SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014 THANKSGIVING MESSAGE FROM PASTOR TAYLOR It a world such as ours, a world riddled with violence, sickness, trouble, sorrow, pain and suffering, it could be asked, "What have we to be thankful for?" The normal answer given is that we should be thankful because we are still here. To the believer, our gratitude is not based on the condition of our world or dependent upon the things we have or don't have. However, our gratitude is founded upon the biblical principle that to be thankful especially unto the Lord is a form of worship. Psalm100:5 says "Be thankful unto Him and bless His name." This is not a request but it is a command. Thanksgiving is apart of our worship and our prayer language. The world has set aside a day for everyone to give thanks. Thanksgiving is a wonder season for family to get together or for people to show kindness to those less fortunate. Many people will receive love, support, meals, and an outpouring from others who believe in acts of charity. All of that is good and is a part of the works motivated by faith. However, the real spirit of "thanksgiving" is ongoing everyday. Because the Lord is good everyday, his mercy is everlasting everyday, and his truth still endures forever, everyday! So give thanks unto the Lord for He is good. SPECIAL York and Northern New Jersey will present his new book “SOAR”, which focuses on providing academic excellence for young African American boys. He will do a book signing following both services. ANNOUNCEMENT GENERAL BAPTIST CONVENTION OF NEW JERSEY, INC. ANNUAL INSTALLATION AND UNITY SERVICE Today, CBC will host the Annual Installation and Unity Service for the General Baptist Convention of New Jersey, Inc. A dessert reception will be held from 4:30pm to 6:00pm with the service beginning at 6:00pm. The guest preacher for this occasion will be Dr. Deforest B. Soaries, Jr., Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens, Somerset, NJ. Dr. Guy Campbell, Jr. is the State President. MINISTRY MEETINGS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS “HOMECOMING”/ CELEBRATION OF FRIENDS AND FAMILY DAY CBC will observe “Homecoming” and celebrate Friends and Family Day on Sunday, November 30th. What a wonderful time to invite your friends and family to join you in worship! Make this a part of your Thanksgiving celebration. The Dance Ministry Institute of New York will be our guests. Also, David Banks of the Eagle Academies of New Youth Church for ages 4-13 will be held in the Fellowship Hall. Registration will take place in Fellowship Hall C. MINISTRY OF DISCIPLESHIP Prayer and Bible Study – Thanksgiving Week Schedule Prayer and Bible Study will be held on Tuesday, November 25th. Prayer will begin at 7:00pm followed by Bible Study at 8:00pm. Strength at Noon will not be held on Wednesday, November 26th. IMPACT Men’s Ministry Bible Study will not be held on Saturday, November 29th. COMMUNITY SAINTS 2050 A.D. MINISTRY December 7th is the final date to order the Community Saints 2050 A.D. Rites of Passage Ministry T-Shirt featuring the scripture Romans 10:9. Proceeds from T-shirt sales will be used to help fund the youth component of the future CBC Family Life Center. Please visit the Fellowship Hall today following both services. T-shirts ordered last Sunday will be available for pick up today. Community Baptist Church of Englewood 224 First Street Englewood, NJ 07631 Reverend Dr. Lester W. Taylor, Jr., Senior Pastor November 23, 2014 Page 1 ANGEL TREE MINISTRY 18th 2014 marks the year that CBC has participated in the Angel Tree Ministry, a prison fellowship program that connects parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts. Angels will be available in the Fellowship Hall beginning today, and on November 30th and December 7th following both services. Please see flyers in the lobby bins for more information. ATTENTION ALL LEADERS: Please mark you calendars for a leadership meeting on Monday, December 15th at 7:30pm. If you are unable to attend, please email With the exception of Deacons, Deaconess, Associate Ministers and Office Staff, leaders of CBC Ministries are the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of a ministry. Chaplains are not required to attend meetings but may do so if the President of the ministry desires. NEW LIFE WOMEN’S MINISTRY CLOSING SESSION The New Life Women’s Ministry will have its closing session on Monday, December 8th at 7:30pm. The focus for the evening is on the word LOVE and Rev. Oglessa Gowder is the guest speaker for the evening. We hope to see you there! MINISTRY CONFERENCES AND EVENTS HALL A TODAY *Christmas Fellowship Senior Luncheon *Community Saints 2050 A.D. T-Shirt Sales *Angel Tree Program Angel Distribution Tickets are available today following both services on a first come, first served basis for the Sarah M. Clark Mothers Ministry Christmas Fellowship Senior Luncheon on Saturday, December 20th from 2:00pm – 6:00pm. The luncheon will be held in the Clarence E. Kenner Fellowship Hall. Please note the luncheon is for CBC members, ages 65 and up. If you were a part of the women’s cruise on October 27-November 1, please email your feedback to: Please include information regarding the booking process, ship experience, excursions and suggestions for the future. Look forward to hearing from you. TABLES IN FELLOWSHIP CHRISTMAS FELLOWSHIP SENIOR LUNCHEON NEW LIFE MINISTRIES WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU! DEACONS MINISTRY A Resident Deacon will be in the office daily to assist the membership with dire needs and can be reached at 201-500-6001-Wednesday-Samuel Williams; Thursday-Thanksgiving; Friday-Paul Thomas. Also, Deacons Charles Frasier-201-805-2248 and Franel Milligan-201-805-2249 will be on hand for the week to make or receive phone calls and visitations. Community Baptist Church of Englewood 224 First Street Englewood, NJ 07631 Reverend Dr. Lester W. Taylor, Jr., Senior Pastor November 23, 2014 Page 2
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