ST. JOHN BRĒBEUF PARISH LASALLE QUEBEC THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY Nov 8/9,2014 $4,722.65 THIS WEEK AT BRĒBEUF WED. NOV 19: HIGH TEA FRI. NOV 21: HOLY HOUR 6:00 pm NOV 22-23: FAIR TRADE FAIR: Everyone is invited to our parish hall Sunday, November 23 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a great Christmas gift opportunity! Several groups will be there with fairly traded products and crafts from around the world! Our Social Justice Group hosts this annual event and invites everyone to stop by! There will also be a t ea room with delicious baked goods made with at least one fair trade ingredient. A fabulous raffle too! HOPE FOOD BANK: D-E-F If your surname begins with D-E-F you are asked to bring non-perishable food next weekend, to be brought to the table of the Lord. THIS WEEK WE ARE IN NEED OF TINNED FRUIT Thank you for your generosity! EMERGENCY FOOD ASSISTANCE Please call 514-363-4578 and leave a message. SUNDAY MISSALS 2014-2015 The Sunday Missals for 2014-2015 will be available next weekend at the Informaon Centre. The price will be $5. Kindly write your name and phone number as soon as you purchase one, so should it get lost or forgoen, we can contact you. Thank you UP COMING BAZAARS IN AND AROUND OUR COMMUNITY Nov 22nd 11:30am-3 pm St. Lawrence Anglican Church, 520—75th ave. LaSalle Nov 22nd /23rd 10 am—4 pm St. Télésphore Church 8811 Centrale, LaSalle Nov 29-30 following the masses CWL of Canada St. Patrick’s Cathedral Nov 29th 10 am—4 pm Sacred Heart School of Montreal Fair info : 514-937-2845| Please see the bulletin boards for more information. NOV 24 & 27: Faith First Parent Meeting FRI. NOV 28: HOLY HOUR 6:00 pm FRI. NOV 28: Pub Night 7-10 On the Menu: Scottish Meat Pies SUN. NOV 30: FIRST DAY OF ADVENT Incense ~ Special Seasons and Feasts! A reminder that incense will be used at our weekend celebraons during the special seasons of Advent and Christmas. For any who might have sensivies to the use of incense, please note that the 9:00 AM Mass will be designated Incense-free an Confessions Available Mass. Before Mass st Beginning the 1 Sunday of Advent, November 29/30, one of our Priests will be available to hear confessions for 30 minutes before all weekend Masses. The cut off time will be 5 minutes before Mass begins. SUN. NOV 30: WARDENS’ ELECTIONS If you are over 18 years old and live in LaSalle, you may wish to consider presenting yourself Sunday, November 30th, 2014 after the 11 am, Eucharist for one of the two wardens’ positions. Please contact the office should you have any questions. Your parish needs you! FRI. DEC 5: FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION Be still and know that I am God.—Psalm 4 Our monthly First Friday Adoraon will be held in the church from 9 am—7:30 pm. Vespers will begin at 6 pm. DEC 6-7: ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Church connues Christ’s compassion toward the sick through the Anoinng of the Sick. This Sacrament will be offered in the Chapel immediately a er each Mass on December 6th and 7th. If you are a candidate, that is suffering from a serious illness or awaing surgery, you are invited to come and sense the nearness of God’s love and experience his grace and care through this wonderful Sacrament. SUN. DEC 7: CHRISTMAS CONCERT SING-ALONG & BAKE SALE Everyone is invited to join our choirs and friends as they fill us with the spirit of Christmas on Sunday December 7th at 2 pm in the church. A freewill offering would be greatly appreciated. There will be a fabulous bake sale as well, hosted by our Faith First families before the concert begins and during intermission. Invite your family and friends! ATTENTION ENVELOPE USERS 186-240-266 & 318. Please write your name and address on your envelopes for the next few weeks, we have no informaon about you! Thank you. THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS Monday (November 17) – Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious 9:00 a.m. – Deceased members of the Larocque & Jolly families by Vera Jolly - Felicia Carile by his wife Herminia Tuesday (November 18) 9:00 a.m.- Maureen Cupri by Meals-On-Wheels Wednesday (Novmber 19) 7:30 p. m. - Kazmierz Chalupa by Krystyna Uszynsta - Allan McAuliffe by his High Tea Friends Thursday (November 20) 9:00 a.m. - Deceased Priests by Vera Jolly Friday (November 21) 5:30 p.m. – Paul Paradis by the Chisholms Saturday (November 22) 4:30 p.m. - George Boisson by Phillippa - Jacques LaFrance by Legion of Mary - Raymond Artuso by his sister Kathy Artuso Sunday (November 23) – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 9:00 a.m. - Alice McAlear Gearey by Joe & Colleen Gearey - Ida Caucci by her daughter Enrica & family 11:00 a.m.- Pat Pitre by Meals-On-Wheels - Louis & Linda Virgini by the Virgini family - Deacon Allan McAuliffe by the Adult Choir The Sanctuary Lamp is burning this week in loving memory of Terry Clinton by Pat & family BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE A book will be in the back of the church near the main entrance for you to write down the names of your departed family and friends. They will be remembered during all celebraons during the month of November. The book will be out unl the end of November. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. PARISH DUES CAMPAIGN 2014-2015 Our annual campaign has begun. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far! If you have not contributed, personal addressed leers are at the back of the church, in order by street name. Please take your leer—along with other leers on your street—to help us reduce the mailing cost. Thank you! NOVEMBER 15-16,2014 WEEKLY REFLECTION: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls. (Proverbs 31:10). In 1843, American author Nathaniel Hawthorne published a short story called “The Birthmark.” The story focuses on a beauful woman, Georgiana, who has one flaw: a birthmark on her face. Her husband, Aylmer, is a scienst who wants Georgiana to be perfect. So he concocts a poon to remove the birthmark. Unsure but wanng to please her husband, Georgiana drinks the poon. The birthmark slowly fades, but as it does, so dies Georgiana. In the end, she dies, leaving a flawless corpse. How o)en do we act like Aylmer the scienst? How o)en do we nitpick at our spouses instead of praising them for all the ways they bring us joy, hold our families together, and support us in our lives of faith? Today’s first reading describes the characteriscs of an honorable wife. She brings her husband good, and she devotes herself unringly to her family. She is diligent in running her household, she reaches out to the poor, she sacrifices much for her family, and most of all, she fears the Lord and follows his commands. Scholars think that readings like this one were used as models teach young Jewish women, like the Virgin Mary. It’s no wonder why! This descripon of an industrious, prayerful woman has much to teach us – men and women alike – about how to arrange our days. It depicts a home life that is wholesome and frui.ul. It depicts a home where spouses honor each other and where children learn the values of faith, hard work, and mutual respect. Of course, no home is as flawless as the home depicted in this reading. We are, a)er all, fallible human beings! But that doesn’t mean we cannot all aspire to this perfect ideal. Just remember Aylmer: be sure not to kill each other in the process! “Holy Mary, Mother of God, help me to follow your example in everything I do.” LITURGY CORNER Questions To Ponder This Week What are the particular talents God has given to me? What gift have I not developed as I had hoped to? What could I still do? Am I willing to take risks with what I have been given? YOUCATSESSIONSAREBACK! Come deepen your faith together with other young people! This year the YOUCAT sessions are travelling! The first session, we will be hosted by the McGill Newman Center on November 20, 2014 at 7:30P.M. with Archbishop Christian Lépine! A time of prayer and worship will be animated by the students of McGill Newman Centre and members of the Challenge Movement. All are welcomed! Scripture Readings for Next Weekend: November 22/23 Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe Ezekiel 34.11-12, 15-17 ~1 Corinthians 15.20-26, 28 Matthew 25.31-46 EL SHADDAI - DWXL Prayer Partner Fellowship Int’l Held every 2nd and 4th Saturday @ St. John Brébeuf Parish. Come, be blessed!! Experience God’s Healing & Salvaon. For more informaon please contact Nelia Bernardez 438-938-0708 or Leonard Jarvis 514-363-2573 or Eden Villoso 514-894-5490 or Gloria Sandy 514-368-8215 UP COMING BAZAARS IN AND AROUND OUR COMMUNITY THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE OF CANADA (Montreal City Council) will be holding their Annual Bake & Cra( Sale on Saturday, November 29th (following the 5:00 pm Mass) and on Sunday, November 30th (following the 9:00 am and 11:00 am masses) in the Green Room of St. Patrick’s Basilica. On sale will be homemade baked goods, Christmas cra(s, books and a White Elephant Table. Bargains for everyone! 186-240-266 & 318. ST. LAWRENCE ANGLICAN CHURCH: First Event: Pudding & Souse and Bake Sale, sponsored by the Boomers on Saturday November 22nd 11:30am3:00pm in church's lounge, located at 520 - 75th Avenue, LaSalle, H8R 2P5 Please write your name and address on your envelopes for the next few weeks, we have no informaon about you! Thank you. Second Event: Christmas Tea and Fun Bingo, sponsored by the A.C.W. on Saturday November 29th 2:00pm5:00pm in church's lounge, located at 520 - 75th Avenue, LaSalle, H8R 2P5 Legion of Mary—New members are welcome! ST. TELESPHORE ART SALE We meet every Saturday at 2:30 pm in the Brébeuf Room. An apostolate of prayer and service: Info: Call the parish office 514-366-0131 x 221. Nov 22nd 10 am—5 pm 8811 rue Centrale, LaSalle Nov 23rd 10 am—4 pm entrance from 66th avenue ATTENTION ENVELOPE USERS Theologia Book Ministry – Online store is open! TBM has just launched a Shopping Cart feature online: . Now you can browse and shop online for your favourite Catholic books and be up-to-date with new publications, while receiving the same personalised service. Contact Samia at 514-694-3564. To find out more about Theologia: S a c r e d H e a r t C h r i s t m a s Fa i r & I Musici Benefit Concert. Start your Christmas shopping with The Sacred Heart School of Montreal annual Christmas Fair on Saturday, November 29th starng at 10 am unl 4 pm. At 7 pm, a benefit concert will be held, featuring the I Musici de Montréal professional orchestra and several members of the school’s Concert Band, who will perform Christmas classic repertoire under the direcon of Jean-Michel Malouf. For ckets or informaon call 514-937-2845 or visit
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