Saint Ann Catholic Community Photo by K. Palmer 17111 Jefferson Davis Highway NOVEMBER 23, 2014 Colonial Heights, Virginia 23834 Fr. Lou Ruoff, Pastor SOLEMNITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE PARISH PERSONNEL Fr. Lou Ruoff, Pastor Marie Ascenza, Part-time Choir Director and Music Minister Kris Dagostino, Business Manager Elise Chapman, Youth Minister Dr. Pat Clement, D. Min., Director of Religious Education Judy Hopkinson, Coordinator Elementary Christian Formation Melissa Pakurar: Part-time Bookkeeper Kathy Palmer, Administrative Assistant/Secretary MASS TIMES WEEKEND EUCHARIST Saturday, 5:00PM Sunday, 8:30 & 11:15AM WEEKDAY EUCHARIST See schedule inside bulletin RECONCILIATION/ PENANCE/CONFESSION First Saturday each month 4:00 PM or by appointment Parish Website: PASTORAL PARISH COUNCIL SUPERVISED WEEKEND NURSERY Eric Ertzner, Chairperson; Karl Stafflinger, Vice Chairperson, Lesha Berkel; Beverly Freed, George Minson, Robert Flores, Pat Ewen, Rachael Watson, Tim Malone In the school building during Sunday morning Masses. Infant – 4yrs. PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Joseph Hearington, Chair; Craig Follo, Andrew Short, Frank Nause FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Please contact Fr. Lou first when making funeral arrangements (time, etc.) rather than making these arrangements through the funeral home. This allows Fr. Lou to be with the family during this difficult time of decision making and can also cut down on the frustration of waiting for arrangements to be verified through several parties. NORMAL OFFICE HOURS Monday -Friday 8:30am-4:00pm E-MAIL ADDRESSES Fr. Lou Ruoff, Pastor: Pat Clement: Elise Chapman Judy Hopkinson: Kris Dagostino Melissa Pakurar Parish Email (Kathy Palmer): PHONE NUMBERS Fr. Lou Ruoff, Pastor (direct line)… Parish Offices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christian Formation Office . . . . . . . Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Education Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fr. Lou Cell # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451-9936 526-2548 526-2548 526-1922 526-2798 536-2905 MISSION OF OUR PARISH God calls us to proclaim The Word to celebrate our call in the service of one another. In our call of service we accept the responsibility to evangelize within our own community and beyond… to collaborate in the spirit of ecumenism. As a sacramental people we come together for Word and nourishment, welcoming and celebrating new life through Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist. We are a community that celebrates God’s healing in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Anointing of the sick, and God’s love in the Sacrament of Marriage and Ordination. We recognize the dignity of each person, striving to be a more just and peaceful society. We recognize that stewardship is an integral part of our Christian mission and will commit ourselves to use resources in a wise manner. Something to think about: When preparing your estate, please consider St. Ann, your parish family, in your will. Your gift can help the parish continue Faith Community in the future. FR. LOU’S REFLECTION “Tagged as ‘unconventional’” What ultimately called me to want to become a priest, I don’t think I’ll ever know completely--but I know, once on the road to priesthood, I had a great deal of help and support. High among those supporting me was Bishop Walter Sullivan. It was not that we were friends--or knew each other beyond the hear-say of ministry, it was that he was my boss--and he gave me a chance. Not once but several times. Coming to Richmond in 1978, I knew no one. I came with the blessings of Bishop Sullivan who I hadn’t met at this point. He heard of who I was---and I supposed liked what he heard. He gave me an opportunity to minister as a chaplain at the state penitentiary while I was making a decision to serve this diocese. Again, he must have liked what I did there. I knew Bishop Sullivan was different from most bishops I’ve ever heard of or read about. He was prophetic in ways I only heard about from saints of yonder -years ago. I was impressed, if not startled by his inclusion of gay people (homosexuals, as they were called back then). Of course his positions on abortion, on war, the death penalty, the prison system, race and religious discrimination, the poor and neglected, economic justice all were causes that were of importance to me. But where he helped me the most is that he trusted me as pastor of a large church with a school. I so loved it. That’s when I started writing, 25 years ago, children’s Christmas Eve plays --and I haven’t stopped---and my Reflections! And that’s still going. That doesn’t say that all went well everyday---no, there were days that I made mistakes. I know there were times that Bishop Sullivan saw me as “unconventional”---and I suppose that is true. I wondered if Bishop Sullivan knew that I saw him as “unconventional.” That I’ll never know---but whatever successes I’ve had has his name to it. They tell me that the founder of this firm we call Church was “unconventional” as well. copyright, 2014, Lou Ruoff Pastoral Care Please Keep in Prayer David Bowling, Heidi Gibson, Sylvia Hummel, Ed Mayberry, John Mederios, Jeff Swift GIVING TREE The St Ann’s Giving Tree has sprouted in the commons area once again. Please feel free to take an ornament off the tree and purchase the gift card, toy or cold weather accessory noted on the ornament. All gift cards are available at the Feed Your Faith table. Please return the ornaments, with the accompanying gift, to the table by the Giving Tree on or before the weekend of December 7th. DO NOT wrap any of the gifts. PLAYGROUP CHRISTMAS PARTY— Please join us on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, from 10am to noon in Condon Hall for our annual Christmas Party. We will celebrate with snacks, crafts, story time and other fun Christmas activities. Although this event is geared mainly to preschool children, all are welcome. Please RSVP by Nov. 30th to Renee Agius at or 804.894.0664. FESTIVAL of LESSONS & CAROLS for ADVENT Saturday, December 13 3:30—4:30pm Saint Ann Adult Choir & Saint Ann Handbell Choir Blessing of the Nativity Set CHRISTIAN FORMATION ELEMENTARY CF: No Wed. Class on Nov. 26; No Sun. Class on Nov. 30. Classes resume on Dec. 3 (Wed) and Dec. 10 (Sun). Parents, the elementary CF schedules are available on the St. Ann parish website and then click on Christian Formation. ELEMENTARY CF OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Thank you to all the families that participated in this year’s Operation Christmas Child shoebox drive, either by bringing in gifts for the boxes, or food items to sell at the bake sale, or by donating money for shipping the boxes! These shoeboxes will be delivered globally to needy children suffering due to war, poverty, natural disaster or neglect. Each shoe box is an opportunity to share the love of Jesus. BAPTISM PREPARATION: Call the parish office to register for January Baptism preparation classes on Tuesday 6 & Jan. 13 and to schedule your child’s Baptism. VIRTUS/ BACKGROUND CHECKS: All volunteers over 18 who work with children must complete a Background check and attend a VIRTUS session. VIRTUS sessions in the area: Thurs. Dec. 11 at 6:00 pm and Sun. Dec. 14 at 2:00 pm; both sessions are at St. Bridget’s in Richmond. Please register in advance – there is a link to “VIRTUS Registration” on the St. Ann website. Call Judy in the CF office if you need help registering. Send a Wreath for Christmas!! If you missed our Christmas wreath fundraiser—it’s not too late! You can order online! Go to: Use coupon code: STANNVA001. You will receive $3 off your order and St. Ann will receive $5. Order through early December. SECOND COLLECTIONS: JULY – DECEMBER 2014 Campaign Human Development School Assessment Catholic Charities November 23 December 7 December 28 ADULT FAITH FORMATION FOR EVERYONE! For more details, check our website, or contact Pat Clement at the Parish Office Upcoming Events! Ongoing Events- Open to All Sundays – “Catholicism” adult study group. Meets in chapel 10-11am Mondays “Exploring the Sunday Readings” group. 10-11am Meditation Group 6:30p in Chapel Wednesdays – “Bread of Life” study group. 9:45-11:45am. Rm 6, school “Sunday by Sunday” study group. 6:15am in the chapel. Thursdays Women’s Spirituality group. 10-noon Rm 6, school RCIA – 7-8:30pm Parish Hall Faith-in-Motion (1st Thurs.) 7-8:30 Beyond St. Ann’s Walls… Cursillo Weekend Retreats: Men’s Feb 19-22, 2015 Women’s May 28-31, 2015 University of Dayton Online Learning 5-week quality adult Catholic classes $40 per class Session #1 Jan. 18-Feb. 25Oct 26th-Nov 27th: Session #7: Images of Jesus (Christology), Bible Basics, Intro to Prayer, dozens more available! Diocesan Marriage Preparation Sessions: Sat., Dec. 13; 8:00am—8:30 pm at Diocesan Pastoral Center Thursdays, Jan. 8, 15 & 22; 5:30-9:30pm at Diocesan Pastoral Center MAC Conference: Feb. 12-14 in Baltimore—Mid-Atlantic Congress for parish leadership. Justice & Peace OUR DAILY BREAD FOOD PANTRY - HELP!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE HELP US to keep our shelves stocked so we can continue serving our less fortunate friends and neighbors. Jobs are scarce, many have run out of unemployment, heat bills are rising and many are finding it very difficult to feed their families. That's where we come in. Those who can, really need to pitch in and help those in need. Our shelves are very low on black eyed peas, refried beans, hamburger helper/tuna, and spaghetti. We are also very low on toilet paper and shampoo. Please do everything you can to help those in need. Thank you for serving the Lord and One Another. SOUP KITCHEN—December 17 and 31: Wednesdays at Trinity United Methodist on Sycamore Street in Petersburg. We will serve 10 to 15 gallons of beef vegetable soup from 12 to 12:45. We need soup makers, and servers (which includes set up and clean up from 11 to about 1:30). Containers may be found in the closet in Condon Hall kitchen or bought at the Dollar Tree (1 gallon plastic screw top containers). Please contact Theresa Grizzle 7310552 or with any questions or to volunteer! 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:40 WEEKLY COLLECTIONS (Fiscal Year: July 2014 – June 2015) Week of: 10/26/2014 In church collection: EFT Collection We Share Last Year 10/27/2013 Weekly Budget YTD Collections thru 10/26/2014 YTD Budget YTD Difference $9,021.82 $7,698.50 $0.00 $1,323.32 $14,324.87 $13,461.54 $203,561.20 $228,846.18 ($25,284.98) MEMORY GARDEN - The new bricks are in place thanks to Bill Berkel. Brick orders are always appropriate. Check the pamphlet rack or call Pat Blaszak (520-1162) for an order form. THIS WEEK AT SAINT ANN CHURCH READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Monday 11/24/2014 Tuesday Revelation 14: 1-3, 4b-5 Luke 21: 1-4 Revelation 14: 14-19 11/25/2014 Luke 21: 5-11 Wednesday Revelation 15: 1-4 11/26/2014 Luke 21: 12-19 Thursday 11/27/2014 Friday 11/28/2014 Saturday Revelation 18: 1-2, 21-23; 19: 1-3, 9a Luke 21: 20-28 Revelation 20: 1-4, 11—21: 2 Luke 21: 29-33 Revelation 22: 1-7 11/29/2014 Luke 21: 34-36 Sunday 11/30/2014 1st Advent Isaiah 63: 16-17, 19; 64: 2-7 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9 Mark 13: 33-37 MONDAY –NOVEMBER 24 9:30am 10:00am 5:00pm 6:30pm Night Manager, Marty Martinez Line Dancing Scripture Sharing Children’s Choir Meditation Group TUESDAY –NOVEMBER 25 12:15pm 3:30pm Holy Rosary Catholic Church, 3300 “R” Street, Richmond, Virginia 23223, invites you to our Advent Revival, “Encountering Jesus Again”, December, 1st and December 2nd, 2014 at 7:00p.m. Come out and be blessed by great gospel music, powerful preaching. Start the Advent season in a new and exciting way. Guest Homilist is Fr. Kenneth Hamilton, SVD, Co-Founder, Bowman Francis Ministry, St. Columba Catholic Church, Oakland, California. Night Manager, Edgardo Scian Game Day VCU Tutoring Hall/School Rm 7 WEDNESDAY–NOVEMBER 26 Night Manager, Frank Surma 6:30am 9:30am 2:00pm 7:00pm 8:30pm Bible Study Group Bible Study Bell Choir Choir N. A. Group THURSDAY–NOVEMBER 27 Coming to Mary Mother of the Church Abbey on Sat., Dec. 6th at 3pm: Sister’s Christmas Catechism: The Mystery of the Magi’s Gold. Starring TV, movie & stage actress Aubrey Manning as “Sister”. It's "CSI: Bethlehem", a holiday mystery family comedy, from the author of Late Nite Catechism. Sister's Christmas Catechism is sure to become the newest addition to your holiday traditions, with hysterical audience interaction, musical highlights, wacky prizes, non-stop laughs and the irresistible Sister. Tickets: $25.00. Proceeds from the show go to the Benedictine Monastic Community for Vocations. Info & tickets online at or call (804) 7089654. Condon Hall Chapel Worship Chapel Chapel Rm 6 School Worship Room 7 Night Manager, Happy Thanksgiving! Offices Closed 8:00pm A.A. Rm 5 FRIDAY–NOVEMBER 28 Night Manager, Grizzles Offices Closed 7:30pm 8:00pm A.A. N.A. Dbl Rm Rm 7 SATURDAY–NOVEMBER 29 8:00am Cursillo Prayer Group Chapel SUNDAY–NOVEMBER 30 MASSES FOR THE WEEK MON. TUES. WEDS. THURS . FRI. NOV. 24 NOV. 25 _______ _______ No Eucharist Scheduled NOV. 26 NOV. 27 _______ _______ No Eucharist Scheduled No Eucharist Scheduled No Eucharist Scheduled NOV. 28 _______ No Eucharist Scheduled SAT. NOV. 29 5:00pm SUN. NOV. 30 8:30am For Stella Nolen By Tommy & Debbie Nolen For Saint Ann Parish 11:15am For Larry Richards By Judy & Chuck Bender Bulletin Deadlines **PLEASE NOTE HOLIDAY SCHEDULE** FOR WEEKEND Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 Jan. 4 ANNOUNCE. DUE INSERT DUE Nov. 26 Dec. 3 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 15 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 12 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. “Your Community Hospice since 1995” Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Family Owned Since 1952 COLONIAL HEIGHTS ~ PETERSBURG 804-526-3400 • Hospice Services • Bereavement Program To learn more, find us on: 3916 S. 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