Principal’s Report 4 6 19th Nov 2014 2015 Staffing I am pleaed to announce that our new Deputy rincipal from 2015 to 2020 i Ryan Hanan +ther ,nown poion at thi point areYear 1/2 Cla – Tania (06) and Heather Yate (04) Week 7 Fri 28/11 R-5 RE Seminar Year 2/ Cla – Elie Graymore (06) and Belinda McGilvray (04) Year 4/5 Cla – Anita Bealehole Week 8 Middle School Science / HASS – Anita Kelin Thurs 4/12 oion ll to :e ;nalied – R- reentaon 100 Fri 5/12 Middle / Senior School Art / Enlih reentaon Niht VET Coordinator Week 9 Aitant rincipal rimary Wed 10/12 Rec Excurion Year 4/5 Cla Thurs 11/12 May:e another teachin poion to :ac, ;ll leaderhip Lat day of School ngratuans r ngdn It wa reat to hear that the contri:uon that Andrew ha made to the development of our youn people’ foot:all ,ill wa ac,nowleded on the wee,end He a>ended a ala preentaon in Adelaide to receive the A?L School Am:aador Award Many of our teacher contri:ute to our tudent outide of chool hour and it’ reat when that i reconied Well done Andrew! Bus Trave Access Acce to chool :ue i a priority for chool tudent and children oin to Kindy can travel on the :ue if there are eat availa:le ?or afety reaonB children who a>end +ccaional CareB Rural Care or other type of ervice offered at the Kindy other than rechool are not elii:le to :e on the :u and will not :e iven acce It ha come to our a>enon that ome youner children have :een on :ue thi year and thi i now to top Apoloie to any familie that thi may inconvenience Parent Surveys Than, you to thoe 15 parent who have reponded to our urvey on Survey Mon,ey If you haven’t yet done oB pleae do it :efore ?riday next wee, – 28th Novem:er Your opinion are valued and we do ue thi informaon in our forward plannin The lin, i on our ?ace:oo, pae and we:ite The urvey can :e found at h>p-//wwwurveymon,eycom//CW5GB2N or a hard copy can :e collected from the front office leae let Fune or Kerri ,now if you would li,e a hard copy ent home Adut Ficn usic amp Lat wee, mem:er of our chool :and travelled to Melroe to parcipate in a camp and larer :and with tudent from Roe ar, and Sturt Street rimary School in Adelaide They all met at the Willochra Camp ite on Tueday and reheared piece that they had all :een pracin in their individual chool for ome me The com:ined ound of o many youn people playin percuionB woodwindB ,ey:oard and vocal wa fantac The tudent travelled to +rroroo Area School on Wedneday and performed there Hue than, you to Mr Davidon for inially eKn the rant to ma,e thi poi:le and then to oranie the whole camp Alo to Mr Lana Shadwell and Mr Ellie Lam:ell for helpin with uperviion and :u drivin I wa reminded of the power of muic to :uild ,illB con;dence and networ, for our tudent and wa privileed to :e part of thi ‘Leavin Time’ :y Fodi icoult ‘Gray Mountain’ :y Fohn Griham ‘The Ecape’ :y David Baldacci ‘The Silent Sea’ :y Clive Culer ‘Spartan Gold’ :y Clive Culer ‘The Wrec,er’ :y Clive Culer ‘Blood Maic,’ :y Nora Ro:ert ‘+ur Kind of Love’ :y Victoria urman ‘Meant to Be’ :y ?iona McCallum hidren$s Ficn ‘The Brilliant World of Tom Gate’ :y Liz ichon ‘Smiley Shar, & the Great Bi Hiccup’ :y Ruth Galloway ‘Killer Specie’ :y Michael Spradlin ‘Caear the War Do’ :y Stephen Dando-Collin ‘Space Mice Alien Ecape’ :y Geronimo Slton CheerB Ro:yn POSTIO% VAA%T ‘Gooe:ump Mot Wanted’ :y R L Sne ‘+ne Niht’ :y enny Ma>hew Bus Driver – Wicherry Bus Run Frm the cmmencement f the 2015 sch year. ‘Go to Sleep Feie’ :y Li::y Gleeon ‘Mix it up’ :y Herve Tullet ‘Li>le Do and the Chritma Wih’ :y Corinne ?enton Applicaon are called for thi poion in wrin directed to the rincipalB Mr Ro:yn Wohlin ‘Santa’ Buy Reindeer’ :y Ed Allen ‘There wa an +ld Blo,e who Swallowed a reent’ :y Crum:le ‘+nce Jpon a Chritma’ :y BeaKe Alvarez +ne pae applicaon tan previou drivin experience with :ue or lare vehicle and / or any role wor,in or volunteerin with youn people leae provide copie of driver’ licence includin Driver Accreditaon and DCSI Criminal Hitory Chec, Cer;caon +R tated intenon to have thee in place :efore commencement of due ‘The Twelve Day of Chritma’ :y Alion Fay ‘Tea and Suar Chritma’ :y Fane Folly %n Ficn ‘Lat Woman Haned’ :y Caroline +verinton ‘9 Thin-A :ac, to Baic Guide to Calm arenn’ :y Maie Dent ‘Top Do-A cele:raon of reat Autralian wor,in do’ :y Anela Goode ‘Iniht Guide – Vietnam’ ‘1000 Aweomely Gro & Diun ?act’ :y Grace Harvey ?urther detail availa:le from Ro:ynB Fune or Kerri 862M20M4 ‘Autralia’ Mot Deadly’ :y Karen McGhee ‘Ancient Eypt’ :y Finny Fohnon Library Report ‘Explorer lanet Earth’ :y Daniel Gilpin ‘Lonely lanet’ – Bet in Travel 2015’ %EW TO YOUR LIBRARY ‘uhin the Limit’ :y Kurt ?earnley DVDs Reading Group ‘22 Fump Street’ with Channin Tatum & Fonah Hill The Reading Group met on Monday 17th November to discuss the book ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ by Erich Maria Remarque. The book was a stark reminder this year is the 100 year anniversary of the beginning of WW1. book. ‘Safe Haven’ with Foh Duhamel & Fulianne Houh ‘ALer Earth’ with Will Smith & Faden Smith ‘eppa i – Cold Winter Day’ 2015 School Fees The reading group will start reading books that have been nominated from the People’s Choice Awards, beginning with ‘The First Week’ by Margaret Merrilees. They will then be able to vote The school’s Finance Committee and Governing Council would like on their favourite The next meeting will be held on the 8th to set 2015 School Fees at the following amounts. December and will be the last one for the year. R – 5 students to be charged $295, and Year 6 – 12 students $345. Baby Bounce and Rhyme Time DECD has approved and watermarked the notice of charge for th Reception – Year 5 and Year 6 – Year 12. Copies of these notices are Baby Bounce and Rhyme Time will be held on Thursday 20 November at 10:30. All welcome. Reading, talking, singing and included in this newsletter. playing with children helps their developing brains make the necessary connections for future learning and wellbeing and also The Kimba Area School Governing Council will be approving these th helps develop skills, imagination and creativity that will build a charges at its next meeting on Monday 8 December. Parents are strong foundation for future development. Love to see lots of welcome to put any concerns in writing to the Council Chairman parents, grandparents and children attend the last Baby Bounce for Scott Francis, or to attend the meeting and have a say in this decision. 2014. Janine Inglis, on behalf of the Finance Committee School Holiday Opening Times Closed between Christmas and New Year Library will open Tuesday, January 7th 2015 Monday CLOSED Tuesday – Friday 10.15am – 12.30pm 1.00pm – 4.30pm Thanks Therese, Katrin, Lisa and Jodi 50th Celebrations Booklet The second and final order for the booklets have arrived. If you reserved your copy please come and visit us and collect. P&F AGM Thursday 27th November 1.30pm (new time) In Library Please come along and consider membership of this important committee for our school. P&F primary role is a fundraising organisation for the benefit of the school. We also have committee members representing the group on various school committees, an important way to have a parental voice. There are a number of committee members retiring this year and we really need fresh faces. Look forward to seeing you 1M/11 Ryan Andrew 18/11 Fac,on Foyce Career Road Show, Tues 9th December 18/11 Lu,e Willmo> (An initiative from our recent business information evening) 18/11 Lucy Lehmann 22/11 Nathan ?ranci We are looking for interested businesses to host a visit by our Yr 9 students to provide details of what your business does in regards to the actual work and any other positions within your business involved with the running and management. 28/11 Heath Wood Please contact Andrew Congdon for more information 22/11 Georia Lienert SAPSASA Golf On the 3rd of September my Dad and I headed down to Adelaide for SAPSASA Golf for my third year in a row. We headed out to Highercombe Golf Club and I had a lesson with Shannon Scott. After that we headed into Adelaide and went to the place we were staying with two people we knew from Pinnaroo in a unit in North Plympton. The next day we headed to Drummond golf driving range and hit a few balls. Then we went to the Executive par 66 course and I played in the qualifying round to get into the championship round on the main course. I shot 70 off the stick and qualified about middle of the field. We went to The Watermark for tea with the people we were staying with and stuffed ourselves with food! The next morning we had our team excursion and we went to Bowland in Marion, Bella won the girls and Dustin won the boys. On Tuesday afternoon we played against Lower Eyre Peninsula which we had a lot of close games but lost 13-5. On Wednesday morning we played Onkaparinga South and got smashed 17-1. We played Lower South East and were beaten 15-3. That night Mitchell and Thomas were lucky enough to go to the T20 cricket – Australia vs South Africa at Adelaide Oval. Thursday morning we played Southern Yorke Peninsula and again were thrashed 17-1. In the afternoon we played North Eastern and won 14-4! We were very happy with this result and it meant that we couldn’t win the wooden spoon! On Friday morning we played Southern and had a good game but lost 12-6. We all improved heaps during the week and all of the kids would like to thank Di Eatts for being our coach for the week, also our parents for taking us. Thomas Klingberg The next morning we went to the Adelaide Shores Golf Course’s driving range before we teed off. On the first 9 holes I had had 49 which is fairly good. Coming in to the 18th hole I was on 43, I had a really good drive but my second shot found the bunker. It took me 5 shots to get out of the bunker and I ended up with a 9 on that hole. It gave me 101 for the day which I was happy with, but I was disappointed with how my last hole had ended. I would like to thank Dad for taking me to Adelaide and Tom Kenny and E.P. Golf for organising the Eyre Peninsula qualifying down in Port Lincoln. By Thomas Klingberg Bac, Row- Dun +:ornB Thoma Klin:erB Alya CantB Ellie William ?ront- Mitchell YateB Georia Lienert SAPSASA Tennis This year there were 6 students from Kimba (Thomas Klingberg, Dustin Osborn, Mitchell Yates, Alyssa Cant, Georgia Lienert and Ellie Williams) who went to SAPSASA Tennis from Monday the 3rd of November until Friday the 7th of November at the Seacliff Tennis Courts. On Monday morning we played Riverland and were annihilated 17-1, this was a real realisation of how things might go for the rest of the week. In the afternoon we played Murraylands and lost respectively 11-7. MERIT AWARDS awarded on 7th November 2014 Name Year Award Tahlia Curnow Rec +uttandin recount in Story Wrin +llie Woolford Rec Exceponal :oo,wor, preentaon Luca Ea> Rec +uttandin improvement in Story Wrin and Readin Ia:el Redden Yr 1 Good improvement with Natural Math fact Heidi Murdoc, Yr 1 Good improvement with learnin Natural Math fact De,ota Woolford Yr 1 Great calculaon and pro:lem olvin in Math Brodee Zi:ell Yr 1 ?or extendin himelf with pro:lem olvin in Math Sienna Yate Yr 2 ?or reat thin,in in Mulplicaon Mac,lin +:orn Yr 2 ?or reat thin,in in ?racon Dylan ?ranci Yr 2 ?or uin hi reilience to ,eep on ta, William Rodda Yr Foinin in with more people and acvie Breeana Wood Yr Wor,in hard in all area Kayne Wethoff Yr 4 Showin compaion and an improved focu acro learnin area Delaney William Yr 4 ?or havin a never ive up mindet and perin with all ta, El,e Moe:y-Read Yr 4 ?antac oetry unit Charlie owell Yr 4 ?antac oetry unit Kyal Cham:er Yr 4 Tryin really hard in oetry Jnit Auhiarn Challi Yr 4 Improvement in all learnin area Nathan Butcher Yr 4 ?or demontran independence and oraniaon on camp Nathan ?ranci Yr 4 ?or a reat effort on camp Mac,enzie Lam:ell Yr 5 ?antac oetry unit Re:ecca Clifford Yr 5 ?or a reat effort on camp Declan Zi:ell Yr M Dilient wor,er in the veeta:le arden Mac,enley Harradine Yr M Dilient wor,er in the veeta:le arden A::ey Hampel Yr 8 Kaey Andrew Yr 8 AO for acid and Bae Tet in Science and a reat Po: ain with food preparaon durin the Local Hitory Great Po: ain with food preparaon durin the Local Hitory preentaon Darcy Henderon Yr 8 Great Po: ain with food preparaon durin the Local Hitory preentaon Nathan Ryan Yr 9 Detailed meline of the ‘Napoleonic War’ in Hitory Bonnie ?ranci Yr 9 Excellent applicaon in the ‘Diital oetry Antholoy’ unit Ahlee ?ranci Yr 10 Fame Schu:ert Yr 10 Excellent parcipaon and prompt u:miion of all aement in Science Well contructed inihQul piece on Vietnamee overnment Well contructed inihQul piece on Chinee overnment Hayley Tree Yr 10 Well contructed inihQul piece on Thai overnment Lateiha Ramey Yr 12 An excellent text producon component of Enlih Communicaon Dariu Kin Yr 12 An excellent text producon component of Enlih Communicaon Courtney Fohnon Yr 12 Excellent applicaon in Enlih Communicaon thi year Ethan Inli Yr 12 Excellent applicaon in Enlih Communicaon thi year Community News DREAM DANCE STJDI+ KIDZ KLUB Tuesdays, 3.30 – 5.00 pm In the Kids room – 61 High Street All children 5 years and over welcome Any queries to Kate Ryan – 86278052 Term 4 2014 Concert MpmB Sat 29th Novem:er Kim:a Soldier Memorial Hall Tic,et from rinle A lu Kim:a Refrehment Availa:le November 25th GREAT FLINDERS JUNIOR TENNIS TOURNAMENT Sunday 23rd November 2014 8am at the Cummins Courts Kim:a Country Educaon ?oundaon Entries to be in by 5pm Thursday 20th November The foundaon wihe to advie reident of the Kim:a ditrict that it cholarhip Cost $4.00 per event (limit of 3 events per player) AGES (on 31st December) 10/U Boys and Girls Singles and Doubles 12/U Boys and Girls Singles and Doubles 14/U Boys and Girls Singles and Doubles 16/U Boys and Girls Singles and Doubles Please leave details including date of birth and contact number with Kate Murnane on 0429 795 443 or OR Anna Richardson on 0427 824 311 or Sponsored by Cummins District Community Bank Branch applicaon for ;nancial aitance for JniverityB TA?E and apprencehip coure opened on Monday rd Novem:erB 2014 The applicaon proce will cloe 500pm ThurdayB 2Mth Novem:er 2014 Applicaon form are availa:le from the ?ront +ffice & Li:rary of Kim:a Area School and the Ditrict Council of Kim:a Any querie pleae contact Anne Moyle on 862M20M4/041M844962 Community News Tennis Coaching with Danie Jacobs th Sunday 0 Novem:er ***LIMITED SACES*** ?irt inB :et dreed leae contact Rachel Yate 0428 2M8 06 :efore Monday 24th Novem:er KELLY HALL XMAS TREE SJNDAY 21ST DECEMBER 400M START ALL WELC+ME BY+ ++LED TEAB DRINKS & CHAIR Contact ?lea for more detail 0459 1 80 Junir Basketba arniva Wudinna Sunday 30th %vember Conratulaon to the followin player on :ein elected to parcipate for the Kim:a Ba,et:all Aociaon in the Le Hunte Funior Ba,et:all Carnival on Novem:er 0th at Wudinna 17 & Under Girs Am:er enelley Ellen Harradine Taya Lehmann Samantha Shadwell Ahlee ?ranci Maddi Foyce 14 & Under Girs Bonnie ?ranci A::ey Hampel Darcy Henderon Foanna Nield Rhianna ae Feica Hodin 17 & Under Bys Cooper Henderon Mitchell Foyce Ko:y No>le Nic, enelley Mathew Ramey Nathan Ryan Marcu Thompon 14 & Under Bys Trent Lam:ell Mac,enzie Inli Mac,enzie Cheter Caidy William Lu,e Willmo> Dun +:orn *Ae a of carnival date If you are unavaila:le to play pleae contact Ryan Hanan or Clare William ASA o replacement can :e no;ed More detail reardin tarn me etc will follow once con;rmed We are desperatey seeking umpires and caches for each rade leae let Ryan or Clare ,now if you are willin to help o we are a:le to parcipate on the day
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