They have attended a few Gatherings and really liked Jeff & Terri’s Corn Roast. Both look forward to riding with others and gaining new friends and knowledge about safety and having fun times. Welcome, Welcome with Big Hugs to you both from Chapter J. Name Birthday Bill and Debbie Warblow Bill Jan 11 Debbie April 01 They rode in Pennsylvania, New York, New JerFavorite Trip or Ride sey, Connecticut, and met up with Bills Family for a reunion in Massachusetts. Bill said one of the (cont) things he most enjoyed was the Delaware Gap at the border of New York & Pennsylvania—the water falls. What a sight to see!! Deb loved going through the mountains. Good Trip—No problems, gone one week. Anniversary May 11, 1991 Family Twin girls—Stephanie and Samantha will be 21 in January. Pets—1 dog “Riley” who is a 7 year old female Beagle-mix, and 1 gray domestic short hair cat “Nola” What We ( I ) Do Bill—Was a former Fire Fighter for 17 years for Leoni Township. Currently he has been employed for the past 2 1/2 years at Michigan Industrial Gases Inc, Albion, MI. He works inside counter sales and also is an industrial gas filler, working with welding equipment and supplies. Debbie—Works at Blackman Animal Clinic as a receptionist, also when needed helps out as an animal technician. She has worked in the Veterinary field for 14 years. Debbie also has a degree in Criminal Justice and worked in retail security area Future Trip or Ride Would like to travel out West,….maybe in a couple of years. Favorite Restaurant Bill & Deb’s favorite—is JR’s in Brooklyn, es- Favorite Ice Bill—A Boston Cooler Cream Debbie—Chocolate Hobbies Bill—Pleasure golfing with his Dad and brother , loves riding his Wing (of course that’s a given). and Collectibles Tinkering. wood working, enjoys making furniture, starts right from the tree. His most recent—a Queen Size Dark Oak Bed for Debbie. It was a Christmas surprise that Bill had worked on in secret. The foot board has a cast iron Mama Bear & 2 cubs. Deb has a quilted wildlife, earth tones quilt on the bed and she just loves it. Their daughter “Samantha” has requested Dad to make her a bed also, she plans on marrying in December of 2015. What a wonderful wedding gift. Bill says he plans to incorporate deer into the design of their bed. Debbie—Gardening, flowers, collecting light houses, black beads& rustic room furnishings. Bill & Deb are both active in Jackson Group “Marriage Matters”. Ask them to tell you about this. About my or 2005 1800 Goldwing Bluish/Purple, our Bike(s) depending on how the light shines on it. They have a matching 2 wheel trailer. Bill saw it parked in a yard for sale in Albion, while he was on a delivery route and purchased it in August 2013. Prior to this bike he rode an 1100 Honda Shadow. Deb has always been his corider. They have put approx 20,000 miles on the bike since owning it. Favorite Accessory pecially their Prime Rib on friday and Saturday Nights. Bill—Am/FM Radio Debbie—Enjoys the all-around passenger comfort of the Wing, Foot Pegs, Seat & Arm Rests Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge Bill & Deb both agree the best so far, has Favorite Trip or Ride been their trip out East last summer, July 2014. Just the two of them rode through the Pocono Mountains. 10 Cascade Wings Events around Region D Indiana District Directors Mike & Theresa Albright 812-701-7649 Mike 812-701-4080 Theresa Michigan District Director Bob & Kim Scott 989-426-3828 Region D Plaque Chapter J Cascade Wings Chapter “J” Directors Gary and Carol Williams 517-788-4538 or Ohio District Directors Rudy & Linda Copeland 937-498-1651 Check the District Web sites for Flyers and Registration to the “Indiana District Winter Rendezvous” Michigan District “Wingless Weekend” and Ohio District “Cabin Fever” 11 Cascade Wings M.F.A./CPR Class ATTENTION...CHANGE OF DATE FOR MEDIC FIRST AID CLASS! The M.F.A. class had been scheduled for Saturday, January 24th. It is being changed to SATURDAY, JANUARY 31st. Time remains the same. Class begins at 9:00 a.m. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early so that we may begin on time. Those signed up for the class are: Gordon Bergum Mona Bergum Sue Rinehart Eugene Rinehart Monica Rodman Ron Kulwicki Tim Reimers Ron Smith Jan Smith Lori Norkey Pat Maynard Carol Williams If you have not done so already, PLEASE let Gary know if you are able to attend on the 31st and still take the class. Sloppy Joes are provided for lunch. Whatever you choose to bring to share will complete the meal! Cost of the class is only $25 per person...due now! Cash or check made out to Cascade Wings MI-J and please give to Monica Rodman or Gary. Any questions, please see Gary. 517-788-4538 or Lansing Family RV Show LANSING FAMILY RV SHOW January 22-25, 2015 MSU Pavilion for Agriculture and Livestock Education 4301 Farm Lane (corner of Farm Lane and Mt.Hope) East Lansing, MI Thursday Noon - 8:00 p. m. Friday Noon - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Why do we care about this show? Because it is an awesome opportunity to greet people and to sell our Raffle Tickets! This $400 booth space is coming to us FREE of charge. We sold about $900 last year. Wouldn't it be great to top that this year?! Plus you get the added bonus of seeing and dreaming about all those great R.V.'s. (Or you could be like Rich last year and actually fulfill your dream by buying one! Way to go, Rich!) We are not asking or expecting anyone to be there all four days or for all day when you do come. We should have at least four members at any given time. We can break up the days in shifts. Friday and Saturday will most likely be the busiest times. The more who sign up, the more fun we'll have and the more tickets we'll sell. Carpooling is a good option and fun as well. A sign up sheet will be at the January gathering. If for some reason you can't make the gathering, just let us know what day and times you would like to volunteer to help the chapter sell tickets. For those who aren't in a position to sell individual tickets during the year, this event, along with our Mall Show, is a great way to participate and have fun helping the chapter. Looking forward to seeing your name on the sign up sheet and seeing you at the RV Show! Chapter “J” Directors Gary and Carol Williams 517-788-4538 or Ludington over Memorial Weekend Hi Cascade Wings. We are making plans for a bike trip to Ludington over Memorial Weekend. We are taking our bunkhouse and planning to stay at Ludington State Park, hoping to get in the Beechwood campground. Sites are already filling up for that week. You can only reserve 6 months out so we are making our reservation this Saturday, the 22nd. Friday May 22nd, Saturday May 23rd, and Sunday May 24th 2015 are the nights we are planning to reserve. Once we get our reservation we can let you know what campsite we are on. Ludington has quite a few hotels and even Bed & Breakfast sites for those that may not want to camp. You probably will need to book a room early since we are talking about Memorial weekend. Mentions of day rides to Pentwater and to the Traverse City area, as well as a trip to the local fish market/eatery “Bortells” are just a few of the things we can do. Ludington State Park is probably the nicest State Park in Michigan, with hiking trails, fishing, a lighthouse to tour and just plain relaxing. Ludington State Park is 100% reserve-able so I believe you must reserve online. If you cancel your reservation there is a fee, which used to be $8, not sure if that is still the same cost. So, you could reserve and if you find out you can’t go, cancel for only $8. Here is a link to the website to check out Ludington State Park. Here is the link to Beechwood’s reservation map. 2fBeechwood%3fMap If anyone would like to join us, we’re planning on riding up early Friday morning the 22nd. Make your reservation, State Park or hotel, we’ll have lots of fun. Jeff and Terri Curtis Asst. Chapter J Directors 12 Cascade Wings 13 Cascade Wings All Rides leave from East Side Meijers and West Side Meijers (unless otherwise noted) TGIS Dinner Rides TBA “ Ice Cream Ride’s back next spring” January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 New Years Day 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Lansing Family RV Show Lansing Family RV Show Lansing Family RV Show 29 30 31 Chp J Monthly Gathering 25 26 27 28 Lansing Family RV Show Medic First Aid/CPR Class Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge Details for all rides/events are located in this Newsletter, website chapter/j, and Face Book at Goldwing J Chapter J 2014-2015 Charity “Great Lakes Burn Camp” 14 Cascade Wings Chapter J Activities Calendar January 2015 thru June 2015 Ice Cream Rides back next Spring Departure and Arrival Times TBA (depending on destination) 2015 January 2015 March (cont.) Sun Jan 04 Chp J Gathering Sun Mar 22 Spring Officer’s Meeting 2015 April Thurs-Sun Jan 22-25 Sat Jan 31 5:30 pm-6:00 pm Social Time 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Gathering Lansing RVShow Sun Apr 5 MSU Pavilion 4301 Farm Lane East Lansing, MI Chp J Gathering 5:30 pm-6:00 pm Social Time 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Gathering Thurs-Fri 12:00 pm—8:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am—8:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am—5:00 pm Sat Apr 11 Chapter C Anniversary Contact Gary Williams @ 517-788-4538 for more information Sat Apr 18 Chapter R Mystery Dinner Medic First Aid/CPR Class Thurs-Sun Apr 23-26 Chapter J Mall Show Jackson Crossing, Jackson, MI 2015 May Saturday January 31, 2015 Cascades Wesleyan Church 1404 Rowan St Jackson, MI 49203 Sun May 03 9:00 am—4:00 pm $25 per person, Sloppy Joes provided please bring a passing dish Contact Gary Williams @ 517-788-4538 for more information Chp J Gathering 5:30 pm-6:00 pm Social Time 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Gathering No Dates Yet Ice Cream Rides should start this month Indiana Spring Wing Warm Up 2015 February Thur-Sat May 07-09 Sun Feb 1 Chp J Gathering 2015 June 5:30 pm-6:00 pm Social Time 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Gathering Sat Jun 06 Chapter J Burn Camp Challenge Thur-Sat Feb 05-07 Ohio Cabin Fever Sun Jun 07 Fri-Sat Feb 13-14 Indiana Winter Rendezvous Saturday Feb 28 University Training Programs Sun Jun 07 Chapter L Picnic in the Park 2015 March Thur-Sat Jun 11-13 Ohio Buckeye Rally Fri-Sun Jun 12-14 MIS Race Not on Fathers Day Weekend Sun Jun 28 Lugnuts Game Tickets $11.00 per person Sun Mar 1 Fri-Sat Mar 20-21 Flyer on page 11 Flyer on page 11 Chp J Gathering 5:30 pm-6:00 pm Social Time 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Gathering Wingless Weekend Flyer on page 13 Chp J Gathering 5:30 pm-6:00 pm Social Time 6:00 pm-7:00 pm Gathering Contact Terri Curtis for more info 15 Cascade Wings Lansing RV Show Thursday—Sunday January 22-25, 2015 Birthdays, Anniversaries, and GWRRA Member date * GWRRA Life Time member MSU Pavilion 4301 Farm Lane East Lansing, MI Chapter J Thurs-Fri 12:00 pm—8:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am—8:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am—5:00 pm GWRRA Member Since January Birthdays 03 Randy Lea N/A 06 Karen Bradley 02/90* 10 Tom Maynard 03/94 11 Bill Warblow (New Member) Contact Gary Williams @ 517-788-4538 for more information Medic First Aid/CPR Class January Anniversaries Saturday January 31, 2015 None that I know of Cascades Wesleyan Church 1404 Rowan St Jackson, MI 49203 Let Louie Know if we missed your Birthday or Anniversary 9:00 am—4:00 pm Chapter Recognition $25 per person Sloppy Joes will be provided Please bring a passing dish Contact Gary Williams @ 517-788-4538 for more information December 2014 Drawing Winners February Activity Thurs—Sat 05-07 Super Draw Winner Monica Rodman Ohio Cabin Fever (see flyer on page 11) Fri—Sat 13-14 Indiana Winter Rendezvous Bike Raffle Tickets Mike Vantassell (see flyer on page 11) Saturday 28 University Training Programs 50/50 Ticket Ron Kulwicki GET WELL GREETINGS Chapter Pride Andy Duncan (maybe Dale) Hope all is well in the Chapter J Family this month Chapter J would also like to extend our deepest sympathy to those member’s and their families who have lost loved one’s this month. Visitors CMA- Mike Plock Mike and Donna Vantassell If there is anyone we have missed, we sincerely apologize for Chapter “J”. Please let Jeanne Reimers at 517-764-1654 or know if there is anyone we need to send a card to. 16 Cascade Wings Classifieds For Sale Timeout Camper—Only set up once For Sale 1992 Gold Wing Interstate– Blue—63,336 miles, Factory CB with Rider Intercom and AM/FM w/ AUX , Oil, maintenance, brakes, and fluids, running boards added, front and back for comfort with heal/toe shifter. Tires and Brakes all new. Also comes with a Garmin GPS unit and all the software that is also integrated into the sound system. Safety lighting: Headlight has a pulse beam , and the rear has Wig-Wag brake lights. Blue LED lighting added, mounted under the front cowling, and the saddle bags. A rollaway custom tool box matches the bike, full of items such as manuals, LED lights, spare parts, cycle lift for servicing, oil wrench, mounted coat rack , tire repair kit, gage visor, first aid kit, many more extras. A Coleman Caboose Trailer custom painted to match. The custom hitch has a plug and play cooler rack for day trips. Clothing, helmets, rain gear, cold weather gear, and GWRRA Chapter Vest. I am asking $6,800.00 $3,200.00 Contact Dan Foster @ 517-474-0256 02/15 For Sale 2010 Yellow Honda Gold Wing—1,400 miles, Navigation, Heated seats & heated hand grips $18,000 or make offer Contact Tina Alley @ 517-740-7125 or 02/15 Buy or Sell Something Here Call Scott Allen @ 734-426-3655 ext 18 or or 2/15 Buy or Sell Something Here For Sale 2008 Yamaha Royal Star — Tour Deluxe—Blue Low Mileage Must Sell Make Offer Call 734-904-5886 For Sale 2004 Motocorp Trailer: All Aluminum Construction Dry weight = 160 lbs Torsion suspension All new LED lighting Separate Brake and Turn signals Price = $1,400 OBO 3/15 Contact - Doug Newton 517-745-2100 Support our Advertisers They Support Us Advertise Here Advertise Here 17 04/15 Cascade Wings Ron and Jan Smith and Tim Reimers 2015 Chapter “J” 2015 Chapter “J” Couple Individual of the Year of the Year Our Facebook address is Goldwing J “ATTENTION” Next MONTHLY Gathering is Sunday February 01, 2015 Michigan District C.O.Y. Gary and Carol Williams Region “D” C.O.Y. Gary and Carol Meyerholtz Visit Chapter “J” on the Internet, and Facebook Our Web Page address: International C.O.Y. John and Barb Pons GWRRA Region D, Chapter J 1146 Scarlet Oak East Jackson, MI 49201 517-788-4538 Monthly Gathering @ 6:00 pm Social Time @ 5:30 pm The 1st Sunday of the month, @ Cascades Wesleyan Church 1404 Rowan St. Jackson, MI 49203 517-788-4538 FIRST CLASS MAIL 18 Social Hour 5:30 pm—6:00 pm Gathering 6:00 pm—7:30 pm
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