th Wednesday 19 November 2014 – Week 7-11 DIARY DATES TERM 4 th Thurs 20 Nov th Mon 24 Nov th Tues 25 Nov th Wed 26 Nov th Sat 29 Nov st Mon 1 Dec nd Tues 2 Dec rd Wed 3 Dec th Thurs 4 Dec th Tues 9 Dec th Wed 10 Dec th Thurs 11 Dec th Frid 12 Dec th Tues 16 Dec th Frid 19 Dec th Wed 28 Jan Twilight Picnic 5.30-7.30pm Kids Car Ed Grade 1/2 Prep Kelly Sports Parent Helpers Morning tea – 10.45-11.30am ^ƚĂƚĞůĞĐƟŽŶ^ƚĂlls Kids Car Ed Grade 1/2 Grade 6 WĂƌĞŶƚƐdƌĂŶƐŝƟŽŶ Session – 7pm Prep Kelly Sports Prep Incursion – Drama Toolbox ‘Fairytale Fiasco’ ' ƌŽƵŶĚƐŽŵŵŝƩ ĞĞD ĞĞƟŶŐ7pm Il Coro dei bambini workshop No 3 -9-12pm BSWPS Festa del Canto performance 912pm PHPS ' ƌĂĚĞϲK ƌŝĞŶƚĂƟŽŶĚĂLJ z ĞĂƌϰͬ ϱdƌĂŶƐŝƟŽŶƐĞƐƐŝŽŶ͘ ^ĐŚŽŽůŽƵŶĐŝůD ĞĞƟŶŐ6.30pm Grade 6 Big Day Out Grade 6 Principal Morning Tea Classroom ĞůĞďƌĂƟŽŶΘY Il Coro dei bambini Concert 6.307.45pm PHPS Giulia’s last day ' ƌĂĚĞϲ' ƌĂĚƵĂƟŽŶϱ-8.30pm Last day Term 4 – 1.30pm Uniform Shop Open 9am-2pm Please note that parent/guardian or family friends must accompany students who attend. I look forward to seeing you there tomorrow. Thank You To Parent Helpers We are very lucky at Brunswick North Primary School to have some much wonderful support from parents in our community. It certainly makes our school a vibrant, positive and welcoming place for our students and staff. Parents/Guardians/Grandparents /Families help in so many ways. They: - Twilight Picnic - Tomorrow Night - 5.30-7.30pm - Co-ordinate the Fete Collect donations for the Fete Bake fabulous cakes Make wonderful crafts Work at the Fete Come along and support the Fete Cook at many BBQ’s over the year Act as class reps across the year Participate in school council and various subcommittees Participate in working bees Plan, design and construct improvements for our school Create art works with students Help in the classroom Support the, Italiano, Music, Art and PE program Lead and support choirs on Mondays, take us to the Boite Chorus Write grants and enter us in competitions Listen to reading Run Book Club Assist with Premiers Reading Challenge Support the Library The End of The Year Twilight Picnic is all set for tomorrow Thursday 20th November from 5.307.30pm. All families are invited to come along and celebrate the end of another year at Brunswick North Primary School. It is always a fun relaxed evening And that’s not all the list goes on and on!!!!!! where we can have a lovely chat and catch up with each other. We have booked the entertainment and look forward to the Disco in the MPR and the Farm Animal Petting Zoo on the back oval. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah On behalf of the staff, I thank you all for your hard work and the many hours of your time that you have invested in our school over this year! It is greatly appreciated. I am hoping to see you at our Parent Helpers Morning Tea scheduled for Wednesday 26th November from 10.45-11.30 in the MPR. School Peer Review Update Last week Brunswick North Primary School had its School Review Panel Day. The teachers made presentations to the School Review Panel on the curriculum programs and planning undertaken during the strategic period (last 4 years) with particular focus on this year’s school improvement strategy. Presentations demonstrated how staff monitored and used student achievement data to inform the Teaching & Learning Programs at Brunswick North Primary School. The Year 5/6 Junior School Council Representatives also made a fantastic presentation about student voice and leadership opportunities within our school. The Reviewer and Panel members were extremely impressed with the schools consistent message about our Teaching & Learning Program and the student’s progress and high standard of achievement. The Reviewer noted: “Brunswick North continues to build an extremely positive image within the community and is being acknowledged for some very fine achievements” The purpose of the day is to reflect and review past achievements whilst making constructive suggestions and outlining strategies to guide further improvement for our school. The School Reviewer, Leslie Tulloch, presented the draft School Peer Review Report at School Council last night. The Peer Review Report will then be sent to the Department for processing and once that is completed the Executive Summary will be available on the school website. I congratulate our students whose boundless enthusiasm for learning and participation in school events inspires us all. I thank the parents for their support and their active participation in all facets of school life. I also congratulate the staff for their hard work and commitment to continual improvement at Brunswick North Primary School. The Reviewer noted that: “The work already in place demonstrates excellent signs for further improvement” “All staff is highly committed to the students in their care and are willing to work together to improve outcomes.” “Parents contribute to many areas of the school” The review findings demonstrate that the school is on the right track and that all the effort that everyone in our community puts into to creating a rich learning environment for our students certainly does have an effect on lifting our student learning outcomes. Farewell to Terry Argent This week we say farewell to Terry Argent our very popular PE Teacher and Staff member. Terry has certainly made a wonderful impact on our student’s attitude to playing sports, having fun, demonstrating fair play and resilience when things don’t go our way! Terry leaves us after a long and wonderful career with the Education Department - Well-done Terry- What a great achievement! Enjoy chasing those waves, as you will now be able to spend more time surfing along the Victorian and NSW coast. L’angolo italiano Il Coro dei bambini had a great time with Kavisha at Princes Hill PS. We have started choreographing our canzoni in preparation for our spettacolo! On Wednesday I met with all of our fantastici finalisti for La Festa del canto. We had more than 40 studenti chosen from 120 to perform their versione of Il leone si e` addormentato. They were all really enjoyable with their wonderful props, costumes, pronunciation, memorisation and dance movements! We are only allowed to bring 16 along to our final performance at Princes Hill. Signorina Giulia and myself wish we could take all of them with us! Bravi to everyone for such a brilliant effort. I have taken a video of all the performances so if would like a copy of your child’s presentation please send your USB (chiavetta) along and I will save it for you. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah As parents are preparing for the holiday activities I thought you might like to enjoy a show about LA BEFANA, our gift-giver. Celebrating 10 years in Melbourne, La Befana and the Giving Time is back in 2015. Starring Carmelina Di Guglielmo (Big Mamma's Boy & Neighbours) and James Liotta (Planet unEarth Channel 9 GO! & ABC's Prank Patrol). 3 SHOWS ONLY Mechanics Institute, 270 Sydney Rd Brunswick. 5th January 7.30pm 6th January 2.30 pm & 7.30pm Tickets $15.00 Children - $25.00 Adults General Bookings: 9387 3376 or go to the website participated challenge. and successfully completed the Some interesting facts and figures about the challenge at BNPS: - 428 students completed the PRC - 17,217 books were finished The most popular books read were – - The Very Bad Book Aliensons on Holiday Winning the World Cup The BFG Matilda Thanks Robyn and Beth National 'Nude Food' Day Participation BNPS is celebrating National Nude Food days this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Our students will be joining other students across the country in bringing healthy, wrapper free lunches to school over the month of November. Canteen lunches can also be made into Nude Food lunches, by providing a container from home with your child's payment and order. Students will receive an entry into our lunch-box draw (1 per unit) for each 'Nude Food' day they complete. National Nude Food Day is a chance for our students to realise what they can do for their health and the health of the planet. An event like this can give all of us at BNPS a taste of the benefits, ease and fun involved in packing a healthy, wrapper free lunch! Thanks for your support with this, Linda McCloskey Library News LIBRARY QUIZ Congratulations to James Lycett FO. He is our Library Quiz winner for this week. Thank you James for your very colourful entry. A new question is on display outside the Library. One entry per student please. Premiers’ Reading Challenge certificates are coming home this week. Congratulations to everyone who __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah Student of the Week To be presented on Monday 24th November 2014 5/6B Elias Parthimos 5/6M 5/6S 3/4B Jay Marino Syed Zarif Gabriel Olivier Hernandez Ruben Potter 3/4C 3/4D Jimmy Gartland Sophia Verdnik 3/4M 3/4S 1/2A 1/2B 1/2C 1/2L 1/2M 1/2N Angelique Neskakis Bridie Horgan Alex Moss Max Varley Will Davis Chloe Morgan Max Vizard Dhiya Jegadesan 1/2W Maxwell Slicer F/L F/M F/O Thomas Upton Evie Dowsey Argiv Malik Puruhita Foundation S Mihailo Berum F/S F/W Art ICT Italiano Music P.E Ms Lina Ms Sonia Principal Aya Kiki Esodia Skapetis Loudan Hughes Mir Vahanvati Ben Gillespie Ashley Parfitt Natasha Wilson For working well within his group for the Can We Build it? Theme Parks project. For being such a great team member during his Theme Park Project. For their fantastic narratives on the topic ‘found’. Amazing, creative writing. For his outstanding work during our literacy play script writing lessons. Well done for writing a well-constructed play! Outstanding camp recount and a fantastic attitude. For always being such a kind and welcoming member of our class. Thank you Sophia! For your enthusiastic participation in our Stop Motion Animation Projects. Great work Angelique! For managing her time well to complete all class tasks. For excellent reading group work this term. Well done! For working so hard during reading time on his activity. For trying his best and persisting with producing neat hand writing. For the great job she did spelling nearly all the 100 words correctly. For working well to improve further upon his writing skills. For his great writing describing his thoughts and feelings about transition and moving on to Grade 3. For beginning to use his own initiative with his learning, and helping me to remember important things. For his outstanding effort in his writing pieces. Well done for pushing yourself. For persisting with her work. For displaying excellent behaviour in the classroom. Well done, Argiv Malik! For doing such magnificent writing about your chosen fairtytales. Brilliant! For his fantastic sounding out of unknown words in his diary this week. Well done Mihailo! Art room super star. For her hard working approach to finishing off her ICT Mini Beast Project. For a wonderful presentation at assembly of ‘Il Leone si e addormentato’. For his positive contribution to music! For being a great demonstrator in P.E lessons. For trying her best in our spelling session. Well done Ashley. For displaying friendly & inclusive play out in the school yard. Well done! __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah BRUNSWICK NORTH PRIMARY SCHOOL STAFF AND STUDENTS WOULD LIKE TO INVITE YOU TO A SERIOUSLY DELICIOUS PARENT HELPERS MORNING TEA Wednesday 26th November 2014 10.45am – 11.30am In the Multi-Purpose Room We would like to show our appreciation for your contribution to the school Please complete the reply slip and return to school by Friday 21st November 2014 to help us with catering. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PARENT HELPERS MORNING TEA: Wednesday 26th November 2014 10.45am -11.30am I AM ABLE / UNABLE TO ATTEND THE PARENT HELPERS MORNING TEA. NAME ……………………………………………………………………………… CHILD’S GRADE …………….. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah BNPS Parents & Friends News Events Upcoming Activities include: Event Date Location Twilight Picnic BBQ Thurs 20th Nov BNPS State Election Stalls Saturday 29th Nov BNPS End of Term BBQ Friday 12th Dec BNPS The Cake Stall Needs your Donations! Brunswick North is famous for our cake stall. Let’s keep up the tradition! Calling all bakers and sweets cooks, we need your cakes, biscuits, slices, jams, preserves or any other sweet favourites in your house! BEST SELLERS – honey joys, rocky road, rum balls, fudge, choc chip biscuits, brownies, cupcakes, slices, strawberry jam, marmalade, chocolate cake. Reminder: NO NUTS, FRESH CREAM OR UNCOOKED EGG. Gluten free items welcome. Please attach two ingredients labels (food safety requirements). INGREDIENT LABELS – included on the last page of this newsletter. Plates and Bags will be available from each School Gate this Friday Afternoon. Donated cake stall items can be left outside the Genesis Music Room (near the office) from 8.45am Friday 28th November until the end of the day. They must be left on the table in the hallway outside of the room for food safety processing. You can also bring your cake stall items on Election Day – but please deliver them to the aftercare (OSHC) room preferably by 11am. THE BURGERS ARE BACK! We will be running a BBQ – RAIN, HAIL or SHINE!!!! at tomorrow’s Twilight Picnic. We will be selling sausages in bread for the kids, home -made beef burgers for the parents and cordial at reasonable prices. We hope you can make it! PRE-LOVED UNIFORM STALL A big THANK YOU to everyone that has donated old uniforms to date. This is our first stall ever so please be patient. We can only offer what has been donated. They will be available for purchase at the Twilight Picnic next week - Thurs Nov 20 starting 5.30pm __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah Volunteer on Election Day! We are nearly ready ….however we really need your help!!!! We have stall coordinators getting ready however they can’t do it by themselves! To sign up, simply enter the relevant link below for the stall you would like to help out with. (First time on Volunteer Link – refer below) Sign-up sheets are also on a noticeboard outside the internal entrance of the Multipurpose Room (near lost property) or email Thanks for your help! Sausage Sizzle : Cake Stall : Craft Stall : Cake Wrapping: Volunteers on standby : Coffee : TO SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER SPOT: 1. Clink on the link 2. Enter your email address (you will NOT have to register an account) 3. Sign up! Choose your spots (You will receive an automated confirmation and reminder) Note: Volunteer Spot does not share your email address with anyone. CRAFT DONATIONS If you have any donations for our craft stall we would love to receive them before next Wednesday so we can take stock of what we have and price things up. Questions? Contact Belinda Newick on 0407 207 788 or email Thank you for your contributions! SIGN UP, SIGN UP, SIGN UP Plan what to bake for the cake stall (Labels in this newsletter) Ensure ingredients are in the pantry or add to shopping list Our Tally to date: Volunteers : Filled / Required Sausage Sizzle : 2 / 16 Cake : 0 / 20 (we have 2 stalls) Craft: 0 / 8 Cake Wrapping (Friday): 0 /8 Coffee: 0 / 8 Volunteers on Standby: 0 / 2 Calling all Barristers! Love to make the perfect espresso? Try your skills on our industrial strength coffee machine. Email if you can help. We are starting to get DESPARATE!!!! NO COFFEE – there will be a riot!! __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah Brunswick North Primary School Family Invoices Split Billing 50% / 50% 2015 Dear Families / Guardians From the start of the 2015 school year, Brunswick North Primary School will be able to Split Bills (invoice of student charges) between Families. To facilitate Split Bills, the school system must have the two families recorded. Therefore, ONLY families who have notified the school, and established two families in the system can take advantage of this facility. The school will invoice students in late January, BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS, ready to email/post statements on the first day of school. SPLIT BILLING arrangements need to be advised to the school before FRIDAY 5 December 2014. Student Name/s: __________________________________ Primary Family Name: _________________ Percentage % ____ Alternate Family Name: _________________ Percentage % ____ Parent Signature: ________________________ If you would like to split by charge, for example Primary family pay Essential Education, Alternate family pay excursions and camps please speak with Brian in the office. Regards Brian 2014 Split Billing_Newsletter.docx
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