21 NOVEMBER 2014 -

21st NOVEMBER 2014
Thank you Mr Lancaster
The start of 2015 will be a new era for GVGS. It will be the first time in over 30 years that Mr Lancaster has not been a member of the
teaching staff. The Visual Art programme at GVGS has been shaped by the influence of Mr Lancaster who was always a passionate
advocate for the Visual Arts.
He was appointed as a teacher and Art Department Coordinator in 1985. He taught Art to students at levels from Years 5 to 12. He
was involved in curriculum development, implementation and review. He also initiated the introduction of Visual Communication Design
into the school curriculum. Mr Lancaster led the introduction of Information Technology as a creative tool in the Visual Art area. He
showed great initiative in managing the many technical aspects of Art Department technology.
Throughout his time at the School he was involved in a range of leadership roles, holding many positions of responsibility. He was a
Year Level Coordinator and a member of various senior leadership teams including the Academic Committee.
Beyond the school’s day-to-day operations, Mr Lancaster was heavily involved in many aspects of the broader school community. He
is a talented theatrical lighting and set designer. He produced many outstanding sets for productions over the years and continues to
oversee the lighting at Presentation Evening.
Mr Lancaster leaves a vibrant legacy, which is obvious around the school and will be for many years to come. He organised many
School Arts Festivals including for the School’s 20 anniversary. He organised numerous School Artist in Residence programmes. The
many installations and Art on public display around the school are largely a legacy of his initiative and planning. He was also greatly
involved in the design of the Fairley Arts Centre. The School logo used in the uniform, publications and signage was designed by Mr
Since 2001 Mr Lancaster has been a particularly loyal and active member of the Parents and Friends Association. He is one of the
most reliable and regular attenders of meetings and P&F events. Whether it is selling raffle tickets, serving drinks or planning an event,
Mr Lancaster has given countless hours to the P&F over the years. An achievement of particular note was securing the use of
Shepparton Short Film Festival films for P&F fundraisers, which were most successful.
The Lancaster family have a strong connection with the school. He and his wife Mrs Janet Lancaster were active in the school
community and their three sons Evan (Class of 2000), Andrew (Class of 2003) and Nicholas (Class of 2008) all attended GVGS. We
look forward to Mr Lancaster and his family maintaining a close relationship with the School. He will always be a valued friend of
Goulburn Valley Grammar School.
Helen Macpherson Smith Trust
For many years the School has provided a Scholarship programme to support families in educating their children. These Scholarships
have been offered for academic excellence, general excellence and for Aboriginal students. In 2012, the School Board approved the
establishment of two Social Justice Scholarships. The programme involved the provision of a Scholarship for a refugee and an
Aboriginal student commencing in Year 7.
In 2014, representatives of the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust approached the School. The Trust was founded in 1951 on the wishes
of the late Helen Macpherson Smith to establish a perpetual trust to benefit charitable institutions based in Victoria. The Trust’s mission
is to help build fair, creative and resilient Victorian communities through initiatives that promote positive change. In May this year, two
of the Trustees and the Chief Executive Officer visited the School. The Trust representatives were keen to learn about the School,
specifically our values, culture and the programmes we offer. Current Aboriginal students also gave the Trust representatives a school
tour. Discussions also covered potential opportunities regarding scholarship arrangements for Aboriginal students.
Following their visit, the Trust offered to fully fund two Aboriginal student scholarships for six years commencing in Year 7, 2015. The
proposal also involves local organisation Ganbina as a key partner in the arrangement, with each student maintaining involvement in
the Ganbina programme. This is an exceptionally generous and visionary gift from the Trust and reflects their vision of creating positive
change. The School Board is very excited about this initiative and we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with the Trust in
promoting excellence in education for students of Aboriginal identity.
Semper Ulterius
Mr Mark Torriero
Ph: 03) 5821-8155
Fax: 03) 5821-9337
15/11-29/11 Canada Exchange visit
21/11 Middle Years Social – Hall and Foyer 5:30pm –
22/11 5 Year Reunion Class of 2009 in Founders Hall
25/11 AMEB Piano Exams – H10
26/11 HUG Day Fundraiser
Junior Concert Band – 7:30pm to 9:30pm
27/11 Grandparents Day – 10:30am to 12:00pm
Gifted and Talented Night – Room 12 5:30pm –
28/11 Year 5 Christmas present making day
01/12 AMEB Strings exams – H10
02/12 AMEB Voice and Wind exams – H10
03/12 Year 6 Graduation Dinner GV Hotel
Early Commencement Programme
This week students commenced their new 2015 studies in
Years 8-12. Students currently in Years 5 and 6 remain in
their present grades until the end of the year. The purpose of
the Early Commencement Programme is to give students,
particularly at senior levels, a strong academic end to the
year, replacing a once traditional ‘wind down’ with a ‘flying
start’ to the new academic year. The students now have their
textbooks and new timetable. They will have three weeks of
dedicated study before Presentation Night, 10 December.
Early Commencement offers students great advantages and
a chance to focus strongly on the new academic year. It
enables academic studies to be continued right through until
the end of the year in December. The programme has been
designed to give students an ‘edge’ to 2015 studies, and as
such, we would not want any student to miss this opportunity
or to commence next year’s studies having to ‘catch up’. For
any further enquiries regarding the Early Commencement
Programme please contact myself or the relevant Year Level
Study skills tip for ECP: Steps to success
We would appreciate parents discussing these key steps at
STEP 1: It is pretty hard to get decent marks if you aren’t
doing at least the three ‘E’s:
ENROLMENT: coming to school every day, attending
every lesson.
EQUIPMENT: coming to class with textbooks, writing
paper, pens.
ENGAGEMENT: working in the classroom, trying your
best, doing what you are asked to do.
STEP 2: Got the basics under control and ready to move
your results to the next level?
Then this is what you need to do next:
giving you this work for a reason! To help you
understand the subject better. It makes sense to put a
bit of effort in to do this work.
participating it helps you understand better in class
which means less work to do at home. It is also
important to ask for help from your teachers if you do not
understand something.
RESOURCES: It is important you can find everything
you need when you need it. Consider how you have set
up your workspace, how you manage all the paper and
all of the digital resources you receive in the senior
STEP 3: Now that you have got things set up, time to make
your life easier, and your study more effective, with the
techniques on this next level.
Use a Term Planner or Term Calendar so you can
clearly see when assessments are due.
Use your school diary to help plan for assessments make a plan of work and keep track of what you have
Working in half hour blocks with no distractions.
Making a study plan or study timetable.
Making a plan each afternoon before you leave school.
Separating school work and personal time.
Allocating set times to schoolwork.
Starting the new year well will help to give students the flying
start we aim for in ECP.
Mrs Debbie Moore
Director of Teaching and Learning
Over the previous twelve months GVGS has been able to
establish a sister school relationship with a Muslim school
based in Surabaya, Indonesia. The school is Muhammadiyah
2, and it is part of a large network of schools throughout
Indonesia. The school has 900 students from Year 10 to 12
and is committed to developing positive relationships with
schools from many countries throughout the world. The
school has a genuine commitment to its students learning
not only English, but Japanese and Arabic. It also has a
relationship with Lorne-Aireys Inlet P-12 and these two
schools have had student exchanges for the past 4 years.
Two of our students from Year 10 have just returned from a
six day visit to Muhammadiyah 2 having been billeted with
students from that school. They were certainly treated to a
unique experience that will have given them the opportunity
to develop friendships from within that school’s community
and build their confidence in Indonesian language.
Students from Muhammadiyah 2 are very keen to visit us
from February 15 to 19 next year. The number of students
that come is very much determined by how many of our
families are in a position to offer to host the students. The
students from Muhammadiyah 2 would be selected to attend
GVGS by their school based on a range of criteria, one of
which is the student’s ability to speak English.
If you are able to offer a place to one or two students it would
be a wonderful opportunity for your child to broaden their
understanding of cultural diversity and for our visitors to
practise their English while experiencing Australian culture.
An offer to billet is not limited to students from Year 10 – 12.
If you feel you would be able to host any of these students in
February 2015, then please contact me at school either by
phone or email.
Leon McLeod
Deputy Principal
The Presentation Evening this year will be held on
Wednesday, 10 December at Eastbank Centre, Welsford
St, Shepparton at 7:30pm.
For new families of the GVGS community, this is a function
where Goulburn Valley Grammar School further celebrates
success and where various awards are presented to
students who have achieved excellence in many elements of
their schooling this year.
Awards include Subject Awards in Core Subjects (Years 5 to
10) and all VCE Subjects, Academic Achievement Awards,
Progress Awards, Encouragement Awards and Major
Awards focusing on citizenship.
The night is a formal occasion and students attending are
required to wear Full Summer Uniform (both award
winners and non-award winners) with Blazer.
Tickets will be made available commencing mid-next week.
Order Forms will be attached to the Friday Newsletter and
will also be available to be downloaded from the School
Website Homepage under ‘News’.
Please note that families can initially request two tickets –
regardless of whether a student is a prize winner or not! All
award winners will be notified and allocated their ticket
separately. Further tickets can be requested but will only be
allocated if available and after initial allocations are finalised.
Please read the Order Form for closing dates and ticket
distribution dates.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Mr Shane McDonald
Director of Co-curricular Programmes
The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research has confirmed a
long held suspicion of many parents and teachers, `
teenagers who routinely snuggle up in bed at night with their
computer or mobile phone are more than twice as likely to be
sleep deprived than other adolescents`. Over 70% of 11-17
year olds were reporting two or more devices could be found
in their bedroom at night. One of the researchers, Dr
Marschall said,` the findings suggest that night time
technology use is harmful for both sleep and circadian
systems, hurting teen health and learning potential`.
Researchers found that light emitted by computers, mobile
phones and TVs is known to suppress the sleep hormone
melatonin and delay sleep/wake patterns. These devices are
also interactive, keeping the user alert and awake.
Teenagers need NINE (9) hours of sleep a night on average
and should aim for at least EIGHT (8) hours a night on
weeknights. Sleep deprivation has been linked to mood
disorders, learning problems, school absenteeism, poor selfesteem and weight gain. The link to the full transcript of this
research can be found on the GVGS website.
Ms Trish Lawless
Director of Students
As you would be aware, the 2014 Academic Year officially
ended at GVGS on Monday of this week. As of Tuesday, all
students (except Years 5 and 6) started our Early
Commencement Programme and have moved into their
2015 classes.
Please be aware that the Parent Portal will continue to reflect
the 2014 Academic Year until early January. This will enable
parents to look at the comments and grades that teachers
entered as the 2014 Academic year drew to a close. In early
January, when the Portal is rolled over to 2015, comments
and grades entered in ECP will become visible.
Remember that you can download individual 2014 subject
grades and comments by clicking on the small Pdf icons
adjacent to each subject. The entire semester’s entries can
also be downloaded by clicking on the Pdf icon at the top of
the subject list (adjacent to where the Year level is written). If
you wish to keep an archive of Semester 2, 2014, you will
need to do this downloading by early January.
Mr Steve Bayly
Student Report Coordinator
At Goulburn Valley Grammar School we believe in the value
of service to others. We provide opportunities for student
leadership, recognising the purpose of such roles. For
students in Year 8 we offer the role of Middle Years Leaders.
The role has continued to evolve and the duties are varied,
depending on areas of expertise and personal strengths.
This week the process of selecting leaders began with some
35 students being nominated by Year 7 tutors and Year 7
teachers. These students were then approached to ascertain
their level of interest. Then, the Year 7 students were given
the opportunity to vote on whom they thought would best
represent their cohort next year. The final list of leaders,
consisting of 9 boys and 9 girls will then be considered
based on numerous criteria. All applicants, both successful
and not, will then be notified by a personal letter sent home.
Mr Scott Harrison
Year 8 Coordinator
Although many Victorian School of Language students at
GVGS deserve praise for their conscientiousness and the
quality of their work, three students in particular should be
especially proud of their efforts this year. They are Ben Chen
(Year 9 Japanese), Annika Dalley (Accelerated 1 German)
and Azana Mackali-Cerasi (Accelerated 1 Italian). These
students have been singled out by their respective language
teachers to receive Best Effort prizes for Excellence which
will be presented at an Awards Day at VSL headquarters on
the 6 December.
Ben also gained Distinctions in both Reading and Listening
in the Certificate 2 Japanese Assessment of Language
Competence competition under the auspices of ACER. Luca
Vazzoler gained a Distinction for Certificate 2 Italian
Listening, whilst Anna Zhong is to be commended for her
Certificate 2 Chinese Listening score, equal to Ben’s, which
gained a Credit.
Congratulations to you all!
Mrs Leona Sterling
At the Year 9 Showcase on Thursday night last week,
students Eva Gauci and Emma Jackson presented Belinda
Whitelaw, Best Start Coordinator from Shepparton City
Council with a cheque for money raised for the Early Literacy
is Fun Programme.
Full sail ahead! On the 11 of November the Year 6 students
went yachting at Victoria Park Lake. Great fun was had by all
as the weather was absolutely perfect. 6O and 6R took it in
turns to sail on the lake while the other class enjoyed taking
a walk and watching the yachting from the hill.
Miss Kelly McKay
Year 9 Coordinator
However the highlight for everyone was capsizing the yachts
and then trying to get back in without tipping the yacht over!
We would like to thank the people at Yachting Victoria as
well as the teachers for coming with us.
Teagan Menhenett
Year 6 Student
Eugene Calandro and Luca Vazzoler represented GVGS and
their local community during a service at the Murchison
Ossario recently.
The Murchison Ossario website outlines the history of the
Ossario as…
” During World War II 4,000 Italian, German and Japanese
POWs were detained at Murchison. Those who died at
Murchison were buried in the local cemetery but floods in
1956 did major damage to the graves. The Italian families in
the municipality were persuaded by Luigi Gigliotti to pay for
the building of a mausoleum - the Ossario.
Luigi also convinced authorities to bury all the Italian POWs
and detainees who died in Australian prison camps in the
mausoleum. The Ossario is the home of mass celebrations
each year on Remembrance Day.
The mausoleum, completed in 1961, is in Italian style. It is
built of Castlemaine stone with Roman roof tiles, a campanile
and an altar of Italian marble. Each year, on Remembrance
Day, mass is celebrated before a large gathering. There is
also an Italian war memorial and chapel.”
Thanks to Eugene and Luca for their role on the day.
Mr Shane McDonald
Director of Co-Curricular Programmes
PATTERSON, James – Treasure Hunters : Danger Down
the Nile.
RIORDAN, Rick – Percy Jackson and the Titan’s curse.
Graphic novel adapted by Robert Venditti.
ROBERTSON, Jenny – Wojtek : War Hero Bear. This is the
story of a bear cub who joins the Polish
Our Christmas craft making in the Library at lunchtime has
been very popular with the younger students and I would
love to see some of our older ones also becoming involved.
It will be running for all of next week and there are many and
varied activities being offered.
New Books: Older Readers
ATKINS, Clare – Nona and Me. This is a heartfelt book
about family, kinship, country and finding out what really
BADGER, Hilary – State of Grace. This story is set in a
mysterious garden where Wren and the
others live. In Wren’s eyes it is Utopia.
JONSBERG, Barry – Pandora Jones :
Deception. The Electrifying sequel to
RIORDAN, Rick – Percy Jackson and
the Lightning Thief. Can
Percy find the lightning
bolt before a war of the
Gods erupts?
New Books: Series
STILTON, Geronimo – The Search for Treasure. The sixth
adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy.
PILKEY, Dav – Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical
Retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000.
HARVEY, Jacqueline – Clementine Rose and the Famous
SNICKETT, Lemony – Shouldn’t You be in School. All the
wrong questions 3.
HALE, Shannon – A Wonderful World, The Storybook
Legends and The Unfairest of Them All.
3 books in the “Ever after High” series.
New Books: Younger Readers
MOULD, Chris – Pirates ‘n’ Pistls. Ten swashbuckling pirate
RIORDAN, Rick – Heroes of
Olympus : the Blood of Olympus.
Percy Jackson’s final battle begins.
WESTERFELD, Scott – Afterworlds.
This is the thrilling story of Lizzie who joins the afterworld to
survive a terrorist attack.
Ms Janette Burns
Library Coordinator
Booklists for the 2015 school year will be distributed to
students this coming week and are due to be returned to
school by the last day of term 4 being the 10 December.
The booklists can also be accessed via the link
http://www.gvgs.vic.edu.au/enrolment/booklists. Just click on
the Campion Education logo.
Sustainable School Shop – Second Hand Books
GVGS will again be utilising the Sustainable School Shop for
families to trade second hand books online. A user guide is
attached to the Newsletter.
Wednesday 26 November
Thursday 27 November
Darren Asquith
Vicki Asquith
Susan Ukich
Kerrie Sweeney
Help needed
This website is a useful resource if you are looking to sell or
buy second hand textbooks. The system automatically
matches buyers with sellers.
Friday 28 November
The key to successful trading is quickly listing Wanted and
For Sale ads, and then the system immediately starts
sending out Ad Match emails. GVGS has paid an annual
subscription fee to enable all GVGS families to access this
service free of charge.
Could parents please remind their children that if they have
any food allergies and are ordering their lunch, to put the
allergy sticker that we supply on to their lunch order bag.
To access the Sustainability School Shop a link is provided
from the school website.
http://www.gvgs.vic.edu.au/enrolment/booklists or you can
simply use the URL: www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au
Please note: In 2015, Year 7 Humanities will be using a new
text. It is a combined Geography / History text book
published by Oxford University Press. If you decide to try and
purchase this text second hand please ensure that you
purchase the correct version by matching the ISBN. To
assist you with this, we have provided the text book details
Year 7, 2015 Humanities text: Oxford Big Ideas
Geography/History 7 AC Student Book + obook/Assess.
ISBN 9780195590197
If you have any queries please contact the school or the
Sustainable School Shop: 1300 683 337
Mr Leon McLeod
Deputy Principal
The Pelican Shoppe trading hours during Term 4 are:Monday
8:30am to 11:30am
1:00pm to 4:00pm
1:00pm to 4:00pm
1:00pm to 5:00pm
Parents are welcome to visit the shop during opening hours.
Alternatively students may visit the shop on a school day
during shop opening hours and be fitted by staff. A
downloadable order form is available from the school
website, via the uniform tab, which enables parents to
specify the garment(s) which need to be purchased and to
calculate the payment amount. Payment options include
Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS,
Mastercard and VISA.
Should you have any queries regarding the purchase of
uniform or the sale of second hand uniform please contact us
on 5821 9959 or email pelicanshoppe@gvgs.vic.edu.au
Mrs Sally Young, Ms Kerrie Sweeney, Mrs Rika Beeton
Pelican Shoppe
Monday 24 November
Tuesday 25 November
Annette Jakobs
Lou Grogan
Sue Thiel
Help needed
Belinda Schmedje
Help needed
Help needed
With the warmer weather more students will be bringing food
from home. If you have a salad to go in the fridge, remember
to drop it into the tuck shop when you arrive at School. It
must be in a plastic container, with your name on it, and NO
glass please. Also remember all foods requiring heating
need to be left at the tuck shop before school or at recess.
No glass please.
The Tuckshop is open from 8:00am every morning. Students
are welcome to come in and purchase drinks, a toasted
sandwich or fruit, and can order their lunch.
Mrs Marlene Rutherford
Tuckshop Manager
The Mothers Club cater for Grandparents Day each year.
Last year we had 600 Grandies with their Grand Children.
We are needing helpers on the day and people to cook slices
or make sandwiches.
If you are able to help in any way could you fill out the slip
below and return to student reception as soon as possible or
email Mrs Pam Pogue on poguep@gvgs.vic.edu.au so
catering and helpers may be organized to make this day a
memorable one for the Grandies and their Grand Children,
many thanks.
Yes I …………………………………am available to help
9:30am to 10:30am
11:30am to 12noon –
(Please Circle suitable time if able to help)
Yes I am able to make:
sandwiches (Please circle)
small cupcakes
Phone Number ……………………………………
Mrs Christine Worsfold
President Mothers Club Ph: 045716645
The Cancer Council Australia and the Australasian College
of Dermatologists have come together for National Skin
Cancer Action Week. Event ambassadors Stephanie Rice
and Michael Clarke are helping promote the campaign which
runs from 16-22 November.
15 and Under players for 2015 are also encouraged to attend
to gain exposure to elite training and coaching in preparation
for 2016.
Contact Peter Leahy on 0408 241 559, 03 5824 2225 or
With two in three Australians diagnosed with skin cancer by
age 70, this year’s theme of ‘Your Summer Your Skin Your
Story.’ Individuals are encouraged to share their skin cancer
stories as a reminder that sun protection saves lives.
Goulburn Valley Suns Soccer
Trial Dates for 2015 Season
Melanoma is the most common cancer in Australians aged
15 – 44. The good news is that skin cancer, including
melanoma is largely preventable. The earlier it’s caught the
better the chance of survival. Check your entire body for skin
changes. Look for new moles or changes in existing moles
or spots including shape, colour and size. Visit your doctor if
you notice any change. It’s never too late to be SunSmart
U12 – Born 2003, 2004 – Tuesday Nov 25 and Dec 4 at
U13 – Born 2002 – Tuesday Nov 25 and Dec 4 at 6:00pm
U14 – Born 2001 – Tuesday Nov 25 and Dec 4 at 6:00pm
U15 – Born 2000 – Friday Nov 21 , 28 start 6:00pm
U16 – Born 1999 – Friday Nov 21 , 28 , start 6:00pm
U18 – Born 1998, 1997 – Friday Nov 21 , 28 start 6:00pm
Mrs Susanne Bennett
Please be at McEwen Reserve at 5:30pm for registration and
player number allocation. Shin pads must be worn or your
child will not be allowed to trial. Please make sure your child
brings a drink bottle.
In Above and Beyond we endeavor to acknowledge students
achievements both in school and outside school. Please let us know
of your child’s achievements so that we can acknowledge them in
Above and Beyond
All queries to admin@gvsuns.com.au
Great photo of Maddy Cross at the Victorian State
Parachuting Championships at Nagambie.
More people moving more often. Celebrating 5 years in
Over $12000 in cash and prizes
Bib chip timing for all events
Customised Medal for all finishers
Food and Beverages post event
Free Entertainment
Exceptional value entry fee
Fast Flat Accurate Courses
Sunday 22 February 2015 at the Wangaratta Showgrounds
For further information please go to:
Wangaratta Marathons and Fun Runs
These notices are distributed as a community service. These events
are not run or sponsored by Goulburn Valley Grammar School and
parents should contact the organisers directly for further information.
The Tatura Football Netball Club
The Tatura Football Netball Club has appointed Ann Austin
as its Director of Netball. Ann is a highly regarded netball
player, coach and mentor.
Pre-season training for A, B, B Reserve and 17 and Under is
on 24 and 26 November and 2 December at the Tatura Park
Recreation Reserve from 6:00pm – 7:15pm registration at
Selection trials for all grades are on 4, 8 and 9 December.
All players interested in playing in the Goulburn Valley
Netball League in 2015 are invited to attend pre-season
training and selections trials.
Career News 2014
November 21st
1. Careers of the Future
By the time you graduate from a degree or an apprenticeship, there will be many new jobs that haven’t even been invented yet.
Technology expansion is rapid and who knows what jobs will be advertised in 10 years time. According to a La Trobe University
video featuring their Bachelor of Arts degree, by 2030 2 Billion jobs will be obsolete. They will be replaced by ones that don’t exist
yet. The video also suggests you will have approximately 10 careers in your life time. This doesn’t mean changing employers 10
times, this means different occupations. So, you may start out as a builder and then move on to teaching and then to nursing. The
message of the video is that you have to be able to adapt as the world changes. You will need to continually work on developing
your personal skills (i.e., communication, team work, problem solving). You will also need to commit to lifelong learning to have upto-date skills and to be competitive in the job market. So you may complete a university degree, then a TAFE qualification, then
short courses, then a graduate university course and then more short courses. There is no right or wrong way of doing things, but
you need to be flexible and adaptable when it comes to change.
Job titles developed by Amy Zuckerman for possible future technology careers include:
Personal Virtual-Presence Agent Exobiologist to Study Alien Life-Forms
Gene Diagnostician
Digital Matchmaker
Senior Biocomputing Engineer
Automotive Hybrid and Fuel-Cell-Vehicle Research Engineer
If you think they sound far-fetched, just remember that it wasn’t so long ago that Facebook didn’t exist, we couldn’t access the
internet via our phone, mobile phones were the size of bricks and bluetooth didn’t exist.
Courses can focus on many areas such as
Global security and terrorism
Genetic counselling
Renewable and ‘green’ energies
Human interface technology
Social analytics
iPhone and iPad App development
Apprenticeship, TAFE and university courses will evolve and develop as technology and our society evolves.
The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan and foresight strategists recently came up with descriptions for jobs that may exist in 2030.
Apart from jobs that haven’t been invented yet, they have predicted what jobs may be like for occupations such as teaching,
plumbing, etc., http://careers2030.cst.org/jobs/ Futurist Morris Miselowski predicts that by 2050, 60% of people will be doing jobs
that don’t currently exist.
He predicts we could be working in jobs such as:
Ethics Lawyer
Weather Controller
Spaceport Traffic Control
End of Life Therapist
Transhumanist Designer/Engineer
Memory Augmentation Surgeon
Nano Medic
He believes that many jobs will focus on technology and the human body, improving health and extending human life.
2. Property Courses at Box Hill
In 10 weeks become an Agent’s Representative; continue on and in seven months achieve a Certificate IV in Property Services
(Real Estate). Further studies take you into Diplomas and Degrees in Property and Real Estate/Commerce. For further information
email info@boxhill.edu.au
3. Deakin University Newsletter for Parents
Deakin University has developed a website just for parents. Topics covered include change of preference, exam tips, choosing the
right course and newsletters. Go to www.deakin.edu.au/future-students/parents
4. Interested in Science?
This video highlights some of the amazing
5. Students in Year 10 and 11
Did you know that if you want to apply for early entry to several universities in NSW and Canberra, selection will be based on your
Year 11 results, not Year 12? It is crucial that you work very hard in Year 11. For information, visit the Schools Recommendation
Scheme website http://www.uac.edu.au/srs/
6. Open Access Scheme at Federation University
All Year 12 students who have applied for an eligible course via VTAC for Federation University will receive an offer if they meet the
prerequisite study scores regardless of their ATAR. The course should be number one on your preference list,
7. Exploring Logistics at the Australian Maritime College (AMC), Tasmania
Imagine life without logistics – nothing would get from A to B. Shops would be virtually empty, you wouldn’t have fuel for your car,
and the ‘order now’ button would be obsolete. The maritime and logistics industries are booming. Thanks to international trade and
online shopping, there are more goods and services being transported around the globe than ever before. Explore the AMC
website to get an understanding of the role logistics plays in daily life and to explore the amazing courses on offer,
8. The Good Universities Guide
Did you know that when universities boast about their national and world rankings, the results are mainly focused on their post
graduate research. How do you know which universities rank highest for undergraduate student satisfaction? The Good
Universities Guide measures this and will give you an indication of performance in areas such as student perception of teaching
quality, graduate student salaries, and overall satisfaction. The Guide aims to assist young people to make informed decisions
about university study in Australia and it contains information about what a degree is, what you can study and where, independent
5-star ratings and comparisons of courses and providers. For the information online, go to www.hobsonscoursefinder.com.au/
9. The Job Guide
The Job Guide provides comprehensive information on hundreds of occupations. For each occupation, you can find out what you
do on a day to day basis, what school subjects you need, where you can study courses related to the occupation and state specific
information. It is an excellent guide for young people and their parents. Go to http://www.jobguide.thegoodguides.com.au/
10. Australian Apprenticeship Pathways
This site is for anyone who is interested in learning more about apprenticeships and traineeships. You will be able to explore the
types of apprenticeships/ traineeships available and find local apprenticeship centres near you. To explore the site, go to
11. COSMOS: Kick Start Your Career
The editors of COSMOS developed a guide for students covering a wide range of career areas. Kick Start Your Career shares
inspiring career success stories from graduates, reviews major career growth areas for jobs of tomorrow and shows you how to
gain critical skills to forge your pathway to the future. To download your free guide, go to
12. ‘Skills One’ Videos
To explore different trades and occupations without the need to read lots of information, log onto the Skills One website and watch
They showcase occupations under the following main skills areas:
AgriFood Skills, Rural and Farming
Building, Construction and Property Services
Community Services and Healthcare
Electro Communications and Energy
IT, Film and Business
Hospitality, Tourism and Services
Metals and Engineering
Mineral Resources
Get inspired about your future by logging onto www.skillsone.com.au/
13. Apprenticeships
To get an idea of the literacy and numeracy (English and maths) skills required for the occupation you are interested in, it’s a great
idea to undertake aptitude tests. The Australian Apprenticeships Pathways website has aptitude tests for over 18 skill areas. You
can download the tests here at www.aapathways.com.au/Home
14. Coming Events
RMIT Art and Design Exhibitions: throughout November and December
JMC Academy: Information Session
JMC Academy: hands-on workshops
Trinity College Young Leaders Summer School: 30 Nov – 14 Dec
SAE Institute Melbourne: Open Day
ConocoPhillips Year 9 Science Experience: Melbourne area (4 venues)
National Computer Science School: University of Sydney
National Mathematics Summer School: ANU, Canberra
Filmmaking Summer School: Trinity College, Melbourne
MU Student Union VCE Summer School: University of Melbourne
Hands On Monash Indigenous Summer Camp: 7 – 9 December
Mrs Debra Block
Careers Counsellor
At GVGS we operate a tuckshop for the preparation and sale of snacks and lunches for students and staff. The policy of the
Tuckshop is “to offer a range of nutritious food and snacks to students and staff at reasonable prices and to produce a surplus for
the purpose of improving and providing school equipment and facilities”.
In order to produce a surplus we depend on people who are able to voluntarily assist the staff in the tuckshop with preparing food
and serving. You will not be required to handle any money. Volunteers usually feel quite comfortable doing these tasks and also
have a chance to meet and chat with other Parents, grandparents your child and their friends and also interact with staff. All
involvement with the Tuckshop is greatly appreciated. The suggested time is from 9:30am until approximately 1:30pm, or any
time that suit you.
If you are able to assist us at any time at the tuckshop, we ask that you fill in the information below and return it to the school
office or tuckshop as soon as possible. A roster will be drawn up and forwarded to you early in the new school year.
Thanking you.
Marlene Rutherford
Please circle the day / days of the week you would
Please circle how often you would be able to assist
MONTHLY or [ ] times per TERM
I would be prepared to go on the emergency list (to
be called at short notice)
I would like to be rostered if possible with
a friend, neighbour. To share travel costs etc.
Name of person/s to be rostered with
NAME: MISS/MRS/MS/MR _________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________ POST CODE _____________
PHONE (Home) _____ _______________________ (Please indicate if this is a silent number)
MOBILE _______________________ E mail ______________________________________
NAME OF STUDENTS at GVGS. ______________________________
YEAR LEVEL ….. __________________
TUTOR ______________________________
For further information please feel free to contact Mrs Marlene Rutherford, Tuckshop Manager, Phone 03-5821 8155 during
school hours or 0403 473 448 Mobile.
• Register on the Sustainable School Shop website
- www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au
• An annual subscription to this service has been kindly
provided by Goulburn Valley Grammar School
Buy and Sell
second-hand Textbooks
second-hand textbook trading system
• List Wanted & For Sale Ads (Browsers tell each other what
they require and what they have to sell).
• The school’s booklists are loaded into the system to make
the Ad listing process easy, fast and accurate.
• Assistance is provided to accurately price items.
• Our Ad Matching service shows you
- Exactly the right items to buy
- Who has the most items you need
- The cheapest items
• Buyers contact Sellers, and arrange where and when
to transact.
• Excellent email and telephone helplines are provided:
1300 683 337
Also Buy & Sell
Pricing Guide
• Calculators
• Like New
• Sporting items
• Excellent
• Musical items
• Very Good
• Electronics & DVD’s
• Good
• Stationery
• And lots more
ABN 55 114 136 211
helpful tips
• Be patient many new items are listed each day
• Listing Wanted and For Sale Ads gets results
• Our unique Ad Matching Service shows you who to transact with, and will save you lots of time
• Be realistic when pricing items
• Telephoning sellers provides a quicker response as many people do not regularly check their emails
• Pre-arrange who to transact with if your items are still being used and write the availability date in your Ad
• Respect other browsers and remember to Delist your Ads promptly when no longer needed
• Meet somewhere convenient to transact, don’t make special trips and just fit it in to your normal activities
If your child does not seem like themselves
A new headspace campaign shows it can be difficult to recognise mental health problems in teenagers,
however parents are in a good position to notice mood and behaviour changes that indicate something
might be wrong. Information regarding the campaign can be access via the headspace website:
Mr Chris Tanti, CEO of headspace explains, “It‟s tricky to know everything that is going on in your son or
daughter‟s life but parents often notice when something is not quite right. Adolescence can be a difficult
time, so having a bad day or week is normal, but it‟s when young people are no longer able to cope with
day to day stresses, more serious problems can start to emerge,” Mr Tanti said.
headspace Shepparton general manager, Caroline French, encourages parents of adolescents who want
to be better equipped in noticing signs of mental health issues to make use of the SAFEMinds online
resources. Ms French explained, “Parents can access SAFEMinds Online resources by the website
deecd.tech-savvy.com.au. They need to select SAFEMinds and enter the password SAFEMindsGuest. From there the online resources can be accessed for parent and carers.”
Ms French explained that headspace Shepparton recognises the important role families and friends can
play in assisting a young person to access help and supporting them to get back on track. “We are
currently recruiting volunteer family and friends advisors who have lived experience of assisting a young
person access help at headspace. Part of the advisors‟ role will be to assist the headspace team with
community awareness activities that target family and friends of young people.” More information and an
application form for Family and Friend Advisors can be found at headspace.org.au/Shepparton in the
news section.
headspace tips for parents
Talk openly and honestly with your son/daughter and ask what they need from you.
Encourage them to talk about how they are feeling - be patient and listen to their fears and
If they are distressed, don‟t tell them to 'just calm down' or „get over it‟ - they need to be taken
Avoid judgement and reassure them that you will be there for them no matter what.
Let them know if they don‟t want to talk to you, there‟s lots of help available.
Support them in seeking help and talking to health professionals, such as at a headspace centre,
if that is what they prefer.
headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing services tailored to 12 – 25 year
olds, through its network of 70 centres (soon to be 100) and its online and telephone mental health
support service. The organisation has supported more than 120,000 young Australians dealing with
personal issues like depression, anxiety and stress.
headspace Shepparton is located at 129 High St, Shepparton. Phone number is 58 238 800.