Saint Mary Parish 211 North Main St. Randolph, MA 02368 Established 1850 Randolph, Massachusetts MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil Sunday ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John J. Ronaghan Email: WEEKEND ASSISTANT Rev. Pinto Paul, C.S.C. Email: SENIOR DEACON 4:00pm 8:00, 10:00, 11:30am Weekday Masses Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Celebrated at St. Mary Parish 9:00am Holy Day Masses As announced Accommodations for the Handicapped Parish Website: Cemetery Website: Deacon James H. Eames DRE/PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Mrs. Patricia J. O’Connor Email: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ASSISTANT Mrs. Julie Pantazelos Email: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Join us on Facebook! SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please call the Parish Office for information. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Mrs. Judith A. Concannon Email: Saturday 3:00pm – 3:45pm in the Chapel, or by request. Mr. Robert S. O’Connor Email: Preparation should be made with a priest at least six months in advance. CEMETERY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Mrs. Felicia Kopelman-Hayes BUSINESS MANAGER Mr. Joseph Sheehan Email: TELEPHONE NUMBERS Pastoral Center: 22 Seton Way - 781-963-4141 Rel. Ed Center: 30 Seton Way -781-961-5009 Cemetery Office: 245 North St. - 781-961-9323 FAX NUMBERS Pastoral Center: 781-963-0884 Rel. Ed Center: 781-961-5055 Cemetery Office: 781-963-0884 If you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick prior to hospital admission or for any other reason, please contact one of the priests or call the Pastoral Center. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Saturday following 9:00am Mass until 11:00am. HAITIAN CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP PASTORAL CENTER OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday: 9am to 4pm Guerisons, Graces, Benedictions!!! Venez nous joindre chaque jeudi soir a 7:00pm a la priere charismatique pour chanter et louer Dieu! Healing, Blessings!!! Come to join us every Thursday night at 7:00pm at the charismatic prayer in French and in Creole to sing and praise the Lord! PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We are a vibrant faith community committed to living out the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition. As a Eucharistic people, we seek to deepen our personal union with Jesus Christ through the ministries of Word, Worship, Community, and Service. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we devote ourselves to the Catechetical Ministry of Youth and Young Adults and to ongoing Adult Faith Formation. We seek to continue the mission of the Church by extending hospitality and outreach to all the People of God. ST. MARY RANDOLPH, MA COLLABORATIVE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE St. Mary Parish Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday Masses: 8:00am, 10:00am, 11:30am THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MEMORIAL MASSES FOR THE WEEK Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:00pm Louise Fitzgerald Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:00am Carol Call & Francis McIntosh 11:30am Rosario Monteforte Tuesday, November 18, 2014 9:00am Theresna Cilencieux Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:00am Nour ElFar 4:00pm Peter Gaynor Sunday, November 23, 2014 8:00am Vivencio Sampuang 10:00am Edgar Fowler, Jr. 11:30am Audrey & Leo Fahey WEEKLY OFFERTORY OFFERTORY Loose Money $1773.00 Envelopes $3241.00 TOTAL $5014.00 MONTHLY ENERGY COLLECTION Loose Money $ 869.00 Envelopes $1490.00 TOTAL $2359.00 GRAND ANNUAL TO DATE: $24,021.00 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL - $119.00 Please remember St. Mary Parish in your will! SECOND COLLECTIONS-NOVEMBER 11/15/14 Mission Cooperative Appeal 11/23/14 Retired Religious Sisters REMINDER TO EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & LECTORS We remind the Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors to please check your name in the Sign-In-Book located in the Chapel on your assigned weekend Mass. We will be using that list to update our Ministries and if you have not signed in we assume that you no longer wish to continue your ministry. Thank you. Daily Mass Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—9:00am St. Bernadette Parish Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am 9:00am—Vietnamese 11:00am Daily Mass Monday, Wednesday, Friday—9:00am PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE ARMED FORCES We wish to remember in our prayers those brave men and women who are presently serving our country here and overseas. Jeremy Lucier, Kevin Ryan, Ryan Dornan, Paul Ellis, Kirsty Penticost, William Williams, Christopher Jackson, Ryan O’Keefe, Keith Littig, Timothy Walsh, Thomas Cheney, Elliot Trippel, Richard Pert, Drake Barry, Tom Ram and Colin Reilly. Please call the office if you would like someone added to this prayer list and also please inform us of their safe return. Thank you! WINTERFEST SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 2-4:30PM NORTH MAIN STREET AT CRAWFORD SQUARE Winterfest is a celebration of community and local businesses that kicks off the holiday season. Jointly hosted by the Randolph Chamber of Commerce and Town of Randolph, the event features an afternoon of performances, exhibits, activities, food and craft vendors and civic organizations ending with a sing-along and tree lighting. With North Main Street closed to traffic and a captive audience of residents and visitors enjoying the afternoon, Winterfest provides an opportunity to showcase your organization’s products and services. Applications for vendor space can be found at THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME NOTES FROM PATTY O’CONNOR PASTORAL ASSOCIATE/DRE The most treasured part of my ministry here at St. Mary’s has been the life lessons I have learned along the way. I would like to share with you a reflection I wrote back a few years ago that explains one of my most humble moments. It clearly defines that old adage, “do not judge a book by its cover”. It also gives you a glimpse into why I LOVE teenagers. The names and faces in this reflection are long forgotten but the lesson is not. Every once in a while, we host what we call LARGE group for our high school Religious Education classes. In this setting we choose and present a catechetical theme consistent with the curriculum. The students are grouped at round tables according to their Religious Education class with their catechist as a guide and two peer leaders to facilitate discussion. We use witness, video, games, ice-breakers, anything we can to emphasize the theme. On this particular evening, one table is missing their catechist, and both peer leaders, and so I jump in to pinch hit. The theme is social justice and two peer leaders are sharing some interesting stories with the large group from the podium. One tenth grader at my table sits slumped forward in his black hooded sweatshirt with the hood pulled over his head to hide his eyes. I can visualize him as I am writing this. I gently ask him to get himself together and pay attention. Several more times I give him a raised eyebrow and I can begin to feel my blood boiling. The next time I speak to him I am not gentle at all, and I’m ready to move his butt in a straight line to the office. Having worked with teenagers for a long time, I have developed the habit of choosing my battles, taking a deep breath, and counting to ten or 50 or 100 if need be to keep my cool. So I let a few minutes go by. A wise person once told me that the best way to discipline is to start by asking questions. When I cool down, I start pumping questions and naturally I’m getting one word answers. “Were you up late last night?” “Yeah.” “Are you all right?” “Yeah”. “Are you listening?” “Yeah”. (Time for more pointed questions.) “What time did you get to bed?” “3 a.m.”. “Do you think that’s a good way to go to school with so little sleep?”. “No”. “Were you home?” “No.” “Where were you?” “Boston.” “Who with?” “My aunt.” “Til 3 a.m.?” “Yes”. ( I couldn’t take it any longer, I had to ask) “What in God’s name were you doing til 3 a.m. in the City of Boston and do you think that’s a safe thing to do?” NOVEMBER 16, 2014 The answer to this question is a lesson I’ll never forget. It seems that every year God has a lesson for me to learn no matter how many years I am in this ministry. My very huffy, judgmental, outraged self sat there looking into the eyes of a teenager who answered my question this way: “Counting the homeless people with the Mayor’s group.” If you think that response ended my judging this young man, you are wrong. I shot back with, “Social justice is our topic tonight, and you should be listening!” His response was, “I know!” It was not just the words that took my breath away, but the look of Christ in his eyes. He knew exactly what was going on, his heart was burning with what he was hearing, but I don’t think he was confident in putting it out there with his peers. The rest of the teens at the table caught this last exchange between us, saw the look on his face, and started to ask questions. I was not needed for the rest of the night at that table. Social justice was the theme, but the young man had taken over the leadership role. My lesson? Teenagers use attitudes to cover up their insecurities. Some use their attitudes to cover up their spirituality because spirituality is not necessarily “cool”. He, who has eyes to see, must. Sometimes seeing is not easy. This teenager could see, but I was blind. Patty O’Connor Pastoral Associate/DRE CHEVERUS AWARD I am very pleased to announce that Hung Nguyen from our parish has been nominated to receive the Bishop Cheverus Medal of the Archdiocese of Boston on Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 3:00pm at a Solemn Vespers Service of Evening Prayer at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, 1400 Washington Street, Boston. This award is given in grateful appreciation for the “unsung heroes” of our Archdiocese. All are invited to attend. Fr. Ronaghan NEW ALTAR SERVER TRAINING The Training Sessions for our new Altar Servers is scheduled for Thursday, December 4th, 11th and 18th from 4-5:30pm in St. Mary’s Church. The training will be overseen by Fr. Ronaghan and Kathy Johnston. WELCOME We are pleased to have you with us. If you are a new parishioner and haven’t registered in the parish, please fill out the form below indicating husband, wife, son, daughter and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Pastoral Center, 22 Seton Way, Randolph, MA 02368. Last Name:___________________________________ First Name:__________________________________ Mailing Name:_______________________________ Address:______________________________________ Tel. No.______________________________________ THANKSGIVING DAY MASS On Thanksgiving morning, Thursday, November 27th at 9am we invite you to join us for a Thanksgiving Mass. It is a wonderful way to begin Thanksgiving Day. All are welcome. Also, the Staff here at St. Mary’s wish all of our Parish Families a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and remind you that the Parish Office will be closed the day after Thanksgiving. ST. MARY’S DISCUSSION GROUP The weeks seem to fly by. It’s that time of the month again for the St. Mary’s Discussion Group to meet. All adults are welcome to join us. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 20th at 7pm in the Church Hall. Date of Birth__________________________________ Spouse: ______________________DOB___________________ Children_____________DOB_________________ ____________________DOB___________________ Please send Offertory Envelopes: yes______ no_____ Would you like to join our Giving Online Program Yes______no_____ BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT A Mass and Healing Service will be held at The Church of the Blessed Sacrament, 10 Diamond Street, Walpole, MA 02081 on Sunday, November 23rd at 2:00pm with Fr. Joseph P McDermott. All those who have physical illnesses, as well as those burdened, or suffering emotionally, mentally, spiritually, psychologically, or financially are cordially invited to come and pray with us. You may pray for your own needs or the needs of others. If you would like a list of all the healing services, usually being held on the last Sunday of the month, please call 508-668-4700 and the Healing Service Calendar will be mailed to you. ST. MARY’S SENIORS NEWS “THIRTEEN THINGS ABOUT ED CARPOLOTTI” was a fun afternoon. We learned how his widow managed to survive with the help of an unknown benefactor, as Virginia (Mrs. Carpolotti) walked us through many of his misadventures and how she survived them was very entertaining. We look forward to the return of the Delvena Company Players. Will keep you posted on their return visit. The door prize winner was Frank Donovan. The raffle prize winners were Emmanuel Agen, Betty Lucier and Jane Richardson. We will keep you posted on our next meeting and who the entertainment will be. A Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! DID YOU KNOW!! Did you know that the St. Mary’s bulletin is printed at no cost to our parish each week? Not only that, our parish receives a part of the advertising commission. So please frequent the fine establishments that advertise in our bulletin and when you do please make sure to mention you saw their ad in our bulletin. If you are a business owner, consider advertising in the bulletin. It’s an easy way to reach thousands of area families with information about your business. For more information on how to advertise in our bulletin, call Sylwia Kohut at 508-713-3692.
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