BDO Peso-Denominated Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) Comparative Grid of UITFs for Investors with Balanced and Aggressive Risk Profiles CLIENT RISK PROFILE PRODUCT NAME BALANCED AGGRESSIVE BDO Peso Balanced Fund BDO Equity Fund BDO Sustainable Dividend Fund BDO Focused Equity Fund FUND TYPE Balanced Fund Equity Fund Equity Fund Equity Fund INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE Capital Growth Capital Growth Capital Growth Capital Growth MINIMUM INVESTMENT / ADDITIONAL PARTICIPATION PHP 10,000 PHP 10,000 PHP 10,000 PHP 10,000 RECOMMENDED INVESTMENT TIME HORIZON More than three (3) years More than three (3) years More than three (3) years More than three (3) years Fixed income securities and stocks Diversified portfolio of stocks Portfolio of stocks with history of sustainable dividend yields Concentrated portfolio of stocks (8 - 15 stocks) Average of the Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index (PSEi) and the 91-day T-Bill rate Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index (PSEi) Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index (PSEi) Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index (PSEi) 1.00% p.a. 1.00% p.a. 1.25% p.a. 1.50% p.a. 30 calendar days 30 calendar days 30 calendar days 30 calendar days 0.50% of original participation amount 1.00% of original participation amount 1.00% of original participation amount 1.00% of original participation amount Up to 12:00 nn Any banking day Up to 12:00 nn Any banking day Up to 12:00 nn Any banking day Up to 12:00 nn Any banking day SETTLEMENT PERIOD 4 banking days After notice of redemption is received 4 banking days After notice of redemption is received 4 banking days After notice of redemption is received 4 banking days After notice of redemption is received NAVPU AVAILABILITY 7:00 p.m. Every banking day 7:00 p.m. Every banking day 7:00 p.m. Every banking day 7:00 p.m. Every banking day INVESTMENT OUTLETS BENCHMARK TRUST FEE MINIMUM HOLDING PERIOD EARLY REDEMPTION FEE DEALING PERIOD DISCLAIMER: The UITFs are not deposit accounts but trust products. Participations in UITFs do not guarantee a rate of return and are not covered by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC). BDO UITFs are likewise not guaranteed by BDO. Investments or participations in the UITFs are subject to risks and possible losses of principal. The value of the investments can go up or down and, upon redemption, may be worth more or worth less than the original amounts invested. BDO-Trust is not liable for such losses, which are for the sole account of the participants/trustors. Thus, it is important that the investors always consider if these Funds are aligned with their financial goals, investment horizon and risk appetite. The UITFs are charged for custodianship fees, financial service providers’ fees and third-party audit fees whose sum total does not exceed 0.10% of each of the Funds’ volumes. For more information, kindly call (02) 840-7000 locals 4265 / 4244 / 4035 / 7032. page 1 of 2 BDO Peso-Denominated Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) Comparative Grid of UITFs for Investors with Moderate Risk Profiles MODERATE CLIENT RISK PROFILE PRODUCT NAME BDO Peso Money Market Fund BDO GS Fund BDO Peso Fixed Income Fund FUND TYPE Money Market Fund Medium-Term Bond Fund Medium-Term Bond Fund INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE Capital Preservation Income and Capital Preservation Income and Capital Preservation MINIMUM INVESTMENT / ADDITIONAL PARTICIPATION PHP 100,000 PHP 100,000 PHP 10,000 RECOMMENDED INVESTMENT TIME HORIZON At least six (6) months At least three (3) years At least three (3) years Time deposits, SDAs and low risk short-term fixed income securities Government securities Short to long-term bonds and similar fixed income securities less than 1 1 to 5 1 to 5 91-day T-Bill rate HSBC 1-5 Yr Bond Index HSBC 1-5 Yr Bond Index 0.50% p.a. 1.00% p.a. 1.00% p.a. MINIMUM HOLDING PERIOD None 30 calendar days 30 calendar days EARLY REDEMPTION FEE None 0.50% of original participation amount 0.50% of original participation amount Up to 11:30 a.m. Any banking day Up to 12:00 nn Any banking day Up to 12:00 nn Any banking day SETTLEMENT PERIOD After 4:00 p.m. Same banking day the notice of redemption is received 1 banking day After notice of redemption is received 1 banking day After notice of redemption is received NAVPU AVAILABILITY 4:00 p.m. Every banking day 7:00 p.m. Every banking day 7:00 p.m. Every banking day INVESTMENT OUTLETS MODIFIED DURATION* POLICY BENCHMARK TRUST FEE DEALING PERIOD * Modified Duration measures the percentage change in NAVPU for a given percentage change in interest rates. The higher the duration, the more the NAVPU will fluctuate in relation to changes in interest rates. For example, if the modified duration of the Fund is 3, the NAVPU will increase (decrease) by 3% for every 1% decrease (increase) in interest rates. DISCLAIMER: The UITFs are not deposit accounts but trust products. Participations in UITFs do not guarantee a rate of return and are not covered by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC). BDO UITFs are likewise not guaranteed by BDO. Investments or participations in the UITFs are subject to risks and possible losses of principal. The value of the investments can go up or down and, upon redemption, may be worth more or worth less than the original amounts invested. BDO-Trust is not liable for such losses, which are for the sole account of the participants/trustors. Thus, it is important that the investors always consider if these Funds are aligned with their financial goals, investment horizon and risk appetite. The UITFs are charged for custodianship fees, financial service providers’ fees and third-party audit fees whose sum total does not exceed 0.10% of each of the Funds’ volumes. For more information, kindly call (02) 840-7000 locals 4265 / 4244 / 4035 / 7032. page 2 of 2
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