Page 2 November 23rd 2014 Thanksgiving Mass You are welcome to join fellow parishioners to thank God for his blessings to you, your family, and to our nation, on Thursday, November 27th, at the 9 AM Mass. The Eucharistic celebration will be bilingual. Come and thank the Lord for all we have received and ask his continued blessings on our country. Christmas Orchestra All students presently taking band or orchestra in school are invited to help form this year’s orchestra to play for our 7 PM Christmas Eve Mass. Rehearsals will be Wednesday evenings from 6:30 until 7:30 in the music room. Rehearsal Schedule December 3rd, December 10th, December 17th Contact: Margaret Smith 360-491-0890 ext 109e-Mail: Fr. McDermott, Deacon Terry, Deacon Rey, Ferrell, and the Staff here at Sacred Heart, would like to wish you and your family a very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Dear Parish Family, What an exciting International Food Fest we celebrated this past Sunday – this is a great parish community! God has blessed us and we thank God for each of you who has shared your time, talent and treasure to make this such a wonderful community over the years. We have a long list of folks to thank for our International Fest: our coordinator, Angel Vano, the Filipino Community, Chamorro Community, Hispanic Community, Korean Community, Samoan Community, Vietnamese Community, Ken and the Holy Name, St. Margaret’s, St. Brigid’s, St. Jude’s, St. Joseph’s, the German Club, CEBU Restaurant and Saigon Rendezvous. A special appreciation goes to Caroline, Ron and Phil. These three worked behind the scenes to make sure that everything was ready for the set-up and organized for the clean-up. Our entertainment was provided by the Korean Community Choir, the Samoan Community Dancers and the Hispanic Community Dancers. What a wonderful musical experience for all of us! They were all inspiring. Three cheers for all the great raffle gifts and the donors. In addition to all the wonderful dishes served to over 400 guests, we consumed 240 hot dogs. Thank you again to all who made this day so wonderful for all of us. We sure know how to feed the parish. A really special thank-you again to Angel Vano, our coordinator. We already looking forward to next year’s Celebration with Angel leading us. Gratefully, Fr. Pat and Staff Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. & Page 3 Dear Parishioners, As we approach Thanksgiving Day, I would like to share these thoughts with you. Thanksgiving Day invites us to pause and recall the many reasons we have to be thankful. We hear so many negative thoughts and ideas that they may begin to dominate our way of thinking. Thanksgiving time is a time to dump our negative thoughts that easily make us overly angry, resentful, and upset even at the ordinary problems of life. When we recall the good people, and the events and things that have blessed us, our attitude and outlook changes for the better. As you prepare for Thanksgiving, write down ten things for which you are grateful. Perhaps plan to make it a family project and post the list to the refrigerator. Continue to add new ideas or draw a picture of people, events and things that you and family member are grateful for. Here are some ideas from a high school student. “I am having a really tough time in high school right now. Even though most times I have positive thoughts and attitudes, sometimes it gets really hard but I usually catch myself and try to reverse the negative thoughts into positive ones. 1. I have a caring family. 2. I have amazing friends. 3. I have the opportunity to wake up in the morning. 4. I am able to watch the sun rise and set. 5. I am able to do things with my friends. 6. I was able to be at the beach this summer for a whole week without my parents. 7. I was blessed to have a special person in my life that is now in a better place. 8. I have a very special person who is always there and with whom I can always talk to. 9. I am able to read great books. 10. Last summer’s dreams came true and I was able to attend a concert of my favorite singer. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to remind me of all these wonderful times and people in my life. Every time I find myself getting negative I try and remember each of these special times and people that God has sent into my life. Did you know that simply being thankful and making it a point to recognize the good things we have experienced will help us to have a positive outlook on life? There is scientific proof that we will be happier, healthier and better able to handle the stresses of daily life simply by saying “thank you”. Professors Emmons, a University of California, Davis professor, found that people who view life as a gift and consciously acquire an “attitude of gratitude” will experience multiple advantages. His research indicates that “Gratitude” improves emotional and physical health. It can strengthen relationships and communities. He encourages people to keep a gratitude journal, to learn prayers of gratitude, and to use visual reminders to help them recall things and people they are grateful for. He says that without gratitude, life can be lonely, depressing and impoverished. He adds that “gratitude enriches human life. It elevates, energizes, inspires and transforms. People are moved, more open to one another, and humbled through expressions of gratitude.” We are the recipients of unearned blessings and benefits. God has blessed us with many gifts. We have received gifts, favors, and blessing from others. Take time to thank God and those who have blessed you. May God continue blessing you. Fr. Pat Big “Thank you” to our Master Gardeners for the beautiful flowers brought in faithfully every weekend to enhance our altar. Their gardens must look like the garden of Eden. Thank you, thank you, thank you, parishioners of Sacred Heart! May God bless you. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. Page 4 November 23rd 2014 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday Reading Gospel November Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5 Lk 21:1-4 24th Tuesday Reading Gospel Wednesday Reading Gospel Thursday November Rv 14:14-19 Lk 21:5-11 November Rv 15:1-4 Lk 21:12-19 November 25th Reading Gospel Friday Reading Gospel Saturday Reading 1 Gospel Sunday Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a Lk 21:20-28 November 28th Rv 20:1-4, 11-21:2 Lk 21:29-33 November 29th Rv 22:1-7 Lk 21:34-36 November 30th Reading 1 Reading 2 Gospel Is 63:16-17, 19b; 64:2-7 1 Cor 1:3-9 Mk 13:33-37 Monday November 9:00am Deanna Arroyo † Doris Peluzzo 26th Tuesday 27th Sunday, November 16h, 2014 Weekly $ $ $ $ November 25th NO MASS Wednesday November 9:00am Allison Arroyo Thursday 9:00am Friday 13,160 18,117 4,957 25,724 Lord God, through the prayers of Mary, our Mother, bring your healing presence to all who are sick, injured or troubled, especially: Larry Strickland, Ann Miller Our loving God, rich in mercy, has opened wide the gates of paradise, offering rest & lasting joy: Joan Anderson, Gretchen Cornett, Shirley Eichelser, D. Rey Hosa, Caridad Cortez, Gene Suryan, Jack Reifschneider, John Sheehan, James Spalding, Pat Delaney, Ray Nastansky, Nelly Fox 26th November 27th People of Sacred Heart November 9:00am Saturday 28th Gertrude Rickert † Gunda Roeser † Meta Rickert † Joan Anderson Griffith November 29th 9:00am Mayra & Ismael Moreno 5:00pm Fernan & Lucy Carino Sunday Revenue budgeted Collections received Proceeds this week Year to Date 24th 8:00am November 30th Sylvia Andrino † Gretchen Cornett 10:00am † Santo Magiarelli † Thersa Casey † John Sheehan † Filomena Espirita & All souls in purgatory 12:00pm People of Sacred Heart 2:00pm Sacred Heart Volunteers 5:00pm † Manano Leon Guerrero † Josefina Leon Guerrero † Jesus Blas † Isabel Blas *DUE TO A FUNERAL OR MEMORIAL MASS, INTENTION OF THE MASS WILL BE RESCHEDULED TO THE FOLLOWING WEEKDAY FR. PAT Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. MASS. & WEEKLY CALENDAR Monday, November 24TH 9:00AM - Mass - Church 9:30AM - Divine Mercy Prayer Group - Church 1:30PM - St. Jude’s Guild - S3 6:00PM - Adult Enrichment - HH Upstairs - RM5 Advent Family Night - HH Tuesday, November 25th 6:30pm - Music Ministry - S2 Respect Life - HH Upstairs - RM6 Wednesday, November 26th 9:00AM - Mass - Church 7:00PM - Stephen Ministry - HH Upstairs - RM6 Thursday, November 27th - Thanksgiving Day 9:00AM - Mass - Church Adoration following Mass until 4PM 6:00PM - Rosary Prayer Group - Adoration Chapel Friday, November 28th Office Closed 9:00AM - Mass - Church 9:45AM - 30 Hour Eucharistic Adoration beginsSt. Frances Chapel Saturday, November 29TH 9:00AM - Mass - Church 3:00PM - Reconciliation - Church 4:30PM - 30 Hour Eucharistic Adoration ends 5:00PM - Mass - Church Sunday, November 30TH - First Sunday of Advent 8:00AM - Mass - Church 10:00AM - Mass - Church Little Saints - S4 Children’s Worship - Faith Formation Office Korean Mass - Fabian Hall 12:00PM - Mass - Church 2:00PM - Spanish Mass - Church 5:00PM - Mass - Church ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK! We appreciate the support of the fine members of the business community whose ads appear on the back of the bulletin. With their generosity we are able to have a weekly bulletin at no cost to us. This week we would like to thank: Catholic Match Washington Page 5 Prayer Ministry: We are so grateful to those who are joining us in prayer. If you have a prayer request or want to be part of this Ministry, contact Maria Boros at 456-0888 or Dialogue For Justice Today’s Gospel (Mt 25:31-46) has a distinct call to action! We are challenged to create a more just world. The reassuring words of Jesus come with a condition. He begins by saying, “Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” And then he tells us what we must do to gain this inheritance, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” Our faith is learned on our knees through prayer and then practiced on the streets of our lives. This is what Pope Francis meant when he said, “I want a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets.” A new church year dawns and we who profess Christ are called to work for justice. Will we dirty our hands? Samoan Mass scheduled for Sunday, December 21, 2014 at 4pm in Fabian Hall. For any questions, please contact Maggie Tia at (360) 888-7441 or Taleo Sitama at (360) 350-8087. Inviting all Filipinos to a potluck lunch and needed preparatory meeting for this year’s Sacred Heart Simbang Gabi. Please let your BAYANIHAN spirit touch all with your presence. November 30th 1:15PM in Hallen Hall Refer questions to Fely W. at 491-8243 or Levi/Rose at 456-2461. Christ the King When the Son of Man comes in glory, may we be among those who have fed the hungry, welcomed the stranger, and clothed the naked. For Jesus tells us clearly that it is those who have demonstrated good stewardship by sharing their gifts with the less fortunate who will receive God’s blessing and inherit the kingdom. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. Page 6 November 23rd 2014 Parroquia de Sagrado Corazón, Lacey Horario de oficina: De lunes a viernes de 8:00-12:00 y 1:00-4:00 Teléfono: 360-491-0890 ext. 101 Misa en español: Los domingos a las 2:00PM (Ver otras páginas para misas en ingles.) Párroco: R. P. Patricio McDermott Celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: Las Mañanitas: viernes diciembre 12 a las 5:00 AM continuando con misa a las 9:00 AM Sábado diciembre 13. Servicio de Oración y procesión a la 1:00PM continuando con la Fiesta Renovación Carismática y Rosario: Todos los jueves de 6:30-9:00pm en Fabian Hall. SACRAMENTOS Bautismos, Confirmación, Bodas: llame a: Lilia Bahena al 491-0890 Ext. 103or Clases de Confirmación: La siguiente clase de confirmación es el 7 de diciembre. La ceremonia de confirmación será Mayo 8 a las 7:00 PM con el obispo Edward Burns. El siguiente servicio para los jóvenes será la “Fiesta de Navidad de niños de Pre School” el 19 de diciembre a las 5:00 Pm. Bautismo: Las próximas clases de Bautismo empiezan el 5 y 12 de enero. Matrimonio: Si usted está planeando su boda, favor de hacer una cita con 6 meses de anticipación de la fecha que desea que su boda se celebre. LECTORES! Su nuevo horario está listo (diciembre 2014 a marzo 2015). Por favor revisen su correo electrónico o vayan a la Sacristía para recoger su copia. Vamos a empezar el Ciclo B para las lecturas y necesitan recoger su Manual para Proclamadores de la Palabra en la Sacristía. Favor de contactar a Eleonore Mitchell o a Rocío Campos para cualquier pregunta, gracias. ¿Me Has Encontrado en los Pobres? Con una grandiosa visión, el Año Litúrgico acaba con la celebración de Cristo Rey, y el próximo sábado comenzará el nuevo Año de la Iglesia con el Adviento. El evangelio de hoy, de San Mateo, nos presenta la escena de Cristo nuestro Señor que viene como rey a juzgar a los hombres. Esta escena es la contrapartida de las Bienaventuranzas, donde los pobres y los que sufren se llamaban felices y dichosos. En el juicio, el Señor nos preguntará: "¿Qué has hecho en favor de los pobres y de los que lloraban?". Jesús se presenta aquí a sí mismo no sólo como cercano a los pobres y humildes, sino que él mismo es el pobre, el manso, el enfermo, el perseguido. Y nos vuelve a preguntar: ¿"Me has encontrado en ellos?" ¿Qué le respondemos? Día Acción de Gracias Jueves el 27 de noviembre celebramos una Misa especial para dar gracias a Dios por todo lo que hemos recibido de su mano. Todos están bienvenidos a la Misa bilingüe de las 9:00. Libros en Venta En la entrada del templo hay libros de venta. Casi todos están en ingles, pero hay el Nuevo Testamento con Lectio Divina está en español. Cada libro cuesta $2.00. Hay libros para jóvenes y adultos en ingles. Confesiones en Diciembre Los jueves de diciembre antes de Navidad habrá confesiones de 5:30PM a 6:30PM., también los sábados antes de Navidad serán después de la misa de las 9:00AM, y el horario regular los sábados comenzando a las 3:00PM. CORRESPONSABILIDAD Cuando el Hijo del Hombre venga glorificado, que estemos nosotros entre los que hayan dado de comer al hambriento, dado la bienvenida al extranjero y vestido al desnudo. Porque Jesús nos dice claramente que son aquellos que han demostrado una buena administración de los bienes de Dios compartiendo sus dones con los menos afortunados los que recibirán la bendición de Dios y heredarán el reino. Gracias por anunciarse en nuestro boletin. Por favor apoye a quienes se anuncian siempre que sea possible. & Page 7 FAITH FORMATION/SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Sacred Heart Daily Preschool Contact: DeAnna Scott, Preschool Director & Teacher of Pre-K & 3-4 yr. olds First Communion & Faith Formation (Pre K - Grade 5) Linda Cooper at 491-0890 ext 108 Thank you to all the parents, children, catechists, and volunteers that participated in our Reconciliation Retreat. It was a beautiful time of learning about God’s love and forgiveness. Make sure to check out the pictures on the parish Facebook page. Remember Family Advent Night on Monday, November 24 and no Elementary Faith Formation on November 26/27. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving! JR High/SR High Youth Ministry Katy Baker at 493-1773 (H) 789-8179 (C) JH Youth Ministry Program: (6th - 8th): 6-7:30p.m. Hallen Hall No class November 25th. December 2nd Soup and crackers will be served. SH Youth Ministry Program: (9th - 12th): 6:30 – 8:00p.m. Hallen Hall on November 23rd. Theme for the dinner is hamburger. Bring a dish to share with others. JH/SH Teens: On November 27th at the 9:00 Thanksgiving Mass we will be proceeding in with blankets made during Blanket Ministry for the needy. We will meet in the Narthex by 8:45 AM to get ready. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend if you can. We need everyone's help! Happy Thanksgiving: May your Thanksgiving be bountiful and full of the Blessings of the Season. Senior High and Adult Confirmation: Contact Lilia Bahena at 491-0890 ext 103 or SENIOR HIGH CONFIRMATION: Please go online to keep in touch with important class dates throughout the year. The confirmation ceremony date is May 8th at 7:00 PM with Bishop Edward Burns (Alaska). Our next class is December 7th. Also our next service project the Preschool Christmas Program will be December 19th at 5:00 PM. ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASSES: December 7th 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM class. RCIA and Adult Faith Formation: Contact Martha Arenas at 360-491-0890 x104 or To Judge the Living and the Dead… Today, the last day of our Liturgical Year, we Celebrate Christ as ruler and universal shepherd. This feast should remind us of the original Ascension feast in which we celebrate the exalted Christ, crowned with glory at the right hand of God. The liturgy takes us through a journey in which we are shown a glimpse of the final judgment. There are two judgments that occur, Particular Judgment which wages the moral quality of one’s life immediately after death gauging whether the individual either cooperated or rejected God’s grace; and Final Judgment, which refers to the end time of history, the passing of definitive judgment on all people, nations and history itself. Our final fate will be determined by the imperative of loving one’s neighbor. Jesus, The Living Word, will reveal God’s glorious triumph vs. evil, as well as the ultimate meaning of the whole works of creation. Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe RCIA will not have class on November 30th in celebration of our Thanksgiving weekend. Please go to Mass and reflect upon the scripture. Happy Thanksgiving Day! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the journey through which adults are gently introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life. Children who were not baptized as infants too, are initiated through an adapted process of this rite. The RCIA is also the venue for people that were baptized young, but did not receive any further formation, to reencounter with their faith. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. Page 8 November 23rd 2014 INFANT BAPTISM: Contact Lilia Bahena at 491-0890 ext 103 or Please pre-register at least two weeks before our monthly Baptism for infants through 6 years of age. Our next baptism class will be January 5th and 12th. Parents and godparents are required to complete all 2 Baptism classes. MARRIAGE: Contact Lilia Bahena at 491-0890 ext 103 or If you are planning a wedding, please contact us at least 6 months prior to your anticipated wedding date. We offer Marriage Preparation classes three times per year. Please contact Lilia at the parish office. HAPPENINGS AROUND OUR PARISH Meeting Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale Come, one, come all, to St. Jude’s Guild Annual Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale. Offering great gifts at bargain prices plus our incomparable, yummy baked goods and confections. Open after the 8 am, 10 am and 12 noon masses on Sunday, December 7th, in Hallen Hall! See you there! St. Jude Guild will meet on Monday, November 24th, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Room, Sacred Heart Office/School Building. Anyone who is interested in the Guild is encouraged to attend. Refreshments will be served. Please help the St. Jude Guild’s mission. We offer brooms for sale to help support our activities. Contact Barbara at 491-5800. Marriage Enrichment Fr. Vandenberg’s book on marriage, Rediscovering a Pearl of Great Price: The Surprising Gift of the Sacrament of Matrimony, is available in the parish office for $15.00. Sacristy Help We are in need of volunteers to wash the small Mass linens (towels and purificators) that we use to wipe the chalices, etc. If you would be able to do this one week a month, please call the office (491-0890). The linens could be picked up after Sunday Mass and then returned the following Sunday. We hope to have four or five volunteers so that this would be a once a month task and a great help to the parish. LECTORS! Your new schedule is ready (December 2014 through March 2015). Please check your e-mail or the Servers’ Sacristy for your copy. Let me know if you did not receive a schedule. All Lectors: We will start Year B for the Readings, and you need to pick up your new Workbooks in the Servers’ Sacristy. Also, please make sure to read the updated Procedures (Sunday 5 PM lectors, ask Mrs. Baker or Mrs. Baird for a copy). Eleonore Mitchell, (360) 789-1770 Book Sale This weekend we continue to have a variety of books for sale in the narthex. Included are Sunday Missals with the prayers and readings for each Sunday of the coming year. There are also various editions of the Bible. Some have the New American Revised translation that we hear at Mass. Some have other translations that at times are easier to read and understand. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. & Page 9 Annual Catholic Appeal Matching Gifts IRA GIFTS Thank you to those who have already fulfilled your Annual Catholic Appeal pledge! If you would like to help maximize our Annual Catholic Appeal Rebate this year for our parish project, please check if your employer has a Matching Gift program. Once your gift has been paid in full, you can apply for the match per your employer’s instructions. The Annual Catholic Appeal, Archdiocese of Seattle, is a taxexempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. (Tax ID # 91-0778147) Call 206-382-4274 if you have any questions. Mailing address: Annual Catholic Appeal, PO Box 14964, Seattle 98114 Parishioners have taken advantage of the opportunity to make gifts directly from their IRAs to the parish, without owing income tax. The law allowing IRA gifts expired at the end of 2013, but if you’re age 70 1/2 or older and normally itemize your deductions, consider a gifts from your IRA anyway, at least up to the amount of your 2014 required minimum distribution. If the law is renewed, your gifts avoids all income tax; if not, you’ll owe the tax you normally would owe on the distributing, but you’ll be entitled to a charitable deduction. Please call the office if you have questions. Thank you IN OUR PARISH FAMILY OCT/NOV - 2013 FUNERALS : Jack Reifschneider, Caridad Cortez, Gene Suryan WEDDINGS: Marianita and Neftali Sanchez BAPTISMS: Isa Eugenia Esparza, Ingrid Azucena, Reyes Alvarenga, Eunice Angela, Onda Abella, Mia Rueda Cruz Congratulations to those celebrating their anniversary: NOVEMBER; 3 - Mercedes & Futi Lui 4 – Ferrell & John Gilson 6 – Elisa & Jeff Sukenick 8 – Maxine & Ron Fiman 12 – Carol & Carl Weber 14 – Lisa & Garth Hamilton 14 – Karen & Tom Trujillo 16 – Maureen & Joseph Carter 35 yrs 49 yrs 49 yrs 45 yrs 60 yrs 22 yrs 28 yrs 51 yrs 22 – Paulette & Marc Barber 22 – Lucena & Fernandico Carino 23 – Eleonore & Thomas Mitchell 23 – Dani & Ed Sauley 25 – Corrine & Dan Farmer 25 – Kathy & Mike Gard 30 – Carol & Vitale Sooto 34 yrs 39 yrs 30 yrs 53 yrs 19 yrs 53 yrs 18 yrs Would you like your anniversary acknowledged? Please contact the parish office. Celebrating Children To the parents of our young children, May we suggest: Relax! God put the wiggles in children, don't feel you have to suppress in God’s house. Sit toward the front where it is easier to see & here. Quietly explain the parts of the Mass. Sing the hymns, pray and voice the responses. Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you. If you have to leave Mass with your child, please feel free to do so, but please come back. As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” Remember that the way we welcome children in the Church directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, to Christ and to one another. Let them know that they are at home in this house. To the Members of the Parish A smile of encouragement is always a welcome to the parents with small active children. The presence of the children is a gift to the Church. They give us “A future full of hope.” Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. Page 10 November 23rd 2014 A series of Informational classes are schedule starting in January 2015. MARK YOUR CALENDERS The classes will be held on Saturdays from 10am to 12 noon in Hallen Hall upstairs in Rm 5. January 17, 2015 Funeral Alternatives. Peace of mind for your family. Opportunity for personal choices, Clair Ferris, presenter. February 7, 2015 Current facts and updates on Diabetes Type II. New protocols, treatments and nutritional education, Debra Ranken, R.N., Certified Diabetic Educator. February 14, 2015 Deacon Rey and Amor Ronquilo will give a presentation on their mission trip to South America with the Maryknoll Missions. March 14th,2015 Pat Presley, Nutritonist will present a class on healthy eating and cooking for one or two people. Please RSVP to Mary Lou at 360-491-6356 or call the church office 491-0890 ext. 101. Stewardship of Treasure Attention: Women of all vocations! Would you like to join other women in learning more about our faith through Scripture and sharing? Our focus is to take God's Word and apply it in our lives, in our homes and in our relationships and to build stronger marriages and families through our faith community. Free childcare is available in the nursery. We meet every Thursday in Hallen Hall, Room HH5 (upstairs) from 9:30 am to 11 am. Please join us at any time and be inspired. Thank you to all parishioners who have completed and submitted your Commitment Card to the church. As a reminder, all commitments need to be submitted to the church no later than November 30 in order to be accounted for in the final Summary Report. Please complete and submit your card to the church even if you are unable to make a change to your current level of giving. For those registered parishioners not currently supporting the church with regular offertory gifts, please consider a monthly gift to support the needs of our parish. Senior High Retreat This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the South Sound Deanery Senior High Retreat at Black Lake Bible Camp. Thirteen amazing teens from Sacred Heart participated in this event. They represented our Parish well and I was very proud of them. Teens gave witness talks, attended Mass and Adoration, participated in group sessions and had a great time! They are ready to be true Evangelizers of their Faith! Special thanks to Chad Lucero and Morgan Smith, our Senior High young adult team leaders. They made this event possible by volunteering their time and talents. Many Blessings were bestowed upon us this weekend. Katherine C. Baker Youth Minister OUTSIDE GROUPS & EVENTS Holy Family School would like to wish all of the Parishioners of Sacred Heart a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. Holy Family School now enrolling Preschool - 8th grade. All are welcome. Enter to learn, go forth to serve. Sacred Heart parishioner discount $1,000. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible. & Page 11 Single Young Adult Women & Men You are invited to a Reflection Day on Consecrated Life to explore a call to Religious life as sisters, brothers or priests. Saturday, December 6, 2014 9:30am to 2:30pm At the University of Washington Newman Center 4502 20th Ave. NE, Seattle 98105 Hosted by religious communities of women and men serving in the Archdiocese of Seattle. Please sign up by December 1st. Email sister Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP: or call 206-920-8560. SACRED HEART OUTREACH PROGRAMS SACRED HEART EMERGENCY OUTREACH Financial Assistance 11 am - 1 pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday (Based on available funds) Food Pantry 1 pm - 3 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday Thurston County Satellite Food Bank 10 am - 1 pm on 2nd Saturday of the month Food Pantry The Food Pantry is in need of volunteers. If you are interested, please stop by any Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning, or call Cecelia at 489-9592. Clothing Bank Clothing Bank Hours: Wednesday and Fridays 1 p.m. –3 p.m. Second Saturday of every month 10 a.m.—1 p.m. Thanks to our Advertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages of the bulletin whenever possible.
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