Document 450632

Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
ISSN 0726-0784
Swearing-In of Her Hon Judge Helen Bowskill QC and His Hon Judge Michael Burnett as
Judges of the District Court of Queensland
Recent Practice Decision – UCPR 379 – Aon Risk Service Australia v Australian National
University – Exercising discretion to disallow amendment: Monto Coal 2 Pty Ltd v Sanrus
Pty Ltd as trustee of the QC Trust [2014] QCA 267
Judicial Speeches – The Hon Lord Justice Toulson of the Supreme Court of the United
Recently Passed Acts
Bills Before the House
Recent Acquisitions of the Supreme Court Library
Forthcoming Events
Australian Crime Commission – Compulsory examination – Publication of
information subject to a non-publication order: DBH v Australian Crime Commission
[2014] QCA 265
Chivers v State of Queensland [2014] QCA 141
Notice of intention to apply for Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration
Notice of intention to apply for Admission to the Legal Profession
The Queensland Law Reporter is published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for the State of Queensland
ABN 74 009 656 982, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Australia.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
Roger Derrington QC (Editor)
Last Tuesday, the swearing-in ceremony for Her Honour Judge Helen Bowskill QC and His
Honour Judge Michael Burnett took place at the Banco Court, Level 3 Queen Elizabeth II Courts
of Law. Her Honour, Judge Bowskill QC brings to the District Court a wealth of experience
having practised in a wide range of areas including native title law, administrative law and
commercial law. It should be noted that her Honour was a valued member of the Incorporated
Council of Law Reporting. His Honour, Judge Burnett, comes to the District Court from the
Federal Circuit Court, where he presided principally in the areas of bankruptcy and
administrative law. In addition to a distinguished legal career, His Honour, maintains an active
involvement in the RAAF Reserve.
In his speech welcoming their Honours, on behalf of the Government, the Attorney-General and
Minister for Justice, the Hon Jarrod Bleijie, spoke of the significant transformation of the District
Court, both in its size and jurisdiction and, more recently, in its composition. The Attorney also
noted that in recommending both Judge Bowskill QC and Judge Burnett to His Excellency the
Governor, he had been guided by the words of Lord Hailsham, who, as Lord Chancellor, had
said that when making judicial appointments:
“[The] first and fundamental policy is to appoint solely on merit the best potential
candidate ready and willing to accept the post. No considerations of party politics, sex
religion, or race must enter into [these] calculations . . . . Personality, integrity,
professional ability, experience, standing and capacity are the only criteria, coupled of
course with the requirement that the candidate must be physically capable of carrying out
the duties of the post, and not disqualified by a personal unsuitability. [The] overriding
consideration is always the public interest in maintaining the quality of the Bench and
confidence in its competence and independence.” [emphasis added]
In making these appointments the Attorney expressed his confidence that both Judge Bowskill
QC and Judge Burnett met His Lordship’s criteria to the “fullest possible measure”.
A more complete portrait of their Honours achievements is to be found in the Attorney-General’s
speech, which he has kindly permitted to be published on the Queensland Reports website and
it can be accessed by clicking here.
Monto Coal 2 Pty Ltd v Sanrus Pty Ltd as trustee of the QC Trust [2014] QCA 267
Court of Appeal (McMurdo P, Morrison JA, Flanagan J)
17 October 2014
This interlocutory appeal considered how the principles identified in Aon Risk Service Australia
Ltd v Australian National University (“Aon”) were to be applied where the parties to a matter
were yet to complete disclosure and a trial date had not been set. The case might be seen as
suggesting that the effect of the decision in Aon has passed its zenith.
The point in issue arose following an order of the trial court denying the appellant’s application,
pursuant to r 379 of the UCPR, seeking an order striking out parts of the respondents’ amended
consolidated statement of claim.
Necessity to Seek Leave: r 378
Before addressing this issue, however, the Court considered the nature of the amendment
application, in particular whether the respondents ought to have sought leave. [63]. Pursuant
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
to r 378 of the UCPR, where a request for trial date has not been made, the parties may make
an amendment without seeking leave of the court: UCPR, r 378. The appellants submitted
however, that given the matter was subject to case management – the relevant amendment
was made whilst the matter was on the supervised case list – the respondent’s right to amend
had been rendered subject to the court’s control and, contrary to r 378, leave was necessary.
[65]. In addressing this argument, the Court turned to a decision of this Court in The Beach
Retreat Pty Ltd v Mooloolaba Marina Ltd, where in obiter his Honour, Keane JA (as his Honour
then was) stated that “where a case has been placed on the Supervised Case List . . . a party’s
entitlement to amend its pleadings is rendered subject to the court’s control so that the general
provision in r 378 no longer applies”. Id. Whilst at first glance this statement leant support to
the appellant’s argument that leave was necessary, the Court considered that given
amendments to relevant practice directions and the particular circumstances of that case, see
[66]–[67], that “[a]ny potential ouster of rule 378 . . . arises by virtue of being allocated trial
dates, not merely by being place on the supervised case list,” id, and consequently, given no
trial date had been set, leave of the Court was not required.
Disallowance of Amendment: r 379
Rule 379 of the UCPR, however, provides that where an amendment is made without leave
prior to filing a request for trial date, the Court may, on application, make an order to disallow all
or part of the amendment. In Aon the High Court, in applying an analogous provision, held that
matters relevant to the exercise of the courts discretion in light of such an application include:
the extent of delay and associated costs; prejudice to the opposing party; the nature and
importance of the amendment; any explanation for the delay in applying for the amendment; the
point the litigation had reached; the effects of proposed amendments on the timely
determination of the matter; and the prejudice to other litigants awaiting trial dates. Aon, see
also [83], [85]. Further, in exercising this discretion, the High Court held that the choice of
decision was also constrained by the objectives of r 21 of the Court Procedure Rules, a
provision analogous to r 5 of the UCPR, which provides that the rules of civil procedure are to
be applied “with the objective of avoiding undue delay, expense and technicality and facilitating .
. . [the] just and expeditious resolution of the real issues in civil proceedings at a minimum of
expense.” UCPR, r 5(1), (2), see also [83].
In addressing the grounds of appeal, the Court initially affirmed the application of the Aon
principles to matters, like this one, where an application to strike out an amendment was made
prior to the setting of a trial date. [120]. Turning then to the multiple errors alleged by the
appellants, and reviewing for an appealable error, see [78]–[80], the Court held that a
consideration of the record before it did not evidence an error in the trial judge’s application of
the Aon principles. See [82]–[149]. In reaching this conclusion, the Court highlighted the fact
that though the “principles identified in Aon are of general application,” their application varies
from case to case – “the weight to be given to these factors, individually and in combination,
and the outcome of that balancing process, may vary depending on the facts in the individual
case.” [100], see also [120], [123]. The Court dismissed the appeal.
“International Influence on the Common Law”
In a recent speech presented at the London Common Law and Commercial Bar Association,
Lord Toulson of the Supreme Court spoke of the actual and potential impact, both positive and
negative, of the influence of foreign law on the development of the common law. In this
presentation his Lordship initially focused upon the “valuable developments that have been
made to [UK] common law as a result of looking to foreign authority”. Examples of the positive
influence of foreign authority include the development of a duty of care owed to intended
beneficiaries under a will, see White v Jones, and the modification of the “but for” test of
causation in asbestos litigation, see Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services Ltd. His Lordship
was quick to highlight that this willingness of the judiciary to look beyond the pages of the UK
law reports had led to a fuller and more just legal system. Lord Toulson, however, was
concerned with what has been the automatic and somewhat unthinking reliance upon
Strasbourg jurisprudence, which his Lordship argued had “tend[ed] to deflect . . . from an
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
insightful and penetrating analysis of the common law”. Whilst not advocating that the
European Convention and its related jurisprudence ought to be ignored, Lord Toulson
suggested that a greater balance must be struck and the development of the common law
would be aided by a return to a more balanced consideration of different foreign laws. In
concluding, his Lordship broached the difficult question of when “foreign authority should play a
significant part in our domestic judgments”. In addressing this difficult question, his Lordship
posited that the starting point must always be an understanding of the extent of domestic law on
the subject. If upon considering this, it appears that a “wrong turn” has been made then looking
to foreign jurisprudence may provide some well-needed guidance. If upon review the law is in
need of further development, then again, his Lordship argued there are significant advantages
to a wide review of foreign law.
The full text of this speech can be accessed via the Supreme Court’s website or by clicking
The State Parliament has not been sitting in the past week with the result that no new legislation
has been enacted.
A number of Bills, however, have been dealt with by Committee in the past week including the
Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
(Report received from Committee on 17 November 2014)
This proposed legislation seeks to make wide-ranging amendments to eight Health portfolio
Acts to support policy initiatives of the Government and to improve the effective operation of the
Acts. Relevantly, the Bill amends, inter alia:
The Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 to include an additional exception to the
duty of confidentiality to allow patient information to be shared with those nongovernment service providers providing public health services on behalf of
Queensland Health;
The Public Health Act 2005 to transfer civil-liability for asbestos-related matters
from local governments to the State; and
The Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 to both give effect to recent
legislative reforms extending smoking bans and to apply existing tobacco laws to
personal vaporising devices.
Details of the proposed amendments can be considered in full by reading the accompanying
Explanatory Note which can be accessed via the Queensland Parliament website or by clicking
Water Reform and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014
(Report received from Committee on 17 November 2014)
This proposed Acts seeks to make significant changes to the Water Act 2000 as part of a
“whole-of-water” business transformation intended to accelerate the growth of the agriculture
and resources sectors and create economic development opportunities in rural and regional
Queensland. Some of the objectives of this Bill include:
Providing a new framework for the management and allocation of water in
Establishing a consistent framework for underground water rights for the resources
sector; and
Transitioning those water rights held under special agreement legislation into the
Water Act framework to ensure consistency.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
An extensive discussion of these proposals can be found in the Explanatory Note to the Bill,
which is available via the Queensland Parliament website and which can be accessed by
clicking here.
(Contributed by Dr Richard Schulte of Counsel)
The following book was added to the collection of the Supreme Court Library during the week.
Peter Mann, Mann’s Annotated Insurance Contracts Act (Thomson Reuters, 6 ed,
This text provides a convenient annotated consolidation of the Insurance Contracts Act
1984 and the Insurance Contracts Regulations 1985, which are current to 28 June 2014.
It has been 2 years since the publication of the last edition and the sixth edition takes into
account the substantial amendments brought about as a consequence of The Personal
Liability for Corporate Fault Reform Act 2012 and the Insurance Contracts Amendment
Act 2013. Section 54 of the Insurance Contracts Act concerning the circumstances in
which an insurer may not refuse to pay claims has continued to be the subject of most
judicial attention. The text is a convenient and comprehensive resource for practitioners.
Sarah Joseph and Melissa Castan, Federal Constitutional Law – A Contemporary
View (Thomson Reuters, 4 ed, 2014)
The fourth edition of this work takes into account a number of new constitutional
developments since the publication of the third edition some 13 years ago. These include
the decisions of the High Court in Williams v Commonwealth (the school chaplains case)
and Commonwealth v ACT (the same sex marriage case). It is a scholarly work directed
at students, researchers, and practitioners of constitutional law.
W A Lee Lecture 2014
27 November 2014 – 6:00 pm
Banco Court, Supreme Court of Queensland
Level 3, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law
415 George Street, Brisbane
The Faculty of Law of the Queensland University of Technology has announced that the 2014
W A Lee Lecture will be given by the Hon Justice David Jackson on the topic, “The second limb
of Barnes v Addy; a taxonomy in tatters. The lecture will be chaired by the Chief Justice.
Registration for this important event can be done online at the website of the Queensland
University of Technology Law School which can be accessed by clicking here.
Exchange of Christmas Greetings
17 December 2014 – 9:15 am
Banco Court, Supreme Court of Queensland
Level 3, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law
415 George Street, Brisbane
The Supreme Court has announced that the traditional Exchange of Christmas Greetings will be
held in the Banco Court of the Supreme Court of Queensland on Wednesday 17 December
2014 at 9:15 am. Newly appointed Queens Counsel will announce their appointments to the
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
The following case has been selected for reporting in the Queensland Reports this week:
DBH v Australian Crime Commission [2014] QCA 265
Court of Appeal (Holmes, Fraser and Gotterson JJA)
17 October 2014
In this recent case, the Court of Appeal had reason to address the content of the common-law
principles of open justice and natural justice. The issues arose after the appellant’s
unsuccessful application under s 25A(13) of the Australian Crime Commission Act (“the Act”), to
compel the Australian Crime Commission (the “respondent”) to make available the transcripts of
interviews it had conducted with his co-defendants – the fourth, fifth and sixth respondents. The
appellant and the fourth, fifth and sixth respondents were charged with related drug offences
and were all the subject of compulsory examination by the respondent. It was the evidence of
these examinations which was the subject of a non-publication direction under s 25A(9) of the
Act. [1]. Facing prosecution, the appellant applied under s 25A(13) for the transcripts of the
evidence of the fourth, fifth and sixth respondents be made available to him. In the course of
hearing this application, the primary court excluded the appellant and his representatives whilst
taking submissions from the respondent. [8]–[18]. The application was subsequently refused,
and it is this decision that was the subject of this appeal. Aside from arguments that the court
had made an error of fact, the appellant also argued that the primary court, in excluding him and
his representatives during the hearing amounted to a denial of procedural fairness.
Exclusion During Hearing
“The requirements of procedural fairness are not fixed, and they may certainly be modified by
parliament.” [32]. The Act sets up a scheme whereby evidence the subject of a non-publication
order pursuant to s 25A(9) may only be made available to the applicant where the court is
initially satisfied that it may be in the interests of justice that this occurs, Australian Crime
Commission Act, s 25A(12); and following an examination of the evidence “is satisfied that the
interests of justice so require,” Australian Crime Commission Act, s 25A(13). It is only if, after
this examination, the Court is satisfied that it would be in the interests of justice that the
applicant have access to this evidence that the court will make it available. By this additional
requirement that the court consider the subject matter of the application without disclosing it to
the applicant, the legislature has effected a “substantial modification” of the rules of procedural
fairness – the issue for the Court was whether this modification extended to “denying an
applicant access to the submissions of an examinee with the contrary interest of preserving the
material’s confidentiality”. [33]
In addressing this question, the Court, applying the general principles of statutory interpretation,
looked to the Act for guidance. Turning to the purpose of the Act, the Court considered that
though the Act was generally addressed to the public interest in the investigation of serious and
organised crime, s 25A exists specifically to protect the interests of the person examined.
Accordingly, the release of any material from an examination is prohibited unless and until the
judge decides to release it. [37]. Given this structure, the Court concluded that, the purpose of
ss 25A(9), (12) and (13) would be entirely defeated were the applicant not excluded from
proceedings the subject of which were submissions relating directly to the content of the
examination, regardless of the level of generality. [38]. The Court also noted that the appellant
was not prevented from making submissions to the Court on any point he considered to be
relevant to the consideration of the transcripts, including informing it of any defences he wished
to raise and the areas of the Crown’s case that potentially related this. [45].
The Court also addressed the alternative procedures proposed by the appellant, namely that
the Court could have appraised him, in general terms, of the topics raised whilst he was
excluded or that the primary court could have provided his counsel with copies of the transcripts
on appropriate undertakings. With regard the first suggestion, the Court considered that this
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
would “have done nothing to improve his opportunity to be heard”. Further, with regards his
second suggestion, the Court considered it imprudent to release these types of transcripts to
counsel, holding it to be “untenable to expect counsel to examine the transcript . . . for the
purpose of ascertaining whether he could ascertain any advantage to his client . . . and then,
were provision of it refused, to put the entirety from his mind”. [43]. For the aforementioned
reasons, the Court denied the appeal.
R M Derrington QC
Editor: Queensland Reports
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
Chivers v State of Queensland [2014] QCA 141
The appellant succeeded, at first instance, in the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
in a claim for compensation against the respondent for a breach of s 15(1) of the AntiDiscrimination Act 1991 on the basis of indirect discrimination and was awarded $18,000,
together with interest of $2,700. On appeal, the appeal tribunal (the presiding member’s
decision prevailing) allowed the appeal and dismissed the claim.
In 2003, prior to commencing studies for her nursing degree, the appellant had sustained a
head injury which left her with a weakness on the left side of her body and severe headaches.
She completed the degree. The appellant commenced employment as a graduate nurse with
the respondent on 11 February 2008 as part of its graduate nurses program but was unable to
undertake night shifts. The medical evidence was to the effect that this condition was ongoing.
During nights shifts the appellant experienced extreme headaches and nausea. She brought
her difficulties with working night shifts to the attention of the program co-ordinator and supplied
a medical report.
The appellant’s probation period was extended and, unlike others in the program, she was not
offered a permanent placement.
The respondent, although at first making some accommodation for her in relation to the shifts
she worked, took the position that working night duty was an important part of working as a
registered nurse and that not being able to work night shifts put a greater burden on staff who
were prepared to do so. Whilst there were some minimum areas where staff could work solely
on day shift, these areas were usually for experienced clinical staff and not new graduates.
“Most nursing areas require the majority of employees to work all shifts in order to provide
equitable working conditions for all staff and adequate nursing care to all patients.”
The appellant made a complaint of discrimination.
She resigned her position given the respondent was not willing to accommodate her inability to
work night shifts and accepted an offer to work at a private clinic. She claimed the
circumstances which resulted in the cessation of her employment amounted to both direct and
indirect discrimination. The issue of direct discrimination was resolved against the appellant at
first instance and was not persisted with. There was evidence that five out of 3,358 registered
nurses in the relevant district were working on other than a full-time 24 hour continuous shift
basis but none had received any permanent dispensation (at [45], [52]). The appellant also
relied on a policy document of the respondent’s called “Reasonable Adjustment” which provided
for assessment and appropriate and necessary changes to facilitate the employment of an
individual “unless this imposes unjustifiable hardship.” (set out at [62]). It was uncontested that
this policy applied and there had been no assessment under it. ([63])
The appeal tribunal (the presiding member’s decision prevailing) held that the respondent had
made out the exemption in s 25 that the requirement to work night shifts was a genuine
occupational requirement. It also held there was no indirect discrimination in any event,
because although s 11(1)(b) was satisfied, the imposition of the term to work night shifts was
reasonable within s 11(1)(c). (The relevant provisions are set out at [24]–[25]).
On appeal pursuant to 149(2) of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 the
respondent sought to uphold the decision on the additional ground that s 11(1)(b) had not been
Held, per Gotterson JA (Muir JA and Douglas J agreeing), dismissing the appeal:
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
That the requirement to work all shifts was a genuine occupational requirement within the
exemption in s 25(1). [86].
That it was both appropriate and necessary to consider the role of the relevant
contractual term (to work all shifts) in implementing the roster system and the centrality of
that system to the operation of the respondent’s hospital services delivery undertaking. It
was of particular relevance that the appellant’s nursing functions were to be performed in
an undertaking involving the provision of 24 hour care seven days a week in wards
providing that care and in which the roster system for care on that basis was central. [57]
– [58].
Qantas Airways Ltd v Christie (1998) 193 CLR 280; X v Commonwealth (1999) 200 CLR
177 considered.
That the issue of genuine occupational requirements was not to be considered from the
position of a nurse in the beginning nurse program. The basis for not confirming the
appellant’s employment as permanent after completion of the program was her inability to
comply with the requirement with which, as a registered nurse in 24/7 wards, she would
have had to comply: viz that she work on all shifts. [59].
That the exceptions made for other employees did not detract from the characterisation of
the requirement to work all shifts as a genuine occupational requirement. [70] – [71].
That the finding that the term was a genuine occupational requitement for s 25(1)
precluded a finding under s 11(1) that it was not reasonable. [89].
That the factors in s 11(2) are not mandatory considerations for every case. Whether they
are relevant for consideration and, if so to what extent, will depend upon the nature of the
term. [90].
That s 11(1)(b) speaks of impairment rather than disability and here, the relevant
impairment was the appellant’s severe headaches disorder. [93].
That for the purpose of applying s 11(1)(b) the range of symptoms caused by the
appellant’s severe headaches and their cumulative impact in preventing her from working
night shifts were relevant to identification of the comparator group. [94] – [95].
Queensland v Forest (2008) 168 FCR 532 considered.
That it was permissible for the appeal tribunal to draw the inevitable inference that any
nurse impaired similarly to the appellant would not be able to comply with the term that
required her to work night shifts. [96] – [97].
State of Queensland v Forest (2008) 168 FCR 532 applied.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
Notice of intention to apply for Grant
of Probate or Letters of Administration
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 11 April 2014 of
LUIS ALBERDI late of Murroona Gardens Nursing Home, West Lane, Bowen (shown in the Will
of Unit 3/20 Norham Road, Ayr) deceased, will be made by URSULA CLAIRE ALBERDI and
GLORIA JULIA TURNER to the Supreme Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant/s will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant/s will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by GROVES AND CLARK SOLICITORS 98 Macmillan Street Ayr Qld 4807.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 5 March 2010 of
ARTHUR ERNEST ANDREWS of 82 Norton Street, Upper Mount Gravatt, Queensland,
CHERYL LORRAINE LORKIN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: ELLIOTT & HARVEY LAWYERS 4/1953 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt Qld, 4122.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 26 September
1990 of GHULUM DASTAGIR ASKER late of 39 Allenby Road, Alexandra Hills in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by MOHAMMAD SAEED ASKER and SIMA KHALIL
HAMID to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
time MOHAMMAD SAEED ASKER and SIMA KHALIL HAMID ("the Applicants") will proceed to
distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to
the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by McCARTHY DURIE LAWYERS Cnr Queen & Waterloo Streets Cleveland Qld 4163.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 24 June 1997 of
BERTHA ALMA BACON late of Treetops Nursing Home, 7 Sargent Street, New Farm in the
State of Queensland, deceased will be made by GEOFFREY THOMAS BACON and MICHAEL
GEOFFREY BACON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the estate of
the deceased is required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the applicants'
solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice, at the expiration of which
time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 the applicants will proceed to distribute the
estate of the deceased having regard only to the claims of which the applicants shall then have
had notice.
Lodged by the applicants' solicitors, WILSON LAWYERS, Ground Floor, 32 Logan Road,
Woolloongabba Qld 4102.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 February
2008 of RONALD BALDERSON, deceased late of St Mary's Nursing Home Pelican Waters, 31
Verdon Street, Pelican Waters (formerly of 11 Cascade Street, Kippa Ring) will be made by
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in regard to the
estate of the deceased person are required to send in particulars of such claim to the
applicant's solicitors (named below) no later than seven (7) weeks from the date of publication
of this notice at the expiration of which time the executor of the will of the deceased will proceed
to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only
to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by SCHULTZ TOOMEY O'BRIEN LAWYERS PO Box 130 Buddina Qld 4575.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 22 October 2008
of LOYS ELSIE BARTLETT late of 80 Monak Road, Peregian Beach in the State of Queensland
deceased will be made by NEITA ELSPETH BAGE to the Supreme Court of Queensland at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, against the estate
of the deceased are required to send particulars in writing of their claims to the applicants at the
address stated below within 6 weeks after the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the
applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: BUTLER McDERMOTT LAWYERS 6-8 William Street Nambour Qld 4560.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 25 July 1997 of
JOSEPH WILLIAM BATCHLER late of 15 Leach Street, Everton Park, Queensland, deceased,
will be made by JULIE ANN BATCHLER in the Will referred to as JULIE ANN
THISTLETHWAITE and also referred to in the Will as JULIE ANNE THISTLETHWAITE to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice.
Lodged by HARDINGS GULHANE SOLICITORS, 29 Samford Road, Alderley, Qld, 4051.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 6 August 2014 of
GEORGE HARRY BEDFORD late of 171 Tahiti Avenue, Palm Beach in the State of
Queensland deceased, will be made by NOEL JAMES THOM of 2/7 Flamingo Key, Broadbeach
Waters, in the State of Queensland to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All Creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date hereof at the expiration of which time
the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said administrator shall then have
had notice.
Lodged by Applicants Solicitors: BRUCE GRAHAM LAWYERS, Suite 5, Level 1 "Evandale
Place", 142 Bundall Road, Bundall Qld 4217. Postal Address: PO Box 8378 GCMC Qld 9726.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 1 August 2000 of
DOREEN BENNETT late of Peninsula Palms, Rothwell, deceased, will be made by STELLA
JANE BENNETT (formerly known as STELLA JANE TIMPERLY) to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: WALLACE DAVIES SOLICITORS 185 Redcliffe Parade, Redcliffe Qld 4020.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 4 December
2013 of MURIEL JANE BENNETT late 65 Dunlin Drive, Burleigh Heads, Queensland deceased
will be made by BRETT WILLIAM BENNETT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
time BRETT WILLIAM BENNETT ("the Applicant") will proceed to distribute the estate of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the
Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by INGWERSEN & LANSDOWN 1065 Gold Coast Highway Palm Beach Qld 4221.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration with the Will
dated 16 June 2000 of PETER KEVIN BIVARD late of 4-10 Wellington Street, Clayfield,
Brisbane, Queensland, deceased will be made by ADAM BRADLEY BIVARD to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's
solicitors no later than Friday 13 March 2015.
Lodged by HARRIS LAW, solicitors, GPO Box 2918, Brisbane, Q 4001.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 19th July 2004 of
CORENNE MAE BLAIN late of Neilson Home, 691 Logan Road, Greenslopes, Queensland
formerly of Forest Place, 356 Blunder Road, Durack, Queensland deceased, will be made by
MARGARET HELEN PIKE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: JOHN NAGEL & CO Selborne Chambers Logan Road & Selborne Street, Mt
Gravatt Qld 4122.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 30th September,
2010 of WILLIAM JAMES MORGAN BLIGH deceased of 127 Sierra Drive, North Tamborine in
the State of Queensland will be made by JULIANNE GERALDINE BETHUNE BLIGH to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send
particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant's solicitors (identified below) not later than the
date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to
s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having
regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice.
Lodged by VARRO CLARKE & CO, Lawyers, 6-8 Main Street, Tamborine Mountain,
Queensland 4272.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: 52 Kapilano Crescent, Mountain Creek in the State of Queensland.
Address in Will: 52 Kapilano Crescent, Mountain Creek in the State of Queensland.
Grant: Probate of the Will dated 10th September 2009.
Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the
Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made.
Creditors: All Creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the
Applicant's Solicitors no later than 6 weeks after publication of this notice.
Date of Death: 4th June 2010.
Applicant's Solicitors: HAWKES LAWYERS PO Box 7226 Sippy Downs Qld 4556.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 30 June 2011 of
FRANCES JOAN BOOTH late of Parkview, Chermside in the State of Queensland, deceased
will be made by ROBERT JOHN BOOTH and ERNEST JOHN GROUNDS to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: TERRY ANDERSSEN Solicitor PO Box 417 Chermside South Qld 4032.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 16 June 1997 of
ISABEL BLANCHE BOYLE late of The Terraces, 74 University Drive, Varsity Lakes, formerly of
31 Dubbo Street, Coonamble, deceased, will be made by MARCELLE SOMMERVILLE and
MICHAEL BOYLE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: STENTON & MOORE SOLICITORS The Professional Centre Suite B2, 50-54
Railway Street, Mudgeeraba Qld 4213.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 10 September
2010 of VALMAI LESLIE BRUNKER late of Room 20, Heliconia, Glenmead Village, 15 Short
Strect, Redlynch in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by NOEL JAMES
BRUNKER and JENNIFER JOYCE KELLETT to the Supreme Court at Cairns.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in regard to the
estate of the abovenamed deceased person, are hereby required to send in particulars of such
claim to the Applicants' Solicitors named below no later than six weeks from the date of the
publication of this notice at the expiration of which time the Applicants as Executors to the will of
the abovenamed deceased will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the
persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have
had notice.
Lodged by Applicant's Solicitors: GAYLER CLELAND SOLICITORS PO Box 849 Cairns Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 28th November
1989 of DAVID GEORGE BUCHANAN late of 875A South Pine Road, Everton Park, in the state
of Queensland deceased, will be made by PAUL ROBERT BUCHANAN and DAVID REGINALD
BUCHANAN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send
particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant (identified below) not later than the date which
is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to s.67 of the
Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to
the claims of which the Applicant has notice.
Pine Road, Everton Park Qld 4053 (Executors).
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 11 August 2014
of ROSEMARY JANE BYKIW late of 3049/3 Parkland Boulevard, Brisbane, Queensland but
formerly of C/- Unit 51/88 Shelduck Place, Calamvale, Queensland, Deceased, will be made by
ETHEL ISABELLA McFARLANE to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditors, beneficiaries or other persons having any claim or claims in respect of the estate
of the abovenamed Deceased who died on 28 August 2014 are hereby required to send in
particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the
expiration of which time the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix among
the persons entitled thereto having regard to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 and to the
claims of which the said Executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: WHELDON & ASSOCIATES Solicitors 12 Zamia Street Sunnybank Qld 4109.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated the 11th March
2010 of PATRICIA MURTLE BYSANTSON late of Unit 7 'Riverlands Noosa' 139 Moorindil
Street Tewantin Queensland deceased will be made by ANDREA KAREN DOWNIE to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditors, beneficiaries or other persons having any claim against the estate of the
deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six
(6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the
Trusts Act 1973, the Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix among the
persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Executrix shall then have
had notice.
Lodged by CHRIS REEVE & CO, Solicitors, P.O Box 42, Tewantin Qld 4565.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of
IAN DOUGLAS CAMPBELL late of 823 Burnett Heads Road Bundaberg Queensland deceased
will be made by KANE LEE CAMPBELL to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant named within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this
Lodged by KANE LEE CAMPBELL of 823 Burnett Heads Rd Bundaberg Qld 4670.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: 10 Executive Drive, Burleigh Waters Queensland.
Applicant: MICHELLE FRANCES ERNST of 10 Babbler Court, Burleigh Waters, Queensland.
Grant: Letters of administration on intestacy.
Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the
Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Any creditor,
beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect to the estate of the deceased
who died on 1 October 2013 is hereby required to send in particulars of their claim or claims to
SEMPRE VERA LAWYERS at the address stated below, within six (6) weeks from the date
hereof and at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the
executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claim of which the executor shall have had notice.
Applicant Solicitors: SEMPRE VERO LAWYERS, Suite 1 1928 Gold Coast Highway, Miami Qld
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated the 5 June 2012
of MARY PATRICIA CARR late of 9 George Street, Ingham, Queensland, deceased, will be
made by AUSTIN PETER CARR to the Supreme Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors Notice: All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of
their claim to the Applicants within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which
time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the
assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of
which the Executors shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: SPINA KYLE WALDON LAWYERS 45 Lannercost Street, Ingham Qld 4850.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 13 November
1996 of LILIAN CASE late of 55 Plainby Road, Pinelands, Queensland, formerly of 'Homeblock'
MS 357, Crows Nest Queensland, deceased, will be made by MALCOLM WILLIAM CASE and
SUZANNE GLENDA CASE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: GRAY LAWYERS, PO Box 11028 Centenary Heights Qld 4350.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 May 2010 of
IAN TREVOR CHANDLER late of 58 Columba Street, Inala, in the State of Queensland,
deceased will be made by MARGARET ANN TAYLOR of 58 Columba Street, Inala, in the State
of Queensland to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate of the deceased who died
on 26/04/2014 are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within
six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the
Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by DALE & FALLU SOLICITORS PLY LTD 142 Brisbane Street Ipswich Qld 4305.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 19 January 1994
of JEAN MARY CLARKE late of Regis Nursing Home, 279 Lillian Avenue, Salisbury,
Queensland formerly of 3 Truscott Street, Moorooka Qld 4105 deceased will be made by
GREGORY HOTCHIN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of
which time, pursuant to section 67 Trusts Act 1973 the executor will proceed to distribute the
assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of
which the executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by JB STEVENSON & COMPANY, Solicitors, 1st Floor, 173 Beaudesert Road,
Moorooka Qld 4105.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 15 April 2014 of
CARMEL CECILIA COLLINGS of 41 Gumnut Street, Taigum in the State of Queensland,
deceased, will be made by SARA JANET CADDEL of 35 Brentnall Street, Norman Park to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's
solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by BRIDGE BRIDEAUX, Solicitors, 38 Old Cleveland Road, Greenslopes, Brisbane,
Queensland 4120.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 5 August 1993 of
ANN LENORE RAE COLLINS late of The Plains Retirement Village, 333 Underwood Road,
Eight Mile Plains, Queensland (formerly of 39 Ariel Avenue, Kingston, Queensland), deceased
MICHAEL COLLINS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors or other persons having a claim against the estate of the deceased are required to
send particulars of their claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the
date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time pursuant to s.67 Trusts Act 1973
the applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said applicants shall then have had notice.
Manly Qld 4179.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After fourteen clear days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to
the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: Viridian Retirement Village, Unit 516, 2141 Sandgate Road, Boondall in the State
of Queensland.
Address in Will: 102 Barlow Street, Clayfield in the State of Queensland.
Applicant(s): MARGARET ANNE CORNWELL of Viridian Retirement Village, Unit 516, 2141
Sandgate Road, Boondall in the State of Queensland.
Grant: Probate of the Will dated 21 December 2005.
Caveat: If you wish to object to or be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the
Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made.
Creditors: All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars to the applicants solicitors
within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Date of Death: 3 September 2014.
Applicants' Solicitors: HAMILTON LEGAL, 1275 Sandgate Road Nundah Qld 4012.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 15 June 1992 of
OLIVER VINCENT COX of Strathpine Gardens, 28 Raiteri Court, Brendale in the State of
Queensland (in the will described as living at 66 Hindes Street, Lota in the State of
Queensland), deceased will be made by IAN COX and ANDRE EDWARD COX to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All Creditors in the Estate of the Deceased are required to send in particulars of their claims to
the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which
time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the
assets of the Deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of
which the Executors shall then have had notice.
Lodged by RICHARD GRAY & ASSOCIATES 5/157 Wickham Terrace Brisbane Qld 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 1 August 2008 of
ISABELLA MARTHA CRAW also known as ISOBEL MARTHA CRAW late of Tricare Mermaid
Beach, 2424 Gold Coast Highway, Mermaid Beach, Queensland but formerly of Emerald
Gardens, 70 Hansford Road, Coombabah, Queensland deceased will be made by ROBYN
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in regard to the
estate of the abovenamed deceased person, are hereby required to send in particulars of such
claim to the applicant's lawyers (identified below) within 7 weeks of the date of publication of
this notice, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the
applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: RUDKIN HITCHCOCK GRANT Lawyers Level 2, 35-39 Scarborough Street
Southport Qld 4215.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 19 August 1990
of SOUTHWOOD CARSON CREAGH late of Opal Aged Care, 100 Wardoo Street, Ashmore in
the State of Queensland but previously of 107 Bateke Road, Mt Tamborine in the State of
Queensland, deceased, will be made by MATTHEW MALCOLM CREAGH to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim against the estate of the deceased is
required to send particulars of any such claim to the Applicant's solicitors not later than 6 weeks
from the date hereof.
At the expiration of this time (pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act J 973) the Applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled having regard only
to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by LANCE CORDINGLEY, Lawyer, 35 Main Street (PO Box 2), North Tamborine Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of administration with the will,
SOMBREFF, and PAULINE HENRIETTE MARIE SCAIFE) late of Queenstown (New Zealand),
will be made by ROBIN MICHAEL SCAIFE and JAN MARC SERVAAS SCAIFE to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane (Qld).
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by ROBIN MICHAEL SCAIFE of 35 Leura Street, Nedlands, WA 6009 and JAN MARC
SERVAAS SCAIFE of Queenstown, New Zealand.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 3rd April 2012 of
BERYL WINIFRED DEMBY late of 25 Barracuda Court, Palm Beach, Queensland deceased
will be made by ROSS ALEXANDER DEMBY and GARY ARTHUR DEMBY to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
time ROSS ALEXANDER DEMBY and GARY ARTHUR DEMBY ("the Applicants") will proceed
to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by INGWERSEN & LANSDOWN 1065 Gold Coast Highway Palm Beach Qld 4221.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for Probate of the Will dated 22 February 1991 of
CHARLES EDWARD DEMPSEY Late of St Andrew's War Memorial Hospital, Brisbane in the
State of Queensland deceased will be made by MICHAEL EDWARD DEMPSEY and SUSAN
LEANNE DEMPSEY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
Applicant's solicitors within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time,
pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets
of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which
the Executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by BENNETT CARROLL SOLICITORS, 2497 Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains Qld 4113.
After fourteen (14) days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 4th
day of June 2012 of ELIZABETH DOROTHY DOYLE of 25 Kesteven Street, Albany Creek in
the State of Queensland will be made by PETER JOHN DOYLE and CARMEL MARY KING to
the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant no later
than six (6) weeks from today. At the end of that period the applicant will distribute the assets of
the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so and relying on Section 67
of the Trusts Act 1973 the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been
notified to them.
Lodged by RON LAWSON LAWYER of PO Box 341 Albany Creek in the State of Qld 4035.
After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 4 December
2007 of ROSALIE PHOEBE DRAIN late of 93 Clarendon Road, Weyba Downs, Queensland,
will be made by CLAIRE DONNA FRANK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claims to the applicant's
solicitor no later than six weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by RAY BARBER, Solicitor, 20 Heathfield Road, Coolum Beach, Q 4573.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated the 13th
September 2012 of JOHN HUNTER CLIFFORD DUEL late of Unit 1/6 Fleet Drive, Kippa Ring,
Queensland, deceased, will be made by LORNA MAY PARKER to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: CATTON RODERICK LAWYERS Cominos Arcade Level 1, 133 Redcliffe Parade,
Redcliffe Qld 4020.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 19 June 2005 of
BRIAN DUFFY late of 1526 Currumbin Creek Road, Currumbin Valley, Queensland, deceased,
will be made by JOHN WILLIAM SELFRIDGE and CLAIR DUFFY to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the person named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At
the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the
persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973,
the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: JOHN WILLIAM SELFRIDGE of 25 Forth Street, New Farm, Queensland 4005.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 14th June 2006
of VALERIE LOIS EASTICK late of "Lowandale" Kerry Road Beaudesert Queensland deceased
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in regard to the
estate of the abovenamed deceased person, are hereby required to send in particulars of such
claim to the executors solicitors named below no later than six weeks from the date hereof at
the expiration of which time the executors of the will of the abovenamed deceased will proceed
to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only
to the claims of which the executors shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: W.T. ATTHOW SOLICITOR 45 Brisbane Street Beaudesert Queensland.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 6 March 2009 of
ROY WILLIAM EDWARDS late of Sunset Ridge, Zilzie deceased will be made by DEBRA LISA
RIORDAN and PETER LESLIE EDWARDS to the Supreme Court of Queensland at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: REES R & SYDNEY JONES SOLICITORS, Level 1, 55 Denham Street
Rockhampton Qld 4700.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of
GEORGE EDWARD EGAN late of 36 Wide Bay Drive, Eli Waters, Queensland, deceased, will
be made by KAREN ANN EGAN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: BELL DIXON BUTLER, Wills & Estate Lawyers 12 Bideford Street, Torquay Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 1st July 2014 of
VERA MAY ERHART late of Opal Aged Care (formerly Abbey Gardens Nursing Home), 69-71
Caboolture River Road, Morayfield, Queensland, deceased will be made by GLENICE JOY
CASEY and ANTHONY GARTH ERHART to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
Applicants within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to
Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
Executors shall then have had notice.
Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 2 May 2008 of
GLADYS ISABEL EVANS of North Rockhampton Nursing Home, Norman Road, North
Rockhampton in the State of Queensland, and in the Will of 41 Wandal Road, Rockhampton in
the State of Queensland deceased will be made by WENDY ANNE EVANS to the Supreme
Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor beneficiaries or other persons having a claim or claims in respect of the estate of
the said deceased who died on 13 September 2014 is required to send particulars of any such
claim or claims to the applicant's solicitors at the address set out below not later than six (6)
weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Note: By virtue of Section 67 of the Trusts Acts, a personal representative or trustee may, after
the date referred to in this Notice, distribute the estate of the deceased having regard only to
those claims of which he then has notice.
Lodged by: SOUTH GELDARD LAWYERS 128 Victoria Parade Rockhampton Qld 4700.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 13 November
2006 of LYLE EDNA FARMER late of Villa Maria Aged Care Residence O'Neill, 101 Lewisham
Road, Prahran, Victoria, 3181 and formerly of 68 Mackenzie Street, Toowoomba, Queensland,
4350 deceased will be made by LIONEL JAMES DAVIDSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane,
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by L. DAVIDSON of 3 Wood Drive, Toowoomba, Queensland 4350.
After 14 Days from today an application for Grant of Probate of the Will dated 16 February 1994
of BEVAN HENRY FERNAND FAULKNER late of 12 St Rita's Court, Walkerston will be made
by GWENNETH EALINE FAULKNER to the Supreme Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time
the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator amongst the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: SB WRIGHT & WRIGHT AND CONDIE Solicitors, 5 Sydney Street Mackay Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 5th July 2012 of
KATERINA FAZZARI also known as RENA FAZZARI late of 4 Kilner Street, Goodna,
Queensland and formerly of 5a Brennan Court, Hattonvale, Queensland, deceased will be
made by VINCENZO FAZZARI to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
Applicant within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to
Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
Executor shall then have had notice.
Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration with the will dated
13 January 1967 of EDWARD BOYD FERGUSON late of Marycrest Retirement Centre, 411
Main Street, Kangaroo Point, Queensland, formerly of Flat L54 River Terrace Kangaroo Point,
Queensland, deceased, will be made by JAMES FERGUSON to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: VANDELEUR & TODD SOLICITORS 35 Rankin Street, Innisfail Queensland 4860.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 22 August 2007
of NOREEN MARY FLOHR late of 3 Beal Avenue, North Rockhampton in the state of
Queensland deceased will be made by JUDITH PATRICIA ASPINALL and VICKI MAREE
POWNALL to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: REES R & SYDNEY JONES SOLICITORS, Level 1, 55 Denham Street
Rockhampton Qld 4700.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 3 September
2010 of STANLEY NORMAN FORD late of Milbank Village, O'Connell Street, Bundaberg,
Queensland, formerly of 22 Parker Street Bundaberg Qld, deceased, will be made by MYRA
AUER and RONALD MERVYN FORD to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: BEDFORD & ASSOCIATES 29 Takalvan Street, Bundaberg Qld 4670.
After 14 days from today an Application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 15 June 2004 of
DAPHNE MERLE FOX late of Regis Anchorage House, 279 Lillian Avenue, Salisbury in the
State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by STEVEN CHARLES TURNER and BRADLEY
DOUGLAS TURNER to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, against the Estate is
required to send particulars of the claim to the Applicants' solicitors named below within 6
weeks of the date of publication of this notice. At the end of that period, the Applicants will
distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so,
and relying on section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will have regard only to the
claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by BOSTOCK & FRAZER LAWYERS PO Box 10476, Southport Qld 4215. Suite 1402,
Level 4, Tower 1 Southport Central 56 Scarborough Street Southport.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 7th March, 2003
of BETTY MARIE GAYFORD late of Torbay Aged Care, 43 Exeter Street, Torquay Queensland
and formerly of 155 Mary Street, Maryborough, Queensland, deceased will be made by
MICHELLE MAREE O'CONNOR and CAROL LYNNE AYRE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
Applicants within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to
section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
Executors shall then have had notice.
Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 3 July 1990 of
PATRICIA VERA GERNS late of 4 Buhot Street, Geebung in the State of Queensland
deceased will be made by RHONDA EUGENIE GERNS and MICHELLE LIZA LEONARD to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the Estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicants’
solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by SMITH & STANTON, Lawyers, 607 Robinson Road, Aspley Qld 4034.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 16th July, 2010
of THOMAS JAMES GIBSON late of 363 Bourbong Street, Bundaberg in the State of
Queensland, deceased will be made by PAUL ALLAN FERGUSON and SHARON MAREE
CANINO to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor beneficiary or other person having any claim against the deceased's estate is
required to send particulars of any such claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within seven (7)
weeks of the date of publication of this Notice.
Date of Death: 5th October, 2014.
Lodged by: HIGHLAND FERGUSON LAWYERS 60 Barolin Street Bundaberg Qld 4670.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration with the will dated
13 March 2012 of DAVID JOHN GILBERT-LODGE late of 91 Heusmann Stree, Mount Perry,
Queensland, deceased, will be made by JANETTE ELIZEBETH MCNAMARA to the Supreme
Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: BEDFORD & ASSOCIATES 29 Takalvan Street, Bundaberg Qld 4670.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 3 April 1980 of
JUNE DOREEN GODWIN late of Yarrabee Nursing Home, Redland Bay in the State of
Queensland, deceased, will be made by SUSAN LYNDA GILES to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's
solicitors within 6 weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by BIDDLE LAWYERS, PO Box 3095, Victoria Point West, Qld 4165.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 5th November,
2009 of RENATE REGINA GOETZ late of 4/12 First Avenue, Coolum Beach, Queensland, will
be made by PETRA EMMA WHITEHOUSE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claims to the applicant's
solicitor no later than six weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by RAY BARBER, Solicitor, 20 Heathfield Road, Coolum Beach, Q 4573.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 11 July, 2001 of
JAMES FREDERICK GRAHAM late of RSL Fairways, 59 Hanbury Street, North Bundaberg,
Queensland, deceased, will be made by VERONICA MARGARET SOWTER to the Supreme
Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Date of Death: 7 October, 2014.
Lodged by: PAYNE BUTLER LANG SOLICITORS 2 Targo Street, Bundaberg Qld 4670 PO Box
649, Bundaberg Qld 4670.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 16 July 1999 of
ROBERT GRAHAME GRANT late of 12 Esplanade, Point Vernon, Queensland deceased will
be made by PAMELA ANN PALMER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged: KINGSTON & STANTON, Solicitors of 11 Crescent Street, Childers 4660.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 10 August 2012
of LORNA MARY GRIFFITHS late of Room 12c, Bethesda Hostel, The Range in the state of
Queensland deceased will be made by FIONA KATHERINE BRIDGES and ALAN THOMAS
BRIDGES to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: REES R & SYDNEY JONES SOLICITORS, Level 1, 55 Denham Street
Rockhampton Qld 4700.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated the Seventh day
of August, 2006 of EVELYN MAY GROVES late of Southern Cross Care Holland Park, Duhig
Village, 85 Seville Road, Holland Park in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by
ALAN DAVID GROVES to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
solicitors within six weeks from the date hereof.
Applicants Solicitors: DAVIDSON & SULLIVAN First Floor 160 Hume Street Toowoomba Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 1st November
1996 of IVY HACKER late of Pinaroo Roma Inc, 50 - 66 Bowen Street, Roma in the State of
Queensland, deceased, will be made by FREDERICK THOMAS HACKER to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by HEDE BYRNE & HALL PTY LTD (ACN 132 723 481), Lawyers, an Incorporated
Legal Practice trading as HEDE BYRNE & HALL, 98 McDowall Street, Roma Qld 4455.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 10th June 1983
Aged Care, 271 Middle Road, Boronia Heights, Queensland and formerly of 54 Deloraine Drive,
Chatswood Hills in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by TREVOR JAMES
RAYMOND HARGREAVES to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
Applicant within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to
Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
Administrator shall then have had notice.
Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 7 March 1996 of
DOROTHY DAWN HARRISON late of 30/11 Thornlake Court, Tingalpa in the State of
Queensland, deceased, will be made by DEBORAH THERESE EMERY to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the Applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the Applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the Applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: STRETEN MASONS LAWYERS 657 Wynnum Road, Morningside Qld 4170.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 27th May 1991
of LILY EDNA HARTSHORN late of 'Lodges on George', George Street, Kippa-Ring,
Queensland, deceased will be made by KEITH DAVID HARTSHORN to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
Applicant within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to
Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
Executor shall then have had notice.
Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000.
After 14 days from to-day an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 15th day of
May 2009 of JAMES WILLIAM EDWARD HARWOOD late of Unit 38, Caloundra Gardens, 96
Beerburrum Street, Caloundra, Queensland, deceased will be made by CHERIE LE-ANNE
CAVANAGH (referred to in the Will as "LEANNE") to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased and any other person who has a claim on the estate
of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claims to the applicant's solicitors
named below within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant
to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by GEOFF LYONS SOLICITORS PTY LTD of 2 Centaur Street, Caloundra,
Queensland 4551.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 22 October 2012
of FLORA GRACE HENDERSON late of "Kaloma Home for the Aged", 16 Gough Street,
Goondiwindi Queensland deceased, will be made by ANDREW WILLIAM LAURIE to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: DOYLE WILSON SOLICITORS 124 Marshall Street, Goondiwindi Qld 4390.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 10 August 1989
and codicil dated 15 March 2010 of PATRICIA ELAINE HENNESSY late of Villa Maria Nursing
Home deceased will be made by MARIAN HAM and SUSAN JIMMIESON to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send
particulars of the person's claim to the Applicants Solicitors (identified below) not later than the
date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to
s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having
regard only to the claims of which the Applicants has notice.
Lodged by BENNETT & PHILP LAWYERS, Level 13, 15 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Qld.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 14 January 1965
of THOMAS ARTHUR HICKEY late of Windsor Aged Care, 26 Palmer Street, Windsor formerly
of 19 Bateman Street, Geebung deceased will be made by BEVERLEY MARGARET HICKEY
to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to MURPHYSCHMIDT SOLICITORS at 130 Mary Street,
Brisbane within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to
Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said
Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: MURPHYSCHMIDT, 130 Mary Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4000.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 26 October 2005
of THOMAS OTTOKAR HANS HILLARDT late of 102 Boyd Street, Woorim, Bribie Island,
Queensland 4507 deceased will be made by MICHAEL HOWARD HILLARDT and LISA ANN
DELANEY to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to McCULLOUGH ROBERTSON, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland within six (6)
weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 Trusts Act
1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had
Lodged by: McCULLOUGH ROBERTSON LAWYERS, Level 11, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 26 August 2014
of LORRAINE ELIZABETH HOBBS of 32 Gretel Drive, Beachmere, Queensland deceased, will
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person having any claim against the estate of the deceased, who died on
23 September 2014, is required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors
below within six (6) weeks after the date of publication of this notice. After that date, the
Executor will proceed to distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard
only to claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by LEMBER AND WILLIAMS, Cnr Annie & East Streets, Caboolture, Queensland 4510.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 12 September
late of Algester Lodge, 117 Dalmeny Street, Algester, Queensland deceased will be made by
RITA GARTH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
Applicant's Solicitors within 6 weeks from the date hereof.
Lodged By: JONES LEACH LAWYERS, Rochedale Shopping Village, 549 Underwood Road,
Rochedale Qld 4123.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 17 June 1999 of
EDNA ELLEN HODGEN late of Lodges on George, 109 George Street, Kippa Ring, deceased,
will be made by DOROTHY KAY STRACHAN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: WALLACE DAVIES SOLICITORS 185 Redcliffe Parade, Redcliffe Qld 4020.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 15 June 2010 of
ALICE MAUD HORTON late of Forest Lake Lodge Nursing Home, 12 Tewantin Way, Forest
Lake, Queensland, deceased, will be made by TROY SAY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: SPRINGFIELD LEGAL SERVICE LAWYERS 1/6 Commercial Drive, Springfield Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 5 August 2003 of
BERYL JOYCE HUGHES deceased late of Farnorha RSL Care, 257-281 Lyons Street, Cairns
in the State of Queensland will be made by CHERYL ROBYN CAMPBELL and GREGORY
EDWARD HUGHES to the Supreme Court at Cairns.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof
at the expiration of which time the said Applicant/s will proceed to distribute the estate of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the
Applicant/s shall then have had notice.
Lodged by Mr BRETT MOLLER, partner, MARINO MOLLER LAWYERS 70 Grafton Street
Cairns Qld 4870.
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 10th January
1989, of DALMA ADA HUYSING late of 95 Chestnut Street, Wynnum, Qld. deceased, will be
made by LINDA LORRAINE PHELPS of 167 Nineteenth Avenue, Elanora, Qld. to the Supreme
Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time
the said applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said applicants shall have had
Date of Death: 25 July 2014.
Lodged by: LINDA PHELPS AND COMPANY Solicitors 167 Nineteenth Avenue Palm Beach
Qld. 4221.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 20 January 2012
of FREDERICK IRONS late of 517 Carlyle Gardens, 60 Beck Drive North, Condon,
Queensland, deceased, will be made by CHRISTOPHER IRONS to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the undersigned within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end
of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons
entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the
applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by CHRISTOPHER IRONS, PO BOX 6192 UNSW, Sydney, NSW 1466.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 20 May 2004 of
DOREEN HELEN IRVINE late of 61 Dorothy Lane, Camp Hill, Queensland, deceased, will be
made by Robert Warren Irvine and CHRISTINE JOY IRVINE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: SPRANKLIN McCARTNEY LAWYERS Level 1, 189 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo
Qld 4151.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 12 December
2007 and Codicil dated 28 September 2010 of AUDREY OLIVE JACKSON late of Eden on the
Avenue, 15/29 Bonton Avenue, Deception Bay, Queensland, deceased, will be made by PAUL
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: COOKE & HUTCHINSON Level 1, Bluewater Square 20 Anzac Avenue, Redcliffe.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 9 January 2008
of ELSIE MAY JACKSON late of 114 Rockbourne Terrace, Paddington, Queensland deceased
will be made by SHIRLEY GWENDOLINE SIMS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of
which time, pursuant to section 67 Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the
assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of
which the executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by JB STEVENSON & COMPANY, Solicitors, 1st Floor, 173 Beaudesert Road,
Moorooka Qld 4105.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 11th May 2007 of
LILY CAROLINE JESINOWSKI formerly of 3/13 Barbet Place, Burleigh Waters, Queensland but
late of Netherlands Retirement Village, Birkdale, Queensland deceased will be made by
ROSEMARY NEAL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
time ROSEMARY NEAL ("the Applicant") will proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased
among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall
then have had notice.
Lodged by INGWERSEN & LANSDOWN 1065 Gold Coast Highway Palm Beach Qld 4221.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 27 April 2005 of
AUDREY MYRTLE JOHNSON Deceased late of Kepnock Grove Retirement Centre, Jocumsen
Street, Bundaberg, Queensland will be made by MARILYN AUDREY BAILEY, JANICE FAYE
FLEMING and BRUCE ALBERT JOHNSON to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor beneficiary or other person having any claim against the deceased's estate is
required to send particulars of any such claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of
the date of publication of this Notice.
Lodged By: FINEMORE WALTERS & STORY, Solicitors, 51 Woongarra Street, [P.O. Box 704]
Bundaberg Qld 4670.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 19 March 1996 of
LEILA MAY JONES late of Unit 13/134-136 Middle Street, Cleveland, Queensland, formerly of
21 Melittas Avenue, Coffs Harbour in the state of New South Wales, deceased, will be made by
KERRY ARTHUR JONES to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: SOUTHSIDE PROPERTY & COMMERCIAL LAWYERS 128 Colburn Ave, Victoria
Point Qld 4165.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 16 May 1996 of
GLORIA MARY JOYCE late of North Rockhampton Nursing Centre, North Rockhampton
deceased will be made by NOEL WILLIAM JOYCE and PAUL TERENCE CONLON to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: REES R & SYDNEY JONES SOLICITORS, Level 1, 55 Denham Street
Rockhampton Qld 4700.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of
SEAN DENIS KENNEDY late of 3 Sternlight Court, Cleveland, Queensland 4163 deceased will
Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to McCULLOUGH ROBERTSON, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland within six (6)
weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 Trusts Act
1973, the personal representatives will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among
the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the personal
representatives shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: McCULLOUGH ROBERTSON LAWYERS, Level 11, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 25 September
2003 of KEVIN KENT late of Regis Parkland Manor, 39 Lanita Road, Ferny Grove in the State
of Queensland deceased will be made by KEVIN CLARK KENT to the Supreme Court of
Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: THYNNE & MACARTNEY Level 19, 66 Eagle Street Brisbane Qld 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 23 November
1999 of DUNCAN KERR late of Unit 11 Palm Lakes Resort, 1 Webster Road, Deception Bay,
formerly of 8 Longland Street, Redcliffe in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by
JANICE JOYCE KERR to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: ABA LAWYERS 7, 87 Webster Road, Stafford Qld 4053.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 22 December
2010 of DOROTHY MARY LEWIS late of Kookaburra Village, Unit 1, 123 Mark Road Caloundra
in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by GREGORYCHARLES LEWIS of 33
Lynch Road, East Deep Creek, Queensland, and WENDY JOY STEPHENSON of 19
Pakenham Street, Aroona, Queensland, to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors: All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their
claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice at
the expiration of which time the said Applicants may distribute the estate of the above named
deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: JEFFERY CUDDIHY & JOYCE SOLICITORS 218 Mary Street Gympie Qld 4570.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
LICH, GERRY (also known as GEERTJE LICH)
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 27 April 2005 of
GERRY LICH (also known as GEERTJE LICH) late of Arcare Logan, 8 Janice Street, Slacks
Creek in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by HELMER LICH and ANJA
MENDEZ to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: MCLAUGHLIN & ASSOCIATES LAWYERS, 18 Carol Avenue, Springwood, Qld
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 9 January 2001
of CATHERINE LILLEY late of 34 Cumberland Drive, Stephens, Queensland, deceased, will be
made by IAN DANIEL GALLACHER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having a claim against the estate is required to send
particulars of their claim to the Applicants Solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of
this Notice.
Date of death: 12 October 2014.
Lodged by: REABURN SOLICITORS 39 Tallebudgera Creek Road West Burleigh Qld 4219.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 26 March 2013
of DAVID JOHN LOMAS late of 345 Old Toorbul Point Road, Caboolture, Queensland,
deceased will be made by ROBERT JOHN KELLY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the estate of
the deceased who died on 06 October 2013 is hereby required to send in particulars of any
claim or claims to the undersigned solicitor for the applicants within six (6) weeks of the date
hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the
applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by the applicants' solicitor: STEPHEN E. JONES, CONSULTANT LAWYER PO Box
350, Grange Qld 4051.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After fourteen days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 12th
December 2012 of EILEEN DORIS LUCK late of Glenwood Aged Care Facility 49 Main Street
Lowood Queensland will be made by DOROTHY ANN WICKHAM to the Supreme Court of
Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the applicant
will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act
1973 among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor
shall then have had notice.
Applicant's Solicitors: CERVETTO COURTICE, Solicitors, 58 South Street, Ipswich,
Queensland, 4305.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims against the estate of
ANDREW JOHN MACLEISH late of 294 Millstream Parade, Millstream in the State of
Queensland who died on 16 August 2014 are required to send particulars of any such claim or
claims to the Executor's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed Deceased among the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: BRIEN LEIBINGER LAWYERS 2/23 Scott Street Cairns Qld 4870.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 21 June 2014 of
BERNADETTE ANNA MAFFEIS late of 910 Rochedale Road, Rochedale South, deceased, will
be made by HENRY KAVENDAN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: O'REILLY & SOCHACKI LAWYERS, P.O. Box 84, Murwillumbah NSW 2484.
After 14 days from today an Application will be made for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 30
June 2014 of CESARE MARZELLA late of Unit 27, Avalon Parkside, 451 Gregory Terrace,
Spring Hill, Queensland, deceased, will be made by PASQUALE DE BARI to the Supreme
Court, Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
in particulars of that claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of this notice.
At the expiration of this time, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate,
having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has received notice.
Lodged by YHC LAWYERS, GPO Box 2467, Brisbane, Qld 4001.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 2 July 2008 of
JOYCE LILLIAN McALLISTER late of Abbey Gardens 69 Caboolture River Road Morayfield Qld
4506 deceased will be made by BRIAN KENNETH McALLISTER and STEPHEN JOHN
McALLISTER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors
within six weeks from today. At the end of that period the applicant will distribute the estate
having regard only to such claims which have been received.
Lodged by BURTONS SOLICITORS PO Box 465 Kippa-Ring Qld 4021.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 27th February
1991 of JOSEPHINE BETTY MCCARTHY late of Lourdes Home For The Aged, 227 Spring
Street, Toowoomba in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by ANN KATHLEEN
MORRIS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by HEDE BYRNE & HALL PTY LTD (ACN 132 723 481), Lawyers, an Incorporated
Legal Practice trading as HEDE BYRNE & HALL, 126 Russell Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 12th October
2004 of LUCY McGRATH deceased late of 91 Anzac Avenue Redcliffe in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by DANIEL PATRICK McGRATH to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date hereof, at the expiration of which time
the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator among the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by PAUL PATTISON, Solicitor, Suite 3, and 1470 Anzac Avenue, Kallangur,
Queensland 4503.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 6 September
2007 of DENIS PATRICK McGUIN, late of 14 Tulong Street, Buderim, Queensland 4556
deceased will be made by MARY MAGDALEN LANGLER and JEFFREY CHARLES DAY to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim in respect of the estate of the
deceased, who died on 29 September 2014, is required to send particulars of any such claim to
the undersigned not later than 6 weeks from the date of this notice. After that date the personal
representative/s may distribute the estate having regard only to the claims, of which the
personal representative has notice at the time of the distribution, and shall not, be liable to any
person of whose claim the personal representative had no notice at the time of the distribution.
Lodged by FOX MILDWATERS PO Box 274 Caloundra Qld 4551.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 23 May 2008 of
EDNA MARY MCKINNON late of Earle Haven Retirement Village, 62 Lawrence Drive, Nerang,
Queensland formerly of 7 Fiddlewood Lane, Earle Haven Retirement Village, Nerang,
Queensland, deceased will be made by GAVIN BYRON STEVENS and BETTY FRANCES
STEVENS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants'
solicitor within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by WORCESTER & CO of Level 1, 38 Cavill Avenue, Surfers Paradise Qld 4217.
After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 16 December
2010 of EMMA JEAN McMAHON late of Sundale Nursing Home, 35 Doolan Street, Nambour in
the State of in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by RONALD JACK MCMAHON
and DAVID EDWARD WELSH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants'
solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by WELSH & WELSH, 8 Queen Street, (PO Box 603), Nambour Qld, 4560.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Letters of Administration on Intestacy of
HARLEY RAYMOND MEAD late of 44 Kratzke Road, Highfields in the State of New South
Wales, deceased, will be made by MICHAEL KARL KLATT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having claim or claims in respect of the Estate of the
deceased who died on 25 September 2014, is hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim or claims to CRILLY LAWYERS PTY LTD at the address stated below, within 6 weeks
from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to s.67 Trusts Act 1973, the
executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by CRILLY LAWYERS PTY LTD, Level 4, 149 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane Qld 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 6 December
2010 of MARJORIE JEAN MELLOR, late of Regis Nursing Home, 279 Lillian Avenue, Salisbury
in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by EDNA FLORENCE FINLAY to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which
time the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Executor shall then have had
Applicant's Solicitors: MELVIN & CO Solicitors 34 Aminya Street Mansfield Qld 4122.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 17th of
September, 2008 of STEPHEN HAMAR MIDGLEY late of Boyanda Hostel, LeFoes Road, Bli Bli
THOMPSON and ROBERT GEORGE MIDGLEY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the estate of
this person who died on 28th of September, 2014 is required to send particulars of any such
claim or claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof.
Note: By virtue of section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 a personal representative or trustee may,
after the date referred to in this notice, distribute the estate of the deceased having regard only
to those claims of which the trustee then has notice.
Lodged by: FOX MILDWATERS, Solicitors, PO Box 274, Caloundra Qld 4551.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 18 April 2005 of
NANCY OLIVE MILLER late of Villa 67 Baycrest Retirement Village, 99 Doolong Road,
Kawungan, Queensland, deceased, will be made by ROBERT THOMAS BOTHWELL and
JULIE CHRISTINE HAYES to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: BELL DIXON BUTLER, Wills & Estate Lawyers 12 Bideford Street, Torquay Qld
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 4 January 2014
of JOHN GARRY RAIT MOORE also known as JOHN GARRY MOORE late of Golden Crest
Manors, 15 Liverpool Street, Highland Park, Queensland, deceased, will be made by WENDY
LOUISE MOORE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having a claim against the estate is required to send
particulars of their claim to the Applicants Solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of
this Notice.
Date of death: 15 February 2014.
Lodged by: REABURN SOLICITORS 39 Tallebudgera Creek Road West Burleigh Qld 4219.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 14 October 2013
late of Unit 7906, 1 Edmund Rice Drive, Ashmore in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be
made by MICHAEL JOHN KYLE and ANTHONY MICHAEL KYLE to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: ADAMSON BERNAYS KYLE & JONES LAWYERS 3 Short Street, Southport Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 16th January
1979 of ANNA MUJAJ late of Opal Raybird Place Nursing Home, Carseldine in the State of
Queensland, deceased, will be made by ILYR MUJAJ (Also known as LARRY MUJAJ) to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by V PENNISI & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors, 1st Floor, 818 Gympie Road, Chermside Qld
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 7 January 2009
of NANCY JEAN MULLER Late of Arcare Nursing Home, 8 Janice Street, Slacks Creek in the
State of Queensland but formerly of Villa 1607, 269 Birkdale Road, Birkdale in the State of
Queensland Deceased, will be made by RALPH IAN RASHLEIGH MULLER, GEOFFREY
ANDREW MULLER and SUSAN JENNIFER PATTERSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
All creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants'
Solicitors no later than 16 January 2015.
Lodged by: O'REILLY LILLICRAP Solicitors GPO Box 82 Brisbane Qld 4001.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Letters of Administration with the Will
dated 15 February, 1993 of DAVID MUNCKTON Deceased late of Riverlea Aged Care Facility,
1 River Terrace, Millbank, Queensland will be made by VINCENT DAVID MUNCKTON and
LAUREL JOAN RUN to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor beneficiary or other person having any claim against the deceased's estate is
required to send particulars of any such claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of
the date of publication of this Notice.
Lodged By: FINEMORE WALTERS & STORY, Solicitors, 51 Woongarra Street, [P.O. Box 704]
Bundaberg Qld 4670.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of
MARIANNA ANTOINETTE NAIMO, late of Unit 9, 54 Galloway Drive, Ashmore, Queensland,
deceased, will be made by PASQUALE NAIMO to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: CANNING LAWYERS of 52 Hoop Pine Court Advancetown, Queensland 4211.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: late Azure Blue, 455 Richmond Road, Carina in the State of Queensland.
Address in Will: 11/80 Wynyard Street, Cleveland in the State of Queensland.
Applicant: JOHN REDMOND MOTT of 10/120 Bloomfield Street, Cleveland in the State of
Grant: Probate of the Will dated 21st October, 2011.
Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the
Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made.
Applicant(s) Solicitors: MOTT & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors Suite 10/120 Bloomfield Street
Cleveland Qld, 4163.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 8 May 2014 of
DOREEN NOUD late of Edwin Marsden Tooth Memorial Home, 162 Oceana Terrace, Manly in
the State of Queensland and formerly of 60 Caesar Road, Ferny Hills in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by PENELOPE GAYE CLIFFORD and MICHELLE
RAYLENE RUSSELL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by LANG, HEMMING & HALL SOLICITORS GPO Box 1133 Brisbane Qld 4001.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 14 April 1998 of
NERIDA EDITH OSBORNE late of Unit 14/2105 Gold Coast Highway, Miami in the State of
Queensland, address in Will: Salamander Bay in the State of New South Wales, deceased will
Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants' will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants' will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: INHERITANCE SOLUTIONS, Solicitors, 155 Varsity Parade (PO Box 514), Varsity
Lakes Qld 4227.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 8 November
1974 of IVY ELLEN O'SULLIVAN late of 4/12 Private Street, Rockhampton deceased will be
made by LYNETTE ROBYN KRAUDELT and YVONNE IVY COPE, to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their
claim to the applicants' solicitors within seven weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by: GRANT AND SIMPSON LAWYERS 226 Quay Street Rockhampton Qld 4700.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 1 February 1974
of BETTY CATHERINE OWENS late of Tabeel Lutheran Home, Laidley, Queensland but
formerly of Scott Street, Redland Bay, Queensland, deceased will be made by LYNTON EVAN
OWENS and ALANA WYNETTE WILLIAMS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants'
solicitors no later than six weeks from today.
Lodged by CONNOR HUNTER LAW FIRM, 17 Middle Street, Cleveland, Qld, 4163.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated April, 2005 of
BRENDAN JAMES PARKES late of 2 Goodrick Court, Mount Warren Park, Queensland,
deceased, will be made by CHERIE ANN PARKES to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: WALKER PENDER GROUP Lawyers Level 1, 28 Ipswich City Mall Ipswich Q 4305.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 7 September
2006 of RONDA MAY PEARSON late of Aveo Cleveland Gardens, 83 Freeth Street West,
Ormiston in the State of Queensland, formerly of 140 Springacre Road, Thornlands in the said
State, deceased, will be made by LORRAINE ELLEN PERREN to the Supreme Court of
Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's Solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her.
Lodged by: PORTER HULETT SOLICITORS 184 Bay Terrace, Wynnum Qld 4178.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 February
2010 of ANNIE MARGARET PEEL late of Villa Maria Centre, 171 St Pauls Terrace, Fortitude
Valley in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by MARGARET MARY PEEL and
MICHAEL DESMOND PEEL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants' will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants' will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: INHERITANCE SOLUTIONS, Solicitors, 155 Varsity Parade (PO Box 514), Varsity
Lakes Qld 4227.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 30 May 2008 of
SALVATORE PIRRONE late of Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged, 9A - 27A Chippendale
Street, Ayr (shown in the Will of Wunjunga Via Home Hill) deceased, will be made by ROBERT
LOUIE PIRRONE to the Supreme Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant/s will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant/s will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by GROVES AND CLARK SOLICITORS 98 Macmillan Street Ayr Qld 4807.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 1 June 2012 of
RAYMOND ERIC PORTER late of 15 First Avenue, Chinchilla, Queensland, deceased, will be
made by MICHELE MARY SHEEHAN to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in the estate of the
deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of such claim to SHEEHAN & CO,
Solicitors, PO Box 142 Chinchilla, Qld, 4413, within 6 weeks from the date of publication of this
notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the
Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased pursuant to the Will, having
regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice.
Lodged by SHEEHAN & CO, Solicitors, 106 Heeney Street, Chinchilla, Qld, 4413.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 28 July 2014 of
CHERIE ELIZABETH POWELL late of 17 Dempster Street, Toowong Queensland, deceased,
CHERIE WHITE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
time the Applicants will proceed to distribute the Estate of the deceased among the persons
entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had
Lodged by Applicant's Solicitors: STUART GARRETT LAWYERS S+P, PO Box 1405, Byron
Bay NSW 2481.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 16 January 2004
of VALDA JUNE POWER late of 11 Dylan Street, Arundel in the State of Queensland,
deceased will be made by ROBIN PANKOWSKI to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: INHERITANCE SOLUTIONS, Solicitors, 155 Varsity Parade (PO Box 514), Varsity
Lakes Qld 4227.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Representation will be made to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: Amarina Aged Care 17 Magenta Drive, Coolum Beach Qld 4573.
Address in Will: Smythe Street, Gympie, Qld.
Grant: Probate of the Will dated 2 November 1994.
Caveat: If you wish to object to or be heard upon the application you may file a caveat in the
Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made.
Creditors: All creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the
applicant's solicitors no later than 6 weeks after publication of this notice.
Date of Death: 21 July 2014.
Applicant's solicitors: KLOOGER PHILLIPS LAWYERS PO Box 252 3/57 The Esplanade
Maroochydore Qld 4558.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 31 May 2007 of
ERIC PUIE (also known as ERIC VINCENT PUIE) late of Arcare, 549 Warrigal Road, Eight Mile
Plains, Brisbane in the State of Queensland, deceased and previously of 71 Meadowlands
Road, Carindale in the State of Queensland, will be made by PAULA ELAINE HASSED, OWEN
JOHN PUIE and BARBARA THERESE LEWIS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: SPRANKLIN McCARTNEY LAWYERS Level 1, 189 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo
Qld 4151.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 27th July, 2012
of CARLY-MAE LEWISE MATILDA PYE late of 222 South Yaamba Road, Alton Downs,
Queensland, deceased will be made by CHERIE LINDY ROSEANNE HANSEN-PYE to the
Supreme Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: MICHAEL STOCKALL SOLICITOR PO Box 268 Rockhampton Q 4700.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 30th
September, 1998 of ALAN HERBERT RECK late of 5 Patrick Street, Laidley in the State of
Queensland, deceased will be made by JEFFREY BARRY ZISCHKE and ERROL STANLEY
ZISCHKE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the
applicants' solicitors within six weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by C W HOOPER & HOOPER, Solicitors, 123 Patrick Street, Laidley Qld 4341.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 13 July 2012 of
BONI ARTHUR REGHENZANI late of Bethlehem Nursing Home, Cairns deceased will be made
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send
particulars of the person's claim to the Applicants Solicitors (identified below) not later than the
date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to
s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having
regard only to the claims of which the Applicants has notice.
Lodged by BENNETT & PHILP LAWYERS, Level 13, 15 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Qld 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 3 August 2007
of HEATHER MARY REICHLE late of Opal Raffin Place, 8 Raffin Crescent, Calamvale,
Queensland, deceased, will be made by MARY ANNETTE REICHLE, JANICE HEATHER
TEDFORD and ALEXANDRA MARGARET NICHOLSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: BIG LAW PTY LTD Shop 4, 363 Gympie Road, Strathpine Qld 4500.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 3rd August 1989
of MADGE RICH late of Hill View House, 239 Gooding Drive, Merrimac 4226 in the State of
Queensland, and formerly of Aveo Robina Retirement Village, Cheltenham Drive, Robina 4226
in the State of Queensland and formerly of 13 Trenton Avenue, Glen Waverley 3150 in the
State of Victoria, deceased, will be made by HELEN PATRICIA WARREN (the other two
Executors namely GREGORY JOHN RICH and NEIL GRAHAME RICH having renounced
Probate thereof) to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: SWIFT SOLICITORS, PO Box 1017, Ashmore City Qld 4214.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 24 October 2002
of JEAL ROBERTS (also known as ANNIE JEAL ROBERTS) late of Blue Care Woodlands
Lodge Aged Care, 29 Melbourne Road, Arundel in the State of Queensland deceased will be
made by SALLY JEAL BAILY and CLAUDIA LORRAINE MATCHAM to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors: Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to
send particulars of that claim to the Applicants' solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of
publication of this notice.
Lodged by: BELL LEGAL GROUP, Level 4, 91 Upton Street, Bundall Qld 4217.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 18 October 2006
of DOROTHY HEATHER SAVAGE (deceased) late of Regis Parkland Manor, 39 Lanita Road,
Ferny Grove in the State of Queensland, 4055 will be made by DEBRA GENEVIEVE GAVIN to
the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors, beneficiaries or persons otherwise having a claim against the estate are required
to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of
publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act
1973, the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall have had notice.
Lodged by EATON LAWYERS PTY LTD, 2 Glenlee Street, Arana Hills in the State of
Queensland, 4054.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 13 November
2013 of JAMES PAUL DINSE SCHAUER late of 22 Cleavue Street, Geebung, in the State of
Queensland, deceased, will be made by ELIZABETH ELLEN CUCCHI to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send
particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant's Solicitors (identified below) not later than the
date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to
s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having
regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice.
Lodged by: BRADLEY ALLEN LOVE LAWYERS, 9th Floor Canberra House, 40 Marcus Clarke
Street, Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory, 2601 (Solicitors for the Applicant).
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 December
2009 of MILLICENT MARGARET SCHOFIELD late of Sandbrook Assisted Aged Care, 10
Executive Drive, Burleigh Waters, Queensland deceased will be made by PAUL SCHOFIELD,
JENNIFER ANNE PHILLIPS and LISA JANE GRANT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants'
solicitors no later than 6 weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by: COOPER GRACE WARD Level 21, 400 George Street, Brisbane.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Letters of Administration of SUE ELLEN
SCHOFIELD late of 44 Waterlilly Court, Rothwell, Queensland, deceased, will be made by
ETHAN JAY SNOW and JESSE KALLEN SNOW to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Notice to creditors and beneficiaries under the Trusts Act 1973, section 67, is to be given only
after the applicant has been appointed administrator. Before appointment the applicant has no
legal right to administer the estate. This is different to the executor whose authority is granted
by the Will so that notwithstanding the grant, the executor can administer the Will.
Lodged by: KOOLIK & ASSOCIATES Shop C1, 5 Discovery Drive, North Lakes Qld 4509.
After 14 days from to-day an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 9th day of
July 2003 of GERALD SCOTT late of Unit 4, Pisces Apartments, 27 Landsborough Parade,
Golden Beach, Queensland deceased will be made by PETER BRUCE SCOTT and
GEOFFREY MICHAEL LYONS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased and any other person who has a claim on the estate
of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claims to the applicant's solicitors
named below within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant
to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by GEOFF LYONS SOLICITORS PTY LTD of 2 Centaur Street, Caloundra,
Queensland 4551.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 27th March 2014
of PAULINE GLORIA SCOTT late of 76 Dodds Street, Margate, Queensland, deceased, will be
made by SHARON THERESE MENDAY one of the Executors named in the said Will (power
being reserved to make the like grant to the other Executors named in the Will when they shall
apply for same) to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Notice pursuant to Section 67 of Trust Act 1973: Any person having any claim, whether as
creditor, beneficiary or otherwise, must send particulars of the person's claim within 6 weeks
from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by: BESTON & COMPANY Solicitors 3 Violet Street (PO Box 26) Redcliffe Qld 4020.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 21 May 2012 of
BETTY LYNETTE SCULLY deceased late of 3 Hume Parade, Currimundi, Queensland will be
made by PETER ROBERT SCULLY and RICHARD JOHN SCULLY to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors: Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to
send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within 6 weeks from the date hereof.
Date of Death: 24 August 2014.
Lodged by: GRIFFITHS PARRY LAWYERS, 10/12 Innovation Parkway, Birtinya Qld 4575.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 4 March 2005 of
MARIA ASSUNTA SHEPHERD late of Unit 20, 136 Dupworth Avenue, Maroochydore, in the
State of Queensland deceased will be made by ALLAN ROBERT SHEPHERD to the Supreme
Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors Notice: All creditors in the estate of the Deceased are hereby required to send in
particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the
expiration of which time the said Sole Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the
Testatrix amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said
Sole Executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by MACROSSAN & AMIET, Solicitors, 55 Gordon Street, Mackay Qld 4740.
After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 5th November
2006 of CECIL JOHN SHILLAM late of Returned Services League Bay House, Rowes Bay in
the State of Queensland deceased will be made by FAY EMMA CROW and JOHN ROBERT
SHILLAM to the Supreme Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims that have been notified to them.
Lodged by: MARY RICHMOND SOLICITOR 99 River Park Drive Annandale Q 4814.
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 11 March 2000
of COLIN SIDNEY SHUM late of BUPA Glenvale, 357 McDougall Street, Toowoomba,
Queensland deceased will be made by LESTER COLIN SHUM, GARRY LESLIE SHUM and
LYNETTE JUNE SHUM to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said
Applicants shall than have had notice.
Lodged by: CLEWETT LAWYERS Level 1, 65 Neil Street Toowoomba Qld 4350.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 23rd May, 1979
of CONSTANCE MAUD SILVESTER late of 134 Earl Street, North Rockhampton, deceased will
be made by WARREN JAMES SILVESTER to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having any claim, whether as Creditor or beneficiary or otherwise against the estate
is required to send particulars of that claim to the estate's Solicitors at the address specified
below, not later than six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Note: by virtue of Section 67 of the Trust Act 1973, a personal representative may, after the
expiry of the six (6) weeks period, distribute the estate of the deceased having regard only to
those claims of which notice has been given.
Lodged by CONNOLLY, SCHIRMER & BATTS, Solicitors, 6 William Street, Rockhampton. Qld.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Letters of Administration on intestacy of
LORNA VERONICA SIMPSON late of St Martha's Apartments, Leisure Drive, Banora Point in
the State of New South Wales, formerly of 36/174 Galleon Way, Currumbin in the State of
Queensland, Deceased, will be made by KIM ERNEST GEORGE FREER to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the Estate of the Deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the Applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this Notice. At the end of that period, the Applicant will distribute the assets of the Deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the Applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: BROWNS LAWYERS Suite 19, Level 2, 79 West Burleigh Road, Burleigh Heads
Qld 4220.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 26 October 2007
of ALICE SARAH SMITH late of 20 Mott Street, GAYTHORNE, Queensland, deceased, will be
made by ROBERT RICHARD SMITH and GARY SAMUEL SMITH to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice.
Lodged by HARDINGS GULHANE SOLICITORS, 29 Samford Road, Alderley, Qld, 4051.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 10th July 2014
of MARLENE SMITH late of 11 Allendale Drive, Alligator Creek in the State of Queensland
deceased will be made by KYLIE MICHELLE SMITH and TANYA MAREE ARCHER to the
Supreme Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will
proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by LEE TURNBULL & CO SOLICITORS, Level 1, 350 Flinders Street, Townsville Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 11 July 2014 of
STEVEN JOHN SMITHSON late of 18 Manhattan Avenue, Thornlands in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by JANICE LORRAINE THOMPSON to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise is required to send
particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors no later than 6 weeks from the date of
publication of this notice.
Lodged by NEW WAY LAWYERS PO Box 96, Corinda, Qld 4075.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letter for administration of DWIGHT
ANTHONY SPANBROEK late of 8 Vergulde rd, Regents Park, 4118. Deceased 9th of April
2013 will be made by JACOB ANTHONY SPANBROEK to the Supreme Court of Brisbane.
You may object to the grant, by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodge by: JACOB ANTHONY SPANBROEK of 8 Vergulde Rd, Regents Park, 4118.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 20 April 2013 of
MARGARET OLIVE SPEARMAN late of 36 Riverside Parade, Trinity Park Cairns Queensland;
deceased will be made by MICHAEL JAMES SPEARMAN to the Supreme Court at Cairns.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned not later than the date which is 2 weeks
after the publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act
1973, the Applicant will distribute the assets of the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to
the claims of which the Applicant has notice.
Lodged by MICHAEL JAMES SPEARMAN, 51 William Street Townsville.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 15 May 2011 of
MARY GERTRUDE STAINES Late of Unit 2, 25 McKenney Street, Mackay in the State of
Queensland but formerly of School Street, Hendra in the State of Queensland. Deceased, will
SIDNEY JOHN SPREADBOROUGH) to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
All creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants'
Solicitors no later than 15 January 2015.
Lodged by: O'REILLY LILLICRAP SOLICITORS GPO Box 82 Brisbane Qld 4001.
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Administration on Intestacy of NICHOLE
STASSI late of 14 Rhuddlan Street, Carindale in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be
made by ANDREW JAMES SANGER to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: MCLAUGHLIN & ASSOCIATES LAWYERS, 18 Carol Avenue, Springwood, Qld
After 14 days from to-day an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 23rd day of
January 2013 of ROLAND WILLIAM STEBBINS late of 11 Third Avenue, Caloundra,
Queensland deceased will be made by BRIAN WILLIAM STEBBINS and KEITH ROLAND
STEBBINS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased and any other person who has a claim on the estate
of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claims to the applicant's solicitors
named below within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant
to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by GEOFF LYONS SOLICITORS PTY LTD of 2 Centaur Street, Caloundra,
Queensland 4551.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 19 March 2002 of
ZOE JEAN STEELE late of Embracia on Bribie, 199-213 Goodwin Drive, Bongaree in the State
of Queensland, deceased, will be made by GLENNYS JEAN SECCOMBE and GRAEME
RICHARD STEELE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Applicant's Solicitors: FILES STIBBE LAWYERS 11/9 Toorbul Street Bribie Island Qld 4507.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 4 October 2011
of ESTHER SHIRLEY STEFFENS late of 22 Spencer Street, Gatton, Queensland, deceased,
will be made by SUSAN GAYE WHITTON and JEFFREY WAYNE STEFFENS to the Supreme
Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: EMMERSON LEGAL & ACCOUNTING PTY LTD 20 William Street, Gatton Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 13 June, 1978 of
DONALD ELIAS STEPHENS (also known as DONALD ELI STEPHENS) late of 58 Shilliday
Road, Westbrook, deceased, will be made by VERA MARY STEPHENS to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their
claims to the applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
By virtue of section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 a personal representative or trustee may, after six
(6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice, distribute the estate of the deceased having
regard only to those claims of which the trustee then has notice.
Lodged by Applicant's Solicitors BERNAYS LAWYERS Level 2, 516 Ruthven Street
Toowoomba Qld 4350.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 9th April 2010 of
NORMA JOAN STEWART late of St. Martin's Nursing Home, Taigum in the State of
Queensland, deceased, will be made by SANDRA ANN STEWART to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by V PENNISI & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors, 1st Floor, 818 Gympie Road, Chermside Old
After 14 days from today an application for grant of Probate of the Will dated the 29th of May
2013 of IAN HENRY STILTON late of 35/20 Loane Drive, Edens Landing in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by YANA TAYLOR to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the Estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to CARTWRIGHTS LAWYERS, "Noosa Central", Bottlebrush Avenue, Noosa Heads Q
4567 within 6 weeks of the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67
Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix among the
persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have
had notice.
Lodged by CARTWRIGHTS LAWYERS, "Noosa Central" Bottlebrush Avenue, Noosa Heads
Qld 4567.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: Australian Finnish Rest Home Association, 337- 343 Cleveland Redland Bay
Road, Thornlands in the State of Queensland.
Address on Will: Unit 13, 337 Cleveland Redland Bay Road, Thornlands in the State of
Applicants: PAUL ALEX STOLT (also known as PAUL ALEKS STOLT) of 4 Byblis Place,
Koongamia in the State of Western Australia.
Grant: Probate of the Will dated 22 November, 2005.
Caveat: If you wish to object to or be heard upon the Application, you may file a caveat in the
Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made.
Creditors: All creditors or others having a claim against the Estate are required to send
particulars of their claim to the applicants solicitors no later than six (6) weeks from the date
Applicants Solicitors: BICKELL & MACKENZIE Solicitors 133 Broadwater Terrace Redland Bay
Qld 4165.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 8th May, 1989 of
MARJORIE ELVA STOYEL late of Alexander Gardens, North Rockhampton, Queensland,
STOYEL to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: MICHAEL STOCKALL Solicitor PO Box 268 Rockhampton Q 4700.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on Intestacy of
BRIAN BERT STRONG, late of 75 Goldring Street, Julia Creek, Queensland, deceased will be
made by BERT RODERICK STRONG to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat at that registry.
Lodged by CARRUTHERS SOLICITORS, 7-9 John Street, Rosewood, Qld, 4340.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 7 December 2009
of MARGARET ALICE STRUTHERS, late of Unit 55 Janoah Gardens, 11 Audell Street, Manly
West Queensland (formerly of 40 Redgrave Street, Stafford Heights, Brisbane, Queensland),
deceased will be made by ANNE ELIZABETH BEAMES to the Supreme Court of Queensland at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
Applicant’s solicitors named below within 6 weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of
which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to
the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by PAXTON-HALL LAWYERS, Level 10, 15 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Qld 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 14 January, 1991
of LIONEL OSWALD SUMMERVILLE late of Teviot Villas Retirement Village, 16-18 Church
Street, Boonah, Queensland (formerly of 16-18 North Street, Harrisville, Queensland),
to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: WALKER PENDER GROUP Lawyers Level 1, 28 Ipswich City Mall Ipswich Q 4305.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 11 April 2008 of
BETTY BURGESS SUNDERLAND late of Unit 96, Glenvale Villas, 20 Nash Drive, Glenvale,
Queensland, (formerly of 44 Gilbert Street, Long Jetty, New South Wales) deceased, will be
made by HAROLD PETER SUNDERLAND to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by MASONS SOLICITORS, 18 Bowen Street, Toowoomba in the State of Queensland.
After 14 days from today, an Application for a Grant of Representation will be made to the
Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows:
Last Address: Unit 6, 21-27 Mortimer Street, Caboolture, 4510.
Applicant: KEITH ROBERT SWAN of 52 Lesley Avenue, Caboolture, 4510.
Grant: Letters of Administration (intestacy).
Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the Application, you may file a Caveat in the
Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the Grant is made.
Creditors: All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the
Applicant's Solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this Notice.
Date of Death: 17 June, 2014.
Applicant's Solicitors: RHONDA SHEEHY & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors, The Lakes Centre, 22
King Street (P.O. Box 673), Caboolture, Qld, 4510.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 20th August,
1987 of ENID ELISABETH TANKARD late of 8 Boshammer Street, Rangeville, deceased, will
be made by CHRISTINE ELISABETH DILLON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their
claims to the applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
By virtue of section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 a personal representative or trustee may, after six
(6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice, distribute the estate of the deceased having
regard only to those claims of which the trustee then has notice.
Lodged by Applicant's Solicitors BERNAYS LAWYERS Level 2, 516 Ruthven Street
Toowoomba Q 4350.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 1 October, 2008
of NELLIE THOMAS Deceased late of Gracehaven Nursing Home, 71 Dr. Mays Road,
Bundaberg, Queensland will be made by JAMES DAVID FREW to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry.
Any creditor beneficiary or other person having any claim against the deceased's estate is
required to send particulars of any such claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of
the date of publication of this Notice.
Lodged By: FINEMORE WALTERS & STORY, Solicitors, 51 Woongarra Street, [P.O. Box 704]
Bundaberg Qld 4670.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today, an application for grant of Probate of the Will dated 19 January 2001
of VERA THOMPSON late of Good Shepherd Lodge, Mclntyre Street, Mackay, Queensland,
4740, will be made by LYNETTE MARGARET BENNETT to the Supreme Court at Townsville.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any person having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary, against the Estate of the
deceased is required to send in particulars of that claim to the undersigned within six weeks
from the date of this notice. At the end of that period the Applicant will distribute the assets of
the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets, having regard only to the claims of
which the said Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by L M Bennett, PO Box 4276, South Mackay Qld 4740.
Date Listed: 31st Oct 2014.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 14 March, 2006
of ALMA LYNDEL VAUGHAN late of Lourdes Home, Toowoomba, deceased, will be made by
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry.
All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their
claims to the applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
By virtue of section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 a personal representative or trustee may, after six
(6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice, distribute the estate of the deceased having
regard only to those claims of which the trustee then has notice.
Lodged by Applicant's Solicitors BERNAYS LAWYERS Level 2, 516 Ruthven Street
Toowoomba Q 4350.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 11 March 2011 of
MABEL ANNIE VINCENT late of Tricare Toowoomba Aged Care Residence, 15 Curzon Street,
Mount Lofty, Queensland, formerly of 'Stonebow' 122 Happy Valley Road, Cabarlah
Queensland, deceased, will be made by ANGELA MARY CAIN and AMANDA JOSEPHINE
HOBART to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them.
Lodged by: GRAY LAWYERS PO Box 11028 Centenary Heights Qld 4350.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 16 October 2003
of NELL WADDELL late of Milton House Aged Care, 26 Colamba Street, Miles in the State of
Queensland deceased will be made by IAIN MATTHEW CAMERON WADDELL to the Supreme
Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send particulars of their claims to
JOHN DAVIES & CO SOLICITOR, 91a Herries Street, Toowoomba Queensland within 6 weeks
of the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of
the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the
persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have
had notice.
Lodged by: JOHN DAVIES & CO SOLICITOR, 91a Herries Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350.
After 14 days from today an application for grant of Probate of the Will dated 23 November,
1999 of KEITH CAMPBELL WADE-BROWN late of PM Village, 1929 Gympie Road, Bald Hills
in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by THE TRUST COMPANY LIMITED A.C.N.
004 027 749, PENELOPE ANNE LEAHY and BARBARA JOAN CUTTELL to the Supreme
Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the applicant's solicitor within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of
which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute
the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of
which the executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: PERPETUAL LEGAL SERVICES PTY LTD, Level 15, 345 Queen Street, Brisbane,
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 23 August 2002
of URSULA MAY WALDOCK late of 6/16 Dellforest Drive, Calamvale, Queensland, Deceased,
will be made by PERCY WALDOCK to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditors, beneficiaries or other persons having any claim or claims in respect of the estate
of the abovenamed Deceased who died on 21 February 2014 are hereby required to send in
particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the
expiration of which time the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix among
the persons entitled thereto having regard to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 and to the
claims of which the said Executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: WHELDON & ASSOCIATES Solicitors 12 Zamia Street Sunnybank Qld 4109.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 4 October 1979
of DULCIE EVELYN WARNER late of 23 Minnie Street, Southport, Queensland, deceased will
be made by BARRY DAVID THORNTON to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to THORNTON LEGAL, 44 Davenport Street, Southport, Queensland within six (6)
weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had
Lodged by THORNTON LEGAL, 44 Davenport Street, Southport, Qld 4215.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of
MARK DAVID WARREN late of 37 Cooktown Road, Edmonton, Queensland, deceased, will be
made by DANICA LOUISE WARREN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by: BRADLEY & BRAY SOLICITORS Solicitors 1st Floor, 15 Ann Street, Nambour Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 20 August 2003
of EDWARD THOMAS WASON late of Taralga Retirement Village 93 High Street Jandowae in
the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by NORMAN JOHN GORDON and GAYE
ANNETTE GORDON, to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors: All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their
claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice at
the expiration of which time the said Applicants may distribute the estate of the above named
deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: JEFFERY CUDDIHY & JOYCE SOLICITORS 218 Mary Street Gympie Qld 4570.
After 14 days from to-day an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 16th day of
February 2006 of ALBERT GRANVILLE FRANK WEATHERSTONE late of Unit 65 "Caloundra
Rise Retirement Estate" Village Way, Little Mountain, Queensland deceased will be made by
MAXWELL BRIAN ROGER (referred to in the Will as "MAXSWELL") to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased and any other person who has a claim on the estate
of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claims to the applicant's solicitors
named below within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant
to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the
deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the
executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by GEOFF LYONS SOLICITORS PTY LTD of 2 Centaur Street, Caloundra,
Queensland 4551.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the will dated the 28 July 2014,
of SHANE JOSEPH WEBBER late of Unit 6/20 Stephens Street, Burleigh Heads deceased will
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
in particulars of that claim to the undersigned within six weeks of the date of this notice. At the
end of that period, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets, having regard
only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by ANDREW SHANE WEBBER of Unit 28/84 Cumberland Drive, Varsity Lakes and
BRENT ANTHONY WEBBER of 13 Tattle Way, Burleigh Waters.
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 7 June 2007 of
ESTHER WERNER late of Salem Lutheran Rest Home, 280 Hume Street, Toowoomba,
Queensland deceased will be made by GLENN WILLIAM BERGHOFER and GARY JOHN
GIETZEL to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane.
You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required
to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at
the expiration of which time the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said
Applicants shall then have had notice.
Lodged by: CLEWETT LAWYERS Level 1, 65 Neil Street Toowoomba Qld 4350.
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 18 July 2002 of
GLORIA DAWN WEST late of Unit 15 / 87 Springwood Road, Springwood, Queensland
deceased will be made by MARK LE BHERZ to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the
Applicant's Solicitors within 6 weeks from the date hereof.
Lodged By: JONES LEACH LAWYERS, Solicitors Rochedale Shopping Village, 549
Underwood Road, Rochedale Qld 4123.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 21 November
2004 of DOREEN MARGARET WHITE late of Villa 802 Wellington Manor, 269 Birkdale Road,
Birkdale, Queensland, deceased will be made by IAN VINCENT WHITE to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's
solicitors no later than six weeks from today.
Lodged by CONNOR HUNTER LAW FIRM, 17 Middle Street, Cleveland, Qld, 4163.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 8 March 2009 of
JOHN THOMAS WHITE late of 33 Brickfield Street, Windsor in the State of Queensland
deceased will be made by JILL FRANCES FARINELLI and GREGORY JOHN KENNY to the
Supreme Court at Townsville in the State of Queensland.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors Notice: All creditors in the estate of the Deceased are hereby required to send in
particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the
expiration of which time the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator
amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said
Executors shall then have had notice.
Lodged by MACROSSAN & AMIET, Solicitors, Suite 4, 230 Shute Harbour Road, Cannonvale
Qld 4802.
After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 20 September
2013 of CHRISTOFFEL FRANCOIS WIID late of 4 Meredith Crescent, Toowoomba,
Queensland deceased will be made by LYRENE FRANCOISE WIID to the Supreme Court at
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's
solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice.
Lodged by CHRIS SHEATH & ASSOCIATES Solicitors 193 Hume Street Toowoomba Qld
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 13 May 2010 of
NICOLE KRISTEN WILLIAMS, deceased late of 38 Matzia Avenue, Pacific Pines (formerly of
Unit 604/33 Clark Street, Biggera Waters) in the State of Queensland will be made by GRAHAM
JOHN WILLIAMS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in regard to the
estate of the deceased person are required to send in particulars of such claim to the
applicant's solicitors (named below) no later than seven (7) weeks from the date of publication
of this notice at the expiration of which time the Executor of the will of the deceased will proceed
to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only
to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice.
Lodged by SCHULTZ TOOMEY O'BRIEN LAWYERS PO Box 130 Buddina Qld 4575.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today, an application for a Grant of Probate of a Will dated 3 December 2007
of LESLEY FRANCIS WILLS late of 69 Morehead Street, Bungalow in the State of Queensland
deceased will be made by STEVEN LESLIE WILLS and DARREN ARTHUR WILLS to the
Supreme Court at Cairns.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person having claim in respect of the estate of the said deceased is hereby
required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date of
publication of this notice, at the expiration of which time, by virtue is Section 67 of the Trust Act
1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall the have had
Lodged by: LEE WILLIAMS & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors, 36 Water Street, Cairns, PO Box
12004, Cairns Delivery Centre, 4870.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 14 February,
2012 of DOUGLAS CHARLES WILSON late of Tri-care Cypress Gardens Nursing Centre,
Gooding Drive, Clear Island Waters, Queensland, formerly of 49 "Casino Village Caravan Park"
524 Nerang-Broadbeach Road, Carrara, Queensland, deceased, will be made by BRADLEY
ALAN KEARNEY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send
particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of
this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased
among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts
Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him.
Lodged by: DGM LAWYERS, 32 Bay Street, Southport Qld 4215.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 16th July 2013 of
ELSIE EVA WOODS late of Unit 2B '19th Avenue on the Beach' 19th Avenue Palm Beach
Queensland deceased will be made by LOANI ALICE WOODS and MARGARET JEAN
TRAVES to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their
claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which
time LOANI ALICE WOODS and MARGARET JEAN TRAVES ("the Applicants") will proceed to
distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to
the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice.
Lodged by INGWERSEN & LANSDOWN 1065 Gold Coast Highway Palm Beach Qld 4221.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 25th January
2013 of HILTON EDWARD WRIGHT deceased late of Unit 10, Suncare Retirement Village, 1
Wellington Street, Brassall, Ipswich, Queensland will be made by BEVERLEY ANN HUSKINS
to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Creditors: All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their
claim to the Applicant within 6 weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time,
pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets
of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which
the Executor shall then have had notice.
Applicant's Solicitors: DOYLE & CAMPBELL, 14 South Station Road, Booval, Qld 4304.
After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 12 October 2012
of OLIVE LESLEY WRIGHT late of lona Nursing Centre, 129 Brookfield Road, Kenmore Hills,
Brisbane in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by CHRISTINE LESLEY
URDEVICS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate of the deceased are
required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date
hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the
applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed deceased among the persons
entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had
Lodged by MINTER ELLISON, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000.
After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 16 June 2009 of
CLARENCE JOSEPH YOUNGBERRY late of Unit 59, Glenvale Villas, 20 Nash Street,
Glenvale, Queensland, deceased, will be made by MERRIELLE MARGARET SHIPMAN,
Court at Brisbane.
You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry.
Lodged by MASONS SOLICITORS, 18 Bowen Street, Toowoomba in the State of Queensland.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
Notice of intention to apply for
Admission to the legal profession
I, ANNABEL BAKER of Unit 62, 583 Wondall Road, Tingalpa, Queensland 4173 and Norton
Rose Fulbright Australia, Level 21, 111 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, being a
Graduate Clerk at Norton Rose Fulbright Australia and formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma in Legal Practice at the College of Law, Brisbane, intend to apply to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 10th day of November 2014.
I, CASSANDRA JANE BAKER, of 6 Mainroyal Court, Cleveland, Qld 4163, formerly a student of
the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at Queensland University of Technology, intend to
apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17 /18th day of December 2014 to be admitted
to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admission
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th of December 2014.
Dated this twenty-first day of November, 2014.
I, AMELIA JANE BARKER of 11 Nessie Place, Ormiston, Queensland, 4160 and the Office of
the Public Guardian, 114 Brisbane Street, Ipswich, Queensland, 4305 being currently employed
as a Team Leader at the Office of the Public Guardian, formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma of Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology and formerly a student of
a Bachelor of Laws at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4p.m. on 8 December 2014.
Dated this twenty-first day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, ELLIE BETH BASSINGTHWAIGHTE of 3/7 Hoogley Street, West End Qld 4101 and Level 10,
193 North Quay Brisbane Qld 4000, being a graduate lawyer at CRH Law and formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the College of Law intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November 2014.
I, ELLEN ALICE BEVAN of 15 Little Street, Kelvin Grove, Qld, 4059 and Minter Ellison, Level
22, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a current Graduate at Minter
Ellison, formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law
(Queensland), formerly an Associate to Her Honour Chief Judge Wolfe of the District Court of
Queensland, and formerly a student of the Bachelor of Laws (Hons I) and Bachelor of Arts
(Peace and Conflict Studies) at the University of Queensland intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 12th day of November, 2014.
I, USTINA SUSSANH BOULES of 268 Benhiam Street Calamvale, Qld 4116 and Suite 43,
Level 4, Royal Brisbane Place, 17 Bowen Bridge Road, Herston, Qld 4029 being a law clerk of
Corney & Lind Lawyers Pty Ltd, formerly a law clerk of Grasso Searles Romano Lawyers and
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Queensland University of
Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December
2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane, Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November, 2014.
I, BENJAMIN JOHN BOURKE of Unit 2, 776 Brunswick Street, New Farm, Queensland 4005
and Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, Level 21, 111 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000,
being a Graduate Clerk at Norton Rose Fulbright Australia and formerly a student of the
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the College of Law, Brisbane, intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 10th day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, MATTHEW JAMES BOYCE of 2/11 Denman Street, Greenslopes, Queensland, 4120 and
Level 8, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000 being a trainee solicitor
at HopgoodGanim and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the
College of Law, Brisbane intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day
of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
I, HANNAH MAREE BRAND of 85 Bridgman Drive, Reedy Creek, Queensland 4227 and 8/60
Railway Street, Mudgeeraba, Queensland 4213, being Paralegal at Robertslaw Pty Ltd and
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law and formerly
a student of the Bachelor of Laws at Southern Cross University intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17/18 day of December, 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December, 2014.
Dated this 13th day of November, 2014.
I, REBECCA DAWN BROCK of 5 Hazel Street, Parkside Qld 4825 and 71 Camooweal Street,
Mount Isa Qld 4825 being formerly a Student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the
Queensland University of Technology, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
17/18 day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Professional Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioner's
Admissions Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not
later than 4 p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 18th day of November 2014.
HELEN BERESFORD THOMAS, of 41 Doorey Street, Keperra, Queensland, 4054, being
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Queensland University of
Technology, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the seventeenth and
eighteenth day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the fifth day of December 2014.
Dated this twelfth day of November, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, JAN MAREE CAHILL (nee UREN) of 151 Kenmore Road, Kenmore 4069 Qld, being a legal
graduate of the Juris Doctor program from the University of Qld, currently employed as a Social
Worker by the Department of Human Services, Commonwealth of Australia, and formerly a
student and now graduate of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the University of
Technology, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December
2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's full name, contact details, and grounds
for the objection in writing, and to be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioner's
Board at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001 or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4pm on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this day: 21st of November 2014.
I, MATTHEW IAN CAMERON of 422/20 Montague Road, South Brisbane, Queensland, 4101
and c/- Clayton Utz, Level 28, Riparian Plaza, 71 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000
being a Graduate-at-Law at Clayton Utz and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of
Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this day of 13th day of November, 2014.
I, CHARLOTTE EMILY CAMPBELL of 25 Errington St, Moorooka being formerly a student of
the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Australian National University, Canberra intend to
apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted
to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November, 2014.
I, PAUL CHRISTOPHER CAMPBELL of Unit 3, 11 Franklin Street, Kelvin Grove, Queensland,
4059 and Transport House, 230 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Queensland,
4006 being currently employed as a Manager by the Department of Transport and Main Roads
and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Queensland University
of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of
December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8 December 2014.
Dated this 9th day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, LUCY MARIA CAMPION of 3/15 Ward Street Newmarket, Qld 4051 and Level 38, Riverside
Centre, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a Graduate at Ashurst Australia, formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law, formerly a student of
Bachelor of Laws (graduate entry) at Queensland University of Technology, formerly a student
of the degree of Bachelor of Arts at Sydney University formerly an Associate to His Honour
Justice Peter Applegarth of the Supreme Court of Queensland intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17th or 18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane, Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 no later than
4pm on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 7th day of November 2014.
CASTILLO ALCANTARA of 22 Strathairlie Square, Macgregor 4109 being formerly a student of
the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Australian National University, Canberra intend to
apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th / 18th day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
pm on 08th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November, 2014.
I, LARA MARIE CAVANOUGH of 42 Rose Street, Chippendale, NSW 2008 and 18 Jamison
Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 being formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
at the College of Law intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of
December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 16th day of November, 2014.
I, NATALIE CHALMERS of 5/36 Government Rd Labrador Qld 4215 being a former student of
Southern Cross University and Australian National University intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17th & 18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 14th day of November, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, TEGAN LEIGH CONSERDYNE of 5/15 Nieppe Street, Kedron Qld 4031 and Level 21, 215
Adelaide St, Brisbane Qld 4000, being a legal graduate of Barry.Nilsson. Lawyers and formerly
a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane Qld, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of
December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
I, GIAN CARLO CORPUZ of U42 / 53 Edward St, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a student having
completed Practical Legal Training at the College of Law intend to apply to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 12 day of November 2014.
I, JOHN DANIEL CRONIN of 24 Carroo Lane, Ridgewood, Queensland 4563, formally a student
of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at Queensland University of Technology and formally
a student of a Bachelor of Laws at Southern Cross University intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4p.m. on 8 December 2014.
Dated this 21 November 2014.
I, WILLIAM ELLIOTT DEMERS of Unit 221, 79 Moray Street, New Farm, Queensland 4005 and
Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, Level 21, 111 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, being
a Graduate Clerk at Norton Rose Fulbright Australia and formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma in Legal Practice at the College of Law, Brisbane, intend to apply to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 10th day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, ALEISHA MAREE EDWARDS of 29/108 Nicholson Street, Greenslopes, Qld 4120 and C/Peter J Sheehy Solicitor, Level 24, 239 George Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000 being a current
paralegal at Peter J Sheehy Solicitor, a former student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal
Practice at Queensland University of Technology and a former student of the Bachelor Business
and Laws at Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17/18 day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the
Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8 day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November, 2014.
I, TIMOTHY GORDON EDWARDS of 24 Neville Road, Bridgeman Downs, Queensland, 4035
and Level 8, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000 being a trainee
solicitor at HopgoodGanim and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at
the College of Law, Brisbane intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th
day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act
2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
I, CAITLIN ELAINE ELLIOTT of 96 Cricket Street, Petrie Terrace Qld 4000 and Level 21, 215
Adelaide St, Brisbane Qld 4000, being a legal graduate of Barry.Nilsson. Lawyers and formerly
a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane Qld, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of
December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
I, DAVID HUGH FARLOW of 29 Masthead Street, Jamboree Heights, Qld, 4074 and Nathan
Lawyers Brisbane Pty Ltd, 92 Cook Street, Oxley, Qld, 4075 being legal secretary and formerly
a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice Course at the Queensland University of
Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of
December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December.
Dated this 12th day of November, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, BRONTE ROCHELLE FISHER of Unit 10, 8 Ridge Street, Greenslopes, Queensland, 4120
and Suite 5, 541 Boundary Street, Spring Hill, Queensland, 4000 being Currently employed as a
paralegal at Barristers on Boundary and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal
Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Brisbane
Court at on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the
Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21 day November 2014.
I, EMMA HELENA FITZPATRICK of 15/32 Fortescue Street, Spring Hill, Queensland 4000 and
Clayton Utz, Level 28, Riparian Plaza, 71 Eagle Street, Brisbane Queensland 4000 being a
Graduate-at-Law at Clayton Utz and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal
Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the
Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day Of December 2014.
Dated this 13th day of November, 2014.
I, ERICA GRACE FLUDE of 33/22 Riverview Terrace, Indooroopilly, Queensland 4068 and
Clayton Utz, Level 28 Riparian Plaza, 71 Eagle Street, Brisbane Queensland 4000 being a
Graduate-at-Law at Clayton Utz and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal
Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 11th day of November, 2014.
I, HAYLEY JANE FODE of 15 Christopher Court, Eagleby, Queensland 4207 and Nathan
Lawyers Brisbane Pty Ltd, 92 Cook Street, Oxley, Queensland 4075 being a Law Clerk for
Nathan Lawyers Brisbane Pty Ltd and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal
Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 12th day of November, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, DOMENIC MICHAEL FONTANA of 21 Manmarra Crescent, Eight Mile Plains in the Slate of
Queensland and Level 21, 400 George Street, Brisbane In the State of Queensland being a
Graduate at Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers and formerly a student of The College of Law intend
to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th or 18th day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 13th day of November 2014.
Priors Pocket Road, Moggill Qld 4070, being formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in
Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology, intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, any grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO 1785 Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 no later than 4pm on
the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
I, BLAKE ALEXANDER FROST of 8 Wimbledon Circuit, Carseldine, Qld, 4034 and Clayton Utz,
Level 28 Riparian Plaza, 71 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4000 being a Graduate-at-Law in the
employ of Clayton Utz and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the
Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 11th day of November, 2014.
I, LAURA GALEANO of 93 Baroona Rd, Paddington, Qld, 4064 and Minter Ellison, Waterfront
Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4000 being a graduate at Minter Ellison and formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law (Qld) and formerly a
student of the Bachelor of Laws (Graduate) (1st Class Hons) and Bachelor of Arts/Education
(Primary) at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 12th day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, RACHEL ANN GALLAGHER of 6 Manchester Close, Forest Lake Qld 4078 and Minter
Ellison, Level 22, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a current Graduate
at Minter Ellison, formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of
Law (Queensland) and formerly a student of the Bachelor of Laws (Hons IIA) and Bachelor of
Science (Geographical Sciences) at the University of Queensland intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 12th day of November, 2014.
I, ADELE EVELYN GARNETT (married name CHENEY) of 84 Kentish Street, Mount Gravatt
East, Queensland, 4122 and Level 8, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland,
4000 being a trainee solicitor at HopgoodGanim and formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law, Brisbane intend to apply to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
BROOKE LOUISE TUTUNGI-GIBSON of 151 Long Street East, Graceville Queensland 4075
and Suite 4, 1953 Logan Road, Upper Mount Gravatt Queensland 4122, being currently
employed as a Law Clerk by Elliott & Harvey Lawyers, formally a student of the Graduate
Diploma of Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology, dated this 21 day of
November 2014 intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of
December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 32217193 not later than
4pm on 8 December 2014.
I, SCOTT DAVID GRUAR of 21/220 Government Road, Richlands, Queensland formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, COURTNEY ANN HASSALL of 9 Finlay Street, Slacks Creek, Queensland 4127 and Norton
Rose Fulbright Australia, Level 21, 111 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, being a
Graduate Clerk at Norton Rose Fulbright Australia and formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma in Legal Practice at the College of Law, Brisbane, intend to apply to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 10th day of November 2014.
I, SARAH ROSLYN HEYWOOD of 30 Gladstone Street, Paddington Qld 4064 and Level 17,
110 Mary Street Brisbane Qld 4000 being a graduate lawyer at Certus Legal Group and
formerly a student o f a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at Australian National University
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th or 18th day of December 2014 to
be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
I, SAMUEL THOMAS HIGGS of 2/28 Messines Crescent, Miami, Queensland 4220 and c/Clayton Utz, Level 28, Riparian Plaza, 71 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 being a
Graduate-at-Law at Clayton Utz and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal
Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 14th day of November, 2014.
I, MONICA ROSEANNE JAYNES of 119 Selina Street, Wynnum, Qld 4178 and Level 21, 400
George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a graduate at Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers and
formerly a student of The College of Law intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on
the 17th or 18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 13th day of November, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, TERESA ELIZABETH JOBBERNS of 215/8 Cordelia St, South Brisbane and Cnr of Kent and
James Streets, Beenleigh being Associate to His Honour Judge Dearden of the District Court of
Queensland and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Australian
National University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/ 18th day of
December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 12th day of November 2014.
I, EMILY PHILOMENA JOHN of 205 Fernberg Road, Paddington, Queensland 4064 and Norton
Rose Fulbright Australia, Level 21, 111 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, being a
Graduate Clerk at Norton Rose Fulbright Australia and formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma in Legal Practice at the College of Law, Brisbane, intend to apply to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 10th day of November 2014.
I, JAMES ANDREW JOHNSTON of 9/2 Macquarie Street, Teneriffe, Queensland, and Level 38,
Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, being a Graduate at Ashurst
Australia, formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law,
formerly a student of Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts at The University of Queensland,
and formerly a Paralegal at Ashurst and Blake Dawson intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17th or 18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane, Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 no later than
4pm on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 7th day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, SAMUEL ALEXANDER KAY of 7/288 Riding Road, Balmoral, Queensland, and Level 38,
Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a Graduate at Ashurst Australia,
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law, formerly a
student of Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business Management at The University of
Queensland, formerly a Paralegal at Ashurst and Research Clerk at Cooper Grace Ward intend
to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th or 18th day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane, Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 no later than
4pm on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 7th day of November 2014.
I, WARREN NEILL KEIR of 7 Bunny Street, Everton Park, Queensland, 4053 and of Porta
Lawyers of 3/420 Newman Rd, Geebung, 4034, Queensland, being currently employed as a
Paralegal by Porta Lawyers, formally a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the
Queensland University of Technology and formally a student of a Bachelor of Laws at the
Queensland University of Technology, dated this 21st day of November 2014. Intend to apply to
the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the
legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4p.m. on 8 December 2014.
I, BIANCA TEGAN KELEHER of Unit 37, 5-13 Brookvale Drive, Underwood Qld 4119 being
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Australian National
University, Canberra intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of
December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November, 2014.
Hallett Ave, Camira Qld 4300 and 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a Notice and
Agreement Coordinator at Origin, and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal
Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane, on the 17/18 day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the
Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, LAUREN MICHELLE KODE of Unit 502, 1000 Ann Street, Fortitude Valley 4006 and Norton
Rose Fulbright Australia, Level 21, 111 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, being a
Graduate Clerk at Norton Rose Fulbright Australia and formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma in Legal Practice at the College of Law, Brisbane, intend to apply to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 10th day of November 2014.
I, FRANCES MAY LEARMONTH of Unit 206, 169 Leichhardt Street, Spring Hill in the State of
Queensland and Level 21, 400 George Street, Brisbane in the State of Queensland being a
Graduate at Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers and formerly a student of The College of Law intend
to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th or 18th day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 11th day of November, 2014.
I, CHENG-EN WAYNE LEE of Unit 254, 420 Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 and
Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, Level 21, 111 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, being
a Graduate Clerk at Norton Rose Fulbright Australia and formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma in Legal Practice at the College of Law, Brisbane, intend to apply to the Supreme Court
at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 10th day of November 2014.
I, YI-CHIA LEE of 153/30 Macrossan Street, Brisbane Qld 4000, being formerly a student of
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply
to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th /18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the
legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, KATE MATILDA MARY DIMES LETTERS of 6/23 Indooroopilly Road, Taringa Qld 4068 and
Level 21, 215 Adelaide St, Brisbane Qld 4000, being a legal graduate of Barry.Nilsson. Lawyers
and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at Queensland University of
Technology, Brisbane Qld, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th
day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act
2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
previously known as SARAH ELIZABETH FORREST WAGHORN of 74 Monmouth Street,
Morningside, Qld and Minter Ellison Lawyers, Level 22, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street,
Brisbane, Qld, 4000 being a Research Clerk at Minter Ellison Lawyers; formerly a student of the
Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Australian National University; and formerly a student
of University of Utrecht (LLM) and University of Queensland (LLB/BA) intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 12th day of November, 2014.
I, EMILY JAYNE LEWSEY, of 1/157 Whiting Street, Labrador, Queensland 4215 and Nyst
Legal, Level 1, 16 Nerang Street, Southport, Queensland 4215 being employed as a Law Clerk
at Nyst Legal and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at Bond
University and Bachelors of Laws/Science (Environment) at Griffith University (Gold Coast)
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, LUSITANIA DACOSTA CORNELIA LOPES of unit 1/1 Lambton Street, Annerley, Brisbane in
the State of Queensland 4103 and Level 29 Waterfront Place, I Eagle Street, Brisbane in the
State of Queensland 4000 being a former Graduate at DLA Piper Australia and formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
I, SCOTT MICHAEL LORBACK of 3 Morning Glory Drive, Cooroibah, Queensland and Level 2,
8 Innovation Parkway, Birtinya, Queensland being formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma
of Legal Practice at the Australian National University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17 /18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 16th day of November, 2014.
I, ELEANOR ANNE LYNCH of 1B/9 Brakes Crescent, Miami 4220 and Southport District Court,
Cnr of Davenport & Hinze Street, Southport 4215, being Associate to Her Honour Judge
McGinness of the District Court of Queensland, and a former student of the Graduate Diploma
of Legal Practice at the Australian National University, Canberra intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the eighth day of December 2014.
Dated this 13th day of November 2014.
I, LEE MARSHALL of Unit 1303, 151 Annerley Road, Dutton Park, Qld 4102 being formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Australian National University intend to
apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to
the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
pm on the 8th day of December 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, IAN STUART MARTIN of Unit 1, 38 Worendo Street, Southport Queensland 4215, being
formally a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Queensland University of
Technology, and formally a student of a Batchelor of Laws at Griffith University, intend to apply
to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the
legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th December 2014.
Dated this day the 21st day of November 2014.
I, CAILLAN JOHN MASSEY of 51 Volga Crescent, Indooroopilly, Queensland 4068 and Jensen
McConaghy Solicitors, Level 21, 300 Queen Street, Brisbane Queensland 4000 being a
paralegal at Jensen McConaghy Solicitors and formally a student of the Graduate Diploma of
Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8 December 2014.
I, TAYLOR HIROMICHI McCARTHY of 76 Bangalow Street, Bridgeman Downs, Brisbane Qld
4035 and GRT Lawyers, Level 1, 400 Queen Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a trainee solicitor
employed at GRT Lawyers, Brisbane and a former student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal
Practice at the Australian National University Canberra intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 08 day of December 2014.
Dated this 17 day of November, 2014.
I, ELLE MCDERMOTT of 7 Dulcie Street, Raceview, Queensland, 4305 and Level 8, Waterfront
Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000 being a trainee solicitor at HopgoodGanim
and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law,
Brisbane intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December
2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
Street, Innes Park, Queensland 4670 and 2 Targo Street, Bundaberg, Queensland 4670 being
a graduate at Payne Butler Lang, Solicitors and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in
Legal Practice at the Australian National University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December, 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4p.m. on 8th day of December, 2014.
I, JORDAN ELIZABETH JADE MCKENZIE of 4/47 Abbotsford Road, Bowen Hills Qld being a
Trainee Solicitor at Courtice Neilsen Lawyers, Level 1, 180 Main Street, Kangaroo Point Qld
4169 and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Queensland
University of Technology, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on 17/18 December
2014 to be admitted to the Legal Profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objectors name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
pm. on 8 December 2014.
I, PATRESE MAREE MCVEIGH of 103/62 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane and Level 38,
Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a Graduate at Ashurst Australia,
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law, formerly a
student of Bachelor of Laws / Business (Economics) at Queensland University of Technology,
formerly an administrative assistant at Queensland Law Society intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17th or 18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane, Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 no later than
4pm on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 7th day of November 2014.
I, DUSTY CHERIE MEADOWS, previously known as DUSTY CHERIE NOLAN of 35 Sixth
Avenue, Coorparoo Qld 4151 and Minter Ellison Lawyers, Level 22, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle
Street, Brisbane, Qld, 4000 being a Paralegal at Minter Ellison Lawyers; formerly a student of
the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law and formerly a student of the
Bachelor of Laws at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
Almond Street, Jimboomba, Qld 4280 being Formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of
Legal Practice at The College of Law and Bachelor of Laws at the University of New England
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 14th day of November 2014.
I, BENJAMIN PATRIC JOSHUA MEREDITH of 125/22 Ward Street, Mooroobool Qld 4870 and
Corner of Shields and Grafton Streets, Cairns Qld 4870 being a Graduate Lawyer employed
with MacDonnells Law of the Corner of Shields and Grafton Streets, Cairns, Qld 4870 and
formerly a Supervised Trainee at the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service of 8
Union Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350, and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal
Practice at the College of Law and formerly a student of the Bachelor of Laws at the University
of Southern Queensland intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Cairns on the 12th day of
December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 2nd day of December 2014.
Dated this 4th day of December 2014.
I, KAYLA PEITA MOOHIN, of 115 Grasstree Beach Road, Grasstree Beach, Queensland, 4740
and C/- J.Hamilton & Associates Solicitors, Level 1,45 Victoria Street, Queensland, 4740 being
Trainee Solicitor at J.Hamilton & Associates Solicitors and formerly a student of the Graduate
Diploma of Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Townsville on the 19th day of December, 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 9th day of December, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, LUCY ANNE MUNT of 19 Ferguson Avenue, Northgate Brisbane Qld 4013 and the Queen
Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being an Associate to the
Honourable Justice Byrne of the Supreme Court of Queensland and formerly a student of the
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Australian National University, intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the seventeenth or eighteenth day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the eighth day of December 2014.
Dated this seventeenth day of November 2014.
I, EMILY ELIZABETH MYATT of 1 Boxsall Street, Newtown, Queensland 4350, paralegal, being
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the College of Law intend to
apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted
to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
pm on 8th day of December 2014.
I, HANNAH ELEANOR O'CONNOR of 10 Nathan Terrace, Yeerongpilly, Queensland 4105 and
the Ipswich District Court, 43 Ellenborough Street, Ipswich Qld 4305 being Associate to His
Honour Judge Koppenol of the District Court of Queensland and formerly a student of the
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Australian National University intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November, 2014.
45/44 Brisbane Street Toowong 4066 and c/- Clayton Utz, Level 28, Riparian Plaza, 71 Eagle
Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 being a Graduate-at-Law at Clayton Utz and formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 13 day of November, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, CARRIE ANNE PAYNE of Unit 3, 25 Bunowen Street, Ferny Grove, Queensland, 4055 and
Queensland South Native Title Services, Level 10, 307 Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland,
4000 being currently employed as a Paralegal Officer at Queensland South Native Title
Services, formally a student of the Queensland University of Technology's Graduate Diploma of
Legal Practice and formally a student of a Bachelor of Laws at the Queensland University of
Technology, dated this 21 day of November 2014.
Intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4p.m. on 8th of December 2014.
I, DANIEL JOHN PEACH of 17/47 Wyandra Crescent, Murarrie, Queensland 4172 and c/Clayton Utz, Level 28, Riparian Plaza, 71 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 being a
Graduate-at-Law at Clayton Utz and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal
Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 13th day of November, 2014.
I, OLIVER BRYCE CHARLES PEACOCK, of 1302 / 42 Surf Parade, Broadbeach in the State of
Queensland and Corner of Hicks and Davenport Streets, Southport in the State of Queensland,
being a Law Clerk with McLaughlins Lawyers, formerly a Juris Doctor and Graduate Diploma of
Legal Practice student at Bond University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on
the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th December 2014.
Dated this 17th November 2014.
I, JEFFREY CARL PETERSEN of 172 Edwards Street, Raceview, Queensland being formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, OLIVIA HAYLEY PINE of 22 Coolalie Street, Alderley Qld 4051 and Level 21, 215 Adelaide
St, Brisbane Qld 4000, being a legal graduate of Barry.Nilsson. Lawyers and formerly a student
of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
Qld, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014
to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
I, ELIZABETH JANE DAVENPORT POCOCK of 23 Orme Road, Buderim Qld being formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma Of legal Practice at the Australian National University intend to
apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18 day of December 2014 to be admitted to
the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8 day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November, 2014.
I, ERIN JANICE PRIEST of 14/376 Severin Street, Parramatta Park, Queensland 4870 and
Supreme Court, 5D Sheridan Street, Cairns, Queensland 4870 being Associate to the
Honourable Justice Henry, Judge of The Supreme Court, and formerly a student of the
Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Australian National University intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Cairns on the 12th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 2nd day of December 2014.
I, KAITLYN ANNE RAFTER of 25/216 Trouts Road, McDowall, Queensland, 4053 and Level 8,
Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000 being a trainee solicitor at
HopgoodGanim and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the
College of Law, Brisbane intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day
of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, OWEN DEACON RAYNER also known as OWEN RAYNER of Unit 9, 18 Wellington Street,
Petrie Terrace, Queensland 4000 and Rayner Resources Pty Ltd, 62 Howick Street, Lathlain,
Western Australia 6100, currently employed as a director and consultant formerly a student of
the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology intend to
apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to
the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4p.m. on 8 December 2014.
Dated this 21 day of November 2014.
I, PENNY ROBINSON of 617 / 8 Skyring Terrace, Teneriffe, Qld 4005 and Level 22, Waterfront
Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000 being a current Graduate at Minter Ellison, formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law (Queensland) and
formerly a student of the Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) (Hons IIB) at the Queensland
University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day
of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 12th day of November, 2014.
I, BENJAMIN OWEN ROOKS of 1/33 Makybe Diva Drive, Ooralea Qld 4740 and 60 Sydney
Street, Mackay Qld 4740 being Supervised Trainee at SR Wallace and Wallace and formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be
admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17 Day of November 2014.
I, MEAGAN PATRICIA RYAN of 37 Crown Street, Petrie Terrace Qld 4000 and Minter Ellison,
Level 22, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane 4000 being a current Graduate at Minter
Ellison, formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law
(Queensland) and formerly a student of the Bachelor of Laws (Hons IIA) and Bachelor of
Biomedical Science at Bond University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
17/18 day of October 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act
2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 12th day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, ROSE BIBI SANDERSON of 7/30 Mollison St, West End and Level 38, Riverside Centre, 123
Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a Graduate at Ashurst Australia, formerly a student of
the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law, formerly a student of Bachelor of
Business / Laws at the Queensland University of Technology, formerly a Paralegal at TressCox
Lawyers, formerly a Law Clerk at Macrossans Lawyers intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17th or 18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane, Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 no later than
4pm on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 7th day of November 2014.
I, TONI-LEE SAUNDERS-LOCKE of 45/215 Cottesloe Drive, Mermaid Waters Qld 4218 and 1,
128 Bundall Road, Bundall Qld 4217 being a law clerk at Caldwell Solicitors and formerly a
student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at Bond University intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8 day of December 2014.
Dated this 14th day of November, 2014.
I, ANDREW DAVID SCOTT of 307/ 53 McCormack Street, Cairns and Corner Shields and
Grafton Street, Cairns being a graduate lawyer at MacDonnells Law, and formerly a student of
the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the University of Adelaide intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 14th day of November 2014.
I, MATTHEW ALEXANDER SCOTT of 5-7 Tigercat Court, Greenbank, Qld 4124 and Level 38,
Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000 being a Graduate at Ashurst Australia,
formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law, formerly a
student of Bachelor of Laws (Hons I) and Bachelor of Commerce (Economics) at Griffith
University, formerly a Summer Clerk at Blake Dawson, and formerly a Summer Clerk at Corrs
Chambers Westgarth intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th or 18th day
of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane, Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 no later than
4pm on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 7th day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, ALLANA MICHELLE SCULLY of 13 Neylon Drive, Ningi Qld 4511 and Alexander Law Unit 8,
Jacaranda Plaza, 5 Poinciana Street, Caboolture Qld 4510 being Law Clerk at Alexander Law
and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Queensland University
of Technology, Brisbane, Australia intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
17/18th day of December, 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December, 2014.
I, ALEXANDER (also known as SACHA) DICKINSON SHANNON of Unit 2/10 Bass Street,
Paddington Qld 4064 and Minter Ellison, Level 22, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane
Qld 4001 being a current Graduate at Minter Ellison, formerly an Associate to His Honour Judge
Devereaux SC of the District Court of Queensland, formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma
of Legal Practice at the College of Law (Queensland) and formerly a student of the Bachelor of
Laws (Hons IIA) and Bachelor of Business (Majoring in Public Relations) (Distinction) at the
Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 12th day of November 2014.
I, ANITA ON CHI SIEK of 8 Grays Road Hamilton, Qld and QEII Courts of Law, 415 George
Street, Brisbane, Qld, being a Public Servant employed in the Department of Justice and
Attorney General, and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the
Queensland University of Technology, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
17th or the 18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the Legal Profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001 or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8 December 2014.
I, SARAH ANNE SLATER of 1/142 Ryan St, West End Qld 4101 and Judge's Chambers, 415
George St, Brisbane Qld 4000 being currently Associate to His Honour Justice Muir of the
Queensland Court of Appeal and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
at the Australian National University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, BRITTANY CLAIRE SMEED of 5/65 The Esplanade, Maroochydore and Maroochydore
District Court, Cornmeal Pde, PO Box 732, Maroochydore, being Associate to His Honour
Judge Long SC of the District Court of Queensland, Maroochydore, and formerly a student of
the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Australian National University intend to apply to
the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the
legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November 2014.
I, DAVID JAMES SMITH of 4/11 Grosvenor Road, Indooroopilly Qld 4068 and Minter Ellison,
Level 22, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 being a current Graduate at
Minter Ellison, formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of
Law (Queensland) and formerly a student of the Bachelor of Laws (Hons IIA) and Bachelor of
Arts at the University of Queensland intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 12th day of November 2014.
I, BIANCA SOPHIA STAFFORD of 1227/12 Mann Street, Westcourt Queensland 4870 and
Miller Harris Lawyers, Level 8, The Cairns Corporate Tower, 15 Lake Street Cairns,
Queensland 4870 being a law graduate at Miller Harris Lawyers and formerly a supervised
trainee at Miller Harris Lawyers and student of the Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws at
James Cook University and Trainee Solicitor Program at Queensland University of Technology
intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Cairns on the 12 day of December 2014 to be admitted
to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objectors name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 2nd day of December 2014.
Dated this 12th day of November, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
KATHERINE VIGOR and JEAN KATHERINE VIGOR of 6 Solager Street Manoora Qld 4870
and Pointons Lawyers, 74 Abbott Street, Cairns Qld 4870 being Law Graduate at Pointons
Lawyers and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the Australian
National University intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Cairns on the 12th day of December
2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 2nd day of December 2014.
I, ELLA THOMAS of 192-194 Panguna Street, Trinity Beach, Queensland, 4879 and 5D
Sheridan Street, Cairns, Queensland, 4870 being currently Associate to His Honour Judge
Harrison of the District Court of Queensland and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of
Legal Practice at the Australian National University and formerly a student of the Bachelor of
Arts - Bachelor of Laws degree at James Cook University, intend to apply to the Supreme Court
at Cairns on the 12th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the
Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 2nd day of December 2014.
Dated this 7th day of November, 2014.
I, JESSICA LUCY THROWER of 7/288 Riding Road, Balmoral Qld 4171 and 16/415 George St,
Brisbane Qld 4000 being currently an Associate to the Honourable Justice Atkinson of the
Supreme Court of Queensland and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal
Practice at the Australian National University, Canberra intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under
the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November 2014.
I, NASTASSIA BEATRICE TOGNINI of 120 Kilmorey Street, Carindale, Queensland, 4152 and
Level 8, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000 being a trainee solicitor
at HopgoodGanim and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the
College of Law, Brisbane intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day
of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 21st day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, ANNA JOY TREVOR of 3 Cornwall Close, Springwood, Queensland, 4127 and Clayton Utz,
Level 28 Riparian Plaza, 71 Eagle Street, Brisbane Queensland 4000 being a Graduate-at-Law
at Clayton Utz and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the
Queensland University of Technology intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 11th day of November, 2014.
I, ELAINA TSUTSUMI of 6/51 School Road, Stafford Qld 4053 and Level 2, 217 George Street,
Brisbane Qld 4000 being a Law clerk at Littles Lawyers and formerly articled to Berrigan Doube
Lawyers intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December
2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 5th day of December 2014.
Dated this 3rd day of November, 2014.
I, COENRAAD HENRY VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, of 76 Samford Road, Alderley Qld 4051 and
Shop 10, 293 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Qld 4000, being a law clerk in the employ of Irish
Bentley Lawyers and formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice at the
Queensland University of Technology, intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the
17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on the 8th day of December 2014.
Street, Balmoral, Queensland, 4171 and Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove
Campus, Level 4, 88 Musk Avenue, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, Queensland, 4059 being Manager
of Research Ethics and Integrity at Queensland University of Technology and formerly
employed by Minter Ellison Lawyers, Brisbane, Queensland, formerly a student of the Practical
Legal Training (PLT) Course at the College of Law and former student of the Juris Doctor
program at the University of Queensland intend to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on
the 17/18 day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the Legal
Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 10th day of November, 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, THOMAS CAMPBELL WARD of 17 Gulliver Street, Paddington, Qld 4064 and c/- Minter
Ellison Lawyers, Level 22, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000 being a current
Graduate at Minter Ellison Lawyers, formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal
Practice at the College of Law and formerly a student of Bachelor of Laws (Hons I) and
Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) at the University of Queensland intend to apply to the
Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal
profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 11th day of November 2014.
I, COURTNEY BLANCHE WHITCOMBE of 10/126 The Esplanade, Burleigh Heads,
Queensland and 12 Zamia Street, Sunnybank, Queensland, being a trainee solicitor employed
at Wheldon & Associates, Brisbane, and a former student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal
Practice at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane intend to apply to the Supreme
Court at Brisbane on the 17th/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession
under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8th day of December 2014.
Dated this 17th day of November 2014.
I, MATTHEW JAMES ISAAC WOOLLEY of 612 Glenview Road, Glenview, Queensland 4553
and Golding Contractors Pty Ltd, Level 3, 8 Gardner Close, Milton, Queensland 4064 being
currently employed as a Corporate Manager, formally a student of the Graduate Diploma of
Legal Practice at the Queensland University of Technology and formally a student of the
Bachelor of Laws at the University of New England, dated this 21 day of November 2014 intend
to apply to the Supreme Court at Brisbane on the 17/18th day of December 2014 to be admitted
to the legal profession under the Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than
4p.m. on 8 December 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
I, LOUIS ISRAEL ZETLIN of 416 / 420 Queen Street, Brisbane City, Qld 4000 and Minter
Ellison, Level 22, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane City, Qld 4000 being a current
Graduate at Minter Ellison, formerly a student of the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the
College of Law (Queensland) and formerly a student of the Bachelor of Laws (Hons IIB) and
Bachelor of Arts at the University of Queensland intend to apply to the Supreme Court at
Brisbane on the 17/18 day of December 2014 to be admitted to the legal profession under the
Legal Profession Act 2007 (Qld).
Any objection to my admission must state the objector's name, contact details, and grounds for
the objection in writing and be signed, dated and lodged with the Legal Practitioners Admissions
Board, at GPO Box 1785, Brisbane Qld 4001, or by facsimile to (07) 3221 7193 not later than 4
p.m. on 8 day of December 2014.
Dated this 11th day of November 2014.
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for the State of Queensland (ICLRQ) is a charitable
institution which was founded in 1907. Under its constitution, the principal object of the ICLRQ is
“the preparation and publication in a convenient form, at a moderate price, and under gratuitous
professional superintendence and control, of Reports of Judicial Decisions of the Supreme
Court in the State of Queensland.”
In pursuit of this object, the ICLRQ publishes a set of authorised reports of the key decisions of
the Supreme Court of Queensland (Queensland Reports) and a weekly supplement to these
reports (Queensland Law Reporter). Under the constitution of the ICLRQ, all surplus funds from
its operations are used to benefit the Supreme Court of Queensland Library.
The members of the Council serve on a voluntary basis. The Council is constituted by three
practising barristers and three practising solicitors (who are appointed annually by the Judges of
the Supreme Court) and three ex officio members (the Attorney-General of Queensland, the
Solicitor-General of Queensland and the Registrar of the Supreme Court). The Editors, SubEditors and Reporters are all practising members of the Queensland Bar who serve on a largely
voluntary basis. The offices of the Council are located in the Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law
and are managed by the Secretary of the ICLRQ.
Members of the Council: John McKenna QC (Chairman), Christopher Coyne, Declan Kelly QC,
Rachel Miller, David O’Brien, Julie Steel (Registrar), the Attorney-General of Queensland and
the Solicitor-General of Queensland.
Secretary: Jason Rogers
Editors: Roger Derrington QC and Prof Sarah Derrington
Sub-Editors: Mark Evans and Justin Carter
Practice Decisions Editor: Lee Clark
Reporters: Craig Francis, Elizabeth Gass, Stewart Webster, Clive Porritt, Steven Forrest
Contact details: ICLRQ, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane.
Postal Address: PO Box 13307, George Street QLD 4003. Telephone: (07) 3236 1855.
The Queensland Reports seek to provide a permanent collection of the key decisions of the
Supreme Court of Queensland since Federation. These decisions have been selected for
inclusion in the Queensland Reports by the editors, reviewed by reporters for their textual
accuracy, summarised in concise headnotes, and authorised for publication (with corrections
where necessary) by the deciding judges.
Complete sets of the Queensland Reports are presently available only in a printed format. New
sets may be purchased from the ICLRQ at a price of $3300 (incl. GST) plus delivery.
Annual print subscriptions to the Queensland Reports are also available from the ICLRQ. There
are three options:
2014 Bound Volume Subscription (2 Volumes) $460 (incl. GST and postage)
2014 Loose Parts Subscription (12 Parts) $526 (incl. GST and postage)
2014 Bound Volume and Loose Parts Subscription $726 (incl. GST and postage)
Orders and enquiries may be forwarded by email to the ICLRQ at:
The Queensland Reports (since 1974) are also available electronically by subscription to
LexisNexis Australia (
Queensland Law Reporter – 21 November 2014 – [2014] 45 QLR
The Queensland Law Reporter has been published since 1908 as a weekly supplement to the
Queensland Reports. It is published every Friday save for a period during the court vacation
(from late December to early January).
A free subscription to the electronic version of the QLR can be requested at
The QLR includes a summary by the editors of this week’s most significant developments in
Queensland law, including brief summaries of recent cases which have been identified as
potentially suitable for reporting in the Queensland Reports and information about the progress
of appeals in reportable cases. Extracts from the headnotes of all new cases appearing in the
Queensland Reports are also included.
The Queensland Law Reporter is a publication which has been approved by Practice Direction
of the Supreme Court for the publication of various public notices. It is approved under r 599(4)
of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) for the purposes of giving notice of intention to
apply for a grant of probate or letters of administration under Chapter 15 Part 2 of the UCPR. It
is also approved under r.12(3)(b) of the Supreme Court (Legal Practitioner Admission) Rules
2004 (Qld), for the purposes of giving notice of intention to apply for admission as a legal
To arrange for public notices to be published in the QLR, please arrange for ICLRQ to receive
the following (by post, email or delivery) before the relevant publication deadline:
A copy of the text of the notice you wish to have published;
payment of $161.70 (incl GST); and
written instructions concerning the date of the QLR in which publication of the notice is
requested and an email address and phone number at which you may be contacted.
The publication deadline is 3pm on the Monday immediately prior to the date upon which the
relevant QLR is scheduled for publication. In 2014, QLRs are scheduled for publication every
Friday from 17 January 2014 to 19 December 2014.
Acceptance of public notices for publication occurs by email notification to the address provided.
The ICLRQ regrets that it cannot advise or assist in the drafting of public notices. The ICLRQ
also regrets that, after the relevant publication deadline has passed, notices can only be withdrawn or corrected with the permission of the Secretary of the ICLRQ.