Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish, Stafford [A Parish of the Brisbane North West Deanery] Vision: “To follow the example of Jesus by serving others.” FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING (YEAR A) 22nd/23rd November, 2014 Dear Parishioners and Visitors, Open letter: Living in the hell called Nauru (continued from last week.) Here seems to be like a military place and even many officers feel that. They feel they have been dispatched to here for armed war. When I talk to them, many have been in Iraq and Afghanistan war. I ask you what is the sin of those who have fled war and dictatorship? In Nauru all detainees had hope to catch a bright future after all the horrible experiences and unbearable difficulties, and hope they will be released and can live in a developed country with adequate standards of living, not in such a country like Cambodia or Nauru. Do you know how many people tried to kill themselves in last few days? Do you know how many enormous officers have been transferred to Nauru to suppress any kind of demonstration? Do you know what the meaning of hopeless and helpless is? Do you know what is the meaning of I got tired of being alive? This letter is a small picture of the great hell that we are experiencing in Nauru. When we were in Christmas Island we had contacted Australian human rights authorities several times via phone or internet. They kept telling us that we could do nothing because we can never prevent you from being transferred to Nauru. After we were moved to Nauru, we lost all contact with them. Now I ask you, where are the human rights authorities, UN, Red Cross, and humanity? Why they have abandoned us here? Where else may a refugee be treated like this? It has become a surprise for my son to watch TV, to see a bicycle, ordinary people passing by, cars, streets, etc. He is in hell for 14 months. The only thing he has already seen in his lifetime is officers in uniforms. Please read my letter carefully and try to understand our pains here. We need help, help and help. I, as a mother, am writing to all Australian people, who I have heard to be kind and friendly. I address you friendly people only, and have no hope in official organisations and authorities. I beg you help us and our little children before it is too late. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Q.1 How does Moses make his tea? Say thank you to someone who has recently done you a favour or shown kindness. It is impossible to be thankful and feel unhappy at the same time. TELL ME ABOUT CHRISTMAS Tuesday 16th December 9.00am-2.00pm Cost: $5 per child This is a Catechetical day when primary school aged children can come for a time of fun learning about the true ‘Spirit of Christmas’. They will engage in craft activities, songs, stories, and games, all with a Christmas theme. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. To book your child/ren in for this day, please email or call Rosemary at stafford@bne.catholic.net .au or phone 3356 7155 during business hours. New children (of primary school age) are always welcome to join us. C HRISTMAS CONCERT: Come and enjoy the exciting music of Karl Jenkins, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Purcell, Percy Grainger and others, performed by Musica Antiqua Collegii and Sinphonia directed by Spencer Faulker. You will also be entertained by Virtuoso Trumpeter John Coulton, Baritone Mark Jowett and Soprano Eleanor Varnes Holland. This concert will be held on Sunday December 7th at 2.30pm at Queen of Apolstles Church, Stafford. Cost is $20. Enquiries to Spencer Faulkner 3886 6483 or Michael Herman 3350 1410. ********************************** T HE BISHOPS COMMISSION FOR PASTORAL LIFE has produced a resource called What is Marriage? This is one outcome of the Synod of Bishops on Family held recently. It is a clear document and places special emphasis on the importance of children in marriage. It has been produced to circulate information and will be a useful resource for anyone wishing to inform others, or being questioned about the validity of marriage. Copies are available from the doors of the Church. Please take one. NEXT WEEK’S READINGS FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR B) 1st Reading: Isaiah 63:16-17,64:1,3-8 2nd Reading: Gospel: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37 C S OUNTERS ROSTER: Monday 24th November, Team E: Kevin & Trish McGrory, Helen and Alan Gibney, Jack O’Brien. TAFFORD KEDRON CHURCHES TOGETHER pray this week for parishioners here at Our Lady Queen of Apostles. R ELIGIOUS GOODS SHOP: 2015 COLUMBAN CALENDAR, are here — buy one before they run out!!Have you dropped in lately to see what is available? There are gifts for many occasions as well as a good supply of cards. Come and see. Don’t forget to pick up your Catholic Leader here. There are Bibles, daily reflection books, Memorial Cards, Statues, Candles, CHRISTMAS CARDS and more!! I NDOOR BOWLS CLUB: After 27 years the Bowls Club have only a small number of regular players. Rather than close the club just yet, we will continue into the new year and see whether our numbers increase. If you are shy, bring a friend. If you haven’t played before, come and try it out. Someone will help you. We play every second Wednesday in the Hall. If you are interested in joining, please ring Mary on 3356 2172. All age groups welcome. Q UEENSLAND IRISH CHOIR present “LET’S CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS” DATE: 30TH November 2014 VENUE: Qld Irish Club, 175 Elizabeth St., TIME: 2 PM – 4.30 PM COST: $15 BOOKINGS: Pat Deighton (H) 07 3356 9172 (M) 0409 497 557 Email: deightfp@tpg.com.au The Choir will sing many Christmas Favourites Brian and Robin of SILKEN THOMAS BAND will play and sing popular Irish Melodies. AMY COOPER AND NATALIE PUGIN will enchant you with their wonderful happy voices. Musical Director : David O’Keeffe Accompanist : Tim Li . Would you like to go on our “Friends of QIC” email list to be notified of upcoming events? Send an email to Roslyn Rogers (rosrogers65@gmail.com) and she will add your name to the listing. A.1 Hebrews it. C URSILLO MASS: Cursillo is celebrating its Annual End of Year Mass on Saturday 29th November at 11am. The venue is Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church, 70 Appleby Road, Stafford. This Mass is open to all Cursillistas. If you have ever done a Cursillo 3 days, if you would like to do a Cursillo 3 days, or if you wish to find out more about the Movement, please join us. Mass will be followed by a bring-a-plate lunch. We look forward to welcoming and celebrating the blessings of the past year with many of our Cursillo friends, including those we may not have seen for a while. Enquiries to Rosemary on 0431 464 211. K ELVIN GROVE WIND ORCHESTRA warmly invites you to their next concert “Silver Silver Screen Symphonies”, Symphonies” featuring some well known music themes. Join us on Sunday December 7th at 3pm at the Old Museum, Gregory Terrace. Tickets are $22 for adults, $17 concession and $10 for children. Since this is the only concert for the year, tickets often sell out. Enquiries and purchase of tickets can be made from Maree Coe 3350 1472. K .S.C. Members are advised that their Annual Mass will be celebrated with the regular 7.30am Mass at Everton Park Church on Sunday 30 November 2014. Dr Ray Campbell, the Archdiocesan Bio-Ethicist will give a talk on “Health Directions”. Any Parishioner who wishes to attend is welcome. After which refreshments will be served in the adjoining Church Centre.” S T. VINCENT DE PAUL ANNUAL CHRISTMAS APPEAL This week, at each of the Masses, a member of St. Vincent de Paul Stafford Conference will be asking you to donate next week to our Conference to fund all our work for 2015. This is the only fund-raising we do for the year and you have been so generous in the past that we have been able to assist all those in need who have requested our help with your donations to our Christmas Appeal. We thank you for that generosity and would welcome your donations this year. Broken pencils are pretty much pointless!!!! L iving Faith – Kids books have arrived! For all children who celebrated Confirmation and Eucharist this year, your final subscribed edition is available from the Sacristy. Your child’s name is on their book – just come in and collect it before or after Mass. ALSO there are EXTRA books for the children in the current programme – not enough for all so first in first served! – Just come in and collect on that hasn’t got a name on it. F amily mass. 9am Saturday 6th Dec. Our Lady’s, Halle St, Everton Park. Followed by Animated feature film “St Nicholas” and Advent activities. Morning tea. Contact Lucy 0431875741. P ETER’S PENCE COLLECTION will take place after all Masses this weekend. This Collection gives Catholics in Australia an opportunity to join in communion with the Catholic faithful throughout the world in support of the charitable works of the Holy See. It is run throughout the world annually and allows the Holy Father to offer effective emergency assistance to our suffering most needy brothers and sisters. Happiness comes from our feelings and not from things we can buy. We have become so conditioned to seek happiness indirectly that we do not always understand the difference between being happy for the short term and the long term. D IVINE MERCY PRAYER AND ADORATION: Join with us each 2nd and 4th Monday of the month for prayer and adoration. We are changing the time to 6-7pm. This may suit people a little better than the later start. For inquiries contact the Parish Office, or if you wish to attend just come along on Monday evening. T EAR AUSTRALIA Useful Gifts Catalogue is available at the Church doors. Give a gift this Christmas that will help contribute to a better tomorrow for people living in poverty. Gifts range from $5 to $5000. Upon ordering you will be sent a card about your gift and a tax deductible receipt. I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest. D ATE CLAIMER: On Tuesday 2nd December, 7.309.30pm come along to Marymac Community Centre, 616 Ipswich Road, Annerley, to hear Fr Laurence Freeman OSB speak on “The Sacred Language of Christianity”. Fr Laurence will comprise a talk and discussion and an introduction to Christian meditation as well as a period of silence. SEE NOTICEBOARD FOR FURTHER DETAILS. Position Available. Parish Sacramental Preparation Co-ordinator. The St. Oliver Plunkett Cannon Hill Catholic Parish is looking to appoint a Parish Sacramental Co-ordinator. The successful applicant would be conversant with and responsible for the successful implementation of the Sacramental Policy of the Archdiocese of Brisbane in our Parish. He/she will, in collaboration with the Parish Priest, Parish Secretary and the Parish School and relevant staff, ensure that eligible families and children are well prepared to celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation, 1st Eucharist and Penance. The Co-ordinator will be involved in the formation, support and resourcing of a team of parishioners/Parish Sacramental Preparation Team. He/she will be involved in hands on preparation of the families and children over the course of the months of the preparation, preparing the liturgies and masses of the celebrations, keeping necessary records and communications up to date and coordinating with Archdiocesan and local personnel and schools. Remuneration and benefits will be according to the applicable schedule of the Archdiocese of Brisbane and commensurate with the hours involved in this ministry and the applicants level of training and skill. These hours will be negotiated with the Parish, the Parish Priest and the successful applicant at the time of appointment. Information about our parish can be found on the Parish web site: www.cannonhillparish.org.au All enquiries should be addressed to; Parish Priest Fr. Mark Percival St. Oliver Plunkett Parish 21 Beauvardia St Cannon Hill QLD 4170. A man is walking his dog, and passes a little restaurant; the cooking smells are so tempting, he decides he would like to stop for lunch, but the sign says no animals are permitted. After a couple of moments thought, he decided to brave it: he puts on a pair of sunglasses, walks into the restaurant with his dog on a leash and asks to be seated. The waiter says “I’m sorry sir, but we do not permit animals in the restaurant.” The man replies, “But I’m blind, and this is my seeing eye dog.” The waiter respons skeptically: “Your seeing eye dog? Sir, that dog is a Phn. 07 38992837. Email. sopcath@bigpond.com Chihuahua.” The man looks aghast and says: “A Chihuahua! o you know how to work out which liturgical They gave me a Chihuahua?” year it will be next year? Of course you can ount Alvernia College is currently look at your Newsletter or check with Break Open accepting Applications for Enrolment for the Word, but if you have no such resource at your YEAR 7, 2018. Closing date for Applications fingertips…… is 8 February 2015. 1. Add the numbers in the year eg 2+0+1+5 =8 It is important that you lodge your application by the due date to be considered in first round 2. Now divide your answer by 3 eg 8 offers. Second round offers are made subject to divided by 3 equals 2 with 2 left over. availability. 3. If there are 2 left over it is year B. Enrolment Forms are available via email request from the Mount 4. If there is 1 left over it is year A. Alvernia College website www.mta.qld.edu.au or contact Jodi 5. If there are 3 left over it’s year C. Walsh on Ph: 3632 8508 for any further information. M A five-year-old boy was stalling going to bed. He asked for a glass of juice. "No, sir," his father answered. "No more juice. I'm king of the juice in this house." "That's not right, Daddy," the young fellow retorted. "Our Sunday school teacher said Jesus is the king of the juice." D D id you know? There is a door open to the church (one of the doors between the main door and the door to the Sacristy). You are always welcome to use our church (try sitting in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel) to be alone with Christ and your thoughts as long as you like. The door is usually open from 8am to 4pm each weekday. See the office if it’s locked. Our Lady, Queen of Apostles Parish Parish School (“Queen of Apostles”) Parish Office: Address: 70 Appleby Road, Stafford 4053 Parish E-mail: stafford@bne.catholic.net.au Parish WEBSITE: www.staffordcatholicparish.org.au Parish Pastoral Council: ppcstafford@gmail.com Parish Secretary: Rosemary Haydock Office Hrs: M-Th 9.00am—4.30pm Fri 9.00am—-10.00am Office Telephone: – 3356 7155 Parish Administrator: Fr Denis Scanlan Fr Denis’ E-mail: pp.stafford@bne.catholic.net.au Parish Convent: (Sr Josita Paczkowska and Sr Maureen Stemko) 3356 6185 School Office: Address: 10 Thuruna Street, Stafford 4053 School email: pstafford@bne.catholic.edu.au School Team: Principal: Nigel Bird APA: Melissa Spiteri APRE: Michael Bruynesteyn School Secretaries: • Thuruna St:: Cathy McGraw, Vera Fitzgerald • Chuter St: : Mary-Anne Coppolecchia School Office Hrs: 8.00am - 4.00pm Telephone (Thuruna St:) - 3356 7755 Telephone (Chuter St:) - 3326 0400 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Mon 24th 8.30am 7.00pm 7.00pm Mass Divine Mercy Prayer and Adoration RCIA Meeting Tues 25th 8.30am Prayer of the Church with Holy Communion Wed 26th 8.00am Indoor Bowls Club Thurs 27th 8.30am Mass Fri 28th 9.00am Mass Sat 29th 11.00am 5.00pm 6.00pm Cursillo Mass Reconciliation Mass Sun 30th 7.00am 9.00am 2.30pm 5.30pm Mass Mass Rosary Mass Please leave MOBILE PHONES turned OFF. BAPTISMS in this Parish occur at 10.30am on the Third Sunday of each Month (except during Lent). BAPTISM PREPARATION is on the First Sunday of each month at 10.30am. You may add a sick person’s name to the list by phoning the Parish Office (3356 7155). To keep the list ‘fresh’ the last four names each week will be deleted. If their illness continues, let’s know and we’ll add them to the start of the list. For the Sick: Carmel Remphrey, Diane Stevens, Ashley Thornton, Hyacinth Morel, Margaret Munt, Tim Green, Neville Lamb, Joe Donnelly, Caroline Adams, Kevin Wildermuth, Bianca Muir.. (Please read above notice about the sick list) Those Recently Deceased: Tagifiaai Asuao (mother of Afa Taisia), Clare Smith, Diana Reid, Steven Byrne, Mary Grattan-Smith, Wanda Molony, Darcy Mitchell. Those We Remember: Owen Neilson, and all deceased Parishioners, their families and friends and all our brothers and sisters in Christ maimed, killed or dispossessed because of their faith. STAMPS FOR MARIST MISSIONS: We urgently require recent 70c and higher valued Australian used stamps. Please leave them in the box to the left of the main Church door and remember to leave a small border of paper on them, as they are worthless if damaged. Obviously stamps are becoming more difficult to obtain with greater dependence on electronic media. Perhaps you or someone you know work in an office which receives a high volume of mail. Could you help us out by collecting the stamps that would otherwise be destroyed? This is an easy and effective way of reaching out to the poor. Thank you for your ongoing support. The Catholic Leader is available from the Religious Goods shop for $2. Purchase a copy today to find out what’s happening in the local Church and in the world. In this week’s issue: * * * * * * * * * Pregnancy Crisis Inc’s work with women under pressure to abort their babies is in jeopardy of stalling Archbishop praises Brisbane’s handling of G20, and balances cautious optimism with realism about likely outcomes Social justice advocate sees ‘hopeful signs’ from G20 summit Priest speaks out for farmers and graziers in drought-stricken Queensland Sydney’s new archbishop invites the lost sheep to return home and give Church ‘another chance’ Mater doctor’s legacy lives on in generous support for the homeless Pope Francis describes euthanasia and abortion as ‘sins against God the Creator’ Queensland priest studying in Rome writes a response to Pope’s critics Talking point: Sr Elvera Sesta on ‘dedicating our whole lives to God’ VISITOR’S BOOK: If you are new to the Parish there is a visitor’s book at the main Church door. In it there are brief census cards. Please complete one and put it on “the plate” or hand in to the office. Our Lady has asked us to pray the Rosary for peace. Rosary is prayed here 1/2 an hour before each weekday Mass as well as on Sundays 2.303.30pm. Please join us. Contact the Parish Office on 3356 7155 for information regarding our Planned Gifting Program
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